Ncert Line by Line Botany Editable
Ncert Line by Line Botany Editable
Ncert Line by Line Botany Editable
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
I 1.
I 13. CHAPTER-13
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TG: @Chalnaayaaar 7
Pg-7, Easy a b c d
A) Greek language B) Latin language A) 3 4 1 2
C) English language D) Hindi language B) 2 1 3 4
34. The process by which organisms are C) 1 2 4 3
grouped into convenient categories based D) 4 3 2 1
on some easily observable characters, is 41. Assertion: Binomial nomenclature given
called by Linnaeus is being practiced by
Pg-7, Easy biologists all over the world.
A) taxonomy B) identification Reason: Each name of this system has two
C) classification D) nomenclature components, the generic name and the
35. The scientific term used for the categories specific epithet. Pg-8, Medium
of organisms to study them is A) Both Assertion and Reason are true
Pg-7, Easy and Reason is correct explanation of
A) taxa B) biological name Assertion.
C) systematics D) none of these B) Both Assertion and Reason are true,
36. The process of classification is called but Reason is not the correct
Pg-7, Easy explanation of Assertion.
A) systematics B) taxonomy C) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
C) nomenclature D) identification D) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.
3 7. The modern taxonomic studies are based 42. Assertion: The process of classification of
on organisms is taxonomy.
Pg-8, Easy Reason: It is merely based on the external
A) cell structures features of organisms.
B) external and internal structure Pg-7, Medium
C) development process A) Both Assertion and Reason are true
D) all of these and Reason is correct explanation of
38. Among the following process which one is Assertion.
not the basic to taxonomy? B) Both Assertion and Reason are true,
Pg-8, Easy but Reason is not the correct
A) Identification explanation of Assertion.
B) Classification C) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
C) Collection of specimen D) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.
D) Nomenclature 43. Assertion: Systematics is the study of
39. Systematics refers to organisms, their diversities but not the
Pg-8, Easy relationships among them.
A) diversities of different kinds of Pg-7, Medium
organisms and their relationship. Reason: Systematics is derived from a
B) identification and study of organ English word 'systema'.
systems of organisms. A) Both Assertion and Reason are true
C) identification and preservation of and Reason is correct explanation of
organisms. Assertion.
D) study of habitat of organisms and their B) Both Assertion and Reason are true,
classification. but Reason is not the correct
40. Match Column-I with Column-II and explanation of Assertion.
choose the correct option from the codes C) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
given below. D) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.
Pg-8, Difficult Taxonomic Categories
Column-I Column-II
a Mammalia (1) Specific epithet
44. All the taxonomic categories together
b Manqifera (2) Branch of study constitute the Pg-8, Easy
C indica (3) Taxa A) taxon B) family
D Systematics (4) Generic name C) kingdom D) hierarchy
Codes - 45. The lowest taxonomic category is
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
90. Assertion: The taxonomical keys are based B) Both Assertion and Reason are true,
on the contrasting characters. but Reason is not the correct
Reason: Each statement in the key is explanation of Assertion.
called a couplet. Pg-14, Medium C) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
A) Both Assertion and Reason are true D) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.
and Reason is correct explanation of
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans D B C A C D B D A C
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans B D C D A D B C A A
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D C D D D B A A B B
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans D D B C A B D B A A
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans A C D D B D D C A C
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans C C B B B A A C B A
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans A C B B D D A C B A
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans A C D C C B C C C A
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans B C B B D C B D C C
Biological Classification
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
1. Choose the correct with respect to earliest C) It has seven kingdom which are
for scientific basis of classification categorised in 3 - domain
(Pg. 16, E) D) It has six kingdom of which one
A) It was proposed by Aristotle kingdom is in first and third domain
B) Plants were divided as trees, shrubs & while 5 - kingdom is second domain.
herbs on the basis of their 9. Earlier classification system included
morphological characters bacteria, BGA (blue green algae) fungi,
C) Animals were classified into two groups mosses, ferns under 'Plants' on basis of-
that are those which have red blood (Pg. 17, E)
and those that did not A) Mode of nutrition
D) All of these B) Body organisation & nuclear structure
2. Linnaeus system of classification did not C) Presence of cell wall
deal with - (Pg. 16, E) D) Nature of cell wall.
A) Eukaryotes and prokaryotes 10. How many of following are prokaryotes:
B) Unicellular & multicellular (Pg. 17, E)
C) Photosynthetic & non - photosynthetic Bacteria, Mosses, ferns, fungi,
D) All of these pteridophyta, blue green algae,
3. How many kingdom according to five gymnosperms angiosperm
kingdom classification and Linnaeus A) 1 B) 2
system of classification is/ are dedicated C) 3 D) More than 4
for prokaryotes exclusively (Pg. 16, E) 11. Fungi has cell wall composed of-
A) 1, 0 B) 1, 1 (Pg. 17, E)
C) 2, 0 D) 3, 1 A) Cellulose
4. Moneran cell wall is composed by- B) Non - cellulosic + amino acid
(pg. 17, E) C) Chitin
A) Polysaccharide (Non cellulose) only D) Absence of cell wall
B) Polysaccharide (cellulose) 12. How many kingdom from R.H. Whittaker
C) Polysaccharide (chitin) system does have exclusive autotrophic
D) Amino acid and Non cellulosic mode of nutrition (Pg. 17, E)
polysaccharide A) Zero B) One
5. Chemosynthetic mode of nutrition is found C) Two D) Three
is - (Pg. 17, E) 13. Unicellular eukaryotic are categorised in
A) Monera B) Protist (Pg. 17, E)
C) Plantae D) Fungi A) Monera B) Protista
6. R.H Whittaker classification is/ are based C) Plantae D) Animalia
upon - (Pg. 17, E) 14. How many of the following does belong to
A) Cell structure & body organisation Protista (Pg. 18, E)
B) Mode of nutrition & reproduction Amoeba, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas,
C) Phylogentic relationship Chlorella, Paramecium
D) All of these A) 5 B) 4
7. Five kingdom classification was proposed C) 3 D) 2
in - (Pg. 17, E) 15. In five kingdom classification
A) 1969 B) 1996 multicellularity began from -(Pg. 18, E)
C) 1699 D) None of these A) Animalia B) Plantae
8. Choose the correct about 3 - domain C) Protista D) Fungi
system (Pg. 17, E) Paragraph - 2.1
A) Two domain are dedicated for
prokaryotic while one domain is
Kingdom Monera
dedicated for eukaryotic
B) One domain is dedicated for 16. Identify shape of bacteria (Pg. 18, E)
prokaryotic while two domains are for
Column - I Column - II
(i) Halophiles (a) Marshy area
0 t0
�c O o (ii) Thermoacidophiles (b) Salty area
ofo Co
(a) (d) iii) Methanogens (c) Hot springs
D) N 2 fixing in Anabaena
A) A = Heterocyst B = Mucilagenous 31. Choose the incorrect option about
sheath C = Nostoc, an archaebacteria bacterial reproduction- (Pg. 19, E)
B) A = Heterocyst B = Mucilagenous A) Bacteria reproduce mainly by fission
sheath C= Nostoc B) Under unfavourable condition they
C) A= Mucilagenous, B= Heterocyst, C= produce spores
Nostoc C) They also reproduce by sexual
D) A = heterocyst, B = Mucilagenous reproduction
sheath, C= Nostoc, a filamentous algae D) They show a sort of sexual
26. Choose the correct about blue green algae reproduction
(Pg. 19, M) 32. Here are few statement given below,
i. Also known as cyanobacteria Identify organism on basis of statement
ii. Presence of chlorophyll a, b similar to (Pg. 20, M)
green plants i. Lack cell wall
iii. Photosynthetic autotroph ii. Smallest living cell known
iv) May be unicellular, colonial or iii. Can survive without oxygen
filamentous iv. Pathogenic in animal & plants.
v. Occur in aquatic as well as terrestrial A) Nostoc
A) i), iii), iv), v) B) i), ii), iii), iv), v) B) Anabaena
C) i), ii), iv), v) D) None of these C) Mycoplasma
27. Nitrogen fixation is done by- (Pg. 19, E) D) Chlorella
A) Specialised vegetative cell i.e. Paragraph - 2.2
Heterocyst of Nostoc & Anabaena
B) Specialised reproductive cell i.e.
Kingdom Protista-Introduction
Heterocyst of Nostac & Anabaena
C) Specialised vegetative as well as 33. Protista includes - (Pg. 20, E)
reproductive cell i.e. Heterocyst of A) Unicellular prokaryotes
Nostoc & Anabaena B) Bacteriophages
D) None C) Unicellular eukaryotes
28. Choose the wrong statement for D) B.G.A
chemosynthetic autotroph bacteria 34. Which of the following kingdoms has no
(Pg. 19, E) well defined boundaries? (Pg. 20, E)
A) They oxidise various inorganic A) Monera
substrate such as nitrates, nitrites & B) Protista
ammonia and use the released energy C) Fungi
for their ATP production D) Metaphyta and Metazoa
B) They play great role in recycling 35. Members of Protista are primarily
nutrient like nitrogen phosphorous, (Pg. 20, E)
iron & sulphur A) Parasites B) Terrestrial
C) For their energy production they utilize C) Aquatic D) Photosynthetic
solar energy 36. Nearly all protists are- (Pg. 20, E)
D) They can prepare their food from A) Aerobic
inorganic substrate. B) Anaerobic
29. Citrus canker is- (Pg. 20, E) C) Aerobic or anaerobic
A) Plant disease cause by bacteria D) Photosynthetic
B) Human disease cause by bacteria 37. Nutritionally, protists are- (Pg. 20, E)
C) Pet disease cause by bacteria A) Photoautotrophs
D) None of these B) Heterotrophs
30. Which of following is not economic C) Saprotrophs
importance of heterotrophic bacteria D) Photoautotrophs, heterotrophs or
(Pg. 19, E) autotrophs
A) Making curd from milk 38. Based upon the modes of nutrition,
B) Antibiotic production protists are grouped into- (Pg. 20, E)
C) N 2 fixing in legumes root
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
A) Plant-like protists (algae) and ingestive, B) They have water proof cells
animal-like protists (protozoa); and C) Their cell wall are mucilaginous
absorptive, fungus like protists D) Cell wall is virus-resistant
B) Chrysophytes, Dinoflagellates and 4 7. Diatomaceous earth is used for all except
Euglenoids only (Pg. 20, E)
C) Slime moulds and fungi only A) Polishing
D) Flagellated protozoans and sporozoans B) Filtration of oils and syrups
only C) Sound and fire proof room
39. Which of the following are placed under D) Biagas
Protista-? (Pg. 20, E) 48. Chrysophytes are - (Pg. 20, E)
A) Chryosophytes and Dinoflagellates A) Planktons B) Nektons
B) Euglenoids C) Benthonic D) Active swimmers
C) Slime moulds and protozoans 49. Chief producers in ocean are - (Pg. 20, E)
D) All A) Dinoflagellates B) Diatoms
40. Locomotory structures in protists are- C) Euglenoids D) Green algae
(Pg. 20, E) 50. Photosynthetic protists are - (Pg. 20, E)
A) Flagella B) Cilia A) Euglenoids, Diatoms
C) Pseudopodia D) All and Dinoflagellates
41. Protista form a link with - (Pg. 20, E) B) Euglenoids and slime moulds
A) Plants only C) Diatoms and Zooflagellates
B) Animals only D) Desmids +Ciliates
C) Fungi only Paragraph - 2.2.2
D) Plants, animals and fungi
Dino flagellates
Paragraph - 2.2.1
Chrysophytes 51. Dinoflagellates are mostly- (Pg. 21, E)
42. Chrysophytes include- (Pg. 20, E) A) Marine B) Fresh water
A) Diatoms and desmids (golden algae) C) terrestrial D) Saprophytes
B) Euglenoids 52. Red tides in warm coastal water develop
C) Dinoflagellates due to super abundance of- (Pg. 21, E)
D) Slime moulds A) Dinoflagellates
43. Which of the following modes of B) Euglenoid forms
reproduction can be found in at least some C) Diatoms and desmids
protists? (Pg. 20, E) D) Chlamydomonas nivalis
A) Binary fission 53. Red tide is caused by- (Pg. 21, E)
B) Sexual reproduction A) Ceretium B) Noctiluca
C) Spore formation C) Gonyaulax D) All of these
D) All 54. Dinoflagellates have- (Pg. 21, E)
44. Select the following statement that does A) A single flagellum in the transverse
not apply to diatoms- (Pg. 20, E) groove between the cell plates
A) Diatom cell wall may be impregnated B) A single flagellum in the longitudinal
with silicon groove between the cell plates
B) Cell wall is made up of 2 half-shells fit C) Two flagella one lies longitudinally and
tightly together the other transversely in a furrow
C) Diatom is a chrysophyte between the wall plates
D) Diatom is multiflagellate D) No flagella
45. Silica gel 55. In which of the following the cell wall has
(Keieselghur) / Diatomite/ Diatomaceous stiff cellulose plate on the outer surface -
earth is obtained by- (Pg. 20, E)
A) Diatoms B) Dinoflagellates (Pg. 21, E)
C) Euglenoids D) Brown algae A) Dinoflagellates B) Desmids
46. The diatoms do not easily decay like most C) Diatoms D) Euglenoids
of the other algae because - (Pg. 20, E)
A) They have highly siliceous wall TG: @Chalnaayaaar
56. Which of the following releases toxins that B) Do not produce fruiting bodies
may even kill other marine animals like C) Do not produce spores
fishes - (Pg. 21, E) D) Saprophytic protists
A) Gonyaulax B) Paramecium 62. The slimy mass of protoplasm with nuclei
C) Euglenoids D) Sporozoans forms the body of slime moulds is called -
Paragraph - 2.2.3 (Pg. 21, E)
A) Plasmodium
B) Myxamoeba
C) Sporocytes
57. Euglenoids e.g. Euglena are found - D) Periplasmodium
(Pg. 21, E) 63. Which of the following is correct about the
A) In fresh running water slime mould? (Pg. 21, E)
B) In fresh stagnant water I. Its thalloid body, plasmodium, has
C) In marine environment pseudopodia for locomotion and
D) In both fresh and marine water engulfing organic matter
58. Which of the following statements about II During unfavourable conditions
Euglena is true? (Pg. 21, E) plasmodium differentiates and
A) Euglenoids are flagellates produces fruiting bodies, sporangium
B) Euglena placed in continuous III. Spores possess no true cell wall.
darkness loses their photosynthetic IV. They are dispersed by air current.
activity and die V. Being extremely resistant, spores
C) The pigments of Euglena are quite survive for many years
different from those of green plants VI. Plasmodium can grow upto several
D) Euglena is a marine protist feet.
59. Which of the following statement is true A) I, II, IV, V, VI B) I, II , III
about Euglena? (Pg. 21, E) C) I, II , III, VI D) II, III , VI
A) They show flagellar locomotion Paragraph - 2.2.5
B) They have a rigid cell wall
C) They have no chloroplast Protozoans
D) They are obligate autotroph 64. Protozoans are not included in kingdom
60. (Pg. 21, E) Animalia because - (Pg. 22, E)
i. Instead of a cell wall they have a A) Mostly asymmetrical
protein rich pellicle making their body B) Unicellular eukaryotes
flexible. C) Heterotrophic nature
ii. They have 2 flagella, a short and a long D) Multicellular prokaryotes
one. 65. All protozoans are - (Pg. 22, E)
iii. They have mixotrophic nutrition A) Saprophytes only
iv. In light they are photosynthetic, but act B) Parasites only
as heterotroph (predating other smaller C) Predators only
organism) when they are in dark. D) Heterotrophs (parasites or predator)
v. They are connecting link between only
plants and animals. 66. Which of the following is considered to be
The above statements are assigned to - primitive relatives of animals -? (Pg. 22, E)
A) Dinoflagellates A) Dinoflagellates B) Slime moulds
B) Slime mould C) Protozoa D) Protochordata
C) Desmids and Diatoms 67. How many major groups protozoan have?
D) Euglena (Pg. 22, E)
A) 3 B) 4
Paragraph - 2.2.4 TG: @Chalnaayaaar
C) 2 D) 8
68. Which of the following are protozoans?
Slime Moulds
(Pg. 22, E)
A) Diatoms, flagellates, ciliates
61. Slime moulds - (Pg. 21, E) B) Desmids, flagellates, ciliates
A) Are parasite
C) Amoeboid, flagellates, ciliates, 76. All of the following are fungi except -
sporozoans (Pg. 22, E)
D) Amoeba, ·Paramecium, dinoflagellates, A) Yeast B) Penicillium
Plasmodium C) Plasmodium D) Puccinia
69. Which of the following statements is wrong 77. Which of the following is odd?
about the amoeboid protozoans? (Pg. 22, E)
(Pg. 22, M) A) Toad stool B) Puccinia
A) They live in freshwater, sea water or C) Alternaria D) Mushroom
moist soil 7 8. Cell walls of all fungi consist of the
B) Amoeba has pseudopodia for polysaccharide - (Pg. 22, E)
locomotion and capture prey A) Chitin B) Cellulose
C) Entamoeba show holozoic nutrition C) Silica D) Pectin
D) Marine forms are shelled with silica 79. The body of multicellular fungus is called
70. Flagellated protozoans are - (Pg. 22, E) a- (Pg. 22, E)
A) Free living A) Monokaryon B) Hyphae
B) Parasites C) Rhizoids D) Dikaryon
C) Either free living or parasites 80. The cells of the body of a multicellular
D) Pseudopodia fungus are organised into rapidly growing
71. Which one is correct about Trypanosoma? individual filaments called - (Pg. 22, E)
A) They are flagellated protozoan A) Mycelium B) Rhizoids
B) They are parasite C) Hyphae D) Dikaryon
C) They cause sleeping sickness 81. Which one is unicellular fungus?
D) All (Pg. 22, E)
72. Paramecium- (Pg. 22, E) A) Puccinia B) Toad stool
A) Is a ciliated protozoan C) Penicillium D) Yeast
B) Shows water current movement by cilia 82. Coenocytic hypha is - (Pg. 22, E)
which helps the food to be steered into A) Uninucleate hypha
gullet B) Multicellular hypha
C) Has a cavity (gullet) that opens to the C) Multinucleate hypha without septae
outside of the cell surface D) Hypha in coelom
D) All 83. Many fungi are in __ association with
73. Plasmodium (malarial parasite) photosynthetic organisms to form
(Pg. 22, E) mycorrhizae or lichens -
A) Is a ciliated protozoan (Pg. 22, E)
B) Shows water current movement by cilia A) Parasitic B) Symbiotic
which helps the food to be steered into C) Photosynthetic D) Saprobic
gullet 84. Fungi can be parasites on - (Pg. 22, E)
C) Causes malaria A) Animals B) Human being
D) All C) Plants D) All
74. Which of the following always produce an 85. Fungi prefer to grow in - (Pg. 22, E)
infectious spore like stage in their life A) Cold and dry places
cycles? B) Hot and dry places
A) Ciliated protozoans C) Sea water
B) Flagellated protozoans D) Warm and humid places
C) Sporozoans 86. Fungi occur- (Pg. 22, E)
D) None A) In air and soil
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Paragraph - 2.3 B) In water
C) On plants and animals
Kingdom Fungi - Introduction
D) All
87. Fungi show a great diversity in -
75. Mode of nutrition in fungi is not - (Pg. 22, E)
(Pg. 22, E) A) Morphology
A) Parasitic B) Saprophytic B) Habitat
C) Autotrophic D) Heterotrophic C) Both a and b
B) Diploid gametophyte & haploid 130. Viruses are not- (Pg. 25, E)
sporophyte A) Non-cellular organism
C) Diploid sporophyte & haploid B) Inert crystalline structure outside the
gametophyte living cell
D) Haploid sporophyte & haploid C) Active crystalline structure outside the
gametophyte living cell
125. How many of following enlisted are correct D) Once they infect a cell they take over
about plantae- (Pg. 25, E) the machinery of host cell to replicate
I. Cells have eukaryotic structure themselves, killing the host
II. Prominent chloroplast 131. The name viruses-
III. Cellulosic cell wall A) which means venom was given by
IV. Life cycle has three distinct phase Dmitri Ivanowsky
V. Show alteration of generation B) which means venom was given by M.W.
A) One B) Two Beijerinek
C) Three D) Four C) which means venom was given by
Paragraph - 2.5 Stanley
D) which means venom was given by
Kingdom Animalia Pasteur
126. Kingdom Animalia are characterized by
(Pg. 25, E)
A) Heterotrophic eukaryotic unicellular &
multicellular organism that lack cell
B) Holozoic ,digest food in an internal
cavity and store food as complex
carbohydrates or fat
C) Higher as well as lower forms show
elaborate sensory mechanisms Identify a, b & organism(c)
D) All of the above A) a = DNA, b = capsid, c=TMV
127. How many of following term is correct B) a = RNA, b = capsid, c=TMV
about Animalia- Heterotroph, eukaryotic, C) a = capsid, b = DNA, c= bacteriophage
prokaryotic, unicellular, multicellular, D) a = capsid, b = RNA, c = bacteriophage
store food as glycogen, presence of 133. choose the correct statement-
elaborated neuromotor mechanism A) genetic material of mosaic disease of
without any exception, embryological tobacco causing organism is DNA
development (Pg. 25, E) B) Viruses were found to be smaller than
A) 6 B) More than 6 bacteria but they can passed through
C) 5 D) Less than 3 bacteria proof filters
Paragraph - 2.6 C) M.W Beijerinek (1898) demonstrated
that the extract of infected plant of
Viruses, viroids, prions, & lichens tobacco could cause infection in
healthy plants
128. In R.H Whittaker system, viroids, prions & D) Viruses were found to be smaller than
lichens are grouped into- (Pg. 25, E) bacteria and they can passed through
A) Monera B) Protista bacteria proof filters.
C) Protista and fungi D) None of these 134. Contagium vivum fluidum was stated by-
129. Viruses did not place in classification due (Pg. 26, E)
to- A) Dmitri lavanowsky (1898)
A) Lack in study of viruses B) M.W. Beijerinek (1892)
B) They are not considered truly 'living' C) W.M. Stanley (1935)
C) Lack of genetic material D) None of these
D) All of these
TG: @Chalnaayaaar 24
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Answer Key
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans D D A D A D A A D A
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans C D B A D B A A D D
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans C C A D D A A C B D
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans C C C B C A D A D D
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans D A D D A A D A B A
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans A A C C A A B A A D
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans D A A B D C B C D A
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans D D C C C C C A D C
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans D C B D D D C A B C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans D B C D D B A A D C
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans C C A A C B C C B C
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans A B B C D D A D C B
Q 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
Ans A C C C C D C A C C
Q 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
Ans A B D B A B B D B B
Q 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
Ans D A B B D B A B C A
Q 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
Ans C D D A C D A
29. Rhodopyceae is called red algae because of 35. Bryophytes are - (Pg35, E)
(Pg33, E) A) Amphibians of plant kingdom
A) Predominance of red pigment B) Reptilians of plant kingdom
B) Abundance if d - phycoerythrin C) First vascular bundles containing plant
C) A & B both D) A & C both
D) None of these 36. The body organization of bryophytes have
30. The stored food in Polysiphonia is __A_ (Pg35, E)
which is very similar to __B__ and A) Unicellular or multicellular rhizoid
__C__ in structure (Pg33, E) B) Less differentiation than algae
A) A= floridean starch B= amylopectin C C) They have true root stem and leaves
= glycogen D) A & C both
B) A = floridean starch B = chitin C = 37. The main plant body of bryophyte is
glycogen _A_ that produce __B__ (Pg35, E)
C) A = mannitol B = floridean starch C = A) A= diploid B= gametes
amylopectin B) A= haploid B= gametes
D) None of these C) A= haploid B= spores
31. Member of Rhodophyceae reproduce by D) A= diploid B= spores
(Pg33, E) 38. Choose the correct statement
A) Non - motile asexual spore and motile A) Sex organs in bryophytes are
sexual gametes unicellular and jacketed
B) motile asexual spore and motile sexual B) Male sex organ is antheridium that
gametes produce flagellate (four flagella)
C) Non - motile asexual spore and non - antherozoids
motile sexual gametes C) Female sex organ is archegonium i.e.
D) motile asexual spore and non - motile flask - shaped and produce single egg
sexual gametes D) Water is required for travelling of egg
32. Porphyra show - (Pg34, E) from archegonium to antheridium
A) Isogamous B) Anisogamous 39. In bryophyta, meiosis occur - (Pg35, E)
C) Oogamous D) All of these A) During development of gametes
Paragraph - 3.2 B) Immediately after zygote formation
C) After sometime of zygote formation
Bryophyta D) In gameophytic stage
40. Identify the given diagram and label (Pg34,
33. Bryophyta include - (Pg34, E) E)
A) Hornwort B) Liverwort
C) Mosses D) All of these
34. Identify given plant diagram and label its
parts: (Pg34, E)
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
A) Sporophyte is free - living but attached C) Non - green unicellular, asexual bud,
to photosynthetic gametophyte derives develop in small receptacles i.e. gemma
nourishment from it cup
B) Sporophyte is not free - living but D) Green, multicellular, sexual bud
attached to photosynthetic develop in small receptacles i.e. gemma
gametophyte and derives nourishment cup n
from it 48. In Marchantia (Pg35, E)
C) Gametophyte is not free - living but A) Male and Female sex organs are
attached to photosynthetic sporophyte produced on same thalli
and derives nourishment from it B) Male and female sex organs are
D) Gametophyte is free living but attached produced on different thalli
to photosynthetic sporophyte and C) Gametophytes is differentiated into foot
derives nourishment from it seta and capsule
42. First organism to colonize rock are - D) Spores geminates to form free - living
(Pg35, E) sporophyte
A) Mosses B) Lichen Paragraph - 3.2.2
C) Liverwort D) A & B both
43. For trans - shipment of living material Mosses:
which of following is more suitable to use
(Pg35, E) 49. The predominant stage of life cycle of a
A) Marchantia B) Funaria moss is- (Pg36, E)
C) Sphagnum D) Riccia A) Gametophytes
44. Which of the following is obtained from B) Sporophytes
Sphagnum as coal: (Pg35, E) C) Protonema stage
A) Bituminous B) Peat D) Frothallus stage
C) Lignite D) Anthracite 50. The gametophyte of moss is divided into
Paragraph - 3.2.1 (Pg36, E)
A) Two stage, first protonema stage which
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Liverwort develops directly from gamete.
