2022-06 Local 241 Newsletter

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The document discusses changes to a pension plan, including allowing 10 years instead of 3 to repay the pension if brought back to work by a grievance or award.

The last change to the pension plan was made in 2016, though no details are provided about what the change was.

The administration is proposing that if you are brought back to work by a grievance or an award instead of repaying the pension in 3 years you would have 10 years to repay the plan, to give financial relief.

Below is my report for month of May 2022, presented

to the Executive Board on June 3, 2022 and the Members

on June 7, 2022 during the Mass Membership Meeting.

For the past two months I have received calls from members who retired and was not aware of the
changes in benefits in the pension. The last change to the pension plan was made in 2016.
Although this administration will be adding to the plan that if you are brought back to work by a
grievance or an award instead of repaying the pension in 3 years you would have 10 years to repay
the plan. This is being done to give our Brothers and Sisters some financial relief when trying to
repay their pension back. To monitor the activity of the board meetings and information each
month, you can log into the pension plan website at www.ctaretirement.org.


1. The normal retirement date shall be the first day of the month following the employee's
sixty-fifth (65th) birthday at which date the employee shall be 100% vested in his
retirement allowance.

2. Effective on and after January 1, 1988, any employee who has attained the normal
retirement date may retire on said date or upon any later date selected by the employee.
Upon retirement, the individual shall be entitled to such retirement allowance for life as
provided in the Plan. (Amended 9-22-87)

3. If any employee continues in the service of the Authority after attainment of the normal
retirement date, the old age retirement allowance payable to such employee shall not
commence until after his actual retirement.

An employee who continues employment after his normal retirement date but who does not
continue in the service of the Authority after January 1, 1988 shall not make the contributions
prescribed in Section 7 nor shall the Authority make any contributions with respect to the
compensation of such employee for employment after his normal retirement date. If such
employee reaches age sixty-five (65) after the effective date of the Plan, he shall receive no credit
under Paragraph 8.1(1)(b), 8.1(2)(b), 8.1(3)(b), 8.1(4)(b), 8.1(5)(b), 8.1(6)(b), 8.1(7)(b) or 8.1(8)(b)
for any service after age sixty-five (65).

An employee who continues employment after his normal retirement date and who continues in
the service of the Authority after January 1, 1988 shall make the contributions prescribed in Section
7 for payroll periods beginning on or after January 1, 1988, and the Authority shall make
contributions with respect to the compensation of such employee paid on or after January 1, 1988
as prescribed in Section 7. Such employee shall receive credit under Paragraph 8.1(2)(b), 8.1(7)(b)
or 8.1(8)(b) for service after age sixty-five (65) only for service completed subsequent to December
31, 1987. (Amended 9-22-87).

MAY 2022(CONT.)

1. Any employee in good standing who was first hired by the Authority before January 18,
2008, may retire voluntarily on or after January 1, 1984, and after he
a. Has attained the age of fifty-five (55) years and shall have been employed for at
least (3) years of continuous service, or

b. Has completed twenty-five (25) years or more of continuous service. (Amended 12-
19-83) whereupon said retired employee shall receive an old age retirement
allowance for life reduced in accordance with Paragraph 10.2.

Any employee in good standing who was first hired by the Authority on or after January 18,
2008, may retire voluntarily after he has attained the age of fifty-five (55) years and shall
have been employed for at least 10 years of continuous service whereupon said retired
employee shall receive an old-age retirement allowance for life reduced in accordance with
Paragraph 10.2.

An employee who is qualified for retirement will have the opportunity to retire in cases
where management has just cause for discharge, except where the basis for discharge
involved conduct for which the employee is convicted of a felony. (Amended 9-22-87)

2. Effective September 5, 2001, in the event of such early retirement after the month of
December, 1983, the employee shall receive his earned retirement allowance, computed
at and up to such early retirement date, reduced by five percent (5%) for each full year or
fraction thereof below age sixty-five (65); provided, however, that for an employee first
hired on or before September 5, 2001, the employee's earned retirement allowance
computed at and up to such early retirement date shall not be reduced if he shall retire on
or after the 1st day of the month after the completion of twenty-five (25) or more years of
continuous service, provided further that, for an employee first hired after September 5,
2001, the employee's earned retirement allowance computed at and up to such early
retirement date shall not be reduced if he shall retire on or after the 1st day of the month
after the completion of twenty-five (25) or more years of continuous service and having
attained age 55. For an employee first hired on or after January 18, 2008, the employee's
earned retirement allowance computed at and up to such early retirement date shall not
be reduced if he shall retire on or after the 1st day of the month after the completion of
twenty-five (25) or more years of continuous service and having attained age 64.

The Plan provides health benefits for retirees and their dependents who meet the eligibility
requirements as described in this Eligibility section. If eligible, you must enroll and select coverage
in order to receive benefits from the Plan. Eligible Retirees, You, as a former CTA employee, are
eligible to enroll for health care coverage under the Plan if you satisfy one of the following three
sets of requirements: 1. You are receiving a pension from the Retirement Plan for CTA Employees
("CTA Retirement Plan") and:  Under the 55/20 rule: You separated from service with the CTA at
or after age 55 with at least 20 years of Eligibility Service; or  As a deferred participant:

MAY 2022(CONT.)


