Amanda's Garden Childcare & Learning Center Parent Handbook: Our Goals and Purpose
Amanda's Garden Childcare & Learning Center Parent Handbook: Our Goals and Purpose
Amanda's Garden Childcare & Learning Center Parent Handbook: Our Goals and Purpose
Parent Handbook
Ravenna Location
6709 Cleveland Rd.
Ravenna, OH 44266
Brittany Murdock-Director
Kayla Roosa-Assistant Director
Amanda’s Garden Childcare is licensed by the Ohio Department of Human Services. At the end of the
handbook you will find an attachment about licensing, please take the time to read it. The license is posted
in the office.
Staff/Child Ratios
The children are placed in developmentally appropriate classroom groups organized to meet the individual
needs of the children. Ratios may be doubled for 2 hours at naptime as long as all children are resting
quietly on their cots and enough staff members are in the building to meet regular staff/child ratio, if there
is an emergency, our center limits the group size of the children and maintains a staff member to child ratio
as follows:
Infants: 6wks.-17mos.1: 5, 2:12, Toddlers: 18-30mos 1:7, Toddlers: 30-36 mo. 1:8, Preschool: 3-4yrs. 1-12;
Preschool: 4-5yrs 1:14, School Age: 6-11years 1:18
The law and rules governing licensure are available at the center. The center’s licensing record including
compliance report forms and evaluation forms from the health, building and fire departments are available
upon request from the Ohio Department of Human Services. The Ohio Department of Human Services has
a toll-free number, 1-800-686-1581, which may be used to report a suspected violation of the laws and
rules by the center of Chapter 5104 of the revised code or Chapter 5101:2-12 of the Administrative code.
Enrollment and Registration
Students will be accepted first on a full-time basis. If space permits, students may be accepted on a part
time basis. Part time spaces are available at the discretion of the Directors. There is a non-refundable
registration fee of $25.00. A tuition discount is given to families with more than one full time child
enrolled in the school. In all cases, the full rate will be charged for the child paying the higher tuition rate.
Amanda’s Garden reserves the right to dismiss a child without prior notice. An enrolled child is a child that
attends at least one day per month.
When your child is accepted to Amanda’s Garden you are required to do several things:
Pay a non-refundable registration fee as set on billing statement
Tuition is due when accepted.
Fill out and return an Emergency Authorization Form.
Have a physician complete a Child’s medical statement.
Fill out and return an income eligibility forms.
Fill out and return a Pick-up Policy.
Fill out and return an Application Form.
Read and sign Billing statement form.
All staff participates in a continuous program of in-service education and studies for professional
advancement in accordance with the state licensing department. This enables them to remain alert to the
ever-changing needs of today's families.
Each member of our staff meets the qualifications set by the state and is encouraged to stay current on child
development and early childhood education through in-service training and local continuing education
programs. Our staff realizes children learn through behavior modeling and respect must be shown at all
times for the children, other staff members, as well as the environment. We encourage open
communication for all staff, parents and children at all times.
Amanda’s Garden will be officially closed on the following holidays if they fall on a week day: New Years
Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. You will not
be credited for holidays. Holidays that fall on Saturday will be observed on Friday and ones that fall on
Sunday will be observed on Monday. For parents that work New Years Eve and Christmas Eve we are
open until 6pm.
Fees-Overtime Charges
Amanda’s Garden program fees are charged in several different ways.
1. Weekly rate with a maximum of 60 hours.
2. Daily rate with a maximum of 12 hours per day.
3. Hourly rate with a minimum of 10 hours per week.
4. Community preschool is paid monthly.
Any hours over the maximums will be charged an extra fee. Any late payments will incur a charge of
$10.00 a day. All monies paid will be applied to late fees first. Enrollment of your child may be dis-
enrolled due to late payment, if your child is dismissed, re-enrollment will be required and the registration
fee to be paid again. If you are on county subsidy, then your copay is due every Monday and the
$10.00 late fee and payments also applies. Your child is not allowed by the Government to miss more
than 10 days per 6 months if you are on subsidy. If you miss more than 10 days you will be charged.
