Airtech Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers of work holdings solutions. An ultimate objective of every organization is to satisfy the needs and wants of their customers in which quality and distribution are one of the most important things. This in plant project is undertaken by me to know the over all structure of the organization and the production process and marketing management.
Types o D!"!: Primary -ata Primary data is collected from all heads of the department by face to face interaction. .econdary -ata The secondary data is collected through by internet, company profile and industry analysis.
N!%e o "&e '()" Lo-!")o( : *AIR TECH PRIVATE LIMITED+, : /th km, &ational 0ighway &o.1 &e2t to Agriculture %ollege, 3illage &arendra, -0A!4A-5/6777/. (A!&ATA(A B!(.e/ Ce/") )-!"e A'0)"o/ : : : .tate 8ank of )ndia. !egistered under %ompanies Act 9:/;. '). P * *hali < chartered accountant= A)!T$%0 9:67. Private Limited %ompany, governed by 8"->. A/e! o--'p)e0 : ;7 acres.
AIRTECH PVT. LTD. DHARWAD provide the cost effective customized solutions to some of the most comple2 work holding requirements. They have also developed a range of the matching cylinders. Airtech adopt a system of continuous checks and inspections right from raw material to finished products, to ensure a consistently superior product. !esearch ? -evelopment has been yet another area of focus at A)! T$%0 P!)3AT$ L)')T$- a modem %A- <%omputer Aided -esign= centre manned by qualified personnel has not only seen the introduction of new products but improvement on e2isting range, based on the continuous feed back from the customer. This dedication has ensured that APL @Airtech Private LimitedA always stays a step ahead. A)!T$%0 has believed that an organization can stay healthy if it can keep pace with rapidly advancing )ndian industry, which is focused on taking global challenges to become a global power.
Persistence in growth prospects of the )ndian economy was evident in most sectors of the industry, in particular amongst the major users of machine tools. A consistent enhancement in performance was observed in most segments of the )ndian automobile. )ndia>s machine tools sector is a critical part of the overall 'anufacturing sector, as it provides the machinery that delivers manufacturing output and drives productivity and growth. *rowth in the manufacturing sector has led to a rapid increase in demand, especially for increasingly sophisticated %&% machines. 4hile imports have risen to> meet the demand, local capacity in machine tools needs to be built to cater to long term growth. Bser segments, such as, automobiles and auto components and consumer goods are the key drivers for demand. 'achine tool manufacturers will need to focus on the needs of these segments and look at developing customized products. )n addition, thrust on !?- and innovation would be required to maintain technological parity with global players and remain competitive.
A'"o%o")7e Se-"o/:
)ndian automotive industry continued with its momentum of steadfast performance in output, clocking a growth. *rowth was skewed with most key segments in the auto sector witnessing high turnover and a few growths in previous years.
8uild an organization that installs in every employee a sense of dedication, true camaraderie and a feeling of one family. 'ake working in Airtech a passion rather than a duty. To be a social responsible, environment friendly organization that cares. Eor the society and environment it belongs to.
To serve the engineering industries. To earn profit. To give customer satisfaction. To supply quality goods.
-ynamic leadership. $2pert engineers for e2pert work. %ustomer contribution and care. Leading manufacturer of chucks. %ontinuous interaction with the customers. Provision of work holding solution.
At A)! T$%0 quality is never an after thought. 4ith a philosophy of getting everything F!ight Eirst TimeF ingrained at every level of the organization, they have worked hard to attain quality at all levels. A sophisticated metrology center equipped with latest facilities like co5 ordinate 'easuring 'achine, 0ardness Testers, etc help them over come any kind of errors.
At A)! T$%0, they try their best to ensure that no product leaves the plant unless it is thoroughly tested and certified by a team of quality specialists, because they know that these work holdings work under severe and e2acting conditions.
About .kin from -harwad on national highway, A)!T$%0 is situated. The plant is ;7 acres which provides good ? sufficient facilities to the employees such asG *ood ventilation. Polycentric control ? good electricity facility. H !est rooms for workers. %anteen facility. 4ide packing area. *ood transportation facility. Eree medical facility ? visiting doctors.
Airtech Pvt. Ltd. manufactures three kinds of machine products. They areG 9. %hucks C. %ylinders I. %huck jaws.
