CHN Lec Outline of Lessons
CHN Lec Outline of Lessons
CHN Lec Outline of Lessons
9–11 million)
people fell ill with TB in 2019
Public health is defined by the CDC Foundation as “the science Implementation is based on individual needs. For example, a
of protecting and improving the health of people and their new diabetic who is a kinesthetic learner would be taught how
communities.” to give insulin injections by practicing with an orange.
Community health workers typically support specific
geographical regions, from small rural towns to large districts Implementing the plan means the nurse ensures the resources
in urban areas. are available to all who need them within the community.
Public health workers are more concerned with preventing Evaluate whether health needs were met on the individual,
disease, prolonging life and promoting healthy behaviors that family or group level.
impact entire nations or society as a whole.
Evaluate the health status of the whole community and whether
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING planned goals and objectives were met.
✓ Special field of nursing that combines the skills of ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF A COMMUNITY
nursing, public health and some phases of social HEALTH NURSE
assistance and functions as part of the total public
health programme for the promotion of health, the 1. Planner/Programmer
improvement of the conditions in the social and 2. Provider of Nursing Care
physical environment, rehabilitation of illness and 3. Community Organizer
disability. (WHO Expert Committee of Nursing). 4. Coordinator of Services
5. Trainer/Health Educator
7. Role Model
It is a specialized field of nursing practice. Its baisc knowledge 8. Change Agent
and skills are anchored on nursing theories and important 9. Recorder/Reporter/Statistician
concepts from the science of public health such as: 10. Researcher
CLIENTS OF A COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE targets laid out in the Sustainable Development Goals
There are different levels of clientele: ✓ The SDGs underscore the key role health plays in
I - Individual assuring the world’s future, with SDG3 calling on all
F - Family stakeholders to “ensure healthy lives and promote
P - Population group well-being for all at all ages”.
C - Community ✓ Aligned with WHO’s goal of ensuring that everyone,
everywhere, can realize their right to a healthy life.
HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM ✓ Emphasized the importance of collaboration, between
different actors working in different fields, in all
• is the totality of all policies, infrastructures, countries of the world.
facilities, equipment, products, human resources, WHO’s New General Programme of Work
and services that address the health needs,
problems and concerns of all people. ✓ Mission: Promote health, keep the world safe, serve
the vulnerable
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ✓ Targets to be achieved by 2023:
• The World Health Organization works with 194 a. 1 billion more people benefitting from universal health
Member States, across six regions, and from more than coverage
150 offices b. 1 billion more people better protected from health
• WHO Member States are grouped into 6 regions. emergencies
Each region has a regional office. c. 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-
• WHO Africa being
• WHO Americas
• WHO Europe
✓ The DOH holds the over-all technical authority on
• WHO South East Asia
health as it is a national health policy-maker and
• WHO Western Pacific regulatory institution.
✓ The DOH has three major roles in the health sector: (1)
WHO collaborates with Member States to provide on-the-
leadership in health; (2) enabler and capacity builder;
ground planning, implementing and monitoring of health
and (3) administrator of specific services. Its mandate
programmes. Today, more than half of WHO staff work in
is to develop national plans, technical standards, and
country offices.
guidelines on health. Aside from being the regulator of
all health services and products, the DOH is the
Guiding Principle
provider of special tertiary health care services and
✓ The principle that all people should enjoy the highest
technical assistance to health providers and
standard of health, regardless of race, religion,
political belief, economic or social condition, has
guided WHO’s work for the past 70 years, since it was
first set up as the lead agency for international health
in the new United Nations system.
OWNERSHIP) ✓ The 1992 implementation of the devolution of health
care to the local governments and the 1999 health
Government - created by law, may be under DOH, DND, DOJ, sector reform have brought about changes in the health
PNP, LGU, SUCs, GOCC and others care delivery system.
✓ The revitalization of primary health care is a policy
Private - may be a single proprietorship, partnership, issue to be addressed by national government, local
corporation, cooperative, foundation, religious, non- government, civil society groups and even the private
government and others business sector, in the present set-up of a devolved
health care system.