You separated from service with the CTA before age 55 with at least 20 years of Eligibility Service
and are at least age 65 at the time you enroll; or  Under the 25 and out rule:  You had at least
25 years of Eligibility Service and retire from the CTA no later than the day prior to the execution of
the next collective bargaining agreement between the CTA and Amalgamated Transit Union Locals
241 and 308, after the one which expires on December 31, 2011;  If you retire with a 25 and Out
pension after the next collective bargaining agreement is signed, you must wait until age 55 to be
eligible for RHCT benefits, and demonstrate prior creditable coverage (see page 8). 2. You are
receiving a disability allowance from the CTA Retirement Plan. 3. You are not entitled to a pension
from the CTA Retirement Plan because of your extended period of employment in a temporary or
part-time employment classification, but you contributed to the RHCT as a CTA employee, and 
You are at least age 55 with 20 years of Eligibility Service when you separate from service with the
CTA; or  You separated from service with the CTA before age 55 with at least 20 years of Eligibility
Service and are at least age 65 at the time you enroll.

➢ I would like to start with thanking the Brothers and Sisters of PACE West for standing
together as a Union, together when we fight as one, we will be victorious. PACE had made
some changes to our run pick that we all felt were drastic and unacceptable. After talking
with Steward Chris Chinn and Executive Board Member Caesarie Montgomery, we decided
to take a vote of the members of PACE West. The members stood up in support of some
type of action to stop the pick 147 voted YES and 10 voted NO. After talking with PACE, I
got them to agree to hold the pick back and we repicked from the work we are currently
working. Also coming out of our meeting PACE has agreed to have a meeting with the
Union and Planning. This meeting will take place June 2, 2022, to discuss the next run pick
to prevent the same situation. This meeting for PACE West and the Union will be the first
for both. I’ll keep the members updated.

➢ We held two contract meetings with PACE in the month of May. One with the team to
discuss strategy and what we need to make this a great agreement for the members of
PACE West. The meeting with PACE is moving but not at the rate that we will like things to
be. We are still far apart on several items and not close on wages. As of today, we have
11 TA’s (tentative agreements) at the table with over 50 items still open for negotiations
on the table. We have two dates in June and a few in July.

➢ Let’s stay ready as a membership, to help us if we need to take a stand. Remember


MAY 2022(CONT.)

I made a short visit to PACE Southwest in the month of May. We are trying to set up a date for our
next Labor Management meeting to be coming soon. Also, we discussed operators having no relief
and being forced to do an extra trip after they leave the terminal. No one should be forced to do
this; they may ask you to go to the end of the line when you have no relief, but no one will be
forced, you can do this on your own, if someone is forcing you, please reach out to the Local so we
can assist.

➢ I would like to welcome Steward Aloy Anabaraonye back from vacation and thank Executive
Board Member Caesarie Montgomery for helping out at PACE Northshore. PACE
Northshore we are still waiting on a start date for contract talks. The Local is still looking
for a member to join us at the table so please let us know if you are interested.


✓ In the Month of May Local 241 did not hold Expedited Arbitration to
address grievances. Local 241 will be holding two in June and will report in July.

✓ This administration will keep addressing the grievances and keep working to reduce the
amount of time members must wait to be heard.

✓ Pre-Arbitration in the month of May: We took ten (10) cases and got seven (7) members'
jobs back. Welcome back!

✓ Labor charges in the month of May: We had two (2) cases dismissed and one (1) new case
brought against the Local.

✓ We also had four (4) letters of complaints/charges written to the International against the
Local. All were responded to and all complaints/charges were dismissed and closed
as unfounded.

✓ We also had one (1) EEOC charge dismissed against the Local in the month of May.

Since 2011, the members who have not taken their VRD's have lost them. Employees who are
eligible to pick three (3) or more complete weeks of vacation will be allowed to select one (1) week,
five (5) days, of non-consecutive vacation days.

MAY 2022(CONT.)

VRD's (Cont.):
Employees who are eligible for four (4) or more complete weeks of vacation will be allowed to
select two (2) weeks, ten (10) days, of non-consecutive vacation days, hereinafter referred to as
vacation random days (“VRDs”). Such days will not be made cumulative from year to year. This
year Local 241 negotiated a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) to pay the members who
could not use their VRD"S. Members will be paid out up to five (5) VRD"S for the previous
vacation. Local 241 encourage all members to use their days in the future.


I was selected to sit and represent on behalf of making sure that transit grows and is represented
in a few counties. I have added Steward Michelle Townsend and Board Member Caesarie
Montgomery to the group. This gives the Local many different views as well as we protect our work
from the city to the suburbs. We have had two meetings and I think that they went great, engaging
with people from the CTA, RTA, State Board and Federal Board and other agencies. This is a great
accomplishment because often the Union is left out of these groups with no voice at the table.
Well, I’m proud to say we have a seat at the table and our voice will be heard. This allows Local 241
to make sure our work is protected and will have the opportunity to grow in the upcoming years.
This is another accomplishment of this administration.


Local 241's entire maintenance group of representatives attended a training that myself and
Marqueal thinks was important to the Local. This training was held by the International and I think
it is a start for the Local considering CTA and PACE have agreed to change their fleet to zero emission
buses by 2040. We will continue to push the knowledge and training to protect our work.

Calling all CTA veterans who would like to play softball or just enjoy some fun. CTA and both Locals
are joining together for the Chicago Park district Veterans and the City of Chicago Veterans for a
softball tournament. If you are interested, please reach out to the Local. Saturday, July 23, 2022 is
the date, let's have fun, CTA Vets.

MAY 2022(CONT.)

Local 241 will be working with CTA to host a job fair at the Union office. We will be participating in
the June 22, 2022 job fair by zoom. We will be working the job fair in person for late July or early
August and I will keep the members updated. This will be a golden opportunity for us to help our
love ones with a chance to work with us. Please reach out if you would like to help or have

I have the honor of working with a committee set up by the CFL (Chicago Federation of Labor) to
encourage the Democratic Party to hold their convention in Chicago. I have written a letter of
support along with others from the CFL as a start and ready to do more. I mention this because
none of this will be possible without the Officers, Board and Stewards and Most Important the
Members of Local 241. I THANK YOU!

