Lab 4
Lab 4
Lab 4
▪ Large expansion after setting causes disruption of set and hardened mass.
▪ Unsound cement can severely affect the durability of the structure as volume
change can cause cracking.
▪ Soundness of cement is tested to make sure that the cement is sound and it
does not undergo large volume change.
• Causes of Unsoundness
• Calcium sulphate (CaSO4) is added in cement to avoid flash set, the
quantity of gypsum is kept between 3-5% depending upon the
quantity of C3A. If the quantity of gypsum is more than that which can
be combined with C3A, gypsum will remain in cement in free state.
This excess gypsum leads to expansion of set cement paste.
• Soundness of cement is affected by the presence of excess lime (CaO)
in the cement. This excess lime hydrates very slowly and forms slaked
lime that occupies a larger volume than the original free calcium
oxide. The slow hydration process, therefore, affects the properties of
hardened concrete. The difference in the rate of hydration of free
lime and slaked lime leads to change in volume of hardened concrete
• Free Magnesia (MgO) reacts with water very slowly, which causes the
expansion after the solidification of cement.
The difference between two measurements indicates the expansion of the cement.
This must not exceed 10 mm for ordinary, rapid hardening and low heat Portland
If in case the expansion is more than 10 mm as tested above, the cement is said to
be unsound.