Configuring Storage Area Network Switches: Netact™
Configuring Storage Area Network Switches: Netact™
Configuring Storage Area Network Switches: Netact™
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Configuring Storage Area Network 2-0 Table of Contents
1 Summary of changes...................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Initial cabling..............................................................................................................................................8
6 Configure SNMP............................................................................................................................................ 39
7 Appendix: Configuring QLogic Fast!UTIL BIOS settings for SAN switch zoning...................................40
1 Summary of changes
Version Date Description of changes
This document describes the setup procedure for Storage Area Network (SAN) switches in NetAct.
The topics covered here include the basic standardized installation of embedded Brocade switches in
a HPE Blade system and an introduction with guidelines on more specialized setups. This document
does not cover advanced SAN architectures such as, OpenSAN.
Note: If the Fibre Channel (FC) switches are delivered and connected to the customer’s SAN
in the OpenSAN concept, the customer is responsible for doing the entire FC configuration to
the FC switches as well.
This document does not apply to Compact configurations with rack-mounted servers because they do
not normally need to use a Fiber Channel (FC) switch.
SAN switches are the infrastructure for interconnecting servers and storage devices on site. To guar-
antee high-availability for the entire solution, every attached external device (such as a server or a
disk array) has to be connected to both FC switches. Inside the enclosure, each server is connected to
both FC switches, which automatically guarantees high-availability.
It is mandatory to follow the instructions in System Cabling Guide document for connecting external
storages to SAN switches.
Note: Use the number of cables mentioned in the System Cabling Guide document. Do not
use more cables than technically necessary to connect the array to the switch. While it might
seem harmless or even reasonable to use multiple cables, it only adds complexity to the zon-
ing and multipath.
Nokia recommends to use hard zoning (or port zoning) instead of soft zoning (or World Wide Name
zoning), which was previously prevalent.
In single initiator zoning, each zone has only one initiator (the server) but possibly multiple FC ports
and is still recommended. This is because in most cases, the structure of the blade chassis creates an
identical and repeatable configuration.
Port zoning allows the physical blades and Host Bus Adapter (HBA) cards to be changed without the
need to rezone. Port zoning is also easier to implement manually than soft zoning because you do
not need to enter the World Wide Names (WWNs) manually into command-line interface of the Fibre
Channel (FC) switch.
The main idea behind single initiator zoning is that a single zone is created for each server port con-
necting to the switched fabric (that is, a system of one or more interconnected switches). This zone
contains the server port itself, along with the port addresses of all the storage devices the server port
is supposed to access. All created zones are then assigned as members of the same switch configura-
tion profile (possibly with other existing zone definitions) and activated simultaneously.
After the zones are created and assigned into a profile, every server port will grant access to each of
its storage devices. However, no traffic between individual server ports, intentional or ad-hoc is permit-
ted, which completely eliminates the possibility of server-to-server attacks, making the entire storage
area network safer and eventually, more stable.
With the emergence of ESXi/Linux OS, the use of zones is mandatory. The way Fiber Channels are
implemented in ESXi/Linux, zones are required to prevent changes in the fabric from altering the order
and identifying the discovered logical unit numbers (LUN) when the HBA kernel module is loaded. This
requirement also applies to implementations that use the OpenSAN concept.
Note: The NetAct SAN switch installation does not use the inter-switch link (ISL) method
used in some of the recommended fabric topologies of hardware vendors. It uses two
independent switched fabrics that still serve the same group of servers and storage
devices. This storage subsystem layout is called the Redundant Fiber Channel switch fabric
2.3 Terms
Term Explanation
Disk Array A dedicated hardware appliance that implements the RAID algorithm.
RAID controller A processor card or an independent unit that implements the disk array
logic. Typically, mid-range disk arrays contain two RAID controllers for
failover capability.
Term Explanation
LUN Logical Unit. A virtual disk device acting as an ordinary disk from the
server perspective.
3 Prerequisites
• IP address assigned to both Storage Area Network (SAN) switches by the HP Onboard
• A unique switch domain number (a number between 1-7 or 9-239).