In Solidarity,

Keith D. Hill
President / Business Agent

Report of the Financial Recording Secretary-Treasurer
Toi W. Bowers
May 2022

All bills are paid and current. The Per Capita Tax has been submitted to the
ATU International. These and other expenditures are reflected in my
Treasury Reports. The Executive Board and the Membership has been
given full access to Local 241’s Treasury Reports, which includes:

➢ The Profit Loss and Balance Sheets

➢ Payroll Journal and Time Sheets
➢ Complete accounting of all assets and expenditures

Pension & RHCT

❖ All Pension and RHCT contributions are paid and up to date.

❖ I attended our regularly scheduled Pension Board Trustees

Meeting on Thursday May 26th, 2022. Pension Meetings are held
every 4th Thursday of the Month.

❖ Remember members, now is a good time to make sure that you

update your beneficiary information. I can’t stress enough the
importance of making sure your benefits are properly allocated.
ATU International Dues Increase
Under Section 18 of the CONSTITUTION AND GENERAL LAWS, the per
capita tax and minimum dues rate for all active members must be adjusted
each July based upon the annual percentage increase in the Consumer
Price Index (CPI-W, 1982-84=100) published by the U.S Department of
Labor. I have included the dues increase notice from the International as a
part of my report further explaining the dues increase.

Member Arrears
Some of our members have been off for an extended period of time. It is possible
that these Members may be in the arrears on their union dues. Arrears notices have
been posted, letting you know when we will begin the collection of arrears. Please
check the Union Board at your location.

Due’s arrearages are scheduled to be taken out on:

June 22, 2022 & June 29, 2022

❖ It is your responsibility to make sure your union dues are paid and
current. Arrear’s deductions taken by Local 241 may not clear up
your completed arrearage, please make every effort to clear up your
complete balance. Any questions, please contact Toi Bowers, your
Financial and Recording Secretary-Treasurer.

Open Grievances
❖ The number of open grievances for the month of May 2022 is 1803.
❖ This Administration, under the leadership of President Hill continues
to return our brothers and sisters to work after being unjustly harmed
by the Authority.

❖ Cases are being won with little to no lawyer involvement. This is a

cost savings to the Membership.

❖ If you have been asked to contact Local 241, please call the Local
office at (312) 341-1733.

This concludes the Report of the Financial Recording Secretary-Treasurer.

In Solidarity,

Toi W. Bowers
Financial Recording Secretary-Treasurer
ATU Local 241


1st Vice President Woodrow Eiland’s
May 2022 Report

For the month of May, I was assigned to do discipline hearings at North Park Garage
due to the absence of the Executive Board Member. I also assisted at the North, West
and South side garages as well as PACE West, PACE Southwest and PACE Northshore
locations in addition to doing various duties assigned by President Keith Hill and
corresponding 1st Vice President duties.
First, I would like to start off with:
Please call the Reed Group when taking FMLA. Members are only calling CTA
when taking FMLA and it’s resulting in Last Chance Agreements or Discharges.
Local 241 is begging the members to please call CTA and Reed Group when
taking FMLA!
AVAS monitoring is in full affect with CTA. Please fill out the “Dispute” form and
make copies for yourself. It’s very important that you fill out the grievance within 14-
days of receiving the violation. Also keep all copies of any switchback and deviation
slips. Remember, make management investigate the “Dispute” forms.
I visited all the garages during the pick of runs. Helping a lot of part-timers that
transitioned to full-time operators and was able to pick full-time runs for the first time.
It was very interesting, but they got through it.
I got a chance to visit PACE West to see the members and answered any questions that
they had. I will be at PACE Southwest and PACE Northshore in the coming weeks.
I spend a lot time at North Park garage conducting all of the discipline due to the
absence of the Union reps. I still see that when we are not present, that management
talk to the operators any kind of way and try to bait them into a “Behavioral Violation”.
THIS MUST STOP, higher authority has been informed!
I found an old agreement between CTA and Local 241 about full-timers can trade with
full-timers. I think that we as the Union should really exploit this to see if we can make
this agreement come back.
We just had a historical “Instruction” pick. Local 241, believes in seniority. That means
as long as you have seniority, you can pick anywhere that it allows you to. The
Instruction Dept. is our top brass and leads by example.
The pension is solvent and it has 1 billion 900 hundred million dollars in it.

Humbly Submitted,

Woodrow Eiland
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Tanno Muhammad’s
May 2022 Report
I would first like to give thanks to our Creator, whom is called by many names.
I hope you your families are in good health and in the best of spirits.

As the 2nd Vice President I have responsibilities to represent the Local and its
members assigned by the President.

I have continued to help all of my Local 241 members throughout this COVID-
19 Pandemic, especially with pre-existing illnesses. Please take care of first
yourself and your family members. I surely do believe that this so-called virus
will end. Please continue to practice social distancing! I will always make myself
accessible, if you cannot reach me by phone, please feel free to text or email:
(312) 881-9585 or [email protected].

Step II Grievance Hearings:

I, Tanno Muhammad continuously assist in writing and resolving grievances at
Step I and Step II level at CTA Headquarters located at 567 West Lake Street,
Chicago, IL, for all 7 bus garages.

Summer 2022 Run Pick:

It started on May 21, 2022 and goes into effect on, June 12, 2022.

