22 National Certification Examination (NCE)

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the National Certification Examination (NCE) for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors conducted by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. It provides information on the roles of Certified Energy Managers and Certified Energy Auditors as well as eligibility criteria for appearing in the NCE.

The purpose of the National Certification Examination is to certify professionals as Energy Managers and Energy Auditors. This certification helps track and save energy usage as well as minimize the environmental impacts of energy consumption in India.

A Certified Energy Manager oversees energy usage and helps organizations comply with energy efficiency norms. A Certified Energy Auditor evaluates energy usage and identifies areas for improvement through audits to help reduce energy consumption and costs.


22nd National Certification Examination (NCE)

for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors – July 2022
(Under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001)

30th & 31st July 2022

Saturday & Sunday


(A Statutory body under Ministry of Power, Government of India)

National Certifying Agency

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Productivity
Department for Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT),Under
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
4 Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi – 110 066.
Phones: 011 – 26179699, Fax No.011-26178352

The enactment of the Energy Conservation (EC) Act, 2001 created an institutional framework for
promoting energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy. All the energy efficiency programs and
policies in India are now being guided by the Act.
The EC Act, 2001 primarily ensures; Energy Efficiency in Consumption, Demand Side
Management (DSM), Institutional Framework and provisions to support the above strategy. The five
major provisions of EC Act are related to:

1. Designated Consumers (mainly energy intensive industries) to comply with the specific
energy consumption norms for their manufactured products/services and for the
establishment of energy management system.

2. Standards and labeling of energy consuming appliances, gadgets and equipment to ensure
promotion of energy efficiency of the new stocks entering the market.

3. Energy Conservation Building Codes to ensure new commercial buildings constructed in the
country have less electricity consumption.

4. Creation of Institutional Set up (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) for effective coordination

of the energy conservation efforts in the country.

5. Establishment of Energy Conservation Fund at Centre and States to provide necessary

financial support for energy efficiency initiatives in the country.

The EC Act became effective from 1st March 2002 and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was
operationalized from the same date. The mission of BEE is to develop policy and strategies witha
thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the EC Act. The
primary objective of the act is reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy and facilitating the
State Governments to enforce efficient use of energy and its conservation. It alsostipulates penalties
and adjudication.
India is now in a position to move ahead at a faster pace in implementing energy efficiency
programs and policies as there is a strong institutional set up in the country equally supported by the
strong commitment by the Government both at the Centre and States towards energy efficiency
improvement programs.

With promulgation of the act and establishment of BEE, within the framework of policies, focusing
on optimal utilization of energy resources, energy manager/ auditor profession is set to become one
of the sought-after professions in the near future. In demand are energy managers and energy
auditors who will not only track and save energy, but also help minimize its planet- unfriendly
impacts like greenhouse gas emissions.
The path to engage energy managers and energy auditors has already been laid in Indian industry,
thanks to the Indian National Certification Examination (NCE) for Energy Managersand Energy

1. BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................ 4
2. ROLE OF NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL ........................................................ 4
6. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES ................................................................... 6
7. EXAMINATION SCHEDULE AND SCHEME..................................................................11
8. EXAMINATION CENTRES ....................................................................................................11
9. FEE STRUCTURE ......................................................................................................................12
10. CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES ................................13
11. INFORMATION ON “ATTACHMENTS TO BE UPLOADED” ..................................16
ANNEXURE-1 .........................................................................................................................................17

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The Government of India has enacted The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (No 52 of
2001, 29th September 2001) with effect from 1st March 2002. The Act provides mainly for
efficient use of energy and its conservation and for matters connected therewith or
incidentalthereto. As per the Energy Conservation Act 2001, it is mandatory for all the
designated energy consumers to get energy audit conducted by an Accredited Energy
Auditor [underclause 14(h) and 14(i)] and to designate or appoint an Energy Manager
[under clause 14(l)]. The Government of India has notified the list of designated
consumers and the details are available at www.beeindia.gov.in.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power, Government of India,

is empowered to specify the regulations and mechanism to meet the above objectives.


BEE has retained Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Productivity (AIP), the training institute of
National Productivity Council, Chennai as the National Certifying Agency (NCA), which
would conduct the National Level Certification Examination for Energy Managers & Energy
Auditors under the aegis of the Bureau.