Note: Do not use 8 as the unique switch domain number. Also, it is necessary to have
unique switch domain numbers when interconnecting individual distributed SANs. Since
changing the switch domain numbers later might cause changes in the logical LUN
addresses, it is highly recommended to develop a site-wide SAN addressing concept
• 16 or 8 GBIC modules (4 per switch) and 4 optical fibre cables per every disk array to be
connected (depends on the disk array model). Newer devices use 16 GBIC modules to support
16Gbits/s data rate FC host.
Note: When ordered from Nokia Networks, FC switches should come with four gigabit
interface converter (GBIC) modules pre-installed in both Brocade SAN blade switches.
1. With a web browser, log in to HP Onboard Administrator with the username Administrator.
You can find the default password on a tag on the Onboard Administrator module.
3. Select the Brocade SAN Switch whose IP address you want to find out.
Interconnect Bay Information - Bay <bay number> section appears in right pane.
Expected outcome
1. Log in to the first SAN switch through SSH. Use the username admin and the password
After you have logged in, press ENTER and follow the instructions on the screen.
Note: The default password for both the administrator account and the user account is
password. For security reasons, you should change the default passwords during the
switch installation. If you do not change the passwords, the switch prompts to change
them every time you log in with the administrator account.
For further information on password management, use the # help passwd command
or refer to the available Fabric OS documentation.
5. In the Domain parameter, type the predefined DomainID. Press ENTER to dismiss all the other
Domain parameter shows the sample output for the Domain parameter.
Note: You should only modify the Domain parameter. Do not change any of the other
The DomainID in the switch must match the one used in the zoning. If not, all
communication between the server and the array is prevented.
Expected outcome
EMC recommends that when the Storage Array Network (SAN) switch external port connects with
EMC Storage Processor, the switch port should be set to F-port permanently to ensure that the SAN
switch comes up Point-to-Point. If F-port is not available, G-port will transition to F-port and None Loop
G-port can be used as default on the EMC connected SAN switch ports since HP Brocade switches
does not support setting F-port permanently.
To configure the SAN switch port as G-port ON state do the following steps:
Note: Set G-port to ON state only on SAN switch ports where EMC SPA/SPB FC ports are
2. Identify the ports connected from both SAN switches to EMC Service Processors by entering:
Sample output:
In this case SAN switch ports 17-20 are used for EMC Service Processor connectivity.
switchName: sw0
switchType: 129.1
switchState: Online
switchMode: Native
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 1
switchId: fffc01
switchWwn: 10:00:c4:f5:7c:36:5a:13
zoning: ON (HPE18_SWITCH01_EMC05)
switchBeacon: OFF
FC Router: OFF
FC Router BB Fabric ID: 1
Address Mode: 0
Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto
0 0 010000 id N16 No_Light FC (No POD License) Disabled
1 1 010100 cu N16 Online FC F-Port
2 2 010200 cu N16 Online FC F-Port
3 3 010300 cu N16 Online FC F-Port
4 4 010400 cu N16 Online FC F-Port
5 5 010500 cu N16 In_Sync FC Disabled (Persistent)
Repeat the same on all the SAN switch ports connected to EMC Service Processors.
Sample output:
In this case, SAN Switch port 17 is used for identifying the status.
sw0:admin> portcfgshow 17
Area Number: 17
Speed Level: AUTO(SW)
In this case, SAN Switch port 17 used for setting G_Port to enabled. Repeat the steps on all the
SAN switch ports connected to EMC Service Processors.
5. Verify that locked G port state is now set to ON for specified SAN Switch ports by entering:
Sample output:
sw0:admin> portcfgshow 17
Area Number: 17
Speed Level: AUTO(SW)
AL_PA Offset 13: OFF
Trunk Port ON
Long Distance OFF
VC Link Init OFF
Locked L_Port OFF
Locked G_Port ON
Disabled E_Port OFF
Locked E_Port OFF
RSCN Suppressed OFF
Persistent Disable OFF
LOS TOV mode 0(OFF)
NPIV capability ON
Port Auto Disable: OFF
Rate Limit OFF
Mirror Port OFF
Credit Recovery ON
F_Port Buffers OFF
E_Port Credits OFF
Fault Delay: 0(R_A_TOV)
NPIV PP Limit: 126
TDZ mode: OFF
D-Port mode: OFF
D-Port over DWDM: OFF
Compression: OFF
Encryption: OFF
8G Non-DFE: OFF(Auto)
6. Repeat this locked G port state setting to ON to the remaining EMC connected external SAN
Switch ports identified in step 2.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the second SAN switch ports where EMC storage is connected.
