High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Films
High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Films
High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Films
This work was based on the studies of the influence of the plasma process on the characteristics of diamond-like carbon (DLC) films
deposited by high density plasma chemical vapor deposition (HDP-CVD). DLC is a material that shows several good characteristics like high
electrical resistivity, lower dielectric constant, high breakdown field, lower stress, high density, and hardness and chemical inertness. This
material is important actually in mechanic, optic, and chemistry and mainly in microelectronic areas. For microelectronic process the best
results were obtained by plasma of pure methane: low dielectric constant (1.7) and high resistivity 5 £ 1013 V cm.
q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Micromachine; Tridimentional structures; Polymer micromachine
Fig. 3. Ratios of the sum of the areas of the sp3 CHx peaks/area of the sp2
Fig. 1. Deposition rate of DLC films in function of the process pressure and CH peak, as a function of pressure process and RF power.
RF power.
a Piranha clean, followed by a diluted HF dip, before film from 1 min to 1 h and the deposition rate of the investigated
deposition. processes remained constant.
The film thickness was measured with a Dektak 3030 Fig. 2 shows a typical DLC FTIR spectrum. In this
step height meter and a Rudolph AUTOEl-NIR3 ellips- spectrum the principal peaks are the CH and CO blends. For
ometer. The chemical composition was measured by a Bio- this analyze using the 2700 – 3100 region.
RAD FTS 40 Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) The Bessel deconvolution fit of the film spectra shows
spectrometer. the following peaks: sp3 CH3 (2875 cm21), sp3 CH2
For C – V and I–V measurements, electrical contacts (2920 cm 21), sp3 CH 3 (2960 cm 21 ) and sp2 CH 3
were deposited at the front side of the wafer, by aluminum (1635 cm21) [1]. FTIR spectra obtained from the different
evaporation through a mechanical mask in order to obtain samples and the area of the sp2 CH peak was compared with
300 nm thick, 1 mm-diameter cylinders. At the backside of the sum of the areas of the three-sp3 peaks. The influence of
the wafer, a 500 nm thick aluminum film was evaporated. the pressure and RF power on the ratios of the sum of the
The dielectric constant was determined with a HP 4280 high areas of the three sp3 peaks to the area of the sp2 CH peak, is
frequency C-V meter and the electrical conductivity with a shown in Fig. 3: with increase in RF power, the ratio of the
HP 4140A picoamperemeter. sp3 peak areas to the sp2 peak area, increases and decrease
with the pressure process. This indicates that the high power
or high-energy ions promotes very strongly the formation of
3. Results sp3 type carbon bond.
Raman spectra of the films were obtained and fitted into
Fig. 1 shows the deposition rate of the DLC films as a two Gaussian lines to analyze the shape, frequency, position
function of process pressure and RF power. and area of the D and G bands [1].
The deposition rate increased substantially from 2 to The dielectric constant was also determined as a
18 nm/min, as the RF power increase. In function of the function of plasma parameters and the result is shown in
pressure process, the deposition rate increased more slowly Fig. 4. This figure shows that the dielectric constant
t: Using a CH4 rich process, a 1 mm thick film can be decreases with power and pressure increasing, this
deposited in less than 30 min. The process time was varied comportment is the same of the ratio of sp3 (CH)
Table 1 4. Conclusions
Electric resistivity and breakdown electric field of the films as a function of
RF power and pressure process
The film deposited with high-density plasma shows good
RF power (W) 5 mTorr 10 mTorr 15 mTorr characteristics for several applications. These films show
better qualities by sp2/sp3 ratio in range of 0.02. For
GV cm MV/cm GV cm MV/cm GV cm MV/cm microelectronic process the best results were obtained by
plasma of pure methane: low dielectric constant (1.7) and
50 0.5 6.2 0.5 6.7 3 7.2
100 1 6.1 2 6.6 10 6.9 high resistivity 5 £ 1013 V cm.
125 2 6.45 45 6.6 43 6.9