Ceylon Petroleum Corporation

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Ceylon Petroleum Corporation

Bid for the Supply, Supervision of

Installation and Commissioning Work
of 02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal
Floating Roof For Petroleum Storage
Tanks at Sapugaskanda Terminal
Sri Lanka




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Calling of Bids for the Supply, Supervision of Installation and

Commissioning Work of 02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roof
for Petroleum Storage Tanks at Sapugaskanda Terminal
The Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee, of Ceylon Petroleum Corporation will
receive sealed Bids from Reputed ISO 9001-2000 Certified Internal Floating Roof
Manufacturers, their Export Agents abroad or their Accredited Local Agents for the Supply,
Supervision of Installation & Commissioning Work of 02 Nos. Full Contact Type
Internal Floating Roof for Petroleum Storage Tanks at Sapugaskanda Terminal up to 1400
hrs. on 28/11/2011.

Bid document can be obtained between 0930 hrs. and 1500 hrs. up to 25.11.2011 from the
office of Manager Supplies, Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, 01st Floor, No. 609, Dr. Danister
De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 09., Sri Lanka on a written request and payment of non-
refundable fee of Rs. 5,000.00 + 2% NBT + 12% VAT (Rs.5,712/=) per set of document.

Bids will be opened at the Office of Manager Supplies, Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, at the
above address, immediately after closing of the Bids. Bidders or their authorized
representatives will be permitted to be present at the time of opening of Bids.

Bid documents may be inspected at the office of Manager Supplies, Ceylon Petroleum
Corporation, 01st Floor, No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 09. Sri Lanka or
on websites www.ceypetco.gov.lk, www.pfd.gov.lk. Clarifications if any, shall be sought
from Manager Supplies on T//P No. 5455331 (Fax No. 5455400 / 5455424)

Departmental Procurement Committee,
C/o Manager Supplies
Supplies Function,
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation,
01st Floor,
No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Sri Lanka.

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Bid for the

Supply, Supervision of Installation & Commissioning work of
02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roofs for Petroleum
Storage Tanks at Sapugaskanda Terminal


Invitation to Bids

Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee (DPC), of Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC)

at 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka, will receive sealed Bids from
reputed Internal Floating Roof Manufacturers, their Export Agents abroad or their Accredited Local
Agents, for the Supply of following items :

01) Supply, Supervision of Installation & Commissioning work of 02 Nos.

Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roof

as per the Technical Specification stipulated herein and Schedules annexed hereto.

Failure to furnish documents as indicated under Clause 1.4 of Instructions to Bidders (ITB) may
result in the Bid being rejected.

CPC will open the Letter of Credit under the terms of clause 2.3 of Conditions of Contract (COC),

Cost of Insurance, Customs Duty at the Port of Colombo and other Government levies will be paid
by the CPC, and should not be included in the bided price.

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1.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 7

1.2 Basis of Bid ....................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Issue of Bid Document ...................................................................................... 8
1.4 Documents to accompany the Bid ...................................................................... 8
1.5 Sealing, Marking and Submission of Bids........................................................ 10
1.6 Period of Validity of Bids ................................................................................ 11
1.7 Format and Signing of Bids ............................................................................. 12
1.8 Clarification of Bid Document ......................................................................... 12
1.9 Deadline for Submission of Bids...................................................................... 13
1.10 Late Bids ......................................................................................................... 13
1.11 Modification, Substitution and Withdrawal of Bids.......................................... 13
1.12 Opening of Bids............................................................................................... 14
1.13 Agent to hold Power of Attorney ..................................................................... 14
1.14 Bid Security..................................................................................................... 15
1.15 Schedule of Price ............................................................................................. 15
1.16 Preliminary Examination of Bids ..................................................................... 16
1.17 Correction of Errors ......................................................................................... 16
1.18 Conversion to Single Currency ........................................................................ 16
1.19 Evaluation of Bids ........................................................................................... 17
1.20 Right to accept or reject any or all Bids............................................................ 17
1.21 Award Criteria ................................................................................................. 18


2.1 Performance Guarantee.................................................................................... 20

2.2 Warranty Conditions........................................................................................ 20
2.3 Mode of Payment ............................................................................................ 21
2.4 Testing & Inspection........................................................................................ 21
2.5 Pre-Shipment Inspection by CPC ..................................................................... 21
2.6 Shipping Documentation, Test Certificates, Approvals and Operating and
Maintenance Manuals ...................................................................................... 22
2.7 Default by Successful Bidder ........................................................................... 23
2.8 Liquidated Damages ........................................................................................ 24
2.9 Patent Infringement ......................................................................................... 24
2.10 Force Majeure ................................................................................................. 24
2.11 Arbitration ....................................................................................................... 24

3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................... 25-35

4. SCHEDULE OF PRICES ........................................................................ 36-38

5. ANNEXURES ........................................................................................... 39-49

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Schedule - A - Schedule of Prices

Annex – B - Compliance/Deviation sheet

Annex – C - Form of Bid

Annex – D - Format for Bid Security

Annex – E - Form of Agreement

Annex – F - Format for Performance Guarantee

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1.1 Introduction

1.1.1. Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee (DPC),of Ceylon Petroleum Corporation

(CPC) invites sealed Bids from Reputed Internal Floating Roof Manufacturers, their
Export Agents abroad or their Accredited Local Agents, for the Supply, Supervision
Installation and Commissioning work of 02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal Floating
Roof as per theTechnical Specification given in Section 03 of bid document.

1.1.2 The manufacturer should have a minimum of 05 years experience in Design, Manufacture
Supply, and Installation of Internal Floating Roof for Internationally reputed
organizations in the Petroleum Industry.

1.2 Basis of Bid

1.2.1 Bids are to be forwarded on C & F basis for the Supply, Supervision of Installation and
Commissioning work of 02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roof to CPC
with detail technical product literature. One (01) set of illustrated spare parts manuals shall
also be included.

1.2.2 Bids are to be forwarded for the Supply, Supervision of Installation and Commissioning
work of 02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roof as per the Technical
Specifications stipulated in the Bid document.

1.2.3 Additional services provided by the Bidder, in addition to the requirements mentioned in
the bid document, may be stated, separately.

1.2.4 If a Bidder wishes to submit alternative Bids from different Internal Floating Roof
Manufacturers, such alternative Bids should be submitted with separate Bid Security

1.2.5 All documentation and correspondence shall be furnished in English Language.

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1.3 Issue of Bid Document
Bid documents will be issued up to 1500 hrs. on 25.11.2011. Any intending bidder shall purchase
bid document at Rs. 5,000/= + 2%NBT + 12%VAT (Rs.5,712/=) from Manager Supplies, Ceylon
Petroleum Corporation, 01st Floor, No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 09, Sri Lanka.

Note:Any bidder intend to download the bid document through the website
www.ceypetco.gov.lk, shall pay the document fee of Rs. 5,000/= + 2%NBT + 12%VAT
(Rs.5,712/=) to CPC before submission of their bid.