1, C&'-.s:
)n simple words chuck is defined as rotating work holding device. )t is one of the important accessory component in lathe, grinding, milling machines etc.. the wedge design of the chuck has a self locking features that prevent the accidents and it does not loose its gripping power even at cutting
AIRTECH PVT. LTD. DHARWAD loads with high repeatability. )t is fitted to the spindle for holding the jobs of different shapes and size.
APL has designed chucks operating at ;777 rpm. APL produces standard as well as specialized chucks. .tandard chucks are manufactured to hold the standard jobs. .pecialized chucks are manufacture according customers. to the specification of
2, Cy8)(0e/s
These are used for operating power operated chucks, cylinders activate the chucks via the draw bar passing through the spindle bore, cylinders
AIRTECH PVT. LTD. DHARWAD should provide the correct operating forced to match the chuck.
.ome cylinders are specially design for high speed %&% bar and chucking lathes, they are also used in figure chucks, clap application and special chucks.
9. C&'-. 4!Cs
APL manufactures standard, soft, hard and special chuck jaws. All soft jaws are made of high carbon steel. They hard revisable jaws are made of case hardened steel special jaws are offered to customers specifications or to suit customer>s components.
S'5D p/o0'-" p/o )8e: T&e o88oC)(@ "!58e s&oCs "&e p/o0'-" p/o )8e:
P/o0'-" Mo0e8 D)%e(s)o(s
0ollow chucks %losed centre Power chuck Bltra high speed power operated hollow chuck $ccentric power chuck Juick change jaw power chuck 8all fulcrum power chuck compensating
40 4%
Power operated collect chuck P%% Eront operated power collect chuck .tationary power chuck -iaphragm chuck P.% .-K.%E"%%
C/,17,;7,67 17,;7
9;/,C77,C/7,I9/ 9;7,C77,C/7
?HD This wedge type chuck is actuated by rear mounted hydraulic cylinder via a draw bar passing through the machine spindle bore. ?CD This chuck is similar to the chuck but does not have through.
AIRTECH PVT. LTD. DHARWAD Permissible operating speeds are lower than hollow chucks. "bviously, these are coupled with only closed centre hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders. ?HCBD These are basically hollow chucks. %ounter balancing weights are incorporated to reduce the effect of centrifugal forces which are inherent at higher speed. CC5 The chuck can also be used as a self centering chucking chuck with the use of a cantering insert. This chuck has to be coupled with 9 closed centre hydraulic cylinder. >CJD This is basically an open centre chuck but withC specific features. "ne, the wedge design is modified for better grouping force and second, the jaws are modified to facilitate quick change over. BFCD These are most suitable for forged components. The jaws design such that they e2ert pulling action on the job. The chuck is of a totally sealed construction and needs almost nil maintenance. PCCDLRD These are hollow type chucks and are manufactured to suit standard or specific collects available with the customer. FOCCD These chuck are self contained i.e. the cylinders is built into the chuck body itself. The draw pipe is totally avoided. All parts are made of case hardened steel fully hardened and ground for long life. SDESCDD These chucks ideal for grinding machines or light turning work. There are no sliding or wearing parts. The chuck utilizes the inherent strength of spring actions.
AIRTECH PVT. LTD. DHARWAD APL has sufficient customers those can be broadly classified in to 1 groups, they areG "$' <"riginal $quipment 'anufacturers= La2mi 'achine 4orks, %oimbatore. A%$ -esigner 8angalore. #yoti 'achine, !ajkot. 00T, 8angalore. Public and private companies 8ajaj Auto, Aurangabad. Telco, -harwad and Pune. 80$L 8anglore. 0AL 8anglore. *overnment organizations !ailways. -efence. Power supply plant.
"ther users .mall scale industries in and around 0B8L), -0A!4 A-.
APL is one of the major work holding companies in )ndia. $ven though it faces huge competition from various companies, such as *'T <*uindy 'achine Tools=, %hennai. .cientific $ngineering %orporation <.$%"=, *urgron Punjab. %hennai clamping -evices. #aws manufacturing, Pune.
APL offers not only standard work holding but also total solutions in work holding. )n fact, this is why the APL> s customers are spanning various sectors like auto components manufacturers, ordinance factories, railways and machine tool manufacturers. These are competitive in cost margin. This can be manageable by the APL through its quality and the service. )t is eligible to compete with other components. They even face the competition from various international companies, hence competitors can be classified as )ndian and foreign competitors. -etails of them are as followsG
!"0', *ermany. .'4 5 Auto block.
