Geography (Code No. 029) : XI-XII (2022-23)
Geography (Code No. 029) : XI-XII (2022-23)
Geography (Code No. 029) : XI-XII (2022-23)
XI-XII (2022-23)
(Code No. 029)
Geography is introduced as an elective subject at the senior secondary stage. After ten
years of general education, students branch out at the beginning of this stage and are
exposed to the rigors of the discipline for the first time. Being an entry point for the higher
education, students choose Geography for pursuing their academic interest and,
therefore, need a broader and deeper understanding of the subject. For others,
geographical knowledge is useful in daily lives because it is a valuable medium for the
education of young people. Its contribution lies in the content, cognitive processes, skills
and values that Geography promotes and thus helps the students explore, understand and
evaluate the environmental and social dimensions of the world in a better manner.
Since Geography explores the relationship between people and their environment, it
includes studies of physical and human environments and their interactions at different
scales-local, state/region, nation and the world. The fundamental principles responsible for
the varieties in the distributional pattern of physical and human features and phenomena
over the earth's surface need to be understood properly. Application of these principles
would be taken up through selected case studies from the world and India. Thus, the
physical and human environment of India and study of some issues from a geographical
point of view will be covered in greater detail. Students will be exposed to different
methods used in geographical investigations.
The course in Geography will help learners to:
Familiarize with key concepts, terminology and core principles of Geography.
Describe locations and correlate with Geographical Perspectives.
List/describe what students might see, hear, and smell at a place.
List/describe ways a place is linked with other places.
Compare conditions and connections in one place to another.
Analyze/describe how conditions in one place can affect nearby places.
Identify regions as places that are similar or connected.
Describe and interpret the spatial pattern features on a thematic map.
Search for, recognize and understand the processes and patterns of the
spatial arrangement of the natural features as well as human aspects and
phenomena on the earth's surface.
Understand and analyze the inter-relationship between physical and human
environments and utilize such knowledge in reflecting on issues related to
Apply geographical knowledge and methods of inquiry to emerging situations
or problems at different levels-local, regional, national and global.
Develop geographical skills, relating to collection, processing and analysis of
spatial data/ information and preparation of report including maps and graphs
and use of computers where ever possible; and to be sensitive to issues.
The child will develop the competency to analyze, evaluate, interpret and apply
the acquired knowledge to determine the environmental issues effectively.
CLASS XI (2022-23)
One Theory Paper 70 Marks
3 Hours
Map Work 05 5
B India: People and Economy 90 35 Marks
Unit 6: People 15
Unit 7: Human Settlements 10
Unit 8: Resources and Development 30 30
Unit 9: Transport, Communication and International 15
Unit 10: Geographical Perspective on selected 15
issues and problems
Map Work 05 5
Total 180 70 Marks
C Practical Work in Geography Part II 40 30 Marks
Unit 1: Processing of Data and Thematic Mapping 25 15
Unit 2: Spatial Information Technology 15 10
Practical Record Book and Viva Voce 5
1. The above textbooks are also available in Hindi medium.
2. Kindly refer to the latest editions of all NCERT Textbooks.
70 Marks
Units - 6 & Ch. 1 to 4 • State with highest level of urbanization and lowest level of
7 urbanization
• State with higher level of population density & one state with
lowest level of population density (2011)
• Any city with more than 10 million population – Greater Mumbai,
Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru
Unit - 8 Ch. 5 to 9 Leading producing states of the following crops:
(a) Rice (b) Wheat (c) Cotton (d) Jute (e) Sugarcane (f) Tea and (g)
• Iron-ore mines: Mayurbhanj, Bailadila, Ratnagiri, Bellary
• Manganese mines: Balaghat, Shimoga
• Copper mines: Hazaribagh, Singhbhum, Khetari
• Bauxite mines: Katni, Bilaspur and Koraput
• Coal mines: Jharia, Bokaro, Raniganj, Neyveli
• Oil Refineries: Mathura, Jamnager, Barauni
Unit - 9 Ch. 10 - 11 Transport:
(i) Important nodes on north south corridor, East west corridor &
golden quadrilateral
(ii) Major Sea Ports: Kandla, Mumbai, Marmagao, Kochi,
Mangalore, Tuticorin, Chennai, Vishakhapatnam,
(iii) International Air ports: Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru,
Chennai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Delhi, Amritsar,
Thiruvananthapuram & Hyderabad
Unit-10 Ch.12 NIL