Expected outcome
RDP is enabled by default in SAN switches with FOS release 7.3.x but in later versions of FOS it is al-
so disabled by default, hence, it is mandatory to first check whether RDP is enabled or not. In case, if
RDP is enabled in the SAN switches, then it must be disabled as per NetAct recommendation.
RDP is an extended or additional diagnostic feature, hence there is no functional impacts on NetAct
storage IO.
To disable RDP, it is mandatory to disable the SAN switch. All the communication from that SAN switch
to servers and storage will be terminated, that is, one HBA port in every ESXi hosts will be down dur-
ing the activity. The SAN switch can be disabled without any application down time if NetAct is already
running since this is done one SAN switch at a time and other SAN switch is available to handle the
storage communication.
2. Check the current RDP status in Storage Area Network (SAN) switch by entering:
Expected outcome
Sample output:
Here in the output 1 means RDP poll cycle is enabled and it is set to 1 hour.
If the output is 0, it means that RDP poll cycle is disabled since it is set to 0 hour. If it is disabled
(fabric.rdp_poll_cycle:0), then no need to execute the remaining sections in this
4.4.2 Verifying existing NetAct system before disabling RDP in the SAN switch
Provides instructions to verify the existing NetAct system before disabling RDP in SAN switch.
In case NetAct is already running and this change is required to be done as part of NetAct firmware
upgrade, then ensure that both the FC HBA links (link state) are up, before disabling one of the switch-
es in Storage Area Network (SAN).
Sample output:
3. Log in to the remaining ESXi hosts as a root user through SSH and execute the command in step
2 and verify that both the FC HBA links are up.
This needs to be checked all the ESXi hosts used in the Cluster and if any link is found to be bro-
ken in any of the ESXi host, do not execute the procedure Disable RDP feature from SAN switch
instead contact hardware vendor to check why the link is not available.
Note: In NetAct running production systems executing this chapter without having Link
State as link-up for both HBA FC ports will create outage in NetAct system, hence it is
mandatory to check that the SAN cabling is done as per NetAct recommendation and
both FC HBA links are up before proceeding with the next steps.
1. Log in to the first SAN switch through SSH as an admin privileged user.
admin> switchshow
Expected outcome
Sample output:
switchName: hpe14san1
switchType: 72.3
switchState: Online
switchMode: Native
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 1
switchId: fffc01
switchWwn: 10:00:50:eb:1a:29:a8:73
zoning: ON (HP3PAR2_HPE14_BLRVSE07)
switchBeacon: OFF
Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto
0 0 010000 id N8 No_Light FC
1 1 010100 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
2 2 010200 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
3 3 010300 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
4 4 010400 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
5 5 010500 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
2. Check the current Fabric Operating System (FOS) version running on the SAN switch by entering:
admin> firmwareshow
Expected outcome
Sample output:
Note: RDP Polling is only available on SAN Switch having FOS version 7.3.x onwards.
4.4.5 Checking the current RDP polling status in the SAN switch
Provides the instructions to check the current RDP polling status in the Storage Area Network (SAN) switch.
2. Check the current RDP polling status in the SAN switch by entering:
Expected outcome
Sample output:
Here in the output 1 means RDP poll cycle is enabled and it is set to 1 hour.
Expected outcome
Sample output:
4.4.7 Disabling the SAN switch and checking the status of the switch
Provides the instructions to disable the Storage Area Network (SAN) switch and to verify the status of the switch.
admin> switchdisable
Note: The above command disables the switch and no storage communication is
possible from the switch towards both servers and storages.
admin> switchshow
Sample output:
switchName: hpe14san1
switchType: 72.3
switchState: Offline
switchMode: Native
switchRole: Disabled
switchDomain: 1 (unconfirmed)
switchId: fffc01
switchWwn: 10:00:50:eb:1a:29:a8:73
zoning: ON (HP3PAR2_HPE14_BLRVSE07)
switchBeacon: OFF
Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto
0 0 010000 id N8 No_Light FC Disabled
1 1 010100 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled
2 2 010200 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled
3 3 010300 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled
4 4 010400 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled
5 5 010500 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled
6 6 010600 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled
7 7 010700 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled (Persistent)
8 8 010800 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled
9 9 010900 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled
Expected outcome
4.4.8 Disabling the RDP polling in the SAN switch and checking the status
Provides the instructions to disable the RDP polling in the SAN switch and to verify the status.
