4th Semester - VU MBA
4th Semester - VU MBA
4th Semester - VU MBA
Specialization Papers
Fourth Semester: Two Papers (of which first Paper will be offered as Minor for students of other
Major Groups)
MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major International Financial Management
MBA- 403 Strategic Financial Management
Fourth Semester: Two Papers (of which first Paper will be offered as Minor for students of other
Major Groups)
MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major Advertising & Promotions Management
MBA- 403 Brand Management
Human Resource
Fourth Semester: Two Papers (of which first Paper will be offered as Minor for students of other
Major Groups)
MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major Labour Law-II
MBA- 403 Employee Welfare
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Fourth Semester: Two Papers (of which first Paper will be offered as Minor for students of other
Major Groups)
MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major International and Comparative SHRM
MBA- 403 Emerging Issues in SHRM
Fourth Semester: Two Papers (of which first Paper will be offered as Minor for students of other
Major Groups)
MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major Advertising& Communication Management
MBA- 403 Services Marketing
Digital Marketing
Fourth Semester: Two Papers (of which first Paper will be offered as Minor for students of other
Major Groups)
MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major Social Media Marketing
MBA- 403 Display, Video and Mobile Marketing
Banking and Strategic Finance
Fourth Semester: Two Papers (of which first Paper will be offered as Minor for studentsof other
Major Groups)
MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major Fundamental and Technical Analysis
MBA- 403 Investment Analysis
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Phone: 03222-298414/415 Fax: 91-3222-275329
Structure of the Syllabus (Effective from 2018-19)
Papers of 100 marks each
Media Management
Fourth Semester: One Paper to be offered as Minor for Students of other Major Specialisation
MBA- 401 Media Laws & Ethics
Pharma Management
Fourth Semester: One Paper to be offered as Minor for Students of other Major Specialisation
MBA- 401 Pharmacology and Drug Regulatory Affairs
(Effective from 2018-19)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Finance
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major
Subject: International Financial Management
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to provide the students an overall view of the international
financial system and how multinational corporations operate. This course is concerned with
the financial management of the firms that operate in the increasingly globalized business
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environment. Emphasizing broad concepts and real-world practices rather than extensive
quantitative material, the course offers a concise introduction to international finance and
provides a clear, conceptual framework for analyzing key financial decisions in multinational
firms. The approach of the course is to treat international financial management as a natural
and logical extension of the principles learned in the introductory financial management
Course Contents
1. Introduction: International Financial Management (IFM): Nature, Importance, Scope; IFM Vs.
Domestic Financial Management, Overview of Global Financial Environment
2. International Monetary System: Exchange Rate Regimes, IMF, Euro Currency Market, EURO
Market; Role of Finance Manager in Global context; Balance of Payments: Understandings,
Analysis & Interpretation.
3. Foreign Exchange Market: Nature, Structure, Types of Transactions, Exchange Rate Quotation,
Spot & Forward, Nominal, Real, and Effective Exchange Rates, Foreign Exchange Market in
India: Nature, Structure, Operations & Limitations; Exchange Rate Determination: Structural
Models of Exchange Rate Determination.
4. Foreign Exchange Risk: Exposure: Types of Risk; Risk management Process.
5. Market for Forward Contracts: Features, Arbitrage, Pay Off Profile.
6. Markets for Currency Futures: Currency Futures: Features, Futures Vs. Forward Contracts,
Hedging, Speculation, Pay Off Profile.
7. Markets for Currency Options: Currency Options, Features, Terminologies, Gains and Losses,
Pricing, Hedging, Speculation, Pay Off Profile.
8. International Investment Decisions: International Capital Budgeting, Evaluation Criteria, Cash
Flow, Cost of Capital, Adjusted Present Value Approach, Sensitivity Analysis, Real Options and
Project Appraisal, Non-Financial Factors.
9. International Financing Decisions: International Banking, Process, Intermediary Function,
Direction and Purposes of Lending, Lending Risk, Credit Creation Function, Control of
International Banks.
10. International Working Capital Management: Working Capital Policy, Basics of Managing
Cash and Near-Cash Assets: Steps, Management of Receivables, Management of Inventory.
1. Pathak, Bharati V., Indian Financial System, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2. Khan, M. Y., Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Gupta, S. B., Monetary Economics – Institutions, Theory and Policy, S. Chand, New Delhi.
4. Bhole, L. M., Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
5. Pandian, P., Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
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6. Raghunathan, V. and Rajib, P., Stock Exchanges and Investment, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
7. Fischer, D. E. and Jordan, R. J., Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Indian Reprint,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
(Effective from 2018-19)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Finance
Paper Code: MBA- 403
Subject: Strategic Financial Management
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
This strategic financial management course will enhance students understanding of how
financial decisions create value for a firm. Students are introduced to the areas of business
valuations, mergers and acquisitions, leverage buyouts, and corporate financing and capital
structure. The course will enable students to build an understanding of how strategic financial
decisions are taken and how the outcomes are quantified. Additionally the course aims at
enabling students to assess and manage corporate risks.
Course Contents
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6. Financial Reorganization: Leverage Buy-out: Concept, Stages of Operation, Sources of Value
Generation, International Sources of Finance: GDR, ADR, ADS.
(Effective from 2018-19)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Marketing
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor/ MBA- 402 for Major
Subject: Advertising & Promotions Management
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
This course explains the various concepts about promotions and promotional techniques in this
modern era. Promotion plays a vital role in marketing because of over competition and wide range of
product availability. The nature of consumer buying is influence by the promotional benefits at a
large. It is essential to know about the various modes of promotional techniques and their merits and
demerits in business for a sustainable growth and survive in this high technology oriented markets.
Students of this course will gain a valuable insight relating to the promotional activities and
managing the various components of promotion over the period of time to retain the existing business
as well as attract the new customers to expand the business.
Course Contents
1. Promotion: Meaning, Nature and Scope, Basic Role, Processes and Purpose of Promotion
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2. Integrated Marketing Communications Tools: Sales Promotion, Advertising, Personal
Selling, Public Relations & Publicity.
3. Advertising & Promotions Planning: Budgeting for Advertising & Promotional Programmes,
Implementation, Measurement of the Organization’s External Communications with Its
Environment and Control.
4. Communication Process: Organizing for Advertising and Promotion, Role of Ad Agencies and
Marketing Communication Organization, ‘Strategy & Planning Process Advertising Campaigns’,
‘Communication Concepts/ Models’ and ‘Concepts of how Advertising Works’.
5. Buyer Response Issues: Issues Affecting Buyer Response to Source, Message, and Channels:
Psychological, Social, Situational Issues.
6. Media Planning and Strategy: Evaluation of ‘Broadcast Media’, Evaluation of ‘Print Media’,
‘Internet and Interactive Media’, ‘Outdoor Media’, ‘Support Media’, ‘Media Scheduling’ &
‘Media Buying’.