PLA&&)&* A&- PB!%0A.$ -$PA!T'$&T. P!"-B%T)"& -$PA!T'$&T. JBAL)TM %"&T!"L -$PA!T'$&T. 'A!($T)&* -$PA!T'$&T. E)&A&%$ -$PA!T'$&T. A-')&).T!AT)"& A&- 0! -$PA!T'$&T.
The company gets the orders from various suppliers as well as from perspective customers, after seeing to its terms and cost aspects planning department issues acceptance order. 8ut for certain specialized tool some parts of product that can not be carried out in the company then planning department will out source such activity. After it comes from outsourced agency department is responsible for the proper e2ecution of purchase orders once accepted.
Planning process is done with the help of following diagram %ustomer representation Product specification .tatus of raw material
!aw material is classified into 1 types at APL, they areG 9= !aw 'aterialG This consists of the basic material which is raw in stake like carbon steel and alloy steel etc... C= %omponentsG These are sub parts which are required as a part in the final product like screw, nuts bolts etc... also comes carbon steel and alloy steel screws. I= %onsumableG This are the inputs consumed while carrying out production such as oil, lubricants etc.. 1= Packing materialG These are the materials used for the final packing of products. Purchase department procure the raw material for standard products one month before but for special products it follows just in time technique.
APL gets raw material from the following suppliers. They areG 9= 0i5tech forge, 8angalore. C= !ukmani forge, 8angalore I= .ona steel, 'umbai.
This department is lead by manager. There are two supervisors working on design oriented products. *oods are produced in batch production process is as follows. Production plant is quite big and clean in which workers can work without any problem of dust and foul and production process will be conducted in shift basis. There are two shifts for workers in production plant each shift of 6 hours. Eirst shift starts from 6GI7am to /G77pm .econd shift starts from /G77pm to 9GI7am )n production department there are /7 machines. 'onthly they will produce I77 chucks and 977 cylinders. The time required to produce 9 chuck is / hours ? for 9 cylinder is ; to 6 hours. )n production department there are 67 workers in one shift.
1B R!C M!"e/)!8s:
The raw materials will be taken from 8ombay, 8angalore ? 8elgaum. This consists of basic material which is raw in stake like carbon steel, rough forged steel and alloy steel etc.
2B T'/()(@ P/o-ess:
Eirst operation in the production is turning process. )n this the work operation held in a lathe and rotated while the cutting tool or cutter removes the metal from the work piece.
#B M)88)(@ P/o-ess:
&e2t operation, a hole is produced at the work piece before forcing a rotating cutter known as drill bit through the work piece. )n boring operation an e2isting drilled hole is enlarged by using a cutter known as boring bit. !emaining is the finishing of drilled hole to an accurate size using fluted tool called as reamer.
$B G/)(0)(@ p/o-ess:
)t refers to a branding or wearing away by friction of material. )t is accomplished by forcing the war piece against a rotating grinding wheel made of abrasive material process is as followsG Phase *rinding .urface *rinding .lot *rinding $2ternal *rinding )nternal *rinding
1B He!" T/e!"%e(",
)tNs a process of heating ? cooling of metal or alloys in order to obtain certain desired properties such as hardness, toughness and strength.
3B I(spe-")o(:
%omponents are then sent to inspection where tolerance ? size of each component is checked. 4hen these are approved components are sent to serration process.
9B Se//!")o(:
)t is the process where teethe or hard surface of jaws for firm grip. The serration can be used to move the haws to hold war pieces of different size.
PRODUCTION PROCESS CHART !aw 'aterials Turning Process 'illing Process *rinding Process 0eat Treatment )nspection .erration %leaning $tching Assembly Testing Packing and -ispatch
:B C8e!()(@:
%omponents are cleaned with oil, which also prevents rusting before it is taken to the further process.
;B E"-&)(@:
Eor each ? every product a number is given, the trade mark of APL is printed on the product.
1=B Asse%58y:
This involves joining of different components or parts produced during the production process in order to complete a single finished product.