Safety Committee:
To Local 241 members and friends: For troublesome areas and dangerous
situations, please report first to your garage manager, Union Representative,
Officer or the Local office at (312)341-1733. “If you see something, say
something”! Those who want to remain anonymous, call (877)411-4282, you
can also send an email to [email protected].
Drug Hearings:
For the month of May: 5 Drug Discipline Hearings
➢ 1-Resigned
➢ 2-Entered into EAP/SAP
➢ 2-Cases Pending

On or about January 2019 with the legalization of Marijuana, testing has been
increased by a 50% rate throughout Chicago Transit Authority. Please with all
the new products available, that is laced with THC and or
Tetrahydrocannabinol. There have been at least 113 cannabinols identified in
cannabis. I am seeing more cases dealing with infused drinks as well as a bottle
beer, barbeque sauce, etc. BUYER BEWARE, NO DRUGS ARE ADMITTED OR

I attended a pension meeting in the month of May 2022.
➢ Pension Fund is at 1.9 billion dollars and funded 13.324% by members.
➢ HCTrust members are paying 1% and funded at 159%.

FYI: Pension and Burial Benefits information (SEE ATTACHMENT)

I leave you as I came in Peace and Paradise,

Tanno Muhammad
2nd Vice President
Woodrow Eiland
Keith D. Hill 1st Vice President
President - Business Agent
Tanno Muhammad
2nd Vice President
Toi W. Bowers
Financial Recording Secretary -Treasurer
Marqueal Williams
Assistant Business Agent - Maintenance


A.F.L. - C.I.O. - C.L.C.
TELEPHONE: (312) 341-1733 • FAX: (312) 341-1471
A.T.U. website: www.atu241chicago.org
June 6, 2022

Our next Mass Membership Meeting will be held
July 5, 2022, the first Tuesday of the month.
Meetings will be held at: 10:00am, 2:00pm (CANCELLED due
to cleaning for COVID), 4:00pm & 7:00pm
• Call to Order by President
• Roll Call of Officers and Executive Board
• President’s Report
• Financial Report
• Report of the Officers
• Old Business
• New Business
• Adjournment

ATU Local 241
1613 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60616

Keith D. Hill Toi Bowers

President/Business Agent Financial Recording Secretary-Treasurer


CTA-74th St. Depot
Federal Credit Union
The Services We

Savings 10053-57 South Western Ave

Financial Literacy Training Chicago,IL. 60643
Personal Loans
Auto / Motorcycle Loans - New and
Used Phone: (773) 476-4822
Loans for Trailers Fax: (773) 476-4273
Loans for RVs Email: [email protected]
Christmas Loans
Summer Loans Website: www.74thstdfcu.com
Gift Cards
Reloadable Debit Cards

Free Services Monday,Tuesday,Thurs, 10:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m

Friday 12:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m
Notary Public
Time Books
Payroll Deposits Executive Board:
Direct Deposits
Invite to Annual Meeting Willie Means - Chairman Michael Booth- -Board Member
Leonard Morris - Vice Chairman Ruth Ewing- Board Member
Robert Davis- Secretary Jay Thompson - Board Member
Fee Services Charles H. Peterson - Treasurer

Copying and Fax Services Staff:

Laminated Time Books
Laminating Services Charles H.Peterson - Treasurer Ronney Hunter Jr.
Michael Booth - Manager Aaron McCray
Ruth Ewing - Assistant Manager Vern Hodges


Venita Jones Tanno Muhammed

Yavaughn Triplett Camela Parnell
77 Street Depot Federal Credit Union

5401 South Wentworth Union #26 Chicago II 60653

Branch Office: 11049 South Fairfield Chicago II 60655

Main Office Hours: 9a.m to 3p.m- Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri. Phone#773-846-7137

Branch Office: 10a.m to 3p.m- Mon/Thurs/Fri. Phone#708-422-3900

E/mail: 7t street210 @sbcglobal,net web page: 77thstreetdepotfcu.org


New and Used Auto Loans Debit Cards

On Line access ACH deduction options

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Free Checking Account

W e encourage you to join our credit union, we are here to


"/1 C
Savings Accounts
 Competitive interest rate on
Attention: CTA
 Each savings account insured to Employees
$250,000 by NCUA (National Credit A federal credit
Union Administration) union is a not-for-
profit financial
Loans cooperative that
provides a place
 Unsecured loans for members to
save and obtain
loans at
 Christmas loans reasonable rates.

Call or stop by
 Short-term emergency loans the office for
more information.
Quick turn-around on loan

4909 W. Division Street, Suite #403 10:00 A.M. to
Telephone: (773) 626-1100
Closed on major
Fax: (773) 626-2210 holidays
E-mail: [email protected]
IMPORTANT, Timely Tips
for members of
Chicago Avenue Garage Federal Credit Union
If you have a loan with the Chicago Avenue Garage Federal
Credit Union, and
you are planning to change jobs, or retire from
you experience any major changes in your
finances, and plan to file bankruptcy,
please contact the credit union to discuss your financial
situation, and possible adjustments to your loan repayment
schedule. The credit union wants to help you avoid late
payments, late fees, and negative reporting on your credit

Telephone: 773-626-1100
(best time to call – Monday through Friday 10:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.)
E-mail: [email protected]

Holy Bible: Ecclesiastes 10:19 “…money answers everything.”

Credit Union members, let’s talk about it.
4909 West Division Street, Suite 403, Chicago, IL 60651

Did you know that certain family members of Chicago Avenue

Garage employees are eligible to join the CAGFCU?

