Heat Treatment

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) ‫المعالجة الحرارية (ما بعد اللحام‬ 

‫هي عمليات حرارية تستخدم بعد إجراء اللحام وذلك لضبط وانسجام الخواص الميكانيكية للحام مع المادة األساسية لتكون‬
‫✋متشابهة ومتناسقة‬ .
‫هذه المعالجات تكون عند درجات حرارة منخفضة الي حد ما وذلك حتي ال يحدث تغيير في أطوار المادة (كلمة طور‬
، ‫ يقصد بها تغيير واضح كمثال ؛ طور الطفولة وطور البلوغ وطور الشباب فانه عند تحول المادة الي طور جديد‬ ️✍ ‫المادة‬
‫يظهر ذلك بوضوح كانك تري شاب وعجوز وبالتالي صفات مختلفة تماما ) ولذلك يجب الحذر من مثل تلك التحوالت حتي ال‬
‫ يؤدي ذلك الي ضرر في المادة‬.
Post Weld Heat Treatment is a type of thermal treatment which is employed to material
primarily after welding.
This technique is a common practice, which is exercised in industries to adjust the
mechanical properties of weldment. The required welded material is allowed to heat,
usually at lower temperature in order to prevent any phase change.
The intended use of post weld heat treatment is; to relieve unwanted level of residual
stresses to soften the hard weldment.
Great care is required in selection of temperature required for weld-able steels because
due to wrong adjustment of parameters, the weld outcome may suffer one of the
following problems;Phase Change likely to occur Material gets more harder, Depletion of
weld strength may happen .
Below is the description of primary advantages that make post weld thermal treatment an
exceptional process in welding industries
1. Softening
After welding, the material (particularly HAZ) gets harder and excess hardness is nearly
useless for a particular service application. For this PWHT is the best tool, primarily used
by many industries, in order to temper the hard heat affected zone. This implies strong
protection and provides adequate resistance against brittle fracture failure during service.
2. Stress Relieving
Residual stresses during welding may occur due to high thermal gradient. During thermal
cycle of welding process, expansion cause to happen in some areas due to heat while in
cooling, also the localized contraction may occur, this whole produces undesirable
residual stresses. In order to reduce the level these stresses, thermal treatment is
applied which involves the baking of material (by uniform heating) at specific temperature
and then brought back to ambient temperature at particular cooling rate.
3. Prevention of SCC
What is SCC? Stress corrosion cracking is referred to as SCC which occurs due to the
intensification of present cracks in the material due to applied stress or load. PWHT
facilitates the prevention of stress corrosion cracking.
4. Ease in machining
Well it is stated earlier that post weld thermal treatment tends to reduce the degree of
hardness, due to which the welded components can easily be machined to required
dimensional conditions. Softening of welded parts allow easy grinding, machining and
other surface treatments.
5. Prevention of brittle fracture
The primary role of post weld heat treatment is to improve the mechanical characteristics
of weldment and make it outlast for particular service conditions. Again what is
demonstrated in above paragraphs; PWHT helps to reduce the residual stress level and
hardness, imparting the required level of ductility in the weldment. This improves the
strength and resistance to brittle fracture and increase the lifespan of material for its
service conditions.

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