Your child must be here the allotted time. We will also charge a fee of $40.00 for all checks/or credit card
payments returned for insufficient funds. We reserve the right to reject any future payments by check. If
paying by cash, please have the correct change. We close at midnight Monday-Friday if for any reason
you cannot pick up your child, please have someone on your permission list pick him or her up. If you are
late and no one has picked up your child, be prepared to pay $10.00 for every 5 min you are late per child.
If you are more than 15 minutes late authorities will be called. If late pick-up becomes habitual, we will
ask you to withdraw your child. We realize there are times when true emergencies arise. Only the director
has the authority to change this policy. If you leave Amanda’s Garden and still owe us a balance you will
incur a finance charge of 5% per month until the balance is paid in full. You will also incur a $10.00 charge
for each missed punch when signing your child (ren) in and/or out. We accept Visa, MC and Discover
If your child is involved in Title 20 you are required to give us a Doctor’s excuse for every day your child
misses unless you have given a vacation notice to the office. A doctor’s slip must be turned into the office
the day your child returns. If you do not turn in a slip –you will be charged the daily rate for the day/s
missed. Your child must be here for the hours allotted.
If you are parent pay--we will reduce your tuition payment by 50% if your child is out for more than 2 days
if the following conditions are met:
1. We must be notified on the first day of absence approximately how long your child will be absent.
2. The day the child returns we must have a doctor’s excuse.
3. We must be kept informed as to your child’s situation.
4. We must be informed the day before your child returns.
Medications, Food supplements, and modified diets prescribed by a physician will not be given to your
child unless it is a life saving medication. We will give Asthma treatments as long as it is short term. We
will keep a medicine form on file to document times and amounts of medication given for asthma
treatments. We will not give any medication other than life saving medications and diaper rash creams. All
medications must be in original container, stating age or weight of child on container or packaging.
We must have written notification of a vacation NO LESS than 2 weeks prior to the start of the vacation.
Vacations of a full week or more will not be charged if the proper notice is given. Vacations of less than a
full week will not be discounted. A maximum of 3 weeks free vacation may be taken per year.
If for any reason, you wish to withdraw your child (pregnancy, lay-off, or permanent) from Amanda’s
Garden, we require a two-week notice. We do not reserve your spot for your return. Another registration
fee will be required upon the child’s return. Any items left here when you leave, we will keep for two
weeks. If after two weeks you have not come to pick them up, we will just use them as extras for the center.
Upon entry into the building daily, please make sure to login your child at the computer. Then proceed to
his/her classroom and make your child’s teacher is aware that he or she is there. You must take your child
to their classroom, even if they are school age. Do not leave your child unless someone is aware, they are
here. If you do not log in/out your child, you will be charged a fee of $5.00. If you receive title XX, it is
very important that you swipe your child/ren as you enter and as you leave. Please make sure that school
age children are previous checked out and in daily. If for any reason, your check in or out was denied,
please see the director or staff and let them know. If there are corrections to be made, they will be located
by the swipe machines including your name and corrections that need made. Please be aware that constant
non-check in or outs could result in a loss of your title xx coverage. See director for any questions.
Daily Procedures
Each parent will receive a copy of our schedule once a month. Our day includes a time for structured play,
free play, crafts, arts, language, science, cognitive activities as well as music, large and small motor skills
activities. We will have outside play, weather permitting. Please dress your child accordingly. Each child
is required a naptime of 1-2 hrs. You will be required to supply a small blanket, or sheet and/or a small
pillow for your child. If your child has a favorite blanket this will be a time they can use it. You must take
home your child’s nap items every Friday, or the last day of attendance for the week and return with clean
ones the following Monday. Evening children lay down at 9pm the same rules apply for blankets/pillows
as noted above. They will need a toothbrush/toothpaste, towel and washcloth, and PJ’s. All items need to
have the child’s initials on them. Please, bring no other toys from home to school; we have sufficient
toys and equipment here at daycare for everyone to share. A toy that is “Mine” provokes quarrels.