B) Two stage, second leafy stage which
45. Choose the correct statement: (Pg35, E) develop from secondary protonema as
A) The thalloid plant body of liverwort is a lateral bud.
dorsiventrally appressed closely to C) Two stage, first leafy stage and second
substrate protonema stage
B) The leafy members have tiny true leaf D) Two stage, first protenema stage which
in two rows on the stem like structure develops directly from spore and
C) The leafy membrane have tiny leaf like second leafy stage which develop from
appendage in four rows on the stem spore germination as terminal bud.
like structure 51. Protonema stage is - (Pg36, E)
D) The thalloid plant body of liverwort is A) Creeping, green unbranched and
isobilaterally appressed closely to frequently filamentous stage
substrate B) Prostate, green, branched and
46. Asexual reproduction in bryophytes is not frequently filamentous stage
take place by - (Pg35, E) C) Creeping, green, branched and
A) Fragmentation frequently filamentous stage
B) Gemmae D) Prostate, non - green, unbranched and
C) Budding in secondary protonema frequently stage
D) Oogamous 52. Choose the correct statement about leafy
4 7. Gemmae are - (Pg35, E) stage of mosses (Pg36, E)
A) Green, unicellular, asexual bud, A) They consist, upright, slender axes
develop in small receptacles i.e. gemma bearing spirally arranged leaves.
cup B) They are attached to soil through
B) Green, multicellular, asexual bud multicellular and branched rhizoid
develop in small receptacles i.e. gemma C) This stage bear sex organ
cup D) All of these
53. In sexual reproduction which of following 60. Choose the correct with regard to
is not seen in mosses (Pg36, E) reproduction in pteridophyte (Pg36, E)
A) Sex organ are produced at apex of leafy A) Sporophyte bear sporangia that are
stage subtended by sporophyll
B) After fertilization zygote develop into B) Gametophyte bear sporangia that are
sporophyte subtended by sporophyll
C) Development of embryo C) Sporophyll compact to form strobili as
D) All of these in fern
54. The sporophyte of mosses - (Pg36, E) D) The sporangia produce spores by
I) Is more elaborate than that is liverwort mitosis in spore mother cell
II) Consisting of foot, seta and capsule 61. Gametophyte of pteridophyte is - (Pg36, E)
III) Spores present in capsule A) Small but multicellular, free living,
IV) Spore produce after meiosis mostly photosynthetic, differentiated
V) Elaborate mechanism of spore into root, stemand leaf
dispersal B) Small inconspicuous but multicellular
VI) Presence of peristomic teeth. dependent mostly photosynthetic
A) All are correct thalloid body
B) I), II), III) only C) Small but multicellular, free living
C) IV), V), VI) only mostly photosynthetic thalloid
D) I), III), V) only structure
55. Choose incorrect matched (Pg36, M) D) Small inconspicuous but multicellular
Column - A Column - B free - living mostly non -
A) Hornwort i) Marchantia photosynthetic thalloid body
B) Bryopsida ii) Pol.LJtrichum 62. Water needed for fertilization in -
C) Liverwort iii) Marchantia (Pg36, E)
D) Mosses iv) Sphagnum A) Eucalyptus B) Bryophytes
C) Pteridophyptes D) B&C both
Paragraph - 3.3 63. Sex organ bear on - (Pg36, E)
Pteridophytes A) Sporophytes
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
B) Gametophyte
56. Pteridophytes includes - (Pg36, E) C) On both gametophytes&sporophyte
A) Horsetail B) Ferns D) None
64. Heterosporous pteridophytes is/ are
C) Polytrichum D) A&B both
57. First terrestrial vascular plant is - (Pg36, E)
A) Selaginella B) Salvinia
(Pg36, E)
A) Algae C) Psilotum D) A&B both
B) Bryophyta (liverwort&hornwort) 65. Pteridophytes with all similar kind of
C) Pteridophyta spores is in (Pg36, E)
D) Bryophyta (Mosses) A) Terror of Kashmir
58. Choose the correct statement from B) Psilotum
following C) Selaginella
(Pg36, E)
A) The plant body is differentiated into D) A&B both
true root, only true prostrate stem as in 66. Seed habit reported for first time is
Selaginella and true leaf (Pg36, E)
B) The leaves of pteridophytes are small A) Blue - green algae
as in Selaginella or macrophyll in ferns. B) Pteridophyte
C) Pteridophytes possess xylem, phloem C) Angiosperm
D) All of these D) Bryophyta
59. In pteridophyta - 67. Pteridophyte classification into - (Pg36, E)
(Pg36, E)
A) The main plant body is a sporophyte A) 4 classes B) 4 orders
B) The main plant body is a gametophyte C) 4 families D) All of these
68. Adiantum is member with - (Pg36, E)
C) The main plant body is a gametophyte
on which sporophytic phase is partially A) Pteris B) Equisetum
dependent C) Lycopodium D) Selaginella
69. Match the following: (Pg36, M)
D) A&C
Column - I Column - II
80. Statement-I The cones bearing vi) Bear male cone and female cone on
megasporophyll with ovules are female same plant
cone vii) Bear male cone & female cone on
Statement-II The strobili bearing different plant
microsporangia are called male cone viii) It is living fossil along with Ginkgo
(Pg38, E) A) i, iii, vi, viii B) i, v, vii, viii
A) Both stated statement are correct C) ii, v, vi D) 1, 1v, vii, vm
B) Both stated statement are incorrect 84. Anthoceros thallus and coralloid root of
C) Statement-I is correct while statement- Cycas are (Pg39, E)
II is incorrect A) Similar in morphological structure
D) Statement-I is incorrect while B) Performing N 2 -fixing
statement-II is correct C) Presence of vascular bundle
81. Identify given plant diagram and choose D) B &C
correct response (Pg39, E) 85. Gametophytes is parasitic over
sporophytes is (Pg39, E)
A) Cycadales B) Coniferales
C) Monocot D) All of these
86. The endosperm of gymnosperm represent
(Pg39, E)
A) Female gametophyte
B) Triploid structure
C) Diploid structure
D) A&C
A) Ginkgo, a living fossil 87. Read the following statements and choose
B) Cycas, a living fossil the incorrect response with respect to
C) Taxus gymnospermous reproduction (Pg39, E)
D) Gnetum A) Pollen grains are carried by air
82. What is difference between bryophytic and currents
gymnospermous & gametophytes B) Pollen tube carries the male gametes to
(Pg39, M) archegonia
A) Bryophytic gametophytes is C) Following fertilization, zygote develop
independent free-living structure while but embryo stage is lacking
gametophytes of gymnosperm is D) Ovule develops into seed
dependent 88. All the given structure of Pinus and Cycas
B) Gametophyte of gymnosperm remain are haploid, except (Pg39, E)
within the sporangia retained on A) Pollen grain B) Egg
sporophytes C) Nucellus D) Endosperm
C) Both A & B 89. Gymnosperm is example of - (Pg39, E)
D) None of these
A) Vascular, embryophyte with ovule
83. Choose the correct set about given figure: enclosed is ovary
E) .... B) Vascular, non-embryophyte
C) Non-vascular, non-embryophyte
D) Vascular, embryophyte
90. Vascular archegoniates with diplontic
lifecycle are - (Pg39, E)
A) Bryophytes B) Gymnosperm
C) Pteridophytes D) B & C
Paragraph - 3.5
i) Pinnate leaves
ii) Palmate leaf
91. Tallest and smallest plant species
iii) Branched stem
belonging to angiosperm is - (Pg40, E)
iv) Branching is same as in Cedrus
A) Sequoia and Wolffia
v) Unbranched
B) Eucalyptus and Wolffia
TG: @Chalnaayaaar C) Sequoia and duck-weed
A) A = dorsiventral, B = upright, slender 125. Identify following life cycle pattern and
axes, C = alternally that pattern shown in (Pg42, E)
B) A = isobilateral, B = upright, slender �
� �ill -....
axes, C = spirally
C) A = dorsiventral, B = isobilateral axes, v:
C = alternately
D) A = dorsiventral, B = upright, slender ,,. ,. \
axes, C = spirally
123. Embryophytes doesn't includes
A) Algae, Bryophytes (Pg42, E)
B) Bryophyte, Pteridophytes . . . - " . �
C) Gymnosperm, angiosperm lnl
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Answer key
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans A C D D A D B B B D
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans B B D B D A A D D A
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans A B A A D D B A A A
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Ans C C D C A A B C C
Q 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Ans B B D C B A D B B A
Q 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Ans B C D C A A D C D A
Q 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
Ans A C D B D D B A A A
Q 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Ans B D B B A D B A B D
Q 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
Ans A A C B B D D C C D
Q 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Ans B B B A A B C A B B
Q 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Ans A A A D B C B A A A
Q 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
Ans C B A B D B A B A C
Q 120 121 122 123 124 125
Ans B A D A A B
Morphology of flowering plants
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
B) Root pocket
A) Transpiration
C) Coleorhiza
B) Getting oxygen for respiration
D) Coleoptile
C) Absorption of water
v- -=--4 �
16. Identify region of root tip (Pg. 67, M) D) Assimilation of food
20. Silt roots and pneumatophores are
observed in- (Pg. 67, E)
(A A) Maize, Rhizophora
,:; B) Maize, Rhizopus
C) Sugarcane Rhizopus
D) A & B both
ii' BJ 21. Mechanical root observed in - (Pg. 67, E)
A) Sugarcane B) Maize
} C) Banyan tree D) All of these
22. For food storage root get modified in -
A) A = Region of maturation, B = Region of (Pg. 67, E)
elongation, C= Region of meristematic A) Potato B) Sweet potato
activity, D = Root cap C) Ginger D) A & B both
B) A = Region of elongation, B = Region of 23. Match the following - (Pg. 67, H)
meristematic activity, C = Root cap, D Column - I Column - II
= Protective covering A) Conical root (I) Raddish
C) A = Region of meristem, B = Region of B) Napiform (II) Turnip
maturation, C = Region of elongation, root
D = Root cap C) Tuberous (III) Sweet potato
D) A= Region of growing cell, B= Region root
of mature cell, C = Region of dividing
D) Fusiform root (IV) carrot
cell, (D = Protective covering
17. Root hair arise from - (Pg. 67, E)
A) Cortical cell of region of maturation a b C d
B) Epidermal cell of region of maturation A) IV II III I
C) Cortical cell of region of elongation B) IV III II I
D) Epidermal cell of region of elongation C) III IV I II
18. Choose mismatch pair (Pg. 67, H) D) III IV I II
Column - I - Column - II 24. Modification of root Asparagus is meant
for - (Pg. 67, E)
A) Storage of food
B) Mechanical support
TG: @Chalnaayaaar ,--------------
B) A slender lateral branch arises from A) Leaf develop at the node and bears a
base of main axis and after growing bud in its axile
aerially for some time arch downwards B) Leaves originate from SAM are
to touch the ground. arranged in acropetal orders.
C) Stem modification is same as in C) Leaf is lateral gernerally flattened
strawberries vegetative structure for photosynthesis
D) Stem modification mint is known as D) All of these
sucker 4 7. Stipules are - (Pg. 70, E)
41. Match the following: (Pg. 69, H) A) Two lateral small leaf like structure
Column - I Column - II B) Four lateral small leaf like structure
I) Strawberry A. Sucker C) One lateral small leaf like structure
II) Jasmine B. Offset D) Many lateral small leaf like
III) Pistia C. Runner 48. The leaf base expanded into a sheath
IV) Pineapple D. Stolon crossing the stem partially or wholly in
(Pg. 70, E)
A) I - C, II - D, III -B, IV - A A) Monocot
B) I -B, II - C, III - A, IV - D B) Dicot
C) I - C, II - A, III - B, IV - D C) All angiosperms plant
D) I - A, II -B, III - C, IV - D D) Gymnosperms
42. Choose odd one with respect to stem 49. Pulvinus is - (Pg. 70, E)
modification- (Pg. 69, E) A) Swollen leaf base of legume
A) Chrysanthemum B) Swollen petiole of legume and china
B)Banana Rose
C) Pineapple C) Swollen lamina
D) Strawberry D) Swollen stipule
43. In pineapple - (Pg. 69, E) 50. Label - A, B, C, D, E (Pg. 70, M)
A) The lateral branches originate from
basal and underground portion of main
stem, grow horizontally beneath the
soil and then come out obliquely
upward giving rise to leafy shoot.
B) The lateral branch arises time arch
downward to touch the ground growing
aerially for some time arch downward
to touch the ground A B C D E
C) A lateral branch with short internode
A) Lamina Stipule Petiole Axillary Leaf
bud base
and each node bearing a rosette of
leaves and a tuft of roots. B) Lamina Stipule Petiole Axillary Leaf
D) None of these bud base
44. In Oxalis stem is modified for - (Pg. 69, E) C) Lamina Pulvinus Pedicel Axillary Leaf
A) Storage bond base
B) Support
C) Protection D) Lamina Stipule Pedieel Extra- Leaf
D) Vegetative propagation axillary base
45. Lateral branch with short internode & bond
each node bearing a rosette of leaves and
a tuft of root found in -
(Pg. 69, E)
A) Pistia B) Eichhomia Venation
C) Grasses D) A & B both
Paragraph-5.3 51. Arrangement of vein & veinlet in lamina of
leaf (Pg. 70, E)
The leaf TG: @Chalnaayaaar
A) Venation B) Phyllotaxy
C) Aestivation D) None of these
46. Choose the correct response: (Pg. 69, E)
62. Choose correct statement - (Pg. 71, E)
A) In alternate type; a single leaf arises at
� each node.
� B) In opposite type; a pair leaves arises at
each node.
C) In whorled type; more than two leaves
arises at each node.
(A� (B) D) All of these
A) A= pinnately compound leaf; Neem B= 63. Sunflower show- (Pg.71,E)
palmately compound leaf; Silk cotton A) Alternate phyllotaxy
B) A = palmately compound leaf; Silk B) Opposite phyllotaxy
cotton B = pinnately compound leaf; C) Whorled phyllotaxy
Neem D) None of these
C) A = pinnately compound leaf; Silk Paragraph-5.3.4
cotton B = palmately compound leaf;
TG: @Chalnaayaaar 43
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Modification of leaves:
A) Calyx
(Pg. 73, E)
B) Corolla
l __.1
C) Bract D) Thalamus
93. Choose the correct statement- (Pg. 73, E)
A) Sepals are members of calyx
B) Petals are members of calyx A) Twisted aestivation
C) Sepal are plural of corolla B) Imbricate aestivation
D) None of these C) Vexillary aestivation
94. Sepals united in ___ and sepals are D) Valvate aestivation
free in condition (Pg. 73, E) 100. In Calotropis- (Pg. 74, E)
A) Gamosepalous, Polysepalous A) Sepals or petals in a whorl just touch
B) Polysepalous, Gamosepalous one another at the margin, without
C) Polysepalous, Polysepalous overlapping
D) Gamosepalous, Gamosepalous B) One margin of the appendage overlaps
Paragraph- Corolla that of the next one
C) Margin of sepals or petals overlap one
95. Corolla are - another but not in particular direction
(Pg. 73, E)
A) Composed of petal D) None of these
B) United by sepals 101. "Keel" present in - (Pg. 74, E)
C) Composed of tepals A) Valvate B) Imbricate
D) Usually for bud protection C) Papilionaceous D) Twisted
96. Polypetalous is condition with while 102. In Pea find odd one out - (Pg. 74, E)
gamopetalous is for__ A) 'Standard' is largest petals
(Pg. 74, E)
A) Free petal; fused petal B) 'Standard' overlaps the two lateral Keel.
B) Fused petal; free petal C) 'Keel' are smallest anterior petals.
C) Free petal; free petal D) Keel are fused
D) Fused petal; fuced petal 103. The aestivation in gulmohur is -
97. Label (i), (ii), ( iii), (iv), (v) (Pg. 74, M) (Pg. 74, E)
A) Valvate B) Twisted
C) Imbricate D) Vexillary
(')-p�-#,-,J,� (i) 104. Find odd one with respect to aestivation
(Pg. 74, E)
(ii) A) China rose B) Cassia
------ (iii) C) Lady's finger D) Cotton
=::::��;:;:��� (iv)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
105. Androecium composed of - (Pg. 75, E)
A) Gynoecium ndroecium Pedicel Corolla Calyx
A) Sepals B) Petal
B) Gynoecium ndroecium Corolla Calyx Pedicel C) Stamen D) Carpel
106. Each anther is usually__ and each lobe
C) ndroecium Gynoecium Calyx Corolla Pedicel
has__ chambers, pollen sacs
D) ndroecium Gynoecium Corolla Calyx Pedicel (Pg. 75, E)
A) Bilobed; two B) Bilobed; four
C) Tetralobed; four D) None
98. The mode of arrangement of sepals or 107. Staminode is - (Pg. 75, E)
petals in floral bud with respect to the A) Fertile stamen B) Sterile stamen
NCERT LINE BY LINE TG: @Chalnaayaaar
A) B) ✓/'.-·-·-
113. After fertilization, the ovary develop into I
1 1Q1
___ and ovule matures into a ___ J
(Pg. 75, E) ....,-�.,/ \ ..........
A) Fruit; fruit B) Seed; fruit D)
C) �--.
C) Fruit; seed D) Seed; seed
114. Placentation is arrangement of
within the ___ (Pg. 75, E) ....... --v-1/
A) Ovary; ovule
B) Placenta; embryosac 119. In Marigold - (Pg. 75, E)
C) Ovule; ovary A) Same placentation found in sunflower
D) None of these B) Placenta develop at base of ovary
115. (Pg. 75, E) C) Single ovule is attached to ovary
D) All of those
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
133. Calyx of fabaceae show- (Pg. 79, E) 142.
A)Polypetalous B)Polysepalous
C) Valvate aestivationD) Both B & C
G) Kts) Ci"As Q(2l
134. Androecium of Fabaceae is - (Pg. 79, E) is floral formula of how many of following
A)Ten in number B)9 are united Aloe, belladonna, ashwagandha, muliathi,
C) 1 is free D)All of these sunhemp, Indigofera, Gloriosa (Pg. 80, E)
135. How many of following is endospermic A) 1 B)2
seed- (Pg. 79, E) C)3 D)4
Arhar, groundnut, Indigofera, muliathi, 143. Makoi plant - (Pg. 80, E)
Sesbania, Trifolium A) Solanum nigrum
A) 0 B) 1 B) Solanum tuberosum
C)2 D)3 C) Allium
136. The correct floral formula of sunhemp is D) Petunia
(Pg. 79, E) Paragraph-5.9.3
A) (±) ()
k(sJ C1+2+2 A(9J+1 G 1 Liliaceae
¾ 9 k(S). + 21At )+I G, 144. Given diagram is - (Pg. 81, E)
A) Flower of Allium
B) Inflorescence of Allium
C) Inflorescence of dicot family
Paragraph-5.9.2 D)Racemose
145. How many of following are endospermous
Solanaceae seed.
Aloe, Asparagus, Tulip, Potato, Tomato,
13 7. Which of the following is potato family? Pea, Petunia, Chilli, Sesbania, Trifolium,
(Pg. 79, E) Lupin, Muliathi, Ashwagandha, Colchicine,
A)Fabaceae B)Solanaceae Gloriosa (Pg. 81, E)
C) Liliaceae D)Brassicaceae A)10 B)8
NCERT LINE BY LINE TG: @Chalnaayaaar
C) 15 D) 5 B) Gl
146. Onion show- (Pg. 81, E)
A) Axile placentation
B) Parietal placentation
C) Free central placentation
D) Basal placentation
147. Gynoceium of Aloe is not- (Pg. 81, E)
A) Tricarpellary B) Apocarpous
C) (]) Pisum
C) Syncarpous D) Superior ovary sativum
148. Floral formula of Colchicum autumnale
does not show- (Pg. 81, E) ::f,c-5
A) t
Br ©O + ��,;,�
P(3+3J A(3+3J
D) • Brassicaceae
D) All of these
149. Choose mismatched - P . 81, H
u� ��flf)·(?� di
Column-I Column-II
A) Asparagus
150. The floral feature of angiosperm
represented in summarized form as-
(Pg. 81, E)
A) Floral diagram B) Floral formula
C) A and B D) None of these
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans B C C B A A A B D B
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans C B D B B A B D B A
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D B A A A B A B A B
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A B C B A C A A B B
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans A D A D D D A A A A
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans A C A C B A B B B A
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans B D A B D A D D B C
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans A B A D B C D A D A
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans A A A B D B A D B B
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans B A A A A A D B D A
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans C B C B C A B D B A
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans A A C C C A D C D B
Q 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
Ans A A C B C A B A C D
Q 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
Ans B A C D D B B D B D
Q 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
Ans A B A B A A B B B C
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
A) Two layer with little intercellular A) (i)- cortex, (ii)- endodermis, (iii)
spaces pericycle
B) Two layer without any intercellular B) (ii)- cortex, (i)- endodermis, (iii)
spaces pericycle
C) Single layer with little intercellular C) (iii)- cortex, (ii)- endodermis, (i)
spaces pericycle
D) Single layer without any intercellular D) (i)- cortex, (iii)- endodermis, (ii)
spaces pericycle
64. Cortex of dicot root consists of - Paragraph - 6.3.2
(Pg. 91, E) Monocotyledonous Root
A) Multi layers of thick walled
parenchyma 70. Xylem bundles in monocot root-
B) Multi layers of thin walled parenchyma (Pg. 91, E)
C) Single layer of thick walled A) Are fewer than dicot root
parenchyma B) Are less than six
D) Single layer of thin walled parenchyma C) Are polyarchy
65. Innermost layer of cortex in dicot root is - D) All of the above
(Pg. 91, E) 71. Secondary growth in monocot roots occur-
A) Pericycle B) Hypodermis (Pg. 91, E)
C) Endodermis D) Pith A) By vascular cambium
66. Parenchyma cells are generally thin B) By interfascicular cambium
walled. An example of thick-walled C) Both A & B
parenchyma in dicot root is D) None of these
(Pg. 91, E) Paragraph - 6.3.3
A) Pith B) Pericycle Dicotyledonous Stem
C) Endodermis D) Hypodermis
67. Stele includes 72. Epidermis of dicot stem-
(Pg. 91, E) (Pg. 91, E)
A) Endodermis, pericycle, pith A) Is called epiblema
B) Endodermis, pericycle, vascular B) Lacks stomata
bundles C) Has a thin layer of cuticle
C) Pericycle, vascular bundle, pith D) Lacks trichomes
D) Endodermis, vascular bundle, pith 73. Cortex in dicot stem is found between-
68. Identify the figure (i) & (ii) (Pg. 92, E)
(Pg. 91, E) A) Epidermis and endodermis
B) Endodermis and pericycle
C) Pericycle and pith
D) Endodermis and pith
74. Hypodermis of dicot stem is made of
(Pg. 92, E)
A) Parenchyma B) Collenchyma
C) Sclerenchyma D) All of these
(i) (ii) 75. Starch sheath is found in dicot stem in- -
A) (i)-T.S of dicot root (Pg. 92, E)
(ii) -T.S of monocot root A) Endodermis B) Cortex
B) (i) -T.S of dicot stem C) Pericycle D) Pith
(ii) -T.S of monocot stem 76. Cortical cells dicot stem has-
C) (i) - T.S of monocot root (Pg. 92, E)
(ii) -T.S of dicot root A) No intercellular spaces
D) (i) - L.S of monocot stem B) Inconspicuous intercellular spaces
(ii) - L.S of dicot root C) Conspicuous intercellular spaces
69. Identify the correct labels of monocot root D) Very large intercellular spaces
T.S 77. Pericycle of dicot stem is present in the
(Pg. 91, E) form of-
(Pg. 92, E)
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
A) Monocot root B) Dicot root B) (i)- dicot leaf, (ii)- monocot leaf
C) Monocot stem D) Dicot stem C) (i)- monocot stem, (ii)- dicot stem
Paragraph - 6.3.5 D) (i)- monocot leaf, (ii)- dicot leaf
Dorsiventral leaf (Dicot) Paragraph - 6.3.6
88. Read the given statements and choose the Isobilateral Leaf (Monocot)
number of correct statements 93. Which of the following is correct for
(Pg. 93, M) isobilateral leaves?
(i) Leaf of dicot lack cuticle (Pg. 94, E)
(ii) Stomata on adaxial side of epidermis is A) Present in all angiosperms
more in number than abaxial side B) Two different types of mesophyll are
(iii) Mesophyll is the ground tissue in dicot found
leaf C) Stomata on both surfaces of mesophyll
(iv) The adaxial epidermis may lack D) Has similar sizes of vascular bundles
stomata 94. In grasses, large, empty, colourless cells
A) 1 B) 2 are called-
C) 3 D) 4 (Pg. 94, E)
89. In the leaf of sunflower, mesophyll lies A) Subsidiary cells
(Pg. 93, E) B) Complementary cells
A) Between epidermis and cortex C) Cortical cells
B) Between adaxial epidermis and abaxial D) None of these
epidermis 95. Identify the incorrect statement in regards
C) Between endodermis and pericycle to bulliform cells-
D) Between pericycle and vascular (Pg. 94, E)
bundles A) Present on abaxial side
90. Which of the given statements about dicot B) Empty cells
leaf is incorrect? C) Makes leaf curl inward when flaccid
(Pg. 93, M) D) Helps to minimize water loss
A) The abaxial palisade parenchyma is 96. Identify correct labels for given figure.
made of elongated cells (Pg. 94, E)
B) Spongy parenchyma is oval or round _,;RfiT�=::----(i)
C) The spongy parenchyma has large
spaces between cells
D) The parenchyma on adaxial side of leaf
are arranged vertically & parallel to
each other
91. Consider the statements given below
(Pg. 93, M)
a) Size of vascular bundle in leaf depend A) (i)- adaxial epidermis (ii)- abaxial
upon size veins epidermis, (iii)- xylem (iv)- phloem
b) Vascular bundles in leaf are B) (ii)- adaxial epidermis (i)- abaxial
surrounded by bundle sheath cells epidermis, (iii)- xylem (iv)- phloem
A) (a) is correct & (b) is incorrect C) (i)- adaxial epidermis (ii)- abaxial
B) (a) is incorrect & (b) is correct epidermis, (iv)- xylem (iii)- phloem
C) Both are correct D) (ii)- adaxial epidermis (i)- abaxial
D) Both ate incorrect epidermis, (iv)- xylem (iii)- phloem
92. Identify the correct option in context of Paragraph - 6.4
given figures
(Pg. 93, E) Secondary growth
TG: @Chalnaayaaar 61
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Answer Key
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans D C C D A C D C A C
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans D C D B C B D D C D
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D A D C A D B A A B
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans B D A A A D D A D B
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans D A D B C C D C A D
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans B D B C A D B C D B
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans D D D B C B C C B C
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans D C A B A C B C D D
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans B B D C A B C B B A
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans C D D D A C A D A C
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans C D B A A D C C B C
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans C B A B D D B B A C
Q 121 122 123 124
Ans B D C B
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
12. Scientist who gave the final shape to cell 17. Besides the nucleus; the __cell have
theory? other membrane bound distinct
Pg-126, easy structures.
