Lecture Notes – 45
We have discussed earlier that the slipping of a belt or rope is a common
phenomenon, in the transmission of motion or power between two shafts. The effect
of slipping is to reduce the velocity ratio of the system. In precision machines, in
which a definite velocity ratio is of importance (as in watch mechanism), the only
positive drive is by gears or toothed wheels. A gear drive is also provided, when the
distance between the driver and the follower is very small.
Friction Wheels
The motion and power transmitted by gears is kinematically equivalent to that
transmitted by frictional wheels or discs. In order to understand how the motion can
be transmitted by two toothed wheels, consider two plain circular wheels A and B
mounted on shafts. The wheels have sufficient rough surfaces and press against each
other as shown in Fig
Let the wheel A is keyed to the rotating shaft and the wheel B to the shaft to be
rotated. A little consideration will show that when the wheel A is rotated by a rotating
shaft, it will rotate the wheel B in the opposite direction as shown in Fig.. The wheel B
will be rotated by the wheel A so long as the tangential force exerted by the wheel A
does not exceed the maximum frictional resistance between the two wheels. But when
the tangential force (P) exceeds the *frictional resistance (F), slipping will take place
between the two wheels.
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In order to avoid the slipping, a number of projections (called teeth) as shown
in Fig. are provided on the periphery of the wheel A which will fit into the
corresponding recesses on the periphery of the wheel B. A friction wheel with the
teeth cut on it is known as gear or toothed wheel. The usual connection to show the
toothed wheels is by their pitch circles.
Classification of Gears
The gears or toothed wheels may be classified as follows :
1. According to the position of axes of the shafts. The axes of the two shafts between
which the motion is to be transmitted, may be
(a) Parallel, (b) Intersecting, and (c) Non-intersecting and non-parallel.
The two parallel and co-planar shafts connected by the gears is shown in Fig. These
gears are called spur gears and the arrangement is known as spur gearing. These gears
have teeth parallel to the axis of the wheel as shown in Fig. Another name given to the
spur gearing is helical gearing, in which the teeth are inclined to the axis. The single
and double helical gears connecting parallel shafts are shown in Fig. (a) and (b)
respectively. The object of the double helical gear is to balance out the end thrusts that
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are induced in single helical gears when transmitting load. The double helical gears
are known as herringbone gears. A pair of spur gears are kinematically equivalent to a
pair of cylindrical discs, keyed to a parallel shaft having line contact.
The two non-parallel or intersecting, but coplanar shafts connected by gears is
shown in Fig.(c). These gears are called bevel gears and the arrangement is known as
bevel gearing. The bevel gears, like spur gears may also have their teeth inclined to
the face of the bevel, in which case they are known as helical bevel gears.
In external gearing, the gears of the two shafts mesh externally with each other as
shown in Fig. (a). The larger of these two wheels is called spur wheel or gear and the
smaller wheel is called pinion. In an external
gearing, the motion of the two wheels is
always unlike, as shown in Fig. (a).
In internal gearing, the gears of the two
shafts mesh internally with each other as
shown in Fig. (b). The larger of these two
wheels is called annular wheel and the smaller
wheel is called pinion. In an internal gearing,
the motion of the wheels is always like as
shown in Fig.(b). Sometimes, the gear of a
shaft meshes externally and internally with the
gears in a straight line, as shown in Fig. Such a type of gear is called rack and pinion.
The straight line gear is called rack and the circular wheel is called pinion. A little
consideration will show that with the help of a rack and pinion, we can convert linear
motion into rotary motion and vice-versa as shown in Fig.
4. According to the position of teeth on the gear surface. The teeth on the gear surface
may be (a) Straight, (b) Inclined, and (c) Curved. We have discussed earlier that the
spur gears have straight teeth whereas helical gears have their teeth inclined to the
wheel rim. In case of spiral gears, the teeth are curved over the rim surface.
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Terms used in Gears
The following terms, which will be mostly used in this chapter, should be clearly
understood at this stage. These terms are illustrated in Fig.