We will make an exception for the first few days to help ease your child’s transition from home to
daycare. We do separate the older boys/girls into separate sleeping areas in the evening. We will make
exceptions to this rule if ratio is low-allowing 1 teacher to stay in the classroom with the sleeping children.
Pick-up Policy
Release of a child from the center to anyone other than a parent, guardian, or designated person will require
a form to be filled out by the parents on the morning that they will be unable to pick up their child. The
person authorized to pick up the child must show proper I.D. before we can release the child to them. They
will also be required to know the child’s security code.
Visiting Schedule-Conferences-Parent Involvement
When you enroll your child in our daycare, we assume the responsibility of giving you assistance with
helping your child develop mentally and physically. Amanda’s Garden seeks to give them an enjoyable
experience of time away from you. If you have any special concerns in relation to your child’s
development, adjustment, or progress, please let the director know so we can schedule an appointment. We
will have conferences at least once a year to discuss your child’s development and progress, more often if
you request them. We at Amanda’s Garden would like you to feel free to visit anytime. Any custodial
parent, custodian or guardian of a child enrolled in our childcare is permitted unlimited access to our center
during its hours of operation for the purpose of contacting their child (ren), evaluation of the care provided
by the center or evaluation of the premises. We only ask that you stop by the director’s office and inform
us of your presence. Parental involvement is welcome; grandparents, too! The directors’ hours are posted
on the office door. If the director is not available, you can schedule an appointment during business hours.
Your child’s comfort is of utmost importance. Please provide simple clothing that is free of complicated
fastenings. Remember that your child will be engaged in messy art activities and will be playing
outside. If your child is potty training please do not send them in a shirt that buttons by the diaper, and
please do not have potty trainers wear belts. Provide clothes appropriate for the weather. Please send hats
and mittens for winter activities. No open toed shoes or flips flops will be permitted due to our pea gravel
and the possibility of stubbed toes. Label all clothing.
We celebrate birthdays during the snack period. Parents are welcome to send a special birthday treat and/or
drink, but please discuss this with the Director or your child’s teacher first. Because we plan snacks every
day, we will need at least 2 days to be ready for your child’s treat. Birthdays are very important times for
many children. We ask you not to bring anything chocolate, or with peanut butter in it because many
children are allergic to it. We prefer cookies or cupcakes, as they are easier for the children to handle.
Healthy snacks are always welcome!
Disenrollment Policy
If we feel that your child is not a good fit for our center, we may require you to move them to a new center.
We will notify you in writing and give you a 2 week notice unless it is an emergency.
Accident and Emergency Plans
The center has devised several procedures to follow in the event that an emergency occurs. In the event of
a fire or tornado, Staff will follow the procedures that are posted in each room. Tornado and Fire drills are
held monthly at varying times and records of these are maintained at the center. Fire and weather alert plans
are posted in each room. If we need to evacuate the building for any reason a sign will be posted on the
front door of where your child will be, and parents will be contacted as soon as possible to come and pick
up their child. If you cannot be reached, we will call your emergency contacts.
We serve breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 3 snacks. Meals are served at no charge. Breakfast is served
between 7:30-8:00 am, snack is served between 9:30-9:45am, lunch is served between 11:00am-12:00pm,
snack is served at 2:30pm, and dinner is served 6:30 pm and evening snack is served at 8:00pm. If your
child is not here between those times, you will need to feed your child/ren before bringing them to daycare.
Menus are posted in the kitchen and by the main door. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department
of Agriculture Policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin,
sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of civil rights,
Room 326-w, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202)
720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Outdoor Play
Research has shown that children stay healthier when they have daily outdoor play. Based on this
information and state requirements, outdoor play will be included in our program daily. We will limit the
amount of time outside when temperatures are very warm or cold. Children will not be taken outside when
the temperature (wind chill and heat index factored in) drops below 20° or rises above 90°. On days that
they cannot go outside, we will include time for gross motor skills indoors. Please send your children with
the proper clothing so they may be comfortable and safe whenever we are outside. If your child is too sick
to go outside, they should not attend.
