TTM Product Guide 2019 Tom Bisio
TTM Product Guide 2019 Tom Bisio
TTM Product Guide 2019 Tom Bisio
Stage 1: Acute 13
Stage 1 Treatment of Principles 14
Stage 1 Products: Quick Reference Chart 15
1. Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu) 16
2. Herbal Ice (San Huang San Gao) 17
3. Stage 1 Trauma Ointment (Die Da Gao Yi Bu) 18
4. Blood Stasis Trauma Pill (Huo Xue Die Da Wan) 19
Stage 2: Sub-Acute 20
Stage 2 Treatment of Principles 21
Stage 2 Products: Quick Reference Chart 22
1. Dragon's Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu) 24
2. Tiger's U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You) 25
3. Yoga Stretching Oil (Yoga Shen Jin You) 26
4. Extra Strength Golden Ointment (Qiang Li Jin Huang Gao) 27
5. Stage 2 Trauma Ointment (Die Da Gao Er Bu) 28
6. Extra Strength Tendon Relaxing Soak (Shu Jin Huo Xue Jin Ji) 29
7. Master Bonesetter's Trauma Soak (Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji) 30
8. Bonesetter's Special Pill (Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan) 31
9. Stage 2 Bone Knitting Pill (Jie Gu Wan Er Bu) 32
Stage 3: Chronic 33
Stage 3 Treatment of Principles 35
Stage 3 Products: Quick Reference Chart 36
1. Tiger's Invigorate Collateral Liniment (Hu Biao Huo Luo You) 38
2. Bone-Sinew Gao (Gu Ji Wai Shang Xiao Tong Gao) 39
3. Warming Soak (Wen Jing Huo Luo Jin Ji) 40
4. Bone Spur Soak (Gu Ci Jin Ji) 41
5. Bone Spur Powder (Gu Ci San) 42
6. Stage 3 Bone Knitting Pill (Jie Gu Wan San Bu) 43
7. Strengthen Sinew Pills (Bu Jin Wan) 44
Symptom Index 45
FAQ 50
Tooth From the Tiger’s Mouth
Product Line
T he Tooth From the Tiger's Mouth Product Line is composed of the most
effective formulas for treating trauma and other conditions. These formulas
have been carefully chosen by Tom Bisio, one of the leading experts
in Chinese Sports Medicine and author of the popular book, A Tooth
From the Tiger's Mouth, and are based on traditional formulas used by
generations of Chinese physicians, sports medicine doctors, martial arts
practitioners, tui na experts, and bonesetters. These formulas were further
tested for over 30 years at Tom Bisio's Sports Medicine clinic, and clinics
all over the United States by hundreds of practitioners, on thousands of
Master practitioners know that using the right formula at the right time
is the key to clinical success. To ensure correct usage of our products we
have created a unique colored-coded system in accordance with the Three
Stages of Injury and Healing. This system allows health professionals,
trainers, athletes, and martial artists to quickly and accurately choose the
correct product(s).
Tom and the experts at Kamwo Meridian Herbs have ensured that Tooth
From the Tiger's Mouth products are prepared in the traditional way, which
maximizes effectiveness.
All of our products are conveniently packaged so that they are easy to use
in the clinic, on the sports field or in the martial arts school. These products
are indispensable for athletes, martial artists, massage therapists and
practitioners of Oriental medicine. They can be safely given to patients for
home use.
The Tooth From the Tiger's Mouth Product Line is composed of professional
grade formulas made the traditional way. Many of these formulas are the
same formulas mentioned A Tooth From The Tiger’s Mouth: How to
Treat Your Injuries With Powerful Secrets of the Great Chinese Warriors
by Tom Bisio. Several formulas have been altered to make them even
stronger and more effective.
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 3
Seek Proper Medical Advice
The products described in this guide are not intended to be a substitute
for proper medical care. In cases of serious injury, seek appropriate
medical care immediately. For Orthopedic conditions consult with your
physician before undertaking a course of treatment.
