Pour Point Calculation
Pour Point Calculation
Pour Point Calculation
Approved by,
(Mazuin bt Jasamai)
This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in this project, that the
original work is my own except as specified in the references and
acknowledgements, and that the original work contained herein have not been
undertaken or done by unspecified sources or persons.
Special appreciation to UTP technicians such as Mr. Hazry and Mr. Shahrul
whom have been giving helpful hands in obtaining equipment and apparatus. Also,
thanks to the UTP FYP Committee Group especially the coordinator, Ms. Siti Sarah
Salehudin and the Petroleum Engineering Department for their support and
cooperation. Not to forget an appreciation to PRSB and PPM for providing crude
oils sample to be tested in this project.
Last but not least, I owe my sincere appreciation to my friends and family
members for always providing me courage and supporting me mentally and morally
to finish my final year period.
The petroleum industry has facing great challenges in all aspects such as wax
deposition. Transportation and production of waxy crude oil has becomes major
operational problem that is needed to be solved. The wax deposition along the
surface facilities occurred due to the ambient temperature of the crude oil drop below
the crude oil pour point. Therefore, determining crude oil pour point is very
significant and important in solving this problem. Tilt method is a conventional
method in measuring crude oil pour point in petroleum industry. However, rotational
method is an alternative developed in obtaining the crude oil pour point. Pre-
treatment is a crucial process subjected to crude oil in ensuring the pour point of the
crude oil that obtained is reliable and accurate before measurement of pour point is
conducted. In this project, the pre-treatment is varied in term of settling time and
pre-heating temperature which will be resulted in the crystallization process of wax.
As the samples have undergone pre-treatment, the pour point of crude oil is
measured by using rotational method and tilt method in comparing the value of pour
point obtained from varied pre-heating temperature, settling time and different
measurement methods.
Waxy crude oil is defined as the crude oil contains high amount of paraffin
wax that made up the component of the crude oil which is exhibited by high pour
point of the crude oil. The pour point of the crude oil is the lowest temperature of the
crude to flow. The crude oil is ceased to flow as the ambient temperature of the
crude oil is drop below the pour point due to the precipitation of wax. The wax
deposition can also be influenced by the changes in pressure and composition of
crude oil. Wax can be existed in gas, liquid and solid state depending on the
temperature and pressure of the surrounding.
Paraffin molecules are constituents of crude oil which are soluble under
reservoir temperature and pressure. As the equilibrium of the composition is being
disturbed due to the reduction of temperature and pressure of the flowing stream, the
wax tends to precipitate. The wax molecule is an extended discrete entity when the
temperature of the oil is above the pour point, once the temperature declines; it has
been proposed that the wax molecules join either with similar molecules or with
other surfaces.
The high pour point of crude oil will caused the deposition of wax
inproduction tubing, flowlines, pipelines and storage tank. The deposition of wax in
the pipelines can have greater impact on the production of the crude oil,
transportation of crude oil especially in pipeline and in the storage tank. Waxy crude
oil is difficult to be transported from the offshore to the onshore terminal via subsea
pipeline, especially in cold weather due to the temperature of seabed falls below the
pour point of the crude oil. Therefore, measuring the pour point of crude oil is
significant in preventing such problems in production, transportation and storage of
In petroleum industry, there are several standards that have been used to
measure the pour point. The most common standards by American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM) International are ASTM D97 (for petroleum
products) and ASTM D5853 (for crude oils) which both of these standards use the
tilt method. The establish methods that available are ASTM D5950 (automatic tilt
method), ASTM D5985 (rotational method) and ASTM D7346 (no flow point, air
pressure method). These different methods differ mainly in their accuracy, amount of
time needed and sample amount of crude oil. It is well known that the rotational
method is not being intended to be used to measure the pour point of crude oil. Thus,
one of the purposes of conducting this project is to find out on how the rotational
method works on measuring crude oil pour point.
Crude oil that is stored at temperature below the pour pointwill cause wax
deposition on the walls of the container.Hence, proper pre-treatment is needed to be
carried out for obtaining reliable result of the crude oil pour point. The pre-treatment
is conducted by heating the crude sample to a temperature above the expected pour
point. The crude oil is then let to cool for certain period of time in order for the
crystallization of wax to equilibrate. By taking this step, the complete solubility of
the wax can be achieved and thus, the pour point that obtained is reliable and more
1.2 Problem Statement
The conventional standard test in determining crude oil pour point is tilt
method (ASTM D5853) which according to the method, the crude oil isstrongly
disturbed due to the physical handling of the crude oil sample during the
measurement. Thus, the tilting action might affect the wax crystallization process
and causing the pour point measurement inaccurate.
