Important Oral Questions

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Important Oral Questions

Subject- Design of Machine Elements-II

1. What are need of gear drive?
Torque and speed requirements of machine are always different than prime mover
Some machines are running at variable speeds (Vehicles, Lathe)

2. Write the classification of gears?

Parallel shaft axes Intersecting shaft Non-intersecting Non-intersecting
gears axes gears and perpendicular and non-
shaft axes gears perpendicular shaft
axes gears
Spur gears Bevel gears Worm gears Spiral gears
Helical gears
Herringbone gears
Rack and pinion
Internal gears

3. State any two advantages and disadvantages of gear drive.

Positive drive (No slipping) and transmits exact velocity ratio
Can transmit large power with low velocity
Special tools and cutters requires for manufacture, cost is high
Requires precise alignment of shaft.

4. What is standard system of gears?

Following types of tooth profiles are standardized for interchangeability
1) 14.50 full depth involute system
2) 200 full depth involute system and
3) 200 stub full depth involute system (Short addendum and dedendum)

5. In gear speed reducer drive which shaft diameter is bigger? Why?

Output shaft diameter is bigger. Because torque is high.
6. What is 200 full depth involute gear tooth system?
Pressure angle=200, Addendum=1m, Dedendum=1.25m, and Circular pitch=π.m
Best suited for small number of teeth.

7. Why radial component of gear tooth system is called ‘separating’ component?

Because radial component of force pushes gears away from each other and it acts
along line joining centers.

8. Why tangential component of gear tooth system is called ‘useful’ component?

It causes to push teeth of output shaft, causes power transmission.
9. What is
a) Pitting- It is surface fatigue by repetitive contact stresses.
b) Scoring- It is due to insufficient lubrication along with the excess surface pressure.
c) Minimum number of teeth on spur gear and what is importance of it-𝑧𝑝 = 𝑚.𝑠𝑛

d) Hunting tooth-Provision of extra tooth to avoid repetitive contact of same tooth of

pinion and gear

10. Why pinion is weaker than the gear made up of same material?
Y – Lewis form factor of pinion is less

11. What is herringbone gear?

It is like two single helical gears, one right side and one left side.

12. How many components of forces acting in spur gear? Why?

Only two a) Tangential and b) Radial

13. Terminology of gear.

14. What is significance of a) Velocity factor –It depends on pitch line velocity

b) Load concentration factor- Due to alignment problem non-uniform distribution of

load takes place, that is accounted by this factor (Kv)

c) Effective load on gear-

15. What are basic modes of failure of gears?

a) Bending failure and
b) Wear failure or surface failure- Pitting, Scoring, Abrasive wear and Corrosion

16. What are the gear lubrication methods?

Various types of lubrication methods are
a) Grease lubrication- done manually, used for low pitch line velocity
b) Splash Lubrication-gears dipped in bath of mineral oil. Used for medium speed
c) Spray lubrication-Sometimes spray of oil like SAE480, 90 or 140. Used for
high speed.
d) EP lubrication- Extreme pressure (EP) lubrication is used for heavy duty
applications. Some additives are used in mineral oil.
17. Compare contact between mating teeth of spur and helical gears.
Spur Gear Helical gear
Line contact Contact begins at point and gradually
Sudden impact, Gradual contact

18. What is parallel helical gear and crossed helical gears?

Parallel-Helical Gears mounted on parallel shaft
Crossed -Helical Gears mounted on non-parallel shaft

19. What is virtual or formative number of teeth of helical gears?

20. What are components of forces acting on helical gears?
a) Tangential b) Axial and c) Radial

21. What is main disadvantage of single helical gear?

Produces axial force or thrust force

22. Where do you use bevel gears?

To connect intersecting axes shafts.

23. What is zerol bevel gear?

Bevel gear with zero spiral angle (Spiral angle is angle between tangent at tooth curve
and line passing through center.

24. What is relationship between virtual and actual number of teeth and pitch angle in
bevel gears?
𝑍′𝑝 =
cos ᵞ𝑝

25. Where do you use worm gear drive?

To transmit power between non-intersecting and perpendicular shafts.