Trauma-Capable Facilty - DOH licensed hospital designated 1978 – The Pilot Year
as a trauma center
✓ The 1978 Alma Ata Declaration definitely spurred
Trauma-Receiving Facilty - DOH licensed hospital within the changes in the Philippine health sector through
trauma service area which receives trauma patients for transport primary health care approach.
to the point of care or trauma center ✓ The public health system experienced innovative and
pioneering changes when the Marcos administration
PRIMARY HEALTH CARE (PHC) adopted the national plan and strategy for PHC
- ...essential health care based on practical, ✓ Pilot provinces in each of twelve (12) regions in the
scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods country were selected according to certain criteria,
made universally accessible to individuals and namely: health needs of the population, lack of
families in the community through their full people's access to health services at the regional
participation and at a cost that the community can center, poor peace and order condition.
afford to maintain at every stage of their development
in the spirit of self reliance and self determination 1981 - Second Stage- Pre-Devolution: Institutionalization of
Brief History of PHC
1977 ✓ The government moved the PHC from pilot stage to
institutionalization nationwide, until the ouster of
✓ WHO members, International Conference on Primary President Ferdinand Marcos in 1986.
Health Care in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan ✓ Initially under Pres. Marcos, the Ministry of Health
✓ Resolution - 20th Word Health Assembly marshaled local government involvement and
✓ “the main social targets of governments and WHO in community participation. This stage was sustained by
the coming decades should be the attainment by all the new government of President Corazon Aquino in
citizens of the world by year 2000 of a level of health 1986 as the Department of Health pursued the policy
that will permit them to lead a socially and of engaging non-government organizations and
economically productive life” volunteer community/barangay health workers in
innovative health programs.
✓ Village drugstores (Botika ng Barangay) were set up recognized pioneers in primary health care and
to make medicines affordable and accessible to the experts in community processes.
poor and low income population. 3. Existence of models and best practices in PHC
experience, including the legacies of trained
1991 – Third Stage Devolution primary health care-oriented health professionals
and community workers and of processes in
✓ The Congress passed the Local Government Code and organizing and mobilizing for community based
the government began the process of devolution in and community managed health interventions.
1992 that changed the system of health service 4. Enactment of relevant laws, i.e., National Health
delivery, the role and functions of-national Insurance Act, the Generics Act, and the National
government (Department of Health), and the Drug Act.
responsibilities of local government units.
✓ The process of transition to the devolved set up that
started in 1992 created some difficulties for the
Department of Health. The responsibilities over health
service delivery were transferred from national
government to local government.
✓ The hospitals came under the jurisdiction and
management of the provincial government, the rural
health clinics under the charge of the municipality/city
government, and the barangay health stations by the
respective barangays within the municipality/city.
Health personnel were also devolved from the national
level to the local government units in different parts of
✓ The national government, through the Department of
Health, took the view that PHC is an approach, a ✓ Health for all by the year 2000 (HFA 2000)
strategy for application in health programs; that it is ✓ Does not mean that nobody will get sick anymore
not a program to be implemented by specific ✓ Concept was left for every country to define and
offices/units as it was in the pre-devolution years. interpret in consideration of the:
✓ In 1996, the DOH affirmed its policy of Primary ➢ Health status
Health Care for Community Health Development, ➢ Morbidity
within the framework of devolution. It asserted the ➢ Mortality
principle of "health in the hands of the people" that ➢ State of development of a health care system
can be done through various community processes
✓ In different parts of the country, the NGOs played a PHC Goals
crucial role in the Department of Health's Partnership
for Community Health Development (PCHD) by using ✓ To achieve Health for All that is:
their expertise in community organizing, ➢ Accessible to everyone
empowerment and mobilization for primary health ➢ Acceptable and affordable to everyone
care. ➢ Based in the community or workplace
1999 – Fourth Stage Devolution Essential Health Services in Primary Health Care
✓ The Department of Health embarked on the process of E – Education for Health
health sector reform. Specifically, the Health Sector L – Locally endemic disease control
Reform Agenda (HSRA) aimed to address the problem E – Expanded program for immunization
of fragmentation of the public health system during the M –Maternal and Child Health including
period of transition when health care services had just responsible parenthood
been devolved from national to local government; as E – Essential drugs
well as to improve the system for health care services. N – Nutrition
✓ The Department of Health began with initial pilot sites T – Treatment of communicable and non-
and later expanded the implementation of the Health communicable diseases
Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA). S - Safe water and sanitation
✓ The continuing adherence to PHC can be gleaned from
the following structures, policies and activities: Essential Elements/Services of PHC
1. Formal inclusion of barangay health workers as a 1. Education concerning prevailing health problems and
category in the classification of health workers in the methods of preventing and controlling them
the public health system and formulation of 2. Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition
policies on their rights and privileges. 3. An adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitations
2. Continuing cooperation and support from NGOs 4. Maternal and child health care, including family
in government programs and projects, as planning
5. 5. Immunization against the major infectious diseases - 2) Improved access to quality hospitals and health care
6. 6. Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases facilities; and
7. 7. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and - 3) Attainment of health-related Millennium
injuries Development Goals (MDGs).