1.3.1 Bid Document will consist of the following :

1. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

2. Conditions of Contract (COC)
3. Technical Specifications
4. Compliance/Deviation Sheet
5. Form of Bid
6. Format for Bid Security
7. Form of Agreement
8. Format for Performance Guarantee
9. Schedule of prices

1.3.2 The bidders are not permitted to do any alterations in the bid document in any form
Whatsoever. Any such alterations in the bid document by the bidder, may be liable
for disqualification.

1.4 Documents to accompany the Bid

All Bids should contain required particulars in respect of the items offered.

Failure to furnish the following documents and details, along with the Bid may result in
the Bid being rejected.

1.4.1 Commercial Proposal Bid Security (As per Annex-D). Form of Bid (Annex- C) duly completed and signed. Schedule of Prices (Schedule A) duly completed and signed Name and Address of the Accredited Local Agent along with Legally
Executed Power of Attorney issued by the Manufacturer and valid copy
of Certificate of Registration issued by the Registrar of Companies. Name and Address of the Export Agent abroad and the local Agent (if any)
along with Legally Executed Power of Attorney issued by the

Page - 8 - of 49 Validity of the Bid. Name and Address of the Manufacturer, Country of Origin, Country of

Manufacturer, Country & Port of Shipment. Make and Model/s of the Internal Floating Roof offered. Manufacturer’s Guarantee where applicable as per Technical

specification. Conditions of Warranty (if any) Compliance with the payment terms. Period required for the Shipment, after confirmation of the order. Itemised price list of recommended spares for five (05) years operation. The price validity for spares shall be minimum of five (05) years

1.4.2 Technical Proposal. Detailed Technical specification including detail drawings and the Assembly
Procedure of Internal Floating Roof. A dimensional drawing indicating key dimensions of the layout of the entire Internal
Floating Roof. Certificate from the Manufacturer that the Floating Roof model/s offered
are not prototypes and are currently in manufacture. Certificate from the manufacturer that the model/s offered will not become
obsolete & spares will be available for a minimum of 5 years period. Certification issued by an Internationally recognized independent Testing Authority

permitted to issue such certificates. To ensure trouble free operation and avoid any effect on operation due to delays
in warranty claims, a set of spares shall be delivered along with Floating Roof
as warranty spares. The list of warranty spares & quantities shall be
determined by the supplier based on past experience and the same to be indicated
in the Bid. Intended location of Design, Manufacture, Inspection and Testing. Any proposed
arrangements with others, either affiliates or associated Companies.

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1.4.3 Information on the Manufacturing Company and past performance. Documentary proof and information on the manufacturing company, it’s background
& business profile, financial status report of the current financial year & documentary
evidence of the company, eligibility to manufacture Internal Floating Roofs to
Internationally reputed standards. Proof of minimum of 5 years past experience that the manufacturer has designed,
manufactured and supplied Internal Floating Roof . List of customer’s references of the model/s offered and user recommendation. Majority
shall be at International level and customer contact details (E-mail/Fax) shall be
provided. The manufacturer shall possess ISO 9001 – 2000 quality assurance certificate for
Design, Development, Manufacture and Supply of Internal Floating Roofs.

Note : Every Bidder shall be required to meet the specification/Conditions hereof. Where this
cannot be met, all such deviations and reasons thereof shall be listed and explained as
per compliance/deviation sheet (Annex-B) attached.

1.5 Sealing, Marking and Submission of Bids

1.5.1 Bids shall be submitted in duplicates as per the conditions specified in this Bid
document. The original and the duplicate of the Bid should be placed in separate
envelopes marked 'ORIGINAL' and 'DUPLICATE'. Both envelopes should be
enclosed in one securely sealed cover, which should be marked "BID FOR THE
(the Invitation to Bid title) on the top left hand corner and the statement, “DO NOT
OPEN BEFORE 1400 hrs. on 28/11/2011 (to be completed with the time and date
specified in the Bid document) and shall be addressed to :

Departmental Procurement Committee,
Supplies Function,
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation,
01 st Floor,
No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Sri Lanka.
Tel: 0094 11 5666442 Facsimile : 0094 11 5455424

1.5.2 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required above, the CPC will
assume no responsibility for the Bid being misplaced or premature opening. If
the outer envelope discloses the Bidders identity, the DPC will not guarantee
anonymity of the Bid submission but this disclosure will not constitute grounds
for Bids rejection.

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1.5.3 Bids, sealed and addressed as aforesaid, shall be sent under Courier /Registered
cover to reach,
Departmental Procurement Committee,
Supplies Function,
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation,
01st Floor,
No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Sri Lanka.

not later than 1400 hrs Sri Lanka local time on 28.11.2011.

If the Bidders or their representatives choose not to send their Bids under Courier /
Registered cover, alternatively they could deposit such Bids in the Tender Box
provided for this purpose at the office of the

Manager Supplies
Supplies Function,
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation,
1st Floor,
No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 9,
Sri Lanka.
not later than 1400 hrs Sri Lanka local time on 28.11.2011.

1.6 Period of Validity of Bids

1.6.1 All Bids shall be valid for a minimum period of ninety one (91) days from the
closing date of the bids. Bidders should however, clearly indicate the maximum
period that their Bids would be valid. A Bid valid for a shorter period will be
considered as non-responsive.

1.6.2 Cost & Freight (C & F) prices indicated in the Schedule of Prices (Schedule A) (Clause
1.15 below) shall be firm and shall not be subject to any price variation within the
period of validity stated in (1.6.1) above.

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1.7 Format and Signing of Bids

1.7.1 The Bidder shall prepare an Original and a Duplicate of the Bid specified above, clearly
FLOATING ROOFS” – Original and Duplicate as appropriate. In the event of any
discrepancy between the Original and Duplicate, the Original shall govern.

1.7.2 The Original and the Duplicate of the Bids shall be typed, or written in indelible ink, and
shall be signed by the Bidder, or person(s) duly authorized by the Bidder. All pages of the
Bid except for un-amended printed literature shall be initialled by the person(s)
signing the Bid.

1.7.3 Any inter lineation, erasures or insertion shall be valid only if they are initialled by the
person(s) signing the Bid. All corrections shall be very clear and no over-writing shall be

1.8 Clarification of Bid Document

1.8.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bid document shall notify CPC
in writing by hand or post or facsimile at the CPC’s mailing address indicated in
ITB clause 1.5.

1.8.2 Similarly, if a bidder feels that any important provision is unacceptable or the
technical specifications stated in Section 03 of the bidding document is tailor made to a
particular brand or a model, such complaint / objections shall be raised at this stage,

1.8.3 Bidder shall request in writing any clarification of the Bid document or lodge
any objection /complaint mentioned in clause 1.8.2, not later than 10 days prior to
the deadline for submission of bids. CPC shall respond to any such clarifications,
objections or complaints to all prospective bidders who have collected bid
documents within 05 days prior to the closing of the bids.

