EnvironmentalLaw IQ.902d654d
EnvironmentalLaw IQ.902d654d
EnvironmentalLaw IQ.902d654d
Unit 2
Unit 3
1. What is water pollution? And what are the functions of Central Board Under Water Act, 1974?
Or Write a note on water pollution and functions of State Board under Water Act, 1974.
2. Write a note on cruelty against the animals as defined in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960. Are there any exceptions in the definition?
3. Explain Air Pollution and functions of State Pollution Control Board under Air Act, 1981.
4. Write brief note on Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Or Write a note on object and salient
features of Wildlife Act, 1972.
5. Discuss the law relating to Conservation of Forests under Forest Conservation Act, 1980.
6. Explain the framework of Water Act 1981. Discuss the identified sources of water pollution.
7. Discuss the judicial response for conservation of forest resources.
Unit 5
1. Discuss the object and salient features of Environment (Protection Act) 1986.
2. Write note on “Environmental Laboratory”, “Government Analyst” and qualification of
Government Analyst.
3. Explain “occupier”, “Hazardous substance” and “Handling” as defined under Environment
Protection Act, 1986.
4. Examine the powers of Central Government to take measures to protect and improve
environment under S. 3 of Environment Protection Act, 1986.
5. Explain the rules relating to Bio-medical Wastes and Coastal Zone Development.
6. Explain the procedure prescribed in Bio-medical waste (Management and handling) rules
1998 for safe disposal of Bio-medical waste.
7. Discuss the powers of the Central Govt. in the improving quality of environment under
Environment Protection Act 1986.
8. Explain the different categories of delegated legislations under Environment (Protection) Act