In this project, the crude oil is tested with modified pre-treatment process
before the pour point of the crude oil is determined. As the pre-treatment process has
been done, the pour point of the crude oil will be measured by using rotational
method according to ASTM D5985. The results of modified pre-treatment will be
analyzed and the performance shown by the rotational method will be evaluated and
compared to the tilt method.
a) To study the effect of modified pre-treatment process towards the pour point
of crude oil in term of pre-heating temperature and settling time.
b) To find out the accuracy of rotational method in measuring crude oil pour
c) To compare the effectiveness of rotational method with tilt method.
1.4 Relevancy of the Project
1.5 Feasibility of the Study within the Scope and Time Frame
All of the objectives stated above are achievable and feasible within scope
and time frame. This project comprises of laboratory work. The project will be
conducted within 4 months which will be executed on September 2013 to December
2013. The crude oil sample will be obtained from the oil field. All of the tools that
are required for this project will be prepared before this project started.
Figure 1: Wax Crystallization
Retrieved fromhttp://www.quorumtech.com/image-gallery/cryo-sem-images/materials-general
The wax deposition in the tubing may cause the internal diameter of the
tubing to be reduced and thus, reducing the production rate of crude oil. The wax is
also able to settle down inside the surface facilities such as choke and separator
which will cause the integrity of the equipment in doubt. As the wax deposits in the
pipeline, it will cause the pumping problems and reducing the pumpability of the
pipe to flow the crude oil. As consequence, high pressure will be needed to transport
the crude oil through the pipeline. At certain point, the deposition of wax will be
critical and therefore, maintenance and services should be conducted which will
consume high cost. In order to maintain and fix the facilities, the production of crude
oil will be shut down and therefore, causing loss of profit.
On the whole, the presence of the solid waxes will causes several major
problems which are, its accumulation on the walls reduces the flowline section,
causing the blockage of filters, valves and pipelines, and reducing or even stopping
oil production or transport(Coto, Pena, Espada, Robustillo and Martos, 2008).
Pour point is defined as the lowest temperature at which the liquid will
continue to flow, when cooling takes place under certain condition (Cerić, 2012). It
is also referred as the lowest temperature at which the oil is still flowing and
operating (Harnoy, 2002). According to Hyne, waxy crude oil contains significant
amount of paraffin wax in the crude oil which is indicated by pour point of the crude
oil. The pour point of crude oil is the temperature level which indicated the crude oil
is flowing unsatisfactorily. Morrison and Murphy stated that the pour point of crude
oil may be varies from -60oC to 30oC. However, Hyne stated that the crude oil pour
point is in between -60oC to 52oC. The crude oil will be ceased to flow as it is cooled
down below the pour point which is caused by the formation of paraffin wax in the
crude oil.
temperature of the reservoir is 30oC and thus, the crude oil will be in liquid state in
the reservoir condition. Therefore, the crude oil is mobile and flow under the
condition. On the other hand, if the pour point of the crude oil is 30oC and the
reservoir temperature is 20oC, thus the crude oil will be immobile (Speight, 2013).
Generally, heavy oil has high molecular weight of hydrocarbons, in the range
of C40 to C120 which problems related to the deposition of paraffin waxes (Thanh et
al., 1999)8. Therefore, the high pour point of crude oil is originally referred to heavy
oil that has high wax content. According to Speight, heavy oil exhibited high pour
point and high melting point which resulted to the poor of fluid properties of the oil
and therefore, causing the low mobility of the heavy oil. However, the high pour
point also could be exhibited by light crude oil with high amount of paraffin content.
