Acupuncture: Needle Insertion. Acupuncture Needles Are

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- Also known as “needling”

- Traditional chinese medical technique that has
been used for perhaps four millennia
- One of the earliest known therapeutic systems
with a logical theoretical basis


- Acupuncture’s origins may be traced back to

4,000 years ago
- Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine),
a Chinese medical compendium, describes the
techniques and uses of acupuncture in its second ▲Acupuncture points. This reproduction from an
book, the Ling Shu or Divine Pivot. illustrated version of Huangdi NeiJing from 1000 CE
shows the body’s meridians and acupuncture points. The
illustrated version itself derived from China’s first great
PRINCIPLE: medical manual, of the same name, dating back 2,100
- Qi: according to traditional Chinese beliefs,
health relies on this vital force, energy stream,
or life flow moving through the body
- Meridians: qi flows along these routes or
channels of the body; problems such as pain and PROCEDURE:
illness arise when someone’s qi is disturbed
- Acupuncture points: acupuncture aims to  Needle insertion. Acupuncture needles are
correct the flow and restore the qi balance by inserted to various depths at strategic points
inserting very thin needles into the skin and on the body. The needles are very thin, so
underlying tissues at these specific sites. insertion usually causes little discomfort.
- These points may be located in parts remote Between five and 20 needles are used in a
from the problem area; for instance, some points typical treatment. Mild aching sensation might
for lower back pain can be found on the hand. be felt when a needle reaches the correct
- The acupuncture points may also be stimulated depth.
by pressing (acupressure), or by using heat or
strong light.  Needle manipulation. Your practitioner may
gently move or twirl the needles after
placement or apply heat or mild electrical
APPLICATION - National Institutes of Health
pulses to the needles.
(NIH) studies have shown that acupuncture is an
effective treatment alone or along with conventional  Needle removal. In most cases, the needles
therapies to treat the following: remain in place for 10 to 20 minutes while you
 Addiction  Nausea caused by lie still and relax. There is usually no
 Headaches surgical anesthesia, discomfort when the needles are removed.
 Menstrual cramps chemotherapy
 Fibromyalgia  Dental pain
 Osteoarthritis  Low back pain
 Carpal tunnel syndrome  Myofascial pain
Reference: Parker, S., et. al. (2016). Medicine: the
definitive illustrated history. DK Publishing. New York.

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