NSA's Classified Materiel Conversion (CMC) Branch Information & Required Disposition Procedures Manual For CMC Account Holders
NSA's Classified Materiel Conversion (CMC) Branch Information & Required Disposition Procedures Manual For CMC Account Holders
NSA's Classified Materiel Conversion (CMC) Branch Information & Required Disposition Procedures Manual For CMC Account Holders
Please verify latest revision of this document from the CMC website.
The following information is guidance for the CMC services that are only available to NSA/CSS elements, other
Intelligence Community (IC) members, and certain U.S. military units. There are a limited amount of US
government agencies and contractors that qualify to send classified materiel and/or internal classified
components to the Classified Materiel Conversion (CMC) facility for disposition.
Printed versions of this document are not controlled. Please verify the most recent version of this document from the CMC website.
Table of Contents
Contact Information
Please review these procedures thoroughly and ensure that this information is distributed to the
organization’s command chain and/or management structures for awareness and training measures
regarding CMC services provided to account holders. *Please note, failure to follow the CMC required
procedures are measured per instance. Units that continue to have discrepancies with shipments may
result in a “tasked suspension,” or issued a “non-negotiable account termination.”
This is CMC Policy and will be enforced to keep the process efficient and cost effective.
CMC accounts are appointed with a capitol letter followed by a string of several digits. * This is not a
UIC or COMSEC account number. * The Customer ID is a specific identifier for all records regarding
CMC services to disposition acceptable classified items. As an account holder, the organization is
responsible for electing a Point of Contact (POC) that will store the Customer ID for appropriate
recognition and provide oversight to the rest of the organization to comply with CMC procedures.
Printed versions of this document are not controlled. Please verify the most recent version of this document from the CMC website.
Prior to transferring classified materiel items to the facility, CMC requires companies to submit a
Contractors Approval Form (CAF) for pre-approval. A Government CO/COR or Program Director provides
authorization, selects one appropriate statement and provides the date of signature after signing this form.
The submission of the approval form is to verify, (yet accounts are subject to further review) that:
Companies are under a current contract with the NSA/CSS, or a U.S. Intelligence Community Military
Intelligence element that provided the contractor with Government Furnished Equipment (GFE).
*Continued on the next page ‘
I. Contractor owned classified items (Contractor’s Acquired Property/CAP) contain direct
NSA/CSS information.
Once the company receives an approval to become a CMC account holder, all contractor entities are
responsible for updating contract and account information by resubmitting the
CAF or if the CAF on file has reached expiration (one year after the GOV’T COR signed it).
Possession of items marked for disposition from multiple contracts requires the account holder to
submit multiple Contractor’s Approval Forms.
The COR signature must be updated whenever changes to the contract occur, and signatures must not
exceed one year after submission. When submitting the CAF the bottom portion of the form must be
completed by the Government Contracting Officer Representative (COR)/CO or Program Director.
For further guidance for companies currently under a contract with the Intelligence Community
please refer to the additional paperwork for contractors section 4.2.
I. CMC Receipt for Destruction confirm the most recent version prior to sending
II. A self-addressed envelope with a pre-paid postage * Military branches are exempt from provided
If multiple boxes are designated for services, review section 6.3, prior to sending any packages.
The CMC Receipt for Destruction is the only paperwork required when shipping and/or delivering
materiel items from Government account holders. Protect the CMC receipt and envelope from damage
while in transit.
Additional forms such as a Standard Form (SF) or inventory paperwork will not be accepted, and
those additional documents will not be returned. Please use the most current pdf version of the receipt
available for download from the CMC website.
Previous versions of the CMC receipt will not be accepted as proper documentation after January 1, 2022.
Printed versions of this document are not controlled. Please verify the most recent version of this document from the CMC website.
IV. All contractor entities shipping materiel items are required to provide the copy of the
Contractors Approval Form (CAF) the CMC office holds on file.
Complete all required text boxes while entering information and inventory on the CMC Receipt. All
information entered must match the CMC account on record.
Prior to shipment, check the CMC website to ensure the CMC receipt is the latest version available.
