Topic Assessment Task 1 Oral Discussion Forum

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% Assessment Task 1: Oral &

Discussion Forum

Assessment Task 1: Oral Discussion Forum

Terrena Hooper

All Sec!ons
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Please post your assessment ques!ons for Task 1:

Oral Presenta!on here, so that all students can
receive the same informa!on. Please do not email
Task 1 ques!ons.
This topic was locked Apr 15 at 23:59.

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Sally O'Brien !
Mar 10, 2022

Evening Terrena,
Regarding Ques!on 2:

Should we outline whether or not our training

video is being done during/not during a current
mask mandate as this could impact how we
deliver our answer and the jus!fica!on to the

Thank you :)

Terrena Hooper !
Mar 11, 2022

Hi Sally

It's really up to you, you might state either

way if you like eg: "with a current mask
mandate in place under xxxx direc!ve..." or
"with the mask mandates under xxx
direc!ve recently li"ed..."

Hope that helps?


Daniel Carroll !
Mar 13, 2022

Good day Terrena,

This is probably a stupid ques!on but do we

pick an exis!ng business to do task 1 or do we
make up our own business to do task 1.


Terrena Hooper !
Mar 14, 2022

Hi Daniel

There is never a stupid ques!on :-).

It's best to select a real/exis!ng business.

This way your can research and target your
answer be#er. You may even decide to
show images of the business or logo within
the video. Just ensure it is a 'small'


Timella Tongia !
Mar 15, 2022

Good morning Terrena.

I chose to do my training video of my

workplace which is Chipmunks Playland and
Café. I did some research and found that they
were a franchise. I was wondering if this is a
good choice or would it be too complex like the
other business en!!es (joint venture and

Thank you.

Terrena Hooper !
Mar 15, 2022

Hi Timella

This is a very good ques!on. Franchises are

not a type of legal 'en!ty' or 'structure' as
such, your textbook will explain this, but
they generally tend to be a good choice for
the assignment, as they are usually small
businesses. Although they are part of a
large chain, an individual person, couple or
family usually owns/runs the franchise.
Chipmunks is likely to be a good choice,
you would just need to find out the exact
structure the owners use, most likely it's a
sole trader, partnership, or company eg: if
you see 'Pty Ltd' on any of their
materials/website, then they are a
company. If you know the owner, just ask
them :-)
Edited by Terrena Hooper on Mar 15 at 15:25

Marissa Humphries !
Mar 17, 2022

Hi Terrena,

How many 'most important' legisla!ons would

you expect us to have?

Terrena Hooper !
Mar 17, 2022

Hi Marissa

It would depend on the business and

industry context you have chosen. What
you should avoid is providing a laundry list
of generic legisla!on that applies to all
businesses/industries. You would men!on
the key legisla!on that relates to the
problem presented, then
specific/important legisla!on for the
par!cular business. Certainly go for the
most obvious for the type of business you
have selected as a start, but your ques!on
has an 'it depends' kind of answer. For
example, the most important legisla!on for
an aged care provider would be different to
a construc!on business, aside from the
basic legisla!on already inferred in the

Hope that helps?


Marissa Humphries !
Mar 25, 2022

Hi Terrena,

Are we allowed to screen record going through

parts of the relevant Acts into our presenta!on
if they're referenced?


Terrena Hooper !
Mar 26, 2022

Hi Marissa

Yes, that sounds like a great idea.


Jayde Gibson !
Mar 28, 2022

Good Morning Terrena!

I apologise if this is a silly ques!on, but I was

just needing some clarifica!on with the
background informa!on. The task sheet says
'Provide a brief background to the business, the
industry, what it sells, where its staff and
customers are based'. Is this asking if staff
members and customers live local to the
business I've chosen? Or have I missed

Terrena Hooper !
Mar 28, 2022

Hi Jayde

Great ques!on. That's it - in what parts of

the country are staff located? eg: are they
all on the Sunshine Coast or around

Some businesses may have staff interstate,

which means the key legisla!on may vary
eg: let's say some staff are based in WA,
they use different WHS legisla!on to Qld.
So this helps us to mark that you have
appropriately iden!fied legisla!on that is
cri!cal to the business.