A) Schleiden A) Eukaryotic B) Prokaryotic
B) Schwann C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of these
C) Virchow Pg-126, easy
D) Schleiden & Schwann 18. What is the non - membranous organelle
13. Which of the following is related to cell present in both Eukaryotic as well as
theory :- Prokaryotic cell
Pg-126, medium Pg-126, easy
i) All living organisms are composed of A) Endoplasmic reticulum
cells and product of cells. B) Protein
ii) Proposed by Schleiden and Schwann. C) Mitochondria
iii) Modified by Rudolf Virchow D) Ribosomes of 80s' type
iv) All cells arise from pre - existing cell. 19. Animal cells have another non
v) "Omnis cellula - e - cellula" membrane bound cellular organelle
A) Only one of the above known as:-
B) Only two of the above Pg-126, easy
C) Only four of the above A) Microbodies B) Nucleus
D) All five C) Lysosome D) Centrosome
Paragraph - 8.3 20. Which of the following is not incorrect?
TG: @Chalnaayaaar Pg-127, medium
An Overview of Cell A) Mycoplasma is the smallest cell-> 0.3
µm in width.
14. What is the delimiting boundary around a
B) Bacteria could be 3 µm to 5 µm in
human cheek cell?
Pg-126, easy
C) Human RBCs are about 7.0mm in
A) Cell membrane B) Protoplasm
C) Protoplast D) Cell wall
D) Cell's shape is independent of their
15. What is the Semi - fluid matrix inside the
work they perform.
Pg-126, easy Paragraph - 8.4
A) Cell membrane B) Protoplast Prokaryotic Cell
C) Cytoplasm D) Nucleus
16. How many of the following statements are 21. The prokaryotic cells are represented by:-
not true:- Pg-127, easy
Pg-126, medium A) Bacteria
i) All cells have membrane bound nuclei B) BGA
and nucleolus. C) Mycoplasma & PPLO
ii) Nucleus contains the chromosome D) All of these
iii) DNA is the Genetic material. 22. All prokaryotic cell have this cellular
iv) Cytoplasm is the main arena of cellular boundary surrounding the cell
activities in plant and animal cells. membrane except in mycoplasma
A) Only (ii), (iii), & (iv) Pg-127, easy
B) Only (ii) & (iv) A) Glycocalyx B) Protoplast
C) Only (i) & (iii) C) Cell wall D) Cytoplasm
D) Only (i) 23. Which of the following is related to
prokaryotic cell:-
Pg-127, easy
TG: @Chalnaayaaar NCERT LINE BY LINE
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
B) Lateral movement of proteins within 76. What is the function of cell wall:-
the lipid bilayer. Pg-132, easy
C) Flip-flop movement of lipid crossing A) Gives shape to the cell
the protein bilayer. B) Protects the cell
D) lateral movement of lipid crossing the C) Cell - to - cell interaction
protein bilayer. D) All of the above
70. One of the most important function of the 77. What are chemical composition of algal cell
plasma membrane is:- wall
Pg-132, easy Cellulose, Galactans, Mannans, Calcium
A) Transport of molecules across it. carbonate, Chitin
B) Flip - flop movement. Pg-132, easy
C) Secretion A) Only two of them
D) Cell enlargement. B) Only three of them
71. What ability explains the fluidity of cell C) Only four of them
membrane:- D) All five of them
Pg-132, easy 78. Cell wall of plants consists of:-
A) Quasi - fluid nature of cell membrane. Pg-132, easy
B) Lateral movement of proteins. A) Cellulose & Pectin's only
C) Cell growth, formation of intercellular B) Cellulose, hemicellulose & Pectin's only
junctions; secretion; endocytosis; cell C) Cellulose, hemicellulose, Pectin &
division Proteins.
D) All of the above. D) Hemicellulose & Proteins only.
72. The plasma membrane is:- 79. Which of the following is capable of growth
Pg-132, easy Pg-132, easy
A) Semi - permeable in nature A) Primary cell wall
B) Impervious in nature B) Secondary cell wall
C) Impermeable in nature C) Tertiary cell wall
D) Selectively permeable in nature. D) All of them
73. How many of the following functions the 80. Secondary cell wall is formed
cell membrane can perform:- Pg-132, easy
Active transport; Osmosis; Passive A) Outside the primary cell wall.
transport. B) Inside the cell membrane
Pg-132, easy C) Inside the plasmodesmata.
A) Only one B) Only two D) Inside the primary cell wall.
C) All D) None 81. Which of the following in plant acts as glue
74. Na - K pump transports molecules
+ + between neighbouring plant cells:-
Pg-132, easy Pg-132, easy
A) By passive transport A) Ca - Pectate
B) By active transport B) Mg - Pectate
C) By utilisation of ATP C) Ca & Mg - Pectate
D) Both B & C D) None of the above
Paragraph - 8.5.2 82. Which of the following is traversed by
Cell Wall TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Pg-132, easy
A) Cell wall & cell membrane
75. The outer covering of fungi and plants is:
B) Cell membrane & Glycocalyx
Pg-132, easy
C) Cell membrane, cell wall, Glycocalyx &
A) Glycocalyx B) Cell wall
Middle lamella.
C) Cell membrane D) All
D) Cell wall & middle lamella.
B) Cis & Trans faces different & not inter 104. Vacuole contains hydrolases; lipases;
connected proteases; water; sap; excretory products
C) Cisternae is 0.1 to 2.0 µm in diameter. & material not useful for the cell
D) None of the above Pg-135, easy
97. Golgi body principally performs the A) Only four of the above
functions of:- B) Only three of the above
Pg-134, easy C) Only five of the above
A) Secretion D) All of them.
B) Packaging of materials. 105. The membrane of vacuole is
C) Both Pg-134, easy
D) None A) Single membrane B) Tonoplast
98. Materials to be packed in the ___Fuses C) Both D) none
with the ___face:- 106. In a plant cell vacuole can occupy up to
Pg-134, easy ___% space of cell
A) Cis - face and Trans - face Pg-134, easy
B) Trans - face and cis - face A) 70 B) 80
C) E.R and cis - face C) 90 D) 50
D) E.R and trans - face 107. In plant tonoplast facilitates the transport
99. A number of proteins synthesized by of a number of _(i)_; __(ii)__ the
ribosomes on the __(i)__ are modified concentration gradient.
in the __(ii)__of the __(iii)__ Pg-134, easy
Pg-134, easy A) (i) Solutes (ii) Along
A) (i) ER (ii) Golgi body (iii) cisternae B) (i) ions (ii) Along
B) (i)Golgi body (ii) cisternae (iii)ER C) (i) ions (ii) against
C) (i) cisternae (ii) RE (iii) Golgi body D) (i) solutes (ii) against
D) (i) ER (ii) cisternae (iii) Golgi body 108. How many of the following statements are
100. The vesicular structure formed by the not wrong:-
process of packing in Golgi apparatus is: i) Concentration of same ions inside the
Pg-134, easy vacuole is significantly higher.
A) Vacuole B) ER ii) In amoeba contractile vacuole helps in
C) Lysosome D) All osmoregulation & excretion.
101. The isolated lysosomal vesicle have been iii) In Protistans, food vacuoles are formed
found to be very rich in by engulfing the food particle.
Pg-134, easy Pg-134, medium
i) Lipases A) Only two B) Only one
ii) Proteases C) All three D) None
iii) Carbohydrases Paragraph - 8.5.4
A) Only i) & ii) B) Only ii) & iii)
C) Only i) & iii) D) All Mitochondria
102. Enzymes present in lysosomes are
109. Which of the following statement is correct
accumulatively known as:-
about mitochondria:-
Pg-134, easy
Pg-134, medium
A) Acid proteases B) Lipases
A) Easily visible under the microscope;
C) Acid hydrolases D) Carbohydrases
without stain.
103. The membrane bound space in cytoplasm
B) Number of mitochondria per cell is
is known as:-
Pg-135, easy
C) Number of mitochondria depends on
A) ER B) Golgi body
the physiological activity of cell.
C) Lysosome D) Vacuole
TG: @Chalnaayaaar NCERT LINE BY LINE
TG: @Chalnaayaaar NCERT LINE BY LINE
D) Carotenes ; xanthophyll's & other 129. Number of chloroplast per cell may vary
pigments. from___ per cell of chlamydomonas to
122. Leucoplast is :- ___ per cell in mesophylls.
Pg-135, easy Pg-136, easy
A) Unmodified plastids A) 20-40; 1-5
B) Contains stored nutrients B) 1 ;20-40
C) Imparts colour to the plant cell C) 10-20;20-40
D) Imparts colour to the cyanobacteria D) 5; 10-20
123. What are types of chloroplast:- 130. Common features of mitochondria &
Pg-135, easy chloroplasts are :-
i) Chromoplast ii) Leucoplast Pg-136, easy
iii) Amyloplast iv) Aleuroplast A) Number of membrane & type of DNA
v) Elaioplast molecules only
A) Three of the above B) Number of membrane;Ribosomes type
B) Four of the above and DNA molecule type
C) Five of the above C) Types of thylakoid & genetic material.
D) None of the above D) Types of thylakoid, genetic material
124. Elaioplast contains and permeability of membrane.
Pg-135, easy 131. What are types of thylakoid inside the
A) Proteins and fats chloroplast:-
B) Fats and starch Pg-136, easy
C) Fats and oils A) Intergranal thylakoid and stroma
D) Fats ;Protein and oils. lamellae
125. Aleuroplast contains B) Granum thylakoid only
Pg-136, easy C) Stroma thylakoid only
A) Proteins and fats D) None of the above
B) Fats and oils 132. Flat membranous tubules connecting the
C) Proteins & starch thylakoids in chloroplast is known as:-
D) Protein only Pg-136, easy
126. Majority of chloroplast of the green plants A) Granal thylakoid
are found in :- B) Orama
Pg-136, easy C) Stroma thylakoid / lamellae
A) Mesophyll cells of roots D) All of the above
B) Mesophyll cells of stems 133. The membrane of chloroplast encloses a
C) Mesophyll cells of leaves space known as:-
D) Mesophyll cells of flowers. Pg-136, easy
127. Mesophyll cells are:- A) Matrix B) Cytoplasm
Pg-136, easy C) Lumen D) All of them
A) Lens-shaped; Oval; Spherical only 134. The stroma of chloroplast contains:
B) Oval &spherical only Pg-136, easy
C) Discoidal & ribbon-shaped (i) Enzyme for carbohydrate & proteins
D) None of them synthesis.
128. What is dimension of chloroplast :- (ii) Small single stranded DNA molecule.
Pg-136, easy (iii) Ribosomes of 70's type.
A) Length 2-4 µm & width 5 -10 µm A) Only one the above
B) Length 1-2 µm & width 2-4 µm B) Only two of the above
C) Length 5- 10 µm & width 2-4 µm C) Only three of the above
D) Length 2-4 µm & width 1-2 µm D) None of the above
135. Chlorophyll pigments are present in the:-
NCERT LINE BY LINE TG: @Chalnaayaaar
160. The contents of an inter phase nucleus Statement- (II): Normally there is only one
are:- nucleus per cell.
Pg 137, easy Pg 138, medium
Nucleoli ; chromatin ; nuclear matrix; two A) Both (I) & (II) are true & (II) is correct
membranes explanation of (I)
A) Only two of the above B) Both (I) & (II) are true but (II) is not the
B) Only three of the above correct explanation of (I)
C) Only four of the above C) (II) is wrong but (I) is true.
D) Only of the above D) (I) is wrong but (II) is true.
161. What forms the barrier between the 166. The nucleus matrix contains:-
cytoplasmic content and nuclear matrix:- Pg 138, easy
Pg 137, easy A) Nucleoplasm and chromatin
A) The outer membrane only B) Nucleoplasm, Chromatin and
B) The inner membrane only Mitochondria
C) The perinuclear space C) Nucleoplasm, chromatin &E.R
D) All of the above D) None of the above
162. i) The outer membrane of nucleus is 167. What is not true about the nucleolus:-
continuous with rest of the cellular Pg 138, easy
organelles A) Spherical structure present in the
Pg 138, easy nucleoplasm'
ii) The inner membrane is continuous with B) Membrane less structure.
E.R C) Also known as Ribosomal factory of the
iii) Their are interruption known as pores cell.
present in outer membrane of nucleus D) None of the above
iv) Pores are formed by the fusion of both 168. At which phase of cell cycle the nucleolus
of the membranes. has a loose and indistinct network of
How many of the above statements are nucleoprotein fibers known as chromatin:
incorrect:- Pg 138, easy
A) 2 B) 1 A) Prophase B) Anaphase
C) 3 D) 4 C) Interphase D) Metaphase
163. The nuclear pores facilitates :- 169. Cell show structured chromosome
Pg 138, easy during:-
A) Movement of RNA & protein molecules Pg 139, easy
in only one direction A) All phases except anaphase
B) Only proteins in both direction B) All phases except metaphase
C) Proteins in one direction & RNA in both C) All phases except Inter phase
directions D) All phases except m- phase
D) None of the these 170. Chromatin contains
164. Few of the mature cells have no any Pg 139, easy
nucleus:- A) Histones; Non - histones & RNA
Pg 138, easy B) Histones & non - histone proteins only
A) Their function are not specific C) DNA & some basic proteins
B) Are dead cells with cytoplasm D) Both (A) & (C)
C) Their function are controlled by some 171. A human cell has approximately
another cells. meters long thread of DNA, distributed
D) All of the above among its ___ chromosomes:-
165. Statement- (I): The nucleus per cell varies Pg 139, easy
per cell. A) 4; 46 B) 2; 46
C) 4; 23 D) 2; 23
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans C C D C B A D D A A
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans A C D A C A A C D B
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D C D B C D B D B C
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A B A C D D D C C B
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans C D D D D C C C C C
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans A C D C D A C A C A
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans A A A D C A A D B A
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans D D C B B D C C A D
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans A D C C A A A A A A
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans C A C A A B B C D C
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans D C D A C C C C C D
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans D B C D A C D C D C
Q 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
Ans D B D C D C D C B B
Q 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
Ans A C C A D C B A A B
Q 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
Ans D B B C D D A C A C
Q 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
Ans C D C B A B D A C C
Q 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
Ans D B D C B A D C C D
Q 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
Ans B D C A C B C C D
t�{�';-������. \r---c e_ l_lC_y_c_le _A_ n_d_C_ e_ l_l D_ _i v_s-i
i o-n-----.
�l )<�
'<:1,"'l,,,"'l �
� TG: @Chalnaayaaar
1. All cells reproduce by dividing into ____ Page No-163, Paragraph No-1 and 2
_ , with each parental cells giving rise to__ Statement A: The M-phase represents
___ cells each time they divide. the phase when actual cell division
A) occurs
Easy Page No-162, Paragraph No-1 Statement B: Interphase represents the
A) One; four daughter phase between two successive M-phases
B) Two; two daughter A) Only statement A is correct
C) One; two daughter B) Only statement B is correct
D) Two; four daughter C) Both the statements are incorrect
10.1 Cell Cycle D) Both the statements are correct
6. Match the columns and choose the correct
2. A cell cycle comprises all the listed events, option
except: Medium
Easy Page No-162, Paragraph No-2 Page No-163, Paragraph No-1,2,3,4 and
A) Cell growth page No-164, paragraph No- 1 and 2
B) DNA replication Column I Column II
C) Transcription (a) G1 phase (i) Quiescent
D) Cell division stage of the
cell cycle.
3. Consider the following statements (b) G2 phase (ii) DNA
Statement-1: cell growth (in terms of denoted as
cytoplasmic increases) is a contingent 2C,
process which occur during cell cycle. increases to
Statement-II: DNA synthesis occur only (c) Synthesis (iii) Proteins are
during one specific stage in the cell cycle. phase synthesized
Statement-III: The event of cell cycle are in
under genetic control. preparation
for mitosis
Difficult Page No-162, Paragraph No-2 (d) Go phase (iv) Cell contain
A) Statement-I is false & statement-II and initial
III are true amount of
B) Statement-I and II are false & DNA i.e., 2C
statement-III are true
A) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii
C) All statement are true
B) a-iv, b-iii, c-ii, d-i
D) None of the above stated statement are
C) a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii
D) a-ii, b-iv, c-ii, d-i
10.1.1 Phases of Cell Cycle 7. An average duration of yeast cell cycle is
Page No-163, Paragraph No-1
4. Cell of human divide once in
approximately- A) 60 minutes B) 90 minutes
Easy Page No-163, Paragraph No-1 C) 20 minutes D) One day
B) 90 minutes 8. Cell cycle is divided into how many basic
A) 60 minutes
C) 24 hours D) None of these
5. Read the following statements and Easy
choose the correct option. Page No-163, Paragraph No-1
Medium A) One B) Two
D) None of these
43. What difference would indicate early
prophase & late prophase of animal cell.
Page No-167 and 165, Paragraph No- (ii) (i)
Early Prophase Late Prophase A) Early prophase, metaphase
A) Nucleolus & Nucleolus & B) Late prophase, transition to metaphase
nuclear nuclear membrane C) Early prophase, transition to
membrane are absent
present metaphase
B) Chromosomes There is no D) Late prophase, metaphase
are highly condensation of 4 7. Which stage of cell cycle is best to study
condensed chromosome chromosome morphology
C) Nucleolus & Nucleolus &
centrosome are cen tromere are
present absent Page No-165, Paragraph No-2
D) Other Other organelles A) Late prophase B) Early prophase
organelles like like ER, golgi C) Anaphase D) Metaphase
ER, golgi body complex are
complexes are observed. 48. Condensation of chromosome is completed
not observed in-
44. Identify correct stage of given diagram. Page No-165, Paragraph No-2
Difficult A) Stage where centrosome is duplicated
Page No-165, Figure No-10.2 (a) B) Stage where DNA content doubled
C) Stage where complete integration of
nuclear envelope occurs
D) Stage where complete disintegration of
nucleus envelope occurs
(i) (ii) 49. Metaphase chromosome is made up of-
A) Late prophase Early prophase Page No-165, Paragraph No-2
B) Early Late prophase
prophase A) Two non - sister chromatid which are
C) Metaphase Prophase held together by centromere
D) Prophase Metaphase B) Four sister chromatid which are held
10.2.2 Metaphase together by centromere
C) Two sister chromatid which are held
45. The complete disintegration of nuclear together by centromere
envelop marks start of: D) Four non - sister chromatid which are
Easy held together by centromere
Page No-165, Paragraph No-2 50. Kinetochores are
A) Late prophase Easy
B) Metaphase Page No-165, Paragraph No-2
C) Anaphase A) Precursors of microtubules
D) None of these B) Sites of attachment of spindle fibres
46. Identify stage of given diagram C) Site for origination of spindle fibres
Difficult D) Small disc - shaped structure at
Page No-165, Figure No-10.2 telomere of chromosome
51. Metaphase is characterised by-
Page No-165, Paragraph No-2
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
A) Anaphase B) Telophase
C) Interphase D) Metaphase
10.2.4 Telophase
56. During telophase:
(i) Chromosome cluster at opposite
spindle poles
A) Transition to metaphase
(ii) Two daughter nuclei formed
B) Anaphase
(iii) Chromosomes lose their individuality
C) Metaphase
(iv) It is reversal of prophase
D) Telophase
(v) Nucleolus is not reformed
10.2.3 Anaphase Choose the incorrect statement:
53. At the onset of anaphase, each
Page No-166, Paragraph No-2
chromosome split into -
A) i), (ii) B) (iii), (iv)
C) (v) only D) none of these
Page No-165, Paragraph No-2
A) One chromatid 10.2.5 Cytokinesis:
B) Four daughter chromatids
57. Match the following column -
C) Two daughter chromosomes
D) Eight chromatids
Page No-166, Paragraph No-3
54. Ana phase is characterised by -
Column I Column II
Page No-165, Paragraph No-3
a Syncytium i Divide the
i) Migration of daughter chromatid
cytoplasm of
toward equator.
animal cell
ii) centromere of each chromosome
remain directed toward pole b Cell-plate ii Occur in liquid
iii) centromere of each chromosome endosperm of
remain directed toward equator coconut
iv) Chromatid split and centromere C Cell iii Method of
separate furrow cytokinesis in
v) Chromatid separate after centromere plant cell
A) i, ii, V B) ii, V A) a-iii, b-ii, c-i
TG: @Chalnaayaaar NCERT LINE BY LINE
except at
III Pachytene C Terminalisation
of chiasmata
IV Diakinesis d Appearance of
of nodules
V Diplotene e Synapsis
Page No-168, Paragraph No-1,2,3,4
A) I-a ' II-e ' III-d ' IV-c ' V-b A) a = Anaphase I, b = Anaphase II
B) I-a, II-b, III-d, IV-c, V-e B) a = Anaphase II, b = Metaphase II
C) I-c, II-d, III-a, IV-e, V-b C) a = Anaphase II, b = Anaphase I
D) None of these D) a = Anaphase I, b = Anaphase II
88. Identify stage 91 . Dyads of cells are formed in -
Page No-169, Paragraph No-2
Page No-169, Figure No-10.3
A) Telophase - I B) Telophase - II
C) Diakinesis D) Both A & B
10.4.2 Meiosis-II
92. Meiosis - II initiated immediately after
Page No-169, Paragraph No-3
A) Telophase - I
A) Homologous chromosome separate, B) Prophase
while sister chromatid remain C) Cytokinesis - I
associated at centromere. D) Chromosome have fully elongated
B) Homologous chromosome along with 93. Which of the following resembles with
sister chromatid separate. normal mitosis-
C) Spindle attached to Kinetochore in this Medium
stage. Page No-169, Paragraph No-3
D) This stage followed by diakinesis. A) Meiosis - I B) Meiosis - II
89. Spindle fibre attach to kinetochores of C) Both D) None of these
homologous chromosome in - 94. In the beginning of Meiosis - II, a cell
Easy contain four chromatid. What number of
Page No-168, Paragraph No-5 chromatid is expected to be in each
A) Metaphase - I of meiosis daughter cell at end of telophase - II
B) Metaphase - II of meiosis Medium
C) Both A & B Page No-169, Paragraph No-3
D) Anaphase of mitosis A) 4 B) 2
90. Identify stage C) 8 D) 16
Easy 95. Find mismatched column
Page No-169, Figure No-10.3 & Page No Difficult
l 70, Figure No-10.4 Page No-169,314 & 170 Paragraph No-1
I a I b I Column I I Column II I
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans B C A C D D B B C A
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans A D D C D B D B A C
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans C D D C A C C C A A
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans C B D C B A A A C A
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans D A B B B D D D C B
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans A C C B A B B B A D
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans A C D D D D C A C D
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans C B D B C A A C A C
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans D D B D D C A A A A
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
Ans A C B B B B D
Transport in plants
1. Melvin Calvin earned Nobel prize in 1961 (B) move in random fashion, from high to
for low concentration
(A) mapping pathway of carbon (C) move in fixed fashion, from low to high
assimilation in respiration concentration
(B) mapping pathway of carbon absorption (D) move in random fashion, from low to
in photosynthesis high concentration.
(C) mapping pathway of carbon Page - 176, Easy
assimilation in photosynthesis 8. Diffusion
(D) mapping pathway of carbon absorption (A) in solid is more likely rather than of
in respiration. solid
Page - 174, Easy (B) of solid is more likely than in solid
2. Cytoplasmic streaming helps to move (C) Both (a) and (b)
substances over (D) Does not occur in solids at all.
(A) long distances (B) small distances Page - 176, Easy
(C) Both (a) and (b) (D) None
9. Diffusion rates are affected by
Page - 175, Easy
(A) Concentration gradient
3. Translocation is transport over (B) pressure
(A) long distance (C) temperature
(B) short distance (D) All of these
(C) Both long and short distance Page - 176, Easy
(D) None of these
10. Statement (A) ➔ Diffusion can't occur in
Page - 175, Easy
dead cell.
4. Transport of minerals in plants is Statement (B) ➔ Diffusion is the only
(A) unidirectional only means for gaseous movement in plant
(B) multidirectional body.
(C) Both unidirectional & multidirectional Choose the best option
(D) Dependent on the hormones released (A) Statement A is correct and Statement
Page - 175, Easy B is wrong
5. Nutrients are re-exported from (B) Statement A is wrong and Statement B
(A) nascent leaves to senescent leaves is correct
(B) senescent leaves to nascent leaves (C) Both are correct
(C) all parts to senescent leaves (D) Both are wrong
(D) not re-exported Page - 176, Easy
Page - 176, Easy
11.1.2 Facilitated Diffusion
11.1.1 Diffusion
11. Diffusion rate
6. Movement by diffusion is (A) depend on size and larger substance
(A) active with energy expenditure diffuse faster
(B) passive with energy expenditure (B) depend on size and smaller substance
(C) both active and passive diffuse faster
(D) without energy expenditure (C) doesn't depend on size
Page - 176, Easy (D) depend on size and do not substance
7. In diffusion, molecules diffuse larger.
(A) move in a fixed fashion, from high to Page - 176, Easy
low concentration
--- .·...-
(iii) Diffusion through membrane proteins Page - 1 77, Easy
is called facilitated diffusion.