1.8.4 All correspondence shall be addressed to :

Departmental Procurement Committee,
C/o. Manager Supplies
Supplies Function,
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation
1 st Floor,
No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Sri Lanka
and shall not be personally addressed to any officer. Such correspondence shall not be
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1.9 Deadline for Submission of Bids

1.9.1 Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee must receive Bids at the address
specified under ITB Clause 1.5 not later than 1400 hrs. on 25.11.2011.
1.9.2 Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee may, at his discretion, extend this
deadline for submission of Bids, by amending the Bid document, in which case all rights
and obligations of MPC and the Bidders will thereafter be subjected to the deadline as

1.10 Late Bids

Any Bid received by the Chairman, CPC, after the deadline for submission of Bids, will not
be considered and returned unopened to the bidder.

1.11 Modification, Substitution & Withdrawal of Bids

1.11.1 The Bidder may modify or withdraw his Bid after submission, provided that written
notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the CPC, prior to the deadline
prescribed for Bid submission.

1.11.2 The Bidder’s modifications shall be prepared, sealed, marked and despatched as

1.11.3 The Bidders shall provide an Original and a Duplicate, as specified in the ITB clause 1.7
of any modifications to his Bid, clearly identified as such in two envelopes, duly marked
FLOATING ROOFS” The envelopes shall be sealed in an outer envelope, duly

1.11.4 A Bidder wishing to withdraw his Bid, shall notify the CPC in writing prior to the
deadline prescribed for the submission of Bids. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by
Facsimile, but must be followed by the original, by post or by hand not later than the
deadline for submission of Bids. The notice of withdrawal shall be addressed to the: -

Departmental Procurement Committee,
C/o. Manager Supplies
Supplies Function
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation,
1st Floor,
No.609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Sri Lanka.
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bearing the Bid name and the words “BID WITHDRAWAL NOTICE”.
1.11.5 Bid withdrawal notices received after the deadline for submission of Bids will be
ignored and the submitted Bids will deem to be valid.

1.12 Opening of Bids

1.12.1 Bids will be opened immediately after the closure of the Bids, at the

Manager Supplies’ Office,

Ceylon Petroleum Corporation,
1st Floor,
No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Sri Lanka,

1.12.2 The Chairman, DPC or his nominated representative will open the Bids, in the
presence of the Bidders and / or their representatives, who choose to attend at the time
of bid opening. Bidders and / or their representatives so attending, shall sign a register
as proof of their attendance.

1.12.3 The Bid prices, discounts, and Bidder’s names, the presence or absence of the requisite
Bid Security and other such details, will be announced, at the opening.

1.12.4 Bids and modifications sent pursuant to ITB sub clause 1.11 that are not opened will
not be considered for evaluation, regardless of the circumstances.

1.13 Agent to hold Power of Attorney

1.13.1 Bids from Accredited Local Agents representing Manufacturers or from manufacturers’
Export Agents abroad will not be considered unless they hold a Legally Executed
Power of Attorney from the Manufacturer, empowering the Agent to offer on his
behalf, to enter into a valid agreement on behalf of the Manufacturer to fulfil all the
terms & Conditions of the Contract, in the event of the bid being awarded.

1.13.2 An Agent signing the Bid document on behalf of the Manufacturer should state the
Manufacturer’s name, address, telephone nos., fax nos, if any. Original of the Legally
Executed Power of Attorney shall be attached to the offer. Under no circumstances,
will a letter of Authority be accepted.

1.13.3 Nomination of an Agent after the Bid has been submitted will not be valid.

1.13.4 Local Agent shall also forward a valid copy of their Business Registration issued by the
Registrar of Companies together with their offer.

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1.14 Bid Security

1.14.1 Each Bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Security, undertaking that the Bid will be held
valid for the specified period, and that the Bid will not be withdrawn during that period.
Such security shall be in the form of a Bank Draft or a Bank Guarantee issued /
Confirmed by a bank in operation in Sri Lanka and approved by the Central Bank of
Sri Lanka and payable to the CPC on demand in a sum of Rupees Two Hundred
Fifty Thousand only (Rs.200,000/=).

1.14.2 The Bid Security shall be valid for 121 days. A format of Bid Security is attached as
Annex- D.

1.14.3 Failure to submit the Bid Security at the time, or before the closing of Bid, and in
accordance with above said requirements, and in the format provided, will result in the
Bid being rejected.

1.14.4 Bid Security from unsuccessful Bidders will be returned to them after the award is
made to the successful Bidder. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be
returned only after receipt of the Performance Guarantee.

1.15 Schedule of Prices

1.15.1 Bids shall be in the form of a Pro-forma Invoice in Three (03) copies indicating Country
of Origin, Port of Shipment, H.S. Code, Terms of Payment, shipment Period and Offer
Validity. Rates quoted should be computed on the basis of C & F Colombo, showing
Free on Board (FOB) value and freight charges separately.

1.15.2 Bidders are also required to duly sign and return the Schedule of Prices marked
Schedule A indicating their Bids in detail together with the Pro-forma Invoice.

1.15.3 Prospective Bidders are requested to submit their Bids in any single foreign currency
convertible in Sri Lanka.

1.15.4 All Agents’ Commissions, (if any), should be disclosed in Sri Lanka Rupees in the
appropriate column of the Schedule of Prices.

1.15.5 Prices not submitted on the prescribed form and in the manner required are liable for

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1.16 Preliminary Examination of Bids

1.16.1 The CPC will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, any
computational errors have been made, whether the documents have been properly
signed, and the bids are generally in order. The MPC may, at its discretion call
clarifications from Bidders

1.16.2 The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing within short period
from the clarifications and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be
sought, offered or permitted.

1.17 Corrections of Errors

Bids determined to be substantially responsive will be checked for any arithmetical error and
errors will be corrected in the following manner.

1.17.1 Where the discrepancy is between the amount in figure and the amount in words, the
amount in words will prevail.

1.17.2 Where the discrepancy is between unit rate and the line total, resulting from multiplying
the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern, unless in the opinion of
the Chairman, Departmental Procurement Committee, there is an obvious gross
misplacement of the decimal point in the rate, in which case the line item total as quoted
will govern, and the unit rate will be corrected.

1.17.3 The amount stated in the form of Bid adjusted in accordance with the above procedure
with the concurrence of the Bidder shall be considered as binding upon the Bidder. If the
Bidder does not accept the correct amount of Bid, his Bid shall be rejected without
affecting the Bid Security.

1.17.4 Where the adjusted price is lower than the Bid price the adjusted figure will be treated as
Bid price. If the adjusted price is higher than the Bid price the Bid figure will be the
Bid price. The rates will be adjusted with the concurrence of the Bidder to reach the
Bided figure. If the Bidder does not agree for such adjustment, his Bid shall be rejected
without affecting the Bid Security.

1.18 Conversion to Single Currency

To facilitate evaluation & comparison of Bids, all prices quoted in foreign currency will be
converted to Sri Lankan Rupees at the Selling Exchange Rate of the Treasury Division of
Peoples Bank of Sri Lanka, prevailing on the date of opening of Bids.

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1.19 Evaluation of Bids

1.19.1 The CPC will carry out a detailed evaluation of the Bids with the assistance of the
Technical Evaluation Committee, to determine whether the Technical aspects are
properly addressed, and the Bids are substantially responsive.