7. Role of Market Research in Promotion Management: Promotion Management in Global
Perspective, ‘Audience Measurement’ and ‘Measuring Media Effectiveness’.
1. Chunawalla, S. A., Advertising Sales and Promotion, Himalaya Publication
2. Michael A. Belch, Keyoor Purani, George E. Belch, Advertising And Promotion: An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective, McGraw Hill
(Effective from 2018-19)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Marketing
Paper Code: MBA- 403
Subject: Brand Management
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
The course of Brand Management deals with the essential of brand in the 21st century. Like
the other components of marketing, brand plays an important role. Management of brand is
become a crucial part of markets to increase the volume sales by differentiating product and
services from its competitors’ product. Without proper management of brand it is hardly
positive to capture the space in the customer mind which reflects on the profitability of the
business. The brand management course is very helpful to the students to understand the
necessities of the branding in this competitive market and also various branding methods that
leads the business in global perspective.
Course Contents
1. Introduction: Concept of Brand, Brand Development: Extension, Rejuvenation, Re-launch,
Product vs. Brands, Why Brands Matters, Can Anything be Branded? Factors Shaping a Brand
over Its Life Cycle, Brand Challenges and Opportunities.
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2. Brand Positioning: Brand Positioning & Brand Building, Brand Knowledge, Brand Portfolios
and Market Segmentation, Steps of Brand Building, Identifying and Establishing Brand
Positioning, Defining and Establishing Brand Values, Brand Identity.
3. Brand Leveraging & Brand Performance: Establishing a Brand Equity Management System,
Measuring Sources of Brand Equity and Consumer Mindset, Co-branding, Celebrity
Endorsement, Brand Personality.
4. Branding Strategies: Designing & Sustaining Branding Strategies, Brand Hierarchy, Branding
Strategy, Brand Extension and Brand Transfer, Managing Brand over Time, Brand
Repositioning, Brand Rejuvenation, Brand Association, Brand architecture.
5. Brand Equity: Concept, Sources, Benefits, Choosing Brand Elements to Build Equity, Brand
Element Choice Criteria, Brand Element Options.
6. Brand Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Research Techniques, Measuring Outcomes of
Brand Equity, Comparative Methods, Holistic Methods.
7. Brand Audits: Concept of Brand Audits, Brands on the Balance Sheet, Global Brands, Asian
Brands, Revitalized Brands, Challenger Brands.
8. Brand Valuation
1. Clifton, Rita & Simmons, John, Brands and Branding, The Economist, Delhi
2. Keller, Kevin Lane, Strategic Brand Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
3. Kumar, S. Ramesh, Marketing and Branding - The Indian Scenario, Pearson Education, New
4. Richard Elliot & Larry Percy, Strategic Brand Management, Indian Edition.
5. Sengupta Subroto, Brand Positioning: Strategies for competitive advantage, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
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(Effective from 2018-19)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Human Resource
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major
Subject: Labour Law-II
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
The basic objective of the course is to provide the students about advance ideas of the labour
law. In that respect, the students will be acquainted with the legal norms regulating
employment contract, labour relations and the rights and obligations of employees and
Course Contents
1. Labor Legislation: Objectives, Principles, Classification, Evolution, Impact of ILO, Labor Legislation
and Indian Constitution.
2. Factories Act, 1948
3. ESI Act, 1948
4. Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923
5. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
6. Trade Union Act, 1926
7. P. F. Act and Variance
8. Gratuity Act and Variance
(Effective from 2018-19)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Human Resource
Paper Code: MBA- 403
Subject: Employee Welfare
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
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The basic objective of the course is to provide the students about various statutory and non
statutory employee welfare measures followed in organizations for the benefit of employees.
Employee welfare aims at the whole development of the person of the working class. The
employee welfare policies of any organization should keep in mind to make the employees
happy at their workplace.
Course Contents
1. Labor Welfare: Meaning, Definition, Scope, Theories, Principles and Approaches.
2. Types of Welfare: Statutory and Non-Statutory Labor Welfare, Intramural and Extramural Welfare,
Welfare Schemes Initiated by Appropriate Governments.
3. Agencies of Welfare: State, Employer, Trade Unions, Voluntary Agencies.
4. Social Security Measures: Concept, Meaning, Importance.
5. Statutory Provisions on Health, Safety and Welfare: Health Provisions, Safety provisions, Welfare
6. Occupational Hazards and Diseases: Concept, Meaning, Types, Examples of Occupational Hazards and
N.B: (Important provisions only)
(Effective from 2019-20)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Strategic Human Resource Management
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA- 402 for Major
Subject: International and Comparative SHRM
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
To understand the culture across globe
To focus on recruiting and retaining of cross cultural employees
To work on the organizational culture
To establish the cultural issues in international context
To know different types of international employees
To understand & manage diversity across global culture
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Course Contents
1. Cross Cultural and Diversity Management: Concept of Culture and Organisational Life,
Cultural Understanding Cross- Cultural Differences and Managerial Implications, Hofstede’s Study,
Cultural environment, Important cross-cultural and diversity issues relating to International
Management, Cross-cultural Competencies for Global Manager.
2. Recruiting, Retaining and Promoting Culturally Different Employees: Recruitment and
selection issues on cultural context, Understanding the intercultural communication and interaction
process, Performance management, employee development on cross–cultural perspective, Culture and
reward systems, Retention and Promotion.
3. Culture vis-à-vis Organisational Issues: Technology and Culture in Organisations– Cultural
issues in Merger and Acquisitions, Global Culture and Organisational processes, Cross-cultural issues in
Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management, etc.
4. Types of international employees and special categories of employees in International
context: New realities of the workforce, including demographic, legislation, and social policy trends
around the world, Emerging workforce trends Cultural issues in international working on work-life
balance and Managing multi-cultural teams: Issues and challenges.
5. Understanding and Managing Diversity in Indian and Global Context: Individual, Social
Identity and Organisational Diversity, Diversity and Organisational culture, Diversity and Gender and
Contemporary Issues in Workplace Diversity.
6. Global Training: Methods, Process, Pre Arrival and Arrival Training, Repatriation
adjustments, Visioning.