The pour point generally measured on stock tank oil (STO) samples and the
crude sample is considered as dead oil. According to Karan and Ratulowski, the
operational decision with respect to wax deposition and pipeline restartability is easy
to take when the temperatures encountered are above the measured dead oil pour
point. However, the seabed temperature is much lower than the dead oil pour point at
the offshore fields and subsea transportation. Under these circumstances, the crude
oil is not only exhibited high pressure but also contained solution gas and is referred
as live oil. It is a common practice to measure the pour point on the STO due to the
expensive downhole tool and lack of laboratory apparatus and techniques that able to
handle the high pressure of live oil. It is also known that the properties of live oil and
dead oil are different from each other.
therefore causing the disturbed to the sample which influencing the crystallization
process of the crude sample. The cooling rate of these methods is quite slow as it
depends on the ASTM specification. The thermal behavior experienced by crude
sample cannot be observed by this method. The automatic air pressure method is
conducted by applying pressurized air towards the surface of the sample in every 1oC
or 3oC. This will disturbed the crystallization process and also the accuracy is
depending of the tests limits at 1oC or 3oC. According to pressure differential
method, the pressure change of a closed area of the test specimen is measured.
However, the real flow of the crude sample sometimes cannot be obtained due to the
density change during crystallization.
The pour point of crude oil will be measured as the oil that have been
produced from reservoir and transporting the crude oil through the pipeline,
particularly the pipeline beneath the sea bed. According to McAleese, the pour point
is determined during the crude oil sample is obtained from the logging activities
which it will be tested if there is pour point problem of the crude oil viaASTM –
D97-96A. To conduct pour point test in order to determine the pour point is below or
above certain critical value, a temporary ice bath is designed to obtain data whether
the crude oil is pourable at a specific temperature and ASTM procedure will not be
followed. If the critical temperature obtained is near the critical temperature of sea
bed temperature, then the ASTM procedure will be followed. McAleese suggested
that the crude oil should be pre-heated to the reservoir temperature before the pour
point is carried out.
In the early days, the tilt method is done in measuring the pour point. The procedure
is started asthe crude oil is placed inside a thin-walled Pyrex tube and the crude oil is
heated approximately 30 minutes in ensuring the waxes is in liquid state. After the
crude oil sample is heated, the thermometer is placed inside the tube and immersed
in the crude oil sample by fitting it with a cork. The next step is the tube containing
the crude oil sample is turned and held at 90o angle to the upright for 5 seconds. The
movement of the fluid is observed and recorded. The process is repeated by
decreasing the temperature by 5oF as the temperature drops. As the crude oil sample
has equilibrated at room temperature, the sample is cooled by placing it in a
refrigerated system to a critical temperature at which the crude oil sample will be no
longer flow as the tube is held at 90o to the upright for 5 seconds. The temperature
which the crude oil sample is no longer flow is recorded as the pour point of the
crude oil sample (Becker, 1997).
By using rotational method, the pour point of the crude oil can be determined
with an accuracy of 0.1oC.The determination of crude oil sample pour point by an
automatic instrument and continuously rotates the test specimen against a suspended
detection device during cooling of the crude oil sample. According to Nadkarni, this
test method includes the range of temperatures from -57oC to 51oC.The test precision
of rotational method has shown repeatability of 2.3oC and reproducibility of 8.7oC.
The temperature measurement will be conducted inside the crude oil sample and
hence, the thermal behavior of the crude oil sample can be observed during cooling
down process through the temperature/time graph. With the assist of graphical data,
the cooling curve will be able to represent the appearance of cloud point and
therefore, the pour point can be determined. By using this method, the crude oil
sample will not be disturbed mechanically and thus, increase the reproducibility of
the measurement.
The US Patent 3498104 has stated that, the rotational method is a method
when a body of cylindrical block with temperature sensor is partly immersed into the
test sample and the cup sample is capable to move at least one direction. In addition,
the liquid and the body is able to be moved relatively to each other in such a way
that a force generated which partly determines the deflection of the body. As the
temperature of the liquid has drops to temperature near the pour point, the liquid will
exert larger force due to normal rise in viscosity at decreasing temperature.
2.7 Pre-Treatment
According to ASTM D5853, the crude oil cannot be heated more than 60oC
as the temperature higher than that will cause the vapor pressure to exceed 100kPa.
Under this condition, the sample container may rupture and might cause possible
injury to the personnel. Opening of the container will cause the foaming with
resultant loss of the crude sample. The standard procedure also stated that the pour
point of a crude oil is depends on the crystallization state of the wax. In order to
achieve equilibrium between crystallized wax and dissolved wax, the process may
consume lot of time as it is a very slow process. By experience, the equilibrium is
achieved when the crude oil sample is hold for settling process for 24 hours.
In order to achieve complete wax solubility, the crude oil should be heated to
a temperature above the expected cloud point and expected pour point. Based on the
ASTM guide, the temperature of 20oC above the expected pour point will usually
satisfy the cloud point requirement.
