Traceability and Uncertainty: Cobas C 501 / C 502 / C 503 / C 303 / C 311/ C 701/ C 702 - C.F.A.S. Proteins

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cobas c 501 / c 502 / c 503 / c 303 / c 311/ c 701/ c 702 - C.f.a.s. Proteins
Cat. No. 11 355 279 216, 11 355 279 160

Roche Diagnostics GmbH October 2020

Routine Method Selected Measurement
ACN Reference Method Reference Material Calibrator Value Uncertainty 1 Unit
Roche/cobas c systems Procedure
AAGP2 c 501/311: 229
Acid glycoprotein alpha 1 c 502/701/702: 8229 CRM 470 1.85 0.0290 g/L
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 c 303/503: 20020
AAT2 c 501/311: 048
4 5
Antitrypsin alpha 1 c 502/701/702: 8048 ERM -DA470k/IFCC 2.67 0.0240 g/L
immunoturbidimetric ver. 2 c 303/503: 20030
C3C-2 c 501/311: 036
Complement C3c c 502/701/702: 8036 CRM 470 2.80 0.0332 g/L
immunoturbidimetric ver. 2 c 303/503: 20320
C4-2 c 501/311: 032
4 5
Complement C4 c 502: 8032 ERM -DA470k/IFCC 0.460 0.00727 g/L
immunoturbidimetric ver. 2 c 303/503: 20330
4 5
Complement C4 ERM -DA470k/IFCC 0.470 0.00621 g/L
c 701/702: 8032
immunoturbidimetric ver. 2
c 501/311: 217
C-Reactive protein 2
c 502: 8217 CRM 470 89.4 1.10 mg/L
particle enhanced
c 303/503: 20480
immunoturbidimetric Latex high sens.
C-Reactive protein 2
c 701/702: 8217 CRM 470 94.1 3.20 mg/L
particle enhanced
immunoturbidimetric Latex high sens.
C-Reactive protein 2
c 501/311: 019 CRM 470 93.6 7.08 mg/L
particle enhanced
immunoturbidemetric Latex
c 501/311: 210
C-Reactive Protein 2
c 502/701/702: 8210 CRM 470 79.9 6.05 mg/L
particle enhanced
c 503: 20490
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 3
c 501: 256
CRP4 4 5
c 502/701/702: 8256 ERM -DA474/IFCC 95.7 2.05 mg/L
Tina-quant C-Reactive Protein IV
c 303/503: 20500
cobas c 501 / c 502 / c 503 / c 303 / c 311/ c 701/ c 702 - C.f.a.s. Proteins
Cat. No. 11 355 279 216, 11 355 279 160

Roche Diagnostics GmbH October 2020

Routine Method Selected Measurement
ACN Reference Method Reference Material Calibrator Value Uncertainty 1 Unit
Roche/cobas c systems Procedure
CRP4 4 5
c 311: 256 ERM -DA474/IFCC 93.8 2.01 mg/L
Tina-quant C-Reactive Protein IV
c 501/311: 692 3
Ferritin NIBSC Reagent Ferritin
c 502/701/702: 8692 999 11.6 µg/L
particle enhanced (human liver) 80/602
c 303/503: 20570
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 4
HAPT2 c 501/311: 228
4 5
Haptoglobin c 502/701/702: 8228 ERM -DA470k/IFCC 2.04 0.0206 g/L
immunoturbidimetric ver. 2 c 303/503: 20640
IGA-2 c 501/311: 458
Immunoglobulin A c 502/701/702: 8458 CRM 470 4.20 0.0589 g/L
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 standard c 303/503: 20720
IGA-2 c 501/311: 295
Immunoglobulin A c 502/701/702: 8295 CRM 470 4.20 0.0589 g/L
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 sensitive c 303/503: 20721
IGG-2 c 501: 674
4 5
Immunoglobulin G c 502: 8674 ERM -DA470k/IFCC 19.6 0.209 g/L
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 standard c 303/503: 20740
c 701/702: 8674 4 5
Immunoglobulin G ERM -DA470k/IFCC 18.8 0.201 g/L
c 311: 674
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 standard
IGM-2 c 501/311: 465
Immunoglobulin M c 502/701/702: 8465 CRM 470 1.47 0.0182 g/L
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 standard c 303/503: 20750
IGM-2 c 501/311: 274
Immunoglobulin M c 502/701/702: 8274 CRM 470 1.47 0.0182 g/L
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 sensitive c 303/503: 20751
KAPP2 ROW only c 501/311: 283 CRM 470
Kappa c 502/701/702: 8283 (calculated over Lievens 5.08 0.0548 g/L
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 c 303/503: 20780 equation)
LAMB2 ROW only c 501/311: 284 CRM 470
Lambda c 502/701/702: 8284 (calculated over Lievens 2.80 0.0249 g/L
immunoturbidimetric Gen. 2 c 303/503: 20800 equation)
cobas c 501 / c 502 / c 503 / c 303 / c 311/ c 701/ c 702 - C.f.a.s. Proteins
Cat. No. 11 355 279 216, 11 355 279 160

Roche Diagnostics GmbH October 2020

Routine Method Selected Measurement
ACN Reference Method Reference Material Calibrator Value Uncertainty 1 Unit
Roche/cobas c systems Procedure
TRSF2 c 501/311: 187
Transferrin c 502/701/702: 8187 CRM 470 2.69 0.0385 g/L
immunoturbidimetric ver. 2 c 303/503: 21150
TRSFU c 501/311: 401
4 5
Transferrin c 502/701/702: 8401 ERM -DA470k/IFCC 2700 25.4 mg/L
immunoturbidimetric ver. 2 (urine) c 303/503: 21151

This uncertainty (expanded uncertainty; k = 2) was calculated in accordance with the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” (GUM: 1993). For the estimation of
the single standard uncertainties normal distribution of the measurement results is assumed; the level of confidence of the expanded uncertainty is about 95% with the coverage
factor k=2 (analogue to the 2sd of the standard uncertainty).
CRM = Certified Reference Material, European
NIBSC = National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
ERM = European Reference Materials
IFCC = International Federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine

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