Parent Issues/Complaints
If you have an issue with the staff or anything else here at Amanda’s Garden, please talk to the Director or
Assistant Director.
Illness/Communicable Disease Policy
If your child is ill, but is not showing signs of communicable disease, such as a cold, stomachache,
headache, etc., they may attend the center as long as they are able to participate in daily activities. We
reserve the right to send a child home because of a non-communicable disease illness. A person trained to
recognize the common signs of communicable disease or other illness shall observe each child daily as he
or she enters the group. A “person trained to recognize the common signs of communicable disease” means
any person trained in prevention, recognition, and management of communicable diseases as required by
rule 5101:2-12-31 of the Administrative Code. The center will, at all times have at least one employee
present in the building trained in the common signs of communicable disease. The Ohio Department of
Human Services Communicable Disease Chart is posted in the kitchen. In the event the person trained to
recognize the common signs of communicable disease or other staff suspects a child having a
communicable disease, the center shall immediately notify the parent or guardian of the child’s condition.
We also will send home any teacher that shows signs of communicable disease and call in a substitute
teacher. If we have an instance of communicable disease, we will post a notice on the parent information
A child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall be immediately isolated or discharged
to his or her parent or guardian:
*Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within a twenty-four-hour period)
*Temperature of 100 degrees or higher accompanied by other symptoms
*Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or make a whooping sound
*Difficult or rapid breathing
*Yellowish skin or eyes
*Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool
*Stiff neck
*Unusual spots or rashes
*Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing
*Evidence of lice, scabies, or other parasitic infection
If your child has lice, they cannot return until he/she has been treated and is nit and egg free. (See
lice policy below.) If your child has a communicable disease (chicken pox, measles, etc.) he or she may
not attend the center without a doctor’s written permission. Re-admittance following a communicable
illness requires that a child be free of symptoms and have a doctor’s excuse. All items used by the child will
be disinfected before use by another child. Decisions regarding whether the child should be discharged
immediately or at some other time of the day shall be determined by the administrator and the parent or
guardian. Parents shall be notified of any instance of disease affecting the children at the center, plus, we
will immediately report such disease to local health officials. From time to time we will also distribute
educational literature dealing with children’s health issues. Please be considerate of the children by making
other arrangements for your child when you suspect he/she may be sick. It will help us to keep all of our
children healthy.
If your child is sent home with lice you may come back in 24 hours after treatment and have your child
rechecked. If your child still has lice you will be required to keep your child out of the center for 1 week.
After you return from that week off your child will be rechecked for lice. If your child still has lice you
will be dismissed from the center.
Clean Air
Amanda’s Garden feels strongly about the air your child breathes. Smoking is strictly prohibited in/or on
the center property. We also ask that you use appropriate language around the children. As you are aware,
children quickly pick up the words we speak!
We use the following four checkpoint questions in evaluating how we discipline your child.
Discipline will be the responsibility of the staff member directly in charge of the group of children or child.
Children will never be punished for not eating, sleeping, or for toilet accidents. Cruel, harsh or unusual
punishment such as withholding food shall never be used. There will be no physical restraints or
confinement of a child. Positive reinforcements and verbal rewards will be used. Spanking is absolutely
prohibited. Time-out will be used as the approved method of discipline. A conference with the parent will
be called if repeated time-outs are used unsuccessfully. We may then request you remove your child. If
this happens you forfeit any monies for that time period.
Custody Arrangements
If there are custody issues with your child, you must provide the center with court papers indicating who
has permission to pick up the child. The center may not deny a parent access to their child without proper
You will be notified when your child is ready to move up to the next classroom. As part of this procedure,
Center staff will develop a transition plan. This plan will include the beginning and ending date of the
transitioning period and include a schedule. The parent will sign the plan. Parents may also request to
have their child transitioned. These requests will be accommodated if it is in the best interest of the child
and Space is available in the new room.