• Robust plan on how to conduct the project methodology and the procedure
of performing the experiment.
• Measuring the crude oil pour point by using rotational method and tilt
Monitoring • Observing and monitoring the temperature changes due to different pre-
Method treatment and different measurement methods.
• Analyze findings from the results obtained and justify the different values
yield from different pre-treatment and different methods.
Analysis and • Analyze the value differences between tilr method and rotational method.
3.2.1 Pre-Treatment
1. The crude oilsample is poured into the test tube with fixed volume which is
2. Water bath is boiled to 65oC for heating process of crude sample.
3. The test tubecontained crude oil sample is closed with the cork carrying
4. The thermometer and test tube is adjusted to be coaxial and the thermometer
bulb is immersed to a depth which is 3 mm below the surface of the crude oil
5. The crude oil sample is heated in water bath to a temperature higher than the
expected pour point which is approximately 60oC.
6. After the temperature reached specified temperature, the crude oil sample is
continuously heated for 30 minutes but not exceed 60oC in ensuring wax
bonding are completely broken.
7. As the heating process completed, the crude oil sample is kept at room
temperature (between 18 and 24oC) for 24 hours before measurement
Note: The steps are repeated with the sample is kept at room temperature for 6, 12,
and 18 hours.
Preparation of Samples at 80oC
1. The crude oil sample is poured into the test tube with fixed volume which is
2. Water bath is boiled to 65oC for heating process of crude sample.
3. The test tubecontained crude oil sampleis closed with the cork carrying
4. The thermometer and test tube is adjusted to be coaxial and the thermometer
bulb is immersed to a depth which is 3 mm below the surface of the crude oil
5. The crude oil sample is heated in water bath to a temperature higher than the
expected pour point which is approximately 60oC.
6. After the temperature reached specified temperature, the crude oil sample is
continuously heated for 30 minutes but not exceed 60oC in ensuring wax
bonding are completely broken.
7. As the heating process completed, the crude oil sample is kept at room
temperature (between 18 and 24oC) for 24 hours before measurement
Note: The steps are repeated with the sample is kept at room temperature for 6, 12,
and 18 hours.
3.2.2Pour Point Measurement
1. The crude oil sample is inserted into test sample cup gently.
2. The crude oil sample cup is inserted into the PPT while the coaxial, tiltable
bedded temperature sensor is dipped into the crude oil sample and the crude
oil sample cup is set to a slow rotation of about 0.1 r/ min.
3. The program is initiated as the heating temperature of the crude oil sample is
set to 45oC and the frequency of measurement is set to 3 cycles.
4. As the temperature of the crude oil sample has reached 45oC, the crude oil
sample is cooled with constant temperature differential between the cooling
block and the crude oil sample by the flowing and circulating water inside the
5. The temperature gradient that is displayed in temperature/time-graph is
observed which shown the thermal behavior of the sample via WinPPT
6. As the pour point of the crude oilsample has reached (with increasing of
viscosity), the temperature sensor is moved out of its position and the light
barrier is triggered.
7. The temperature of the crude oil sample at the condition is recorded as the
pour point of the crude oil sample with resolution of 0.1oC.
18 Tilt Method
1. Water bath is boiled to 50oC for heating processof the crude oil sample.
2. The crude oil sample is heated to 45oC shortly in the water bathin order to
melt down the wax deposition inside test tube. .
3. As the temperature of the crude oil sample has reached 45oC, the crude oil
sample is left to be cooled till 9oC from the expected pour point at the room
4. The crude oil sample is immersed into the water bath with temperature of
24oCfor cooling process of the crude oil sample to take place.
5. Every 3oC drop in temperature of the crude oil sample, the test tubeis tilted
90ofor 5 seconds until the crude oil sample is no longer flowing.
6. The temperature of crude oil sample at which the crude oil freeze due to wax
deposition is reported as freezing point and pour point reading is recorded at
the nearest interval 3oC of the freezing point.
