Cost Estimation Manual For Low Rise Buildings: Bureau of Construction
Cost Estimation Manual For Low Rise Buildings: Bureau of Construction
Cost Estimation Manual For Low Rise Buildings: Bureau of Construction
2 2 NOV 2011
DEPARTMENT ORDER ) SUBJECT: Cost Estimation Manual for Low
Rise Buildings
NO. 137 l
Series of 201~ ~.""'"'7
In line with the Department's Quality Policy to implement projects at the right cost, all
Implementing Offices are hereby directed to adopt the herein Cost Estimation Manual
for Low Rise Buildings in the determination of unit cost of Pay Items of Work involved in
the construction and repair/retrofitting of low rise building projects.
This Manual aims to enhance the technical capability of DPWH engineers in the preparation
and review of Program of Works (POW) and Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) and to
establish consistency in the format of preparation and serve as a uniform basis/reference in
the derivation of unit cost for each item of work. It shall be distributed to all concerned
offices of the Department and uploaded in the DPWH Intranet.
This Order shall be consistent with the implementation of D.O. No. 163, Series of 2015
"Standard Forms of Program of Works (POW) and Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)"
with modification on its format and description of item numb8'r and scope of works (Annex
A) to conform with the DPWH Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures, Volume
III (Buildings, Ports and Harbors, Flood Control and Drainage Structures and Water Supply
Systems) and Standardized Pay Items of Work for Buildings as embodied in D.O. OS, Series
of 2017.
6.1.3 CSSD/BOC
Depa,trrent of Public Works and Highways
Office of the Secretary
Consistent with its commitment to excellence, the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) has continuously formulated and developed guides and techniques in
various fields of the construction process. This is to ensure the highest standards of outputs
at the right cost. The DPWH has always endeavored to standardize all its processes to
facilitate prompt and efficient response to the needs of the Filipino people.
This Cost Estimation Manual for Low Rise Buildings provides Standard Cost Sheets for
common pay items of work in building construction in accordance with the DPWH Standard
Specifications for Public Structures (Volume III). This manual was purposely developed to
provide uniform reference/basis in unit cost estimation and in the preparation of Program of
Works (POW) and Approved Budget of Contract (ABC) in tt1e implementation of various
DPWH infrastructure projects.
Department of Public Works and Highways
Office of the Secretary