NCA will carry out the following activities:

1. NCE Exam Cell is constituted with a team of officers and staff located at Chennai,
which would administer and co-ordinate the examination under the guidance of the
Controller of Examination (CoE).

2. Conduct of National Certification Examination in accordance with the guidelines issued

by the BEE.

3. Process online applications from the candidates and register them.

4. Send all necessary instructions related to the National Certification Examination to

the eligible candidates.

5. Administer the examination in all the centers.

6. Issue Certificates and Credentials to the successful candidates under the seal of the
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).


The essential qualification for a Certified Energy Manager and Certified Energy Auditor
is passing of a National Level Certification Examination, conducted by a National
CertifyingAgency that will establish a uniform criterion for the certification of Energy
Managers/Energy Auditors and will also ensure that services of qualified persons, having
therequisite knowledge on the subject are readily available to the industry.

The certification examination will be conducted based on the syllabus approved by the
Bureau. The proposed syllabus will undergo revision from time to time based on the

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feedback and future developments. The requisite revision will be carried out by the
national level certification agency in consultation with the Bureau from time to time.


Certified Energy Manager occupies an important position and is the focal point of all the
activities pertaining to energy management in the organization. The certified energy manager
provides leadership in the formulation of corporate energy policy and development of Energy
Management Action Plan.
Certified Energy managers also perform the activities related to Plant Energy
Management,Project Management, Personnel Management and Financial Management at
the plant level. He also prepares the information to be submitted to the Designated
Agency with regard to the energy consumed and actions taken on the recommendations
of the Accredited Energy Auditor [Clause 14(k)].

Responsibilities and Duties of Certified Energy Manager (CEM):

a) Establish an energy conservation cell & prepare annual activity plan.

b) Develop and manage training programs for energy efficiency at operating levels.
c) Develop integrated system of energy efficiency and environmental improvement.
d) Initiate activities to improve monitoring and process control to reduce energy
e) Coordinate implementation of energy audit/efficiency improvement projects
throughexternal agencies.
f) Establish / participate in information exchange with other energy managers of
the samesector.
g) Provide required information to the BEE and Designated Agency of the
respective Statesdemanded in the Act.


Energy Audit involves in a systematic study undertaken on major energy consuming

sectionsand equipment including construction of heat and mass balance with a view to
identify the flow of energy, efficient use of energy in each of the steps and pin-point wastage
of energy. A well- conducted energy audit would reveal the areas of wastage of energy and
lead to suggestions for possible energy savings.

The Energy Conservation Act requires that every designated consumer shall get energy audit
carried out by an Accredited Energy Auditor in a manner and interval of time as specified.
The Certified Energy Auditor, as such, is not authorized to conduct such mandatory
energyaudits under the EC Act. However, certification is one of the prerequisites along
with otherconditions, which have to be fulfilled by an energy auditor before applying for
accreditation by the Bureau.

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The energy audit report is to contain recommendations for improving energy efficiency
withcost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption [Clause 14(i)].
The conduct of energy audit and implementation of its recommendations on cost-benefit
basis through accredited energy auditors is expected to help the designated energy
consumers to achieve significant reduction in their energy consumption levels.
Responsibilities and Duties of Certified Energy Auditor (CEA):

a) Carry out a detailed energy audit.

b) Quantify energy consumption and establish base line energy information.
c) Construct energy and material balance.
d) Perform efficiency evaluation of energy & utility systems.
e) Compare energy norms with existing energy consumption levels.
f) Identify and prioritize of energy saving measures.
g) Analyses of technical and financial feasibility of energy saving measures.
h) Recommend energy efficient technologies and alternate energy sources.
i) Report writing, presentation and follow up for implementation.


The candidates registering for the examination shall fulfill the following eligibility criteria:


Candidates appearing for energy manager’s certification examination shall
possessany one of the following qualifications:
1. A Graduate Engineer or Graduate Architect along with THREE YEARS
of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance,
planning, energy management, energy efficiency and energy conservation,
building design or building energy management; or
2. A Post-Graduate in Engineering or Architecture along with TWO YEARS
of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance,
planning, energy management, energy efficiency and energy conservation,
building design or building energy management; or
3. A Graduate Engineer or Graduate Architect with a post-graduate degree
in Management or its equivalent along with TWO YEARS of work
experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, energy
management, energy efficiency and energy conservation, building design or
building energy management; or
4. Diploma Engineer or “Equivalent” along with SIX YEARS of
work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning,
energy management, energy efficiency and energy conservation, building
design or building energy management; or
5. Post Graduate in Physics or Electronics or Chemistry (with Physics
and Mathematics at graduation level) along with THREE YEARS of
work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning,
energy management, energy efficiency and energy conservation, building

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design or building energy management.