1. Pitch circle. It is an imaginary circle which by pure rolling action, would give the
same motion as the actual gear.
2. Pitch circle diameter. It is the diameter of the pitch circle. The size of the gear is
usually specified by the pitch circle diameter. It is also called as pitch diameter.
3. Pitch point. It is a common point of contact between two pitch circles.
4. Pitch surface. It is the surface of the rolling discs which the meshing gears have
replaced at the pitch circle.
5. Pressure angle or angle of obliquity. It is the angle between the common normal to
two gear teeth at the point of contact and the common tangent at the pitch point. It is
usually denoted by φ. The standard pressure angles are 14 /2° and 20°.
6. Addendum. It is the radial distance of a tooth from the pitch circle to the top of the
7. Dedendum. It is the radial distance of a tooth from the pitch circle to the bottom of
the tooth.
8. Addendum circle. It is the circle drawn through the top of the teeth and is
concentric with the pitch circle.
9. Dedendum circle. It is the circle drawn through the bottom of the teeth. It is also
called root circle.
Note: Root circle diameter = Pitch circle diameter × cos φ, where φ is the pressure
10. Circular pitch. It is the distance measured on the circumference of the pitch circle
from a point of one tooth to the corresponding point on the next tooth. It is usually
denoted by pc.
Circular pitch, pc = π D/T
where D = Diameter of the pitch circle, and
T = Number of teeth on the wheel.
A little consideration will show that the two gears will mesh together correctly, if the
two wheels have the same circular pitch.
Note : If D1 and D2 are the diameters of the two meshing gears having the teeth T1 and
T2 respectively; then for them to mesh correctly,
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D1 D2 D1 T1
pc or
T1 T2 D2 T2
11. Diametral pitch. It is the ratio of number of teeth to the pitch circle diameter in
millimetres. It denoted by Pd.
Diametral pitch, pd
D pc
Where T = Number of teeth, and
D = Pitch circle diameter.
12. Module. It is the ratio of the pitch circle diameter in millimetres to the number of
teeth. It is usually denoted by m.
Module, m = D / T
Note : The recommended series of modules in Indian Standard are 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5,
3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 and 50.
The modules 1.125, 1.375, 1.75, 2.25, 2.75, 3.5, 4.5,5.5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 18, 22, 28, 36
and 45 are of second choice.
13. Clearance. It is the radial distance from the top of the tooth to the bottom of the
tooth, in a meshing gear. A circle passing through the top of the meshing gear is
known as clearance circle.
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14. Total depth. It is the radial distance between the addendum and the dedendum
circle of a gear. It is equal to the sum of the addendum and dedendum.
15. Working depth. It is radial distance from the addendum circle to the clearance
circle. It is equal to the sum of the addendum of the two meshing gears.
16. Tooth thickness. It is the width of the tooth measured along the pitch circle.
17. Tooth space. It is the width of space between the two adjacent teeth measured
along the pitch circle.
18. Backlash. It is the difference between the tooth space and the tooth thickness, as
measured on the pitch circle.
19. Face of the tooth. It is surface of the tooth above the pitch surface.
20. Top land. It is the surface of the top of the tooth.
21. Flank of the tooth. It is the surface of the tooth below the pitch surface.
22. Face width. It is the width of the gear tooth measured parallel to its axis.
23. Profile. It is the curve formed by the face and flank of the tooth.
24. Fillet radius. It is the radius that connects the root circle to the profile of the tooth.
25. Path of contact. It is the path traced by the point of contact of two teeth from the
beginning to the end of engagement.
26. Length of the path of contact. It is the length of the common normal cut-off by the
addendum circles of the wheel and pinion.
27. Arc of contact. It is the path traced by a point on the pitch circle from the
beginning to the end of engagement of a given pair of teeth. The arc of contact
consists of two parts, i.e.
(a) Arc of approach. It is the portion of the path of contact from the beginning of the
engagement to the pitch point.
(b) Arc of recess. It is the portion of the path of contact from the pitch point to the end
of the engagement of a pair of teeth.
