ABRSM Grade 3 Theory Musical Terms and Their Definitions: Musical Term Alternatives Definition / Meaning Language Notes

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ABRSM Grade 3 Theory musical terms and their definitions

Musical term Alternatives Definition / meaning Language Notes

adagietto rather slow (faster than adagio) Italian
ad libitum ad lib. the marked passage can be played freely ("at choice")
agitato agitated Italian
This term implies "double the speed", so a
passage in 4/4 (with four beats in the bar)
would be performed as if it had two beats in
the bar, with the crotchets would be "felt" as
alla breve with a minim beat, for example in cut-common or 2/2
time quavers.
amore love Italian
amoroso loving Italian
anima soul, spirit (con anima: with feeling / spirited) Italian
animato animated, lively Italian
animando becoming more lively Italian
ben well Italian
brio vigour (con brio: with vigour, i.e. lively) Italian
comodo convenient (tempo comodo: at a comfortable speed)
deciso "decided", with resolution, determined Italian
delicato delicate Italian
energico energetic Italian
forza force Italian
largamente broadly Italian
leggiero light, (as in not heavy), nimble Italian
marcato marc. emphatic, accented Italian
marziale "martial", in a military style Italian
mesto sad Italian
pesante heavy Italian
prima primo first Italian
risoluto bold, strong Italian
ritmico rhythmically Italian
The translation "robbed" suggests taking
rubato "robbed"; tempo rubato. "robbed time"; disregarding
strict time for expressive
time from effect
one note to add to another.
scherzando scherzoso playful, joking Italian
seconda secondo second Italian
semplice simple, plain Italian
sempre always Italian
stringendo gradually getting faster Italian
subito suddenly Italian
tanto as / so much (non tanto: not so much) Italian
tranquillo tranquil, calm Italian
triste tristamente sad, sorrowful Italian
volta time (as in occasion, e.g. prima volta: first time, seconda
Italian volta: second time)

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