Candidates appearing for Energy Auditors Certification Examination shall
possessany one of the following qualifications:

1. A Graduate Engineer or Graduate Architect along with THREE YEARS

of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance,
planning, energy management, energy efficiency and energy conservation,
building designor building energy management; or
2. A Post-Graduate in Engineering or Architecture along with TWO YEARS
of work experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance,
planning, energy management, energy efficiency and energy conservation,
building designor building energy management; or
3. A Graduate Engineer or Graduate Architect with a post-graduate degree
in Management or its equivalent along with TWO YEARS of work
experience involving use of energy in operation, maintenance, planning, energy
management, energy efficiency and energy conservation, building design or
building energy management.


• “ACT” means the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (52 of 2001);

• “AGENCY” means an agency appointed by the Bureau for holding National

Examination for certification of Energy Auditors, Energy Managers, or
Energy Auditors (Building);

• “CERTIFICATE” means the certificate issued, on being declared successful

in the National Examination, by the Bureau or the agency notified by the
Bureau insupport of Energy Auditor or Energy Auditor (Building) or Energy

• “DIPLOMA ENGINEER” means a person who has obtained a diploma in

engineering from any institution recognized by the All-India Council for Technical
Education under the All-Indian Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52

• “GRADUATE ENGINEER” means a person who has obtained a

graduation degree in engineering from a University or a deemed to be
University declared under the provisions of the University Grants
Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956)or its equivalent recognized by the All India
Council for Technical Education under the All Indian Council for Technical
Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987);

• “GRADUATE ARCHITECT” means a person who has obtained a

graduation degree in architecture from a University or a deemed to be
University declared under the provisions of the University Grants
Commission Act, 1956 or its equivalent, recognised by the All India Council for

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Technical Education under the All Indian Council for Technical Education Act,
1987 (3 of 1956);

• “NATIONAL EXAMINATION” means the examination conducted by

the Bureau or the agency appointed by the Bureau for certification of Energy
Auditors and Energy Managers or Energy Auditors (Building);

• “POST- GRADUATE IN ENGINEERING” means a person who has

obtained a post-graduation degree in engineering from a University or a
deemed to be University declared under the provisions of the University
Grants Commission Act, 1956 or its equivalent, recognized by the All-India
Council forTechnical Education under the All-Indian Council for Technical
Education Act,1987;

• “POST- GRADUATE IN ARCHITECTURE” means a person who has

obtained a post-graduation degree in architecture from a University or a
deemed to be University declared under the provisions of the University
Grants Commission Act, 1956 or its equivalent, recognised by the All India
Council forTechnical Education under the All Indian Council for Technical
Education Act,1987;

• “POST- GRADUATE” means a post-graduate degree or its equivalent,

recognized by University or a deemed to be University under the provisions of the
University Grants Commission Act, 1956;


Candidates must have acquired the requisite years of POST QUALIFICATION work
experience as on the closing date of the application i.e. 3rd June 2022. Candidates
without requisite post qualification work experience are not eligible to register for


A newly registered candidate is required to pass the examination for certification of

energy managers / energy auditors by appearing in a maximum of THREE
attempts per paper within SIX consecutive examinations.

On the basis of his /her results of the re-written paper(s), a candidate is declared to
have passed the examination, provided he/she secures a minimum of 50% marks
in each of the re-written papers as applicable. In case, he/she does not secure a
minimumof 50% marks in each re- written paper(s) as stipulated above, he/she is
deemed to have failed in the said National Certification Examination for which the
candidate has registered. The candidate however, has the option to apply and
re-register himself /herself as a fresh candidate.

Candidates registered and not qualified in 17th, 18th,19th, 20th & 21st exams are
eligible to appear in the 22nd NCE Exam as a supplementary candidate.
In other words, a candidate who had registered and not qualified on or before
the 16th Exam is not eligible to appear in the 22nd Exam as a supplementary

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candidate. The candidate, however has the option to apply and register
himself/herselfas a fresh candidate.

Up-gradation is applicable only for EM registered candidates. Only candidates who had
applied and qualified for Energy Managers and also fulfill the eligibility criteria for
appearing as Energy Auditors are eligible for upgradation (Refer Clause 6 (b)).

