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Molecular shapes are classified by reference to the relative values
of the moments of inertia about three axes at right angles (Fig. 1).
(homonuclear) point groups. In any case, their main axis is aDiatomic molecules belong to this class of
molecules. These molecules either belong to C∞v (heteronuclear) or D C∞ axis along the bond axis (Fig. 2).
2.1 Figure
2. Diatomic molecule
Along this axis, the moment of inertia is zero since no atoms contribute to it (both lie along this axis). Thus, this is the
IA axis since it is the smallest. The other two inertial axes lie perpendicular to this one and to each other and both are
equal in magnitude. Since we are plotting 1/√I to obtain the
moment of inertia ellipsoid, the major axis is along the bond axis and this is of infinite length. The moment of inertia
ellipsoid is a cylinder of infinite length (Fig. 3).
2.2 Spherical Top Molecules
The next category of molecules is the spherical top molecules and this is the most symmetrical of all
categories. All molecules shaped like spheres, such as SF6, CH4 and CCl4, i.e. those which have Oh
and Td (and also Ih) symmetry belong Figure 3. Moment
this category. of inertia
Because ofellipsoid of a linearsymmetry,
their spherical molecule they have
Along the C3 axis, the only atoms that contribute are the light hydrogens, and hence the moment of inertia is smallest along
this axis. Therefore, this must be the ‘a’ axis, since by convention, the smallest component of the moment of inertia is
labelled IA. The other two axes are perpendicular to this axis and to each other and are also equal.
Hence, for this molecule, we may write
Hence, for this molecule, we may write
I <I =I
⎛ ⎞2
22 3 32 ⎝⎠
Their spectra are the most difficult to interpret. The vast majority of molecules, e.g.
H2O, C2H2F2, etc. falls in this category.
Example 1
Determine the point group symmetry of the following molecules in their electronic ground states: H 2O, C2H2, C2H4,
cis and trans-CHFCHF, CCl4, BF3, XeF4, CH3F, and C6H6.Determine for each molecule whether it is a symmetric top,
a linear rotor, a spherical top, or an asymmetric top.
Fortunately, their spectra resemble either that of prolate symmetric tops or oblate symmetric tops, depending on the geometry.
Several formulae have been used to evaluate their degree of symmetry, and one that is frequently used is Ray’s asymmetry
parameter, κ, defined as
κ = 2B − A − C (3) A−C
Consider first a prolate symmetric top, for which A > B = C. Substituting for B in equation (3), we obtain
κ = 2C − A − C = −1 A−C
Similarly, for an oblate top, A = B > C. Again substituting for B, we obtain κ = 2A− A−C =1
Thus, an asymmetric top molecule, which has a negative κ value close to -1 is called near prolate and one with a positive
close to +1 is called near oblate. A value close to zero signifies the largest degree of asymmetry.
Example 2
Consider the molecule thioformaldehyde, H2CS. The rotational constants are A = 291291.641 MHz, B = 17699.628 MHz
and C = 16651.83 MHz. This molecule is a near symmetric top. Which one (oblate or prolate)?Solution
κ = 2B− A−C = 2×17699.628−291291.641−16651.83=−0.99237 A − C 291291.641 − 16651.82
. The energies of
electromagnetic spectrum
1. YoutuTube Videos
2. Google Search
3. Chemistry Base Papers
4. Physical Chemistry by Puri and Sharma
Rotational Spectra (Microwave Spectroscopy)
Types of molecules
r r
Fig. (1.1) : A rigid diatomic molecule A-B having atomic masses, m1 and
m2, joined together by a rigid bond of length r0 =r1 + r2 and rotates about a
point C.
I = m r121+ m r22 Q ⎡m
⎣ r1 1= 2m2 ⎦r
= m2 r 2 r 1 +
2 1 1 ....
= r r (m +2 (1.2)
from eqn (1)
m )r = m r = m (r – r )
1 1 2 2 2 0 1
o m1r1 + m2r1 =
r m2r0
o 1 1 2
r r (m +2m
0 ) = m
m2 m1
⇒ r1 r Similarl r
2 r ...
= m10 + = m10+
y (1.3)
m2 m2
Putting the value of r1 & r2 from (3) in (2)
m2 0 m m1 + m m 1m2
I r
( 2
r0 2 = μ0 ...
= = m1 + r2 (1.4)
1 2 1
( m +m )( m2 + m
) m2
m1 m
2 ...
= m2
Equation (1.4) defines the moment of inertia conveniently in terms of the atomic masses and the
bond length.
By the use of the Schrödinger equation it may be shown that the rotational energy levels allowed
to the rigid diatomic molecule are given by the expression
EJ h
J(J + 1 ⎡E =1
εJ = 2 1
hc 8π cm ⎣⎢⎤ λ⎦
Ic hc ⎥
J = 0, 1, ) ...