-- ;:
(iv) Membrane proteins always need ATP to �-
transport substances across �-
- -
membrane. �
How many of the above statements are �
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4 I._____J
(iii) Active transport (III) Selective (D) (i) - high \If w, (ii) - low �f w
(IV) Passive Page - 179, Easy
(V) Carrier protein
31. Which of the given equations is correct?
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
41. In potato osmometer, if potato tuber is 47. If one chamber has a \If of -2000 kPa and
placed in water the other -1200 kPa, which is chamber
(A) water exits the cavity of potato tuber
with higher \JI?
via simple diffusion.
(A) B (B) A
(B) water enters the cavity of potato tuber
(C) C (D) Can't say
via simple diffusion.
Page - 180, Medium
(C) water exits the cavity of potato tuber
via osmosis 48. If one of the solutions has \If w=0-2MPa and
(D) water enters the cavity of potato tuber
other has \JI w=O.lMPa, what will be
via osmosis
direction of water movement?
Page - 180, Easy
(A) A to B
Questions 42 to 48 are to be solved in (B) B to A
reference to the given figure. (C) No net movement
(D)Random movement
Page - 180, Medium
SelecUvely permeable
(A) A (B) B
(C) Both are equal (D) Can't say water
Page - 180, Medium (a) [bl
43. Solution of which chamber has more To prevent water from diffusing in
negative solute potential? pressure is applied. Which of the following
(A) A (B) B statements is correct?
(C) Both are equal (D) can't say (A) The more the solute, the greater will be
Page - 180, Medium pressure required.
44. In which direction will osmosis occur? (B) The more the solute, the lesser will be
(A) from A to B pressure required
(B) from B to A (C) The pressure is equal to osmotic
(C) No net movement potential exactly.
(D) can't say (insufficient data) (D) Both (a) & (c)
Page - 180, Medium Page - 181, Medium
45. Which solution has a higher solute 50. Osmotic pressure is .llil & osmotic potential
potential? is@
(A) B (B) A (A) (i) - positive, (ii) negative
(C) Both are equal (D) can't say (B) (i) -negative, (ii) - positive
Page - 180, Medium (C) (i), - positive, (ii) - positive
46. At equilibrium which chamber will have (D) (i) - negative, (ii) - negative
lower water potential? Page - 181, Medium
(A) B (B) A 11.2.3 Plasmolysis
(C) Both are equal (D) Insufficient data
Page - 180, Medium 51. Match the columns
(C) are swept at some pace in suspensions (C) cytoplasmic strands extending through
(D) Both (A) and (C) phragmosomes
Page - 183, Easy (D) cytoplasmic strands extending through
62. Bulk flow is achieved by plasmodesmata
(A) positive water pressure gradient Page - 185, Easy
(B) negative water pressure gradient 68. Cytoplasmic streaming
(C) Both (A) and (B) (A) helps in long distance transport
(D) It rarely depends on pressure gradient (B) can be seen in Hydrilla leaf
Page - 183, Easy (C) may be part of symplastic movement
63. Xylem is associated with translocation of (D) Both (B) & (C)
mainly Page - 185, Easy
(i) Water (ii) organic 69. Most of the water flow in roots occurs via
solutes and sucrose (A) symplast through living cells
(iii) mineral salts (iv) organic nitrogen (B) symplast through cortical cells
(v) inorganic solute (vi) hormones (C) apoplast through intercellular spaces
Choose correct combination (D) apoplast through endodermal cells
(A) i, v, iii (B) ii, vi, iv Page - 185, Easy
(C) iii, vi, iv (D) i, ii, iii 70. Water movement through root tissues
Page - 184, Easy (A) can be initially symplastic and finally
11.3.1 How do plants absorb apoplastic
(B) has to be ultimately apoplastic
(C) can be completely apoplastic
64. Absorption of water along with mineral (D) None of the above is correct.
solutes by root hairs is Page - 185, Easy
(A) purely by facilitated diffusion 71. Read the given statements
(B) purely by diffusion (i) Mycorrhiza is symbiotic bacterial
(C) purely by active transport association of root system.
(D) by a combination of diffusion and (ii) Mycorrhiza helps in water absorption.
active transport (iii) Mycorrhiza may penetrate root cells
Page - 184, Easy (iv) Mycorrhiza may from a network
65. Apoplast is continuous throughout the around young root.
plant, except at Which of these statements is correct?
(A) endodermis (B) casparian strips (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) plasmodesmata (D) tracheids (C) 3 (D) 4
Page - 184, Easy
Page - 185-186, Difficult
66. Apoplastic movement involves
72. Which of the following statements about
(A) crossing the cell membrane
mycorrhiza is correct?
(B) crossing the tonoplast
(A) Fungus provides N-containing
(C) crossing the cell wall
compounds to plant roots.
(D) Both (a) and (c)
Page - 184, Easy
(B) Roots provide minerals & water to
67. Symplastic system of cells is connected (C) Pinus seeds cannot germinate without
through mycorrhiza
(A) nucleoplasmic strands extending (D) Both (A) & (C)
through phragmosomes Page - 186, Easy
(B) nucleoplasmic strands extending
through plasmodesmata 11.3.2 Water movement a plant
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
73. (iii)
(ii) Xylem
(iii) ----k--_____J
Choose the correct labels for the given figure
(i) (ii) (iii)
Diffusion Into
(A) Guard cell Microfibril Stomatal surrounding alr pore
Choose correct option
(B) Microfibril Guard cell Stomatal
aperture (A) The figure shows water movement in a
(C) Stomatal apertureMicrofibril Guard monocot leaf.
cell (B) The water moves due to a negative
(D) Guard cell Stomatal Microfibril pressure created by xylem.
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
(C) The water moves due to a push force (A) Cycling of nutrients from leaf to root
created by the water diffusing into (B) Cycling of water from leaf to root
surrounding (C) Cycling of nutrients from root to leaf
(D) The figure shows water movement in a (D) Cycling of water from root to leaf
dicot leaf. Page - 189, Easy
Page - 188, Easy 96. Read the given statements
11.4.1 Transpiration & (I) C4 plants loses double the water lost
Photosynthesis - a compromise by C3 plant for same amount of CO2
91. Transpiration (II) C4 plants are more efficient in making
(A) supplies water for photosynthesis sugar than C3 plants.
(B) decreases water available for Choose the best option
photosynthesis (A) I and II are correct
(C) has no relation with photosynthesis (B) I is correct and II is incorrect
(D) Both (a) & (b) (C) I is incorrect and II is correct
Page - 189, Easy (D) Both I & II are incorrect
92. Read the given statements Page - 189, Medium
(i) Transpiration enables mineral 11.5.1 Uptake of Mineral Ions
(ii) Transpiration maintains shape of 97. All minerals cannot be passively absorbed
plants. by roots because
(iii) Transpiration enables light absorption (A) They are present as ions which cannot
by plants. more a cross cell membrane.
(iv) Transpiration causes cooling effect. (B) Concentration of minerals in soil is
Choose the appropriate answer higher than the concentration of
(A) Statement (i) & (ii) are correct, (iii) & (iv) minerals in roots
are wrong (C) Both (a) & (b)
(B) Statement (iii) & (iv) are correct, (i) & (ii) (D) all minerals are passively absorbed
Page - 189, Easy
are wrong
(C) Statement (i), (ii), (iii) are correct (iv) is 98. Which of the given statements is correct
wrong about uptake of mineral ions?
(D) Statement (i), (ii), (iv), are correct (iii) is (A) Active uptake of ions is helps in uptake
wrong of water actively
Page - 189, Easy (B) Passive uptake of ions helps in uptake
93. Transpiration cools leaf surface by upto of water actively
(A) 2-3°C (B) S-6° C (C) Active uptake of ions help in uptake of
(C) 10-15 C (D) 18-20°C water passively.
Page - 189, Easy
(D) Passive uptake of ions help in uptake
of water passively.
94. A limiting factor for photosynthesis is Page - 189, Easy
(A) Water due to evaporation by high light
intensity 99. Ions are absorbed from soil by
(B) Water due to transpiration (A) active transport only
(C) Sunlight due to cooling effect of (B) passive transport only
transpiration (C) mostly passive transport
(D) CO2 due to excess transpiration (D) both active & passive transport
Page - 189, Easy
Page - 189, Easy
95. Humidity of rainforests is largely due to
(C) transport occurs due to water potential 122. Girdling experiment was used to identify
gradient (A) tissue for water transport
(D) transport occurs due to pressure (B) tissue for food transport
potential gradient (C) tissue for mineral transport
Page - 191, Easy (D) Both (A) and (C)
121. Page - 192, Easy
123. In girdling experiment, a ring of bark is cut
upto the depth of
(A) the xylem layer
(B) the phloem layer
(C) the cortex layer
(D) the endodermal layer
Page - 192, Easy
Identify the correct match
124. In girdling experiment, the stem swells
(A) Sugar enter sieve tube, water follows by (A) above the ring, and transport is
osmosis unidirectional towards roots
(B) Sugar leaving sieve tube, water (B) above the ring, and transport is
follow by osmosis unidirectional towards shoot
(i) (ii) (iii) (C) below the ring, and transport is
(A) A B B unidirectional towards shoot
(B) B A A (D) Both above and below the ring, and
(C) A B A transport is bidirectional towards root
(D) B A B and shoot.
Page - 191, Easy Page - 192, Easy
Answer Key
Transport in plants
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans C B A A B B B A D C
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans B B C B B A A B A C
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D A A A A C D B C D
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A A C C A B B D C A
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans D B B A B A B A A A
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans B D C B A C D C C D
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans D C C B B C D D C D
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans C C B A A B B B D B
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans C D C D B B C D A D
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans A D C B D C A C D B
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans D C C A B C D C D A
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans C C A C C A D A C B
Q 121 122 123 124
Ans D B B A
12.1 Methods to study the mineral (A) Generally present is plant tissues in
large amounts in excess of 10m
requirements of plants:
mole/kg of dry matter.
(B) Carbon, Hydrogen & oxygen are mainly
1. Hydroponics has been successfully
obtained from CO2 and H2O.
employed as a technique for commercial
(C) Phosphorous, sulphur, potassium,
production of (PG. 195, E)
(A) Vegetables such as tomato calcium are macronutrient.
(D) Manganese, which is absorbed from
(B) Seedless cucumber
soil as mineral nutrition.
(C) lettuce
8. How many essential elements are
(D) all of these
classified into macronutrient and
2. Hydroponics was first time demonstrated
by (PG. 194, E)
( A) 9 (B) 17
(A) Julius von Sachs, a prominent German
botanist in 1860.
(C) 8 (D) 10
9. How many essential elements are called
(B) Julius von Sachs, a prominent French
non-mineral elements (PG. 196, E)
botanist in 1860.
( A) 3 (B) 5
(C) Melvin Calvin, a prominent French
(C) 7 (D) 9
botanist in 1960.
10. Match the column-I & II (PG. 196, E)
(D) None of these
Column I Column II
3. Hydroponics helps in (PG. 195, E)
(A) Mo (i) RubisCo
(A) identification of essential elements
(B) Mg2+ (ii) Alcohol dehydrogenase
(B) discovery of deficiency symptoms of
(C) Zn2+ (iii) Nitrogenase
essential elements
(A) A-i, B-ii, C-iii (B) A-iii, B-i, C-ii
(C) growing some commercial crops like
(C) A-ii, B-iii, C-i (D) A-iii, B-ii, C-i
11. Mg2+ act as (PG. 196, E)
(D) all of these
(A) activator for enzymes phosphoenol
12.2 Essential Mineral elements pyruvate carboxylase during
photosynthetic carbon fixation.
4. Plants growing near nuclear test sites take (B) inhibitor for Ribulose bisphosphate
up (PG. 195, E) carboxylase-oxygenase during
(A) Selenium (B) Strontium photosynthetic carbon fixation.
(C) gold (D) none of these (C) inhibitor for enzyme phosphoenol
5. Hydroponics are techniques that are able pyruvate carboxylase during
to detect the minerals even at a very low photosynthetic carbon fixation
concentration upto (PG. 195, E) (D) b and c both
(A) 10-sg/ml (B) 10-9g/ml 12. Which of following does play important
(C) l0sg/ml (D) 10- g/ml
roles in opening and closing of stomata
12.2.1 Criteria for essentiality (PG. 196, E)
(A) Potassium (B) Phosphorous
6. The criteria for essentiality of an element (C) Calcium (D) magnesium
are: (PG . 195 , E) .
13. Whl ch of following is part of chlorophyll
(A) The element must be absolutely and ATP respectively. (PG. 196, E)
necessary for supporting normal (A) Manganese, phosphorous
growth and reproduction (B) Magnesium, phosphorous
(B) The requirement of the element must (C) Manganese, Potassium
be specific and not replaceable by (D) Magnesium, Potassium
another element. 14. Which of following is used to categorize
(C) The element must be directly involved essential elements. (PG. 196, E)
in the metabolism of the plant. (i) components of biomolecules
(D) all of these (ii) Activate or inhibit enzymes.
7. Macronutrients are not (PG. 196, E) (iii) Osmotic potential of a cell role.
(A) The concentration of the essential (C) 4,4,8 (D) none of these
element below which plant growth is 12.2.4 Toxicity of Micronutrient
(B) the concentration of the non-essential 43. The requirement of micronutrients is
element below which plant growth is always in .......concentration their
accelerated. moderate decrease cause the ...... and a
(C) The concentration of the essential moderate increase cause ...... (PG. 199, E)
element above which plant growth is (A) high,deficiency symptoms,toxicity
accelerated. (B) low,deficiency symptoms,toxicity
(D) The concentration of the essential (C) low, toxicity symptoms, deficiency
element below which plant growth is symptoms
accelerated. (D) high toxicity, symptoms, deficiency
36. Deficiency symptoms is (PG. 198, E) symptoms
(A) Morphological changes that indicate 44. Any mineral ion concentration is tissues
certain element deficiencies that reduced the dry weight of tissues by
(B) It is not varying from element to about how much present is considered
element toxic. (PG. 199, E)
(C) Never disappear when the deficient (A) 10% (B) 20%
mineral nutrient is provided to plant. (C) 2% (D) more than 50%
(D) all of these 45. Choose correct statements (PG. 199, E)
37. For elements that are actively mobilized (i) The prominent symptom of manganese
within the plants, and exported to young toxicity is appearance of brown spots
developing tissues, the deficiency surrounded by chlorotic venis.
symptoms tend to appear (PG. 198, E) (ii) Manganese compete with magnesium
(A) first in meristematic tissue for binding with enzymes.
(B) first in older tissue (iii) Manganese inhibit calcium
(C) first in leaf translocation in Root apex
(D) all of these (iv) Excess of manganese may in fact
38. Which of following element deficiencies are induce deficiencies of iron,magnesium
visible in senescent leaves (PG. 198, E) & calcium
(A) Nitrogen (B) Potassium (A) i,ii,iii,iv (B) i,ii,iv only
(C) Magnesium (D) all of these (C) i, iii only (D) iv only
39. Chlorosis is (PG. 199, E)
(A) loss of chlorophyll leading to yellowing
12.3 Mechanism of absorption of
of leaves
(B) caused by deficiency of elements like N, elements
K,Mg, S,Mn,Fe,Zn,MO and Cu.
(C) A & B both 46. Choose the correct about mechanism of
(D) none of these absorption of elements by palnts.
40. Deficiency of Ca,Mg,Cu,K lead to (PG. 200, E)
(PG. 199, E) (A) An initial rapid uptake of ions into the
(A) Chlorosis 'outer space' of cells i.e. apoplast is
(B) Necrosis passive.
(C) inhibition of cell division (B) The passive movement of ions into the
(D) no of these apoplast usually occurs through ion
41. Inhibition of cell division is not related to channels, the trans-membrane
deficiency of (PG. 199, E) protein.
�) S (B) Cu (C) The entry or exist of ions to and from
(C) K (D) Mo the symplast is an active process.
42. Given below are list of element (D) all of these
N,K,Mg,Ca,Cu,B,Fe,Mn,Zn,Mo 12.4 Translocation of Solutes:
How many of them are related to necrosis,
chlorosis and inhibition of cell division 47. Mineral salts are transported through (PG.
respectively. (PG. 199, E) 200, E)
(A) 8, 4, 4 (B) 4, 8, 4 (A) Xylem (B) Phloem
(D) Transfer of amino group from keto acid (A) two amide
to keto group of an amino acid. (B) formed from two amino acid i.e.
77. Which of following is Amino donor. aspartic acid and glutamate
(PG. 204, E) respectively
(A) Rl-H I C I NH3- -COO- (C) contain less nitrogen than amino acid.
(B) RZ-C-C00- (D) transported by phloem
11 o 79. Ureides have (PG. 204, E)
(C) H-C-C00- (A) high carbon to nitrogen ratio
11 o (B) high nitrogen carbon ratio
(D) R2-H I C I N3+ -COOH (C)N/C = l
78. Asparagine & glutamine are (PG. 204, E) (D) none of them
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans D A D A A D D B A B
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans D A B D A B A A B A
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans C C B A A B D D C A
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A C A B A A B D C B
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans B B B A A D A D C D
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans C B C A A D A D A C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans C B A A B A D A A A
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Ans B B C B B A A A B
take place?
14. Where does photosynthesis take place? Identify correct labelling. (Pg. 209, E)
(Pg. 209, E) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
A) Green part of leaves A Starch Lipid Strama Grana
B) Green part of stem granule droplet lamella
C) Brown part of stem
D) Both A and B B Starch Lipid Grana Strama
15. Assertion - Chloroplasts usually align granule droplet lamella
themselves along the walls of mesophyll
cells. C Lipid Starch Grana Strama
droplet granule lamellae
Reason - They get optimum quantity of
incident light by aligning along well. D Lipid Starch Strama Grana
Choose the correct option. droplet granule lamella
(Pg. 209, M)
(A) Assertion and Reason are correct and
Reason is correct explanation for 20. Sugar is synthesized- (Pg. 209, E)
Assertion A) Non-enzymatically in grana
(B) Assertion and Reason are correct but is B) Non-enzymatically in stroma
not the explanation of Assertion C) Enzymatically in grana
(C) Assertion and Reason are both D) Enzymatically in stroma
incorrect 21. Which of the following is correct?
(Pg. 209, E)
A) Light reaction depends on dark
B) Dark reaction depends on light (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
reaction A) A C B D
C) Both of the above B) A C D B
D) None of the above C) A D B C
22. If a plant is kept in dark for a long time D) A D C B
(Pg. 209, E)
A) Starch will be synthesized in 27. Which is the most abundant plant pigment
chloroplast in the world? (Pg. 210, E)
B) ATP will be synthesized in chloroplast A) Chlorophyll a B) Chlorophyll b
but no starch C) Carotenoids D) xanthophylls
C) NADPH will be synthesized in 28.
ii��:: -�l
chloroplast but no starch ....,� -111
D) None of these �;:;
D) Assertion & Reason are incorrect. 38. Which of the following is correct?
31. Accessory pigments include (Pg. 210, E) (Pg. 211, E)
A) Chlorophyll a B) Chlorophyll b A) PS I is called P800
C) both of these D) None of these B) PS II is called P680
32. Accessory pigments (Pg. 210, E) C) Both a & b
A) Pass on the energy to chl 'a' D) None of these
B) pass on the energy to primary acceptor 39. Reaction Centre is formed by- (Pg. 211, E)
C) Use energy for photolysis of water A) Only one chlorophyll 'a' molecule
D) more than one option B) A few chlorophyll 'a' molecule
33. Advantages of accessory pigments include C) One chlorophyll 'a' and a few accessory
(Pg. 210, E) D) A few chlorophyll 'a' and a few
A) they help by photolyzing the water accessory pigments.
B) they protect chl 'a' from photo 40. Choose the incorrect statements-
oxidation (Pg. 211, E)
C) they enable narrower range of A) Antennae is a light harvesting system
wavelength of incoming light to be used B) Contains accessory pigments
for photosynthesis C) Does not include reaction centre
D) both a & b D) None of these
13.5 What is light Reaction? 13.6 The Electron Transport
34. Light Reaction is also Known as- 41. When the light energy is absorbed by PS-
(Pg. 211, E) II, it is- (Pg. 211, E)
A) photochemical phase A) Converted to mechanical energy
B) biosynthetic phase B) Used to excite electrons
C) both of these C) Used to change configuration of
D) None of these RUBisCO
35. Choose correct order of events in light D) Both a & c
reaction- (Pg. 211, E) 42. The movement of excited electrons in
i) ATP & NADPH formation Noncyclic Photophosphorylation:
ii) Water Splitting (Pg. 211, E)
iii) Oxygen release A) uphill in terms of reduction potential
iv) Light absorption scale
A) III IV II B) downhill in terms of reduction potential
B) IV III I III scale
C) uphill and downhill in terms of
oxidation-reduction potential scale
D) II III IV I D) both A and C
36. LHC stands for- (Pg. 211, E) 43. The electrons excited form PS II-
A) Late Harvesting Complex (Pg. 211, E)
B) Light Harvesting Complex A) get used up by the first electron
C) Light Hanging Complex acceptor.
D) Late Hanging Complex B) get used up in the middle of its ETS
3 7. The naming of PS I & PS II was based on- pathway to PS I
(Pg. 211, E) C) get passed on to pigments of PS I
A) their discovery order D) get partially used up in ETS and the
B) their functioning sequence rest is passed to PS I.
C) the scientist who named it 44. The electrons passed on by PS I to electron
D) the components of the photosystem. acceptor are- (Pg. 212, E)
B) RUBP 1 0
C) RUBisCo 0 1
Sucm-. 111:uch
(Pg. 216, E)
i ii iii 100. Statement A - In CO2 fixation cycle, the
Carboxylati Oxidatio Regenera molecules of ATP used is more than
A) NADPH used.
on n tion
Statement B - to meet the difference in
Carboxyl Regenera
B) Reduction number of ATP & NADPH used in dark
ation tion
reaction, cyclic phosphorylation take
Carboxylati Reductio Regenera place.
on n tion Choose the correct option- (Pg. 217, M)
Carbonatio Reductio Regenera A) A is correct but B is wrong
n n tion B) B is correct but A is wrong
C) A & B are correct and A explains B
93. The most crucial step of Calvin cycle is D) A & B are incorrect.
(Pg. 216, E) 101. For formation of 1 glucose, how many
A) Carbonation B) Carboxylation molecules of ATP are required by C3 cycle?
C) Reduction D) Regeneration (Pg. 217, E)
94. Carboxylation is catalyzed by the enzyme- A) 12 B) 16
1�-NC_E R
_ T_ _LI_NE_BY
_ _ L_IN-E�I
(i) (ii)
..__ �:��i'.�;.�r l
(A) mesophyll cells mesophyll
cells -----"-� col
. 11 '
(B) bundle sheath mesophyll ........_ ___,
cells cells
13.9 Photorespiration
122. Read the following statements-
Statement A - Ribulose Bisphosphate is
the most abundant enzyme in the world.
rell Statement B - Photorespiration doesn't
occur in C4 plants.
.-----. "())
�:�.�l: �r Choose the correct option- (Pg. 220, E)
A) A is correct and B is incorrect
B) B is correct and A is incorrect
C) A and B are correct
D) A and B are incorrect
(i) (ii) (iii) 123. RUBisCO has ___ when CO2 & 02 is
A Firation Decarboxyl Regenera equal. (Pg. 220, E)
ation tion
A) greater affinity for CO2 than 02
B Transpor Firation Regenera
t tion B) greater affinity for 02 than CO2
C Regenera Transport Fixation C) equal affinity for CO2 & 02
tion D) no affinity for 02
D Regenera Decarboxyl Fixation 124. In C3 plants- (Pg. 220, E)
tion ation
136.Which of the following is true? (Pg. 223, E) C) Assertion is correct but Reason is
A) CO2 is a major limiting factor for wrong
photosynthesis in nature D) Assertion and Reason are wrong
B) Light is rarely a limiting factor for 13.10.3 Temperature
photosynthesis in nature
C) Both of these 144.Which of the reaction is more sensitive to
D) None of these tern perature? (Pg. 223, E)
137.The concentration of CO2 beyond which A) Light Reaction
the CO2 becomes damaging over longer B) Dark Reaction
periods is- (Pg. 223, E) C) Both of then are equal
A) 0.03% B) 0.04% D) None of the above
C) 0.05% D) 0.08% 145.Which group of plants has a higher
138.The CO2 fixation rates increases upto the temperature optimum? (Pg. 223, E)
CO2 concentration of- (Pg. 223, E) A) C4 B) C3
� 300ppm B) 400ppm C) Both D) None
C) 500ppm D) 800ppm 146.Which of the following is true? (Pg. 223, E)
139.At low light conditions, which of the A) Tropical plants have higher
groups respond positively to increase in temperature optimum than
CO2- (Pg. 223, E) temperature plants
A) C3 B) C4 B) Temperature plants have higher
C) Both D) None temperature optimum than tropical
140.At high light conditions, which of the plants
groups respond positively to increase in C) Temperature and Tropical have equal
CO2 . (Pg. 223, E) temperature optimum
A) CO2 B) C4 D) Polar regions plants have highest
C) Both D) None temperature optimum
141.C4 plants show saturation at CO2 147.Water stress causes (Pg. 223, E)
concentration of (Pg. 223, E) A) reduced CO2 availability
A) 240µlL-1 B) 360µlL-1 B) leaf wilting
C) 450µlL-1 D) 540µlL-1 C) reduced surface area of leaf
142.C3 plants show saturation for CO2 D) All of these
concentration at (Pg. 223, E) 148.