To Order:
Kamwo Meridian Herbs
211 Grand St.
New York, NY 10013
Ph: 212-966-6370
Fax: 212-266-4717
4 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
If you are a licensed practitioner of Chinese medicine,
ask about our practitioner discount
E-Script is the professional online store for Kamwo Meridian Herbs. E-Script
accounts are given to verified, licensed practitioners (L.Ac., LMT, MD, DO,
NP, DC) to provide access to professional products at discounted pricing.
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Tooth From the Tiger's Mouth Product Line
& Three Stages of Injury
To make these products easy to use we have color-coded and numbered the
products according to the different stages of injury. Using the right product at
the right time and in the right circumstances is the key achieving maximal clinical
efficacy. This guide is designed to familiarize you with the stages of injury and
the appropriate products for each stage. We have also included a chart for quick
Stage 1: Acute
This stage starts from the moment the injury occurs and usually
lasts from 1-7 days. Stage 1 injuries are characterized by swelling,
redness and pain, and possibly a local sensation of heat. In
Western medicine this is called the “Inflammatory Stage.” If the
trauma is minor, this stage may only last 2-3 days. If the injury is more severe,
it may be a full week before swelling, redness and pain begin to subside. The
swelling is the result of Qi (vital energy), blood and body fluids stagnating because
their normal movement has been disrupted by the force of the injury. This can
cause blood and fluids to accumulate outside the blood vessels in the soft tissue,
creating a dark blue or black swelling.
Stage 2: Sub-Acute
This stage usually begins within a week after the initial injury
and can last up to 3 weeks. The swelling and pain are reduced
and much or all of the redness and heat (“inflammation”) may
be gone. There is often stiffness due to spasms in tendons that have reflexively
contracted in an attempt to protect the injured area by immobilizing it. In Stage 1,
these spasms may have been difficult to see and treat because of the swelling.
6 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
In Stage 2, treatment can be more direct and aggressive. More warming poultices
(Gao) and liniments are used in order disperse residual swelling, or small pockets
of swelling around the injured area. Herbal soaks and applications of wet heat
(contraindicated in Stage 1) can now be used. Herbal soaks are particularly useful
for softening and dispersing remaining pockets of congealed blood and fluids that
can cause tissues to adhere to each other, thereby preventing them from sliding
smoothly across one another.
Stage 2 internal formulas still focus on breaking stasis, killing pain, and restoring
the free flow of blood and Qi, however some tonic herbs are included to help the
body repair damaged tissue and bone.
Stage 3: Chronic
This stage begins 3-4 weeks after the injury. Swelling and
inflammation are usually gone, but stiffness, aching, pain and
restricted motion may still be present. Wind, cold and damp
may be present in the local area due to poor local circulation or
deficiency of Qi and blood. Injuries to tendons and ligaments can take up to 6-8
weeks to heal completely, and in severe cases, it can take even longer. Improper
treatment in the earlier stages of injury can extend this stage to months or even
years. Additionally, constitutional factors may impede the healing process.
Stage Three liniments, and soaks can be quite warming and focus on driving out
wind damp and cold, while simultaneously reducing chronic pain and relaxing
stiffness and spasm. Some Stage Three external soaks and liniments are specifically
engineered to soften and disperse bony calcifications.
Stage Three Internal Formulas focus more on tonifying Qi, Blood and Yang in order
to help the body repair damaged tissue and bone, while still including a few herbs
to dispel any remaining stasis. Some formulas help prevent the body from forming
calcifications like bone spurs.