Recreations or modifications to the original pdf version of the CMC Receipt for Destruction will not be accepted.
Assigned Customer ID Number (CIN). The CIN is not a UIC, DODACC, or assigned COMSEC Account
Number. The CIN is a specific identifier provided for CMC records only.
Full name (without using acronyms) of the government entity, IC Contractor Company, or military
unit. Entity name must match the CMC database information. If not, update CMC records prior to sending
CMC Point of contact, name, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address
Complete mailing address. Attn: CONUS military locations, provide building number, street name,
city, state, and zip code (as opposed to military postal code (FPO/APO).
Check at least one box indicating the origination of materiel. *This marking pertains to the entity’s
affiliation & the components marked for CMC services, not the personnel type.
* Do not send any batteries to the CMC facility. *
Enter inventory-left columns reflect quantity, right columns reflect numerical weight-enter at least 1,
and round up all weight entered to the next whole number. (I.e. 0.4 should be a 1 and 11.5 should be
entered as 12). In addition, do not include verbiage (such as lbs., pounds, #, new, old, etc.) in the quantity
and/or weight columns.
Do not fill in blank text boxes with zeros (0), slashes (/), N/A, etc.
Other Classified Materiel category. This category is available for classified and IC related components or
materiel that are not listed on the CMC receipt. Customers that have other classified materiel not listed
have four actions to complete for pre-approval.
1) Call the CMC office to discuss the acceptance. 2) If approved, enter the amount of the component
(weight) or materiel (quantity) in the ‘Other Classified Materiel’ text box.
3) Enter a description of the materiel that was approved by the CMC office in the text block directly below
amount entered. I.e. ‘Classified IC floppy disks accepted by CMC.’
4) Type/enter the CMC approver’s code in the text box next to the statement found on the CMC receipt.
If there are additional notes, relevant information regarding the shipment, or accountability, type/enter
those inputs in the “comments” text box.
The CMC service does not cover the acceptance of equipment intact. Review
section 5 prior to shipping a package/s.
Printed versions of this document are not controlled. Please verify the most recent version of this document from the CMC website.
Memory Cards/Sticks
Hard Drive Platters Classified RAM Cards, MultiMedia Card (MMC), Compact Flash
*See section 5.2 for required preparation Drive (CF), Secure Digital (SD), SIM, and /or Fortezza Cards.
“S” Magnetic Media (Cassette Tapes, Data “S” Optical Media: Classified CDs, DVDs, and/or
Cartridges, Floppy Disks, VHS) Blu-Ray Discs
“S” Identification Cards (Common Access
Computer and COMSEC Chips
Telephones or Fax Machines
Computer Monitors General Office Equipment
Unclassified Materiel- *unless it contains
Keyboards NSA/CSS information
Contractor Owned or Purchased Classified
Cables or Any Type of Wires Materiel (Non-GFE) that does not contain direct
NSA/CSS information
Mutilated Hard Drives i.e. Punched, Crushed, Contractor Owned Unclassified Materiel does not
Hammered, etc. hold NSA/CSS info
*Remove all power supplies and batteries from all materiel, but do not send either to the CMC facility.
If the CMC account holder is in possession of classified or NSA/CSS Controlled Unclassified information (CUI)
materiel not listed in the table, please contact the CMC office to inquire about possible acceptance.
S Identifies “special burn.” This materiel holds a weight restriction referenced in section 6.
Solid State Drives: allowed to be sent as is unless a battery is present. Please remove any battery prior to
Disk Packs: please disassemble per the manufacturer guidelines: unscrew the plastic enclosure and remove all
Cell Phone/Flip Phone and/or Pager Components: Remove the batteries prior to sending the item to
CMC. Remove circuit boards from device and prepare for shipment. Note: For CMC to accept smartphone
components see additional guidance about PCD disassembly.
Circuit Boards: Remove frames, power supplies, plus all batteries: button type (CMOS), and lithium. Please
do not send items removed to the CMC facility. This category includes, but is not limited to: Printed Circuit
Boards (PCB), RAM, PCI-E, PCI-X, PCM, or motherboards from any device that will need to be disassembled.
