Core Galvanize It Course - Hot Dip Galvanizing

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Core Galvanize It! (www.galvanizeit.

org – American Galvanizers Association)

Notes from Online Self-Study Seminar (12/31/13)

Seminars are self-study and available for free here:


Zinc Coatings:

 Preferred is Hot Dipped Galvanizing – Very dense, forms metallurgical bond (3600 psi) between
Iron and Zinc creating a Zinc/Iron Alloy Layer, and provides cathodic protection. Time tested.
 Metallizing (AKA Zinc Spraying) – Sprayed through a gun in which it is heated/melted. Good for
shop or field application. Suitable for pieces too large for galvanizing. Acceptable for touch-up.
Variations/consistency are operator dependent. Provides cathodic protection without zinc/iron
alloy layer. Weaker bond and less dense than Hot Dipped Galvanizing.
 Zinc Rich Paint – Zinc Dust in binding material (erroneously referred to as “cold galvanizing” –
very different result from HDG). Limited cathodic protection ONLY IF binding material is
conductive or zinc is in direct contact with steel. Low density of zinc. Acceptable touch-up and
repair for galvanized coatings.
 Continuous Sheet Galvanizing – Sheet metal fed rapidly through zinc, applying a minimal
coating (compared to HDG). G60 and G90 are common specified sheet steels. Number
represents weight of zinc per total surface are for both sides (G60 = 0.30 oz/ft 2 ~ 0.54mils per
side). Provides cathodic protection. Minimal zinc-iron alloy layers.
 Electroplating (AKA Electrogalvanizing) – Zinc coating applied to steel sheet and strip by
electrodeposition in a steel mill facility. No Zinc-Iron alloy layers. Barrier & cathodic protection
achieved. Thin coating, typically for interior application.
 Zinc Plating – Similar to electroplating for use on small parts/fasteners. Tumbled in a drum with
zinc powder and glass beads which peen zinc onto parts creating mechanical bonded coating.
Uneven coating thickness, difficult to reach corners and threads may not be completely coated.
Why Hot Dipped Galvanizing?
 Corrosion Protection – 3 levels of protection (superior to other forms)
o Barrier Protection – 1st line of defense. Isolates steel from environment (similar to paint).
Barrier protection must remain intact to remain effective – adhesion to base and
abrasion resistance are critical. Bond/imperviousness of HDG is effective. Paint can
have pin holes susceptible to penetration resulting in underfilm corrosion.
o Cathodic Protection – zinc preferentially corrodes protecting underlying base steel. If
HDG coating is damaged up to ¼” diameter, corrosion of steel will not begin until
surrounding zinc is consumed.
o Zinc Patina – formation of zinc corrosion by-product (oxides/carbonate) on steel
surface, occurring during wet-dry cycles, slowing corrosion rate of zinc once developed
by acting as an additional passive impervious barrier for the HDG.
 Durability – Due to Abrasion Resistance, Uniform Protection, Complete Coverage
o Abrasion Resistant - metallurgical bond creates intermetallic (mixed zinc/iron ion) layers
which are harder than the base steel and a ductile outer surface.
o Uniform Protection – coating grows perpendicular to all surfaces, creating coating
uniform thickness on corners, edges and flat surfaces, leaving no weak points.
o Complete Coverage – total immersion process ensuring inside of hollow structures
(where corrosion rates are increased when humidity and condensation can occur inside)
and threads of fasteners are coated.
 Longevity – HDG corrodes at a rate of 1/30 of bare steel in similar environment.
o In the Atmosphere – dependent on 5 factors: temperature, humidity, rainfall, sulfur
dioxide (pollution) concentration, and air salinity. Salt spray test do not mimic real
world exposure due to the zinc patina not being allowed to form from cyclic wet/dry.
Time to First Maintenance is 72-73 years for >1/4” thick steel in most corrosive
(industrial) atmosphere.
o In Soil – Partially or fully buried, performance varies based on type of soil. Galvanizing
performs well in brown sandy soils, not as well in gray clay-like soils. AGA has
developed charts based on soil properties to predict time to replacement.
o In Water – Type of water effects corrosion rate of coating. Provides much slower
corrosion rate than bare steel. Highly effective in moderate or hard water due to
formation of protective barrier with salts (calcium and zinc carbonate). High rate of
corrosion in sea water, but magnesium and calcium ions inhibit effect of zinc corrosion.
o Other Environments – Good performance: chemical solution w/ neutral pH (4-13),
treated wood, in concrete, extreme temperatures, in contact with aluminum or stainless
(except salt water or salt water environments). Corrosive to HDG: low/high pH (<4,>13),
Contact with dissimilar metals, best to isolation with non-conductive material (rubber,
cement, paint)
 Availability & Versatility – Factory controlled process, can coat any part or complete fabrication,
no curing delay, once galvanized can be stored outside, zinc is an abundant resource.
Galvanized steel members are easy to retrofit.
 Aesthetics – Natural gray matte finish (after patina) is attractive, or can be painted/powder
coated. With painted pieces, penetrating moisture will not cause rust to form under the
 Sustainability – HDG steel’s maintenance-free longevity provides environmental and economic
benefits. Zinc is infinitely recyclable.
 Economics – Life cycle and initial costs (compared to some other coatings) are advantageous.
AGA online tool called The Life-Cycle Cost Calculator based on 2008 survey of North American
hot-dip galvanizers and paint costs from a paper produced by KTA –Tator (consulting firm
specializing in protective coatings, specifically paint).
Design and Specification - Important that specifier, fabricator & galvanizer communicate early in design
 Designing Products for Galvanizing – Communicate! Follow best-design practices in ASTM A384
and A385, or AGA’s publication “The Design of Products to be Hot-Dip Galvanized after
 Specifying Hot-Dip Galvanizing – Three main specs governing thickness, adherence, and finish
for HDG: ASTM A123, A153, and A767 (can purchase all below in compilation from AGA)
o ASTM A123 – Covers all types of galvanized products except fasteners/small parts
o ASTM A153 – Covers fasteners and small parts
o ASTM A767 – Covers reinforcing steel bars
o Specs to consider pre-galvanizing – ASTM A143, A384, A385
o Specs to consider post-galvanizing – ASTM A780 (touch-up & repair), ASTM D6386 &
ASTM D7803 (preparing HDG for paint or powder coat)

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