Contact the office to obtain a “Family Member Eligibility


Phone: 773-626-1100
Office Hours: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM (Monday through Friday)
E-mail: [email protected]
Berry David 0501 Handspike Brantley 0502 Graves Timothy 0504
Cannon Jerry 0501 Israel Josiah 0502 Horn Shundra 0504
Carthans Elmore 0501 Jackson Nathanial 0502 Lakes Terrence 0504
Coleman Curtis 0501 Kimbrough Carol 0502 Love Shelton 0504
Evans Jeffery 0501 Nash William 0502 Martinez Wilfredo 0504
Gilmore Jessie 0501 Paige Lucian 0502 McClain Willie 0504
Hackworth Ronald 0501 Rosas Martin 0502 McDonald Vivian 0504
Harris Anthony 0501 Spencer Marc 0502 McLaughlin Boswana 0504
Hill Keith 0501 Stevenson Ronald 0502 Miller C Errico 0504
Hill Otis 0501 Taylor Yolanda 0502 Moore Gregory 0504
Howell Robert 0501 Torres Misael 0502 Nicosia Dominic 0504
Hudson Pamela 0501 Winder Parnell 0502 Taylor Oliver 0504
Lyons Michael 0501 Wright Vernon 0502 Tropea Nicola 0504
McClinton Donnetta 0501 Ybarra Alex 0502 Ward James 0504
McClinton- Dorthia 0501 Alvarez Edgardo 0503 Washington Debra 0504
Matthews Armour Todd 0503 Wilson Jeffrey 0504
Mendez Erik 0501 Bates Nashica 0503 Wolers Kevin 0504
Obuoh Dennis 0501 Berryhill Gregory 0503 Woolfolk Josephine 0504
Opfergelt Rita 0501 Bryson Buford 0503 Brown Jeffrey 0505
Petty Margaret 0501 Calhoun Derrick 0503 Cannady-Boyd Gwendolyn 0505
Phillips Frederick 0501 Carter Addie 0503 Casanova Octaviano 0505
Reid Eugene 0501 Driver David 0503 Cossio Ingrid 0505
Richardson Michael 0501 Feliciano Pedro 0503 Crooms Andrew 0505
Savage Homer 0501 Myrick Kelvin 0503 Cunningham Earl 0505
Sharp Diane 0501 Naranjo Maria 0503 Danzy Marvin 0505
Smith Adeal 0501 Newell Lem 0503 Davis Lamont 0505
Smith Edward 0501 Olenski Chester 0503 Garcia Agustin 0505
Thadison Maurice 0501 Preston Dwayne 0503 Harris Vivian 0505
Thomas Brandon 0501 Robinson Delores 0503 Jackson Ada 0505
Thompson Lazarik 0501 Rodriguez Flor 0503 Jackson Johnta 0505
Topps Jacqueline 0501 Shorter Tyrone 0503 Jones Norman 0505
Ware Felice 0501 Sneed Barbara 0503 McCauley Shirley 0505
Washington Joe 0501 Trent Caesar 0503 Munoz Eduardo 0505
Welch Roy 0501 Villalobos Francisco 0503 Ortiz Jorge 0505
Woods Katherine 0501 Washington James 0503 Patterson Andrea 0505
Aasen John 0502 Watts Tyree 0503 Penson Keenan 0505
Allen James 0502 Woods Fonda 0503 Scates Lashay 0505
Basham Adrian 0502 Austin Rodnee 0504 Snow Clennon 0505
Bradley Belinda 0502 Benson Nakia 0504 Taylor Girliee 0505
Brown Wanda 0502 Cabrera Beny 0504 Umoja Malek 0505
Farmer Sandra 0502 Cameron Danon 0504 Westbrook Tommy 0505
Floyd Betrice 0502 Clemons James 0504 Ayele Robert 0506
Fortuna Deborah 0502 Darby James 0504 Bada Funmilayo 0506
Graves Clifton 0502 Ford Anisha 0504 Bruce Shenika 0506
Hampton Edward 0502 Gonzalez Stephen 0504 Caradine Carla 0506

Carson Ruby 0506 Bandoo Sean 0508 Murphy Renee 0509
Ellison Jovian 0506 Bouie Tereon 0508 Quinn Walter 0509
Ferguson Michael 0506 Bozarth Christopher 0508 Reed Gabriel 0509
Harris Mark 0506 Clifton Markecia 0508 Robinson Marron 0509
Harvest Roosevelt 0506 Crawford Aaron 0508 Rochon Geraldine 0509
Huntley Sherri 0506 Darden Jimmy 0508 Rowell Stanley 0509
Irizarry Carlos 0506 Duda Lawrence 0508 Sanders Shatia 0509
Jacobs James 0506 Grays Vincent 0508 Santiago Orlando 0509
Jolivet Brandi 0506 Grimmage Teri 0508 Siller Dolores 0509
Koinacki Gregory 0506 Ivory Paul 0508 Wells Rita 0509
Lane Kenneth 0506 Jeffers Everald 0508 Wilkes Frederick 0509
Lee Dorothy 0506 Johnston Jay 0508 Woodard Shonita 0509
Lloyd Johnny 0506 Lemons Sherrie 0508 Alban Angel 0510
Long Michael 0506 Lockridge Stephen 0508 Andrews Paul 0510
Miller Paul 0506 Lovasz John 0508 Banks Hellen 0510
Morgan Aldria 0506 Mitchell Kenneth 0508 Campbell Abalena 0510
Nelson Nautyca 0506 Nicpon Steve 0508 Cintron Dolores 0510
Ortiz Daniel 0506 Readus Louis 0508 Comer Robert 0510
Robinson Beauford 0506 Rodriguez Arturo 0508 Cruz Anne 0510
Smith Cornelius 0506 Shuford Donell 0508 Cruz Pablo 0510
Soto Santos 0506 Smith Robert 0508 Doss James 0510
Taylor Lawrence 0506 Starks Shamaria 0508 Guzman Adrian 0510
Varner Samuel 0506 Swider David 0508 Hall-Edwards Kisha 0510
Askew Kirby 0507 Tarver Jacqueline 0508 Howard Charles 0510
Bak Michal 0507 Thomas Vinique 0508 Huggins Albert 0510
Banks Kattie 0507 Washington Lydia 0508 James Michael 0510
Brown Brian 0507 Baker Cedrick 0509 Madrigal Jose 0510
Burton S 0507 Barnslater Andre 0509 Middlebrooks Leroy 0510
Francis Melvin 0507 Blakely Linda 0509 Milton David 0510
Glispie William 0507 Bowens Annie 0509 Nelson Charles 0510
Gorgas Samuel 0507 Creal Richard 0509 Ochir Ishmael 0510
Hampton Talisha 0507 Davis Michael 0509 Randle Jeromey 0510
Holder Michael 0507 Decklemann Leo 0509 Rivera Rafael 0510
Holmes Malcolm 0507 Dent Sherman 0509 Salas Marbella 0510
Iversen Paul 0507 Erves Keyonna 0509 Sampson Roy 0510
King Sylvester 0507 Esper Michael 0509 Santos Rios Diego 0510
Martinez Craig 0507 Fagan Matthew 0509 Smith Robert 0510
Minard Dena 0507 Gaeta Sergio 0509 Taylor Timmie 0510
Moore Roosevelt 0507 Gilmore Bill 0509 Traylor Eddie 0510
Nunez Luis 0507 Haywood Silverio 0509 Washington Dynetta 0510
Pace Dwight 0507 Hunter Ann 0509 Washington Joseph 0510
Singletary Marchon 0507 Ibrahim Ahmed 0509 Wellingtn Lola 0510
Adams Tammi 0508 Jenkins Linette 0509 Boehm William 0511
Andrews Lenell 0508 Johnson Carrie 0509 Booth Eartis 0511
Austin Robert 0508 Larsen Robert 0509 Byrd Shirley 0511