Note: The steps are repeated 3 times in obtaining 3 pour point reading of the crude
3.3 Gantt Chart
Activities / Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Selection of Project
Project Planning
Research/ Literature
Extended Proposal
Proposal Defense
Submission of Draft
of Interim Report/
Draft of Project
Submission of Interim
Report / Project
Week Activities
5 Completion of preliminary research work
7 Submission of Extended Proposal
9 Completion of Proposal Defense
12 Confirmation of sample and procedure of project
13 Submission of Interim Draft Report
14 Submission of Interim Report
Week Activities
Crude oil
Test jar
Test tube
Measuring cylinder
Water bath
PSL Systemtechnik GmbH; Pour Point Tester (PPT)
Figure 6: PSL Systemtechnik GmbH; Pour Point Tester (PPT)
Retrieved from http://www.psl-systemtechnik.de/pour_point_tester_knowledge.html?&L=1&print=1
The result of this project is presented in the tables below. Table 5 below
shows the result of tilt method meanwhile Table 6 recorded the result of rotational
method in measuring crude oil pour point. In both methods, the pour point of the
crude oil are reported in 6 hours interval of settling time as mentioned in the
procedure and each of settling time is divided into 2 pre-heating temperature which
are 60oC and 80oC. Both of the methods measured 3 cycles of crude oil pour point in
order to obtain average freezing point (FP) and average pour point (PP) reading in
reducing errors.Since the standard pour point measurement is read at interval 3oC,
the results below consist the reading of freezing point which represent the
temperature of crude oil when it’s no longer flowing. Therefore, the freezing point of
the crude oil is more significant to use in order to compare the result of different
settling time, different pre-heating temperature and different measurement methods.
Tilt Method
Temp. (oC) 24 18 12 6
/Time (sec)
60 FP 27 26 26 27 27 26 27 27 27 27 28 28
PP 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
80 FP 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 27 28 28 28 28
PP 27 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Table 4: Tilt Method Measurement
Rotational Method
Temp. (oC) 24 18 12 6
/Time (sec)
60 FP 26.8 27.3 27.3 27.4 27.4 27.6 27.6 27.9 27.7 27.9 28.3 28.1
PP 27 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
80 FP 27.1 27.7 27.8 27.4 27.7 28.0 28.2 28.3 28.3 28.5 28.7 28.4
PP 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Table 5: Rotational Method Measurement
4.1.1Average Freezing Point
Tilt Method
Rotational Method
The graphs below are correlated to the result of rotational method in Table 5.
The graphs are temperature/time graph displayed in WinPPT Software as the time is
represent time taken for crude oil to achieve pour point.
60oC pre-heating temperature / 6 hours settling time
80oC pre-heating temperature / 18 hours settling time
80oC pre-heating temperature / 6 hours settling time
4.2 Analysis& Discussion
From the graphs, it shows that the 80oC has recorded higher freezing point
compared to 60oC. Since the settling time has been varied to 6 hours interval, all of
the 60oC samples exhibited lower average freezing point compared to the 80oC
samples.Therefore, it could be pre-concluded that the higher the pre-heating
temperature, the higher the freezing point of the crude oil. In order to prove the
theory, the samples that are measured by tilt method also exhibited the same result as
the rotational method.
4.2.2 Settling Time
The graphs below are plotted from the values in Table 5 and Table 6,
showing the value of average freezing point of every crude oil samples that have
been undergone different settling time which are 24 hours, 18 hours, 12 hours and 24
Figure 18: Pour Point Value for Different Settling Time (Rotational Method)
Figure 19: Pour Point Value for Different Settling Time (Tilt Method)
Based on the graphs above, it shows that the result for 24 hours samples is
the lowest compare to other samples. The 24 hours is considered as the standard
settling time for the equilibrium of the wax to achieve. As the settling time has been
decreased to 6 hours, the pour point of the crude oil has increased. Therefore, settling
time has given significant effect to the pour point of the crude oil. This is proven as
both of pre-heating temperature (60oC and 80oC) has shown same trending when the
settling time of the crude oil has been reduced to 6 hours. Besides, tilt method and
rotational have recorded the same results which shown the increment of the pour
point as the settling decreased.
This phenomenon occurred due to the crystallized wax and dissolved wax
which is not equilibrium as the settling time has become shorter. As the cooling
process take place, the 6 hours samples tend to precipitate the wax faster compared
to 24 hours and thus, the time taken for the crude oil to achieve pour point is lower.
This will lead to the increase in viscosity of the crude oil and therefore, higher pour
point. In discussing the standard settling time which is 24 hours, the amount of time
taken is long enough for the crude oil sample to achieve equilibrium between
crystallized wax and dissolved wax as the cooling process take place. The
equilibrium condition will delay the increase in viscosity and therefore, the time
taken to achieve pour point is longer. This will result in lower pour point.