The choice of exercising this option is restricted to a period of 5 YEARS from

thedate of issue of Energy Manager Certificate.

Those eligible candidates who wish to apply for up gradation shall use their
existingregistration number (ONLY ONCE) and need to qualify by appearing
in a maximum of THREE attempts within SIX consecutive examinations.


(a) If a candidate on declaration of results is not satisfied with the marks given in
any of the paper(s) and feels that there is a possibility of either omission in
marking ofany answer(s) or a mistake in totaling of the marks in any paper(s),
may seek verification of all or any paper(s) by filling an online application
form at www.aipnpc.org within TEN DAYS of the declaration of results.
(b) Online application fee for verification is Rs.200 for each paper and the Bureau
or the Agency will not entertain any request for such verification after the
(c) A candidate can seek verification of paper(s) of the said National Certification
Examination ONE TIME only.
(d) The process of verification will be completed by the NPC within a period of
ONE MONTH from the deadline for online registration.
(e) The marks obtained by the candidate for any individual question will
not be provided.
(f) Request for revaluation of Answer Book will not be entertained.
(g)Photocopies of evaluated Answer Books will not be provided to the

(a) A candidate qualifying in Paper-1, Paper-2 & Paper-3 is eligible for the award
ofthe Energy Manager e-Certificate & e-ID Card.
(b) Energy Auditor candidates, passing in Paper-1, Paper-2 & Paper-3, but failing
inPaper-4 are eligible for the award of Energy Manager e-Certificate & e-ID
(c) A candidate qualified as Certified Energy Auditor automatically qualifies for
theEnergy Manager’s e-certificate.

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• Provisional certificates will be issued online to all qualified Energy Manager
& Energy Auditor candidates from the date of announcement of results
which are valid till the issuance of the Final Certificate.
• The e-final certificate to all qualified energy managers will be issued within 90
days from the date of announcement of results.
• The e-final certificate to all qualified energy auditor’s will be issued only after
relevant updation of the Energy Conservation Act (Amended in 2010),
which would be notified by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on
implementation. Candidates are requested to refer to the notification
uploaded in the website (Notification No: 01/2020-21 dated: 18th March
Till such period the provisional certificate issued by NPC, would be valid
to meet all the statutory requirements.
The certificate issued to successful candidate are valid for a period of FIVE
YEARS and renewable after every five years. For renewal, certified energy
manager/energy auditor shall attend a short-term refresher course conducted by
the Bureau or the agency. After attending the Refresher course, candidates are
required to inform BEE about attending the Refresher Course in a specified format
so that the certificate is renewed for another five-year period.
The Certificates can be revoked on the grounds of proved instances of
unprofessional /unethical conduct and practices of a Certified Energy Manager/
Certified Energy Auditor. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency will constitute a
Committee for this purpose to investigate the matter. The concerned Certified
Energy Manager / Energy Auditorwill be informed of the charges against him / her
and given a reasonable opportunity to be heard and provide his/her explanation.


The fourth edition Guide Books for Paper -1, 2, 3 & 4 will be supplied to the
registered candidates of 22nd National Certification Examination for Energy
Managers and Energy Auditors.


Eligible supplementary candidates are required to write the examination on the
basis of Fourth Edition Guide Books only. For candidates, who have registered for
17th, 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st Exam, we have already issued the Fourth Edition Guide


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Eligible candidates applying for upgradation shall appear for Paper-4 on the basisof
fourth Edition Guide Books only.
For the candidates, who have registered in 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st Exam, we have
already issued the Fourth Edition Guide Books.


Paper Paper Name Date Duration Time Min Max

No. Marks Marks
1 General Aspects of Energy 30.07.2022 3 Hrs 09:30-12:30 hrs 75 150
Management & Energy Audit
2 Energy Efficiency in Thermal 30.07.2022 3 Hrs 14:00 -17:00 hrs 75 150
3 Energy Efficiency in ElectricalUtilities 31.07.2022 3 Hrs 09:30-12:30 hrs 75 150
4 Energy Performance Assessment for 31.07.2022 2 Hrs 14:00 -16:00 hrs 50 100
Equipment &Utility systems (Open
Book Examination)

a) Paper-1, 2 & 3 are common for Energy Manager and Energy Auditor and consist
of both objective and descriptive type questions.
b) Paper-4 for Energy Auditors is an open book examination and consists of
descriptive and numerical questions. The candidates can refer to their supplied fourth
edition guide books. No other books/written materials will be allowed for reference.
The degree of difficulty in Paper -4 will be comparatively much higher than
the other papers.