1. Thomas David C, Lazarova Mila B, Essentials of International Human Resource Management:
Managing People Globally, SAGE Publishing
2. Harzing Anne-Wil, Pinnington Ashly, International Human Resource Management, SAGE
3. Misra R.N., Changing Strategies in HRM (After Globalization), Discovery Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
4. Lawler III Edward E, Boudreau John W., Global Trends in Human Resource Management: A Twenty
–Year Analysis, Stanford University Press
5. Hollinshead Graham &Leat Mike, Human Resource Management: An International & Comparative
Perspective, Pitman Publishing
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(Effective from 2019-20)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Strategic Human Resource Management
Paper Code: MBA- 403
Subject: Emerging Issues in SHRM
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
To understand the alignment of HR with corporate strategy
To evaluate strategic HR audit
To work on the system solutions for HR
To understand HR Analytics
To focus on current issues faced by Strategic HR Managers
To understand people supply chain
Course Contents
1. SHRM - Aligning HR with Corporate Strategy: - HR Role in Managing Merger &Acquisition – Managing
Change – HR Role in Managing change through M&A - M&A Phases and HR Role – Preliminary stage
(establishing people and culture fit) - M&A phase – Post M&A roles.
2. Strategic HR Audit & Evaluation:- Nature & Need for HR evaluation – Principles of Evaluation –
Evaluation framework – Approaches to Evaluation – Audit approach – Analytical Approach – Balance
Scorecard – Benchmarking – HR Dash Boards – HRD Scorecards.
3. Human Resource Information System (HRIS): - Nature – HRIS framework – Benefits – Key Trends
4. HR Analytics:Analytics & Big Data Analytics – HR Metrics &Analytics – HR Analytics in Practice – Stages of
HR Analytics.
5. New Frontiers of Strategic HR Managers: - Strategic Involvement – Work –life integration – Disruptive
Technology – Predictive Analytics –Corporate Citizenship – Knowledge Management, HR Professional as
Change Agent, HR During Downturns.
6. People Supply Chain: - Dead Wood, Raw talent to pure talent – Talent Tracking & Traceability – Survival
of the fittest.
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1. Gupta P.K., Strategic Human Resource Management, Everest Publishing House
2. Edwards Martin R. & Edwards Kirsten, Predictive HR Analytics: Mastering the HR Metric, Kogan
Page Publishing Ltd.
3. Bhattacharyya, Dipak Kumar, HR Analytics: Understanding Theories & Applications, SAGE
4. Azmi Feza Tabassum, Strategic Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, Cambridge
University Press
5. Samman Adel Al, Towards a Strategic Human Resource Management: Roles of HR Audit &
Organizational Culture, Scholar’s Press.
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Retail and Supply Chain Management
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor / MBA - 402 Major
Subject: Retail Supply Chain Management
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objectives:
To understand the concept of supply chain and value chains in the context of retailing
To understand the environmental factors affecting supply chain management in the context of
globalization and process centered management
To understand the important of the PLC and demand driven tools and techniques in supply chain
To understand the concept of product tracking via bar codes, RFID applicationin the retail supply chain
To understand the concept of process standardization, cash to cash cycle reduction and opportunities
in return in the retail supply chain process
Course Contents
1. Defining the Retail Supply Chain: Introduction; More than Stores; Defining the terms: Supply
Chain and Supply Chain Management; the Importance of Customer Segments; Adding Value along the
Chain; Types of Supply Chain Business; Supply Chain Component Data.
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2. Retail supply chain environment: Importance of Drivers; Innovation Driver; Extended Product
Design; Globalization; Flexibility Imperative – the Ultimate Capability; Process Centered Management.
3. Retail strategy and supply chains: The Product Life Cycle; Innovative and Functional Products;
Market Research Costs; Customer Value and Product Types.
4. The Demand Driven Supply Chain: Vision for the Demand – Driven Supply Chain; the Path from
Forecast Driven to Demand Driven; Demand Driven Tools and Techniques; Sponsoring the Demand
Driven Supply Chain.
5. Product Tracking Along Retail Supply Chains: Low Tech Retailing; Beyond Basic Bar Codes;
Radio Frequency identification: The Retail Application, RFID Applications.
6. Retail Return:Types of Returns; Opportunities in Returns: Reduced Returns, Improved Customer
Service, Collaboration with Partners, Customer Feedback, Material Source, Environmental Mitigation,
Additional Business, Cash to Cash Cycle Reduction, Process Standardization.
1. Ayers, James B., Handbook of Supply Chain Management - Auerback Publication
2. B Ayers, James, and Odegaard, Mary Ann – Retail Supply Chain Management, Auerbach
3. Hugos, NJ, Essentials of Supply Chain Management -John Wiley and Sons
4. Levy, Michael and A Weitz, Barton, Retailing Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., 5th Edition,2003.
5. Activity – Based Costing: Making it Work for Small and Mid- Sized Companies, John Wiley, New
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Retail and Supply Chain Management
Paper Code: MBA- 403 for Major
Subject: Retail Buyer Behaviour
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course objectives:
To understand the factors affecting retail shopper behaviour
To understand the different stages of the retail buying decision process
To understand the needs and motives model in retail consumer behaviour
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To gain insight on the effects of social, cultural and opinion leadership on retail consumer behaviour
To understand the concept of perception, different buying roles, brand choice, cognitive dissonance and
brand loyalty in the context of retail management
Course Contents
1. Introduction Marketing and Consumer Orientation: Factors Influencing Buyer Behaviour, Buyer
Behaviour - Concepts and Techniques for Understanding Retail Shopper Behaviour.
2. Customer Buying Behaviour Process: Customer Buying Behaviour Process - Stages in Retail
Buying Decision Process - Eight Step Research Process, Information Search and Alternative Evaluation.
3. Consumer Needs: Consumer needs - Types and Systems of Need, Understanding Customer Needs
and Motives Model of Retail Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Attitudes and Personality.
4. Group Dynamics and Cultural Influence: Group Dynamics and Consumer Reference Groups -
Influence of Culture on Consumer Behaviour - Opinion Leadership Process - Personal influence on the
Shopper, Social and Cultural influence on the Customer.
5. Relevant Theories of Personality: Perception Motivation Customer Buying Roles, Brand Choice and
Post Purchase Dissonance, Brand Loyalty.
1.Schiffman, L. G. and Kanuk, L. L., Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2.Hawkins, D. I. Best, R. J. and Coney, K. A. and Mookerjee, A., Consumer Behaviour, Building
Marketing Strategy, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3.Solomon, Michael R., Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having and Being, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New
4.Majumdar, R., Consumer Behaviour: Insights from the Indian Market, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New
5.Loudon, David L. and Della, Bitta J., Consumer Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Learning objectives
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Students shall be able to choose a marketing communications mix to achieve the communications and
behavioral objectives.
Students shall learn to develop an integrated cross-media strategy and creative message and concept
to reach the target audience and deliver the brand promise.
Structure an integrated marketing communications campaign plan based on the application of
marketing concepts.
Measure and critically evaluate the communications effects and results of an IMC campaign to
determine its success.
Course Contents
1.Communication tools: Sales Promotion - Advertising - Personal Selling - Public Relations.
2.Promotion Planning: Budgeting for the Promotional Program - Implementation - Measurement of the
organization’s external communications with its environment and control.