11B Tes")(@:
Einished assembled products are tested for ma2imum speed and ma2imum gripping force and ma2imum diameter it can be hold
'arketing is a process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationship in order to capture value from customers in return.
'arketing department plays an important role in every organization. )t carry outs its activities as follows. MAR6ETING MANAGER
'A!($T)&* $O$%BT)3$.
.$!3)%$ $&*)&$$!.
This is department is lead by finance manager. Eor this department, personnel should have enough qualification and skills regarding the maintenance of project, transaction of the firm and to prepare and maintain the balance sheet and annual report by the year end superior through their orientation given in training for new personnel. APL is maintaining separate department for the purpose of accounting Tally software package is used for accounting+. *eneral banking transactions are carried out through .8).
E)&A&%$ 'A&A*$!
1, S"/!"e@y:
This is an ideal route that the organization has chosen for its future growth, a plan in an organization formulated to gain the competitive advantage.
2, Sys"e%:
The company has a unique integrated system in all the The e2ecution of order is followed by top5to5bottom. This formal and informal procedure including departments. includes system,
the innovation
compensation system, management information system and capital allocation system, which governs every day>s activities.
#, S"y8e:
The leadership approach of top management and the organization>s overall operating approach, also the way in which the employees present themselves to out side world, suppliers and clients. The decision making is participative in nature where all the middle level and lower level management is aloud to suggest the idea in the decision making process.
$, S"! :
The organization>s human resource refers to how people are trained, developed, specialized, integrated, motivated and how their career is managed. The APL has effective staff of participative in nature with positive attitude towards organizational goal and also performing efficiently with effective results in achieving organizational goal.
1, S.)88:
4hat the company does best, the distinctive capabilities and competencies that resides in the organization. APL> s process of training the employees is on the job training. 4hereas off the job training, which is theoretical in nature ? provides over all design of the job. The company is fully equipped with skilled faculty to train employees. 0er the training period is for one year. .kills includeG %ommunication skills Presentation skills Listening skills Technical skills 'anagerial skills
3, S&!/e0 7!8'e:
"riginally called super ordinate goals, the guiding concepts and principles of organization value and aspiration often unwritten that go behind the conventional statement of corporate objective the fundamental ideas around which a business is. This thing influence>s a group of people to work together for a common goal.
Respo(s)5)8)")es o !--o'("s 0ep!/"%e(": 9= Preparation of cash transaction, vouchers, day book, checking cash disbursement. C= -istribution of salary and wages. I= Preparing monthly operational data which includes the production, sales, raw materials and income e2penditure. 1= 'aintaining cash book, collection book and data entry in computer.
This department is lead by the administration manager. There are 67 permanent workers ? 17 temporary workers. The temporary workers work on the contract basis. This department is authorized by $mployees .tate )nsurance Act @$.) ActA, 8onus Act, *ratuity Act, 4ages Act and Eactories Act and also the .afety ? welfare measures.
S!8es T'/(o7e/ o A)/"e-& P7", L"0, S!8es "'/(o7e/ ARs, I( 8!.&sB 1// ;I/ /;C 9I77 D;1 ;6D
Sales turnover (Rs. In lakhs) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 20082004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Sales turnover (Rs. In lakhs)
APL has very good image in the eyes of their customers since they produce the chucks as per the prescribed specification by customers. $ven the prompt payments to their vendorsKsuppliers make them different from others. )t has the goodwill in domestic market.
strength of APL, even in the absence of )." certification they have achieved the sense of reliability in industry. railway station. They enjoy the location benefits since it
!esearch and development activities even there is much scope for this, which plays a vital role in new product development and design. .ince from its inception APL has not
AIRTECH PVT. LTD. DHARWAD faced any problem regarding sticks, lockouts, which indicates the cordial relationship between management and workers.
Labor turnover is one of the major problems of APL. They are paying very less salary to operational level of employeesP another reason is that they themselves don>t want to continue with the old temporary operational level of employees. The candidate whom they feel capable of doing proper work, to such candidates they offer permanent employment. )nability to meet the market demand. They are unable to attach the foreign demand due to no )."
affecting the customer relationship. "ne of the major weaknesses of APL is that there is much
%ompany can e2pand its business to large e2tent since they are unable to meet market demand, reliable quality, and good customer relationship. They enjoy the benefit of labor in -harwad since there
are many )T) -iploma colleges, students from those colleges are hired at very cheap rate even these students also want an e2perience so both are benefited with this.
distribution problem facing by APL. As the company is going for )." certification in the days
to come this
'ore than I77 chuck5manufacturing companies are present in
'arket is a place where the sellers and buyers assemble to e2change their products for money and vice5versa. 'arketing is very much integral to market. Production precedes marketing. 'arketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationship with customer.