Biting is to be expected due to limited vocabulary, however, repetitive biting will constitute a conference
with parent in which a plan of behavior change will be discussed in conjunction with the home and school
to deter this behavior. If after an acceptable time period and biting continues, your child may be dismissed.
Communication and dialogue with parents is very important. Daily charts are given to parent’s inspection
as to what the child learned, ate, enjoyed, how they behaved, and schedule of bowel movements.
Children arriving to the center from other programs
At times it may be necessary for a child to arrive at the center from another program; School. If a child is
scheduled to arrive and does not, we will first contact the parent to confirm that the child is scheduled to
attend that day, and then we will contact the program that they were to arrive from. We will then consult
with the parent to determine further actions. For this reason, it is very important that parents contact the
center when their child is not going to be attending.
School Delays/Cancellations
Our program will operate a full day program for schoolagers when school is closed for vacations, delays,
and/or cancellations. Closing is up to the Director and only for the safety of your children, during
inclement weather.
Evening care
Our evening child care program has some additional policies. These apply only to the children that attend
after 7pm. For security reasons, Access to our center is limited to only parent/guardians after 7pm. No
other persons will be permitted in the building. Please do not let any unauthorized person in to the center
when you pick up your children.
To assure those children will be appropriately and safely cared for:
All staff will remain awake and children will always be supervised at all times.
There will be adequate lighting so all children can be seen at all times.
The parking areas and hallways will be lighted for safety and security. If you see anything that
you have concerns about, please share this with the administrator so that it may be addressed appropriately.
The evening schedule will be adjusted as needed for individual children’s needs. We will devise a schedule
for each child in consultation with the parent so that bedtime routines are followed on a regular basis. Each
child will have time to brush teeth, wash up, and get ready for bed if parents provide the materials needed.
Lights are out by 9 PM on school nights and 9:30 PM during summer. Boys and girls in separate rooms if
over 12 children in a room.
We offer Preschool classes. Your child must be 3 years old and potty trained to be in a Preschool class.
Both of our Preschools run consecutively throughout the day 6a-6p. Our preschool classes follow the
Creative Curriculum. We also offer community Preschool that is part time.
All preschool children must be FULLY potty trained. There will be no bottles or binkies allowed in the
preschool room. A cup may be brought to keep in the cubby filled with water for if the child gets thirsty
throughout the day. But the water fountain is available all through the day to all children.
Infants and Non-Toilet Trained Toddlers
Parents are responsible to supply enough disposable diapers for their child daily.
The parents will supply their own diaper wipes. Please mark their name clearly on container.
Each child shall have at least 1 complete change of clothes, also marked with name or initials.
We will need written instruction from the parent or guardian for any food served to infants. Amanda’s
Garden will supply Tippy Toes Advance with Iron for the infants. If your child needs to use another
formula, you will need to provide it and have it brought in daily. It must be clearly marked with the date
and time it was prepared. If you would like the center to prepare it, the formula needs to be brought in a
new, original container. All bottles must also be labeled with the child’s name. We must have a can of
formula to be left at center in case we need it.
Each child will use the same crib daily. If your child is only part-time, they will share the crib with another
child (sheets will be changed between children.)
The following charges will be added to your weekly bill if we have to supply the following items.
Diapers $1.00 per diaper
Diaper Wipes .25 per sheet
Sometimes children have accidents and need an extra pair of pants to wear for the day. If you have any
extra pants that you would like to donate to the center, please bring them in to your child’s teacher. Also, if
you have any art supplies or any supplies that might be of use in the classroom, all donations would be
greatly appreciated.
All parents are required to give us a weekly or monthly schedule that you MUST follow. If you need to
switch hours or days, you must call and get it approved with the Director. We schedule staff according to
your schedule so you must give us the right schedule. If you continue to give us schedules that you do not
follow, we have the right to terminate your daycare.