3. Communication Process: Organizing for Advertising and Promotion - Role of Ad Agencies and
Marketing Communication Organization.
4. Buyer Response Issues: Issues affecting buyer response to source, message, and channels:
Psychological – Social - Situational issues.
5. Media Planning and Strategy: Evaluation of Broadcast Media - Evaluation of Print Media - The
Internet and Interactive Media - Support Media.
6. Brand Development: Extension, Rejuvenation, Re-launch - Product Vs Brands - Why brands matter
- Can anything be branded? - Factors shaping a brand over its life cycle - Brand challenges and
opportunities - Brand Positioning & Brand Building- Brand knowledge - Brand portfolios and market
segmentation- Steps of brand building - Identifying and establishing brand positioning, Defining and
establishing brand values.
7. Designing & Sustaining Branding Strategies: Brand hierarchy, Branding strategy, Brand extension
and brand transfer - Managing brand over time
8. Brand Equity: Concept - Sources – Benefits, Choosing Brand Elements to Build Equity, Brand
element choice criteria - Brand element options - Measuring sources of brand equity and consumer
mind-set - Co-branding - celebrity endorsement.
1. Ray, M. L., Advertising and communication management. Prentice-Hall.
2. Copley, P., Marketing Communications Management. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
3. Rossier, R., Percy, L., Advertising Communications and Promotion Management, Prentice-Hall.
4. Belch, M., Belch, G., Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications
Perspective. McGraw-Hill Education.
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Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Strategic Marketing Management
MBA- 403 for Major
Subject: Services Marketing
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Learning Objectives
To understand how the services sector operates in developed economies
To understand and illustrate the main components of services marketing theory
To appraise the way in which this theory can be practically applied in the service sector
To develop and justify alternative marketing approaches that can be used by service managers
Course Contents
1. Industrial Services: Importance of Services Marketing - Services Marketing Management Process –
Introduction to Services Marketing Mix – People – The key role of service employees in a service business -
Concept of Service encounter - Moment of Truth; Physical evidence: Nature – Importance of Servicescape;
Process Service: as a process, as a system - Different aspects and managerial challenges Strategies for
managing inconsistency – Employee and Customer: roles in services.
2. Segmentation: Targeting and Positioning of Services - Services Design and Development – Service
Blueprinting - Service Process - Managing Service Personnel - Service life cycle - Service design -Service
3. Pricing of services: Factors involved in pricing a service product - demand variation and capacity constraints
- Capacity Planning - Measures to respond to changes in demand Reshaping demand using effective pricing.
4. Service Promotion: Promotion objective for Services - Managing the Integrated Services - Communication
Mix - Personnel Selling - Advertising and Sales Promotion - Role of Relationship Marketing in promoting
5. Customer Satisfaction: Monitoring and measuring - Understanding Customer Expectations and Zone of
Tolerance - Order taking and fulfilment - Service Guarantee - Handling complaints, Defects, Failures and
6. Quality in Services: Concept and Importance – Service Quality Models: Parsuraman – Zeithamal -Bitner
(PZB) – Gaps Model - SERVQUAL and SERVPERF – Gronroos model.
7. Distribution Strategies for Services: Challenges in distribution of services - Role of Internet in distribution of
Services - e-services.
8. Marketing Applications in Select Service Industries: Hospitality Services - Airlines – Tourism Services -
Health Care and Wellness - Banking and Insurance Services.
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9. Services in Global Perspective: International Marketing of Services: Recent Trends – Principal driving force -
Key decisions in Global Marketing - Services Strategy and Organizing for Global Marketing.
1. Zeitham, V. A., Bitner, M. J., Services Marketing. Tata McGraw Hill
2. Srinivasan, R., Services Marketing. PHI.
3. Baron, S. and Harrisk, Services Marketing: Text and Cases. Palgrave
4. Christopher, Love lock, Services Marketing: People, Technology and Strategy. Pearson
5. Woodruff, Helen, Service Marketing, Macmillan
(Effective from 2020-21)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: MBA: Business Data Analytics & Data Science
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor /MBA- 402 for Major
Subject : Big Data & SQL
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objectives
To know about application of advanced SQL in data analytics
To understand the concept of Big data
To know about Hadoop and identifying the core components of Hadoop
To learn about big data architecture and pattern
To develop knowledge on Spark Map Transformation
Course Contents
1. Advanced SQL: Introduction, Getting started with virtual labs, handling multiple rows for single record,
consolidating multiple results, Caching your views, Linked servers, Collation incompatibilities, Catching
errors, Base 64 encoding & decoding.
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2. Data Analytics in SQL:Advanced SQL, Data Analysis Using SQL, Assignment – SQL, Selecting columns,
Filtering rows, Aggregate function, Sorting groups & joins.
3. Introduction to Big Data: Introduction to Big Data, Need for Big Data, Big Data Storage and Processing
Framework – Hadoop.
5. Big Ingestion & Processing:Big data architecture & pattern, Data ignition layer, Data collector layer, Data
processing layer, Data storage layer, Data Query Layer, Data visualization Layer, Data visualization Layer.
6. Big Data processing using Apache Spark : Apache Spark Introduction & architecture deep dive, Working
with text files to create Resiliant Distributed Datasets ( RDD ) in Spark, Understanding the partitioning &
distributed nature of RDD in Spark, Developing mastery in Spark Map Transformation & Lazy DAG
execution model, Using Map transformation on Real world big data Retail Analysis, Developing mastery
on spark filter transformation, Developing mastery in RDD of Scala collection, NYC Parking Case Study.
1. Acharya SCS, Big Data and Analytics, Wiley
2. Kamal R, Big Data Analytics, Introduction to Hadoop, Spark, and Machine-Learning, McGraw
Hill Education
3. Bahga A, Big Data Analytics: A Hands-On Approach, VPT
4. Groff J, SQL the Complete Reference,McGraw Hill Education
(Effective from 2020-21)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: MBA: Business Data Analytics & Data Science
Paper Code: MBA- 403 for Major
Subject : Introduction to Data Visualization with Tableau
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objectives
To understand the process of data analysis and visualization of data
To understand the tools to monitor resources and manage content
To develop the ability to create dashboard
To learn Geo coding and mapping in Tabeleau
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To develop the ability to integrate R with Spark & Hadoop for large scale data analytics
Course Contents
1. The Visualization Design : Data Visualization with Tableau Specialization, Data visualization and D3.js,
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization, D3.Js Data Visualization Fundamentals, How to Process,
Analyze and Visualize Data. Motion Chart, Motion Chart, Bump Chart, Donut Chart, Waterfall Chart,
Pareto Chart, Introducing R programme in Tableau.