c) For Certification of Energy Managers:

A candidate appearing for Energy Manager Examination has to pass 3 PAPERS viz.,
Paper-1, Paper-2 and Paper-3 and obtain a minimum of 50% of the maximum
marksin each paper.

d) For Certification of Energy Auditors:

A candidate appearing for Energy Auditor Examination has to pass all the
above4 PAPERS viz., Paper-1, Paper-2, Paper-3 & Paper-4 and obtain a minimum
of 50%of the maximum marks in each paper.

e) Announcement of Toppers:
Marks of top ten candidates for Energy Managers & Energy Auditors will be
announced on announcement of results. For this, only candidates passing the exam
in their first attempt will be considered and supplementary candidates are not eligible.

f) The National examination will be conducted in English medium only and the detailed
syllabus is given in Annexure – 1.


a) The proposed centers for conduct of “National Certification Examination” are: –

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Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai,
Dehradun, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Kanpur,
Kochi, Kolkata, Ludhiana, Mangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi, Patna,
Prayagraj, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Shimla, Siliguri, Thiruvananthapuram,
Trichy, Udaipur, Vadodara, Visakhapatnam

b) The applicant has to give THREE CHOICES of an examination centre in the

order ofpreference.

c) No change of center (once chosen by the applicant) will be entertained

under any circumstances.

d) If the number of applicants for a particular centre is found to be less than 50, they
will be shifted to the next preferred Centre.

Fees once paid for this examination will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Fee structure is given below:

1. Application Fees:

For General and Other Backward Classes (OBC)-Creamy Layer Rs.500/-

For Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) Rs.250/-

For Other Backward Classes (OBC)-Non-Creamy Layer having Rs.250/-

annual income of less than Rs.8 lakhs per annum

For Company Sponsored Rs.500/-

2. Certification Fee Including Examination Fee:

For General and Other Backward Classes (OBC) Creamy Layer Rs.10,000/-

For Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) Rs.5,000/-

For Other Backward Classes (OBC)- Non-Creamy Layer having Rs.5,000/-

annual income of less than Rs.8 lakhs per annum

For Company Sponsored Rs.20,000/-

Page 12 of 20

1. Application Fee: Nil

2. Certification Fee Including Examination Fee:

For General and Other Backward Classes (OBC), Creamy Rs.1500/-PerPaper

For Candidates belong to Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Rs.750/- PerPaper
Tribe (ST)
For Other Backward Classes (OBC), Non-Creamy Layer Rs.750/- PerPaper
havingannual income of less than Rs.8 lakhs per annum



1. Application Fee: Nil

2. Certification Fee Including Examination Fee:

For General and Other Backward Classes (OBC), Creamy Layer Rs.1500/-

For Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) Rs.750/-

For Other Backward Classes (OBC), Non-Creamy Layer having Rs.750/-

annualincome of less than Rs.8 lakhs per annum

d) Application Fee and Certification Fee including Examination Fee (as applicable), shall
be paid online by completing the Application Form.

e) Candidates sponsored by the State Designated Agencies (SDAs) have to register on-line
similar to the other candidates and upload necessary documents along with a copy of the
letter from the sponsoring agency duly approved by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(BEE). Payment refunds will be initiated on verification of the authenticity of the
uploaded enclosures and acceptance of the application form and the fee paid by the
candidate will be refunded to the respective accounts from which the payment has


01. Candidates are advised to read the prospectus carefully, before filling the online
application form.

02. To fill the online application form, candidates have to visit the
website www.aipnpc.org.

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03. In the process of registration, it is compulsory for the candidates to give an e-mail
ID and a valid mobile number as most of the communication regarding the
examinationwill be sent though e-mails, SMS and/or WhatsApp.

04. The registration process commences from 3rd May 2022, 1000 hrs IST and last
date for submission of on-line application along with the required attachments
is 03rd June 2022, 2359 hrs IST.

05. Select the appropriate application form as per your eligibility (Application for
Fresh Candidate/ Application for Supplementary Candidate/ Application for
Up- gradation).

06. A unique Application Code will be generated for each application form which
may be noted as reference for any future queries.