Hope that helps


Gianmarco Pietropaolo !
Mar 29, 2022

Hey Terrena, ques!on regarding the five


When you ask for a minimum of 5 references,

are you expec!ng us to find journal ar!cles to
back up our statements or is it just referencing
the the na!onal website on business
legisla!ons that are applied to the en!ty based
in it's state

For instance I decide to talk about different

acts and each act is it's own individual
reference from the same website? Am I on the
right page or am I incorrect?

Kind regards, Marco

Terrena Hooper !
Mar 29, 2022

Hi Marco

Great ques!on. As this subject is dealing

with legisla!on, then I am expec!ng
references to legisla!on, government
websites, case law, the businesses'
website, and the textbook. If you happen
to stumble across a relevant journal ar!cle
then I think you have done well! Main thing
is to avoid dodgy sites, like blogs... If you
manage to weave in a relevant precedent
case or two - big marks for that!


Oscar Rogers !
Mar 30, 2022

Hey Terrena,

Can you confirm how to reference Acts if you

use volume 1 and 2/ different sec!ons etc. I
have seen a few Harvard methods depending
on if this is published or a legal reference. Does
it just need to be high level ( .... Fair Work Act
2009) or do we need to reference specific
sec!ons for each?

Note: that the cita!on would be specific.

Terrena Hooper !
Mar 30, 2022

Hi Oscar

You should follow the Harvard Reference

Guide at the library website:
march-2021.pdf . Scroll to the end to see
how they reference. We follow this guide
when marking.


Noriko Yamazaki !
Mar 31, 2022


Do we need to reference the slides you used in

the lecture videos?

Terrena Hooper !
Mar 31, 2022

Hi Noriko

Good ques!on. You should NEVER

reference my slides or lecture videos in this
course. You should reference the original
content source ie: the textbook or website
or legisla!on etc. The key content of my
slides/video comes from the textbook
and/or from websites I have either directly
referenced in the slides or provided to you
in Canvas.

I won't count lecture slides/videos as a

reference (ie: they will not be classed as
one of the 5 minimum) - always go to the
origina!ng source in this course (and most
courses actually).


Sally O'Brien !
Apr 1, 2022

Morning Terrena!

Just clarifying that if our video is 3 seconds

over the 10 minutes mark due to fancy slide
transi!ons adding those extra seconds, this is
(I think I recall it being men!oned somewhere
but cant remember where)

Also, do we need to add a reference (website

etc...) for our real chosen business in our
reference list?

Thank you :)

Terrena Hooper !
Apr 1, 2022

Hi Sally

I would probably overlook 3 seconds for

lag, but ensure it doesn't sneak up to 5
seconds (some!mes this happens when
you render a video), otherwise keep it

Yes, it's a good idea to reference the

website for the business.


Michelle Yeo !
Apr 1, 2022

Hi Terrena,

Hopefully not a silly ques!on or one you have

previously answered here.

I wanted to check if each slide needs to be

referenced if we are going through relevant
sec!ons of the Act or if we can just provide all
of our references as a separate slide?



Terrena Hooper !
Apr 2, 2022

Hi Michelle

It's up to you really... Best prac!ce would

say that the reference would go with the
informa!on (like in-text referencing) on the
slide, plus a ref list at the end. It would also
be sufficient during presen!ng a slide to
just state the source eg: "On screen here
are the key provisions of xxx legisla!on
that you need to know". The most
important thing is that you provide a
separate reference list though.

Hope that helps.


Asher Billings !
Apr 3, 2022

Hi Terrena,

I just wanted to know if there is a file size limit

on the PowerPoint / video when we go to
upload it onto Canvas.

Thanks, Asher.

