Chem-Bonded Castables: Product Data
Chem-Bonded Castables: Product Data
Chem-Bonded Castables: Product Data
Product Data
Bulk Density:
o o 3 3
After 1500 F (815 C) 168 lb/ft (2688 kg/m ) (Typical)
Modulus of Rupture:
Erosion Loss:
The properties shown on this data sheet represent typical average results generated using standard ASTM test methods
(unless otherwise noted) conducted under controlled conditions and should not be considered to be guaranteed specifications.
Properties are subject to normal manufacturing statistical standard deviation ranges, and Resco Products, Inc. reserves the
right to modify the properties and specifications at any time without prior notice.
RESCO PRODUCTS disclaims any expressed or implied warranties based on this sheet. 03/07/14 is the date that this data
sheet was updated. Check with your RESCO sales representative or RESCO website to determine you have the current sheet