'arket is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product or service. 'arketing is the performance of those business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or users. 'arketing is managing profitable customer relationship.
De )()")o(s:
'arketing is defined by the American 'arketing Association @A'AA as Fthe activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and e2changing offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.F The chartered )nstitute of 'arketing defines marketing as Fthe management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying
M!/.e")(@ P/o-ess:
'arketing is a process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationship in order to capture value from customers in return.
'A!($T)&* $O$%BT)3$.
.$!3)%$ $&*)&$$!.
F'(-")o(s o %!/.e")(@ 0ep!/"%e(" %ontrolling information flow between head office and dealers or representatives. .ales reports are sent every week by individual area representative to the main office. "rders from and sales from is issued and sent to the head office and factory in time. %onducting marketing development activity.
This department is lead by 'r. 3inay (umar !ai, who manages the marketing and sales activities of the organization, today the change is occurring at acceleration rate, the situation will not remains same always to cope with, today the APL is not only introducing new products but also improvement on the e2isting range based on the continuous feed back from the customers.
'arketing is the link between the producer and customers. All efforts made to produce will simply go waste unless there is proper channel to market the product.
The marketing mi2 is the set of controllable tactical marketing toolsproduct, price, place and promotion, which the firm blends to produce the response, it wants in the target market. $lements of the marketing mi2 are often referred to as >the four Ps>G P!"-B%T. P!)%$. PLA%$. P!"'"T)"&.
Product means the goods and services combination the company offers to the. Target market. The product consists of polices and procedures relating to be offered and services to be rendered. )t also includes research and development programs and the new product policy.
1, C&'-.s:
)n simple words chuck is defined as rotating work holding device. )t is one of the important accessory component in lathe, grinding, milling machines etc... the wedge design of the chuck has a self locking features that prevent the accidents and it does not loose its gripping power even at cutting loads with high repeatability. )t is fitted to the spindle for holding the jobs of different shapes and size.
.2, Cy8)(0e/s These are used for operating power operated chucks, cylinders activate the chucks via the draw bar passing through the spindle bore, cylinders should provide the correct operating forced to match the chuck. .ome cylinders are specially design for high speed %&% bar and chucking lathes, they are also used in figure chucks, clap application and special chucks.
Product quality has two dimensions5level and consistency. )n developing a product, the marketer must first choose a quality level that will support the product>s position in the target market. 0ere, product quality means performance quality 5the ability of a product to perform its functions. At A)! T$%0 quality is never an after thought. 4ith a philosophy of getting everything F!ight Eirst TimeF ingrained at every level of the organization, they have worked hard to attain quality at all levels. A sophisticated metrology center equipped with latest facilities like co5ordinate 'easuring 'achine, 0ardness Testers, etc help them over come any kind of errors. At A)! T$%0, they try their best to ensure that no product leaves the plant unless it is thoroughly tested and certified by a team of quality specialists, because they know that these work holdings work under severe and e2acting conditions. -ynamic leadership. $2pert engineers for e2pert work. %ustomer contribution and care. Leading manufacturer of chucks. %ontinuous interaction with the customers. Provision of work holding solution.
The word >branding> has its origin to the word >brand>. A brand is a name, word, symbol or mark used to identify a product and to differentiate it from the competitive product.
Packaging is considered as an important element of product mi2. .ome marketers even consider it as a >fifth P> along with product, price, place, and promotion. Packaging has been variously defined. "ne of the most quoted definition is Fpackaging is the art, science and technology of preparing goods for transport and sale.
Packaging should perform the following five functions.
9= ProductionG packaging should protect the product from damages in the
primarily designed.
1= %onvenienceG This is the fourth function of packaging. The package
deciding on package cost, costs incurred in storage and handling of empty packages and filled packages, transport cost for distributing filled packages along with their insurance cost for the transit period, losses due to breakage or spoilage of the product, etc, should be taken into consideration. )n APL the packaging of product is made with wooden bo2 and thermocoal. %are is taken in such a way that there such not be any chance of damage while transporting the goods.
