Tybca Slips
Tybca Slips
Tybca Slips
a java program to accept the details of Employee (Eno,EName,Sal) from the user and insert it into the Database.(use Awt).
2. Write a Menu driven program in Java for the following. i) Insert Record into the Table. ii) Update The Existing Record. iii) Display all the Records from the Table. 3. Write a java program to display the Doctor(DNo,DName,Salary) from the database and display it on the screen.(use JTable). Records of
4. Write a JAVA program to accept the details of student (Rno , SName , Per) from the user and insert it into the table. (use PreparedStatement Class).
5. Write a JAVA program to accept the details of Doctor (Dno , DName,
Salary) from the user and insert PreparedStatement class and AWT). Scrollable ResultSet. The menus arei) Move to the next Record. ii) Move to the first Record. iii) Move to the Previous Record iv) Move to the last Record.
7. Write a JAVA program to accept the empno from the user and update the salary of employee and display the updated Record on the screen. Employee having fields empno , ename and salary.
8. Write a JAVA program to accept the details of Patient (pno , pname)
from the user and insert it into the database , display it and delete the record of entered pno from the table.
9. Write a JAVA program to accept the details of Doctor (DNo, DName,
Address, Salary) from the user. Insert it into the table and display it on the screen. (use Command Line arguments).
10. Write a JAVA program to display the record of Student (rno, sname,
from the user,store it into the table and update the salary of employee to entered salary amount and eno is entered employee eno. 12. Write a JAVA program to accept the number from the user and do the following i) Calculate Factorial of a given Number. ii) To check whether given number is prime or not.
13. Write a JAVA program to accept the details of Employee (Eno , Ename, Sal) from the user, store it into the database and display that details on the screen . 14. Write a JAVA program to accept the rno of student as a command line argument and display the record of student (rno, sname, per) on the screen. 15. Write a JAVA program that insert the details of Actor(Ano,AName,Movie) into the Database and display the result in uppercase on the screen. 16. Write a JAVA program which will generate following threads i) To display 10 terms of Fibonacci series. ii) To display 1 to 20 in reverse order
17. Write
a JAVA program which will create two child threads by implementing Runnable interface; one thread will print even nos from 1 to 50 and other display vowels
18. Write a Java program to display Hello Java 50 times using multithreading 19. Write a JAVA program Design a screen with two buttons start thread and stop thread. Clicking on start ,it should start printing Thread running until stop button is pressed. 20. Write a JAVA program to design a screen with two textboxes and start button. Clicking on start should start two threads printing 1 to 100 in two textboxes 21. Write a JAVA program using servlet for e-mail registration with userid, password, name, address, fields & display the details on next page.
22. Write a JAVA program to accept mobile handset details through html
page and servlet will insert the details in handset table(Assume handset table is already present).
23. Write a JAVA program to accept student roll number from html page &
servlet will the details of student like name, address etc . Assume student table is already present. 24. Write a JAVA program using servlet to count the no of times a servlet has been invoked. 25. Write a JAVA program Write a servlet displaying current date & time also wish the user accordingly (like a.m. Good Morning).
26. Write a JAVA program Create an information servlet that provides information about HTTP request from a client such as IPaddress, browser type, server name etc. 27. Write a JAVA program to read n strings & insert into ArrayList collection. Display the elements of collection in reverse order. 28. Write a JAVA program to accept names of n students and insert into LinkedLlist i) Display the contents of list using Iterator. ii) Display the content in reverse order. (using ListIterator) 29. Write a java program to read n integers into LinkedList collection Do the following operations i) Display only negative integers ii) Delete the last element
30. Write a java program which reads a series of first names & stores them in Linked List The program should not allow duplicate names and it should also allow the user to search first name.
TYBCA (Sem-VI) Practical Examination April/Oct. 2010-2011 Lab course- (Multimedia) 1. 2. 3. Create a basic slideshow Animation to show the Screen Saver Effect. Create a basic Animation to show the Rain Drop Animation Create a basic Animation to show the Water Fall (Water Effect). http://answer.recipester.org/question/24032/how%20to %20create%20a%20smoke%20effect%20in%20flash%208 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Create a basic Animation to show the Realistic Ball Movement. Create a basic Image slide Animation to show either fading in and out. Create a basic Animation to show the Bubble effect. Create a basic Animation to show the Smoke effect. Create a basic Animation to show the Blinking Stars. Create a basic slideshow Animation to show the Screen Saver Effect. Create a basic Animation to do the Cards (Friendship, Birthday etc). Create a basic Animation to show the Realistic Ball Movement. Create a basic Animation to show the Blur Transition Effect. Create a basic Animation to show the Floating Background.
