Project ON: Master of Business Administration
Project ON: Master of Business Administration
Project ON: Master of Business Administration
Submitted to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,
Lucknow in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the degree of
Master of Business Administration
i. Acknowledgement 3
ii. Declaration 4
How to insert and formatting a chart
viii. Creating applications in Spreadsheet and Macros
x. Limitations 13
xi. Conclusion 16
xii. Bibliography 17
I Would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Teacher Ms. MAHIMA
MANGAL for contributing their valuable time and efforts in helping me
out with this project. Their suggestions and feedback have helped me a lot in
improving the quality of the project.
I would also like to thank my friends and family for their constant
encouragement and support throughout the project.
This project has been undertaken as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of S.D College of
Management Studies.
The project was executed after the Second semester under the supervision of Ms
Mahima Mangal
Further I declare that this project is my original work and the analysis and finding are
for academic purpose only.
MS Excel Tutorial
MS Excel tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Excel. Our Excel tutorial
is designed for beginners and professionals by keeping their requirements in mind.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to record and analyze numerical and
statistical data. Microsoft Excel provides multiple features to perform various
operations like calculations, pivot tables, graph tools, macro programming, etc. It is
compatible with multiple OS like Windows, mac OS, Android and iOS.
Objectives of study
Follow the below given easiest steps to create a pivot table in excel document
Step 1: Open a new or an existing Microsoft Excel document where you want to
create a pivot table.
Step 2: Prepare an excel sheet to show data on the pivot table, as shown in the
screenshot below.
Step 3: Select the number of cells that you want to insert on the Pivot Table.
Step 5: Go to the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click on the Pivot Table option under
the Tables section, as shown in the below screenshot.
Step 6: A small Create PivotTable dialog box will appear on the screen in which do
the following -
Step 7: Now, you can see that a blank pivot table appears on Sheet 2 of your excel
Step 8: To add Product and Quantity in the pivot Table, tick on the check boxes
associated with these fields under the Choose field to add to the report section.
Step 9: Now, you can see your selected fields are added to the pivot table, as shown
in the screenshot given below.
Step 10: To change the pivot table title, click on the title that you want to change and
press the backspace key to remove the previous title.The screenshot below shows that
a pivot table is created in the Microsoft Excel document.
The tools which we can use for auditing and formula trouble shooting in
excel are:
1. Trace Precedents
2. Trace Dependents
3. Show Formulas
#1 – Trace Precedents
Suppose we have the following formula in the D2 cell for calculating interest for an
FD account in a bank.
If we want to check the formula’s precedents, we can press F2 to get into edit mode
after selecting the required cell so that precedents cells got bordered with various
colors and written in the same color and cell reference.
We can see that precedent cells are highlighted with blue dots.
#2 – Trace Dependents
This command traces the cell, dependent on the selected cell.Let us use this command
using an example.
If we want to check which cells are dependent on the G2 cell, we will use the “Trace
Dependents” command available in the “Formula Auditing” group under
the “Formulas” tab.
In the above image, we can see the arrow lines where arrows indicate which cells are
dependent on the cells.
#3 – Show Formulas
We can use this command to display formulas written in the excel sheet. The shortcut
key for this command is ‘Ctrl+~.’
See the below image, where we can see the formulas in the cell.
We can see that we can see the formula instead of the formula results. For amounts,
the currency format is not visible.
We will illustrate these steps from start to end for creating the chart for Excel
data. Following are the steps to insert a chart in Excel.
Step 1: We have the following data set (Animal population rate for six years
from 2015-2020) for which you want to create a chart in Excel.
Step 2: Select the data, including column header and row label for which you
want to create a chart. This data will be the source data for your chart.
Step 3: Navigate to the Insert tab in the Excel header, where you will see a
charts section that contains a list of all these charts.
Step 4: Choose a chart from here according to your data. We have chosen
a 3D Column chart containing vertical bars for your data.
Step 5: The selected chart is inserted into your Excel worksheet. Initially, the
chart looks like this for the data selected in step 2.
Step 7: You can also define each vertical bar for its year so that the user can
easily analyze the values. Click on the Chart Filters icon here.
Step 9: Here, select the number 1 to replace it with year 2015 and click
the Edit button.
Step 11: The year 2015 will immediately reflect on the chart, and all other
become blank. Now, to put all other years for each vertical bar, click one more
time here.
Step 12: Add more years from 2016 to 2020 inside curly braces separated by
a comma and click OK.
Step 15: Choose another chart style for the Column chart for detailed
description from the Chart Style in the ribbon. We have chosen Style 2.
Step 16: You can now see the exact value is also showing for each bar in this
Macro is an automatic repetitive task sequence that is used to replace a repetitive task
of keystrokes and mouse actions.
A combination chart is a chart that combines two or more chart types in a single chart.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Combo symbol.
4. For the Rainy Days series, choose Clustered Column as the chart type.
7. Click OK.
1. Select your data and then click on the Insert Tab, Column Chart, 2-D
Column. Note: Make sure your labels are formatted as text or they will be
added to the chart as a third set of bars.
2. Next, right click on one of the data series and select Change Series Chart Type.
Change the type to Line.
3. Then, right click on the data series that does not have its values shown on the Y
axis and select Format Data Series, Series Options, Plot on Secondary axis.
4. A secondary Y axis will be added on the right side of the chart and the data
series will be plotted against it.
Column Chart
Column charts are used to compare values across categories by using vertical bars.
1. Select the range A1:A7, hold down CTRL, and select the range C1:D7.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Column symbol.
Area Chart
An area chart is a line chart with the areas below the lines filled with
colors. Use a stacked area chart to display the contribution of each value
to a total over time.
To create an area chart, execute the following steps.
1. Select the range A1:D7.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Line symbol.
3. Click Area.
4. Change the chart's subtype to Stacked Area (the one next to Area).
The project thus examines and process behind the MS Excel. It is relevant
from the project report that enhance the knowledge. Excel is a very
different values and /or choices , you can put the control toolbox or the