8. 8. Provision of essential drugs
RA 11223: Universal Health Care Act
Guiding Principles
The policy of the State to protect and promote the right to health
1. Equitable distribution of health services of all Filipinos and install health consciousness among them.
✓ Based on need Towards this end, the State shall adopt:
✓ Services to the majority a. An integrated and comprehensive approach to ensure
2. Active community participation and involvement in the that all Filipinos are health literate, provided with
planning, implementation and evaluation of health services healthy living conditions and protected from hazards
✓ Active partners in the health development process and risks that could affect their health;
✓ Not as passive recipients of health services b. A health care model that provides all Filipinos access
3. The use of appropriate technology in the delivery of to a comprehensive set of quality and cost-effective,
health services promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and
✓ Includes facilities, equipment, methods, techniques, palliative health services without causing financial
procedures, supplies and materials hardship, and prioritizes the needs of the population
✓ Scientifically sound, affordable and within the who cannot afford such services;
community’s ability and resources to use, maintain, c. c. A framework that fosters a whole-of-system, whole-
and manage of-government, and whole-of-society approach in the
e.g. Water sealed toilets not appropriate in areas with water development, implementation, monitoring and
supply problems evaluation of health policies, programs, and plans; and
4. Focus on health promotion and disease prevention d. d. A people-oriented approach for the delivery of
✓ Shift of health care system priorities health services that is centered on people’s needs and
✓ From hospitals and curative care to health promotion well-being, and cognizant of the differences in culture,
and disease prevention values, and beliefs.
5. A multi-sectoral approach to community health
development Universal Health Care Act: OBJECTIVES
✓ Agriculture, industry, education, mass media, religion, ✓ Progressively realize universal health care in the
culture and politics country through a systematic approach and clear
✓ Role and contribution are recognized and utilized delineation of roles of key agencies and stakeholders
towards better performance in the health system; and
LEVELS OF PREVENTION ✓ Ensure that all Filipinos are guaranteed equitable
access to quality and affordable health care goods and
services, and protected against financial risk.
The Fundamental Law of the Land Measles Elimination Conducted 4 rounds of mass
measles campaign: 1998, 2004, 2007 and 2011. 2-dose
the 1987 Philippine Constitution – says that “…to make measles-containing vaccine (MCV) was implemented in
essential goods, health and other social services available 2009 MCV1 (monovalent measles) at 9-11 months old
to all people at affordable cost… There shall be priority MCV2 (MMR) at 12-15 months old.
for the needs of the underprivileged, sick, elderly,
disabled, women, and children” (Article XIII, Section 11,
RA 11148
This Act covers those who are nutritionally-at-risk,
especially pregnant and lactating women, particularly
teenage mothers, women of reproductive age,
adolescent girls, and all Filipino children who are newly
born up to age twenty-four (24) months.