26. Why are worm gear reduction units not preferred over other type of gear boxes for
transmitting large powers?
Due to friction loss efficiency is very less

27. What is single enveloping and double enveloping worm gear drives? Where do you
use them?
Single enveloping- Worm gear wraps around worm. It is widely used.

Double enveloping- Worm gear wraps around worm also worm is wraps around worm
gear. It is used where space constraint for given capacity

28. Which material is used for worm? Why?

Case hardened steel
Due to high gear ratio, worm subjected to G tines repetitive stresses compare to gear.
So it should be hard and tough.

29. Which material is used for worm wheel? Why?

Phosphor Bronze
Due to considerable friction, it should be anti-scoring and antifriction properties

30. What are the four important parameters that are required to specify the worm gear

31. A pair of worm gear is designated as 2/54/10/5. Explain?

2 Worm threads or number of starts.
54 Worm gear/wheel teeth
10 Diametral quotient
5 Module in mm
Fifth digit- (if given) indicates Center distance
36 What is hydrodynamic and hydrostatic bearings?
In Hydrodynamic lubrication load supporting fluid film is created by shape and
relative motion of sliding surfaces.
In Hydrostatic lubrication load supporting fluid film is created by external source
like pump.

37 Why hydrodynamic bearings are called self-acting bearings?

Pressure is created within the system due to rotation of Journal.

38 Give two applications of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic bearings.

Hydrodynamic- IC engine, Centrifugal pumps
Hydrostatic – Machine tools, Vertical turbo generator, and large gyroscopes.

39 What is full journal bearing?

Angle of contact of journal and bearing is 360 degree.

40 Define
a. Viscosity
It is virtue by which fluid offers resistant to flow one layer over other.
b. Absolute or dynamic viscosity
It is shear stress per unit velocity gradient.

c. Kinematic viscosity
It is ratio of dynamic viscosity to mass density.

d. Viscosity index.
It is rate of change of viscosity per unit time.

41 Write down Petroff’s equation.

= 2𝜋2 (𝑟) (µ𝑛𝑠)
𝑐 𝑝𝑏

42 State Newton’s law of Viscosity.

Shearing stress is directly proportional to rate of change of velocity w.r.t. distance

from stationary plate
32. What are the functions of bearing?
To support two machine parts and allows relative motion between them.

33. What is radial and thrust roller bearings?

Load acting in perpendicular direction to the axis of rotation, over its circumference.
Thrust bearing, load acts along axis of the shaft.

34. What is rolling contact bearings and sliding contact bearings?

In Rolling contact bearing, shaft is separated from the frame by rolling elements like
In Sliding contact bearing, shaft is separated from the frame by THIN FILM OF OIL.

35. What is
a) Static load carrying capacity of ball bearing (Co) -
It is the static load which corresponds to total permanent deformation of ball and
races, at most heavily stressed point of contact, equal to 0.0001 of the ball diameter.

b) Dynamic load carrying capacity

It is the load (radial load in case of radial bearings, axial or Thrust load in case of
thrust bearings) that can be carried for minimum life of one million revolutions.

c) Rating life of bearing or L10 life

Rating life is life of group apparently identical ball bearings is defined as the number
of revolutions that 90% of bearings will complete or exceed before first evidence of
fatigue crack.

d) L50 life or Median life-

Rating life is life of group apparently identical ball bearings is defined as the
number of revolutions that 50% of bearings will complete or exceed before first
evidence of fatigue crack.

e) Designation of ball bearing

Eg 6001
First digit from left (6) –Indicates Type of contact
2- Self aligning bearings
3- Double row angular contact ball bearings
6- Deep-groove ball bearings
30, 31, 32- Taper roller bearings
NU 2- Cylindrical roller bearings
Second digit from left (0) – Indicates Series of bearing (Load carrying capacity)
0- Extra light
2- Light
3- Medium
4- Heavy
Third and fourth digits from left (01) –Indicates Bore diameter

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