2. Data Organization &Scripting :Tools to monitor resources and manage content, External repository
hosting and node optimization to improve scalability, AWS key management integration to enhance
security, Custom R and Python scripts in Tableau Prep.
3. Dashboard - Building/ Layout & Formatting/ Interactivity: Dashboard size options, How to set overall
dashboard size, How to use group items using layout containers, Layout container types, How to add a
layout container, How to evenly distribute a layout container’s team, How to format a layout
container .
5. Hands-on Working with Data : Understand the R programming language and its ecosystem of packages
for data science, Obtain and clean your data before processing, Master essential exploratory techniques
for summarizing data, Examine various machine learning prediction, models, Explore the H2O analytics
platform in R for deep learning, Apply data mining techniques to available datasets, Work with
interactive visualization packages in R, Integrate R with Spark and Hadoop for large-scale data analytics.
6. Integrating Tableau with R : What is R Studio, Installing R & R Studio, Setting Up Tableau Desktop with
R, Configure an Reserve Connection on Tableau, Pass Expressions to R, R Functions in Tableau, Run an R
script on Tableau8a
1. Meier M, Baldwin D, Mastering Tableau 2019.1: An expert guide to implementing advanced
business intelligence and analytics with Tableau 2019, Packt Publishing Limited
2. Healy K, Data Visualization – A Practical Introduction, Princeton University Press
3. Milligan JN, Learning Tableau 2019: Tools for Business Intelligence, data prep, and visual
analytics, Packt Publishing Limited
4. Ryan L, Visual Data Storytelling with Tableau, Pearson
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Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Digital Marketing
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor /MBA- 402 for Major
Subject: Social Media Marketing
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
To trace the evolution of social media marketing methods in digital marketing strategy
To understand the process of setting up and analyzing Facebook ad campaigns
To utilize Twitter posts in digital marketing
To identify and utilize marketing strategies on LinkedIn
To incorporate Instagram marketing in digital marketing strategy
To understand common tools and channels for social media marketing
To analyze Social Media Marketing ROI
Course Contents
1. Basics of Social Media Marketing: The evolution of social media; the definition of social media; the nature
of social media; brands and social media; Definition of Social Media Marketing; social media marketing
6. Other Social Media Channels:Marketing using Periscope, Pinterest, Flikr, MySpace, Reddit; creating
strategies for other channels; Social Media Marketing ROI.
1. McDonald, J., Social Media Marketing Workbook: How to Use Social Media for Business,
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
2. Ford, J.E., Social Media Marketing for the Future, Independently published
3. Tuten, T.L., Solomon, M.R., Social Media Marketing, Third Edition, SAGE
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4. Barker, M., Barker, D.I., et al., Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach, 2nd
Edition, Cengage Learning
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Digital Marketing
Paper Code: MBA- 403 for Major
Subject: Display, Video and Mobile Marketing
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Contents
1. Display Advertising Basics: Definition of display advertising; benefits & challenges of online display
advertisements, display advertising channels, running effective advertisements
2. Google Display:Google Display Network; campaign types and campaign setup; ad formats; Google display
3. Video Marketing and Advertising Basics:Definition of Video Marketing; The benefits of video marketing and
advertising; video advertising channels; types of video marketing and advertising.
4. YouTube Marketing and Advertising:Types of YouTube videos; YouTubemarketing processes; setting up and
running YouTube Video Channels; advertising on YouTube; YouTube video analytics.
5. Mobile Marketing Basics:Basics of Mobile Marketing; Importance of mobile advertising; mobile marketing
methods; mobile marketing tools.
6. Mobile Marketing Analytics:Mobile Analytics Metrics;Mobile App Metrics Mobile Marketing analytics tools.
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2. Bortone, L., Video Marketing Rules: How to Win in a World Gone Video, CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform
3. Scott, D.M., The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Online
Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, Newsjacking, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers
Directly, Wiley
4. Mowatt, J., Video Marketing Strategy: Harness the Power of Online Video to
Drive Brand Growth, Kogan Page
5. Guerrieri, A., The Mobile Native's Guide to Marketing,AkilaOne
6. Garris, M., Mishra, K., A Beginner's Guide to Mobile Marketing, Business Expert Press
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Banking and Strategic Finance
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor /MBA- 402 for Major
Subject: Fundamental and Technical Analysis
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objectives:
To understand the basic objectives of Fundamental Analysis
To know about the E-I-C framework
To identify various key Revenue drivers for the Industries
To understand various Financial Statements used to analyze a Company
To learn the basics of Technical Analysis
To analyze various methods used for Stock selection
Course Contents
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6. Analysis of a Company’s Share Price:Study of Financial Position, Understanding Various Methods for Stock
1. Palat, R., Fundamental Analysis for Investors, Vision Books
2. Kumar, N. and Mohapatra, S., The Use of Technical and Fundamental Analysis in Stock market
in Emerging and Developed Economies, Emerald Group
3. Sincere, M., Understanding Stocks., McGraw Hill Professional
4. Parameswaran, S., Equity Shares, Preferred Shares and Stock Market Indices., McGraw-Hill
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Banking and Strategic Finance
Paper Code: MBA-403 for Major
Subject: Investment Analysis
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objectives:
To understand the structure of Indian Financial Markets
To learn different types of Investment returns
To understand various asset allocation and rebalancing strategies
To understand the role of Insurance in Financial Planning
To learn various types of Retirement products
To understand the role of Regulators and SRO’s
Course Contents
1. Introduction to Indian Financial Markets:The Indian Economy, The Indian Financial Markets, Structure of
Financial Markets in India, Role of Participants in the Securities Market, Regulators of Financial Markets,
Nature and Definition of Primary Markets, Role and Function of the Secondary Market, CorporateActions.
2. Managing Investment Returns:Understanding Returns, The Concept of Compounding, Real Rate of Return
VS Nominal Rate of Returns, Tax Adjusted Returns, Risk Adjusted Returns.
3. Asset Allocation and Investment Strategies:Various Asset Classes, Portfolio Construction, Practical Asset
Allocation and Rebalancing Strategies, Portfolio Monitoring and Re balancing.
4. Insurance:Introduction to Insurance, Fundamentals of Risk Management, Insurance Contract, Terminology,
Elements and Principles, General Insurance, Personal and Liability Insurance, Financial Planning and Life
Insurance, Types of Life Insurance Policies, InsuranceIntermediaries
5. Retirement Planning:Introduction to Retirement Planning Process, Estimate your Retirement Corpus,
Determining the Retirement Corpus, RetirementProducts.
6. Regulatory Environment and Ethical Issue:Regulation for Investment Advisers, Regulatory System and
Environment, Role of Regulators, Role of SRO, PMLA Act (2002), Code of Conduct and Ethics, Ethical Issue
in Providing Financial Services, Investor Complaint RedressalSystem.