RA 10821
Republic Act (RA) 10821 or the Children's Emergency
Relief and Protection Act sets a standard of
accountability to children in terms of protection and
provision of their needs before, during, and after a
REQUIREMENT FOR HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION The following institutions/units and bodies are the
TO REIMBURSE WITH NCP primary partners of DOH-Family Health Office at the
national level to ensure that appropriate policies,
- HCI are accredited to facilities standards, logistics and technical assistance are
that can perform deliveries available to all implementing units:
- The new born is eligible to claim
for NCP. A. National Technical Working Group on Newborn
- The newborn is attended by an Screening Program (NTWG- NBS)
accredited health care professional B. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Essential new born care and new
born screening were given to the C. NIH-Newborn Screening Reference Center (NIH-
new born prior to discharge NSRC)
Presidential Decree 491 of 1974 or the Nutrition Act of D. Universal Salt Iodization
the Philippines created the National Nutrition Council
E. Food Fortification
(NNC) to supervise, coordinate and evaluate the
implementation of the national nutrition program which F. Mother Baby Friendly Health Initiative (MBFHI)
shall be implemented by all agencies and
instrumentalities of both the government and the private G. Philippine Integrated Management of Acute
sector concerned with improving the nutrition of our Malnutrition (PIMAM)
people. H. Home, school and Community Food production
Presidential Decree no. 1569 I. FOOD ASSISTANCE
strengthens the Barangay Nutrition Program by PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES
providing for a Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) in every
barangay to assist in the coordination and To improve quality of life of Filipinos through better
implementation of nutrition programs, projects and nutrition, improved health and increased productivity
activities in the barangay level 1. Reduction in the proportion of Filipino
Letter of Instruction 441 of 1976 Instructs various households with intake below 100% of the
departments of government to address malnutrition. dietary energy requirement from 53.2% to
This issuance authorizes the Department of the Interior 44.0%.
and Local Government (DILG) to establish functioning 2. Reduction in:
nutrition committees at different administrative levels A. Underweight among pre school children
(barangay, municipality, city, province, and region) to B. Stunting among pre school children
coo. C. Chronic energy deficiency among pregnant
The Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act 7160)
mandates local government units to exercise their D. Iron deficiency among children 6 months to five years
powers and discharge their functions as are necessary old, pregnant and lactating mothers
and appropriate for the effective provision of basic E. Prevalence of overweight, obesity and non-
services including child welfare and nutrition services. communicable diseases
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION IN RELATION TO FAMILY F. Reduction in the prevalence of iron deficiency disorder
HEALTH among lactating mothers
These programs tend to target children, women of G. Elimination of moderate and severe IDD among school
childbearing age, and pregnant or lactating women. children and pregnant women
These groups are especially vulnerable to the
detrimental effects of malnutrition. H. Reduction in the prevalence of low birth weight
- The nutritional quality of common foods 3. To harness capacities of LGUs and organized groups to
implement promotive and preventive interventions on
- Importance and nutritional quality of locally available mental health
and culturally accepted foods
4. To leverage quality data and research evidence for
- Importance of exclusive breastfeeding for six months to mental health
two years
5. To set standards for compliance in different aspects of
- Damage caused by irrational beliefs and cultural services
practices of feeding 1
Early detection of malnutrition and intervention
- Wellness of Daily Living
- Intervention must occur during pregnancy and first - Extreme Life Experience
three years of life. - Mental Disorder
- Neurologic Disorders
A well recorded growth chart can detect malnutrition
- Substance Abuse and other Forms of
very early. Nutritional deficiency must be evaluated and
taken care of. If growth chart is not maintained,
anthropometric indices can be measured and used for STRATEGY
evaluation of nutrition.
Nutrition supplementation - SERVICE COVERAGE
Calories, proteins and micronutrients like iron, vitamin A
and zinc are supplemented.
One in four Filipino women age 15-49 The signal is performed by holding one
hand up with the thumb tucked into the palm, then folding
has experienced physical, emotional or sexual violence by the four other fingers down, symbolically trapping the
their husband or partner. It is indeed alarming that despite thumb by the rest of the fingers. It was designed
efforts to address the concern, VAW persists. intentionally as a single continuous hand movement,
PREVENTION AND RESPONSE rather than a sign held in one position, so it could be made
easily visible.
Integrated Laws
and Policies
The Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN CHN
Act of 2004 (RA 9262)
• Seeks to address the prevalence of violence
against women and their children (VAWC) by
their intimate partners like:
a. Husband or ex-husband
b. Live-in partner of former live-in
c. Boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-