Telecom Ch-3.1

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Fundamentals of
Telecommunication Networks

Course Code: ECEg4282

Course Title: Telecommunication Networks
2014 E.C
Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks
Multiplexing Techniques
 Frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
 Time division multiplexing (TDM)
 Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)
 Code Division Multiplexing (CDM)

Digital Hierarchy Technologies

Switching and Signaling

 Sharing of channel resources among data flows comes into two different

• Multiple access

• Multiplexing

 Multiple Access: Flows access the channel from different access points

• Many transmitters are active

• Local area networks (if not switched), mobile phones in a cellular

network, PC accessing via a Wi-Fi hot-spot
Introduction Cont’d…..
 For multiple signals to share one medium, the medium must somehow
be divided, giving each signal a portion of the total bandwidth.

• Multiplexing = Sharing a single transmission medium

• Single transmitter scenario

• A radio access from an antenna (base station in a cellular network,

access point in a WI-FI network, satellite transmission), an output
link in a switch or a router.

Introduction Cont’d…..
• Multiplexing refers to the combination of information streams from multiple
sources for transmission over a shared medium.

• Demultiplexing refers to the separation of a combination of information

streams back into separate information streams.

Introduction Cont’d…..
 There are four main channel sharing techniques:
• Frequency division multiplexing (FDM – FDMA)

• Time division multiplexing (TDM - TDMA)

• Code Division multiplexing (CDM - CDMA)

• Space Division Multiplexing (SDM)

• Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)

Frequency Division Multiplexing(FDM)
 FDM is a method of assigning non-overlapping frequency ranges to each user
or signal on a medium.

 All signals are transmitted at the same time, each using different frequencies.

 A multiplexer accepts inputs and assigns frequencies to each device.

 The multiplexer is attached to a high-speed communications line.

 A corresponding Demultiplexer, is on the end of the high speed line and

separates the multiplexed signals.

FDM Cont’d…
 A Demultiplexer applies a set of filters that each extract a small range of
frequencies near one of the carrier frequencies.

FDM Cont’d…

 Analog signaling is used to transmits the signals (Analog Transmission).

 Broadcast radio and television, cable television, and the AMPS (Advanced

Mobile Phone System) cellular phone systems use frequency division


 Since it involves analog signaling, it is more susceptible to noise.

FDM Cont’d…
 In practical FDM systems, there are some limitations:

 If the frequencies of two channels are too close, interference can occur.

 Furthermore, demultiplexing hardware that receives a combined signal

must be able to divide the signal into separate carriers.

 FCC in USA regulates stations to insure adequate spacing occurs between

the carriers.

 Designers choosing a set of carrier frequencies with a gap between them

known as a guard band.
FDM Cont’d…

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
 Sharing of the signal is accomplished by dividing available transmission time
on a medium among users.

 Digital signaling is used exclusively.

TDM Cont’d…
 Multiplexing in time simply means transmitting an item from one source, then
transmitting an item from another source, and so on.

 Time division multiplexing comes in two basic forms:

i. Synchronous time division multiplexing and

ii. Statistical or asynchronous time division multiplexing

Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing
• The original time division multiplexing.
• The multiplexer accepts input from attached devices in a round-robin fashion
and transmit the data in a never ending pattern.
• If a device has nothing to transmit, the multiplexer must still insert a piece of
data from that device into the multiplexed stream.

Synchronous TDM cont’d…
• In order for the receiver to stay synchronized with the incoming data stream,
the transmitting multiplexer can insert alternating 1s and 0s into the data

Fig: Transmitted frame with added synchronization bits

• Three synchronous TDM types popular today:
 T-1 multiplexing (the classic)
 ISDN multiplexing
 SONET (Synchronous Optical NETwork)
Synchronous TDM cont’d…
• The T-1 (1.544 Mbps) multiplexer stream is a continuous series of frames of both
digitized data and voice channels.

T-1 multiplexed data stream

• Telephone systems use synchronous TDM to multiplex digital streams from multiple
phone calls.
• The TDM used in the phone system includes an extra framing channel as input,
which inserts a single bit in the stream on each round
• Framing inserts a single bit in the stream on each round.
• A Demultiplexer extracts data from the framing channel and checks for alternating 0
and 1 bits. 16
Synchronous TDM cont’d…
• The ISDN multiplexer stream is also a continuous stream of frames.
• Each frame contains various control and synchronization information.

Fig: ISDN frame layout showing B channel bits and signaling control information
Statistical TDM
• A statistical multiplexer transmits only the data from active workstations

• If a workstation is not active, no space is wasted on the multiplexed stream.

• A statistical multiplexer accepts the incoming data streams and creates a frame
containing only the data to be transmitted.

Statistical TDM cont’d…
• The technique is straightforward:

 Select items for transmission in a round-robin fashion

 Skip any source that does not have data ready

• By eliminating unused slots statistical TDM takes less time to send the same amount of data

Fig.: Illustration of statistical TDM

Fig. : Illustration of statistical TDM
Statistical TDM cont’d…
• Statistical multiplexing incurs extra overhead.
• Each slot must contain the identification of the receiver to which the data is
being sent.
• To identify each piece of data, an address is included.

Fig. : Sample address and data in a statistical multiplexor output stream

Code Division Multiplexing(CDM)
• An advanced technique that allows multiple devices to transmit on the same
frequencies at the same time using different codes.

• Used for mobile communications

CDM cont’d…

CDM cont’d…

CDM cont’d…

Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)
• WDM refers to the application of FDM to optical fiber.

• Give each message a different wavelength (frequency)

• Some sources use the term Dense WDM (DWDM) to emphasize that many
wavelengths of light can be employed

• The inputs and outputs of such multiplexing are wave lengths of light denoted
by the Greek letter λ, and informally called colors

WDM Cont’d…
• Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) multiplexes
multiple data streams (many wavelength lasers) onto a single fiber
optic line.

• Each wavelength lasers (called lambdas) transmit multiple signals.

• 128 x 2.5 Gbit/s or 32 x 10 Gbit/s

WDM Cont’d…
• Prisms form the basis of optical multiplexing and demultiplexing

• A multiplexer accepts beams of light of various wavelengths and uses a prism to

combine them into a single beam

• A Demultiplexer uses a prism to separate the wavelengths.

Summary of Multiplexing Techniques


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