Computer and COMSEC Chips: To avoid mixture or loss, place computer chips in a bag, label the bag, and
seal in the same, or if more than 40 pounds, send in a separate box.
Printed versions of this document are not controlled. Please verify the most recent version of this document from the CMC website.
Key Storage Device Ignition Keys or Transmission Key Encryption Key (KEK) (Just the keys are
acceptable as is) Any Key Storage Device (KSD 21, 64, etc.) will need to be disassembled. To avoid mixture or
loss, place each component in a separate bag
Memory Cards/Sticks: Such as classified RAM Cards, MultiMedia Card (MMC), Compact Flash Drive (CF),
Secure Digital (SD), SIM, and /or KSV 21 Fortezza Cards. Remove any batteries prior to sending. To avoid
mixture or loss, place each component in a separate bag.
PDAs, PCDs or MCDs such as a Blackberry, Smartphone, or Tablet, Etc. Disassembly might require
the use of a tool known as a Pentalobe. Dissemble each device by removing the internal components that hold
memory, classified information, and all types of batteries prior to sending a shipment to the CMC facility.
USB Drives: remove the battery prior to sending. To avoid mixture or loss, place the thumb drives in a bag.
Any materiel or component that is separated in a bag, please indicate the contents on the outside of the bag
when sealed in the same (≤) 40 pound package or place all alike items in a separate box. Additional guidance is
provided in section 6.
Request Demilitarization (DEMIL) instructions for COMSEC gear from the unit’s governing organization/
Central Office of Record (COR), or the COMSEC Information Office
After any type of battery is removed, do not send those batteries in with the classified components. Return
those batteries to the unit’s internal hazardous material collection area.
CMC considers five packages or more sent at once- a large shipment. Refer to section 6.3 for
additional guidance.
SF-153 Forms are not required to complete the CMC Process. The provided envelopes are
used to mail the signed and dated CMC receipt to the organization’s CMC POC/Account Holder. The
POC would use the final receipt received to complete the standard form or other documented
practices to have the materials removed from the unit’s property records. *Please note that SF-153
Forms are required by your COMSEC Account Manager. Please contact the COMSEC Account
Manager or the unit’s Central Office of Record for all COMSEC related questions.
*Note for contractors with a CMC account: in addition to including a CMC receipt with valid
Customer ID #, and account information on record. Contractor entities are required to enclose a copy
of the current CMC approved Contractors Approval Form (CAF) on file with the account records.
Attach both documents with the self-addressed envelope.
Individual packages should not exceed 40 pounds in total weight for handling purposes. Freight identified as
“S” “Special Burn” should not exceed 1000 pounds per tri-wall container on a pallet. See table 5.1.
*Continued on the next page
6.2 Self-Addressed Envelopes For Returning Receipts
All envelopes should be properly sized. Paper clip each envelope to the CMC receipt, etc. then place
them with the materiel ready to be sent. Courier pre-paid envelopes for the return of the CMC
Receipt for Destruction in a prepaid courier envelope/s: ensure to include the unit’s billing
information for the courier to charge the account holder for the return shipment (i.e. postage and
handling). The return label must list the mailing address that is on record with the CMC account and
the label is affixed to the return courier envelope as required.
First class USPS return mail is not an option for any return envelopes.
All individual boxes should hold a CMC receipt, CAF (if a contractor), and a self-addressed envelope in the box
unless packages are shrink-wrapped together.
If multiple boxes are designated for services, CMC account holders should reduce the amount of receipts sent to
one master copy -providing inventory for all components and materiel. Number all packages (1 of X), and wrap
them together (in shrink-wrap) per the courier’s requirements.
An alternative method would be to send all individual boxes (weight 40# or less) in one
container (triwall). Sender should place the master CMC receipt, CAF (if a contractor), and a self-addressed
envelope in box #1, or enclose these required items in the container on top of the individual boxes inside the
Protect the CMC receipt and envelope from damage while in transit. Failure to comply with the large shipment
(repeatedly sending five or more boxes without attempting to condense the CMC receipts to a master copy)
policy could result in suspension of services.
Each box stacked on a pallet sent should weigh less than or equal (≤) 40 pounds for the handlers that
assemble and disassemble the pallets.