Joseph Doonan !
Apr 3, 2022

Just a no!ce to anyone who might think about

using powtoons.


It doesn't let you download as an MP4 unless

you sign up to a plan, and the minimum plan is
billed at $89/month.

Just wasted an a"ernoon.


Terrena Hooper !
Apr 3, 2022

Hi Joseph

Instead of download, export it out to

youtube or vimeo (ie: use one those
op!ons), as it would be shame to have
wasted the effort.

The other op!on might be to try pressing

the windows icon on your keyboard and 'g'
and it may bring up a screen recorder or
use PowerPoint > 'insert' > video and it will
give a screen recording op!on that dumps
it into PowerPoint, where you can save it
out to MP4, you can record it to MP4 that
way perhaps?

On the free trial it may only offer a very

short video length (3 mins), so you may
need to get around that also eg: record it in
a few segments, but you could use it for a
component of the video if not the whole

Let me know if that helps.


Joseph Doonan !
Apr 3, 2022

Thank you Terrena, I had worked out a

workaround shortly a"er, but wasn't
available to delete the comment.
Posted in a moment of frustra!on as I
thought I had wasted a fair amount of

Thank you for your advice however, it

has saved some pain.


Terrena Hooper !
Apr 3, 2022

No worries Joseph, I get it. Glad

you found a work around.

Hannah Freind !
Apr 4, 2022

Hi Terrena,

Probably a silly ques!on but...

Just wan!ng to clarify before I finalise my

presenta!on that in Ques!on 2 it says that "the
employee does not wear a mask but "is"
following social distancing rules" or is it that the
employee does not wear a mask and "does not"
follow social distancing rules?

Thanks :)

Terrena Hooper !
Apr 4, 2022

Hi Hannah

It's actually about knowing the areas of law

that the ques!on is referring to (when can
you fire someone?), so don't get hung up
on differen!a!ng the two things, it doesn't
ma#er. Look at the legisla!on in Module 4
and consider the ques!on in light of the
content of that module. Of course, a great
response will go wider and be cri!cal.

Does that help?


Hannah Freind !
Apr 4, 2022

Yes this help heaps, Thank you!!

Kristal Jackson !
Apr 4, 2022

Hi Terrena,

I would like some clarifica!on on how to use in

text referencing when using a direct quote for

USC Harvard referencing guide says to use

le#ers and decimals for the divisions, however
this quote is before the chapters and divisions. I
look forward to hearing from you

Terrena Hooper !
Apr 4, 2022

Hi Kristal

I would say that you would put the quote

in quota!on marks and just cite the
legisla!on in brackets? I'm not 100% sure
ie: the Harvard guide is what we all follow
at USC, so if it is unclear then I couldn't
provide further advice; however, if you
have acknowledged the source and it's in
the reference list, then that is sufficient for
this assessment (eg: you could also state it
in words... 'According to xxxx, yyyyyy').

You are not marked on your referencing as

such (ie: technical aspects), just that you
have referenced a variety of appropriate
sources (min. 5) as this corresponds with
the first rubric criterion. If you look at the
rubric, there actually no individual criterion
specifically on referencing, it is just a
component of seeming 'professional'.

Hope that helps?


Ainslee Allen !
Apr 5, 2022

Hi Terrena,

I am just overlooking the rubric. It states that

we use "relevant discipline-based theory,
frameworks and principles to cri!cally evaluate
these issues". Can I just clarify that means using
and understanding the correct legisla!on for
the par!cular issues and how to navigate these
issues? An example would be defining
legisla!on at the start as the business owner
does not know anything to create a
founda!on? Then further discussing the
legisla!ons required etc.

I hope this makes sense.

Kind Regards,

Ainslee Allen

Terrena Hooper !
Apr 5, 2022

Hi Ainslee

Yes it would be the legisla!on, and also

consider the themes and theories of Weeks
1 to 5 and that are in the textbook. For
example, you might posi!on 'legisla!on' in

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