Place includes company activities that make the product available to the target consumers. Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. )t is often referred to as the distribution channel. This element includes policies and procedures relating to the channels to be used between the plant and the consumer, the degree of selectivity among wholesalers and retailers and attempt to co5operation of trade.
Production is for consumption. 0aving produced the products, these need to be made available to the final users of the product. A proper distribution channel should be selected to reach the customers. According to American 'arketing AssociationG FA channel of distribution or marketing channel is the structure of intra company organization units and e2tra5company agents and dealers, wholesaler and retail, through which a commodity, product or service is marketedF
This method is also referred to as producer to consumer channel. Bnder this channel, the producer of goods attempts to make a direct contact with the ultimate user of goods. The advantages of direct selling methodG 9= %lose relationship to the consumers makes the producer constantly aware of changes and other consumer needs. C= Profit does not go to the middle5men. I= *oods get to the consumer more quickly because they do not have the travel through intermediaries or middle5men. APL has regular customers. Those can be broadly classified in to 1 groups, they areG 9. "$' <"riginal $quipment 'anufacturers= La2mi 'achine 4orks, %oimbatore. A%$ -esigner 8angalore. #yoti 'achine, !ajkot. 00T, 8angalore. C. Public and private companies 8ajaj Auto, Aurangabad. Telco, -harwad and Pune. 80$L 8anglore.
AIRTECH PVT. LTD. DHARWAD 0AL 8anglore. I. *overnment organizations !ailways. -efence. Power supply plant. 1. "ther users .mall scale industries in and around 0B8L), -0A!4A-.
APL will transport the goods to the end users through the couriers and the transportation charge will be breed by the company itself.
The APL has a huge layout and the raw materials are kept outside or in open space because they need fresh air. They cannot be kept in closed rooms. The APL is not having any storage room, they keep the raw material like carbon steel and rough forged steel outside only.
The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. )t is determined by a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and the customer>s perceived value of the product. The business may increase or decrease the price of product if other stores have the same product. )n APL the price of the product is different from one product to another, because they fi2 the price on the size of the product means the dimensions of the product like 0ollow chucks having dimension 9I7,997, etc. the price of the chucks starts from !s.C7,777K5 on wards. The price of the chucks ? cylinders are fle2ible. 8ecause the price level is depends on the dimensions of the product.
D)s-o'("s 2 A88oC!(-es:
-iscount ? Allowances are reductions to a basic price of goods or services. The purpose of discounts is to increase short5term sales, move out5 of date stock, reward valuable customers, and to encourage distribution channel members to perform a function, or otherwise reward behaviors that benefit the discount issuer. The APL will give discount to the dealers from 97 to 9/L of the sales price ? give allowances to the representatives as a commission from C to IL of sales.
Promotion means activities that communicates the merits of the product and pursued target customers to buy it. This element includes special selling plans or devices directed at or through the trade, from of devices for consumer promotions and trade promotions. Promotion is more than just advertising or personnel selling. Promotion is more than just advertising or personnel selling. The marketing manager can use publicity, public relations, and various other forms of promotion. 8ut most important, the marketing manager must develop a blend of all the possible promotional ingredients in order to accomplish his objectives.
P/o%o")o( Me"&o0s
)t will be useful to classify promotional methods in three categories as personal selling, mass selling and sales promotion.
Personal selling involves direct face to face relationships between sellers and potential customers. The APL has the fi2ed and regular customer and its promotion method is personal selling.
'ass selling seeks to communicate ideas or information to large numbers of customers at the same time. Advertising is the main form of mass selling. Advertising is any paid from of promotion of ideas, goods or services, by an identified sponsor. )t involves the use of such media as the followingG 'agazines and newspapers, "utdoor posters, signs, skywriting etc., !adio and television %atalogs, directories and references -irect 'ail, $5'ail The APL uses only one media i.e. advertisement that to only in technical magazines ? automation magazines.
