Stress Strain and Rheology
Stress Strain and Rheology
Stress Strain and Rheology
Basil Tikoff
University of Wisconsin - Madison
[email protected]
Type and level of course in which I use this activity or assignment: undergraduate structural geology course for
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered before beginning the activity: I use it introductory
structural geology, in about the middle of the course (I cover observations for the first 1/3 of the course, strain and
stress in the middle 1/3, and applications of numerical approaches to deformation in the last 1/3). Students were
already introduced to the concept of strain, stress, pure shear and simple shear before this exercise was conducted.
How the activity is situated in my course: I use this exercise in class, but it would also make a good laboratory
This hands-on exercise is designed to occur during one or two standard lectures in a introductory structural geology
course, although I suspect is may be useful for rock mechanics or engineering students as well. The idea is to use
material that displays end-member rheological characteristics (elastic, linear viscous) and deform them under the
same controlled conditions. There is an flat, rubber sheet with two holders and some silly-putty-type goo to place on
top of the rubber sheet. The students work in groups to quantify the deformation. The experiments are designed to
illustrate the difference between stress and strain (visible in simple shear or non-coaxial deformation) and the
variation of stress for different materials undergoing exactly the same boundary conditions.
I have evaluated this utility of this exercise through exams (the standard way), one minute quizzes (anonymous and
ungraded) at the end of classes, and informally in the field when looking at outcrops with the students.
To be handed out at the workshop.
PHYSICAL EXPERIMENT WORKSHEET (Hand this exercise in at the end of class)
Your name:___________________________
Please work in groups (3-4 people/group). Discuss the results with anyone you like, but have your group always
work together.
Experiment 1: You must first determine what the deformation is for the rubber sheet. Draw a small circle near the
middle of the rubber sheet (we are going to have to make several of these, so don’t make it too large – a 2-3 cm
diameter should work). Mark down the radius of the circle and calculate the area.
Second, pull the two sides of the rubber sheet straight apart from one another. Now, measure the lengths of the
principal axes of the produced ellipse.
So, since the deformation was constant volume, where is the missing/added material?
Now, make a small sketch of the stretched rubber sheet. Identify and give the magnitudes of the finite strain axes S 1,
S2, and S3. Remember that S1 >= S2 >= S3.
What does coaxial or non-coaxial mean, and how can you tell by observing the deformation?
Why? __________________________________________________________________
The way the material pulls in on the sides is called a Poisson effect. The effect is characterized by Poisson's ratio,
which is the pulling in (pushing out) on the sides relative to the elongation (contraction).
The question that we ultimately want to answer is: What is the stress of the rubber sheet for the maximum
To calculate this, you first need to calculate Young's modulus for the material (NOTE: We are using a very loose
definition of Young’s modulus). If a sheet starts at a length of m and you add a weight of kg, the sheet
stretches to m. What is the Young's modulus (make sure you have units)?
Then, when the rubber sheet is not extended (this is a trick question: the answer is easy),
Experiment 2: Now, move the rubber sheet parallel to the boundary (e.g., simple shear). It will help if you pull out
the material slightly before you deform (wrench) it. So, in order:
1. Stretch out the material (This is the undeformed state).
2. Mark where the edges of the rubber sheet are.
2. Draw an ellipse on top of the rubber sheet.
The material may fold, but still try to estimate an ellipse and measure its aspect ratio.
Now, make a small sketch of the stretched rubber sheet. Identify and give the magnitudes of the finite strain axes S 1,
S2, and S3. Remember that S1 >= S2 >= S3.
The Big Questions:
Is this deformation coaxial _______ or non-coaxial____________? (Check one)
Why? __________________________________________________________________
Because you have already calculated the Young’s modulus, you can calculate stress.