1.19.2 The events/items listed in Annex-B and marked as Major will be considered as
Mandatory for evaluation purpose. Any deviation on major events will result in the
bid being rejected.

1.19.3 The evaluation methodology will comprise: Technical requirements:

ü Specifications, drawings and supporting technical documents in compliance

with Technical Specifications of this Bid document including the information /
details requested under Clause 1.4 of ITB. Financial Evaluation of Bids

The comparison of the total C&F price for Supply, Supervision of Installation &
Commissioning work of 02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs, Installation charges,
discounts and local agency commission if any will be evaluated.

1.19.4 In addition to the Bid prices indicated in the schedule, the following factors will also be
considered in the evaluation.
ü Availability of spare parts as per sub clause of ITB
ü Past supply records as per sub clause & of ITB
ü Shipment period as per sub clause 2.6.3 of COC
ü Prices of spare parts as per sub clause of ITB.
ü List of Warranty Spares as per sub clause of ITB

1.20 Right to accept or reject any or all Bids

1.20.1 The Departmental Procurement Committee will not bound to make the award to
the Bidder submitting the lowest offer.

1.20.2 The Departmental Procurement Committee reserves the right to reject any or all Bids
or any part thereof, without adducing any reasons. The Departmental Procurement
Committee may accept any or all items of an offer, and reserves the right to increase or
decrease the number of units to be contracted for, at prices indicated in the Schedule of

1.20.3 The notice of acceptance of Bid will be sent by Facsimile/E-mail followed by post to
the successful Bidder, to the address given by him in the Bid document, soon after the
decision of Departmental Procurement Committee is obtained.

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1.21 Awarding Criteria

1.21.1 Subject to ITB Clause 1.19 the CPC will award the contract to the successful Bidder,
whose Bid has been determined to be substantially responsive, lowest evaluated Bid,
provided that the Bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the contract

1.21.2 The successful Bidder will be called upon to Supply, Supervision of Installation &
Commissioning Work of 02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs conforming to Technical
Specifications, and strictly by the agreed shipment schedule.

1.21.3 The successful Bidder will be called upon to enter into an Agreement with CPC.
A specimen Form of Agreement is attached as Annex- E.

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2.1. Performance Guarantee

2.1.1 The successful bidder, on being notified by CPC of the acceptance of his bid, shall furnish
at his own expense a Performance Guarantee, within fourteen (14) days of such
notification, through / confirmed by a reputed Commercial Bank in operation in Sri Lanka
and approved by Central Bank of Sri Lanka, for a sum equivalent to 10% of the total Free on
Board (FOB) value of the accepted Bid. The Performance Guarantee shall be substantially
in the format given in Annex-F.

2.1.2 If the successful Bidder, fails to furnish the Performance Guarantee as aforesaid, his name
will be placed in the list of defaulting Contractors. The successful Bidder, in the event of his
failure to furnish the Performance Guarantee as required, shall be liable for any losses,
costs, expenses and damages, which the CPC may sustain in consequence of such failure,
and the Bid Security shall be forfeited.

2.1.3 The Letter of Credit will be opened only after the receipt of the Performance Guarantee. The
Performance Guarantee shall be in favour of the CPC, and shall be valid for a period of not
less than Ninety (90) days from the date of anticipated final delivery.
2.1.4 To expedite opening of Letter of Credit, the Supplier shall on his own account instruct his
Bank to Fax CPC, the date, the amount and validity period of the Performance Guarantee.
Simultaneously the original document of the Performance Guarantee shall be sent to CPC
by courier.

2.2 Warranty Conditions

2.2.1 The successful Bidder shall provide manufacturer’s warranty that the design, engineering &
equipment/material supplied shall be free from defects & shall conform & shall perform so as
to comply with specifications contained in the Bid document.

2.2.2 This manufacturer’s warranty shall cover a minimum period of 18 months from the date of
arrival of the 02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs at the port of Colombo.

2.2.3 All such defects found within the warranty period aforesaid shall be rectified or replaced free
of charge by the Supplier.

2.2.4 Repairs / Part replacements of Internal Floating Roofs supplied on this contract and installed
in Petroleum Storage Tanks at Sapugaskanda Terminal shall be undertaken by CPC during
the warranty period.
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2.2.5 In case of additional spares which were not included in the warranty spares supplied as per
clause of ITB are required or the quantity supplied is insufficient, the supplier shall
despatch the spares required within one (01) week upon notification by CPC so as to
carryout the repair work with least delay.

2.3 Mode of Payment

2.3.1 Foreign Cost Payments shall be made by an Irrevocable Letter of Credit, 90% of the FOB value at sight
and the balance 10% after the delivery and acceptance of 02 Nos. Internal Floating
Roofs by CPC.

2.3.2 Agent’s Commission In Item-No 08 of the ‘Schedule of Prices’, the Bidder should indicate the local Agent’s
Commission (if any), in Sri Lanka Rupees. Agency Commission (if any) shall be paid after commencing and acceptance of Internal
Floating Roofs by CPC.

2.4 Inspection & Testing

The manufacturer shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy of manufacture,
testing and inspection of 02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roofs. The Inspection Report
shall be forwarded along with the original shipping documents.
The manufacturer shall certify that the 02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs comply with the technical
specification given in the Bidding document in all aspects.

2.5 Pre-Shipment Inspection & Testing by CPC

The supplier shall allow CPC official/s to witness the test and perform inspection. The Supplier
shall provide sufficient notice for the CPC officials to arrange for the witness of the pre-shipment
Inspection. Supplier shall provide facilities such as necessary internal transportation,
accommodation, food, tools and equipments for the inspection. CPC will bear the cost of air

Page 21 of 49
The CPC shall have full authority to reject any material or workmanship of any equipment or
component which does not in the opinion of the CPC Official/s or Certifying Authority comply with
the relevant standards and other specifications.

Inspection of 02 Nos. Full Contact type Internal Floating Roofs by the CPC or the Certifying
Authority Representative(s) shall not absolve Supplier from his responsibility to ensure that
specification requirements are met. The manufacturer shall be responsible for the
completeness and accuracy of all design calculations and for compliance with all design and
material requirements according with applicable codes, standards and well sound
engineering practices.02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs shall not be dispatched until they are
inspected, tested and approved by the CPC Officials.

2.6 Shipping documentation, Test Certificates, Approvals and Operating &

Maintenance Manuals

2.6.1 Immediately after the consignment is shipped, the supplier shall send to CPC, a Fax/E-mail
stating the name of the Vessel and the other relevant details. Also, within 03 days from the date
of Bill of Lading, 04 copies of each of the following shipping documents should be sent by
Courier to CPC. Clean on Board Freight prepaid/Collect Bill of Lading showing destination as Colombo
and indicating actual amount of freight paid. If freight is not indicated on the Bill of
Lading, freight receipt issued by the Shipping Company, indicating the freight should be
submitted. Four copies of manually signed Commercial Invoices showing cost and freight separately. The Certificate of Manufacturer, stating that the items shipped were manufactured by
them and indicating the Country of Origin.