Create a basic Animation to show the Rain Drop Animation. Create a basic Mask Animation to do Animation of bottle of coco cola getting empty. Create a basic Mask Animation to do Animation of your B.C.A. Course(Introduction). Create a basic Mask Animation to show Spot light and text Animation. Create a basic Animation using Shape tweening, Frame Animation (copy, Paste). Create a basic Animation to show the Fish Tank Animation Use movie clip Create a basic Animation to show the Water Fall (Water Effect). Create a basic slideshow Animation to show the Screen Saver Effect. Create a basic Mask Animation to do Animation of bottle of coco cola getting empty. Create a basic Mask Animation to do Animation of your B.C.A. Course(Introduction). Create a basic Mask Animation to show Spot light and text Animation. http://www.pixeldigest.com/Videos/spotlight/camspot.html http://www.pixeldigest.com/spotlight_effect.html http://www.flashhere.com/tutorials/flash_typing_text_effect.html http://www.adobeflashtutorial.com/Tutorial-How-To-Make-AnAnimation-Of-Text-And-Mask-With-Flash-CS3-%28NOActionScript-NO%29-c-384.html
Create a basic Animation to show the Bubble effect. Create a basic Animation to show the Blur Transition Effect. Create a basic Image slide Animation to show either fading in and out. Create a basic Animation to do the Cards (Friendship, Birthday etc.) Create a basic Animation to show the Smoke effect. Create a basic slideshow Animation to show the Screen Saver Effect. http://thedailyreviewer.com/design/view/how-does-flash-8-effectthe-user-111688995#111788570 flash site
options on DOS (any two options) 1) ls To display files 2) ls a To display all the hidden files 3) ls m To display the files separated with commas 2. Write a simulation program for disk scheduling using SCAN algorithm. Accept total number of disk blocks, disk request string, direction of head moment and current head position from the user. Display the list of request in the order in which it is served. Also display the total number of head moments. 3. Write the simulation program for Round Robin with time quantum of 2 units. The arrival time and first CPU bursts of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Waiting time for each process and average waiting time. Q11B.c 4. Write a simulation program for disk scheduling using SCAN algorithm. Accept total number of disk blocks, disk request string, direction of head moment and current head position from the user. Display the list of request in the order in which it is served. Also display the total number of head moments. 5. Write the simulation program for Round Robin with time quantum of 2 units. The arrival time and first CPU bursts of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Turnaround Time for each process and average Turnaround time. Q11B.c 6. Write the simulation program for scheduling algorithm using FCFS. The arrival time and first CPU bursts of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Turnaround time for each process and average Turnaround time. 7. Write a program to implement cat command of Unix on DOS (any two options) 1) cat <filename> To display files on the screen 2) cat < filename It is same as type command 3) cat > filename It is same as copy con command 8. Write the simulation program for scheduling algorithm using FCFS. The arrival time and first CPU bursts of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should
give the Gantt chart and Waiting time for each process and average times. 9. Write a simulation program for disk scheduling using LOOK algorithm. Accept total number of disk blocks, disk request string, direction of head moment and current head position from the user. Display the list of request in the order in which it is served. Also display the total number of head moments. 10. Write the simulation program for preemptive scheduling algorithm using SJF. The arrival time and first CPU bursts of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Waiting time for each process and average times
11. Consider a system with n processes and m resource types. Accept number of Instances for every resource type. For each process accept the allocation and maximum requirement matrices. Write a program to check if the given request of a process can be granted immediately or not. 12. Write a simulation program for disk scheduling using FCFS algorithm. Accept total number of disk blocks, disk request string, direction of head moment and Current head position from the user. Display the list of request in the order in which it is served. Also display the total number of head moments 13. Write the simulation program for non- preemptive scheduling algorithm using SJF. The arrival time and first CPU bursts of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Waiting time for each process and average times.
14. Write a program to implement ls command of UNIX with following
options on DOS (any two options) 1)ls -l To display long listing of files rowwise 2)ls Q To display the filename in double quotes 3)ls c To sort the files on last modification time of the files 15. Consider a system with n processes and m resource types. Accept number of Instances for every resource type. For each process accept the allocation and maximum requirement matrices. Write a program to check if the system is in deadlock or not.
16. Write the simulation program for non-preemptive scheduling algorithm using SJF. The arrival time and first CPU bursts of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Turnaround Time for each process and average time. 17. Write the simulation program for demand paging and show the page scheduling and total number of page faults according to MFU page replacement algorithm. Assume the memory of n frames. 18. Write the simulation program for preemptive scheduling algorithm using SJF. The arrival time and first CPU bursts of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Turnaround Time for each process and average time. 19. Write a program to implement following Unix commands (any two options) 1)mv <source file> <target file> It moves source file into target file 2) cp <source file> <target file> IT copies source file into target file 3) rm <filename> It deletes the file 20. Write the simulation program for demand paging and show the page scheduling and total number of page faults according to LFU page replacement algorithm. Assume the memory of n frames. Q12B.c
21. Write the simulation program for preemptive scheduling algorithm using Priority. The arrival time, first CPU bursts and process priority of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Turnaround Time for each process and average times.Q14B.c
22. Write the simulation program for demand paging and show the page scheduling and total number of page faults according to FIFO page replacement algorithm. Assume memory of n frames.Q19B.c 23. Write a program to implement following Unix commands (any two options) 1) wc c <filename> Displays no of characters for the given file. 2) wc w <filename> Displays no of words for the given file. 3) wc l <filename> Displays no of line for the given file. 24. Write the simulation program for preemptive scheduling algorithm using Priority. The
arrival time, first CPU bursts and process priority of different jobs should be input to the system.The output should give the Gantt chart Waiting time for each process and average time. Q14B.c 25. Write the simulation program for demand paging and show the page scheduling and total number of page faults according to LRU page replacement algorithm. Assume the memory of n frames.Q12B.c
26. Write the simulation program for non-preemptive scheduling
algorithm using Priority. The arrival time, first CPU bursts and process priority of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and waiting Time for each process and average time.Q18B.c 27. Write the simulation program for demand paging and show the page scheduling and Total number of page faults according to SECOND CHANCE page replacement Algorithm. Assume the memory of n frames.Q16B.c 28. Write a program to implement following UNIX commands (any two options) 1) grep c pattern filename Displays count of no. of occurrences for a given pattern 2) grep n pattern filename Displays line no. along with the line 3) grep v pattern filename Does not display lines for matching pattern 29. Write the simulation program for preemptive scheduling algorithm using Priority. The arrival time, first CPU bursts and process priority of different jobs should be input to the system. The output should give the Gantt chart and Turnaround Time for each process and average times. Q14B.c
30. Write a program to implement following UNIX commands (any two
options) 1) mkdir <pathname> It creates new directory for a given path 2) cd <pathname> It changes directory to a given paths 3) rmdir <pathname> It deletes removes directory for a given path