Dimension Is 350mm X 350mm of Columns With 8pcs - Ø16mm: Proposed Two Storey Commercial Building
Dimension Is 350mm X 350mm of Columns With 8pcs - Ø16mm: Proposed Two Storey Commercial Building
Dimension Is 350mm X 350mm of Columns With 8pcs - Ø16mm: Proposed Two Storey Commercial Building
LOGO Owner :
Location :
Check by : Engr. Mark Christian D. Esguerra Date : 2/17/2022
350 mm
Material Properties Reinforcement Details: Summary:
Concrete f'c = 20.70 Mpa Location No. Location Size
Reinforcing fy = 476.00 Mpa Along x 3.00 Corner Rebar 16.00
Dimension is 350mm x 350mm of
Es = 200000 Mpa Along y 3.00 Side Rebar 16.00
columns with 8pcs - Ø16mm
350 mm
εcu = 0.0030 Cover (mm) 40.00
r = As/(b*h) 1.31%
Section Properties: Result:
Width = 350.00 mm Stirrup fy (Mpa) 276.00 Spacing Tie(mm) 120.00
Column Design is Safe
Height = 350.00 mm Stirrup bar(mm) 10.00 Confinement(mm) 75.00
Length = 4,400.00 mm
Applied forces: Shear Design Summary:
Load Case Pu Mx My Shear x Shear y Pu/Puallow Biaxial Shear resistance Spacing Shear resistance Spacing Remark
D/C D/C Ratio
kN kN/m kN/m kN kN Capacity(kN) Ratio Req. Capacity(kN) Ratio Req.
Case 1 = 380.08 8.53 36.99 17.16 3.78 Pass 0.253 0.364 55.79 0.18 145mm 55.79 0.09 145.00
Case 2 = 358.74 8.12 38.54 17.16 3.78 Pass 0.238 0.375 66.15 0.15 145mm 66.15 0.02 145.00
Case 3 = Pass - -
Case 4 = Pass - -
Case 5 = Pass - -
3D Interaction Diagram Along x Along y
Interaction Diagram(Along x) Interaction Diagram(Along y)
2,500 φPn, kN
φPn, kN
2,000 2,000
1,500 1,500
1,000 1,000
Y-Axis 500
φMn, kNm
X-Axis φMn, kNm
0 0
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
-500 -500
Detailed Calculations
Shear Calculation Along X Along Y
Along X c Mn Pn φ φMn φPn c Mn Pn φ φMn φPn
● Minimum Shear Reinforcement NSCP 2015 410.6.2 0 0.0 2314.2 0.65 0.0 1504.2 0 0.0 2314.2 0.65 0.0 1504.2
Vu > 0.5φVc No shear reinforcement Required 410.6.2.1 424 23.2 2314.2 0.65 15.1 1504.2 424 23.2 2314.2 0.65 15.1 1504.2
Shear reinforcement required, 65.63 410.6.2.2 381 53.0 2314.2 0.65 34.5 1504.2 381 53.0 2314.2 0.65 34.5 1504.2
● Shear strength provided by concrete NSCP 2015 422.5.6 338 87.0 2183.0 0.65 56.6 1418.9 338 87.0 2183.0 0.65 56.6 1418.9
Vc (kN)= 115.78 295 112.8 1903.2 0.65 73.3 1237.1 295 112.8 1903.2 0.65 73.3 1237.1
● Shear strength provided by transverse reinforcement 252 133.8 1590.4 0.65 87.0 1033.8 252 133.8 1590.4 0.65 87.0 1033.8
Vs(kN) = 0 209 148.8 1233.3 0.65 96.7 801.7 209 148.8 1233.3 0.65 96.7 801.7
● Total Shear Strength 166 158.5 815.4 0.69 109.1 561.0 166 158.5 815.4 0.69 109.1 561.0
Vtotal (kN)= 86.84 123 142.2 464.8 0.85 120.4 393.7 123 142.2 464.8 0.85 120.4 393.7
● Maximum spacing of shear reinforcement (Table 410. 80 112.5 74.4 0.90 101.3 66.9 80 112.5 74.4 0.90 101.3 66.9
Spacing (mm)= 219.00 NSCP 2015 410. 0 0.0 -765.6 0.90 0.0 -689.1 0 0.0 -765.6 0.90 0.0 -689.1
Along Y Code Requirements Checking for Slenderness
● Minimum Shear Reinforcement NSCP 2015 410.6.2 NSCP 2015 Discription Req. Status Label Along X Along Y
Vu > 0.5φVc No shear reinforcement Required 410.6.2.1 Min Width 250.0 CC
Shear reinforcement required, 93.75 410.6.2.2 Ratio 0.4 CC
● Shear strength provided by concrete NSCP 2015 422.5.6 418.7.4.1 Main Bar Ratio 1%-6% CC
Vc (kN)= 108.76 Req. Ties Along X 350.0
● Shear strength provided by transverse reinforcement Actual Ties Along X 200.0
Vs(kN) = 0 Ties Along Y 350.0
● Total Shear Strength Actual Ties Along Y 125.0
Vtotal (kN)= 81.57 Req. Spacing inside Lo 87.5
418.7.2.3 CC
● Maximum spacing of shear reinforcement (Table 410. Actual Spacing inside Lo 75.0 Legend CC = NSCP 2015 Code Compliant
Spacing (mm) = 144.00 NSCP 2015 410. Req. Spacing beyond Lo 96.0 NC = NSCP 2015 Non Code Compliant
418.7.2.5 NC
Actual Spacing beyond Lo 100.0