A) 450µTL-1 B) 360 µlL-1
C) 540µiL- 1 D) 240µlL-1
143.Assertion Greenhouse crops like C
Answer Key
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans D C D B D C A D A B
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans B D D D A B A D C D
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans B D C C D B A D C A
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans B A B A C B A B A D
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans B C C C A C D B B A
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans C D B C D A A B B C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans D A C D A B A D B B
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans B A D A D D B A D C
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans C A A C A D D D C C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans C C B D B B B D B C
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans C B C C C A B C B B
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans B B B C B C C D C C
Q 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
Ans C C A C D D A C D D
Q 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
Ans B A B B B C C C D C
Q 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
Ans B A C B A A D A
1. Respiration is defined as - (Pg. 227, E) 7. Compounds that are oxidised during the
A) Formation of C - C bonds of complex process of respiration is called?
compound (Pg. 227, E)
B) Breaking of C - C bonds of complex A)Respiratory index
compound B)Reductory substrate
C) Breaking of C - N bonds of complex C) Respiratory quotient
compound D)Respiratory substrate
D)All of the above 8. Statement I - Only green plants and
2. Respiration results finally to a formation cyanabacteria can prepare their own food
and release of which among the following? by photosynthesis.
(Pg. 227, E) Statement II - Only green plants and
A)NADPH B)Glucose cyanobacteria can prepare their own food
C)ATP D)Both A & C by converting chemical energy to light
3. The C - C bond of complex compound in energy
broken by which process in respiration? Which of the statements is/ are true?
(Pg. 227, E) (Pg. 227, M)
A)Oxidation A)Only I B)Only II
B)Reduction C) Both of these D)None of these
C)Hydrogenation 9. "Ultimately all the food that is respired for
D)None of the above life processes comes from photosynthesis."
4. Assertion - ATP act as energy currency of The above statement is - (Pg. 227, M)
cell. A)correct
Reason Energy released through B)incorrect
respiration is trapped as bio-chemical C)partially correct
energy in the form of ATP. (Pg. 227, H) D)can't be said as it is incomplete
A)Only Assertion is correct 10. Which of the following cannot be used as
B)Only Reason is correct respiratory substances in plants under
C)Both Assertion and Reason is correct any conditions? (Pg. 227, E)
D)Both Assertion and Reason is wrong A)fat B)protein
5. Which among the following is wrong? C)carbohydrate D)none of these
(Pg. 227, E) 14.1 Do Plants Breathe?
i) Only carbohydrates are oxidised to
release energy in the process of 11. What are the byproducts of Respiration
respiration. process? (Pg. 227, E)
ii) Energy produced in respiration is not A)Oxygen B)Water
released in a single step. C) Carbon dioxide D)Both B and C
iii)ATP can be broken down, as and when 12. Respiration is a ____ process.
energy needs to be utilised. (Pg. 227, E)
A)Only ii B) Only iii A)Anabolic
C)Only i D)None of the above B)Catabolic
6. ATP stands for? (Pg. 227, E) C) Both Anabolic as well as catabolic
A)Adenosine 3' - triphosphate D)None of the above
B)Adenosine - 3' - trio phosphite 13. Choose the correct equation- (Pg. 228, E)
C)Adenosine 5' - triphosphate A) C6 H 12 0 6 + 120 2 ➔ 6H2 0 + 6H2 0 + Energy
D)Adenosine 5' - triophosphite B) C6 H 12 0 6 + 302 ➔ 2C02 + 3H 2 0 + Energy
29. PGAL get ___ and get converted to 37. How many ATP are utilized in complete
BPGA? (Pg 229, E) process of glycolysis of one glucose
A)reduced B)hydrolysed molecule? (Pg 229, M)
C) oxidized D)all of these A) 2 B)1
30. Conversion of 2-phosphoglycerate to C) 3 D)4
phosphoenolpyruvate leads of formation 38. How many molecules of NADH are
of? (Pg 229, E) produced in one complete process of
A)ATP B)NADH 2 glycolysis of one glucose molecule?
C)H 2 0 D)ADP (Pg 229, M)
31. What does PGAL stands for? (Pg 229, E) A) 1 B)2
A)3 - Phosphoglyceraldehyde C) 3 D)4
B)5 - Phosphoglyceraldehyde 39. How many molecules of ATP are directly
C) 3 - Phosphoglyceric acid produced in one complete glycolysis of one
D)5 - Phosphoglyceric acid glucose molecule? (Pg 229, E)
32. What is the full form of PEP? (Pg 229, E) A)1 B)2
A)Pyroenol pyruvate C)3 D)4
B)Pyruvic pyruvate 40. Which among the following are correct
C) Phosphoenolpyruvate about Glycolysis? (Pg 229, E)
D)None of the above i) It is the only process that occurs in
33. Pyruvic acid is composed of how many anaerobes for oxidation of glucose.
carbon atom? (Pg 229, E) ii) Glucose undergoes complete
A)Two B)Three oxidation to form pyruvic acid.
C) Four D)Five iii) At the end, there is a net gain of 4 ATP
34. Which among the following step in and 2 NADH.
glycolysis yields energy? (Pg 229, E) A)Only ii B)Both ii and iii
i) Conversion of BPGA to PGA C) Only i D)all of the above
ii) Conversion of fructose - 6 -phosphate 41. For further complete oxidation of glucose,
to fructose 1, 6 -bisphosphate pyruvic acid enters to which among the
iii) Conversion of PEP to pyruvic acid following? (Pg 229, E)
iv) Conversion of glucose - 6 -phosphate A)ETS B)Kreb's cycle
to fructose - 6 - phosphate C) EMP pathway D)None of the above
A)Both ii and iv B)i, ii, iii 14.3 FERMENTATION
C) Both i and iii D)All of the above
35. In glycolysis, fructose 1, 6 - bisphosphate 42. Fermentation occurs when there is
get split into which of the following? (Pg 230, E)
(Pg 229, E) A)Complete supply of oxygen
A)PGAL and BPGA B)No supply of oxygen
B) Glyceraldehyde - 3 - phosphate and 3 C) Complete supply of water
- phosphoglyceric acid D)No supply of water
C) Glyceraldehyde - 3 - phosphate and 43. In alcoholic fermentation, pyruvate is
Dihydroxy acetone phosphate converted to which among the following?
D) None of the above A)Ethanol, CO 2, NADH (Pg 230, E)
36. What is the net gain of ATP from one B) CO 2 and Methanol
molecule of glucose in one complete C) CO 2 and Ethanol only
glycolysis? (Pg 229, M) D)CO 2 and Carboxylic acid
A)4 B)3 44. Which enzyme is responsible for alcoholic
C)S D)2 fermentation? (Pg 230, E)
A)Pyruvic acid decarboxylase
B) Formation of citrate from the acetyl 67. How many net ATP molecules are directly
coenzyme A yielded from complete oxidation of one
C) Formation of citrate from glucose (including ATP of TCA)?
decarboxylation of succinic acid (Pg 232, E)
D)None of the above A)4 B)2
59. Which enzyme catalyses the first step of C) 3 D)8
TCA cycle? (Pg 231, E) 68. Which among the following is wrong?
A)Citrate Synthase (Pg 232, E)
B)Citrate Reductase (i) Glycolysis occurs in all living
C) Citrate Oxidase organism.
D)None of the above (ii) TCA cycle and ETS only occurs in
60. What is the first member of TCA cycle that aerobes.
accepts Acetyl CoA? (Pg 231, E) (iii) Complete oxidation of pyruvate
A)Citrate occurs by removal of all hydrogen
B)CoA atom in TCA cycle.
C) Oxaloacetic acid A) (i) B) (ii)
D) Both A and C C) (iii) D)None of the above
61. Which among the following is synthesised 14.4.2 Electron Transport System
during the conversion of succinyl - CoA to (ETS) and Oxidative
succinic acid in TCA cycle? (Pg 232, E)
C)NADH2 D)ATP 69. ETS occurs in which place? (Pg 232, E)
62. How many total CO2 molecule are released A)Outer membrane of mitochondria
from Pyruvate to completion of TCA cycle? B)Cytoplasm
(Pg 232, E) C) Inner membrane of mitochondria
A) 0 B) 1 D)Matrix of mitochondria
C) 2 D) 3 70. Energy stored in NADH + H+ FADH2 are
63. How many total NADH2 are produced from released in ETS through ___
pyruvate to completion of TCA cycle? (Pg 232, E)
(Pg 232, E) A) Reduction of these molecules
A) 2 B)3 B) Oxidation of these molecules
C)4 D) 5 C) Hydrolysis of these molecules
64. How many FADH2 are produced in TCA D)Both A & B
cycle? (Pg 232, E) 71. ETS stands for (Pg 232, E)
A) 1 B)2 A) Electrical Transport System
C) 3 D)4 B)Electron Transmission System
65. One molecule of glucose synthesizes how C) Electron Transport System
many molecules of NADH + H + at the end D)None of the above
of TCA cycle? (Pg 232, E) 72. When the electrons are passed onto 02 in
A)6 B)7 ETS it leads to formation of what?
C)8 D) 10 (Pg 232, E)
66. How many molecules of FADH2 are yielded B)ATP
from one glucose molecule at the end of D)NADH + H+
TCA cycle? (Pg 232, E) 73. Ubiquinone is located at ___
A)1 B)2 (Pg 233, E)
C)3 D)4 A)inner membrane of mitochondria
B) outer membrane of mitochondria
C) inner membrane of nucleus
88. For each ATP produced, ___ passes B) Faster in fermentation than aerobic
through Fo from intermembrane space to respiration
the matrix down the electrochemical C) Equal in fermentation and aerobic
proton gradient. (Pg 234, E) respiration
A)H + B)2H + D) Cannot be compared
C)3H + D)4H + 14.6 Amphibolic Pathway
14.5 The Respiratory Balance
Sheet 94. Which among the following is wrong?
Pg 235, M)
89. What is the net gain of ATP molecules i) Other than glucose, no other
during aerobic respiration of one glucose substrates can be used in respiratory
molecule? (Pg 234, E) process.
A)40 ATP B)38 ATP ii) Respiratory pathway is an amphibolic
C) 36 ATP D)34 ATP pathway.
90. Match the following (Pg 234, H) iii) Different substrates enters at
1 Glycolysis i Mitochondrial different stage in respiratory
matrix pathway.
2 TCA ii Cytoplasm A)Only i B)Only iii
C) Only ii D)Both i and ii
3 ETC iii Inner
membrane of 95. Which among the following is wrong?
mitochondria Pg 235, M)
i) Other than glucose, no other
A)1-i ' 2-ii ' 3-iii substrates can be used in respiratory
B)1-ii ' 2-i ' 3-iii process.
C) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-i ii) Respiratory pathway is an amphibolic
D)1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i pathway.
91. The respiratory balance sheet is calculated iii) Different substrates enters at
on some assumptions. different stage in respiratory
Which of the following assumption is pathway.
correct? (Pg 234, M) A)Only i B)Only iii
A) The pathway is sequential, with series C) Only ii D)Both i and ii
of glycolysis, ETS and TCA cycle in the 96. Fats as a respiratory substrate converts to
same order for a given molecule. which compound first? Pg 235, M)
B) NADH is transferred to chloroplast A)Dihydroxy Aceton Phosphate
where oxidative phosphorylation B)Glycerol
occurs, leading to formation of 3 ATP C) Fatty acid
C) Only glucose is the substrate and none D)Both B and C
other substrate or intermediate enters 97. Match the following- Pg 235, H)
or leaves the pathway
1 Amino i Pyruvic acid
D) None of these acids
92. In the balance sheet of fermentation, net 2 Fatty acid ii Dihyroxy Acetone
gain is - (Pg 234, M) Phosphate
A)12 ATP molecules B) 38 ATP molecules 3 Glycerol iii Acetyl CoA
C) 2 ATP molecules D) 8 ATP molecules
93. Oxidation of NADH to NAD+ is -
A)1-i, 2-iii, 3-ii B)1-ii, 2-i, 3-iii
(Pg 235, M)
C) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii D)1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i
A) Slower in fermentation than aerobic
98. Choose the correct according to the correct
sequence (from substrate to end product)
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans B C A C C C D A A D
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans D C D D B D B B D D
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D D B A A C B C C C
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A C B C C D A D D C
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans B B C D C D C A D D
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans D D B A B C B B A C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans B D C A C B A D C B
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans C C A C B D C D D C
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans C D C B D C B B C B
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans C C A A B D A D C A
Plant Growth & Development
20. Identify the given figures (Pg. 242, M) 24. In the formula W1 = W0 ert , r is -
(Pg. 243, E)
A) Relative growth rate
B) Efficiency index
C) Ability of plant to produce new plant
D) All of these
25. choose the correct option - (Pg. 244, E)
A) Figure shows geometric growth with
formula Lt = Lo + rt
B) Figure shows geometric growth with
formula W1 = W0 ert
C) Figure shows arithematic growth with
formula Lt = Lo + rt
D) Figure shows arithematic growth with
formula W1 = W0 ert
21. Choose the correct option with respect to A) Absolute growth rate of A is more than
given figures of stages of embryo that of B
development (Pg. 242, M) B) Absolute growth rate of B is more than
• i) that of A
C) Relative growth rate of A is more than
that of B
• ii) D) Relative growth rate of B is more than
that of A
Paragraph 15.1.5
�-(iii) Conditions growth
A) (i) is arithmetic growth phase 26. The factors affecting growth can be -
B) (i) is geometric growth phase (Pg. 244, E)
C) (ii) is arithmetic growth phase A) Water, temperature, light, gravity
D) (ii) is geometric growth phase B) Water, temperature, light but not
22. Choose the correct set of option for size or gravity
weight of organ against time (Pg. 243, E) C) Water, light but not temperature &
(i) W1 = Wo ert gravity
(ii) Lt = Lo + rt D) Water, light, gravity but not
(iii) Linear growth curve temperature
(iv) Sigmoid growth curve
Paragraph 15.2
(v) Arithmetic growth
(vi) Geometric growth Differentiation, Dedifferentiation
A) (i), (iii), (iv) B) (ii), (iii), (vi) and Redifferentiation
C) (i), (iv), (vi) D) (ii), (iv), (v)
23. The three phases of sigmoid growth occur 27. During differentiation (Pg. 245, E)
in order are - (Pg. 243, E) A) Structural changes occur in nucleus
A) Log, lag, stationary and cytoplasm
B) Log, stationary, lag B) Functional changes occur in nucleus
C) Lag, log, stationary and cytoplasm
D) Lag, stationary, log
C) Structural changes occur in cell wall 32. Environmental heterophylly can be seen in
and protoplasm (Pg. 246, E)
D) All of these A) Larkspur B) Cotton
28. Dedifferentiation can be seen in formation C) Coriander D) Buttercup
of- (Pg. 245, E) 33. The given figure show - (Pg. 246, E)
A) Intrafascicular parenchyma
B) Intrafascicular cambium only
C) Interfascicular cambium only
D) Entire vascular cambium
29. Read the following statements -
(Pg. 245, E)
(i) Cork cambium is a layer of meristem
formed from parenchyma cells A) Developmental heterophylly in
(ii) Intrafascicular cambium is a layer of buttercups
parenchyma cells formed from B) Environmental heterophylly in
meristem larkspur
(iii) Vascular cambium divide and C) Environmental heterophylly in
produce cells that differentiate again buttercup
(iv) Plant growth can be determinate or D) Developmental heterophylly in
indeterminate Larkspur
(v) Final structure of cells are never 34. The figure shows sequence of the
determined by location of cells development process in (Pg. 246, E)
(vi) The differentiation in plant cells are Cell Division Death
A) 3 B) 4 CELL I
Meristematic (i) New cell Enlargement
Death Mature cell -+--- (iii)
A) (i)-Expansion, (ii)-Plasmatic growth,
B) (ii)-Elongation, (i)-Plasmatic growth,
(iii)-Maturation A) Developmental heterophylly in
C) (iii)- Elongation, (ii)-Plasmatic growth, buttercups
(i)-Maturation B) Environmental heterophylly in
D) (iii)-Expansion, (i)-Plasmatic growth, larkspur
(ii)-Maturation C) Environmental heterophylly in
31. Plasticity can be seen in - (Pg. 246, E) buttercup
A) Cotton B) Coriander D) Developmental heterophylly in
C) Buttercup D) All of these larkspur
36. Intrinsic factors responsible for growth & A) Group of plant growth promoters
development include - (Pg. 246, E) B) Group of plant growth inhibitors
A) Intracellular (plant growth regulators) C) Both the groups of promoter &
B) Intercellular (genetic) inhibitors but mostly inhibitor
C) Intercellular (plant growth regulators) D) Both the groups of promoter and
D) More than one option is correct inhibitors but mostly promoter
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans C D C D A A A B A B
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans D A C D B C B B C B
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D C C D C A C C A B
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans D B D A A D A B D C
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans B B D C D C D B C D
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans C D D C D B A B D C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans A B D B A C A B B D
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans C C D D B C D D D A
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans D C A B D C A D A A
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans A D D B B C A A C D
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Ans D D A D D C D B
Sexual reproduction in flowering plant
C) Epidermis D) Middle layer 16. Choose correct about pollen grain wall
Page No.-21, Easy i) It has two layered prominent wall
12. Which of the following undergo meiotic ii) Hard outer layered prominent wall
division to form microspore tetrad iii) Exine is composed of sporopollenin
A) Sporogenous tissue iv) Sporopollenin form continuous exine
B) Generative tissue A) i, ii, iii, iv B) i, ii, iii
C) Microspore C) i, iii D) i&iv
D) A&B Page No.-22, Medium
Page No.-21, Easy 17. Sporopollenin is absent in -
13. A) Intine B) Germpore
C) Exine D) A&B both
Page No.-23, Medium
18. Pollen grains are well preserved as fossil
because of
A) Presence of intine
B) Presence of germpore
C) Presence of sporopollenin
D) All of these
a b C d e Page No.-23, Medium
A Tapet Micros endothe epidermi Middl 19. Sporopollenin is degraded by -
um pore cium s e layer A) Engyme
cell B) High temperature
B Tapet Micros epidermi endothe Middl C) Strong acid&alkali
um pore s cium e layer D) None of these
mother Page No.-23, Medium
20. Inner wall of pollen grain is -
C Tapet Middle Microsp endothe epider
um layer ore cium mis A) Intine, made up of cellulose&lignin
mother B) Thin discontinuous intine
cell C) Both A&B
D epider Middle Microsp endothe Tapet D) None of these
mis layer ore cium um
Page No.-23, Medium
cell 21. When pollen grain mature -
A) It consist of two cell that are two male
Page No.-22, Medium gamete only.
14. Microsporogenesis - B) It consist of two cell that are generative
A) Process of formation of microspore &vegetative cell
B) Development of pollen grain from C) It consist of two cell that are two male
pollen mother cell gamete arise from vegetative cell and
C) It involve meiosis one generative cell
D) All of these D) It consist of three cell that are two male
Page No.-22, Easy gamete develop meiotically from
15. Pollen grain represents - generative cell and one vegetative cell
A) Male gametophyte Page No.-23, Easy
B) Male sporophyte 22. Choose incorrect statement among
C) Female gametophyte following:
D) Female sporophyte A) In over 60% of angiosperm, pollen
Page No.-22, Easy grains are shed at 3 - cell stage
C) Cross-pollination both genetically and 61. The tassels in corn cob are-
functionally A) Filaments of anthers
D) Self-pollination both genetically and B) Stigma and style
functionally C) Reduced leaf
Page No.-27, Easy D) Stalk of ovule
56. Genetically different type of pollen is Page No.-28, Easy
brought to stigma by- 62. Match the columns.
A) Atutogamy only Column-I Column-II
B) Geitonogamy only (i) Wind (a) Maize
C) Xenogamy only pollination
D) More than one options (ii) Water (b) Hydrilla
Page No.-28, Easy pollination
(iii) Biotic (c) Monocots
57. (a) Pollination by abiotic agents is a chance
(iv) Freshwater (d) Amorphophallus
(b) Pollen is produced in enormous pollination
amount as compared to number of ovules. A) (i)-d, (ii)-b, (iii)-d, (iv)-c
Choose the best answer. B) (i)-c, (ii)-d, (iii)-a, (iv)-b
A) a and b are correct and b is the reason C) (i)-a, (ii)-c, (iii)-d, (iv)-b
for a D) (i)-b, (ii)-a, (iii)-c, (iv)-d
B) a and b are correct and a is the reason Page No.-28, Easy
for b 63. (a) Distribution of some bryophytes &
C) a is incorrect and b is correct pteridophytes is limited.
D) b is incorrect and a is correct
(r) Transport of male gamete in bryophytes
Page No.-28, Easy
& pteridophyte is dependent on water.
58. Which is more common abiotic agent for Choose the correct options.
pollination- A) a and r are correct but r is correct
A) Wind B) Insect explanation for a
C) Water D) Animal B) a and r are correct but r is not correct
Page No.-28, Easy
explanation for a
59. The pollen grains in wind pollinated plants C) Both a and r are incorrect
should be- D) a is correct but r is incorrect
A) Heavy and sticky Page No.-29, Easy
B) Heavy and non-sticky 64. Aquatic plants pollinated by water are
C) Light and sticky given, except-
D) Light and non-sticky A) Zostera
Page No.-28, Easy
B) Hydrilla
60. Wind pollinated flowers often have __ in C) Water hyacinth
each ovary and flowers are after _ _. D) More than one option
(i) (ii)
Page No.-29, Easy
A) Single Single
65. Pollination in water lily occurs by-
B) Multiple Single
A) Water B) Wind
C) Single packed in
inflorescence C) Insects D) Both B and C
D) multiple packed in Page No.-29, Easy
inflorescence 66. Choose the correct statements for
pollination in sea grasses-
Page No.-28, Easy (i) Female flower reach surface of water.
(ii) Female flower remain submerged.
A) I B) II
Page No.-32, Easy
2.3 Double Fertilization
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Answer Key
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans D A B A D A B C B C
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans A A B D A B D C D D
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans B A C A B B A A B C
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A B A B B C B A A D
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans C A C B A D A A B C
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans C C B C D C B A D C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans B C A C D D D C C C
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans D A A D C B C A D D
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans B A A B D B A B C C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans A C B D D C B A A B
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans B C A D C A A A D B
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans B D B A C C C A C A
Q 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
Ans D B B C D C C B D C
Q 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
Ans A A B A D D A D A D
Q 141 142 143 144 145 146
Ans B B C C D C
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Mendel's Laws of Inheritance
Column-I Column II
1. Genetics is the subject that deals with (Pg. (A) Genetics (1) Process of
69, E) passing
characters from
A) inheritance parent to
B) variation of characteristics offsoring
C) reproduction (B) Inheritance (2) Laws of
D) both (a) and (b) inheritance
(C) Variation (3) A branch of
2. The basis of heredity is (Pg. 69, E) Biologv
A) variation B) inheritance (D) Mendel (4) Degree of
C) mutation D) linkage difference of
3. Humans knew from as early as 8000-1000 progeny from
their parents
BC that one of the causes of variation was
hidden in (Pg. 69, E) Codes-
A) sexual reproduction A B C D
B) asexual reproduction A) 1 4 2 3
C) vegetative propagation B) 4 2 3 1
D) none of these C) 3 1 4 2
4. Choose the incorrect statement from the D) 2 3 1 4
C) shows expressions of trait for several (II) Mendel investigated characters in the
generations garden pea plant that were
D) all of these manifested as two opposing traits.
13. Match Column-I with Column-II and (III) Mendel conducted artificial
choose the correct option from the codes pollination experiments using several
given below. (Pg. 70, M) true-breeding pea lines.
Column-I Column-II (IV) Mendel selected eight true-breeding
(A) Axial flower (1) Undergone pea plant varieties as pairs.
A) I and II B) III and IV
pollination C) I, II and III D) All of these
(B) Terminal (2) Father of 17. The contrasting trait(s) selected by Mendel
flower genetics was/were (Pg. 70, E)
(C) Mendel (3) Dominant A) smooth or wrinkled seed
(D) True-breeding (4) Recessive trait B) yellow or green seed
line C) smooth or inflated pods
D) all of these
Codes- 18. Assertion: Mendel conducted
A B C D hybridization experiments on garden pea
A) 3 4 2 1 plant.
B) 4 3 1 2
1 2 4 3
Reason: He proposed laws of inheritance
D) 2 1 3 4 in living organisms. (Pg. 70, M)
A) Both assertion and reason are true and
14. Refer to the given figures (A-D) showing reason is the correct explanation of
traits of pea plant studied by Mendel. assertion.
B) Both assertion and reason are true but
Among these, choose the dominant trait.
(Pg. 70, M) reason is not correct explanation of
C) Assertion is true, but reason is false.
@ D) Both assertion and reason are false.
19. Assertion: Mendel used contrasting traits
A B C D for his studies.
A) B B) A Reason: He used Ocimum plant for his
C) D D) C experiments. (Pg. 70, M)
15. Which technique was used by Mendel A) Both assertion and reason are true and
during his experiments on pea plant? (Pg. reason is the correct explanation of
70, E) assertion.
A) Artificial pollination B) Both assertion and reason are true but
B) Cross pollination reason is not correct explanation of
C) Self-pollination assertion.
D) All of these C) Assertion is true, but reason is false.
16. Choose the correct statement(s) from the D) Both assertion and reason are false.
following. (Pg. 70, M) 20. Assertion: Mendel used true-breeding pea
(I) During Mendel's investigation, lines for his experiments.
statistical analysis and mathematical Reason: A true-breeding line is one that
logic were applied to problems in has undergone continuous self
Biology. pollination. (Pg. 70, M)
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
and B. What will be the genotype of these B) Punnett square was developed by a
plants? (Pg. 72, E) British scientist.
C) Spliceosomes take part in translation.
D) Transduction was discovered by S
Parental Altman.
