Blue Shadow Flyer

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Fugro’s Blue Shadow incorporates industry-leading experience to establish the next generation of uncrewed
surface vehicles (USVs) for hydrographic and geophysical surveys. Specifically engineered for more efficient,
flexible and safer operations in both coastal and offshore environments, the Blue Shadow exceeds
all national hydrographic surveying exclusive order standards.

HIGH EFFICIENCY to operate in full autonomy, semi-autonomy

Fugro’s Blue Shadow brings more or by remote control. It can be configured
efficiency to hydrographic and geophysical with other payloads to meet different ■ Faster collection of high-quality
surveying. Its compact, wave-piercing operational needs and is suited to operate data using its wave piercing
design and structural stability ensure as a force multiplier with a mother vessel design and gondola
mounted sensors
greater weather tolerance, enabling the (with one or more USVs) to increase data
vehicle to operate in high-sea conditions collection efficiency. ■ Reduced HSSE exposure through
for multiple days without interruption. minimised offshore staffing
Combined with Fugro’s smart data SUSTAINABLE AND SAFER ■ Sustainable operations with
management software, the speed and OPERATIONS significantly reduced fuel
endurance of the Blue Shadow reduces As an uncrewed vehicle, Blue Shadow consumption and carbon
risk and accelerates project delivery. eliminates the risks associated with human
involvement in offshore surveys. It provides
MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY sustainable operations through significantly
The Blue Shadow is equipped with a reduced fuel consumption and carbon
state-of-the-art EM2040-4 Mk II and an footprint.
AML moving vessel profiler and is designed

Technical Specifications

■ Wave-piercing hull design: improved sea-keeping and
Name Blue Shadow
a stable configuration for high-quality data acquisition
Designer/builder Fugro and L3 Technologies
Owner Fugro
■ Gondola-mounted sensors: best possible hydrographic
data acquisition, as low acoustic interference
Dimensions means improved data quality
■ Robust hull design: fenders in critical locations reduces
LOA 8.85 m
downtime risk from hull damage
Beam 1.77 m
■ Maximised situational awareness: radar, weather station
Draft 1.21/2.00 m (Gondola up/down)
and 360° camera (including infrared)
Propulsion ■ Vessel-control software with autonomous obstacle
avoidance capability and radar repeater
Engine 80 hp diesel engine ■ Robust and simple launch-and-recovery solution,
Cruising/survey speed 8 knots/variable as required
both from single point as well as via A-frame.
Control and navigation

Fully autonomous, semi-autonomous, direct remote-control options

DGPS Fugro G4+
Gyro Seapath 380-R3


Radar Simrad
Additional Emergency anchor

Survey equipment

DGPS positioning Fugro G4+

Navigation package Fugro Starfix Suite
Motion reference unit MGC-R3 (within Seapath 380-R3)
Multi Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) Kongsberg EM2040-04 Mk II
Echo sounder (SBES) Teledyne Echotrac E20
Sound velocity profiler AML MVP30
Sound velocity (at head) Valeport UV-SVP
© FUGRO 05 2020


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