2.6.2 Following Documents shall also be sent along with the shipment ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality Assurance Certificate for Design, Development & Manufacturing
of 02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs and ISO 14001 for Environment Management System. Operation & Maintenance Manuals, Drawings and Workshop Manuals. One copy of Operating & Maintenance Manual containing installation, operating
and maintenance procedures, Trouble shooting guide, for the functions/features,
of the 02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs and other relevant information.
Page 22 of 49 Workshop Manual containing part lists covering all items in the package with
sufficient references (Part Nos.) disassembly & maintenance procedures and other
relevant information, shall be supplied in triplicate.

2.. Dimensional diagrams & foundation details and other relevant information.

2.6.3. Shipment Period

02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roofs shall be shipped to CPC within a period of 06
weeks from the date of establishment of letter of credit in one shipment.

2.7 Defaults by Successful Bidder

2.7.1 If the successful Bidder, defaults in the supply or otherwise commits a breach of any of
the provision in the Contract with CPC for the Supply 02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs
according to the Technical Specifications, shall be liable to pay to CPC, all losses,
damages and expenses incurred by CPC, in consequence of such default or breach.

2.7.2 Bidders shall declare that they had read the Bid conditions, and that they make the offer
in compliance with, and subject to all the conditions thereof, and agree to perform the
services in accordance with the said conditions in the manner therein set out, and in terms
of this offer. A form of Bid, as Annex - 'C' is attached.

2.8 Liquidated Damages

Should the Supplier fail to Supply, Supervision of Installation & Commissioning work of 02 Nos.
Internal Floating Roofs within the period specified or should he fail to replace any rejected part
of Internal Floating Roofs, the Supplier shall be liable to pay as a pre-estimate of liquidated
damages, the sum of 1/1000th of the F.O.B. value of the 02 Nos. Internal Floating Roofs per day
for delay in executing the order, until the Order is completed subject to a maximum of 10% of
total F.O.B. Value of the order. The Supplier in these circumstances will also render himself
liable to be placed in the list of defaulting Suppliers and be precluded from having any concern in
the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation Bids.

2.9 Patent Infringement

Supplier shall defend any and all infringement suits in which the purchaser is made a defendant,
alleging patent infringement on equipment purchased from Supplier. Supplier shall pay all costs
Page 23 of 49
and expenses incident to any such litigation. It being further agreed and understood, that
purchaser shall have the right to be represented therein by counsel, of their own selection and
paid by them. Supplier shall pay all damages profits and/or costs, which may be subjected under
the patent rights.

2.10 Force Majeure

Except as regards an act of God, War, Strike, Invasion, Civil war, Rebellion, Revolution,
Insurrection, Earthquake, Plagues or Tsunami, the Bidder shall undertake all risks and liabilities
of whatsoever kind arising out of incidentals connected with the sale.

2.11 Arbitration

Arbitration arising out of this contract shall be conducted under the rules of the Arbitration
Centre of the Institute of the Development of Commercial Law and Practice (ICLP) in Sri Lanka
and in accordance with the Arbitration Act No. 11 of 1995 of Sri Lanka. The place of Arbitration
shall be Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Page 24 of 49
(Section 03)

Page 25 of 49
03. Technical Specifications

3.1 General
The 02 Nos of Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roofs (IFR) to be designed and installed shall
be Metallic sandwich panel Internal Floating Roofs per the Eleventh edition of API 650
Appendix H Section H.2.2.f.

The IFR shall be a rigid all aluminium structure consisting of a series of factory seal welded and
pressure tested panel modules. Panel modules may include hydrocarbon resisted honeycomb or
closed cell foam core.

When landed, the IFR is to be supported by two position top adjustable legs located at regular
intervals on the interior and around the perimeter.

The annular space is to be sealed by a primary and a secondary wiper seal.

All parts of IFR shall be designed to pass through the 30 inch Diameter tank shell manhole.

3.2 Equipment and Appurtenances

Each IFR shall be equipped with the following appurtenances:
• Two Position Top Adjustable Legs
• Insulating Pads for Each Leg
• IFR Manway combination Pressure / Vacuum Relief Vent
• Automatic Tank Level Gauge Float Well
• Sampling Well and Funnel
• Anti-Rotation Systems with stainless steel cable
• Drains
• Stainless Steel Grounding Cables
• Perimeter Seal
• Stainless Steel and Aluminum Hardware

Page 26 of 49
3.3 Operating Conditions
3.3.1 Stored Product
Fluid : Gasoline
Density at 15 C : 720-785 kg/m3
RVP @ 37.8 0C : 5-10 psi
Viscosity : 0.6 cSt max
Operating Temperature : 20-40 0C

3.3.2 Environmental Conditions

Location : Sapugaskanda Terminal, Sri Lanka
Ambient Temperature : 20-40 0C
Humidity : 40-95%
Elevation : less than 100m [from mean Sea Level)

3.3.3 Tank Data

Tank Nos. : Tank No 03 and Tank No 04
Shell construction : Butt welded steel tanks
Pressure : Atmospheric
Roof type : Fixed dome roof with framework

Max. tank filling rate : 230 m3/hr

Size of inlet nozzle : 6 inch
Max. tank emptying rate : 230 m3/hr
Size of outlet nozzle : 14 inch
Tank Internal Diameter : 22 m
Shell Height : 17.2 m
Design liquid level : 16.6 m
Shell Manhole : 02 nos, 30 inch dia.
Tank Bottom slope : 1:100, cone up (110mm)

Note : Existing tank Mixers will be removed from operation.

Page 27 of 49
3.3.4 Schedule of Nozzles Shell Nozzles of Tank No 03
Orientation Height from
Mark Size Qty. N=0 Bottom(mm) Service
A 6” 1 -3000 400 Inlet
B1 14” 1 -3000 488 Outlet
B2 14” 1 3000 468
C 4” 1 2700 310 Water Drain Off
D 2” 1 2700 890 Water Drain Off
G1/G2 30” 2 600/2400 870/870 Shell Manhole
S1/S2 6” 2 470/2270 16900/16900 Foam Pourer
Mx 24” 1 328.760 1100 Mixer
(will be removed)
T1/T2 2” 1 26/260 2810/150 LT Nozzle
N 2” 1 260 500 TE Nozzle
L1/L2 2” 2 121.50/121.50 16900/16400 LSHH
L3/LA 2-1/2” 2 150/150 150/468 LSLL Roof Nozzles including venting connection of Tank No 03

Orientation Distance
Mark Size Qty. N=0 from Center Service
E 6” 1 1100 8.825m Gauge
F 8” 1 0 Vent
G3/G4 24” 2 99.50/279.50 8.825m Roof Manhole
P ½” 1 260 10.8m PT Nozzle Shell Nozzles of Tank No 04