X 36. In the test cross, organism whose genotype
Tall Dwarf (Al is to be determined, is crossed with the
(Pg. 74, E)
A) recessive parent
B) dominant parent
C) both parents one by one
F1 generation
D) none of these
37. On crossing two tall plants, in Fl
generation few dwarf offspring were
obtained. What would be the genotype of
the both the parent? (Pg. 74, E)
A) TI and Tt B) Tt and Tt
C) TI and TI D) TI and tt
F,geoecaUoo 38. Based on his observations of monohybrid
Tall Tall Tall Dwarf cross, Mendel proposed which law of
A) A - tt, B - Tt inheritance? (Pg. 74, E)
B) A - Tt, B - tt A) Law of dominance
C) A - TI, B - TI B) Law of segregation
D) A - Tt, B - Tt C) Law of independent assortment
33. Choose the incorrect statement about D) Both (A) and (B)
Mendel's monohybrid cross. (Pg. 73, E) 39. According to Mendel, characters are
A) The recessive parental trait is controlled by discrete units called
expressed without any blending in F2 (Pg. 74, E)
generation. A) genes B) factors
B) The alleles of parental pair segregate C) alleles D) allelomorph
from each other and both alleles are 40. Choose the incorrect statement about law
transmitted to a gamete. of dominance. (Pg. 74, E)
C) The segregation of alleles is a random A) It is used to explain the expression of
process. only one of the parental characters in a
D) There is a 50% chance of a gamete monohybrid cross in Fi-generation.
containing either allele. B) It does not explain the expression of
34. The production of gametes by the parents both parental characters in F2-
the formation of zygotes, the Fl and F2 generation.
plants, can be understood by using (Pg. C) It also explains the proportion of 3: 1
73, E) obtained in F2-generation.
A) Wenn diagram D) It states that characters are controlled
B) Pie diagram by discrete units called factors.
C) A pyramid diagram 41. Match Column-I with Column-II and
D) Punnett square choose the correct option from the codes
35. Select the correct statement. (Pg. 73, E) given below. (Pg. 73, M)
A) Franklin Stahl coined the term Column-I Column-II
(A) I (1) I
First law of Law of
'linkage'. inheritance segregation
(I) Dominance 1 4 3 2
3 2 4 1
2 3 4
(II) Co-dominance
(III) Multiple dominance
(IV) Incomplete dominance
56. ABO blood grouping is a good example of
(V) Polygenic inheritance
(Pg. 77, E)
A) II, III and V B) I, II and III
A) incomplete dominance
C) II, IV and V D) I, III and V
B) mutation
52. A man with blood group 'A' marries a
C) multiple alleles
woman with blood 'B'. What are all
D) pleiotropy
possible blood groups of their offsprings?
57. Sometimes a single gene product may
(Pg. 77, E)
produce more than one effect. This
A) A, B and AB only
phenomenon is known as (Pg. 77, E)
B) A, B, AB and 0
A) mosaicism B) pleiotropy
C) 0 only
C) multiple allelism D) polygeny
D) A and B only
58. Starch synthesis in pea seeds is an
53. The genotypes of a husband and wife are
example of (Pg. 77, E)
IAfo and IAi. Among the blood types of their
A) multiple allelism
children, how many different genotypes
B) incomplete dominance
and phenotypes are possible? (Pg. 77, E)
C) co-dominance
A) 3 genotypes: 4 phenotypes
D) pleiotropy
B) 4 genotypes: 3 phenotypes
59. Pea seeds having Bb genotype produce
C) 4 genotypes: 4 phenotypes
starch grains of (Pg. 78, E)
D) 3 genotypes: 3 phenotypes
A) large size
54. Multi alleles are present (Pg. 77, E)
B) small size
A) at different loci on the same
C) intermediate size
D) they do not produce starch.
B) at the same locus of the chromosome
60. Choose the incorrect statement from the
C) on non-sister chromatids
following about pleiotropy. (Pg. 78, E)
D) on different chromosome
A) In pleiotropy, a single gene produces
55. Match Column-I with Column-II and
more than one effect.
choose the correct answer from the codes
B) Starch synthesis in pea seeds is
given below. (Pg. 74-78, M)
controlled by one gene.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Dominance (1) ABO blood C) Pea seeds having BB genotypes,
group produce small starch grains.
(B) Co- (2) Appearance of D) bb homozygotes of pea produce
dominance pink flowers in wrinkled seeds.
snapdragon in
F 1 generation 61. Assertion: The law of dominance is used to
(C) Incomplete (3) Starch explain the expression of only one of the
dominance synthesis in parental characters in a monohybrid
pea seeds cross.
(D) Pleiotropy (4 ) Appearance of
violet flowers Reason: It also explains the proportion of
in Fl 3: 1 obtained at F2 generation. (Pg. 78, H)
generation in A) Both assertion and reason are true and
garden pea reason is the correct explanation of
4 I B
1 I C
2 I D
3 I 169
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
B) Both assertion and reason are true but 67. The ratio 9: 3: 3: 1 of a dihybrid cross
reason is not correct explanation of denotes that (Pg. 79, E)
assertion. A) it is a multigenic inheritance.
C) Assertion is true, but reason is false. B) the alleles of two genes are interacting
D) Both assertion and reason are false. with each other.
62. Assertion: The pink flower of dog plant C) it is a case of multiple allelism.
show incomplete dominance. D) the alleles of two genes are segregating
Reason: In pink flowers, both alleles are independently.
expressed equally. (Pg. 78, E) 68. The numbers of phenotypes and genotypes
A) Both assertion and reason are true and in F2 generation of a Mendelian dihybrid
reason is the correct explanation of cross are (Pg. 79, E)
assertion. A) phenotypes 4: genotypes 16
B) Both assertion and reason are true but B) phenotypes 4: genotypes 8
reason is not correct explanation of C) phenotypes 9: genotypes 4
assertion. D) phenotypes 4: genotypes 9
C) Assertion is true, but reason is false. 69. Mendel's law of independent assortment is
D) Both assertion and reason are false. true for the genes situated on the (Pg. 79,
63. Assertion: A person having IAls genotype E)
has AB blood group. A) same chromosome
Reason: IA and IB alleles are co-dominant B) non-homologous chromosomes
(Pg. 78, E) C) homologous chromosomes
A) Both assertion and reason are true and D) extra nuclear genetic element
reason is the correct explanation of 70. Genes A and B are linked. The F1
assertion. heterozygote of a dihybrid cross involving
B) Both assertion and reason are true but these genes is crossed with homozygous
reason is not correct explanation of recessive parental type (aabb). What would
assertion. be the ratio of offspring in the next
C) Assertion is true, but reason is false. generation? (Pg. 80, E)
D) Both assertion and reason are false. A) 1: 1 B) 1: 1: 1: 1
Inheritance of two Genes C) 9: 3: 3: 1 D) 3: 1
71. Mendel's work remained unrecognized for
64. Crosses that are performed to study two many years. Find out the true reason for
contrasting characters at a time are called the same. (Pg. 81, H)
(Pg. 78, E) (I) Mendel's concept of genes was not
A) monohybrid cross accepted by his contemporaries as an
B) dihybrid cross explanation for the continuous
C) test cross variation seen in nature.
D) back cross (II) The approach of using mathematics
65. The phenotypic ratio obtained by Mendel was new and unacceptable by other
in his dihybrid cross was (Pg. 79, E) biologists.
A) 1 : 2 : 1 : 2 B) 3 : 2 : 2 : 1 (III) He could not provide any physical
C) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 D) 2 : 3 : 1 : 2 proof for the existence of factors. (IV)
66. The third law of inheritance proposed by Communication was not easy in those
Mendel is (Pg. 79, E) days and his work could not be widely
A) Law of dominance published.
B) Law of independent assortment A) I and II
C) Law of incomplete dominance B) II and III
D) Law of segregation C) III and IV
TG: @Chalnaayaaar 170
D) All of these 2 3 1 4
72. Mendel's results on the inheritance of 4 2 3 1
characters were rediscovered by: (Pg. 81,
E) 77. Morgan performed his experiments on(Pg.
A) de Vries B) Correns 83, E)
C) von Tschermak D) all of these A) Garden pea B) Drosophila
73. Among the following, who noted that the C) Snapdragon D) None of these
behaviour of chromosomes was parallel to 78. When two genes are located on the same
the behavior of genes? chromosome, the proportion of parental
A) Walter Sutton B) Theodore Boveri gene combination is (Pg. 83, E)
C) Von Tschermak D) Both (A) and (B) A) higher than non-parental
74. Refer to the given figure showing meiosis B) lower than non-parental
and germ cell formation in a cell with four C) equal to non-parental
chromosomes. Which law of Mendel can be D) None of these
effectively explained by this figure? (Pg. 79. Genes which are present on the same
81, M) chromosome (Pg. 83, E)
G, G2 Meiosis I Meiosis II Germ cells
A) do not form any linkage group.
anap hase anaphase B) affect the phenotype by forming
interactive groups.
C) form a linkage group.
� I ooJ
A) Law of dominance
D) form different groups depending upon
their relative distance.
80. The term used to describe the generation
of nonparental gene combination is (Pg.
B) Law of segregation 83, E)
C) Law of independent assortment A) linkage B) recombination
D) All of these C) mutation D) none of these
75. The chromosomal theory of inheritance 81. Which type of relationship is found
was proposed by (Pg. 83, E) between the distance of genes and
A) Sutton B) Boveri percentage of recombination? (Pg. 83, E)
C) Morgan D) Both (A) and (B) B) Parallel
A) Inverse
76. Match Column-I with Column-II and C) Direct D) None of these
choose the correct option from the codes 82. Among the following which will not cause
given below. (Pg. 83, M) variations among siblings? (Pg. 83, H)
Column-I Column-II
A) Linkage
(A) Mendel Rediscovery of
Mendel's law B) Independent assortment of genes
(B) Correns, (2) Worked on C) Crossing over
Tschermak Drosophila D) Mutation
and Vries melanogaster
83. Match Column-I with Column-II and
(C ) Sutton and Law of
Boveri independent choose the correct answer from the codes
assortment given below. (Pg. 83, H)
(D) T. H. Morgan ( 4) Chromosomal Column-I Column-II
theory of (A) Linkage ( 1) Non-parallel
inheritance gene
I �l I
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Codes- (B) Recombination (2) Genetic mao
A B C D (C ) Sturtevant (3) Unit of
3 1 4 2 distance
1 4 3 2 between
(D) Centimorgan (4) Physical A) Both assertion and reason are true and
association of the reason is the correct explanation of
B) Both assertion and reason are true but
A B the reason is not the correct
A) 3 2 4 1 explanation of assertion.
B) 2 3 1 4 C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
C) 4 1 2 3 D) Both assertion and reason are false.
D) 1 4 3 2 88. Assertion: Morgan coined the term linkage
to describe the physical association of
84. What map unit (centimorgan) is adopted in
genes on a chromosome.
the construction of genetic maps? (Pg. 85, Reason: Linkage shows more non-parental
type combination of genes. (Pg. 85, H)
A) A unit distance between two expressed
A) Both assertion and reason are true and
genes, representing 10% cross over.
the reason is the correct explanation of
B) A unit distance between two expressed
genes, representing 100% cross over.
B) Both assertion and reason are true but
C) A unit distance between genes on the reason is not the correct
chromosomes, representing 1% cross
explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
D) A unit distance between genes on D) Both assertion and reason are false.
chromosomes, representing 50% cross
Sex Determination
85. The concept of genetic map was given by 89. X-body was discovered by (Pg. 85, E)
(Pg. 85, E) A) Mendel B) Morgan
A) de Vries B) Morgan C) Henking D) de Vries
C) Sturtevant D) Mendel 90. In XO type of sex determination, who does
86. Assertion: Mendel proposed the law of possess the X chromosome? (Pg. 86, E)
independent assortment on the basis of A) Female
results of dihybrid cross. B) Male
Reason: When two pairs of traits are C) Sometimes female and sometimes male
combined in a hybrid, segregation of one D) None of these
pair of characters is independent of the 91. X-chromosome is designated as (Pg. 86, E)
other pair of characters. (Pg. 85, H) A) autosome
A) Both assertion and reason are true and B) sex chromosome
the reason is the correct explanation of C) somatic chromosome
assertion. D) none of these
B) Both assertion and reason are true but 92. Which type of sex determination is found
the reason is not the correct in grasshoppers? (Pg. 86, E)
explanation of assertion. A) XX - XY type B) XX - XO type
C) Assertion is true but reason is false. C) ZZ - ZW type D) None of these
D) Both assertion and reason are false. 93. In a specific taxon of insects, some possess
87. Assertion: The chromosomal theory of 17 chromosomes while others have 18
inheritance was proposed by T. H. Morgan. chromosomes. These 17 and 18
Reason: Morgan worked on garden pea chromosomes bearing organisms are
plants to give this theory. (Pg. 85, H) [NCERT Exemplar]
A) All males
B) All females
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Codes- A) It shows male heterogamety.
A B C D B) Both possess same types of autosomes.
(a) 2 4 1 3 C) The sex of progeny is determined by
(b) 4 2 1 3 females.
(c) 3 1 4 2 D) This type of sex determination is
(d) 1 3 2 4
different from humans.
103. In humans, sex is determined by (Pg. 87,
96. XY type of sex determination is found in
(Pg. 86, E)
A) females
A) Drosophila B) humans
B) males
C) grasshopper D) both (A) and (B)
C) environmental factors
97. Choose the incorrect statement about XY
D) none of these
type of sex determination. (Pg. 86, E)
104. Match Column-I with Column-II and
A) Both males and females have same
choose the correct option from the codes
number of chromosomes.
given below. (Pg. 86-87, E)
B) The counter part of X chromosome is
distinctly smaller and called Y 1
chromosome. 2
C) Males and females possess different 3
number of autosomes. (4) Humans
progeny from
D) This type of sex determination is found their arents
in Drosophila.
98. Male heterogamety is found in(Pg. 86, E) Codes-
A) grasshopper B) Drosophila A B C
C) humans D) all of these (a) 1,4 2 3
99. In female heterogamety, females (b) 2 1,4 3
A) one type of gametes (c) 3,2 1 4
(d) 4 3 2,1
B) two types of gametes
TG: @Chalnaayaaar 173
105. Match the items of Column I with Column B) Both assertion and reason are true but
II. (Pg. 87, E) the reason is not the correct
Column-I Column-II explanation of assertion.
(A) XX-XO method (1) Turner's C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
of sex syndrome
determination D) Both assertion and reason are false.
(B) XX-XY method (2) Female 109. Assertion: Birds show female
of sex heterogametic heterogamety.
determination Reason: In birds, the sex of progeny is
(Cl Karvotvpe-45 (3) Grasshopper
determined by males. (Pg. 87, H)
(D) ZW-ZZ method (4) Female
of sex homogametic A) Both assertion and reason are true and
determination the reason is the correct explanation of
Codes- B) Both assertion and reason are true but
A B C D the reason is not the correct
A) 4 2 1 3 explanation of assertion.
B) 2 4 1 3
Cl 1 4 2 3
C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
D) 3 4 1 2 D) Both assertion and reason are false.
Mutation and Genetic Disorders
106. Select the incorrect statement. (Pg. 87, M)
A) Male fruit fly is heterogametic. 110. The phenomenon which results in
B) In male grasshoppers, 50% of sperms alteration of DNA sequences is (Pg. 88, E)
have no sex chromosome. A) mutation B) transpiration
C) In domesticated fowls, sex of progeny C) transcription D) translation
depends on the type of sperm rather 111. Chromosomal aberrations are commonly
than egg. observed in (Pg. 88, E)
D) Human males have one of their sex A) cardiac cells B) cancer cells
chromosome much shorter than the C) skeletal cells D) none of these
other. 112. A classical example of point mutation is
107. Assertion: Grasshoppers show male (Pg. 88, E)
heterogamety. A) gout
Reason: Male grasshoppers produce two B) night blindness
types of gametes. (Pg. 87, H) C) sickle cell anaemia
A) Both assertion and reason are true and D) Turner's syndrome
the reason is the correct explanation of 113. The factors that cause mutations are
assertion. called (Pg. 88, E)
B) Both assertion and reason are true but A) mutagens B) teratogens
the reason is not the correct C) allergens D) none of these
explanation of assertion. 114. An analysis of traits in several of
C) Assertion is true but reason is false. generations of a family is called (Pg. 88, E)
D) Both assertion and reason are false. A) mutation
108. Assertion: In fruitfly, sex of progeny is B) pedigree analysis
decided by females. C) genetic map formation
Reason: Females produce two types of D) none of these
gametes. (Pg. 87, H) 115. In a pedigree analysis, the given symbol
A) Both assertion and reason are true and represents (Pg. 88, E)
the reason is the correct explanation of
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
C) autosomal dominant
D) autosomal recessive
121. Refer to the given pedigree analysis. It is
related to the analysis of (Pg. 89, E)
A) affected individuals
B) mating
C) consanguineous mating
D) unspecified sex
116. Pedigree analysis is used to study the
inheritance pattern of a gene over
generations. The character that is studied
in the pedigree analysis is equivalent to
[NCERT Exemplar] A) autosomal dominant trait
A) Mendelian trait B) autosomal recessive trait
B) Maternal trait C) sex-linked dominant trait
C) Polygamic trait D) sex-linked recessive trait
D) Quantitative trait 122. Haemophilia is a/ an (Pg. 90, E)
117. Mendelian disorders are mainly A) sex-linked recessive disease
determined by alteration or mutation in B) sex-linked dominant disease
the (Pg. 89, E) C) autosomal recessive disease
A) chromosomes D) autosomal dominant disease
B) single gene 123. The possibility of a female becoming a
C) array of genes haemophilic is (Pg. 90, E)
D) none of these A) extremely high B) extremely rare
118. Among the following which one is a C) equal to a male D) none of these
Mendelian disorder? (Pg. 89, E) 124. Haemophilia A and B are due to
A) Haemophilia deficiencies of respectively clotting factor
B) Sickle cell anaemia (Pg. 90, E)
C) Cystic fibrosis A) VIII and IX B) IX and VIII
D) All of these C) VII and IX D) X and VII
119. Choose the incorrect statement about 125. Sickle cell anaemia is a/ an (Pg. 90, E)
Mendelian disorders. (Pg. 89, E) A) sex-linked recessive disease
A) These are usually caused by mutation B) sex-linked dominant disease
in a single gene. C) autosomal recessive disease
B) These disorders are transmitted to the D) autosomal dominant disease
offspring according to the laws of 126. In sickle cell anaemia, valine replaces
inheritance. glutamic acid. This valine is coded by the
C) Mendelian disorders are always sex triplet [NCERT Exemplar]
linked. A) MG B) GGG
D) The trait in question can be dominant C) GUG D) GM
or recessive. 127. Sickle Cell Anaemia (SCA) is transferred
120. A genetic disease transmitted from a from parents to offspring when (Pg. 90, E)
carrier female that is phenotypically A) father is affected and mother is normal.
normal to only some male progeny is B) father is normal and mother is carrier.
[NCERT Exemplar] C) father is normal and mother is affected.
A) sex-linked dominant D) both mother and father are carrier.
B) sex-linked recessive
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
A) Both assertion and reason are true and Reason: Such individuals are sterile. (Pg.
the reason is the correct explanation of 92, H)
assertion. A) Both assertion and reason are true and
B) Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is the correct explanation of
the reason is not the correct assertion.
explanation of assertion. B) Both assertion and reason are true but
C) Assertion is true but reason is false. the reason is not the correct
D) Both assertion and reason are false. explanation of assertion.
149. Assertion: Klinefelter's syndrome is caused C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
due to the presence of an additional copy D) Both assertion and reason are false.
of X-chromosome.
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Answer Key
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans D B A D D A C B C B
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans D D A A D C D B C B
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D A B B C B A C B A
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans C A B D B A B D B B
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans A D B D C D C C B D
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans B B B B A C B D C C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans B C A B C B D D C B
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans D D D D D A B A C B
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans C A C C C B D C C A
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans B B D C A D C D B C
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans A A B B D C A D C A
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans B C A B C A B D C D
Q 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
Ans A A B A C C D A B A
Q 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
Ans A B C D B C A A B D
Q 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
Ans A D A B C A A C B
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
t���y-,'1........�5...........,,� �:-s\•-M_ o_l _e _c u_la_ r_B_ a_s_1_·s _o _f_I_n_h_e _r-it_a _ n_c _-
r-,"'},,,"'l"i... BOTANY
e ---,1
l ,I
1. Monomer of nucleic acids are -(Pg. 95, E) 6. Which of these is a purine - (Pg. 96, E)
A) Peptides A) Cytosine
B) Nucleosides B) Adenine
C) Ribonucleosides C) Thiamine
D) None of these D) More than one is correct
2. DNA and RNA are types of - (Pg. 95, E) 7. Which of these is a pyrimidine - (Pg. 96,
A) Nucleotides B) Nucleosides E)
C) Nucleic acids D) Nucleamides A) Adenine B) Thymine
Paragraph 6.1 C) Guanine D) None of these
8. Which of these is a correct combination for
The DNA a DNA nucleotides (Pg. 96, E)
A) Oxyribose+Phosphate+Uracil
3. Length of DNA is usually defined as- (Pg.
B) Oxyribose+Phosphate+Thymine
96, E)
C) Deoxyribose+Phosphate+Uracil
A) Number of nucleotides present in it
D) Deoxyribose+Phosphate+Thymine
B) Number of pair of nucleotides present
9. All the given nucleotides exists, except (Pg.
in it
96, E)
C) Number of base pairs present in it
A) Deoxy uridine B) Thymine
D) All of these
C) Both A & B D) None of these
4. Match the length of DNA with the correct
10. Nitrogenous base is linked to which
organisms - (Pg. 96, M)
carbon of pentose sugar (Pg. 96, E)
A) l'C B) 2'C
I ct> X 174 1 4.6 X 106 bp
(base pairs)
C) 3'C D) S'C
II Bacteriophage y 2 3.3x 109 bp 11. Nitrogenous base is linked to pentose
III E. coli 3 48502 bp sugar by which bond - (Pg. 96, E)
IV Human DNA 4 5386 nucleotides A) N - Glycosidic bond
(haploid) B) Phosphoester bond
C) Phosphodiester bond
I II III IV D) Peptide bond
A) 4 3 1 2 12. Phosphate group is linked to which carbon
B) 3 4 2 1 of pentose sugar (Pg. 96, E)
C) 4 3 2 1 A) l'C B) 2'C
D) 3 4 1 2 C) 3'C D) S'C
Paragraph 6.1.1 13. Identify the free ends of given
� � r�,
polynucleotides chain - (Pg. 96, E)
Structure of polynucleotides chain (I)
Assertion is correct and Reason is
i (ii)
DNA ---� mRNA ---�
( )
D) Both Assertion and Reason are wrong
33. Histones are organized into -(Pg. 99, E)
(i) (ii) (iii) A) Hexamer B) Octamer
A) Replication Translation Transcription C) Tetramer D) Dimer
B) Replication Transcription Translation 34. A typical nucleosome contain __ bp of
C) Transcription Replication Translation DNA has (Pg. 99, E)
D) Translation Replication Transcription A) 200 B) 400
C) 600 D) 800
Paragraph 6.1.2 35. Repeating unit of chromatin -(Pg. 99, E)
A) Are nucleosomes
Packaging of DNA Helix B) Are seen as 'beads-on-string' under
electron microscope
29. If length of E. coli DNA is 1.36 mm,
C) Are packed to form fibres
calculate number of base pair in E. coli?
Given - distance between consecutive base D) All of these
36. The figure show -(Pg. 99, E)
pairs is 0.34 x 10-9 m. - (Pg. 99, E)
A) 4 X 106 B) 4 X 109
C) 4 X 10-6 D) 4 X 1012
30. Assertion : In E. coli, DNA is scattered
throughout the cell
Reason : In E. coli, there is no defined
nucleus (Pg. 99, M)
A) Both Assertion & Reason are correct &
Reason is correct explanation for
B) Both Assertion & Reason are correct A) Beads-on-string
but Reason is not correct explanation B) A nucleosome
for Assertion C) Chromatin
C) Assertion is correct and Reason is D) More than one option is correct
incorrect 37. Identify the correct label for given figure
D) Reason is correct and Assertion is (Pg. 99, M)
(ii) (i)
31. Histones are - (Pg. 99, E)
A) Positive and acidic in eukaryotes
B) Positive and acidic in prokaryotes
C) Positive and basic in eukaryotes
D) Positive and basic in prokaryotes
32. Assertion - Histones are positively charged
Reason - Histones are rich in basic amino
acid residues lysine and arginine (Pg. 99, (i) (ii) (iii)
M) A) H2 histone DNA Histone
A) Assertion & Reason are correct and B) H1 histone Histone DNA
Reason is correct explanation for octamer
Assertion C) H2 histone Histon octamer DNA
B) Assertion & Reason are correct and
D) H1 histone DNA Histone
Reason is not the correct explanation octamer
for Assertion
38. Chromosomes are connected chromatin i. R-strain (a) Smooth (1) Mucous
fibres present - (Pg. 99, E) coat
A) At all times in cell ii. S-strain (b) Rough (2) No
B) Only during cell division - formed at colonies mucous
C) Only during cell division - formed at
A) (i)-(a)-(1) B) (i)-(b)-(1)
C) (ii)-(a)-(1) D) (ii)-(a)-(2)
D) Only during cell division - formed at
44. Which strain of the microbe used Griffith
is virulent- Pg. 100, E)
39. In a typical nucleus, euchromatin & hetero
A) S-strain B) R-strain
chromatin are present. Choose the correct
C) Both D) None
set of characters for heterochromatin -
45. Griffith observed that the mice died
(Pg. 99, E)
surprisingly the following combination of
i) Loosely packed
strains was used, which was unusual- Pg.
ii) Densely packed
100, E)
iii) Light stain
A) S-strain heat killed
iv) Dark stain
B) Heat killed S-strain
v) Inactive chromatin
C) Heat killed R-strain + Live S-strain
vi) Active chromatin
D) Heat killed S-strain + Live R-strain
A) i, iii, v B) ii, iv, vi
46. In Griffith experiment (Pg. 100, E)
C) i, iii, vi D) ii, iv, v
A) R-strain transformed to S-strain and
40. Choose correct set of characters for
became virulent
euchromatin (Pg. 99, E)
B) R-strain transformed to S-strain and
i) Loosely packed
lost virulence
ii) Densely packed
C) S-strain transformed to R-strain and
iii) Light stain
became virulent
iv) Dark stain
D) S-strain transformed to R-strain and
v) Inactive chromatin
lost virulence
vi) Active chromatin
47. Griffith claimed that- (Pg. 100, E)
A) i, iii, V B) ii, iv, vi
A) Some protein was transferred among
C) i, iii, vi D) ii, iv, v
6.2 The Search for Genetic B) Some DNA was transferred among
Material bacteria
C) Some carbohydrates was transferred
Transforming Principle
among bacteria
41. Griffith's experiments were conducted in D) None of these
(Pg. 100, E) Biochemical Characterization of
A) 1928 B) 1958 Transforming Principle
C) 1978 D) 1968
42. The experiment of Griffith was performed 48. Prior to work of Avery, Macleod and
in- Pg. 100, E) McCarty, genetic material was thought to
A) Diplococcus pneumoniae, bacteria be- (Pg. 100, E)
B) Haemophilus influenzas, fungi A) Protein B) DNA
C) Streptococcus pneumoniae, fungi C) RNA D) None
D) None of these 49. Avery, Macleod & McCarty discovered
43. Match the given columns- Pg. 100, M) that- (Pg. 100, E)
A) DNA caused transformation
B) RNA caused transformation
I I II III C) Protein caused transformation
TG: @Chalnaayaaar NCERT LINE BY LINE I
D) Lipid caused transformation 57. Bacteria infected with virus that showed
50. Which enzyme inhibited the radioactivity had- (Pg. 102, E)
transformation-(Pg. 101, E) A) radioactive DNA (S32)
A) Protease B) RNase B) radioactive DNA (S3s)
C) DNase D) All C) radioactive DNA (P32)
6.2.1 The Genetic Material is DNA D) radioactive DNA (P3s)
58. (Pg. 102, E)
51. Unequivocal proof that DNA is genetic Baclcriophagc
Radioacl.ivc ('Pl
material came from experiments of-(Pg.
io;ictive ( 'SJ labelled labellecl DNA
protein capsule �
101, E)
A) Avery, Macleod & McCarty
B) Hershey and Chase
C) de Vries, Correns and Tschermak
(C :>) l.