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1. Chandra, P., Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Mc Graw Hill Education
2. Scott, D. L., How to Manage Your Investment Risks and Returns, Vision Books
3. Sankaran, S., Wealth Engine: Indian Financial Planning & Wealth Management Handbook,
Vision Books
4. Graham, B. and Dodd, D., Security Analysis, Sixth Edition , Mc Graw Hill Education
(Effective from 2018-19)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Operations and Systems Management
Paper Code: MBA- 401 for Minor / 402 for Major
Subject: E-Commerce Programming Languages
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
The objective of the course is to develop the concepts, vocabulary, and procedures associated
with E-Commerce Programming. The student gains an overview of all aspects of E-Commerce.
The topics include development of the Internet and E-Commerce applications, in perspective of
doing business on the Internet, features of Web sites and the tools used to build an E-Commerce
web site, marketing issues, payment options, security issues, and customer service.
Course Contents
1. Introduction: Introduction to Electronic Commerce, Traditional Commerce and Electronic
2. Technology Infrastructure: The Internet and the World Wide Web, Introduction to the Internet
and the World Wide Web, Internet Protocols, Internet Engineering Task Force, IMAP Connection,
Mark-up Languages and the Web, W3C XHTML Version 1.0 Specification, W3C HTML Page,
XML Registry, W3C XML Pages, HTML and XML Editors (Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia
Dreamweaver), Intranets and Extranets.
3. Marketing Selling and Strategies on the Web: Web Marketing Strategies, Communicating with
Different Market Segments, Beyond Marketing on the Web, Advertising on the Web, Creating and
Maintaining Brands on the Web, Revenue Models for Selling on the Web, Digital Content
Revenue Models, Targeted Classified Advertising Sites, Fee for Transaction Model, E-Trade,
Event Tickets, Online Banking and Financial Services, Electronic Data Interchange to Electronic
Commerce: Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities, Electronic Marketplaces and Portals.
4. Web Auctions and Virtual Communities: Auction Overview, Web Auctions and Related
Businesses, Auction Related Services, Virtual Community
5. The Environment of Electronic Commerce: International, Legal, Ethical, and Tax Issues:
Language Issues, Trust and Culture, Infrastructure Issues, The Legal Environment of Electronic
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6. Web Server Hardware and Software: Web Server Basics, Web Site and Internet Utility
Programs, Spam Information Sites, Data Analysis Software, Link-Checking Utilities, Web Server
Hardware, Web Hosting.
7. Security Threats and Security System: Internet Security Issues, Intellectual Property Threats,
Threats to the Security of Client Computers & Server Computers, Electronic Commerce Security,
Objectives, Protecting Electronic Commerce Communication Channels.
8. Payment Systems for Electronic Commerce: Online Payment, Payment Cards, Electronic Cash,
Taxation and Electronic Commerce.
1. Larry Ullman, Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Janice Reynolds, The Complete E-Commerce Book: Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Web-
based Business, Taylor & Francis
3. Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, Elizabeth Chang, E-Commerce, Fundamentals And
Applications, Wiley.
(Effective from 2018-19)
Major Specialization Groups
Specialization: Operations and Systems Management
Paper Code: MBA- 403
Subject: Information Technology Enabled Services
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
The objective of the course is to make the students explore the services of I.T.E.S, and also
measure the scope for applications of I.T.E.S in promoting Services Marketing. It will also
develop the understanding of Information Technology that enables the business by improving
the quality of service. ITeS is also called web-enabled services or remote services that cover the
entire operations which exploit Information Technology for improving the efficiency of an
organisation and also evaluate the Elements of Promotion of Services. The overall objective of
this course is to produce highly trained, qualified and globally competitive certificate level
human resource for absorption into various sectors.
Course Contents
1. Introduction to IT Enabled Services: Meaning of IT Enabled Services, Users of IT Enabled
Services, Technology Involved, Deployment Issues in Establishment of IT Enabled Services,
Medical, Legal, E-Banking, E-Business.
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2. Environment Scanning and Competitiveness of IT and ITES Industry: The Global IT and
ITES Industry, Overview of India’s IT and ITES Industry, IT Services (ITES/BPO Engineering
Services, R&D, and Software Products).
3. Current Employment in the IT and ITES industry: Newly Emerging Area and Requirement of
IT Enabled Service Sector.
4. Skill Development in the IT Industry: Value Chain in the IT industry, Skills Required and Skill
Gaps in the IT Industry, Format and Transcribe a Variety of Law Office Documents, Knowledge
of a Variety of Legal Forms and Documents including Letters, Memos, Briefs, Pleadings,
Agendas, Transcripts, Reports, Delivery Skill Requirements and Skill Gaps Specific to Pre-Sales
and Business Analysis, Major Trends Impacting Skill Requirements for the IT Industry.
5. ITES in Medical Field: Medical Transcription and Editing, Medical Terminology, Transcribe All
Forms of Medical Reports, Laboratory, Data, Diagnostic Assessments, and Health Records,
Medical Records Management: (Understanding Medical Records, Model Report Forms)
6. IT Law: An Overview of Indian IT Law, Introduction to Indian Legal System, Understanding of
IT Law, IT Act, 2000 with Amendments, Scope, Electronic Signature, Offences and Punishment
under the Act.
7. Industry Oriented Human Resource Requirement: Outlook of the IT and ITES Industry.
1. Uesugi, Shiro (Ed.), IT Enabled Services, Springer
2. Hannes Tschofenig, and Henning Schulzrinne, IP-Based Emergency Services. WILEY
3. Nikhil Treebhoohu, Promoting IT Enabled Services, Addison-Wesley, 2013
4. Cunnigham, M. J., How to build a Profitable E-Commerce Strategy, Perseus Publishing.
5. Awad, E. M., Electronic Commerce: From Vision to Fulfillment, New Delhi. Prentice Hall of
(Effective from 2018-19)
Minor Specialization Groups
Specialization: Retail Management
Paper Code: MBA- 401
Subject: Sectoral Retailing
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to create an overview of various retail sectors operating in
Indian mainly with store based concepts. Different retail sectors practice retailing in a
different way and through the contents the differentiation can be understood and can be
driver to become successful retailer. The different drivers pertaining to both retail and
merchandising management can be discussed through this course and that always helps to
drive the elements of both the aspects, differently.
Course Contents
1. Sectoral Retailing-An Overview: Organized and Unorganized Retailing: Difference, Drivers of
Retail Changes in India, Theories of Retail Development & Business Models in Retail, Retail
Sectors: An Overview and Growth in Indian Market, Financial Retail, Jewellery Retail,
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Pharmaceutical Retail, Travel and Tourism Retail, Luxury Retailing, Other Contemporary
Sectors of Retail.