Orientation Height from
Mark Size Qty. N=0 Bottom(mm) Service
A 6” 1 -323.940 400 Inlet
B1 14” 1 -323.940 468 Outlet
B2 14” 1 323.940 468
C 4” 1 900 310 Water Drain Off
D 2” 1 900 890 Water Drain Off
G1/G2 30” 2 400/2200 870/870 Shell Manhole
S1/S2 6” 2 770/2570 16900/16900 Foam Pourer
Mx 24” 1 295.180 1100 Mixer
(will be removed)
0 0
T1/T2 2” 1 50 /50 2810/150 LT Nozzle
N 2” 1 500 500 TE Nozzle
L1/L2 2” 2 121.50/121.50 16900/16400 LSHH
L3/L4 2-1/2” 2 200/200 150/468 LSLL

Page 28 of 49 Roof Nozzles including venting connection of Tank No 04
Orientation Distance
Mark Size Qty. N=0 from Center Service
E 6” 1 1100 8.825m Gauge
F 8” 1 0 Vent
G3/G4 24” 2 99.50/279.50 8.825m Roof Manhole
P ½” 1 500 10.8m PT Nozzle

3.4 IFR Design

3.4.1 General
The 02 nos of IFRs shall be designed, fabricated, and installed in accordance as per the Eleventh
edition of API Standard 650 "Welded Tanks for Oil Storage," Appendix H "Internal Floating
Roofs", Section H.2.2.f. The design of the IFR shall also meet the requirements of NFPA11 and
The IFRs and its accessories shall be designed and constructed to allow the roof to operate
throughout its normal travel without manual attention and without damage to any part of the
fixed roof, the internal floating roof, internal floating roof seals (except for normal wear), the
tank, or their appurtenances. The IFRs shall be designed and built to float and rest in a uniform
horizontal plane (no drainage slope required).

All seams in the IFR that are exposed to product vapor or liquid shall be vapor-tight in
accordance with section H.4.3.1 of API 650 Standard

All flotation calculations shall be based on a product specific gravity of 0.70.

The IFR shall include buoyancy required to support at least twice its dead weight (including the
weight of the floatation compartments, seal and all other floating roof and attached components),
plus additional buoyancy to offset the calculated friction exerted by peripheral and penetration
seals during filling.

The IFR shall be capable of floating without additional damage after any two compartments are
punctured and flooded and to safely support at least two men walking anywhere on the roof
while it is floating without damaging the floating roof and without allowing product on the roof.
One applied load of 2.2 kN (500 lbf) over 0.1 m2 (1 ft2) applied anywhere on the roof addresses
two men walking.

Page 29 of 49
3.4.2 Support Legs
Internal floating roof supports and deck structural attachments shall be designed to support the
load combinations listed in H. of API 650 standard, without exceeding allowable stresses.
Consideration shall also be made for non-uniform support settlement or other non-uniform load
distribution, based on anticipated conditions.

Supports shall be fabricated from aluminum pipe. Supports fabricated from pipe shall be notched
or otherwise constructed at the bottom to provide complete liquid drainage.

Each support leg shall have two positions as low (operating) position and a high (maintenance)

Aluminum supports shall be isolated from carbon steel by an austenitic stainless steel spacer, an
elastomeric bearing pad, or equivalent protection.

The leg sleeve assembly shall be factory seal welded into the module and pressure-tested.

Each leg shall be capable of vertical adjustment of ± 75 mm. Adjustment is to be made from top
side of IFR while tank is in service.

3.4.3 Perimeter Seal

The peripheral rim seal shall consist of a primary and a secondary wiper seal. Both seals shall
seal the rim space for the full travel of the IFR and prevent the release of vapors and liquids from
the rim space.

All seal components shall be prefabricated, including mounting holes and component sub-
assembly. Their design and fabrication shall ensure that the seal is flexible and has suitable
expansion and contraction available.

The seal(s) shall be designed to accommodate ± 100mm of local deviation between the IFR and
the tank shell.
Page 30 of 49
3.5 Appurtenance Design
3.5.1 General
All IFR appurtenances, wells, funnels, seal plates, etc. shall be fabricated from 2.3mm thick
minimum aluminum sheet. All IFR appurtenances shall have solid skirts that extend 152mm
above the design product level. The upper edge of all wells shall have a product compatible
3.5.2 Penetrations
Vertical tank accessories shall penetrate the IFR through a gasketed well and shall be sealed with
a factory cut sliding cover with a wiper.

The wells shall be sized so as to allow a minimum of ± 125mm clearance between the
penetration and the well.
3.5.3 Vents
IFR Pressure/vacuum vent(s) shall be sized to accommodate the filling and emptying rates. Vent
activation pressure and vacuum shall be based on IFR weight. The vent(s) shall seal against a
closure gasket when there is no differential pressure across the vent(s). The vent(s) shall be
located on the IFR manway cover plate.

3.5.4 Manway
At least one (1) manway shall be installed on each IFR. The manway shall be located near a tank
shell manway. The manway shall have a hinged lid, sealed and bolted shut.

3.5.5 Sample well & funnel

A funnel with a slit diaphragm sealed opening shall be installed on the IFR directly beneath the
gauge hatch on the tank roof.

3.5.6 Automatic tank gauge float well

The automatic tank gauge float shall be housed in a float well. The float well shall have a cage
extension attached to the well skirt that is field adjusted to allow the float to rest within
approximately 50mm of the tank bottom.The float well shall have a gasketed, bolted cover with
small a gasketed hole for the passage of the gauge tape.
Page 31 of 49
3.5.7 Anti-rotation system
The internal floating roof shall be centered and restrained from rotating with two (2) anti-rotation
cable systems. The anti-rotation cable systems shall not interfere with the ability of the internal
floating roof to travel within the full operating elevations.

The cable shall be minimum 4.8mm stainless steel wire rope.

Each anti-rotation system shall consist of stainless steel tension spring to relieve excess stress.

The anti-rotation cable shall be guided through the IFR with a stainless steel or Nytartron

3.5.8 Electrical grounding

The IFR shall be equipped with at least two anti-static cable systems

The static cables and attachment hardware shall be stainless steel.

The cable shall be minimum 3.2mm stainless steel wire rope.

The cables shall attach to the IFR at widely separate points, evenly distributed. The cables shall
not drape across IFR appurtenances.

3.5.9 Condensate drains

The IFR shall be equipped with at least two (2) drains to return condensate to the product.
The drains shall be factory seal-welded into the panel modules and pressure-tested.

3.6 Fabrication
The IFR fabrication shall be performed by mechanics and welders skilled and experienced in
aluminum IFR fabrication.
All welders shall be ASME certified for the welds performed.
All components shall be completely pre-fabricated to allow quick and easy installation.

Page 32 of 49
3.7 Materials
Aluminum extrusions shall be 6063 T6 or equivalent.
Aluminum panel skin shall be 3003 H14, 3003 H16, 5010 H24 or equivalent.
Aluminum plates shall be 3003 H16 or equivalent.
Stainless steel plates shall be ASTM A240-304.
Cables shall be stainless steel type 304.
Fasteners shall be stainless steel type 304.
The adhesive shall be compatible with product service and floatation test water.

