MATH 219 Introduction To Differential Equations: Akisisel@metu - Mcakmak@metu -
MATH 219 Introduction To Differential Equations: Akisisel@metu - Mcakmak@metu -
MATH 219 Introduction To Differential Equations: Akisisel@metu - Mcakmak@metu -
Credit: (4-0) 4
Catalog description: First order equations and various applications. Higher order linear differential equations.
Power series solutions. The Laplace transform. Solutions of initial value problems. Systems of linear
differential equations. Introduction to partial differential equations.
Course Coordinator: Özgür Kişisel (Office: 128, Mathematics Department. Phone: (312) 210 5388)
[email protected]
Course Assistant: Melike Çakmak (Office: Z-37, Mathematics Department. Phone: (312) 210 5386)
[email protected]
Textbook: “Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems”, Boyce, W. E., DiPrima, R. C.,
10th ed.
Lectures: All lectures of MATH 219 for the Spring 2022 semester will be face-to-face lectures.
Exams and Grading: The grading will be based on two midterm exams and one final exam. All exams will be
in class exams.
Midterm 1: 30 % (date: 16.04.2022, Saturday)
Midterm 2: 30 % (date: 04.06.2022, Saturday)
Final: 40 % (date: to be announced)
Suggested Problems: A list of suggested problems will be announced on the course website. Students are
encouraged to attempt to solve all of these problems in a timely manner, and ask the instructors about the ones
that they cannot solve.
NA Policy: A student who misses all exams will receive a grade of NA for the course.
Make-up Policy: In order to be eligible to enter a make-up examination for a missed examination, a student
should have a documented or verifiable, and officially acceptable excuse. A student cannot get make-up
examinations for two missed exams. The make-up examination for all exams will be after the final exam, and
will include all topics.
Important Dates:
Course Schedule:
The table below is a rough guideline for the content of course lectures. Instructors may reorder their lectures as
necessary/desired. Section and page numbers below are from the textbook, Elementary Differential Equations
and Boundary Value Problems, Boyce and DiPrima, 10th ed., 2010.