The configure command is used to disable RDP polling in the SAN switch. Ensure that only the
RDP Polling option alone is modified to 0 (zero) and rest all other options are not modified when
prompted. By just pressing ENTER key from the keyboard for any option prompted does not make any
changes. If not familiar with Brocade SAN fabric OS commands, it is recommended to take help from
HPE hardware vendor. Refer to Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide for Fabric OS commands.
Only enter 0 (zero) when prompted for RDP Polling Cycle(hours)[0 = Disable Polling]:
(0..24) [1] and for remaining other options just press ENTER key from the keyboard when it is
prompted to keep the current value.
admin> configure
Set the parameter RDP Polling Cycle(hours)[0 = Disable Polling]: (0..24) [1] value to 0 to disable
RDP polling.
Sample output:
Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]
Virtual Channel parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]
F-Port login parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]
Expected outcome
Changing the RDP polling cycle to 0 is an offline action. It can be done one switch in fabric at a
time without application down time.
4.4.9 Enabling the SAN switch and checking the RDP polling status
Provides instructions to enable the Storage Area Network (SAN) switch and to check the RDP polling status.
admin> switchenable
Sample output:
admin> switchshow
Note: Normally it takes 2 to 3 minutes to reflect the correct switch status change after
executing the switchenable command. Execute the switchshow command after two
Expected outcome
Sample output:
switchName: hpe14san1
switchType: 72.3
switchState: Online
switchMode: Native
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 1
switchId: fffc01
switchWwn: 10:00:50:eb:1a:29:a8:73
zoning: ON (HP3PAR2_HPE14_BLRVSE07)
switchBeacon: OFF
Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto
0 0 010000 id N8 No_Light FC
1 1 010100 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
2 2 010200 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
3 3 010300 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
4 4 010400 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
5 5 010500 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
6 6 010600 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
7 7 010700 cu AN No_Sync FC Disabled (Persistent)
8 8 010800 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
9 9 010900 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
10 10 010a00 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
11 11 010b00 cu N8 Online FC F-Port
In case NetAct is already running and the Read Diagnostics Parameters (RDP) disabling instructions
are executed as mentioned in Disabling the RDP polling in the SAN switch and checking the status,
then ensure that both FC HBA links (Link state = link-up) are up which means server blade system
is back to normal state.
Sample output:
3. Log in to the remaining ESXi hosts through SSH as a root user and verify that both the FC HBA
links are up by entering:
Execute this procedure only if there any HPE Brocade 8GB SAN switches in use. This procedure is
not required for HPE Brocade 16GB SAN switches.
Due to excessive CRC and decode errors found in 8GB ports Brocade connected to Qlogic results
in device disconnection. Decode errors indicate failure on QLogic devices. Failure on a Brocade
switch may be indicated by a few er_enc_out errors and large number of er_bad_os errors. HPE
recommends to set the fillword parameter to value 3 on HP Brocade 8GB SAN switches.
For example, example if the SAN port is connected to port 20, to set its fillword value to 3, enter:
For example:
Brocade:admin> portcfgshow 20
Sample output:
Area Number: 1
Speed Level: AUTO(HW)
Fill Word(On Active) 3(Arbff-Arbff) Word(Current)
AL_PA Offset 13: OFF
Trunk Port OFF
Long Distance OFF
VC Link Init OFF
Expected outcome
By default, NetAct uses port zoning, which is sufficient for most installation purposes and standard
configurations. If you need World Wide Names (WWN) zoning, see Configuring WWN Zoning.
Note: Each HBA port of the server should be zoned. Each zone definition contains the HBA
port and the respective storage ports where the server needs access and has connection.
switchname <SwitchName>
For example:
switchname LAB_1_SAN2
The zone contains the server port and the port addresses of all the storage devices the server port
is supposed to access.
Note: Repeat this command for every server that needs FC connectivity.
For example:
Note: The HP 3PAR and DELL EMC storage arrays do not need an SMA zone.