Experiment 3: Now, we are going to do Experiment 1 all over again. But, we are going to put some linearly
viscous silicon goo on the top. The silicone goo has a viscosity of 9000 Pa sec. Then, you want to place the black
markers on the top of the goo. BUT, you want to place them so the approximate the circle on the rubber sheet that
you see below on the rubber sheet.
Now, stretch the material. Make sure that you stretch it slowly, over a 10 second period.
What is the relation of the deformation of the rubber sheet to the markers on the goo? In other words, what is the
finite strain of the goo?
b. What is the maximum stress in the rubber sheet when it is not extended (Question #1)?
c. What is the stress in the silicone goo when the rubber sheet is not extended?
d. What is the stress in the silicone goo when the rubber sheet is fully extended?
What is the difference between the rubber sheet and the silicone goo? Well, their rheologies are different. Fill in the
following sentences:
So, if we want to calculate stress for the silicone goo during deformation, we need to know strain rate. We are only
going to worry about this in one dimension at a time. If the stretching rate was over a 10 sec period, then what was
the elongation rate of the material?
Let’s break it up into parts: What is the elongation of the line that is the long axis of the finite strain ellipse?
Elongation = ___________________________________________________________
Now, using the viscosity, calculate the stress during stretching, using the equation:
Stress = viscosity x elongation rate
Stress = ______________________________________________________________
(Remember the conventions of negative and positive)
Doing the same process, calculate the stress of the other horizontal axis.
Elongation = __________________Elongation rate = ____________________________
Stress = ______________________________________________________________
(Remember the conventions of negative and positive)
Experiment 4 (Optional): Now, we are going to do Experiment 2 all over again with viscous goo. This is going to
be the most complicated.
The first part of the exercise is to look at the orientation of stress for the goo. We have to introduce the concept of
infinitesimal strain or incremental strain. Infinitesimal is so small that it really only exists as a mathematical entity.
Incremental strain is a very small, but visible, finite strain. If small enough, the incremental strain is essentially
equal to the infinitesimal strain.
First, put a thin layer of not clear putty on the rubber shear. Before you start to wrench the rubber sheet, use an end
of a straw to put an imprint of a circle (end of the straw) in the goo.
Deform the sheet just enough to see that the circle has deformed into an ellipse. That ellipse represents an
incremental strain. What is the orientation of the ellipse?
Now, use the straw end to make another circle. Deform the sheet just enough to see that the second circle has
deformed into an ellipse. That ellipse represents an incremental strain. What is the orientation of the ellipse?
Is the second ellipse parallel to the first ellipse (circle one): Yes No Maybe/can’t tell
Now, use the straw end to make a third circle. Deform the sheet just enough to see that the third circle has deformed
into an ellipse. That ellipse represents an incremental strain. What is the orientation of the ellipse?
Is the third ellipse parallel to the first ellipse (circle one): Yes No Maybe/can’t tell
Now, since we know that the stress is parallel to infinitesimal strain for an isotropic, viscous material, what is the
orientation of stress in the silicone (Assume that our incremental strain is a good gauge for infinitesimal strain)?
Stress orientation:_________________________________________
Does the stress orientation change during deformation (circle one) : Yes No
This is a fundamentally hard concept to grasp. Do the entire experiment again slowly, discuss this as a group, and
then write below why this effect occurs.
Now, put on the clear silicone goo and put markers on top. Make sure that you stretch it slowly, over a 10 second
What is the direction of the tensional stress in the silicone goo when the rubber sheet is deforming (note that it
doesn’t matter when in the deforming sequence)?
What is the direction of the compressional stress in the silicone goo when the rubber sheet is deforming?
Assuming that the finite strain magnitude can just be divided by time to give the incremental strain, calculate the
Stress = ______________________________________________________________
Doing the same process, calculate the stress of the other horizontal axis.
Stress = ______________________________________________________________
(Remember the conventions of negative and positive)
Summarize, to yourself, the three things that you learned from this exercise.
Thought question: When do rocks behave elastically? When do rocks behave viscously?