Updated 4/16
Daily Schedules
Our infants make their own schedule according to what the parent requests.
We take time to interact with each infant every day.
We use developmentally appropriate activities daily according to your child’s development.
We document our activities daily on an infant sheet so you are aware of what your child is doing
throughout the day.
Open communication is the most important part of our day. Please feel free to ask about your child’s day.
See our welcome sheet for more information on this room
7:30-9:00 Breakfast/Free Play
9:00-9:30 Circle Time
9:30-10:00 Activity
10:00-10:30 Free Play
10:30-11:00 Outside (weather permitting)
11:00-11:15 Clean up/wash hands
11:15-11:40 Story/Read books
11:40-12:15 Lunch
12:15-12:30 Clean up/get on cots
12:30-2:30 Nap/Quiet Time
2:30-3:00 Snack
3:00-3:15 Circle Time
3:15-3:30 Activity
3:30-4:00 Free Play
4:00-4:45 Outside (weather permitting)
4:45-5:15 Clean up/wash hands
5:15-5:30 Combine with other rooms to get ready for dinner
Things your child will need on their first day of attendance.
A small pillow or blanket for nap.
A complete change of clothes with name inside.
Diapers and diaper wipes-enough for each day with child’s name clearly marked (Infants/non-toilet trained
Parents of infants must be sure we have a feeding schedule on file.
Bathing suit for water play-(no 2 piece suits)-summer.
All forms completed-plus your first weeks tuition and registration fee.
We must have your child’s immunization record before they can start.
Children here after 7:00pm will need the following items in addition to the above list.
1. Wash rag and towel with child’s name on them. Must be taken home daily and returned each day.
2. Toothbrush and toothpaste to stay at center.
3. PJ’s and clean underwear or age appropriate items.
Occasionally blankets, shoes, cups etc. will get lost—by putting your Childs’ name on their items it is much
easier to find them.
Center Parent Information
Required by the Ohio Administrative Code
This Facility is licensed to operate legally by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. This
license is posted in a conspicuous place for review.
A toll-free number is listed on the facility’s license and may be used to report a suspected violation of the
licensing law or administrative rules. The licensing law and rules governing child care are available for
review at the facility upon request.
The administrator and each employee of the facility is required, under section 2151.421 of the Ohio
Revised Code, ORC, to report their suspicions of child abuse or child neglect to the local public children’s
services agency.
All employees must follow Ohio Rule 5101:2-12-22 "Child Guidance and Management in Licensed Child
Care Centers."
Any parent, custodian, or guardian of a child enrolled in the facility shall be permitted unlimited access to
the facility during all hours of operation for the purpose of contacting children, evaluating the care provided
by the facility, or evaluating the premises. Upon entering the premises, the parent, or guardian shall notify
the Administrator of his/her presence.
Rosters of the names and telephone numbers of the parents or guardians of the children attending the
facility are available upon request. The parent roster will not include the name or phone number of any
parent who requests that his/her name and telephone number not be included.
The licensing inspection reports and complaint investigation reports for the current licensing period are
posted in a conspicuous place in the facility for review.
The licensing record including compliance report forms, complaint investigation reports, and evaluation
forms from the building and fire departments are available for review upon request from the Ohio
Department of Job and Family Services. The department’s website is .
It is unlawful for the facility to discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, or national origin, or disability in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
104 Stat. 32, 42 U.S.C. 1210 et. seq.
* This information must be given in writing to all parents, guardians, and employees as required in 5101.60
of the Ohio Administrative Code.
Added 12/30/16
* We will accept enrollment from any family refusing consent to transport for emergency treatment,
provided the center is supplied with at least two emergency contacts within 10 minutes of the center. If you
cannot provide emergency contacts for your child; EMS will be notified and will remain at the center with
your child until someone can come pick them up.
*If your infant is breastfed and you would like to feed them here; the Inchworm room, next to the director’s
office, is available for use. You may either feed or pump in this area or the downstairs employee office.