Large shipments of one type of materiel (i.e. all circuit boards or all hard drives), CMC suggests a 48”
x 40” x 36” tri-wall palletized carton to transport the components. A master CMC receipt and one self-
addressed envelope would inventory the alike materiel sent.
Printed versions of this document are not controlled. Please verify the most recent version of this document from the CMC website.
If a tri-wall contains different items, separate components into smaller boxes (weight = ≤ 40 pounds)
label the contents on the top and one side panel of the box.
Freight identified as “special burn” should not exceed 1000 pounds per palletized triwall container.
*DCD Shipments require certain procedures and advanced notice Contact the Defense Courier station
closest to the unit’s location for additional guidance for transferring shipments.
As a courtesy, place two shipping labels on each box/container/case (one on top and one on a side) to assist
couriers with moving all packages received.
Once the CMC receipts are complete (per all guidelines in section 4), The CMC destruction facility can
accept packages via:
delivery personnel will check and notarize the itemized copy of the CMC Receipt upon acceptance of
your shipment. Contractors are also required to provide a copy of the current Contractor Approval
Form (CAF) along with the CMC Receipt for Destruction. Reference the How to Complete a CMC
Receipt section 4.3 for additional guidance.
CMC’s Point of Contact with email address and Commercial Phone number
Upon approval, the account’s POC will be contacted to confirm a visit date chosen, and provided
specific delivery instructions. CMC reserves the right to refuse entry onto campus without the correct
documentation, or advanced notice about the visit. CMC account holders who routinely request the
CMC office to reschedule appointments would be asked to mail future shipments to the CMC facility,
instead. If an approval was not confirmed prior to your requested primary date of delivery, contact
the CMC Customer Service Office to confirm that your request was received.
Printed versions of this document are not controlled. Please verify the most recent version of this document from the CMC website.
6.6 Shipping Address for DCS and Standard Mail to send packages to CMC
If the overall classification of a Non COMSEC Item listed in Table 5.1 is at the level of:
If the overall classification of a COMSEC Item listed in Table 5.1 is at the level of:
*A SF-153 is not required to accompany COMSEC Components *
Send packages via Defense Courier Division/Service (DCD/DCS)
ATTN: Destruction Facility
449563 BA 20 021
Send packages via secure means with a courier
To: National Security Agency
ATTN: CMC Facility –Suite 6890
9800 Savage Road
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755 -6890
In Summary
Please keep in mind that the procedures outlined in this document could not cover each contingency
and circumstance. Failure to follow CMC procedures will result in a CMC Corrective Action Report
included with your notarized copy of the CMC Receipt for Destruction to assist the account holder
prior to sending the next shipment. It’s suggested that prior to sending or hand carrying items for
*Continued on the next page
The following information is guidance for the CMC services that are only available to NSA/CSS elements, other
Intelligence Community (IC) members, and certain U.S. military units. There are a limited amount of US government
agencies and contractors that qualify to send classified materiel and/or internal classified components to the Classified
Materiel Conversion (CMC) facility for disposition.
destruction check with their organization’s POC to ensure CMC procedures and information is
complete. All applications, requests, and/ or inquiries are handled in the order in which they were
Furthermore, CMC is a logistics organization and as such, we do not provide specific guidance on
packaging and wrapping. All questions pertaining to packaging and wrapping should be directed to
your appropriate military, government or contractor security office; all COMSEC related items or
concerns should be addressed with the appropriate COMSEC office (reference contact information
section) or review the COMSEC regulations. Direct specific issues not covered in this manual or in
regards to CMC services to the CMC Customer Service Office.
Contact Information
*Please be advised that Report of Shipments (REPSHIPS) should not be sent to the CMC
Customer Service Office.
**Sending COMSEC components to the CMC you are requesting that only a destruction service will
be provided.
Phone: 301-688-1053
CSDSR Web Page Address: https://www.nsa.gov/Resources/Media-Destruction-Guidance/
Contacts for COMSEC equipment:
Military Branch or COMSEC Account Holder’s governing organization/Central Office of Record (COR)