= BJ ( J + 2.... (1.7)
where B is the rotational constant and is given by
h h
B cm21 =
8π2 Ic 8π I
Denoting the lower state by J´´ and the upper state by J´
ΔεJ = εJ′ – ε J′′
= BJ′ ( J′ + 1) − BJ′ ( J′ + 1)
⎡ ′ ′ ′ ′ ⎤
B ⎣ J ( J + 1) − J (J + 1) ⎦
v = Δε = B⎣⎡( J′ +⎦ 1)( J′ + 2) − J′ (
⎤ ...
+(1J)′ + 1)2
JB (1.8)
J ⎯⎯→J + 1
ε = B ( J + 1) (J
+ 2)
J +1
ε = B J ( J + 1)
Δε = B ( J + 1) ( J+2
) −1 where J = 0, 1, 2....
Δε = 2B ( J + 1−) Jcm
The rotational constant B is assumed to be the same in both lower and upper rotational states
and double prime is dropped from equn (8)
The allowed energy levels of a rigid diatomic rotor are illustrated in Fig. 1.2(a). Thus a
step-wise raising of the rotational transitions result in an absorption spectrum consisting of spectral
lines with a separation of 2 B, that is at 2B, 4B, 6B, .... (Fig. 1.2(b)). The lowering of stepwise energy
results in identical emission spectrum.
Rotational Spectra (Microwave Spectroscopy)
Fig. (a) allowed energy levels of a rigid diatomic rotor showing electric dipole allowed
transitions and (b) the resulting absorption spectrum.
J 6 42 B
5 30 B 0 1 2 4
10 B 5J
4 20 B
3 12 B
2 6B
1 2B
0 0 b 2B 4B 6B 8B 10 B 12
ms s B
Fig. 1.2 (a) Fig. 1.2(b) r
Fig. 1.2(a) allowed energy levels of a right diatomic
t rotor showing electric dipole
allowed transitions and 1.2(b) the resulting absorption
i spectrum.
The selection rule for a transition between any two rotational
n states is quantum chemically given
by t
ij ∫i j e
μ = ψ μΨ dτ n
Ψ t μ
where ψi and j are the wave functions for the rotational
states i and j and is the permanent
dipole moment of the molecule. The dipole moment being a vector quantity can be expressed
→ by→its
three components along the Cartesian coordinates axes, μ = μ + μ + μ →
x y z
μ2 =y μ2 + μz2 + μ2
x . The transition moment integral can be split in terms of the components
of the dipole moment,
⎡⎣ μijx ⎦⎤ ∫ i μ x μ
⎡⎣μijy⎦⎤ ∫ i μ y jμ
⎡μz ⎤
⎣ ij ⎦
∫ μi z jμ
If atleast
= any one of the integrals is non zero, then the transition is allowed and forbidden
otherwise. The intensity of an allowed rotational transition depends on the square of the
Rotational Spectra (Microwave Spectroscopy)
transition dipole moment. Consequently, the intensity of the rotational line depends on the square of the
permanent dipole moment of the molecule.
Schrödinger equation shows that for a diatomic rigid rotor (in the absence of an external electric
or magnetic field) only transitions in which J changes by one unit, that is, ΔJ = ±1 are allowed and all
other transactions are forbidden. Thus the selection rule for rotational spectra is ΔJ = ±1 ( plus sign for
absorption and minus sign for emission) and second, the molecule must have a permanent dipole
moment (only hetronucelar diatomic molecules will exhibit the rotational spectrum since homonuclear
diatomic molecules do not possess permanent dipole moment)
It is observed that in the pure rotational spectra of a diatomic molecule when the bond in it is
considered as a rigid, the spacing between successive lines is same, i.e. 2 B cm –1. However, the
assumption that the bond is rigid is only an approximation. Actual bond is not a rigid bond and the bond
length is not constant. It increases with rotations and is elastic. In a rapidly rotating molecule, there is
always a tendency of the bond to stretch due to centrifugal effects. Hence, the moment of inertia
increases with the rotational energy. This causes rotational levels to be same what closer as the J value
For example, consider the spectrum of hydrogen fluoride
B cm−1 r
) (nm)
20.56 0.09
J=1→J=2 20.48 0.09
J=2→J=3 20.43 0.09
J=4→J=5 20.31 0.09
It is evident that the separation between successive lines (and hence the apparent B value)
decreases steadily with increasing J.
. .
The reason for this decrease.may be seen if we. calculate .internuclear distance from the B values.
In simple harmonic motion a molecular bond is compressed and extended an equal amount on each
. . .
side of the equilibrium distance and the average value of the distance is therefore unchanged, the
average value for a bond of equilibrium length 0.1 .nm vibrating
. between the limits 0.09 and 0.11 nm,
we have
J = 10 → J = 18.91 0.09