Lec - M4. Post Task I - Cardiovascular System
Lec - M4. Post Task I - Cardiovascular System
Lec - M4. Post Task I - Cardiovascular System
# 12. Describe the role of blood vessel constriction and platelet plugs in preventing bleeding.
Describe the three steps of platelet plug formation.
● Blood vessels constrict in response to injury, resulting in decreased blood flow. This
constriction can close small vessels completely and stop the flow of blood through them.
Vascular spasm is stimulated by chemicals released by cells of the damaged blood
vessel wall and by platelets. Platelet plugs repair minor damage to blood vessels.
Platelet plugs form when: First Platelets adhesion in which platelets stick to the
collagen exposed by blood vessel damage; Second, Platelet release reaction wherein
it release chemicals (ADP and thromboxanes) which bind to their respective receptors
on the surfaces of other platelets, activating the platelets; and Third platelet
aggregation, fibrinogen forms bridges between the fibrinogen receptors of numerous
platelets, resulting in a platelet plug.
# 13. What are clotting factors? Describe the three steps of activation that result in the formation
of a clot
● Clotting factors are the formation of a blood clot depending on a number of proteins
found within plasma. In activation that results in clot formation there are steps such as;
the chemical reactions can be started in two ways: activation of clotting factors by
connective tissue and chemicals, resulting in the formation of prothrombinase; next is
that Prothrombinase converts an inactive clotting factor called prothrombin to its active
form, thrombin; and then last, Thrombin converts the plasma protein fibrinogen to fibrin.