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 7
Quick Reference Chart
8 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Quick Reference Chart
Stage 2 Stage 2
Trauma Ointment Trauma Ointment
(Die Da Gao Er Bu) (Die Da Gao Er Bu)
跌打膏(二步) 跌打膏(二步)
Dragon’s Blood Dragon’s Blood
Tendon Lotion Tendon Lotion
(Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu) (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu)
血竭舒筋 血竭舒筋
Master Master
Bonesetter’s Bonesetter’s
Trauma Soak Trauma Soak
(Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji) (Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji)
正骨跌打浸劑 正骨跌打浸劑
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 9
Quick Reference Chart
Yoga Yoga
Stretching Oil Stretching Oil
(Yoga Shen Jin You) (Yoga Shen Jin You)
瑜伽伸筋油 瑜伽伸筋油
Bonesetter’s Bonesetter’s
Special Pill Special Pill
(Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan) (Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan)
正骨紫金丹 正骨紫金丹
10 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Quick Reference Chart
Bone Spur
(Gu Ci San)
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 11
Quick Reference Chart
Stage 3 Bone
Knitting Pill
(Jie Gu Wan San Bu)
接骨丸 (三步))
Sinew Pills
(Bu Jin Wan)
12 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Stage 1: Acute
This stage starts from the moment the injury occurs and usually lasts from
1-7 days. Stage 1 injuries are characterized by swelling, redness and pain,
and possibly a local sensation of heat. In Western medicine this is called
the “Inflammatory Stage.” If the trauma is minor, this stage may only last
2-3 days. If the injury is more severe, it may be a full week before swelling,
redness and pain begin to subside. The swelling is the result of Qi (vital
energy), blood and body fluids stagnating because their normal movement
has been disrupted by the force of the injury. This can causes blood and
fluids to accumulate outside the blood vessels in the soft tissue, creating a
dark blue or black swelling.
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 13
Stage 1 Treatment of Principles:
1. Restore normal circulation to the injured area by reducing swelling,
stimulating local circulation and reducing the redness and heat
associated with inflammation.
2. Restore the flow of Qi and blood in order to reduce pain and allow
the joint to regain its mobility. Remember in Chinese medicine pain =
lack of free flow of Qi, blood and fluids.
14 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Stage 1 Products: Quick Reference Chart
Herbal Ice
(San Huang San Gao)
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 15
Extra Strength Trauma Great Chinese Warriors
Liniment (Qing Li Die Da Jiu) (p. 175-179).
is the number one liniment
for bruises, contusions, Directions: Massage or soak
Stage 1 sprains and fractures. This
extra strength Die Da recipe
is renowned for its ability to
into the local area
Clinical Notes:
Products kill pain, reduce swelling and
break stasis. Extra Strength
Trauma Liniment is extremely
1. Injuries to the joints
of the fingers and toes can be
slow to heal, in part due to
External Application effective during all stages of the compact tight structure
the healing process, but is of the joint cavity. Soaking
most often used in Stage 1 cotton balls in Extra Strength
and Stage 2 muscle, tendon, Trauma Liniment (Qing Li
Extra Strength ligament, and bone injuries. Die Da Jiu) and then taping
Trauma Liniment Like most liniments for sports the cotton balls on injured
injuries, Extra Strength Trauma and swollen joints can be
(Qiang Li Die Da Jiu) Liniment should not be used very helpful as it allows the
強力跌打酒 in areas with skin rashes and
open cuts or sores.
liniment longer contact with
the injured area, so that it can
penetrate into the joint cavity.
Ingredients: sheng di huang; In chronic cases, use a moxa
tao ren; wu jia pi mu gua; niu xi; pole to warm the injured joint,
gui zhi; bing lang; ze lan; jiu ceng fumigating it with the smoke,
ta; su mu; hong hua; xiang fu; fu and follow by applying Die Da
rong ye; cao wu; chuan wu; chen Jiu soaked cotton or gauze.
pi; gan jiang; dang gui wei; ru
xiang; mo yao; ai ye; huang qin; 2. For muscle pulls,
huang bai; da huang; mu zei; tu massage Extra Strength
bie chong; bai zhi; xue yu tang; Trauma Liniment into the
zi ran tong; wang bu liu xing, muscle following the direction
alcohol (bai jiu) base. of the muscle fibers. Gently
break up and smooth out any
• Extra Strength Trauma knots or kinks in the fibers.
Liniment: is an all-purpose
trauma liniment that can be 3. Extra Strength
used for Stage 1, Stage 2, and Trauma Liniment for bone
Stage 3 Injuries. bruises or “eggs” on the shin.