07. After successful completion of application, candidates must upload all the
relevantenclosures as stipulated in the “clause 11” and submit the application
form throughonline mode.

08. The application form received with necessary attachments will be subjected to
scrutiny as per the guidelines issued by the BEE and if found eligible the
candidateswould be enabled to remit their fees through online mode.

09. Incomplete applications on account of non-furnishing of required attachments

will be summarily rejected.

10. The experience of the candidate will be considered post the educational
qualification requirements.

11. For the successful registered candidates, guide books will be dispatched by Speed
Post to the registered “Present Address/ Permanent Address” as per the
candidate choice prior to the examination. Till such time, candidates are advised
to download the e-guidebooks from http://aipnpc.org/Guidebooks.aspx for
the preparation.

12. For the preparation of 22nd National Certification Exam, 4th Edition Guide
Books alone shall be used.

13. It is not compulsory to undertake any preparatory training program

online/offline for appearing in the National Certification Examination. Further,
BEE has neither authorized any agency to conduct such preparatory
training programs nor provide any guarantee on the quality of their
training materials.

Page 14 of 20
14. It is the candidate’s responsibility to cross check the information and other
instructions issued from time to time on a regular basis from the websites
www.aipnpc.org / www.beeindia.gov.in.

15. Applications received after the last date or incomplete or any other format other
than the prescribed format will be summarily rejected.

16. Candidates can download the e-Hall Ticket at “www.aipnpc.org” from 08th July
2022 onwards. The Seating No. will be intimated along with the e-Hall Ticket.

17. Main Answer Booklet contains both OMR sheet and Answer sheets. The answer
booklet is differentiated with a color coding viz “Green Color” & “Pink
Color”. The candidate shall ensure that color of question paper received
matches the color of the “Main Answer Booklet”.

18. Candidate attendance is calculated based on a QR code. Before signing the

attendance sheet, the Candidate shall ensure affixing of corresponding QR code
in the “Main Answer Booklet” by the invigilator.

19. The announcements made by Centre Superintendent during the examination

such as typographical errors/ changes in questions/ any other may be treated as
official and final.

20. The results of the written examination will be announced online. The candidate shall
visit the website “www.aipnpc.org” and key in the corresponding login
credentialsfor viewing the results.

21. The e-Mark sheet can be downloaded online at “www.aipnpc.org” from the day
of the publication of results.

22. Successful candidates can download the e-Provisional Certificates at

“www.aipnpc.org” after the announcement of the results.

23. The date of commencement of e-Final Certificate and e-ID card download will
be intimated through SMS. The download can be made from the website using the
login credentials and entering the OTP sent to the registered mobile number.

24. For all correspondence related to this Examination, the candidate shall mail their
query to “[email protected]”.

25. BEE reserves the right to change the examination dates due to unforeseen
circumstance and reasons beyond its control.

Page 15 of 20

01. As a proof of requisite educational qualification(s), upload a Photocopy of

Degree/Diploma certificate as per the eligibility criteria by self- attesting the same.

02. As a proof for requisite experience certificate(s), upload work experience

certificate as per the eligibility criteria self - attesting the same.

03. Upload proof of SC/ST/OBC certificates in English as per Govt. of

India format in case of claiming fee concession.

04. OBC candidates salaried/in-service need to upload an income certificate issued

by the employer / IT returns.

05. Self-employed candidates shall upload proof of at least two major works carried
outfor the clients. (Either work order or letter from the clients).
In addition, the candidates shall upload photocopies of the recent Income
tax returns for a minimum period of two years as a proof for availing fee concession.

06. Supplementary candidates need not upload any proof for qualification & experience.

Note: All Formats can be downloaded at www.aipnpc.org and SC/ST/OBC

certificates issued in local languages will not be accepted.