Coleman Steven 0511 Moore Walter 0512 Brown Brenda 0514
Davis Paul 0511 Muhammad Eric 0512 Cooper Lawrence 0514
Foster Stanley 0511 Myrick Lemeille 0512 Hill Debra 0514
German Jennifer 0511 Nunez Antonio 0512 Hilton Van 0514
Gordon Raymond 0511 Odishoo Nenous 0512 Jervier Dennis 0514
Hall Sarah 0511 Rieves Marcus 0512 Knowles George 0514
Higgins Jasmine 0511 Rogers Christian 0512 Latham Anthonio 0514
Hunter Reginald 0511 Thompson Danyell 0512 Logan Carmelitta 0514
Johnson Reginald 0511 Townsend John 0512 Mapa Raane 0514
Lucious-Crosby Jeana 0511 Walls James 0512 Martinez Jesse 0514
Luster Malaika 0511 Wiley Dennis 0512 Munoz Alma 0514
Marrero Myrna 0511 Anderson Alan 0513 Ratliff Fisher 0514
Morgan Latasha 0511 Baily Allen 0513 Rembert Michael 0514
Mustiful Viveca 0511 Banks Patricia 0513 Roberts LaTonya 0514
Oware Wesley 0511 Barnes Marcellus 0513 Torres Dawn 0514
Patterson Dionte 0511 Briggs Taylor 0513 Walker Brenda 0514
Riley Reba 0511 Brindise Jerry 0513 Wells Antwan 0514
Scott Dedra 0511 Burgos Anthony 0513 Wilson Dion 0514
Sheard Ronald 0511 Buscemi Frank 0513 Belue William 0515
Smith Grant 0511 Clifton Herman 0513 Brown Thomas 0515
Soto Richard 0511 Diaz Lupe 0513 Brown Tormae 0515
Spencer Paul 0511 Ghansah Samuel 0513 Cates Michael 0515
Turner Mc Vey 0511 Hampton Leslie 0513 Chubb Ricky 0515
Ventresca Doreen 0511 Harding Charles Edwa 0513 Correa Francisco 0515
Wade Daniel 0511 Hardman Samuel 0513 Cossom Lanz 0515
Webb Deloris 0511 Jackson Eric 0513 Hudson Dorothy 0515
Webb Rosaline 0511 Johnson Timothy 0513 Johnson Tacara 0515
Williams Christophe 0511 Jordan Charlie 0513 Jordan Arthur 0515
Williams Larue 0511 Kusek Richard 0513 Mallard-Young Felicia 0515
Williams Monroe 0511 McGraw Caldonia 0513 Mccoy-Teague Mary 0515
Williams Sharon 0511 McMahon David 0513 Moore Linda 0515
Alano Romeo 0512 Muriel Pedro 0513 Neal Tamiko 0515
Bibbs Toni 0512 O'Banner Clinton 0513 Owens Walter 0515
Bosco Robert 0512 Perkins Jennifer 0513 Peoples Shirley 0515
Christophe Ognol 0512 Radcliffe Divine 0513 Richardson Howard 0515
Dancy Amos 0512 Richardson Randall 0513 Ryan Courtney 0515
Davis Ricardo 0512 Rodenski Joseph 0513 Schnitzius Edward 0515
Eberhart William 0512 Seay Cassandra 0513 Scott - Wilson Karen 0515
Green Sherese 0512 Washington Danae 0513 Shah Mohammad 0515
Hayes Jacqueline 0512 Weaver-Key Patricia 0513 Sotomayor Diana 0515
Jafer Syed 0512 Weems Jerry 0513 Spaargaren Jeffrey 0515
Klimas William 0512 Williams Marqueal 0513 Strong Aaron 0515
McDonald Deonne 0512 Zarazee David 0513 Taylor Marcus 0515
Mister Shelley 0512 Bell James 0514 Turnquist Robert 0515
Modeliste Julian 0512 Black Hudson 0514 West Darryle 0515

