T.O.O Rmi21-22 1336

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VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD – 500 082. Off: PABX:040-23396000

Website:Transco.telangana.gov.in CIN No:U40102TG2014SGC094248

Replacement of aged / obsolete equipment & strengthening/improvement works in EHT sub-stations

and Transmission lines under Renovation & Modernization Scheme during the FY: 2021-22 -
Administrative approval - Regarding.
T.O.O. CE (Transmission)Ms.No.1336 Dt.14.03.2022.

TSERC in its Tariff Order dt.20.03.2020 has approved Rs.59.70 Crs. for FY:2021-22 under
Renovation & Modernization Scheme for procurement of materials required for replacing the aged /
obsolete equipment & Strengthening / Improvement works in Sub-stations and Transmission lines
which have completed their full life period. The Chief Engineer/Transmission, TSTRANSCO, Vidyut
Soudha, Hyderabad has proposed certain equipment which have completed useful life and need to be
replaced in a phased manner under Renovation & Modernization scheme during the FY: 2021-22

2. After careful consideration, TSTRANSCO accords approval for procurement/ execution of

Sub-station materials/ related works, Transmission line works including materials and Telecom works
for Rs.59.70 Crores during FY:2021-22 (inclusive of material / works component) required for
replacing the aged / obsolete equipments & strengthening / improvement works, as detailed below
under Renovation & Modernization Scheme. The break-up of the materials / related works for
Rs.59.70 Crs during FY:2021-22 is as detailed below.
Sl. Work / Supply Description of Work to be taken up under Proposed Remarks
No related to RMI 2021-22 Amount in

1 Telecom Renovation of Telecom lines 707.00 ANNEXURE-I

2 Lines Strengthening of Transmission lines including 1724.00 ANNEXURE-II


3 Sub-Stations (i) Procurement of SS material 639.00 ANNEXURE-III

(ii) Procurement & Installation of Capacitor Banks 361.00 ANNEXURE-

and associated Equipment VII

(iii) Shifting of 33KV Equipment & 33KV Feeders 750.00 ANNEXURE-IV

from underneath of Bus to outside the Bus and
Strengthening of Bus

4 Civil works Metal Spreading & water supply arrangements 700.00 ANNEXURE-V
to earth pits and Cable trenches in EHT

5 Labour Component of line works & SS works including Material 1089.00 ANNEXURE-VI

Total 5970.00

3. In case, if the defined Budget in any particular head is not sufficient during the execution of
works under RMI FY: 2021-22, is to be taken up and revised administrative approval will be issued
accordingly, limiting the total scheme cost to Rs.59.70 Crs for FY:2021-22

4. The Chief Engineer/P & MM shall procure the material under Renovation & Modernization
Scheme to take up the works by the field Engineers. All the Superintending Engineers/OMC/Circle
shall utilize the Budget allotted/ Material allotted to the respective circle.

5. The FA&CCA (Accounts), Vidyut Soudha shall arrange the funds for an amount of Rs.59.70
Cr. for the FY:2021-22 under RMI Budget

6. This order is issued with the concurrence of Joint Managing Director/TSTRANSCO vide Regd
No.1067 Dt.10.03.2022.



Chairman & Managing Director

The Chief Engineer/Transmission/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha/Hyderabad

Copy to:
The Executive Director (Finance)/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad.
The FA & CCA (Accounts)/ TSTRANSCO / Vidyut Soudha/ Hyderabad
The Chief Engineer/P&MM/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha/ Hyderabad
The Chief Engineer/Telecom/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha/ Hyderabad
The Chief Engineer/Power System/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha/ Hyderabad
The Chief Engineer/Construction/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha/ Hyderabad
The Chief Engineer/400KV/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha/ Hyderabad
The Chief Engineer/IT& CISO /TSTRANSCO/VidyutSoudha/ Hyderabad.
The Chief Engineer/Trg. /TSTRANSCO/CTI/ Hyderabad.
The Chief Engineer/ Civil/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha/Hyderabad
The Chief Engineer/Metro Zone, Rural Zone, Warangal Zone & Karimnagar Zone.
All Superintending Engineers/OMC/TSTRANSCO.
All Divisional Engineers/O&M/TSTRANSCO.
The Superintending Engineer/Civil/TSTRANSCO/Vidyut Soudha/Hyderabad
The Superintending Engineer/Civil/Metro, Rural, Warangal & Karimnagar
The Superintending Engineer/Telecom/Metro, Rural, Warangal &
The Divisional Engineer/Lines & Court cases O/o. CE/ Transmission/TSTRANSCO/ Vidyut
The SAO/Budget/ TSTRANSCO/ Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad
The Divisional Engineer(T) to the Director/Transmission/ Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad

The Superintending Engineer (T) to the Chairman and Managing Director/ Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad

//Forwarded by Order//


Divisional Engineer/SS

Current File:CE(Tr.)/SE(Tr.)/DE(SS)/ADE-1/RMI 21-22 /D.No.824/2021,Dt:14 .03.2022

Electricity saved is electricity produced//Energy saved is energy produced


Budget allotted to Telecom circles to execute the works under RMI

Sl. No. Name of the Circle /Unit Unit Allocation of RMI

Code funds of FY:2021-
22 (Rs. In Lakhs)