3.8 Suppliers Qualifications

The IFR supplier must have at least five (5) years experience furnishing and installing full-
surface contact floating roofs as described in this specification and provide an extensive list of
installations, including owner, location, size, tank service and year of completion.

3.9 Inspection and testing

The manufacturer shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy of all design
calculations and for compliance with all design and material requirements according with
applicable codes, standards and well sound engineering practices. However, the CPC may at its
own discretion have sufficient independent inspection to ensure all design, materials and
methods comply with API 650 and other relevant standards. This may involve monitoring of
design calculations, shop fabrication, field erection and testing.

The CPC inspectors shall reject any aspect that does not comply with the standards. The
inspection may be carried out at the manufacture’s shop to verify the conformance of materials
to the specifications indicated in the manufacturer’s proposal and the condition of the materials.
Shop inspection shall also cover quality and accuracy of the fabrication activities.

Page 33 of 49
Flotation test shall be done on water to check that it travels freely to its full height and that the
peripheral seal operates throughout the entire travel of the floating roof. The fit of the peripheral
seal shall be checked to ensure that an acceptable contact with the tank shell is maintained.

3.10 Document submittals and review

Technical documents listed below shall be submitted for review by the CPC prior to the start of
fabrication. Work may begin following conclusion of any negotiations generated by the review

3.10.1 The Manufacturer of the internal floating roof shall prepare and submit to the CPC the
following calculations, considering internal floating roof deflections and stresses for each
of the load conditions required by Appendix H, of API 650 standard. All calculations for
the floating condition shall be based upon the design specific gravity of 0.7. Calculations showing that the roof design complies with the buoyancy requirements of
H.4.2.1 of API 650 standard. Calculations showing that the roof design complies with the punctured compartment
loading condition . Calculations showing that the design of the roof and roof supports in the landed
condition satisfies H. of API 650 standard. Internal floating roof weight and total flotation displacement provided based on a
flotation level for design specific gravity per H.4.2.1 of API 650 standard.
3.10.2 General arrangement drawings with complete material specification.
3.10.3 Non-destructive examination procedures and testing procedures.

3.11 Installation
3.11.1 Manufacturer shall provide sufficient supervision for the installation work, initial
floatation and commissioning of each IFR.
Page 34 of 49
3.11.2 The bidder shall provide a complete program schedule for installation, testing and
commissioning of the 02 Nos of full contact type IFRs along with the bid.

3.11.3 A comprehensive installation manual shall be supplied with each IFR.

3.11.4 The bidder may carry out the installation of 02 Nos of full contact type IFRs and should
provide the installation charges under item No. 10 in the price schedule. However CPC
have the right to reject the proposal for installation of 02 Nos of full contact type IFRs by
the bidder and in such case CPC will carry out the installation work under manufactures
supervision as per the clause 3.11.1.

3.12 Guarantees
The manufacturer shall guarantee all material and workmanship to be of first class quality, in
accordance with the best-approved methods of manufacturing and to be free from all defects for
a period of two (2) years.

Page 35 of 49

Page 36 of 49
02 Nos. Metallic Sandwich panel Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roof
as per the Eleventh edition of API 650 Appendix H Section H.2.2.f.
Import & Supply Currency

1. Unit Price (F.O.B) : ….……………………………………………

2. Cost for recommended spares per unit for 05 years (FOB): ………………………….. ….
3. Total for 02 Nos. (FOB) : ……………………………………………………….
4. Less Discount (if any) : ………………………………………………………..
5. Total for 02 Nos.(FOB), after the discount :…………………………………………...
6. Total Freight Charges : ………..………………………………........................
7. Total C & F Cost : ………………………………………………………
8. Local Agency Commission (if any) : …………………………………………………….
(will be paid in Sri Lankan Rs.)
9. Supervision Charges for Installation and Commissioning. (This shall include air fare,
insurance food and hotel accommodation.) : ………………………………………………..
10. Installation Charges (if applicable) : ………………………………………………....
11. Cost of pre-shipment inspection for two(02) CPC officers :…………………………... …….
(This shall include internal transportation, food and hotel accommodation.)
12. Grand Total : …………………………………………......................................
Grand Total in Words :……………………………………………………………………..
Offer Validity : ………………………………………………………....................
Delivery Period :……………………………………………………………………
Country of Origin :……………………………………………………………………..
Country of Manufacture : ………………………………………………….....................
Warranty : ………………………………………………………...................

Page 37 of 49
Name of Bidder :……………………………………………………………………

Address :……………………………………………………………………..
Tel/Fax Nos.
: ……………………………………………………………………
E-mail Address : ………………………………………………………....................

Signature of Bidder : ……………………………… Rubber Stamp

Page 38 of 49

Page 39 of 49


1. Please mark “√” if complied with the Bid requirement or mark “X” if there is any
deviations and indicate the deviation in the cage provided.

2. Please provide documentary proof along with the offer where appropriate and make a
statement as to whether requirements given under each point can be complied fully or
with deviation if any.

Please note that the events / items marked as Major will be considered as Mandatory for
evaluation purpose. Any deviation on major events will result in the bid being rejected

Clause Deviations if
Specification/Condition Complied Page
No. any
1 Offer for the full quantity Major

2 Bid Security and it's validity Major 1.14

3 Schedule of Price (Schedule A) duly Major 1.15

filled, stamped, signed and forwarded
4 Validity of Bid Major 1.6
5 Shipment period - 6 weeks from LC 2.6.3

6 Legally Executed Power of Attorney Major 1.13

for the Local Agent & Manufacturers
Export Agent abroad and valid copy
of Certificate of Registration issued
by the Registrar of Companies for the
Local Agent ( if applicable)
7 Consent to Payment Terms Major 2.3

8 Consent for Pre-Shipment Inspection 2.5

9 Provision of Performance Guarantee Major 2.1

10 Make of the Internal Floating Roofs

11 Country of origin

12 Printed Original Tech. Literature for

offered model

Page 40 of 49
13 Itemized price list of recommended Major
spares for 5 years operation.
14 Price validity of Spares min 5 years Major

15 Technical Proposal Major

Detailed Technical

16 A dimensional drawing indicating key Major

dimensions of the Internal Floating Roofs

17 Certificate from the Manufacturer that Major

the Internal Floating Roofs offered are
not prototypes and are currently in
18 Certificate from the manufacturer that Major
the model/s offered will not become
obsolete & spares will be available for a
minimum of 5 years period.
19 Warranty - Min 18 months from Date Major 2.2.2
of arrival at colombo port
20 The list of warranty spares & Major
quantities shall be determined by the
supplier based on past experience and the
same to be indicated in the Bid.
21 Information on the Manufacturing Co. Major
& Past performance.
Documentary proof and information on
the manufacturing company, it’s
background & business profile, financial
status report of the current financial year

22 Proof of minimum of 5 years past Major

experience that the manufacturer has
designed, manufactured and supplied
Internal Floating Roofs for commercial
23 List of customer’s references of the Major
model/s offered and user
recommendation. Majority shall be at
International level and customer contact
details (E-mail/Fax)
24 The manufacturer shall possess ISO 9001 Major
– 2000 quality assurance certificate for
Design, Development, Manufacture and
Supply of Internal Floating Roofs

Page 41 of 49
25 The bidder shall provide a complete Major 3.11.2

program schedule for installation, testing

and commissioning of the 02 Nos of full
contact type IFRs along with the bid.