2. Financial Retailing: Definition, Types, Features, Composition & Size in India, Key Players.
3. Jewellery Retailing: Definition, Types, Features, Composition & Size in India, Key Players,
Jewellery vs. Luxury Retailing.
4. Pharma Retailing: Definition, Types, Features, Composition & Size in India, Key Players,
Health and Medical Tourism, Various Other Forms of Pharmaceutical Retailing.
5. Travel and Tourism: Culture & Heritage, Eco-tourism, Sport & Adventure Tourism, Wildlife
Tourism, Rural &Village Tourism, Beach & Coastal Tourism, Shopping Destination, WTTC,
ITDC, Barrier and Types of Travelers.
1. Pradhan, Swapna, Retailing Management: Text and Cases, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Bajaj, Chetan; Tuli, Rajnish and Srivastava, Nidhiv, Retail Management, Oxford University
Press, New
3. Vedamani, Gibson G., Retail Management: Functional Principles and Practices, Jaico
House, Mumbai
4. Sinha, Piyush Kumar and Uniyal, Dwarika Prasad, Managing Retail, Oxford University Press,
5. Levy, Michael; Weitz, Barton A. and Pandit, Ajay, Retailing Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New
(Effective from 2018-19)
Minor Specialization Groups
Specialization: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Paper Code: MBA- 401
Subject: E-Logistics
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
In the information age, Supply Chain and Logistics are greatly influenced by advances of
information technology. It is imperative for practitioners to be acquainted to basic nuances of
technology applications in the function to take up appropriate roles. LS401 takes a
comprehensive look at the subject incorporating E-Commerce, E-Security etc along with
interfacing areas like E-banking. The course endeavors to familiarize students with modern
day technology applications so as to enable them to perform their roles in industry with
greater effectiveness. At the academic/education level, marketing and other majors would
value add on their business knowledge and acumen through the exposures to E-Commerce, E-
Banking and E-Security.
Course Contents
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1. Role and Importance of IT in Logistics, Transportation and Supply Chain Management: IT
Solutions for Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Information Technology in Practice, - IT
as an Enabler/Driver of SCM.
2. Overview of E – Commerce: Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Definition, Goals of E- Commerce,
Difference between E-Commerce and E- Business, Models of E- Commerce, Limitations and
Advantages of E-Commerce, Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Boom.
3. E-Banking and Its Importance in E-Logistics: Transactions: Inter Banking, Intra Banking,
Electronic Payments, (Payment - Gateway Example), Securities in E-banking (SSL - Digital
Signatures – Examples), Services Provided: ATM, Smart Card, ECS (Electronic Clearing
System), NEFT & RTGS.
4. E- Security: Hazards of E-Transactions, Firewalls, Electronic Market / e- shop, Introduction to
Security, Types of Securities, Security Tools, Network Security.
5. IT and Project Management: E-learning, Models, Video Conferencing, Building Online
Community, Virtual Office and Management.
6. Core Issues in E – Logistics: Logistics & Supplier Chain Management, Warehousing
Management, Transportation/Distribution Management.
7. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Introduction, Need, Advantages, Growth, ERP Vendors.
8. ERP and Related Technologies and Implementation: Business Process Reengineering (BPR),
Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Basics of
1. Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P., Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm,
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
2. Leon, A., Enterprise Resource Planning, New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
(Effective from 2018-19)
Minor Specialization Groups
Specialization: Media Management
Paper Code: MBA- 401
Subject: Media Laws & Ethics
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
Media laws & Ethics subject gives an idea about the laws which are related to the Media
Industry and about which the Media Industry need to abide by. Along with this the subject
includes a part regarding Ethics which is very essential particularly for this subject.
Course Contents
1. Constitution of India: Salient Features, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles,
Constitutional Provisions for the Freedom of Speech and Expression – Article 19(1)(a),
Reasonable Restrictions – Article 19 (2), Article 352-360.
2. Press Law: Media Ethics & Professional Morality, Code of Ethics & Guidelines for the Press,
The McBride Commission, NANAP and NWICO, Freedom of the Press in India, Press during
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3. Copyright Act: Defamation, Copyright Act 1957, Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of
Publication) Act 1956, Law of Obscenity, Official Secrets Act 1923, Contempt of Court Act
1971, Press and Registration of Books Act 1867, Right to Information Act.
4. Broadcast Laws: Broadcasting Code, Video Piracy, Censorship, Cyber Laws, Ethical Aspects
of Journalism and Mass Media, The Press Council Act and the Press Council of India, TRAI,
Broadcasting Bill and the BRAI - Indian Broadcasting Federation, Lokpal Bill and Lokayukta.
5. Press Act: The Press (Objectionable matters) Act – Defamation - Libel & Slander, Contempt of
Court, Copyright, Intellectual Properties Act.
6. Media Act: The Press (Objectionable Matters) Act, Defamation, Libel & Slander, Contempt of
Court, Copyright, Intellectual Properties Act, Press & Registration of Books Act, Delivery of
Books & Newspapers Act.
7. Cyberspace Act: Internet & Cyberspace in the Present Age, Evolution & History of Cyber
Crime, Various Cyber Crimes, Cyber Laws & Information Technology Act.
1. AlvinDay, Louis, Ethics in media communications, US, Wadsworth Publication.
2. Basu, Durga Das, Law of the Press, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Bhatia, Sita, Freedom of Press, Jaipur, Rawat Publications.
4. Joseph, M. K., Freedom of the Press, New Delhi, Anmol publications.
5. Ravindran, R. K., Handbook of Press Laws & Ethics, Delhi, Anmol Publications.
6. Y. K., D. Souza, Principles and Ethics of Journalism and Mass Communication, New Delhi,
Commonwealth Publishers.
(Effective from 2018-19)
Minor Specialization Groups
Specialization: Pharma Management
Paper Code: MBA- 401
Subject: Pharmacology and Drug Regulatory Affairs
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
The course will explain the regulatory framework for controlling and managing drug
development and describe risk assessment methods used in the drug development process. The
course will equip students to understand the therapeutic mode of action, and structural
considerations of different classes of biopharmaceutical agent and will give in depth
knowledge about the current regulatory acts and safety norms of the modern pharmaceutical
Course Contents
1. General Pharmacology: Introduction to Pharmacology, Sources of Drugs, Dosage Forms and Routes of
Administration, Mechanism of Action, Combined Effect of Drugs, Factors Modifying Drug Action,
Tolerance and Dependence, Pharmacokinetics: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion of
Drugs, Drug Addition & Drug Abuse, New Drug Development.