• Extra Strength Trauma Using the liniment, massage
Liniment strongly kills pain by these lumps flat.
breaking stasis and coursing
the channels and collaterals. 4. Extra Strength
Trauma Liniment can be
Note: This Trauma liniment is used in conjunction with wet
a much stronger version of the heat tissue, for more chronic
formula featured in A Tooth injuries that are past the
External Use Only! From The Tiger’s Mouth: initial stage in, order to aid in
Do not use over open skin
How to Treat Your Injuries penetration of the liniment
lesions or rashes.
With Powerful Secrets of The into the tissues.
16 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Herbal Ice (San Huang San Clinical Notes
Gao) is the premiere external
poultice (Gao) for 1st stage 1. Herbal Ice should
sinew and bone injuries that only be used until the
Ingredients: da huang;
huang qin; huang bai; hong hua;
pu gong ying; zhi zi; beeswax
and sesame oil base
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 17
Stage 1 Trauma Ointment (Die Clinical Notes:
Da Gao Yi Bu) is an alternative
to Herbal Ice (San Huang San 1. This traditional and
Gao) for 1st stage sinew and very effective Gong Fu recipe
18 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Blood Stasis Trauma Pill is an Clinical Notes:
all-purpose internal formula
for sprains, strains, contusions 1. With the appropriate
and fractures, with blood presentation, Blood Stasis
Dosage: Right after an
injury 6 capsules. Then, 3
Capsules 2-3 times a day or
as recommended by your
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 19
Stage 2: Sub-Acute
This stage usually begins within a week after the initial injury and can last up to
3 weeks. The swelling and pain are reduced and much or all of the redness and
heat (“inflammation”) may be gone. There is often stiffness due to spasms in
tendons that have reflexively contracted in an attempt to protect the injured area
by immobilizing it. In Stage 1, these spasms may have been difficult to see and
treat because of the swelling.
Stage 2 internal formulas still focus on breaking stasis, killing pain, and restoring
the free flow of blood and Qi, however some tonic herbs are included to help the
body repair damaged tissue and bone.
Remember soaks should not be used with fractures, until after the bones are fully
knitted. Use liniments and Gao instead.
20 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Stage 2 Treatment of Principles:
1. Move Residual Stasis by Course Qi/Blood
• Stage 2 Trauma Ointment (Die Da Gao Er Bu) 跌打膏(二步)
• Master Bonesetter’s Trauma Soak (Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji) 正骨跌打浸劑
• Bonesetter’s Special Pill (Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan) 正骨紫金丹
• Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu) 血竭舒筋露
• Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu) 強力跌打酒
3. Relax Tendons and Relieve Joint and Tissue Stiffness and Pain
• Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu) 血竭舒筋露
• Extra Strength Tendon Relaxing Soak (Shu Jin Huo Xue Jin Ji) 舒筋活血浸劑
• Tiger’s U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You) 虎標如意油
• Yoga Stretching Oil (Yoga Shen Jin You) 瑜伽伸筋油
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 21
Stage 2 Products: Quick Reference Chart
Stage 2 Stage 2
Trauma Ointment Trauma Ointment
(Die Da Gao Er Bu) (Die Da Gao Er Bu)
跌打膏(二步) 跌打膏(二步)
Dragon’s Blood Dragon’s Blood
Tendon Lotion Tendon Lotion
(Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu) (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu)
血竭舒筋 血竭舒筋
Extra Strength Extra Strength
Tendon Relaxing Tendon Relaxing
Soak Soak
(Shu Jin Huo Xue Jin Ji) (Shu Jin Huo Xue Jin Ji)
舒筋活血浸劑 舒筋活血浸劑
Extra Strength
Golden Ointment
(Qiang Li Jin Huang Gao)
22 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Stage 2 Products: Quick Reference Chart
Master Master
Bonesetter’s Bonesetter’s
Trauma Soak Trauma Soak
(Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji) (Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji)
正骨跌打浸劑 正骨跌打浸劑
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 23
Dragon's Blood Tendon Lotion Clinical Notes:
is the treatment of choice
chronic injuries or chronic 1. Dragon's Blood
problems with the tendons Tendon Lotion is very useful
24 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Tiger's Brand U-I Oil (Lao Hu Clinical Notes:
Biao Yu Yi You) is a reprise of