*No child under the age of 12 months will be allowed to have anything in the crib with them at any time.
Children over 12 months may have a thin receiving type blanket but that is all they will be allowed to have
in their crib.
*If you would like to review our most recent state visits please visit and search for early learning programs on the left hand side of
the screen. Type in Amanda’s Garden in Portage County Ohio and you will be able to view our visits.
This day care facility participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), a Federal program
that provides healthy meals and snacks to children receiving day care.
Each day more than 2.6 million children participate in CACFP at child care homes and centers across the
country. Providers are reimbursed for serving nutritious meals which meet USDA requirements. The
program plays a vital role in improving the quality of day care and making it more affordable for low-income
Meals CACFP homes and centers follow meal requirements established by USDA.
Participating Facilities Many different homes and centers operate CACFP and share the common goal of
bringing nutritious meals and snacks to participants.
Child Care Centers: Licensed or approved public or private nonprofit child care Centers, Head Start
programs, and some for-profit centers.
Family Child Care Homes: Licensed or approved private homes.
After School Care Programs: Centers in low-income areas provide free snacks to School-age children
and youth.
Emergency Shelters: Programs providing meals to homeless children.
Eligibility State agencies reimburse facilities that offer non-residential day care to the following children:
Children age 12 and under,
Migrant children age 15 and younger, and
Youths through 18 in emergency shelters and after school care programs in needy areas.
Contact Information: If you have questions about CACFP, please contact one of the following:
Nondiscrimination: The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers,
employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex,
gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental
status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance
program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded
by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.)
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complain Form, found online at, or at any
USDA office, or call (866)632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the
information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington,
D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202)690-7442 or email at [email protected].
Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal
Relay Service at (800)877-8339; or (800)845-6136 (Spanish). This institution is an equal opportunity
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
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A model for Quality Child Care
Why is a Primary Caregiver Model Best for
According to this model of care, a teacher has a primary responsibility for an assigned number of children
within the larger classroom group. One goal is to ensure the continuity of adults who work with children,
particularly infants and toddlers. This principle is important enough to be included in the criteria for high
quality early childhood programs. As stated in the Accreditation Criteria & Procedures of the National
Academy of Early Childhood Programs (the department of NAEYC that administers the accreditation
Each staff member has primary responsibility for and develops a deeper attachment to an identified group
of children… Young children develop optimally through close, affectionate relationships with other people,
particularly adults. The development of relationships is particularly important for infants. Staff should be
able to emotionally bond with children while recognizing what the child’s primary attachment is with the
parents (pg. 24).
Primary Care giving makes sense based on what we know about the development of young children. Their
efforts to establish a trusting relationship with the world around them are enhanced by creating significant
relationships with a few caring adults. By focusing primarily on a designated group of children in the
classroom, teachers can best stimulate the infancy, although clearly toddlers and preschoolers can also
benefit from some system of primary care.
Giving up their young child’s care to another person requires a parents a significant level of trust. That trust
in best cultivated by establishing with them a one-to-one, parent-to-teacher relationship. This primary Care
giving arrangement maximizes each family’s connection to and comfort with our child care program. It also
reassures them that there is someone who will be especially focused on their child’s developmental
progress and needs.
Primary Care giving in no way should replace the team approach in any classroom. By assigning children
to a particular teacher, we are asking that individual to assume primary responsibility, not total
Community Resource Page
Financial Assistance:
1. Portage County ODJFS 330-297-3750 or 1-800-876-9544 Fax 330-297-3439 (449 South Meridian St. 2nd Floor, Ravenna, Ohio
Early Intervention/Education
1. Portage County Development Disabilities Board 330-297-6209
(2606 Brady Lake Rd, Ravenna, Ohio 44266)
1. Portage County Community Health Center 330-673-1016 (1993 St. Rt. 59, Kent,
1. Portage Pediatrics 330-297-8824 (6847 N. Chestnut St. #200 Ravenna, Ohio 44266)
Added 10/15/2018