2. Pharmacology of Drugs Acting on Central Nervous System and Pharmacology of Drugs Acting on
Cardiovascular System: Neurohumoral Transmission in the C.N.S, General Anesthetics and Local
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Anaesthetics, Sedatives, Hypnotics, Anti-epileptics Drugs, Analgesics, Antipyretics, Anti-inflammatory
and Anti-gout Drugs, Narcotic Analgesics and Antagonists, Psychopharmacological Agents,
Antipsychotics (Neuroleptic drugs), Antidepressants, Psychomimetics, Anti-parkinsonian Drugs - Digitalis
and Cardiac Glycosides, Antihypertensive Drugs, Antianginal and Vasodilator Drugs, Antiarrhythmic
3. Drugs Acting on the Haemopoetic System: Haematinics, Anticoagulants, Fibrinolytic and Anti-Platelet
Drugs, Vitamin K and Haemostatic Agents.
4. Drugs Acting on the Respiratory System and Drugs Acting on the Gastrointestinal Tract: Anti-asthmatic
Drugs including Bronchodilators, Anti-tussives and Expectorants, Respiratory Stimulant, Antacids, Anti-
Secretory and Anti-ulcer Drugs, Laxatives and Anti-diarrhoel Drugs, Emetics and Anti-emetics.
5. Chemotherapy: General Principles of Chemotherapy, Sulfonamides and Cotrimoxazole, Quinolones,
Antibiotics, Pencillins, Cephalosporins, Tetracyclines, Amino Glycoside, Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin
and Miscellaneous Antibiotics, Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Fungal Diseases , Viral Diseases.
6. New Drug approval process: National Drug Regulatory Requirements; National Drug Policy, Drugs and
Cosmetics Act and Its Amendments, Overview of Schedule, Details of Schedule M &Y.
7. Regulatory Agencies: Requirements of cGMP with Specific Reference of USFDA (21 CFRpart 210 and
211), European Medicines Agency (EMEA) Guidelines, Overview of GMP Guidelines with Specific
Reference of WHO, MHRA, TGA and ANVISA Guidelines.
8. Property Rights: Types of IP-Patent, Copyrights, Industrial Design and Trademark, Importance,
Application, Processing of Patent, Indian Patent Act and Post 1995 Amendments, WTO, TRIPS.
(Effective from 2018-19)
Common Papers
Paper Code: MBA- 404
Subject: International Business
Full Marks: 100 No. of Class: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
An understanding of international business is essential for students in today's interdependent
global world. This course will provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to
understand the global economic, political, cultural and social environment within which firms
operate and to identify the role and impact of political, economical, social, and cultural variables
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in international business. It will also prepare students to formulate and execute strategies, plans,
and tactics to succeed in international business ventures.
Course Contents
1. Introduction: Concept, Theoretical Foundations of International Business, Balance of Payments,
International Liquidity. (10 hours)
2. International Economic Institutions: IMF, World Bank, IFC, IDA, ADB.
3. WTO: Functions, Policies of WTO.
4. Foreign Trade: Composition and Direction, EXIM Bank, EXIM Policy of India, Regulation and Promotion of
Foreign Trade.
5. Exchange Rate Mechanisms: Exchange Rate Mechanisms and Arrangement, Movements in Foreign
Trade and Impact on Trade and Investment Flows, FDI and FPI-Their Impact on Foreign Trade.
1. Chacholiades, M. International Trade: Theory and Policy. McGraw Hill Book Company.
2. Cherunilam, F. International Business Environment. Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Daniels J.etal. Internation Business – Environments and Operations. Pearson Education.
4. Sodersten, B. International Trade: Theory and Policy. Macmillan.
(Effective from 2018-19)
Common Paper
Paper Code: MBA - 405
Subject: Strategic Management
Full Marks: 100 No. of Classes: 40 Hours 4 Credits
Course Objective
The objective of the course is to expose students to various perspectives and concepts in the field
of Strategic Management. The course would enable the students to understand the principles of
strategy formulation, implementation, and control in organizations. It will help students to
develop skills for applying these concepts to the solution of business problems. This course will
develop the strategic thinking and decision making abilities of students, especially in relation to
understanding the employability of various strategies in different situations.
Course Contents
1. Introduction: Strategic Management- Concept, Definition, Characteristics, and Objectives.
2. Corporate Strategy: Concept, Components of Strategy Formulation, Ansoff’s Growth Vector, BCG
Model, Porter’s Generic Strategies.
3. Competitor and Industry Analysis: Strategic Dimension and Group Mapping, Strategies in
Industry Evolution, Fragmentation, Maturity and Decline, Competitive Strategy.
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4. Corporate Level Strategy: Expansion, Retrenchment and Combination Strategies, Corporate
5. Global Strategy: Managing Cultural Diversity, Global Entry Strategies, Globalization of Financial
System and Services, Transnationalization of World Economy.
6. Managing International Business: Competitive Advantages of Nations, RTP and WTO.
1. Kazmi, Azhar, Business Policy and Strategic Management, Tata McGraw –Hill
2. Glueck, William F., Strategic Management and Business Policy, Tata McGraw –Hill
3. Porter, Michael, Strategic Management, Prentice Hall of India
4. Budhiraja, S. B., & Atheya, Cases in Strategic Management, Excel Books
5. Hunger, David J. and Wheelen, Thomas I., Strategic Management, Addison-West International
6. Cherunilam, F., Strategic Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
7. Ansoff, H. I., Implementing Strategic Management, Prentice Hall International Edition
8. Das, Ranjan, Crafting the Strategy, TMH, New Delhi
(Effective from 2018-19)
Common Papers
Full Marks: 100 Paper Code: MBA- 406
Subject: Business Plan Development 4 Credits
Course Objective
Business planning is an essential component of successful business management. This course
will help the students to formulate strategic plan for unforeseen events as well as new
competitors that enter the marketplace. It is necessary for business owners to create a set of
planning objectives that effectively outline how the business will be run, potential risk factors
and effective marketing strategies. It will enhance the entrepreneurial mindset of the
management students.
Students will submit their individual business plan. There shall be Internal Evaluation of the
Business Plans.
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(Effective from 2018-19)
Common Papers
Paper Code: MBA- 407
Subject: Dissertation (equivalent to One Paper)
Full Marks: 100 4 Credits
Course Objective
The dissertation course is an opportunity for students to carry out an independent - though
supervised - applied research project. The purpose of the dissertation is to develop students’
ability to apply their business knowledge and skills to address a business problem.
It is a common Compulsory Paper for all Specialiasation Groups. Every
student has to prepare a Dissertation Report under the supervision of any
internal faculty member. The Dissertation Reports will be sent for
externally evaluation.
(Effective from 2018-19)
Common Papers
Paper Code: MBA - 408
Subject: Grand Viva (equivalent to One Paper)
Full Marks: 100 4 Credits
Course Objective
The objective of the course is to evaluate the overall assessment of the students. Examiners
raise some pertinent questions to the students from their area of specializations and
evaluate their verbal defense.
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