West Tarus 0515 Williams Willie 0517 Smith Katherine 0519
Whitaker McDay 0515 Williams-Butler Sonia 0517 Stone Darvel 0519
Brownlee Larhon 0516 Young Iothoia 0517 Sweezer Reginald 0519
Cruz Israel 0516 Zayas Jonathan 0517 Triplett Jesse 0519
Daniels Mia 0516 Barnes Darnell 0518 Wesley Ronald 0519
Diaz Juan 0516 Bivens Tawanna 0518 Wherry Willie 0519
Fejzoski Nebi 0516 Black Irvin 0518 Augusta James 0520
Garrett Robert 0516 Bobo Nancy 0518 Bates James 0520
Grenier Thomas 0516 Booze Eugene 0518 Carter George 0520
Guglielmi Robert 0516 Campos Javier 0518 Christman James 0520
Hicks Clifton 0516 Carey Teron 0518 Clark Theopulous 0520
Jackson Alton 0516 Corrales Jose 0518 George Mamman 0520
Lee Joseph 0516 Ellison Rhoda 0518 Henry Glen 0520
Mathai Simon 0516 Gonzalez Saul 0518 Higgins Terrance 0520
May Carl 0516 Isaac John 0518 Lackland Lorrie 0520
Pierce William 0516 Jordan Kendall 0518 Lahori George 0520
Quintero Ricardo 0516 LaSpina Maria 0518 Lewis Lydia 0520
Smith Dasha 0516 Marshall Mildred 0518 Longstreet Derrick 0520
Taylor Natalie 0516 Nunez Mario 0518 Markham Udell 0520
Toole Bernard 0516 Pawlowski James 0518 Miller Alexander 0520
Abrams Arthur 0517 Pippion Michael 0518 Richardson John 0520
Ahmed Syed 0517 Ringer Antoine 0518 Robinson Izaih 0520
Anderson Sharla 0517 Skipper Jonathan 0518 Royster Michael 0520
Angelo James 0517 Smith Emmett 0518 Sledge Mearl 0520
Bailey Cleveland 0517 Smith William 0518 Smith Myena 0520
Barber Felton 0517 Springs Lamarr 0518 Sutton Maurice 0520
Fields Felicia 0517 Whitten Laroy 0518 Washington Johnnie 0520
Gale Joseph 0517 Wilder Gwendolyn 0518 Wells Phillip 0520
Gore Keith 0517 Williamson Kenneth 0518 Williams Walter 0520
Griffin C 0517 Allen Alise 0519 Windham Bill 0520
Halcolm Dwight 0517 Fomby Fred 0519 Bentley Dorothy 0521
Hall Cora 0517 Harris- Patricia 0519 Carter Eugene 0521
Hamilton Brenda 0517 Clayborne Cole David 0521
Harris Anthony 0517 Hutchinson Nadricka 0519 Collins Shatiana 0521
Ingram Meko 0517 Johnson James 0519 Davis Yolanda 0521
Jackson Ruthie 0517 Jones Jerome 0519 Everett Antoine 0521
Jones Willie 0517 Jones Lester 0519 Franks Dorrian 0521
Montalvo Alberto 0517 Kilgore John 0519 Gaston Richard 0521
Rivera Lucy 0517 King Rodena 0519 Harrington Zola 0521
Robinson Theodis 0517 Ricks Dwayne 0519 Heinz Joe 0521
Santos Ismael 0517 Riddick Percy 0519 Jenkins Melinda 0521
Seals Vernon 0517 Rodriguez Noemi 0519 Johnson Lucendia 0521
Walker Revon 0517 Rogers Eric 0519 Jones Robbie 0521
Walker Revon 0517 Shipp Robert 0519 Kent Danyel 0521
Walker Revon 0517 Smith Ashley 0519 Komperda Jan 0521

Manuel Raphael 0521 Butler Stephan 0523 Agbefe Kofi 0525
Nightengale Ronald 0521 Covarrubias Saul 0523 Agosto Efrain 0525
Redmond Anthony 0521 Covington Angela 0523 Brooks Lorenza 0525
Robinson Woodrow 0521 Delvalle Jaime 0523 Campos Iqnacio 0525
Settles Letitia 0521 Dorsey William 0523 Chapman George 0525
Singleton Dieshia 0521 Duran Martha 0523 Childs Alton 0525
Smith Eric 0521 Eubanks Kenneth 0523 Davis Mario 0525
Stephens Derrick 0521 Hearn John 0523 Denson Stephanie 0525
Walker JoAnn 0521 Huff Marlene 0523 Dunn Irene 0525
Arnold William 0522 Jordan Diann 0523 Ekem Kwesi 0525
Brown Vandie 0522 Jordan Larry 0523 Fountaine Yolanda 0525
Brown Walter 0522 Laboy Ivan 0523 Gatewood Barbara 0525
Cain Jasmin 0522 Lafita Lazaro 0523 Giancola Albert 0525
Campbell Lakedia 0522 Landon Ernest 0523 Guerra Blanca 0525
Choudry Mohammed 0522 Matimoju Olufemi 0523 Hack Robert 0525
Covington Clarence 0522 Nelson Kurt 0523 Hendrix Donald 0525
Foster Lonnell 0522 Perez Elio 0523 Hoffman Richard 0525
Freeman Donna 0522 Rusinak Thomas 0523 Hubbard Clifton 0525
Giraldo William 0522 Smith Ernest 0523 Johnson Robert 0525
Hampton Robert 0522 Wheeler Joannie 0523 Jorden Larry 0525
Hernandez Jose 0522 White Leon 0523 Joseph Jose 0525
Huston Matthew 0522 Williams Larry 0523 Kimmons Kevin 0525
Johnson Martin 0522 Allen John 0524 Laboy Luis 0525
Kartzmark Alexander 0522 Ard James 0524 Lankin Pauline 0525
Khan Shakar 0522 Blackmon Melvin 0524 LoGalbo Emanuele 0525
Lajara Wilfred 0522 Blakely Marlon 0524 Martin Arlanders 0525
Malone Thurman 0522 Brown Temetrice 0524 McGahee Carlos 0525
Mull Dedra 0522 Chinn Christopher 0524 Nowlin Chris 0525
Neely Donald 0522 Flores Susana 0524 Ousley Charles 0525
Parker Yolanda 0522 Goode Westbrook 0524 Reado William 0525
Payton-Smith Sylvia 0522 Johnson Pasco 0524 Rogers James 0525
Phipps Benjamin 0522 Lima Marcos 0524 Thompson John 0525
Sterlin Marc 0522 Morgan Belinda 0524 Townsend Obell 0525
Teague Wilma 0522 Morgan Jeffrey 0524 Vazquez Frank 0525
Torres Julia 0522 Morton Raymond 0524 Ward William 0525
Tucker Robert 0522 Nixon Mingo 0524 Agudo Jonathan 0526
Walker Chrystal 0522 Rice Darnell 0524 Anderson Jimmie 0526
Washington Wilson 0522 Rivera Jose 0524 Arroyo Lizzie 0526
White Jerry 0522 Settles Richard 0524 Berry Jonathan 0526
Williams Ivory 0522 Seymour George 0524 Brown Kimberly 0526
Wright Alvin 0522 Triplett Clarice 0524 Brown Robert 0526
Baisten Renea 0523 Van Diane 0524 Brown Thomas 0526
Boston Jimmy 0523 Middlesworth Campos Ruben 0526
Brooks Jesse 0523 Vasu Ajithkumar 0524 Cotton Fabian 0526
Buckner Stephanie 0523 Weismantel Jerome 0524 Craig Isaiah 0526