1 SE/Telecom/Metro 2600 219.5

2 SE/Telecom/Rural 2603 251
3 SE/Telecom/Warangal 2604 128
4 SE/Telecom/Karimnagar 108.5
Total 707.00


Budget allotted to OMC circles to execute the Major Transmission lines

works under RMI

Sl. No. Name of the Circle /Unit Unit Allocation of RMI

Code funds of FY:2021-22
(Rs. In Lakhs)
1 SE/OMC/Metro- Central 5108 100
2 SE/OMC/Metro- East 3310 100
3 SE/OMC/Metro- West 3300 50
4 SE/OMC/Sangareddy 5102 384
5 SE/OMC/Nalgonda 5112 92
6 SE/OMC/Mahabubnagar 5113 600
7 SE/OMC/Warangal 5101 119
8 SE/OMC/Khammam 5121 100
9 SE/OMC/Nizamabad 5106 34
10 SE/OMC/Adilabad 5122 50
11 SE/OMC/Karimnagar 5111 95
Total 1724.00


Chief Engineer / Transmission

//Forwarded by Order//


Divisional Engineer/SS

S Description of M M M S N M W KK NA Proposed unit cost Total Cost

l. the equipment C E W R L B G MN Z D Quantity
N D G N L MR B B for
o R procurem
1 Panels 3 2 4 9 893920.09 8045280.81
132KV Feeder
2 Panels 9 0 3 12 529029.44 6348353.28
3 Breakers 9 5 4 2 20 625978.89 12519577.8
4 Battery sets 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 15 388850.0 5832750.0
5 Battery sets 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 15 231640.0 3474600.0
6 Chargers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 251731.4 2517313.5
7 Chargers. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 15 238559.3 3578389.5
8 set(VRLA) 1 1 1 3 1318240 3954720
9 Charger 1 1 2 960000 1920000
1 400KV LAS(3 1
0 or 4Stocks) 0 1 11 118985.9 1308844.46
1 25KVA DG
1 Sets 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 15 307911.2 4618667.25
Rupees in lakhs 541.18
Add GST @ 18% 638.5924
Say Rs. 639.00

Chief Engineer/Transmission

//Forwarded by Order//


Divisional Engineer/SS

Shifting of 33KV Equipment & 33KV Feeders from underneath of Bus to outside the Bus and
Strengthening of Bus in EHT Sub-stations

Sl. No. Name of the Circle /Unit Unit Code Allocation of RMI funds of
FY:2021-22(Rs. In Lakhs)
1 SE/OMC/Metro- Central 5108 50
2 SE/OMC/Metro- East 3310 50
3 SE/OMC/Metro- West 3300 50
4 SE/OMC/Sangareddy 5102 100
5 SE/OMC/Nalgonda 5112 80
6 SE/OMC/Mahabubnagar 5113 80
7 SE/OMC/Warangal 5101 60
8 SE/OMC/Khammam 5121 60
9 SE/OMC/Nizamabad 5106 60
10 SE/OMC/Adilabad 5122 60
11 SE/OMC/Karimnagar 5111 100
Total 750


Metal Spreading & water supply arrangements to earth pits and Cable trenches in EHT Substations.
Sl. No. Name of the Circle /Unit Unit Code Allocation of RMI funds of
FY:2021-22 (Rs. In Lakhs)

1 SE/OMC/Metro- Central 5108 100

2 SE/OMC/Metro- East 3310 78
3 SE/OMC/Metro- West 3300 100
4 SE/OMC/Sangareddy 5102 50
5 SE/OMC/Nalgonda 5112 80
6 SE/OMC/Mahabubnagar 5113 50
7 SE/OMC/Warangal 5101 42
8 SE/OMC/Khammam 5121 50
9 SE/OMC/Nizamabad 5106 50
10 SE/OMC/Adilabad 5122 50
11 SE/OMC/Karimnagar 5111 50
Total 700

Chief Engineer / Transmission

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Divisional Engineer/SS

Labour component of Lines and Substations including Material

Sl. No. Name of the Circle /Unit Unit Code Allocation of RMI funds of
FY:2021-22 (Rs. In Lakhs)

1 SE/OMC/Metro- Central 5108 99

2 SE/OMC/Metro- East 3310 99
3 SE/OMC/Metro- West 3300 99
4 SE/OMC/Sangareddy 5102 99
5 SE/OMC/Nalgonda 5112 99
6 SE/OMC/Mahabubnagar 5113 99
7 SE/OMC/Warangal 5101 99
8 SE/OMC/Khammam 5121 99
9 SE/OMC/Nizamabad 5106 99
10 SE/OMC/Adilabad 5122 99
11 SE/OMC/Karimnagar 5111 99
Total 1089

Procurement & Installation of Capacitor Banks and associated Equipment

Sl. No. Name of the Circle /Unit Unit Code Allocation of RMI funds of
FY:2021-22 (Rs. In Lakhs)

1 SE/OMC/Metro- Central 5108 Break-up will be issued

2 SE/OMC/Metro- East 3310 separately
3 SE/OMC/Metro- West 3300
4 SE/OMC/Sangareddy 5102
5 SE/OMC/Nalgonda 5112
6 SE/OMC/Mahabubnagar 5113
7 SE/OMC/Warangal 5101
8 SE/OMC/Khammam 5121
9 SE/OMC/Nizamabad 5106
10 SE/OMC/Adilabad 5122
11 SE/OMC/Karimnagar 5111
Total 361


Chief Engineer/Transmission

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Divisional Engineer/SS

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