.ales promotion activities can make both personnel and mass selling more effective by coordinating both effects. .ales promotion men may design and arrange for the distribution of catalogs and directory references. The APL has the different types of catalogs which contains information about over all organization ? information about products. S!8es p/o%o")o( "!/@e"s: .ales promotion specialists must be fle2ible, e2erting their efforts in the areas which most need improvement. They may tailor their programs for company salesmen, middlemen, consumer or
AIRTECH PVT. LTD. DHARWAD FothersF such as engineers, architects and public officials.
2, Se/7)-e p/o58e%:
All the customers of APL are away from the manufacturing concern, so the APL is facing the problem of giving the services to the customers. As the APL wants to render the service to the customers, but the customers are far away from the company, then also the APL will render the services but not in a proper way. This is another problem faced by the marketing department.
#, S"o-.s:
APL will have the problem of stocks. .ome times the customer without giving the order to produce asks the products, at that time if the APL has that much of product then they will deliver them, if they didn>t have much product to deliver then it is facing the problem.
Airtech Pvt Ltd, is not having any branches. 'eans it is not having any different outlet location to meet out the demand ? to capture the market of whole )ndia Airtech Pvt Ltd lacks in providing good quality of service.
Airtech Pvt Ltd. has not yet obtained )." @)ndian .tandard organizationA certification for their products. Airtech Pvt Ltd. is having the only few marketing strategies are advertisement in technical magazines
Airtech Pvt. Ltd uses only one type of distribution channel known as direct selling and it is also called as zero level distribution. Airtech Pvt. Ltd. sometimes have problem in pricing and delivery of the finished goods.
The company should open the branches at different places, as the customers are away from the production company. )t>s helpful to transport the goods and to meet out the demand ? to capture the market of whole )ndia
The company should aim at improving its marketing network by enhancing its dealer networks and sales force to gain a strong foot hold in the untapped market which would further help the company boost its brand image
The company should use better marketing strategies other than advertisement in technical magazines. Promotional activities should be conducted in the new markets to attract new industrial customers with highlighting the unique features of the company. %ustomer enquiries should be handled effectively and product features should be communicated to the customer with all the specification details at the initial stage of enquiry. The company should appoint native service personnel as it would reduce time consumed and help to generate more customer satisfaction. The company should aim at increasing the quality of packaging.
The Airtech Pvt. Ltd. is initially started as a small scale industry, producing only concentric %oventry chucks as its first product. 8ut now because of continuous product innovation, suppliers %o5operation and constant interaction with customers helped them to add their range of standard variety of products. &ow it is called as 'icro .mall ? 'edium $nterprises.
After doing the analysis ) also came to know that the Airtech products are acquiring more importance in the market. The only thing is that they have to improve in services and deliveries as well as to provide more advertisements regarding e2isting and new products. And they are maintaining the quality of products in a good manner.
APL will become one of the best engineering companies in the )ndia and world even though having tuff competition from 'ulti &ational %ompanies.
9. 4hich type of 'arketing .trategy do you followQ a= Advertising b= 0oardings
C. 4hich type of distribution channel will you prefer for your productsQ a= Rero level -istribution c= Two level -istribution I. 4hich class of cus.tomers will you prefer to buy your productQ a= Public and Private %ompany. c= $quipment manufacturers. b= *overnment organization. d= All the above. b= "ne level -istribution
/. )f yes, then how much percent will u provide discount to the dealersQ a= 97L b= 9/L c= 1L d= 97L to 9/ L
;. 4hich level of competitors do you haveQ a= &ational Level. b= !egional Level. c= 8oth levels.
D. -o you publish any advertisement of product in the televisionQ Mes &o )f yes, then go to Juestion &o.: 6. )f &o, then through which media do you publishQ a= Advertising in the 'echanical 'agazines. b= Advertising in the -aily &ews Papers. c= Advertising in the )nternet. :. 0ow do you Transport the goods to the end usersQ a= %ouriers. b= 8uses. 97. -o you manufacture any fi2ed sizes for %hucksQ Mes &o )f yes, then go to Juestion &o. ll. )f &o, then on what basis do you manufacture chucksQ a= "n the 8asis of 'anager>s specification. b= "n the basis of customer specification. c= "n the basis of Production 'anager>s specifications. d= &one of the above. c= Lorries.
%ompany catalogs and broaches.
)ndustry #ournals ? 'agazines. 8ooksG Principles of marketing 8y, Philip (otler. $ntrepreneurial -evelopment 8y, .... (hanka.