Crawley Clarence 0526 Sims Angelise 0527 Harris Brittany 0530
Davis Paul 0526 Stallworth Joann 0527 Haymon David 0530
Ellis Christopher 0526 Strong Larry 0527 Hernandez Manuel 0530
Evans Antoine 0526 Terrell Rhone 0527 Hill Amari 0530
Fajardo Joaquin 0526 Ysaguirre RaShonda 0527 Hubbard Donald 0530
Flowers Terrance 0526 Alexander Betty 0528 Hunter Melvin 0530
Hunter Carlas 0526 Boyd Jamaal 0528 Kim Jin 0530
Ingram Jeanette 0526 Collins Angela 0528 Kysel Keith 0530
James William 0526 Fung Paul 0528 Neal-Coleman Ruth 0530
Johnson Anthony 0526 Golding Dharon 0528 Peden Sonja 0530
McCarthy Joseph 0526 Hankins Christopher 0528 Pryor Eloise 0530
Mcelroy Arlene 0526 Jefferson Willie 0528 Roberts Marlene 0530
Minor Christine 0526 Johnson Leelton 0528 Silas Charles 0530
Plomin Ricky 0526 Jones Marvin 0528 Simoulis George 0530
Reyes Rafael 0526 Kelly Trevor 0528 Tarallo Vincent 0530
Rivera Reinaldo 0526 McDowell Cora 0528 Vanzant Marcy 0530
Rodriquez Carlos 0526 Payne Nathaniel 0528 Bogan Charion 0531
Smith Peter 0526 Porter James 0528 Cavanero Jessie 0531
Thomas Jerry 0526 Royal D'Osha 0528 Culp Sammie 0531
Tollinchi Luis 0526 Smiley Eleanor 0528 Cunningham Andrew 0531
Webb Gloria 0526 Smith-Bonslater Patricia 0528 Diaz Jorge 0531
Williams Nicole 0526 Bolton Lynette 0529 Ganjani Khosrow 0531
Williams Yvette 0526 Boyd Frank 0529 Gonzalez Victor 0531
Awai Evette 0527 Church David 0529 Handley Martinette 0531
Barrios Evelyn 0527 Cockers Marshall 0529 Hedstrom Bryan 0531
Burnam Bryan 0527 Dunn Kathy 0529 Henry Wally 0531
Cain Claudell 0527 Durnell John 0529 Hobson Christine 0531
Chummar Lukose 0527 Fleming Michael 0529 Jackson Ebony 0531
Coleman Alvin 0527 Glispie Gerri 0529 Johnson Tiffany 0531
Coleman Candi 0527 Groce Sabrina 0529 Jones L 0531
Echeverria Hugo 0527 Henderson Melvin 0529 Lane Kimberly 0531
Fenn Joseph 0527 Johnson Andrew 0529 Lester Frank 0531
Garfield Martinez 0527 Kobylecky Richard 0529 Mabry Chakila 0531
Hall Janet 0527 McDaniel Heather 0529 McKinney Jonnie 0531
Hallmann August 0527 Rance Jaleesa 0529 Mitchell Valerie 0531
Haynes Myrtle 0527 Reid Milton 0529 Mulanax James 0531
Jimenez Josue 0527 Steele Bobbie 0529 Price Antonio 0531
Jones Brandi 0527 Vaughn Kiara 0529 Raspberry Ricky 0531
Jones Donaray 0527 Williams Hardy 0529 Richardson Hybert 0531
Jones Twanda 0527 Anderson David 0530 Velazquez Christopher 0531
Lorenzo Geraldine 0527 Bruce Barry 0530 Young Versetta 0531
Lowe Lance 0527 Clark Berry 0530 Yruegas Matthew 0531
Moore Rashaan 0527 Crawl Dariah 0530
Ortiz Norma 0527 Dear-Townsend Baseemah 0530
Perkins Tony 0527 Fryar James 0530

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