26 The bidder shall provide the Rate for Major

Supervisors including rate for normal

working hours and overtime (if any)

………………………………….. …….…………………
Company Stamp Signature of the Bidder

Name & Address of the Bidder : ……………………………………………………


Page 42 of 49

Form of Bid

To: The Chairman

Departmental Procurement Committee,
C/o Manager Supplies
Supplies Function,
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation,
1st Floor,
609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 9

From: ……………………………….




C-1 Having familiarized ourselves with the formal request for Instructions to Bidders and
Conditions of Contract, Technical Specification for Supply, Supervision of Installation and
Commissioning Work of “02 Nos. Full Contact Type Internal Floating Roofs” we offer to
complete the whole of said goods in conformity with the said document.

C-2 Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Bid together with your written
acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract with us.

C-3 We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive.

C-4 The Bid we are offering is complete and fulfils the requirements of in the Technical
specifications of the Bid document.

C-5 We agree to abide by this Bid for the period of Ninety One (91) days from the date of opening of
the same. Bid Conditions and prices quoted shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at
any time before the expiration of the period.

C-6 We agree to be bound by the Bid, Bid Conditions, Technical Specifications and Performance
C-7 We affirm that the said items will be shipped within Six (06) weeks after we receive notice of
acceptance of our Bid / establishment of the Letter of Credit from the CPC.
Page 43 of 49
C-8 We offer the lump sum fixed price of (foreign cost in figures) and a rate for the
Supervision of Installation and Commissioning Work ……………………………….
(in words) …………………………………………………………… ……………….
and Local Agency Commission (If any) Sri Lanka Rupees (local cost in figures)
………………………… (in words) ……………..........................................................
for Supply, Supervision of Installation and Commissioning Work of “02 Nos. Full Contact
Type Internal Floating Roofs” to CPC as detailed out in this Bid document and details of the
lump sum price is as given in the schedule of prices. We agree that it is open to the Departmental
Procurement Committee to reject this offer or to accept.

Dated this ………………………………… day of …………………………………2011.

Signature……………………..in the capacity of …………………………………………….
………………………………………… duly authorized to sign Bid for and on behalf of :

Name …………………………………………………………….

Address ……………………………………………………………
1. Signature: ………………………… 2. Signature: ………………………………….
Name: ……..………………….…………. Name: …………………………….........
……………………………………………. …………………………………..
Address : …………………………………… Address: ……………………………...........
…………………………………………. ………………………………………
………………………………………… ……………………………………….
…………………………………………… ….……………………………………

Page 44 of 49

Format for Bid Security

[This Bank Guarantee form shall be filled in accordance with the instructions indicated in
…………………[insert issuing agency’s name and address of issuing branch or

Beneficiary : Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Date : ………………. [ insert (by issuing agency) date]
BID GUARANTEE NO. : ………………[insert (by issuing agency) number]
We have been informed that ………………[insert (by issuing agency) name of the Bidder; if a
joint venture, list complete legal names of partners] (hereinafter called “ the Bidder”) has
submitted to you its bid dated ………………[insert (by issuing agency) date] (hereinafter called
“the Bid”) for execution/ supply [select appropriately) of [insert name of Contract] under
Invitation for Bids No. ……………….. [insert IFB number] (“the IFB”)

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Bids must be supported by a Bid
At the request of the Bidder, we ……………[insert name of issuing agency] hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of ………………[insert
amount in figures] ……………..[insert amount in words] upon receipt by us of your first
demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its
obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the Bidder.

(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders (hereinafter “the ITB”) of the IFB; or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Employer/ Purchaser during
the period of bid validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if
required, or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance
with the ITB.

This Guarantee shall expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful bidder, upon our receipt of copies
of the Contract signed by the Bidder and of the Performance Security issued to you by the
Page 45 of 49
Bidder; or (b) if the Bidder is not the successful bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a
copy of your notification to the Bidder that the Bidder was unsuccessful, otherwise it will
remain in force up to ……………[insert date]
Consequently, any demand for payment under this Guarantee must be received by us at the office
on or before that date ………………………………….

[signature(s) of authorized representative(s)]

Page 46 of 49
Form of Agreement

This Agreement made this ________________ day of _________________ 2011, by and between
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) established by an Act of Parliament namely Act No. 28 of 1961
& having its registered Office at 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 09., in the Government
of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter called and referred to as the “CPC” which
terms of expression as herein used shall where this context so requires and admits mean & include the
CPC & its Successors & assigns) of the one part and ____________________ of
________________________ a Company duly incorporated & having its registered Office at
_______________________________ (hereinafter called the “Supplier” which terms of expression as
herein used shall where this context so requires and admits mean & include the ________________ & its
successors & assigns) of the other part.

Whereas the CPC is desirous that the Goods known as the 02 Nos. Full Contact Type
Internal Floating Roofs shall be supplied, Supervised of Installation and Commissioning
Work by the Supplier and has accepted a Bid by the Supplier for the supply of such goods,
and the remedying of any defects therein.

The CPC and the Contractor agree, as follows: -

In the Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned
to them in the Conditions of Contract and Contractor’s scope of work hereinafter referred to.

The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as a part of this

· Letter of Acceptance dated _______________.

· The Technical Specifications

· The Bid dated _______________________.

· The Conditions of Contract

· The Completed Schedules and

· The Contractor's Proposals

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In consideration of the payments to be made by the CPC to the Supplier as hereinafter
mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the CPC to supply and remedy any defects therein,
fit for purpose in conformity in all respect according to the provisions of the Agreement.

The CPC hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the Supply and the
remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under
the provisions of the Agreement at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

In Witness whereof the parties have hereunto caused this Agreement to be executed the day, month &
year afore written.

Signature of the Chairman & Managing Authorized Signature of the Supplier

Director of CPC

In the presence of In the presence of

Name Name

Signature Signature

Address Address

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……………………………………[issuing Agency’s Name and Address of issuing Branch or


Beneficiary : Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, No. 609, Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Date : ……………………………..


We have been informed that ………………….[name of Contractor/ Supplier] (hereinafter called

“the Contractor”) has entered into Contract No. …………………….[reference number of the
contract] dated
………………..with you, for the ……………….. [insert “ construction”/ “Supply”] of
…………………..[name of contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called “the

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance

guarantee is required.

At the request of the Contractor, we ………………………. [name of Agency] hereby

irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of
…………….[amount in figures] (…………………) [amount in words], such sum being payable
in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, upon receipt
by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the
Contractor is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without your needing to prove or
to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This guarantee shall expire, no later than the ………….day of …... 20… [insert date, 28 days
beyond the scheduled contract completion date] and any demand for payment under it must be
received by us at this office on or before that date.

[ Signature(s)]

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