Cloud-Based Phone System
Cloud-Based Phone System
Cloud-Based Phone System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Mobile phones are dominating this market compared to When it comes to landline phones technologies, Voice
landlines. The number of American homes with landlines over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is increasingly
dropped from 90% in 2005 to around 50% in 2015. [4]. being adopted in place of analog phones. This technology
utilizes the internet connectivity to transmit voice
This even expected to be much lower in recent years communication without the need for a standalone telephony
specially that younger generation is very much less system. The common implementations of VoIP include
dependent on land lines. According to a uSwitch research in H.323 standard which is part of ITU-T set of standards that
the United States, even though 95% of 65+ aged individuals governs multimedia communication and IP Multimedia Sub
have a landline, only 52% aged 24-28 years owns them. System (IMS) which merges internet capabilities with
Additionally, around 5 million landline users reported that mobile communication. [7].
they didn't use their landlines and many only have them as
part of the broadband internet package. [5].According to a VoIP technology enabled a new generation of
2021 report by Statista, around 37% of American homes still telephony services; cloud phones. Skype, the Estonian
have landlines. [6]. company, was able in 2003 to provide audio calls online free
of charge to the software users or through telephone billing
if a call is made to hard line. It was later able to implement
video calling; which it is best known for today. Gartner
estimates that around 90% of IT entities will be adopting
cloud telephony within the next few years. [8].Unified
Communications as a Service (UCaaS) covers the online
offering of telephony services in addition to more
capabilities such as instant messaging, collaboration, file
sharing, and video calls. This enables seamless digital
communication through multiple devices over the internet
without the need for in-premise costly infrastructure. [9].