Molecular Laboratory: Kit Specification Pathodetect Covid19 Qualitative PCR Kit, CT Cutoff - 37
Molecular Laboratory: Kit Specification Pathodetect Covid19 Qualitative PCR Kit, CT Cutoff - 37
Molecular Laboratory: Kit Specification Pathodetect Covid19 Qualitative PCR Kit, CT Cutoff - 37
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Investigations Result(s)
• Clinical correlation with patient history, radiology findings and co-infection with other virus infection is necessary to be determined.
• Borderline positive cases (CT Value >30) may give variable results on repeat testing. The possible reasons could be the variation in kits and instrument used.
• Optimum specimen types and timing of peak viral levels during infections caused by 2019-nCOV have not been determined. Collection of multiple specimens (Types & Time points) may be necessary in view of
suspected clinical history. The repeat specimen may be considered after a gap of 2-4 days after the collection of first specimen for additional testing if required.
• Negative results do not preclude SARS - CoV - 2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis for patient management decisions.
• This test is a qualitative assay and does not quantify viral load. Various host factors, viral factors, variability in sample collection /sites and techniques used by the Lab can affect Ct values.Therefore CT values
are not an absolute indication of viral load and should be interpreted with caution.
• Sample collected too early or too late in the infection, Improper sample handling and shipment.
• Active recombination &/ mutations in target genes used for detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus.
1. Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR, Berlin Jan 17th, 2020.
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