For example:
For example:
cfgenable "<Config>"
For example:
cfgenable "Switch_127_Zone"
Expected outcome
• Ensure that all servers and storage devices are connected to Fibre Channel (FC) switches as
planned and are online.
• Ensure that all servers are booted to the QLogic BIOS and the FC connections are initialized. See
Appendix: Configuring QLogic Fast!UTIL BIOS settings for SAN switch zoning for the instructions
to boot servers to QLogic BIOS and to ensure that the FC connections are initialized.
If the default port zoning does not suit to the local requirements (especially in OpenSAN and shared
array implementations), you can use these instructions to use World Wide Names (WWN) zoning in-
stead of port zoning.
• If the FC switches are already configured to use port zoning, you can skip this section.
• Each HBA port of the server should be zoned and each zone definition contains the
HBA port and the respective storage ports where the server needs access and has
switchname <SwitchName>
For example:
switchname LAB_1_SAN2
Note: This command provides the WWNs of the devices attached to each port. Ensure
that the ports are denoted as F-ports (Fabric ports) and the state of the ports is online.
For example:
7. Create a new configuration (configuration profile) containing all of the above zones by entering:
Note: The first parameter is the name of the configuration profile. The second parameter
is an enumeration of the participating zones. You can define several configuration profiles
for each SAN fabric, but only one profile can be active at a time.
For example:
Note: You can select the zone names freely, as long as they are unique within the
SAN. If necessary, the configuration of each zone can be further manipulated with the
zoneAdd and zoneRemove commands. For more information, use the zoneHelp
Before using the zoneCreate command, use the aliCreate command to make an
alias from the WWN.
cfgEnable "<zone_name>"
Expected outcome
2. As it is not possible to change the default filter sets, clone the default_ipv4 to new set by entering:
For example:
3. Verify the rule number for the telnet port (23) by entering:
ipfilter --show
4. Delete the old rule and create the new rule by entering:
Change the -rule 2 to the appropriate rule number from the previous step, if needed.
For example:
For example:
ipfilter --show
Sample output:
Expected outcome
2. As it is not possible to change the default filter sets, clone the default_ipv6 to new set by entering:
For example:
ipfilter --show
4. Delete the old rule and create the new rule by entering:
Change the -rule 2 to the appropriate rule number from the previous step, if needed.
For example:
For example:
ipfilter --show
Sample output:
Expected outcome
To install third party signed SSL certificate, follow the instructions in Security Management > Security
Management Operating Procedures > Administering NetAct System Security > Managing certificates
for hardware devices in NetAct Operating Documentation.
Expected outcome
Run these commands either from the command-line interface through SSH or from the web interface
(including the switch status overview).
Command Description
switchShow Provides the basic switch and port status. Ports with at-
tached servers or storage devices are denoted as "F-ports",
the inter-switch links are denoted as an "E-port".
nsShow / nsAllShow Lists the contents of a local/global routing table. This pro-
vides information about all the attached devices.
tsTimeServer Defines the NTP server for obtaining reference time. (FOS
tsTimeZone Converts the timezone from one format to another. For ex-
ample, UTC time into local time. (FOS 4.x)
A comprehensive description of the commands in Fabric OS is available with the help command. Use
the help <commandname> command to view help for any of the commands in Table 2: Important
management commands.
6 Configure SNMP
Switches are configured to send SNMP traps to HPSIM. Alarms with severity level of critical and major
are forwarded to NetAct Monitor.
For more information on how to configure SNMP, see Integrating Brocade SAN switch with HPSIM.
To configure World Wide Names (WWN) based zoning the server must be powered on and booted to
Qlogic HBA FastUtil BIOS or to any operating system if the server is already installed with OS.
HPE C7000 configuration must be completed to access the servers and its iLO. Execute the instruc-
tions in the chapter Installing and configuring the HPE Blade System c7000 from the document In-
stalling and configuring HPE Blade System c7000.
5. Power on the server and follow the booting messages on the console. Press any key to get
optional boot options.
6. When the text Press< CTRL-Q> or <ALT-Q> for Fast!UTIL appears, use either key combination
to access QLogic Fast!UTIL BIOS screen.
12. Select the second adapter and then press ENTER to update the second SAN switch zoning.
Expected outcome
The SAN switch zoning is configured to boot to Qlogic HBA FastUtil BIOS.