Markscheme: November 2016 Biology Standard Level Paper 2
Markscheme: November 2016 Biology Standard Level Paper 2
Markscheme: November 2016 Biology Standard Level Paper 2
November 2016
Standard level
Paper 2
14 pages
–2– N16/4/BIOLO/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M
This markscheme is the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not be
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–3– N16/4/BIOLO/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M
Section B
Extended response questions – quality of construction
• Extended response questions for SLP2 carry a mark total of [16]. Of these marks, [15] are awarded for content and [1] for the quality of
the answer.
• It is important to judge this on the overall answer, taking into account the answers to all parts of the question. Although, the part with the
largest number of marks is likely to provide the most evidence.
• Candidates that score very highly on the content marks need not necessarily automatically gain [1] for quality (and vice versa).
–4– N16/4/BIOLO/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M
Section A
c a. trend lines support «the hypothesis» Do not credit answers with just
OR numbers.
trend shows a negative correlation shown «between increased temperature and Accept “line of best fit” wtte.
b. the trend line is shallow / small slope Note that it is only the trend line
OR that indicates support.
there is a large amount of scatter at higher temperatures (reducing the certainty) 2 max
wide/overlapping ranges so no significant difference «(at» 9oC )
c. (hypothesis not supported because) females in water over 10oC have the highest Words other than “hypothesis
«mean dry» mass not supported” may be used:
“as opposed to”, “whereas”, to
express deviation from support.
–5– N16/4/BIOLO/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M
e a. arrow pointing from trout to human Award [1 max] if answer does NOT show all
4 organisms. 2 max
b. arrows pointing from mayflies to trout and bats
b i mitosis 1
c. levels of cyclins rise (and fall)/fluctuate during the cell cycle/surge at different times/have to
reach a certain concentration
photosynthesis 2
c a. to be in same species two organisms must have the same genes arranged on the
same chromosomes
OR 2
must have the same number of chromosomes
b. members of same species produce fertile offspring and a mule is not fertile
Section B
The candidate’s answers are clear enough to be understood without re-reading. The candidate has answered the question succinctly
with little or no repetition or irrelevant material.
d. nitrates are used to make amino acids/proteins/nucleotides/nucleic Other nitrogen-containing metabolites are
acids/DNA/RNA/ATP acceptable if verified.
c a. drawn in steps rather than triangle Award no marks if a drawing has not been
b. drawn to scale (should be at least 1/5 of the box below it)
OR “Appropriate numeric values” should indicate
annotated with appropriate numeric values scale so accept percentage or numbers.
4 max
c. producer
d. primary consumer
e. secondary consumer