Note: The ratio of the length of arc of contact to the circular pitch is known as contact
ratio i.e. number of pairs of teeth in contact.
1. Machine Design- P. Kannaiah.
2. Mechanics of Materials – B.C.Punmia
3. Machine Design -R.S.Khurmi.
4. Machine Design Data Book -P.S.G.College of Technology.
Design of Machine Members-II Unit-6
Lecture Notes – 46
Systems of Gear Teeth
The following four systems of gear teeth are commonly used in practice.14 /2°
Composite system, 2. 14 /2° Full depth involute system, 3. 20° Full depth involute
system, and 4. 20° Stub involute system.
The 14 /2° composite system is used for general purpose gears. It is stronger
but has no interchangeability. The tooth profile of this system has cycloidal curves at
the top and bottom and involute curve at the middle portion. The teeth are produced
by formed milling cutters or hobs. The tooth profile of the 14 /2° full depth involute
system was developed for use with gear hobs for spur and helical gears.
The tooth profile of the 20° full depth involute system may be cut by hobs.
The increase of the pressure angle from 14 /2° to 20° results in a stronger tooth,
because the tooth acting as a beam is wider at the base. The 20° stub involute system
has a strong tooth to take heavy loads.
1. Machine Design- P. Kannaiah.
2. Mechanics of Materials – B.C.Punmia
3. Machine Design -R.S.Khurmi.
4. Machine Design Data Book -P.S.G.College of Technology.
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Lecture Notes – 47
Permissible Working Stress for Gear Teeth in the Lewis Equation
The permissible working stress (σw) in the Lewis equation depends upon the
material for which an allowable static stress (σa) may be determined. The allowable
static stress is the stress at the elastic limit of the material. It is also called the basic
stress. In order to account for the dynamic effects which become more severe as the
pitch line velocity increases, the value of σw is reduced. According to the Barth
formula, the permissible working stress,
The increment load WI depends upon the pitch line velocity, the face width, material
of the gears, the accuracy of cut and tangential load. For average conditions, the
dynamic load is determined by using the following Buckingham equation i.e.
21v(b.C WT )
21v b.C WT
1. Machine Design- P. Kannaiah.
2. Mechanics of Materials – B.C.Punmia
3. Machine Design -R.S.Khurmi.
4. Machine Design Data Book -P.S.G.College of Technology.
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Lecture Notes – 48
Design Procedure for Spur Gears
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The following particulars of a single reduction spur gear are given:
Gear ratio = 10: 1; Distance between centers = 660 mm approximately; Pinion
transmits 500kW at 1800 r.p.m.; Involute teeth of standard proportions (addendum =
m) with pressure angle of 22.5°; Permissible normal pressure between teeth = 175 N
per mm of width. Find :
1. The nearest standard module if no interference is to occur;
2. The number of teeth on each wheel;
3. The necessary width of the pinion; and
4. The load on the bearings of the wheels due to power transmitted.
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Lecture Notes – 48
1. Machine Design- P. Kannaiah.
2. Mechanics of Materials – B.C.Punmia
3. Machine Design -R.S.Khurmi.
4. Machine Design Data Book -P.S.G.College of Technology.
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Lecture Notes – 49
A bronze spur pinion rotating at 600 r.p.m. drives a cast iron spur gear at a
transmission ratio of 4: 1. The allowable static stresses for the bronze pinion and cast
iron gear are 84 MPa and 105 MPa respectively. The pinion has 16 standard 20° full
depth involute teeth of module 8 mm. The face width of both the gears is 90 mm. Find
the power that can be transmitted from the standpoint of strength.
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A pair of straight teeth spur gears is to transmit 20 kW when the pinion rotates at 300
r.p.m. The velocity ratio is 1 : 3. The allowable static stresses for the pinion and gear
materials are 120 MPa and 100 MPa respectively.
