Social Science Worksheets 1
Social Science Worksheets 1
Social Science Worksheets 1
Class: IX
1. Mention any three causes of deforestation in India under the colonial rule.
2. Why is it necessary to increase area under forests? Give three reasons.
3. Name two communities that live in Bastar. What are some of the beliefs
regarding nature of the communities of Bastar?
4. How did the forest Acts affect the lives of foresters and villagers?
5. Describe in brief the saminist movement of Indonesia?
6. Why did the people of Bastar raise the revolt against the Britishers?
7. Explain the forest Act passed by the Dutch.
8. Why are forests affected by war?
9. What are the similarities between colonial management of the forests in
the Bastar and in Java?
10. What is shifting cultivation? Why was this practice banned by European
11. Why were Indian farmers reluctant to grow opium ?
12. Why did the British insist on growing opium in India?
13. How were the poor affected by the Enclosure movement?
14. Why were the threshing machines opposed by the poor farmers in
15. Coming of modern agriculture in England meant many changes. Explain.
16. State the factors responsible for rapid increase of food grain productions in
19th century in England.
17. Who was captain swing? What did the name symbolise or represent?
18. Explain one difference between the Enclosure movement of the late 18th
century and the earlier one? What factors led the British Parliament to
pass the Encloure Acts?
19. How did U.S.A. become the bread basket of the world? Explain.
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20. What were the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical harvesting
machines in the U.S.A.?
21. When were the “Laws of Cricket” drawn up? What was stated in the first
written ‘law’s of cricket’?
22. What changes were introduced in the game of cricket during the 19th
23. Why did Mahatma Gandhi condemn the pentougulav Tournament?
24. Explain why cricket became popular in India and the West Indies. Can you
give reasons why it did not become popular in countries in South America?
25. What changes were introduced in cricket in the late 18th Century?
26. “The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton” Elucidate.
27. Test Cricket is a unique game in many ways. Discuss.
28. Who was Kerry Packer? What innovations did Kerry Packer introduce
which changed the nature of the game?
1. Distinguish between the Cold Weathers Season and the Hot Weather
Season of India by explaining three distinctive features.
2. Explain the factors controlling the Indian Weather conditions.
3. Explain the four features of the Monsoon rains.
4. What are “Jet Streams”? How do they affect the climate of India?
5. Define Monsoons. What do you understand by break in Monsoons?
6. Discuss the Mechanism of Monsoons.
7. Discuss the regional variations in the climatic conditions of India with the
help of suitable examples.
8. Explain any three characteristics of cold weather season.
9. Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna?
10. Distinguish between Tropical Evergreen forests and Deciduous forests.
11. What are the main reasons of deforestation and suggest some measures to
conserve forests.
12. Describe the major vegetations zones of the Himalayan region.
13. Write three measures to protect wildlife.
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14. What is meant by population growth? Explain the two ways in which it is
15. What are the factors responsible for the distribution of population in
16. What are the various activities undertaken in the primary, secondary and
tertiary sectors? Explain with examples.
17. Discuss the major components of population growth.
18. What are the significant features of the National population policy 2000?
19. How is migration a determinant factors of population change?
20. On an outline map of India mark and label the following :
a. An area receiving rainfall more than 400 cm.
b. Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai, Mumbai weather stations
c. National parks – Corbett, Dachigam
d. Areas of evergreen forests.
e. Areas having tropical deciduous forests.
f. The state having highest sex ratio.
g. The most populous state of India
h. The state having high density of population.
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