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Chapter - 1 Energy Scenario

Chapter - 2 Energy Conservation Act 2001 and related policies
Chapter - 3 Basics of Energy and its various forms
Chapter – 4 Energy Management & Audit
Chapter – 5 Material and Energy balance
Chapter – 6 Energy Action Planning
Chapter – 7 Financial Management
Chapter – 8 Project Management
Chapter – 9 Energy Monitoring and Targeting
Chapter – 10 Energy, Environment and Climate change
Chapter – 11 New & Renewable Energy Sources


Chapter – 1 Fuels and Combustion

Chapter - 2 Boilers
Chapter - 3 Steam System
Chapter – 4 Furnaces
Chapter – 5 Insulation and Refractories
Chapter – 6 FBC Boilers
Chapter – 7 Cogeneration
Chapter – 8 Waste Heat Recovery
Chapter – 9 Heat Exchangers


Chapter - 1 Electrical System

Chapter - 2 Electric Motors
Chapter - 3 Compressed Air System

Page 17 of 20
Chapter – 4 HVAC and Refrigeration System
Chapter – 5 Fans and Blowers
Chapter – 6 Pumps and Pumping System
Chapter – 7 Cooling Tower
Chapter – 8 Lighting System
Chapter – 9 Diesel/Natural Gas Power Generating System
Chapter – 10Energy Conservation in Buildings and ECBC



Open Book examination on the following energy performance assessments for equipment and
utility systems:

Chapter - 1 Boilers.
Chapter - 2 Furnaces.
Chapter - 3 Cogeneration, Turbines (gas, steam).
Chapter - 4 Heat Exchangers.
Chapter - 5 Electric Motors, Variable Speed Drives.
Chapter - 6 Fans and Blowers.
Chapter - 7 Water Pumps. Chapter - 8 Compressors.
Chapter - 9 HVAC systems.
Chapter - 10 Performing Financial Analysis.
Chapter - 11 Energy Performance assessment in power plants.
Chapter - 12 Energy Performance assessment in steel industry.
Chapter - 13 Energy Performance assessment in process industry (cement and
Chapter - 14 Energy Performance assessment in buildings and commercial
Chapter - 15 Textile Industry.

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The National Productivity Council is a national level organization, founded in 1958 by the
Government of India. NPC is an autonomous, tri-partite, non-profit organization with equal
representation from the government, employers and worker’s organizations, apart from technical
and professional institutions and other interests on its governing council. Besides its headquarters
at New Delhi, NPC operates through 12 offices in India with 250 highly qualifiedand experienced
specialists representing various disciplines.
Training Institute: Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Productivity (AIP) is a long-term training wingof
the National Productivity Council of India. The Institute plays a wider role of running 2 years
P.G Programmes and Short-term programmes in Managerial & Technical areas.
Mission: Development, Dissemination and Application of knowledge and experience in
productivity, for promoting consciousness and improvement in productivity, with the objectiveof
strengthening the performance and competitiveness of the national economy as well as of
improving the working conditions and quality of working life.
Objectives: NPC is aiming to promote the cause of productivity in industry, agriculture, service,
infrastructure and other sectors of the economy. It aims to help in achieving sustained all round
development in India, leading to enhancement of quality of life of people in general. The concept
of productivity as perceived by NPC encompasses not only a more efficient use of resources, but
also of quality, environmental protection and integrated economic and social development. NPC
aims at promoting these as a part of its objectives and activities. NPC possesses a well-equipped
Library- cum-Documentation centre.
Services: Besides providing training, consultancy and undertaking research in the area of
productivity, NPC also implements the productivity promotion plans and programmes of the
Tokyo based Asian Productivity Organization (APO) an inter-governmental body of which the
Government of India is a founder member.
Thrust Areas: NPC also conducts institutional training programmes for the development of
consultants in Productivity and Management in the areas of Industrial Engineering, Energy
Management & Energy Audit, Environment Management, Plant Engineering, HRD, TPM, TQM,
Financial Management, Marketing Management and Agricultural Productivity.

NPC aims at propagating productivity as an evolving concept, which includes attention to special issues,
and concerns relating to quality, environment, energy, integrated rural and community
development, women workers etc. Nap’s thrust is on providing modern and high-quality
productivity- related services to sectors not adequately addressed by others, especially the small- scale
industry and informal sector.

NPC has been active in the area of Energy Conservation & Management for over four decadesand
has undertaken numerous studies at macro, sectoral and unit levels through its team of committed
professionals. It promotes rational use of energy through: Optimization of Methods
Improvement, Technology Up gradation and Application of alternative energy sources.

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“What we know is only a handful
what we don’t know is an ocean”
- Avvaiyar, Tamil poet, 2 AD.

For any further details, please contact-

Controller of Examination NCE for EM & EA,

National Productivity Council,
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Productivity,
6, Aavin Dairy Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate (North),
Ambattur, Chennai – 600 050,
Mobile: +91 9677 245 234
e-mail: [email protected]

For examination related updates visit


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