The pinion has 15 teeth and its face width is 14 times the module. Determine: 1.
module; 2. face width; and 3. pitch circle diameters of the pinion and the gear from
the standpoint of strength only, taking into consideration the effect of the dynamic
loading. The tooth form factor y can be taken as
y 0.154
No.of teeth
and the velocity factor Cv as
CV , where v is expressed in m/s
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A gear drive is required to transmit a maximum power of 22.5 kW. The velocity ratio
is 1:2 and r.p.m. of the pinion is 200. The approximate centre distance between the
shafts may be taken as 600 mm. The teeth have 20° stub involute profiles. The static
stress for the gear material (which is cast iron) may be taken as 60 MPa and face
width as 10 times the module. Find the module, face width and number of teeth on
each gear. Check the design for dynamic and wear loads. The deformation or dynamic
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factor in the Buckingham equation may be taken as 80 and the material combination
factor for the wear as 1.4.
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Design of Machine Members-II Unit-6
Lecture Notes – 49
1. Machine Design- P. Kannaiah.
2. Machine Design -R.S.Khurmi.
3. Machine Design Data Book -P.S.G.College of Technology.
Design of Machine Members-II Unit-6
Lecture Notes – 50
Design of Helical gears
A helical gear has teeth in form of helix around the gear. Two such gears may be used
to connect two parallel shafts in place of spur gears. The helixes may be right handed
on one gear and left handed on the other. The pitch surfaces are cylindrical as in spur
gearing, but the teeth instead of being parallel to the axis, wind around the cylinders
helically like screw threads. The teeth of helical gears with parallel axis have line
contact, as in spur gearing. This provides gradual engagement and continuous contact
of the engaging teeth. Hence helical gears give smooth drive with a high efficiency of
We have already discussed earlier that the helical gears may be of single helical type
or double helical type. In case of single helical gears there is some axial thrust
between the teeth, which is a disadvantage. In order to eliminate this axial thrust,
double helical gears (i.e. herringbone gears) are used. It is equivalent to two single
helical gears, in which equal and opposite thrusts are provided on each gear and the
resulting axial thrust is zero.
A pair of helical gears are to transmit 15 kW. The teeth are 20° stub in diametral plane
and have a helix angle of 45°. The pinion runs at 10 000 r.p.m. and has 80 mm pitch
diameter. The gear has 320 mm pitch diameter. If the gears are made of cast steel
having allowable static strength of 100 MPa; determine a suitable module and face
width from static strength considerations and check the gears for wear, given σes =
618 MPa.
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Design of Machine Members-II Unit-6
Lecture Notes – 50
1. Machine Design- P. Kannaiah.
2. Machine Design -R.S.Khurmi.
3. Machine Design Data Book -P.S.G.College of Technology.
Design of Machine Members-II Unit-6
Lecture Notes – 51
A helical cast steel gear with 30° helix angle has to transmit 35 kW at 1500 r.p.m. If
the gear has 24 teeth, determine the necessary module, pitch diameter and face width
for 20° full depth teeth. The static stress for cast steel may be taken as 56 MPa. The
width of face may be taken as 3 times the normal pitch. What would be the end thrust
on the gear? The tooth factor for 20° full depth involute gear may be taken as
0.154 .Where TE represents the equivalent number of teeth.
Design of Machine Members-II Unit-6
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A helical cast steel gear with 30° helix angle has to transmit 35 kW at 2000 r.p.m. If
the gear has 25 teeth, find the necessary module, pitch diameters and face width for
20° full depth involute teeth. The static stress for cast steel may be taken as 100 MPa.
The face width may be taken as 3 times the normal pitch. The tooth form factor is
given by the expression y' = 0.154 – 0.912/TE , where TE represents the equivalent
number of teeth. The velocity factor is given by Cv where v is the peripheral
speed of the gear in m/s.
2. A pair of helical gears with 30° helix angle is used to transmit 15 kW at 10 000
r.p.m. of the pinion. The velocity ratio is 4: 1. Both the gears are to be made of
hardened steel of static strength 100 N/mm2. The gears are 20° stub and the pinion is
to have 24 teeth. The face width may be taken as 14 times the module. Find the
module and face width from the standpoint of strength and check the gears for wear.