4.2.3 Measurement Methods
The conventional method which is tilt method is used in order to compare the
results yield by rotational in order to determine its accuracy and effectiveness. From
the results obtained, the following graphs are plotted:
Temperature [oC]
27 Tilt Method
Rotational Method
0 6 12 18 24 30
Settling Time [hours]
Figure 20: Comparison of Rotational Method and Tilt Method for 60oC
Temperature [oC]
0 6 12 18 24 30
Settling Time [hours]
Figure 21: Comparison of Rotational Method and Tilt Method for 80oC
According to the graphs shown above, the rotational method has presented
slightly higher average freezing point reading compare to tilt method. One of the
reasons that causing the differential is the resolution of rotational method is
0.1oCmeanwhile the tilt method is 1oC. Therefore, the rotational method is more
accurate in term of resolution. The way of handling the tilt method is also affecting
the results of the freezing point. During the experiment conducted, the crude samples
might be mechanically disturbed which affect the wax deposition and crystallization
process of wax. The tilt action might cause the freezing point of tilt method slightly
incorrect as the crude sample is tilt 90ofor a few times before the crude sample
Meanwhile, the rotational method measures the pour point inside the cup
container and tested with cylinder shaped sensor. The way of measuring is able to
avoid the mechanical action like the tilt method as the crude sample is not tilted for
90o. The cup container will be rotated against the cylinder shaped sensor during the
measuring process and stop once the freezing point achieved. The rotations of the
cup container might have less effect towards the crude oil pour point compared to
the tilt action.
The rotational method is applicable to measure the pour point crude oil as the
differential of the freezing point temperature is very small which is about 1 oC at
maximum. By referring to both of the graphs above, the tilt method and rotational
method have same pattern of decreasing and the gap of temperature between the two
lines at every point is constant and not overlapping with each other.
4.3 Percentage Error
Rotational Method
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 1.45%
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 1.48%
Tilt Method
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 1.52%
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 2.43%
From the observation, the 6 hours settling time of the crude oil has shown the
biggest percentage different among the other 2 samples. The 12 hours and 18 hours
crude sample has shown the percentage error less than 3% which are 1.45%, 1.48%,
1.52% and 2.43%. The percentage of different for 12 hours sample that is measured
by tilt method is quite big compared to 12 hours sample that is measured by
rotational. The possible reason is the resolution of rotational method is smaller
compared to tilt method which gives the different value and thus, high percentage of
4.3.2 Measurement Methods
In comparing the rotational method with tilt method, the percentage error is
calculated to show the percentage of different between the two methods. All of the
samples will be calculated by subtracting the value of freezing point at specified pre-
heating temperature and specified settling time of tilt method with rotational method.
The calculation is as below;
60oC Samples
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 5.22%
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 3.00%
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 2.59%
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 2.93%
80oC Samples
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 3.0%
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 2.59%
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 2.66%
80oC pre-heating temperature / 6 hours settling time
Percentage error (%) = x 100
= 3.26%
In conclusion, the main idea of this project is to study the effect of pre-
treatment towards the crude oil pour point. The pre-treatment is a process that is
required to be conducted based on the standard of using tilt method (ASTM D5853)
that involved pre-heating the crude sample and hold the crude sample before the
pour point is measured for crude oil to settle. Thus, this project is conducted to study
the thermal behavior by varying the pre-heating temperature to 80oC and the settling
time to 6 hours interval. Besides, rotational method is used in this project in order to
compare the effectiveness of the method in measuring the crude oil pour point.
From the data obtained, it can be concluded that the best pre-heating
temperature is at 60oC at maximum. As discussion mentioned above, the 60oC is set
as the maximum pre-heating temperature in order to prevent the light molecular
component of wax to evaporate which will caused inaccuracy towards the pour point
reading. The results show that the increment of the pre-heating temperature will
increase the pour point of the crude oil. Thus, increasing of pour point will increase
the percentage error and therefore, the pour point reading will be incorrect.
In studying the crude oil pour point, it is involved the crude oil that recovered
from the reservoir. Therefore, the crude oil produced might also contained high
amount of light gas such as methane and known as live oil. Study need to be made in
measuring the pour point of live oil since the presence of gas might lower the pour
point of the crude oil. Thus, in the future, the crude oil sample is needed to be
pressurized with light gas in preparing the live oil before the pour point is conducted.
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Tilting Action
Crude Oil Sample is cooled at Room Temperature