Unclaimed Redemption Form
Unclaimed Redemption Form
Unclaimed Redemption Form
My folio number
^ If there is any change in your name, please refer instructions (3) overleaf
2 Unclaimed request
Kindly redeem (please tick √) Unclaimed Redemption Unclaimed IDCW
Please pay out my unclaimed amount(s) to my bank account number registered in the above mentioned folio(s) OR to my new bank account mentioned below:
Bank name
Bank Address
*The bank details mentioned above shall be updated for all future transactions under the given folio.
Existing bank details (Any one of the following) New bank details (Any one of the following)
A cancelled original cheque leaf/Self attested copy of cancelled cheque* A cancelled original cheque leaf/Self attested copy of cancelled cheque*
Photocopy of bank passbook or bank account statement (Having entries Photocopy of bank passbook or bank account statement (Having entries
not older than 3 months) not older than 3 months)
Letter from the bank Letter from the bank
*Account number and name of the first unit holder should be printed on the face of the cheque
Old Bank Declaration - (Incase old bank proof is not available)
I now wish to update my bank account details as mentioned in the aforesaid folio due to - Bank Account closed / Bank Account Number erroneously
mentioned / Not mentioned.
In this regard, I would like to state that I have closed my bank account / inadvertently erroneously mentioned the bank account details, as mentioned
herein above and presently registered in your records /mentioned in the application form, and confirm that I am not holding any documents
pertaining to the said bank account.
Kindly furnish your E-Mail address & Contact Numbers, to help us serve you better.
Telephone no. (Resi) (STD Code) Fax no. (Resi) (STD Code)
5 DECLARATION & SIGNATURES (To be signed as per the Existing Mode of Holding)
Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Place