D) Sutton and Boveri
� I P
52. The scientists of Q-11 worked with- (Pg.
101, E)
A) a virus B) a bacteria (�ni)) 2.
C) a fungi D) a nematode
53. In the experiment performed for proving
! !
DNA as genetic material, the (�ni5) 35
No Raclioactive ( S)
Raclioaclive ('Pl
bacteriophages were grown on medium detected in cells detected in cells
1 I
B) 3' ---+ 5' template strand 89. In transcription, adenosine bind with (Pg.
C) Both A and B 107, E)
D) Ligate RNA with vector of 3' ---+ 5' A) Thymine B) Uracil
polarity C) Cytosine D) A and B both
85. The replication is eukaryotes take place in 90. Why both the strand of DNA are not copied
(Pg. 106, E) during transcription-(Pg. 107, E)
A) M-phase B) G1 phase A) If both strands act a template, they
C) S-phase D) G2 phase would code for RNA molecules with
86. Polyploidy resulted by-(Pg. 106, E) same sequence
A) A failure in cell division after DNA B) RNA formed by transcription of both
replication strand, when code for protein, the
B) A failure in DNA replication after cell sequence of amino acid in protein are
division same
C) A failure in cell division before DNA C) The two RNA molecules if produced
replication simultaneously would be
D) A and C both complementary to each other
87. (Pg. 107, E) D) All of these
3' 91. Translation of RNA would be prevented if
(Pg. 107, E)
A) RNA is single strand
B) RNA is double-stranded
C) RNA is produced by both strand of DNA
D) B and C both
6.5.1 Transcription Unit
,\ C
92. Transcription unit primarily consist of-(Pg.
\ 107, E)
A) 1 region B) 2 regions
3' B, C) 3 regions D) None of these
\ 5'
5' 3' 93. Transcription primarily required-(Pg. 107,
Correct label of A, B, C, D is- E)
(i) A = Template parental strand A) RNA dependent RNA polymerase
(ii) B = Newly synthesized strand B) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
(iii) D = Continuous strand C) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
(iv) C = Discontinuous strand D) RNA dependents DNA polymerase
A) i, ii only B) iii, iv only 94. Template strand of transcription unit
C) i, ii, iii, iv D) None of these is/are-(Pg. 108, E)
6.5 Transcription A) 5' ---+ 3' strand of DNA
B) 3' ---+ 5' strand of DNA
88. Transcription is-(Pg. 107, E) C) Site of catalysis of enzyme required for
A) The process of copying genetic transcription
information from both strand of DNA D) B and C both
into RNA 95. What is coding strand of given template
B) The process of copying genetic strand
information from one strand of DNA 3' -AGCATGCA -5' (Pg. 108, E)
into RNA A) 5' -TACGTACGT -3'
C) The process of copying genetic B) 5' -UACGUACGU -3'
information from RNA into DNA C) 3' -UACGUACGU -5'
D) A and B both D) 3' -TACGTACGT -5'
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
96. Label A, B, C, D, E of given diagram. (Pg. C) Segment of DNA that are non-coding
108, E) sequence
,_ Tran cription D) Segment of RNA have not any coding
A . tart site
1:3 C
E sequence
3' -:: 5' 101. Choose the correct statement. (Pg. 109, E)
A) Monocistronic eukaryotic structural
gene have interrupted coding
- D
- 3' sequence.
B) Polycistronic prokaryotic structural
a b C d e gene have interrupted coding
A) Promot Struc Templ Coding Termi sequence.
er tural ate strand nator C) Monocistronic prokaryotic structural
gene strand
gene have interrupted coding
B) Termin Struc Codin Templa Promo D) A and B both
ator tural g te ter 102. Exons are- (Pg. 109, E)
gene strand strand
A) Coding sequence
C) Promot Templ Codin Structu Termi B) Non-coding sequence
er ate g ral nator C) Expressed sequence
stran strand gene D) A and C both
D) None of these 103. Intron- (Pg. 109, E)
A) appear is mature or processed RNA
97. Promoter is located-(Pg. 108, E) B) do not appear in mature or processed
(i) 3' end RNA
(ii) 5' end C) appear is prokaryotes
(iii) upstream of structural gene D) B and C both
(iv) downstream of structural gene 6.5.3 Types of RNA & Process of
A) i, iii B) ii, iii Transcription
C) i, iv D) ii, iv
98. Terminator is located at (Pg. 108, E) 104. Which of following play role is protein
(i) 3' end synthesis of prokaryote? (Pg. 109, E)
(ii) 5' end A) r-RNA B) t-RNA
(iii) upstream of structural gene C) m-RNA D) All of these
(iv) downstream of structural gene 105. The function of some RNA are given below
A) i, iii B) ii, iii choose the incorrect one. (Pg. 109, E)
C) i, iv D) ii, iv A) mRNA provide template strand
6.5.2 Transcription unit and the B) mRNA provide non-template strand
C) tRNA bring amino acid
D) rRNA play structural & catalytic role
99. A gene is defined as- (Pg. 108, E) 106. How many polymerase required is bacteria
A) Functional unit of inheritance for transcription of all type of RNA?
B) Non-functional region of DNA that (Pg. 109, E)
haven't any information A) One B) Two
C) A and B both C) Three D) Five
D) None of these 107. Choose incorrect step about transcription.
100. Cistron is- (Pg. 109, E) (Pg. 109, E)
A) Segment of DNA coding for a A) RNA polymerase binds to promoter and
polypeptide initiate transcription.
B) Segment of RNA coding for a
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
B) Nucleotide triphosphate act as C) rRNA D) None of these
substrate and polymerization in a 6.6 Genetic Code
C) A short stretch of RNA remains bound 116. George Gamow argued- (Pg. 111, E)
to enzyme. A) There are only 5 bases and if they have
D) Last step is termination. code for 20 amino acid the code should
108. Initiation factor and termination factor constitute a combination of bases
are- (Pg. 110, E) B) There are only 4 bases and if they have
A) Sigma and Rho factor respectively. code for 20 amino acid the code should
B) Rho and Sigma factor respectively. constitute a combination of bases
C) Rho and Rho factor respectively. C) Genetic code is triplet
D) Sigma and Sigma factor respectively. D) B and C
109. Translation & transcription in eukaryote 11 7. Which of following have maximum codon
occur in (Pg. 110, E) in genetic code-(Pg. 112, E)
A) Cytoplasm & nucleus respectively A) Leu B) Met
B) Nucleus & cytoplasm respectively C) Cal D) Phe
C) Cytosol 118. Which of following is/are showing dual
D) Nucleus function-(Pg. 112, E)
110. Which of following can be coupled in � UUU B) AUG
bacteria? (Pg. 110, E) C) UGA D) GUA
A) Replication & transcription 119. Least number of codon is for- (Pg. 112, E)
B) Transcription & translation A) Met B) Phe
C) Replication & translation C) Gls D) Gly
D) None of these 6.6.1 Mutations and Genetic Code
111. Transcription of 18 s rRNA is done by __
in eukaryote. (Pg. 111, E) 120. Sickle cell anaemia is classical example of
A) RNA pol. I B) RNA pol. II (Pg. 113, E)
C) RNA pol. III D) All of these A) point mutation
112. Choose incorrect statement. (Pg. 111, E) B) frameshift mutation
A) 5.8 s r-RNA and 5 s-RNA transcribes by C) deletion mutation
same RNA polymerase in eukaryote. D) addition mutation
B) hnRNA & mRNA transcribe by same 121. In sickle cell anaemia, there are changes
RNA polymerase in eukaryote. in gene for- (Pg. 113, E)
C) tRNA & snRNA transcribes by same A) alpha globin chain
RNA polymerase in eukaryote. B) beta globin chain
D) None of these C) gamma globin chain
113. Splicing is required to- (Pg. 111, E) D) delta globin chain
A) remove intron in eukaryote 122. In sickle cell anaemia, resultant effect of
B) remove exon in eukaryote mutation is change of amino acid residue-
C) remove exon in prokaryote (Pg. 113, E)
D) remove intron in prokaryote A) Valine to alanine
114. Capping is- (Pg. 111, E) B) Valine to glutamic acid
A) Addition of methyl guanosine C) Alanine to valine
triphosphate at 5' end D) Glutamic acid to valine
B) addition of adenylate residue at 3' end 123. The following is an example of-
C) addition of methyl guanosine BIG RED CAP ⇒ BIG REM DCA P
triphosphate at 3' end (Pg. 113, E)
D) addition of adenylate residue at 5' end A) Deletion mutation
115. The fully processed hnRNA is- (Pg. 111, E) B) Point mutation
A) tRNA B) mRNA C) Addition mutation
la mRNA
national institute of biotechnology
C) US department of energy and national
I l
institute of biotechnology
H D) US department energy and National
E F G Institute of Health
173. The of U.K was a major partner of
HGP (Pg. 118, E)
A) The given diagram is in presence of A) Wellcome trust
lactose B) Health trust
B) The given diagram is in absence of C) Social trust
lactose D) Welcome trust
C) The given diagram is of gene off 174. Project was completed in- (Pg. 118, E)
D) D and H is same process A) 2005 B) 2004
6.9 6.9 Human Genome Project C) 2003 D) 2002
(HGP) 175. Additional contributes to HGP was- (Pg.
118, E)
166. HGP was launched in- (Pg. 118, E) A) Japan B) China
A) 1980 B) 1970 C) Germany D) All of these
C) 1990 D) 2000 176. Caenorhabditis elegans is a- (Pg. 119, E)
TG: @Chalnaayaaar 193
A) Fungi B) Nematode 185. Fragments were sequenced using
C) Bacteria D) Virus automated DNA sequence that worked on
177. Caenorhabditis elegans is-(Pg. 119, E) principle of a method developed by- (Pg.
A) Free living , non-pathogenic 119, E)
B) Parasitic , pathogenic A) Erwin Chargaff
C) Free living , pathogenic B) Marshal Nirenberg
D) Parasitic , non-pathogenic C) Frederick Sanger
178. Methods / approaches of HGP include D) George Gamow
(Pg. 119, E) 186. Method for determination of amines acid
A) Excess sequence tags sequence in protein was developed by- (Pg.
B) Expressed sequence tags 119, E)
C) Exercise sequence tags A) Erwin Chargaff
D) Exerted sequence tags B) Marshal Nirenberg
179. Sequence annotations refer to- (Pg. 119, C) Frederick Sanger
E) D) George Gamow
A) Identifying all genes expressed as RNA 187. The last of the 24 human chromosomes to
and then sequencing then be sequenced was- (Pg. 120, E)
B) Sequencing the whole set of genome A) Chromosome 1
and then assigning different regions B) Chromosome X
with functions C) Chromosome 22
C) Identifying and sequencing the D) Chromosome Y
genome simultaneously 6.9.1 Salient Features of Human
D) More than one option is correct Genome
180. For sequencing, the DNA is- (Pg. 119, E)
A) Partially extracted from cell 188. According to HGP, human genome
B) Totally isolated from cell contains-
C) Not needed to isolated from cell A) ~ 3000 million bp
D) None of these B) ~ 6000 million bp
181. The DNA for sequencing is converted to C) ~ 9000 million bp
fragments of small size. The fragments are D) ~ 1000 million bp
made- (Pg. 119, E) 189. Dystrophin was found to be-
A) On a pre - decided basis A) Largest known human gene with 2.4
B) On a pre - defined basis million bases
C) Randomly B) Smallest known human gene with 2.4
D) Depending upon organism million bases
182. The step in DNA sequencing after C) Largest known human gene with 4.8
fragmentation of DNA is- (Pg. 119, E) million bases
A) Cloning in host using vectors D) Smallest known human gene with 4.8
B) Cloning in vectors using host million bases
C) Amplification of DNA fragments 190. Which chromosome was found to have
D) More than one option most genes- (Pg. 120, E)
183. Commonly used hosts for DNA cloning A) Chr 22 B) Chr 1
include- (Pg. 119, E) C) Chr 5 D) Chr Y
A) Bacteria B) BAC 191. Which chromosome was found to have
C) YAC D) Both A and C fewest genes-(Pg. 120, E)
184. BAC stands for-(Pg. 119, E) A) Chr X B) Chr Y
A) Bacterial artificial colour C) Chr 1 D) Chr 5
B) Binominal artificial characterization 6.10 DNA Finger printing
C) Bacterial artificial chromosome
D) Bacterial articular chromosome
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
192. The DNA sequence in which small stretch C) Alec Jeffreys D) Maheshwari
of DNA is repeated many times is called 197. VNTR stands for-(Pg. 122, E)
(Pg. 121, E) A) Various number of Tendon Repeats
A) SNP B) Variable Number of Tendon Repeats
B) Repetitive DNA C) Various Number of Tandem Repeats
C) Polymorphic DNA D) Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
D) More than one option 198. VNTR belongs to- Pg. 122, E)
193. Satellite DNA classified into different A) Micro-satellite
categories like micro - satellite , mini - B) Macro-satellite
satellite , etc based on- (Pg. 121, E) C) Mini-satellite
A) Length of segment D) All of these
B) Number of repetitive 199. Pg. 123, E)
C) Base composition llt·m I
/ I 11 I I I
B) Stability of genetic material I I 11 I 1111 I 11
C) Mutation - non-heritable (.'t1 UClV>,IJ(lto. lb
D) All of these
195. DNA polymorphism is observed more in l\u111 'I \1(,,.Jl\tll
affects reproduction
.._.._._._ _. _______ 2 .c.
Chrr' ,.... n� lU I
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans D C D A B B B D D A
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans A D C B B C C A C B
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans A C B C C B A B A D
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans C A B A D D D C D C
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans A D C A D A D A A C
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans B A D A D B C B C D
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans C A B A C A C B B C
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans A C A C A A B C C C
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans A B C A C A C B B C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans D C B D A A B C A A
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans C D B D B A B A A B
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans A A A A B B A B A A
Q 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
Ans B D D A B B A B D C
Q 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
Ans A D C C D A A A B D
B 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
Ans B A D D A B C A D A
Q 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
Ans D B D C B B B D B B
D 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
Ans D A C C A C C A B A
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
Ans C D A C D B A B B B
Q 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
Ans C D A C C C A A A B
Q 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
Ans B B D A C C D C A
as plague, whooping cough, diphtheria II. Statins are produced by the fungus
and leprosy. Monascus purpureus.
16. Microbes are used for commercial and III. Statins act by competitively inhibiting
industrial production of certain chemicals the enzyme responsible for synthesis of
like organic acids, alcohols and enzymes. cholesterol.
Which of the following is incorrect IV. Streptokinase is used to remove clots
regarding this? (Pg. 183, E) from the blood vessels of patients who
A) Aspergillus - fungus - citric acid have undergone myocardial infarction
B) Acetobacter aceti - bacteria - vinegar leading to heart attack.
C) Clostridium butylicum - protozoan - A) 3 B) 4
butyric acid C) 2 D) 1
D) Lactobacillus - bacteria - lactic acid. 21. A good producer of citric acid is
17. The substance which is used in detergent (Pg. 183, E)
formulations and helpful in removing oily A) Pseudomonas B) Clostridium
stains are - (Pg. 183, E) C) Saccharomyces D) Aspergillus
A) Pectinases B) Proteases 22. Which of the following is correctly matched
C) Lipases D) Statins for the product produced by them?
18. Bottled juices are clarified by the enzyme- (Pg. 183, E)
(Pg. 183, E) A) Acetobacter aceti: Antibiotics
A) Pectinase and lipases B) Methanobacterium: Lactic acid
B) Pectinase and peptidase C) Penicillium notatum: Acetic acid
C) Pectinase and protease D) Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Ethanol
D) Pectinase only 23. Which of the following is wrongly matched
19. Match the following columns: (Pg. 183, M) in the given table? (Pg. 183, M)
Column-I Column-II Microbe Product Application
a) Cyclosporin A 1 Blood Cholesterol A Trichoder I Cyclospor 1 Immunosuppr
lowering agent ma in A essive
b) Streptokinase 2 Immunosuppressive polysporu
agent m
c) Statins 3 Clot buster for B Monascus ii Statins 2 Blood
removing clots purpureus Cholesterol
d) Saccharomyces 4 Production of lowering
ethanol agent
C Streptococ ii Streptoki 3 Removal of
cus i nase clot from
Which of the following is the correct
blood vessels
D Clostridiu i Lipase 4 Removal of oil
a b C d
m V stains
A) 1 3 4 2
B) 3 2 1 4
C) 2 3 1 4
D) 4 3 2 1
24. Match Column-I with Column-II and select
the correct option using the codes.
20. How many of the following statements are
(Pg. 183, E)
correct? (Pg. 183, H) Column-I Column-II
I. A bioactive molecule, cyclosporin A, is (a) Citric acid (1) Trichoderma
produced by the fungus Trichoderma (b) Cyclosporin Clostridium
polysporum. (c) Statins (3) Aspergillus
(d) Butyric acid (4) Monascus
C) 2 D) 1
Which of the following is the correct 27. Which of the following statements is
option? correct with respect to wastewater
a b C d treatment? (Pg. 184, E)
A) 3 1 4 2 A) Treatment of wastewater is carried out
B) 4 3 1 2 in three stages- Primary, Secondary
C) 2 1 4 3 and Biological Treatment.
D) 2 3 1 4 B) Primary treatment basically involves
physical removal of particles - large
25. Match the following list of microbes and and small - from the sewage through
their importance: (Pg. 183, M) sedimentation then filtration.
Column-I Column-II C) All solids that settle form the primary
(a) Saccharomyces (1) Production of sludge, and the supernatant forms the
D) The sludge from the primary settling
(b) Monascus (2) Ripening of Swiss
purpureus cheese tank is taken for secondary treatment.
(c) Trichoderma (3) Commercial 28. Which of the following statements is
polysporum production of incorrect with respect to wastewater
ethanol treatment? (Pg. 184, E)
(d) Propionibacterium (4) Production of blood A) The primary effluent is passed into
sharmanii cholesterol-lowering large aeration tanks where it is
agent constantly agitated mechanically and
air is pumped into it. This allows
Which of the following is the correct vigorous growth of useful aerobic
option? microbes into floes.
a b C d B) Floes are masses of bacteria associated
A) 2 4 1 3 with fungal filaments to form mesh like
B) 4 3 1 2 structures.
C) 2 1 4 3
C) While growing, microbes consume the
D) 3 4 1 2
major part of the organic matter in the
effluent. This significantly elevates the
Microbes in Sewage Treatment BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) of
the effluent.
26. How many of the following are not D) BOD refers to the amount of the oxygen
incorrect with respect to wastewater that would be consumed if all the
treatment? (Pg. 183, E) organic matter in one liter of water were
I. A major component of waste water is oxidised by bacteria.
human excreta. 29. Which of the following statements is wrong
II. The municipal waste-water is called with respect to wastewater treatment?
sewage which contains large amounts (Pg. 183, E)
of inorganic matter and microbes. A) The BOD test measures the rate of
Many of which are pathogenic. uptake of oxygen by micro-organisms
III. Sewage is treated in sewage treatment in the sample of water.
plants (STPs) to make it non- polluting. B) BOD is a direct measure of the organic
IV. Treatment of waste water is done by the matter present in the water.
aerobic microbes naturally present in C) The greater the BOD of waste water,
the sewage. more is its polluting potential.
A) 4 B) 3
D) Once the BOD of sewage or waste water major rivers of our country from
is reduced significantly, the effluent is pollution.
then passed into a settling tank where 33. The primary treatment of wastewater
the bacterial 'floes' are allowed to removes (Pg. 184, E)
sediment. A) dissolved impurities
30. The gases which evolve from the anaerobic B) stable particles
sludge digester constituting biogas are C) methane
(Pg. 184, E) D) pathogens
A) Methane, sulphur dioxide, carbon 34. Which of the following in sewage treatment
sulphide removes suspended solids? (Pg. 184, E)
B) Carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, A) Tertiary treatment
methane B) Secondary treatment
C) Methane, hydrogen chloride and C) Primary treatment
carbon dioxide D) Sludge treatment
D) Methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen 35. Secondary sewage treatment is mainly a
sulphide (Pg. 184, E)
31. Which of the following statement is wrong? A) physical process
(Pg. 184, E) B) mechanical process
A) In settling tank, the sedimented C) chemical process
bacterial floes are called activated D) biological process
sludge. 36. BOD of wastewater is represented as
B) A small part of the activated sludge is (Pg. 184, E)
pumped back into the anaerobic sludge A) total inorganic matter
digester to serve as the inoculum. B) biodegradable matter
C) In anaerobic sludge digesters, other C) carbon dioxide evolution
kinds of bacteria which grow D) oxygen consumption
anaerobically, digest the bacteria and 37. The high value of BOD (Biochemical
the fungi in the sludge. Oxygen Demand) indicates that
D) The biogas can be used as source of (Pg. 184, E)
energy as it is inflammable. A) water is pure.
32. Which of the following statements is B) water is highly polluted.
incorrect? (Pg. 184, E) C) water is less polluted.
A) The effluent from the secondary D) consumption of organic matter in the
treatment plant is generally released water is higher by microbes.
into natural water bodies like rivers 38. If the activated sludge floes do not get
and streams. enough oxygen supply, (Pg. 184, E)
B) Microbes play a major role in treating A) it will increase the rate of the
millions of gallons of waste water treatment.
everyday across the globe. This B) the center of floes will become anoxic,
methodology has been practiced for which would cause the death of
more than a decade now, in almost all bacteria and eventually breakage of
parts of the world. floes.
C) Till date, no manmade technology has C) it will increase the size of floes.
been able to rival the microbial D) protozoa would grow in large numbers.
treatment of sewage. 39. Methanogenic bacteria are not present in
D) The Ministry of Environment and (Pg. 184, E)
Forests has initiated Ganga Action Plan A) gobar gas plant
and Yamuna Action Plan to save these B) stomach of ruminants
D) Khadi and Village Interest Commission 54. The use of biological methods for
50. Select the correct option among the controlling plant disease and pest is
following (Pg. 186, E) known as - (Pg. 186, E)
A) Bioinvestment B) Bioremediation
C) Biofortification D) Biocontrol
55. How many of the following statements are
incorrect? (Pg. 186, E)
I. In agriculture, there is a method of
controlling pests that relies on natural
B predation rather than introduced
II. A key belief of the organic farmer is that
A) A- slurry, B- Digester, C- Gas Holder, biodiversity furthers health.
D - Sludge III. The conventional farming practices
B) A- sludge, C- Gas mixture, B- Slurry, rarely used chemical methods to kill
D - Water+ Dung both useful and harmful life forms
C) A - sludge, B - Digester, C - Gas indiscriminately.
Holder, D - Slurry IV. The organic farmer holds the view that
D) A- slurry, C- Gas mixture, B- Sludge, the eradication of the creatures that
D - Water+ Dung are often described as pests is not only
51. Which of the following is mainly produced possible, but also undesirable.
by the activity of anaerobic bacteria on A) 4 B) 3
sewage? (Pg. 186, E) C) 2 D) 1
A) Propane B) Mustard gas 56. In a system of checks and balances- (Pg.
C) Marsh gas D) Laughing gas 187, E)
52. Which of the following statements about A) The insects that are sometimes called
methanogens is not correct? (Pg. 186, E) pests are completely eradicated.
A) They produce methane gas. B) All insects are eradicated.
B) They can be used to produce biogas. C) When pests are beyond manageable
C) They are found in the rumen of cattle levels, they are completely eradicated.
and their excreta. D) Pests are not eradicated but they are
D) They grow aerobically and breakdown kept at manageable levels.
cellulose-rich food. 5 7. The biopesticide used to get rid of aphids
53. Select the correct statement from the is - (Pg. 187, E)
following: (Pg. 186, E) A) Dragonflies
A) Activated sludge-sediment in B) Baculoviruses
settlement tanks of the sewage C) Ladybird
treatment plant is a rich source of D) Bacillus thuringiensis
aerobic bacteria. 58. Microbial biocontrol agent that can be
B) Methanobacterium is an aerobic introduced in order to control butterfly
bacterium found in the rumen of cattle. caterpillar is- (Pg. 187, E)
C) Biogas is produced by the activity of A) Fungus Trichoderma
aerobic bacteria on animal waste. B) Bacillus tracin
D) Biogas, commonly called gobar gas, is C) Baculoviruses
pure methane. D) Bacillus thuringiensis
Microbes as Biocontrol Agent 59. The bacteria bacillus thuringiensis is
available in the market in the form of -
(Pg. 187, E)
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans D D A D D C D A B C
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans C C D A B C C D C B
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D D D A D B A C B D
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans B B B C D D B C D A
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans A B B A B D D C C C
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans C D D D D D C D C D
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans B A B B C C A A B C
Q 71 72
Ans B A
.,....,--i"':."'--..,. ...
