EnvironmentalLaw IQ.902d654d

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Unit 1

1. Explain traditional and modern approach to environment.

2. What is meant by Global Warming? How does it affect on Environment? Action plan to prevent
global warming.
3. What are ‘green house gases’? What are their effects?
4. Explain the doctrine of “Sustainable development” with the help of decided cases. Or explain
the salient principles of sustainable development.
5. What is Eco-system? What are ecosystem services? How does the ancient Indian law provides
insight into policies of forest and wildlife resources conservation?
6. What is Ecosystem? Discuss the provisions of Kautilyan jurisprudence on protection of
7. Define “Environment” and explain the various causes of Environmental pollution.
8. Trace the pre-independence history of forest policy and legislations in India. Or Narrate the
history of environment protection legislation in India.
9. Explain the role of PIL in environmental protection.

Unit 2

1. Explain the principle of absolute liability as propounded by Indian Judiciary.

2. What are the different provisions of the Indian Constitution concerning the Protection of
3. “Right to live in wholesome environment is fundamental right”. Discuss with decided cases.
4. Explain “Polluter Pays Principle” and “Environmental Courts”.
5. Discuss the role of Judiciary in protection of environment with the help of decided cases.
6. What was Mrs. Gandhi’s point of view in Stockholm conference? How government of India
responded to Stockholm resolution?
7. Discuss the fundamental rights contemplated in Art, 14 and 19(1)(g) of India constitution in
the context of environmental protection.
8. Discuss the environmental dimensions of Art., 21 of the Indian Constitution with the help of
decided cases.

Unit 3

1. Explain the salient features of Kyoto Protocol 1997.

2. Write a brief note on Rio-declaration 1992.
3. Write a brief note on The Principles adopted in Stockholm Declaration 1972. Or Discuss the
importance of Stockholm Declaration and its effects upon member states.
4. What are the Common Law remedies available to an individual against polluter of
5. Explain Nairobi Convention 1982.
6. Explain the remedies available for environmental problems under Tort Law and Indian Penal
Code. Or Explain the remedies prescribed under criminal law for pollution problem.
7. Explain the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code regarding nuisance. Or Explain the
provisions of criminal law relating to abatement of Public nuisancess.
8. “Rio Declaration re-affirmed the Stockholm declaration with the object to establish global
partnership to protect human environment” Explain.
Unit 4

1. What is water pollution? And what are the functions of Central Board Under Water Act, 1974?
Or Write a note on water pollution and functions of State Board under Water Act, 1974.
2. Write a note on cruelty against the animals as defined in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960. Are there any exceptions in the definition?
3. Explain Air Pollution and functions of State Pollution Control Board under Air Act, 1981.
4. Write brief note on Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Or Write a note on object and salient
features of Wildlife Act, 1972.
5. Discuss the law relating to Conservation of Forests under Forest Conservation Act, 1980.
6. Explain the framework of Water Act 1981. Discuss the identified sources of water pollution.
7. Discuss the judicial response for conservation of forest resources.

Unit 5

1. Discuss the object and salient features of Environment (Protection Act) 1986.
2. Write note on “Environmental Laboratory”, “Government Analyst” and qualification of
Government Analyst.
3. Explain “occupier”, “Hazardous substance” and “Handling” as defined under Environment
Protection Act, 1986.
4. Examine the powers of Central Government to take measures to protect and improve
environment under S. 3 of Environment Protection Act, 1986.
5. Explain the rules relating to Bio-medical Wastes and Coastal Zone Development.
6. Explain the procedure prescribed in Bio-medical waste (Management and handling) rules
1998 for safe disposal of Bio-medical waste.
7. Discuss the powers of the Central Govt. in the improving quality of environment under
Environment Protection Act 1986.
8. Explain the different categories of delegated legislations under Environment (Protection) Act

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