Project Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 16p
Project Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 16p
Project Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 16p
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Table of content
1 Introduction
1.1 Objective Page 3
1.2 Scope Page 3
1.3 Definition & abbreviations Page 3
2 Project /facility description
2.1 Project overview Page 3
2.2 Site location Page 3
3 Roles & Responsibilities
3.1 Chief Fire Warden Responsibilities Page 4
3.2 Fire Warden Responsibilities Page 5
3.3 First Aider Responsibilities Page 5
3.4 EHS Engineer Responsibilities Page 5
4 Emergency instructions
4.1 Action in Case of Fire Page 6
4.2 Lock-down instructions Page 6
5 Emergency contact information Page 7
6 Emergency phone contacts for Emergency and Page 8
crisis management team members
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1. Introduction
1.1 Objective:
To describe site emergency procedures. Emergency includes fire, release of toxic gases, explosion,
terror attacks etc.
1.2 Scope:
This plan is applicable for the project of “Design & construction of substation 16P Yanbu, Community
area east of TAMA”
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Driving from Yanbu city RC headquarter office to 16P SS site:
1. The trip between RC headquarter office to 16P SS takes 29 min (33.2 km)
2. Exit from RC head quarter office on Anwaah Street to King Khalid Street
3. Drive on King Khalid Street toward King Abdul-Aziz road
4. The speed limit on King Khalid Street is 70 km/h for small vehicles
5. Turn right from King Khalid Street to King Abdul-Aziz road from the 1st traffic light. When
crossing this traffic light kindly take the following precautions:
When crossing all the traffic lights consider vehicles violating the traffic rules and crossing the
traffic lights
Before turning right from the traffic light take care of vehicles driving behind your car. Always
use the indicator light
If you observed over speedy vehicle behind, you give warning indication that you are about to
turn right
Cross the red light is strictly prohibited
Over speeding is strictly prohibited.
6. Drive on King Abdul Aziz road (TAMA road). The speed limit on King Abdu Aziz road is 90 km/h.
7. On king Abdul road there are several traffic lights. Crossing the red light is strictly prohibited.
Take precaution from trucks driving on King Abdu Aziz road
Take precaution from vehicles crossing the red light of the traffic signal
There are some dentures and construction work in King Abdul Aziz road
8. Take U-turn on King Abdul Aziz road before the Yanbu security check point to access to 16P SS
9. Access to the temporary privet road to 16P from King Abdul Aziz road
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In the meantime, the Chief Fire Warden will locate the fire and, if controllable, take
action to extinguish it. If not, he will leave the site closing all windows and doors and inform
the firemen of any special hazards.
Check with the roll counting team in the assembly area to verify the accountability of all
individuals from each section.
Direct civil defiance officer for the fire location.
When appropriate, upon authorization from the Civil Defiance officer, he will communicate
instructions to allow reoccupation of the building, etc.
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Check for injuries or fatality and report the status to Chief First Aid.
Help the ambulance first aider to reach the victims.
4. Emergency instructions
General Information:
It should be HIGHLY STRESSED that no person is to be allowed to remain in the site on the
basis of their own downplay of the dangers involved.
If a fire is discovered, alert everybody at the site.
On hearing the fire alert, evacuate the site.
Walk, do not run.
Keep to the right on staircases and in corridors.
If requested, assist your fire warden.
Know the evacuation routes from your building.
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Do not respond to anyone at the door/s while you are in lockdown and do not leave
your position until the all clear is announced
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Emergency Contact Numbers أرقام تهمك في حالة الطوارئ
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