Antioxidant Activity by DPPH Radical Scavenging Method of Ageratum Conyzoides Linn. Leaves
Antioxidant Activity by DPPH Radical Scavenging Method of Ageratum Conyzoides Linn. Leaves
Antioxidant Activity by DPPH Radical Scavenging Method of Ageratum Conyzoides Linn. Leaves
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American Journal of Ethnomedicine ________________________________________ ISSN: 2348-9502
radical becomes paired off in the presence of the residue were dried in a desiccator over
a hydrogen donor (e.g., a free radical- Sodium sulphite. After this, practical yield
scavenging antioxidant) and is reduced to was weighed and calculated as 2.5 gm, 1.5
the DPPHH and as consequence the gm and 3 gm for pet. ether, chloroform and
absorbance’s decreased from the DPPH.6 ethanol extracts respectively.
Radical to the DPPH-H form, results in
decolorization (yellow colour) with respect Evaluation of antioxidant activity by DPPH
to the number of electrons captured.7 More radical scavenging method
the decolorization more is the reducing Free radical scavenging activity of
ability. This test has been the most accepted different extracts of leaves and flowers of
model for evaluating the free radical Ageratum conyzoides Linn. plant were
scavenging activity of any new drug.8 When measured by 1, 1- diphenyl-2-picryl
a solution of DPPH is mixed with that of a hydrazyl (DPPH). In brief, 0.1 mM solution
substance that can donate a hydrogen atom, of DPPH in ethanol was prepared. This
then this gives rise to the reduced form solution (1 ml) was added to 3 ml. of
(Diphenylpicrylhydrazine; non radical) with different extracts in ethanol at different
the loss of this violet colour (although there concentration (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 µg/ml).
would be expected to be a residual pale Here, only those extracts are used which are
yellow colour from the picryl group still Solubilise in ethanol and their various
present).9 concentrations were prepared by dilution
This plant has been reported to method.14 The mixture was shaken
possess antioxidant properties.10 So, this vigorously and allowed to stand at room
study has been undertaken to evaluate temp for 30 min. then, absorbance was
Ageratum conyzoides Linn. plant for their measured at 517 nm. by using
possible potential to antioxidant action by spectrophotometer (UV-VIS Shimadzu).15
DPPH scavenging method.11 Reference standard compound being used
was ascorbic acid and experiment was done
MATERIALS AND METHODS in triplicate.16 The IC 50 value of the
sample, which is the concentration of
Ageratum conyzoides Linn. plant sample required to inhibit 50% of the
species along with leaves and flowers were DPPH free radical, was calculated using Log
collected from the local areas of dehradun dose inhibition curve. Lower absorbance of
along road side. Then, this plant was the reaction mixture indicated higher free
identified and authenticated from Botanical radical activity.17 The percent DPPH
survey of india, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) scavenging effect was calculated by using
under accession no.- 114004. following equation:
DPPH scavenging effect (%) or
Extraction Percent inhibition = A0 - A 1 / A0 × 100.
Shade dried leaves and flowers part Where A0 was the Absorbance of
of this plant were pulverized and about 100 control reaction and A1 was the Absorbance
gms of powdered leaves and flowers were in presence of test or standard sample.18
extracted with increasing order of polarity
solvents series starting from Pet. ether, RESULTS
Chloroform, Ethanol via soxhlet apparatus
by successive hot continuous percolation The leaves and flowers ethanolic
method.13 At last, all extracts were extract of this plant showed better
concentrated in a rotary flash evaporator and antioxidant potential when compare to
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American Journal of Ethnomedicine ________________________________________ ISSN: 2348-9502
pharmacy education & research, vol-1, 19. Kong, C, Hu, F, Xu, X, “Allelopathic
2011, 52-68. poential and Chemical constituents of
17. Koleva, I.I, Beek, T.A.V, et al, “Screening volatiles from Ageratum conyzoides under
of Plant Extracts for Antioxidant Activity: a stress”, J Chem Ecol, 2002, 28(6), 1773-82.
Comparative Study on Three Testing 20. Tailor, C.S, Goyal, Anju, “A
Methods” Phytochemical analysis, 2002, Comprehensive Review on Ageratum
vol-13, 8-17. conyzoides Linn. (Goat weed)” Int. journal
18. Achola, KJ, et al, "Bronchodilating and of Pharmaceutical & Phytopharmacological
uterine activities of Ageratum conyzoides research. 2012, 1(6), 391-395.
extract”, Pharmaceutical Biology, 36(2),
1998, 93-96.
Table 1. Absorbance of different extract of Ageratum conyzoides. linn with standard ascorbic
acid at 517 nm by uv visible spectorphotometer (dpph scavenging assay method)
Concentration Ascorbic acid
Pet ether (Abs) AlcE (Abs)
(µg/ml) (Abs)
5 0.2380 0.2421 0.2440
10 0.1719 0.2428 0.2420
15 0.0469 0.2440 0.2180
20 0.0415 0.2379 0.1619
25 0.0410 0.2218 0.1420
30 0.0390 0.2386 0.0989
Control: 0.2444
Table 2. % inhibition of different extract of Ageratum conyzoides Linn. with ascorbic acid
Concentration Ascorbic acid Pet. ether Alc. E
(µg/ml) (% Inhibition) (% Inhibition) (% Inhibition)
5 2.61% 0.99% 0.16%
10 29.66% 0.65% 0.98%
15 80.8% 0.16% 10.80%
20 83.01% 2.65% 33.75%
25 83.22% 9.24% 41.89%
30 84.02% 2.37% 59.53%
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