/')"':,"':,"':,"':,"':,'<., .... TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Organisms and populations
'\',"s--i,-..,.-..,."s -,J
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
= E and Immigration = I (Pg. 229, E)
46. ___ contribute to an increase in Column I Column II
a Population is i B+I=D+E
population density (Pg. 228, E)
A) Natality and emigration
b Population is ii B+l<D+E
B) Mortality and emigration
C) Mortality and Immigration C Population is iii B+l>D+E
D) Natality and Immigration stable
47. ___ refers to the no. of deaths in the
population during a period. (Pg. 228, E) a b C
A) Natality B) Immigration A) iii ii i
C) Mortality D) Birth rate B) ii iii i
48. If N is the population density at time t, C) i ii iii
then its density at time t + 1 is D) ii i iii
(Pg. 228, E) 54. Darwinian fitness is represented by
A) Nt+ 1 = Nt + (B + E) - (D + I) (Pg. 230, E)
B) Nt+ 1 = Nt + (B + D) - (E + I) A) Low r value B) High r value
C) Nt+ 1 = Nt - (B + I) - (D + E) C) High k value D) Low k value
D) Nt+ 1 = Nt + (B + I) - (D + E) 55. What are Labelled phase A, B and C in
49. Fill up A and B Boxes in the given diagram given sigmoid growth curve? (Pg. 230, E)
with correct options: (Pg. 229, E)
Population ------=-----... �
� A �--->" Density (N) -->" �
- I_____:'.:_____,
A) A = Natality + Immigration, B
Mortality + Emigration A) A-Lag, B-Log, C-Stationary
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
even if resource are abundant in known 88. Connell's field experiment on the rockey
as- (Pg.234,E) sea coast of scotland the larger and
A) Interspecific predation competitively superior bernacle Balances
B) Interfering competition dominates the intertidal area and excludes
C) Both A and B the smaller barnacle chathamalus from
D) commensalism that zone. This happened due to:
84. When certain exotic species are introduced (Pg.235,E)
in to a geographical area they become A) Mutualism B) Predation
invasive mainly because: (Pg.235,E) C) Competition D) Parasitism
A) The invaded land has unlimited 89. The principle of competitive exclusion was
resources for the introduced species. stated by: (Pg.235,E)
B) The population of the introduced A) Gause B) C. Darwin
species in the invaded land is very low. C) Mac Arther D) Connelli
C) Introduced species do not face any 90. Gause's principle of competitive exclusion
competition in the introduced land. states that: (Pg.235,E)
D) The invaded land does not have its A) More abundant species will exclude the
natural predator. less abundant through competition
85. What was the result, when all pisaster B) Larger organism will exclude smaller
starfish were removed from an enclosed one
intertidal area, in a field experiment? C) No two closely related species can
(Pg.234,E) occupy same niche indefinitely for the
A) Extinction of many invertebrate species same limiting resources
B) Increase in diversity of invertebrates D) Both A and B
C) Inability of the pisaster to enter the 91. In resource partitioning mechanism
area again (Pg.235,E)
D) Replacement of pisaster by other A) Species divide a niche to avoid
starfish competition for resources
86. A species whose distribution is restricted B) Two different species eat the same
to a small geographical area because of the thing at the same time of a day
presence of a competitively superior C) Individuals of the same species that
species is found to expand its compete with each other
distributional range dramatically when the D) Two species that share the same niche
competing species is experimentally 92. In accordance with their lifestyles,
removed. This is called- (Pg.235,E) parasites evolved special adaptations such
A) Competitive Exclusion as___ (Pg.235,E)
B) Competitive Supermacy A) the loss of unnecessary sense organs
C) Competitive Inclusion B) presence of adhesive organs or suckers
D) Competitive Release to ding on to the host
8 7. Which of the following is not a function of C) loss of digestive system and high
predators? (Pg.235,E) reproductive capacity
A) They decrease the species competition D) All of the above
in a community 93. The human liver fluke (a nematode
B) They act as conduits for energy transfer parasite) depends on two intermediate
access trophic levels host to complete its life cycle that is-
C) They help in stabilization of the (Pg.235,E)
ecosystem A) insect and cow
D) They decrease the species diversity in a B) insect and human
community C) a snail and fish
TG: @Chalnaayaaar 213
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans B D D A D C D A A A
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans B B A B C C A D B A
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D D A A C A A B C B
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans C A D B A D A C D C
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans B D B D A D C D A B
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans D B A B B C C D A C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans C C C A D A D B B D
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans A B D C A D A A A C
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans A C B D A D D C A C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans A D C A B D A A C B
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Ans C D A C D C B C TG: @Chalnaayaaar
,. � .,,. ... .,
I� 18 l�� Ecosysteni
\.'\\ �"} �
1� - - - - - -
as the p 800
A) Biomass B) Standing crop
C) Standing state D) None of these
Page-247, Easy A) Pyramid of number
TG: @Chalnaayaaar B) Pyramid of biomass
10.000 J
C) Newly created pond
D) All of these
L------------' Page-250, Easy
A) Pyramid of number 4 7. Secondary succession begins in areas
B) Pyramid of biomass where
C) Pyramid of energy A) No living organism are there
D) None of these B) Lost all the living organism
Page-249, Easy C) Natural biotic communities have been
42. Identify the pyramid destroyed
D) Both B & C
I I 2 Page-251, Easy
A) Burned and cut forests areas
20 B) Land that have been flooded
LJ 1 C) Abandoned farm lands
D) All are correct
A) Pyramid of number Page-251, Easy
B) Pyramid of biomass 49. Select the correct statement
C) Pyramid of energy A) secondary succession is faster than
D) None of these primary succession
Page-248, Easy B) primary succession is faster
14.6 Ecological succession C) Both are a equal speed
D) None of these
43. A community that is in near equilibrium Page-251, Easy
with the environment is called as 50. The individual transitional communities
A) Pioneer community are termed as
B) Middle community A) Seral stages
C) Climax community B) Pioneer
D) Sere C) Seral communities
Page-250, Easy D) Both A & C are correct
44. The gradual and fairly predictable change Page-250, Easy
in the species composition of a given area 14.6.1 Succession of plants
is called
A) Hydrarch succession 51. Which type of succession takes place in
B) Ecological succession wet areas
C) Pioneer succession A) Hydrarch succession
D) None of these B) Xerarch succession
Page-250, Easy TG: @Chalnaayaaar
C) Mesarch succession
D) None of these
Consumers ◄•--- Producers
Page-254, Easy
83. Rock is the natural reservoir of
A ,_ C
A) Carbon
B) Nitrogen ♦ Decomposition
C) Phosphorus
D) None at these t
� Uptake
Run off
Page-254, Easy D
Rock minerals
84. Herbivores & other animals obtain
Phosphorus from A B C D
A Detritus Weatheri Soil Litter fall
A) Rock B) Plants
) ng solutio
C) Ocean D) Lake n
Page-254, Easy
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans C B D D B A C B D C
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans B C D C C B C D B D
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans B B A B B C B D C C
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans C C A B D A D B C B
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans C A C B C D D D A D
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans A C B B B A A B C B
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans A B B B C B C D D C
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans C B D B C B D D C D
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans C D C B B A C C D C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans D C D D B D B C C D
Q 101
Ans A
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
r ):i,,,,�
"'l, -y,
- TG: @Chalnaayaaar BOTANY
16. In all available species more than 70% of 24. Species diversity decreases as (Pg. 261, E)
all the species recorded are __ which A)We move away from the equator
___ camprise no more than 22% of the towards the poles
total (Pg. 260, E) B)We move away from the poles towards
A) Invertebrates, Plants equator
B)Plants, Animal C)We move hill to plane area
C)Animal, Plants D)None of the above
D) Plant, Invertebrates 25. How many species of birds found in India?
17. Highest variation of species in plants is in (Pg. 261, E)
(Pg. 260, E) A) 1500 B)1400
A)Fungi B)Mosses C) 1200 D)1700
C)Algae D)Lichens 26. Greatest biodiversity on earth is found in
18. In vertebrates maximum No. of species (Pg. 261, E)
found in (Pg. 260, E) A)Sundarbans
A)Birds B)Mammals B)Amazon rain forest
C) Fishes D) Reptiles
C)Congo rain forest
19. Problem behind no given figures about
D) None of the above
prokaryotes is (Pg. 260, E)
27. Amazon Rainforest situated in (Pg. 261, E)
A) Conventional taxonomic methods are
A)North America B)North India
not suitable for identifying microbial
C)South America D) West America
28. Choose the correct option (Pg. 261, E)
B)Many species are simply not culturable
1 Plant 378
under laboratory conditions ii 40,000
2 Fishes
C)Because prokaryotes are non-living 3 Birds iii 427
D) A & B both are correct 4 Mammals iv 3,000
20. India has only ........ percent at the world's 5 Reptiles V 1,300
land area. Its share of the global species
diversity in an impressive....percent. 1 2 3 4 5
(Pg. 261, E) A)ii iv v iii i
A)2.4, 8.1 B)8.1, 2.4 B)iii ii v I iv
C)4.1, 8.2 D) 8.4, 2.1 C)ii iv v I iii
21. India is one of the ....mega diversity D) None of the above
countries of the world. (Pg. 261, E) 29. How many insect species waiting to be
A)13 B)14 discovered & named. (Pg. 261, E)
C)12 D) 11 A)2 million B)20,000
22. How may plant species found in India C)2,000 D)2,00,000
roughly (Pg. 261, E) 30. Which one is wrong about species found in
A) 1,00,000 B)45,000 Amazon rainforest. (Pg. 261, E)
C)3,00,00 D)None of the above A)Reptiles-378 B)Fishes-3,000
23. According to May's global estimate there C)Birds-1300
are probably.....plant species & more than D)All of the above are correct
.....animal species. (Pg. 261, E) 31. More......Energy available in tropics,
A)3,00,000 & 1,00,000 which contributes to higher productivity
B)30,000 & 10,000 (Pg. 262, E)
C)1,00,000 & 3,00,000 A)Solar
D) 10,000 & 30,000 B)Thermal
15.1.2 Patterns of Biodiversity C)Nuclear
D)None of the above
NCERT LINE BY LINE I TG: @Chalnaayaaar
32. The relation b/w species richness & area C) Increased with decreasing explored
for a wide variety of taxa turns out to be a area ' but there are no limitations
(Pg. 262, E) D) None of the above
A) Linear B) Sigmoid 41. Find out A and B and also select the
C) Rectangular Hyperbola correct answer (Pg. 262, E)
D) None of the above
33. Correct equation of species-Area S = CA'
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
biodiversity and sustainable utilization (iii) Also called the earth summit
of its benefit.
(iv) 190 states Pledged in this summit
B) All nations are free to utilize natural
resources and also harm the (v) Commitment to achieve by 2020
ecosystem. A) i, ii, iv B) i, ii, iii
C) Significant reduction in the current C) iii, iv, I D) all
rate of biodiversity loss at global, 101. In recent years, which type of conservation
regional and local levels. has advanced beyond keeping threatened
D) None of these species in enclosures? (Pg. 267, E)
100. What is correct about the historic A) In-situ conservation
convention on biological diversity? B) Ex-situ conservation
(Pg. 267, E) C) None of these
(i) It held in Rio de Janeiro D) Both A & B
(ii) In 1992
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans C B A D D B A A C B
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans D C D C B C A C D A
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans C A C A C B C A A D
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A C B D C B C D D A
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans B D D D B A C A D A
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans D C B D C B D D B C
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans D D B D B C D C D B
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans D B A D A A D C A A
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans D C A C C A D A B C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans B A C C D B C C A D
Q 101
Ans B
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
r,,,,,..... BOTANY
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E_n_v_ir_o_n_v_ e_ n-ta-1 -is_s_u_e_ __
s ___,
� i,,--,--,--,
(Pg. 273, E)
12. What does PIL stands for (Pg. 272, E) A) Both (i) and (ii) are correct
A) People Interest Limitation B) (i) is correct and (ii) is wrong
B) Public Interest Litigation C) (i) is wrong and (ii) is correct
C) Population Interest Litigation D) Both (i) and (ii) are wrong
D) Personal Interest Litigation 16.2 Water Pollution and It's
13. Which among the following is best to use Control
as a fuel for public transport? (Pg. 272, E)
A) Petrol
B) Diesel 19. Water (Prevention and Control of pollution)
C) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Act was passed in which year?
D) Gasoline (Pg. 273, E)
14. Statement P : CNG is better than petrol A) 1981 B) 1974
and diesel C) 1989 D) 1986
Statement Q : CNG burns most efficiently 20. Choose the correct option -
and left with very little of unburnt residue Impurities in waste water (Pg. 273, E)
(Pg. 273, E) 1 Suspended i Fecal matter,
A) P is correct and Q is wrong solids bacteria
B) Both statements are correct 2 Colloidal ii Nitrate,
C) P is wrong and Q is correct material Calcium
D) Both statements are wrong 3 Dissolved iii Sand, Silt,
15. Use of ___ and ___ reduces the material Clay
vehicular pollution. (Pg. 273, E)
A) Leaded petrol and low sulphur petrol A) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii B) 1-ii, 2-i, 3-iii
B) Unleaded petrol and high sulphur C) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii D) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i
petrol 21. Label the given figure (Pg. 274, E)
C) Unleaded petrol and low sulphur
petrol and diesel. ""'"
D) Leaded petrol and high sulphur petrol
16. Which among the following is correct
option -
ACC. to Euro III norms - (Pg. 273, E) ______. ______.
A) Sulphur be controlled at 350 ppm in Direction of flow
B) Sulphur be controlled at 150 ppm in (i) (ii) (iii)
diesel A BOD Dissolved Clean
02 water
C) Sulphur be controlled at 370 ppm in
B BOD Dissolved Sewage
02 discharge
D) Sulphur be controlled at 360 ppm in C Dissolved BOD Sewage
diesel 02 water
17. Bharat stage II is equivalent to which D Dissolved BOD Clean
among the following - (Pg. 273, E) 02 water
A) Euro - III norms B) Euro - I norms
C) Euro - II norms D) Euro - IV norms 22. BOD stands for - (Pg. 275, E)
18. (i) Bharat stage III - norms is applicable to A) Biological Oxygen Demand
4 wheelers, 3 wheelers, 2 wheelers B) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(ii) Bharat stage III norm is implemented C) Biodegradable Oxygen Demand
throughout the country since May 2017 D) Biological Oxygen Dissolved
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
23. (i) Dissolved salts like nitrates, 28. Scientific name of water hyacinth -
phosphates, toxic metal ions and organic (Pg. 275, E)
compounds are most easy to remove from A) Eichhornia crassipes
sewage water BJ Elodea canadensis
(ii) A mere 0.1 % impurities make domestic CJ Epomoea quamoclit
sewage unfit for human use DJ Etroplus surotensis
(iii) Most of domestic sweage are not 29. Which among the following is called
readily decomposed Terror of Bengal ' ? - (Pg. 276, E)
How many among the above statements A) Nelumbo nucifera
are correct - (Pg. 275, E) BJ Ceratrophyllum submeresum
A) 0 B) 1 C) Eichhornia crassipes
C) 2 D) 3 DJ Lemma minor
24. Assertion : It is possible to estimate the 30. Which among the following is not true
amount of non - biodegradable organic about water hyacynth? - (Pg. 276, E)
matter in sewage water by measuring A) There are the world's most problematic
BOD. aquatic weed.
Reason Bacteria and other micro B) These are introduced in the India for
organism multiply using the organic their rapid growing ability
substances as substrate and utilizes some C) They have very beautiful flowers
of the components of sewage -(Pg. 275, E) D) They cause imbalance in the ecosystem
A) Assertion is wrong Reason is correct dynamics of the water bodies
B) Both are wrong 31. Match the following - (Pg. 276, E)
C) Assertion is correct but Reason is 1 Water i DDT 0.5 ppm
wrong 2 Zooplankton ii DDT 2 ppm
D) Both are correct 3 Small fish iii DDT 0.003 ppm
25. Free-Floating algae are also called ___ 4 Large fish iv DDT 25 ppm
A) Euglenoids 5 Fish - Eating V DDT 0.04 ppm
B) Planktonic-algae birds
C) Hydro algae
D) Dinoflagellates algae A) 1-iii, 2-v, 3-i, 4-ii, 5-iv
26. What is the cause of algal bloom? B) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-v, 4-iv, 5-iii
A) Excessive growth of planktonic algae C) 1-ii, 2-v, 3-iv, 4-i, 5-iii
due to presence of large amount of D) 1-iii, 2-iv, 3-i, 4-v, 5-ii
nutrient in water 32. Heavy metals like mercury, lead, etc have
B) Excess of fish mortality in water density greater than ___? -(Pg. 276, E)
C) Discharge of harmful elements like A) 5 g/cm3
lead, mercury, etc in water bodies B) 5 mg/cm3
through industries C) 25 g/cm3
D) Nitrogen - fixing bacteria present in D) 25 mg/cm3
water bodies fixes nitrogen and results 33. Which among the following refers to the
in the spread of vegetation increase in concentration of the toxicant at
2 7. Which among the following are not successive trophic level - (Pg. 276, E)
consequences of algal bloom -(Pg. 275, E) A) BOD
A) Imparting distinct colors to the water B) Biomagnification
bodies C) Biofortification
B) Deterioration of water quality D) Eutrophication
C) Fish natality 34. Assertion: Toxic substances get passed on
D) Toxicity to human being and animals to the next higher trophic level
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Reason Toxic substances get 40. Which among the following can accelerate
accumulated by an organism cannot be the process of eutrophication -(Pg. 277, E)
metabolished or excreted - (Pg. 276, E) A) Organic waste from household
A) Both are correct B) Plastic waste
B) Assertion is correct but Reason is C) Sewage and agricultural waste
wrong D) Both A & C
C) Assertion is wrong but Reason is 41. Accelerated aging process of natural lake
correct by pollutants from mans activities are
D) Both are wrong called ___ (Pg. 277, E)
35. High concentration of DDT disturb A) Cultural eutrophication
calcium metabolism in bird which causes B) Man-made eutrophication
(Pg. 276, E) C) Accelerated eutrophication
A) Thinning of eggshell D) More than one option is correct
B) Premature breaking of eggshell 42. Prime contaminants, that causes severe
C) Decline in bird population eutrophication and also act as plant
D) All of these nutrients are___ (Pg. 277, E)
36. Which among the following is a term used A) Calcium B) Nitrate
for natural aging of lake - (Pg. 276, E) C) Phosphate D) Both B & C
A) Biomagnification 43. Which of below option is correct?
B) Eutrophication Pollutants from thermal power plants
C) Euphorbism results in - (Pg. 277, E)
D) Eumagnification i) Elimination of organism sensitive to
37. What causes eutrophication?-(Pg. 277, E) high temperature
A) Introduction of nutrients like nitrogen ii) Elimination of organisms sensitive to
and phosphorus low temperature
B) Introduction of harmful elements like iii) Enhance the growth of organisms in
lead extremely cold areas
C) Introduction of plastic waste iv) Certainly has no effect on the
D) None of these organisms
38. Which among the following statements are A) Only I B) ii and iii
correct? - (Pg. 277, E) C) i and iii D) only iv
i) Eutrophication is long process which 16.2.2 A case study of Integrated
may even take thousands of years waste water Treatment
ii) Eutrophication encourages growth of
aquatic organisms 44. Arcata is situated along the -(Pg. 277, E)
iii) Eutrophication leads to the conversion A) North coast of California
of fresh lake into polluted and B) Eastern part of Europe
deteriorate lake C) Southern part of Germany
A) (ii) and (iii) B) Only (i) D) Middle zone of France
C) (i) and (ii) D) All 45. The series of six connected marshes
39. Eutrophication finally leads to the spread over how much area in the
conversion of lake into which among the integrated waste water treatment? -
following? - (Pg. 277, E) A) 600 hectares B) 60 hectares
A) Deep swampy pond C) 600 Acre D) 60 Acre
B) Land 46. Which among the following is true about
C) Polluted pond the second stage of the Arcata integrated
D) Lake with silt and organic content at waste water treatment? - (Pg. 277, E)
TG: @Chalnaayaaar 237
are-- _ _8,� E_ )� _____,>---___P_ _ _ _ �
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
B) By making a powder of recycled 66. What is the key point of integrated organic
modified plastic farming? - (Pg. 280, E)
C) By making a paste of non-recycled A) Preference of mixed farming
unmodified plastic B) Waste product from one process are
D) By making a powder of non-recycled cycled in as nutrient for other process
unmodified plastic C) Minimizing the use of chemical
61. Polyblend is mixed with which among the fertilizer
following to lay roads? - (Pg. 279, E) D) All of these
A) Karolinite B) Allinite 67. What are the results of integrated organic
C) Bitumen D) Dalinite family? - (Pg. 280, E)
62. What are the factors by which khan prove A) Maximum utilization of resources
that his innovation is better way to lay B) Increased efficiency of production
road- (Pg. 279, E) C) Higher profitability to farmer
A) Enhanced water repellent properties D) All of these
B) This increases the road life by a factor 68. How many among the following are true for
of 3 Dagar's idea of integrated organic farming
C) Accumulation of plastic waste reduced (Pg. 280, E)
D) All of these i) he included Bee - keeping dairy, water
63. Ahmed khan collaborated with - harvesting, composting and agriculture
A) R. V. College of Engineering in his farm
B) J awaharlal Medical College ii) he uses cattle dung as manure to crops
C) Bangalore City Corporation iii) he uses crop waste only to generate
D) Both A and C natural gas but not for compost
16.4 Agro - Chemicals and their formation
Effects iv) he uses chemical fertilizer for crops
A) 1 B) 2
64. What are the effects of Green Revolution? C) 3 D) 4
(Pg. 279, E) 69. Who was the founder of Haryana kisan
A) Increased crop production welfare club? - (Pg. 280, E)
B) widely used inorganic fertilizer and A) Suresh Dagariya
pesticides B) Raju Chandra Bhushan
C) increased toxicity to soils ecosystem C) Ahmad Khan
D) all of these D) Ramesh Chandra Dagar
65. Which among the following is correct? - 16.1 Radioactive wastes
(Pg. 279, E)
i) Increase the use of chemical fertilizer 70. Three Mile Island and Chernobyl incidents
can be biomagnified in terrestrial are related to which among the following?
ecosystem and can be toxic (Pg. 280, E)
ii) increased used of chemical fertilizer is A) Leakage of chemical gas
useful for aquatic ecosystem as it B) Leakage of radioactive gas
undergoes Eutrophication in faster C) release of contaminated wastewater
rate D) none of these
A) only (i) B) only (ii) 71. How radiation given off by nuclear waste is
C) (i) and (ii) D) None of these damaging to organisms? - (Pg. 280, E)
16.4.1 Case Study of Organic A) They cause mutation at very high rate
B) They cause disorders by altering the
gene sequence
C) they cause cancer
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
82. What would be the average temperature of C) By action of PAR on molecular oxygen
earth if there would be no greenhouse D) none of the above
effect?- (Pg. 281, E) 90. Full Form of CFCs is (Pg. 282, E)
A) 0 C B) 15° C A) Chlorofluoro cation
C) -18° C D) -105° C B) Chlorofluroscent carbon
16.7 Ozone Depletion in the C) Chlorofluoro carbon
Stratosphere D) Cationicfluoroin carbon
91. Which among the following is true about
83. Bad ozone is found in which layer? - CFCs? (Pg. 282, E)
(Pg. 282, E) i) It degrades the ozone layer
A) Upper Stratosphere ii) By the action of UV ray CFCs releases
B) Thermosphere Cl atom
C) Troposphere iii) Cl bind with ozone and releases
D) Ionosphere molecular oxygen and act as merely
84. Good ozone is found in which layer? catalysts
(Pg. 282, E) iv) Cl atom are consumed in the reaction
A) Upper Stratosphere A) Only i and ii B) Only i and iii
B) Thermosphere C) i, ii and iii D) all of these
C) Troposphere 92. what are the effects of UV- B rays?
D) Ionosphere (Pg. 282, E)
85. The thickness of ozone layer is measured A) Damages DNA by causing mutation
by (Pg. 282, E) B) Causes inflammation of Cornea, snow
A) Fukin unit B) Delberg unit blindness,
C) Dobson unit D) Colleit unit C) causes cataract
86. The area where, ozone layer is thin is D) All of these.
known as (Pg. 282, E) 93. Which among the following international
A) Ozone reduced area treaty was signed to control emission of
B) Ozone hole ozone depleting substances? (Pg. 282, E)
C) Spare ozone area A) Kyoto Protocol
D) Zero ozone B) Nagoya Protocol
87. At which area, ozone hole is prominent? C) Earth summit
(Pg. 282, E) D) Montreal Protocol
A) Above antarctica 94. In which year Montreal Protocol was
B) Above north Pacific ocean signed? (Pg. 283, E)
C) Above Atlantic ocean A) 1990 B) 1985
D) Above whole Asia C) 1986 D) 1987
88. What is the time period at which ozone 16.8 Degradation By Improper
hole area Antarctica develops each year? Resources Utilization And
(Pg. 282, E) Maintainance
A) Late August- early October
B) January- Feburary 95. What cause soil erosion? (Pg. 283, E)
C) Early March- Late March A) Un-restricted grazing
D) Mid December- Mid January B) Deforestation
89. How ozone gas are formed? (Pg. 282, E) C) Poor-irrigation practices
A) By action of UV rays on molecular D) All of these
oxygen 96. What are the effect of water logging?
B) By action of infrared rays on molecular (Pg. 283, E)
TG: @Chalnaayaaar
Answer Key
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans B C D D C C C A D A
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans A B C B C A C B B C
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans C B B A B A C A C B
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans A A B A D B A C B C
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans C D C A B D A B C D
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans D A D C D B A D B A
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans C D A D A D D B D B
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans D B C B B B A D B D
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans B C C A C B A A A C
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans C D D D D D C C A B
Q 101 102 103 104 105
Ans A C D D B