the proprietary product, U-I 1. The oils in Tiger's
Oil found in many Chinese Brand U-I Oil penetrate
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 25
Yoga Stretching Oil: (Yoga Clinical Notes:
Shen Jin You) is based on a
traditional formula designed 1. Yoga Stretching Oil
to aid stretching and flexibility is rubbed into the muscles
26 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Extra Strength Golden Clinical Notes:
Ointment (Qing Li Jin Huang
Gao) is the classic Gao for 2nd 1. Extra Strength
stage sinew injuries or late 1st Golden Ointment is very
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 27
Stage 2 Trauma Ointment Clinical Notes:
(Die Da Gao Er Bu), is similar
to Stage 1 Trauma Ointment, 1. Use Stage 2 Trauma
however the amount of Ointment instead of Extra
2. This formula is
Stage 2 Trauma Ointment almost the same as Stage 1
Trauma is an alternative to Extra Trauma Ointment (Die Da Gao
Ointment Strength Golden Ointment Yi Bu), but the dosage of Da
(Qing Li Jin Huang Gao) for Huang has been significantly
(Die Da Gao Er Bu) 2nd stage sinew and bone reduced, so that the formula
跌打膏(二步) injuries, that are characterized
by more blood stasis
is more warming and blood
and bruising, rather than
stagnation of fluids.
28 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Extra Strength Tendon Relaxing in the mixture, wring the
Soak (Shu Jin Huo Xue Jin Ji) cloth out and place it on the
is the go-to soak for second affected part as a compress
stage injuries characterized (change compresses as they
30 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Bonesetter's Special Pill is Clinical Notes:
specifically for 2nd stage
trauma. Bonesetter's Special 1. Bonesetter's Special
Pill is traditionally called Pill is particularly indicated for
Internal Application
the yellow-purple color of the
bruising and the stiffness and
pain in local area.
second stage injury in which
there is bruising, stiffness and
pain in local area.
Recommended Dosage:
3 capsules 3 times a day
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 31
Stage 2 Bone Knitting Pill – Clinical Notes:
Stage 2 is for the treatment of
fractures in the second week 1. During the first 7
after a fracture healing. During days after a fracture use Blood
32 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Stage 3: Chronic
This stage begins 3-4 weeks after the injury. Swelling and inflammation are
gone, but stiffness, aching, pain and restricted motion may still be present.
A minor sprain should be resolved by this point, especially if it was treated
properly from the beginning. However, injuries to tendons and ligaments
can take up to 6-8 weeks to heal completely and in severe cases it can take
even longer. Residual pain and discomfort at this stage can be due to several
2. There may be some instability in the joint if the ligaments have been
over stretched, making the joint weak and vulnerable to re-injury.
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 33
Stage Three liniments, and soaks can be quite warming and focus on driving
out wind damp and cold, while simultaneously reducing chronic pain and
relaxing stiffness and spasm. Some Stage Three external soaks and liniments
are specifically engineered to soften and disperse bony calcifications. Stage
Three internal Formulas focus more on tonifying Qi, Blood and Yang in order
to help the body repair damaged tissue and bone, while still including a few
herbs to dispel any remaining stasis. Some formulas help prevent the body
calcifications like bone spurs.
34 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Stage 3 Treatment of Principles:
1. Move the Qi and break and disperse remaining stasis. Any remaining
accumulations must be broken up.
• Bone-Sinew Gao (Gu Ji Wai Shang Xiao Tong Gao) 骨筋外傷消痛膏
• Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu) 強力跌打酒
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 35
Stage 3 Products: Quick Reference Chart
Warming Soak
(Wen Jing Huo Luo Jin Ji)
36 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Stage 3 Products: Quick Reference Chart
Bone Spur
(Gu Ci San)
Stage 3 Bone
Knitting Pill
(Jie Gu Wan San Bu)
接骨丸 (三步))
Sinew Pills
(Bu Jin Wan)
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 37
Tiger's Invigorate Collaterals Clinical Notes:
Liniment is specifically
designed for wind, cold, and 1. Massage Tiger's
damp that lodge in the joints, Invigorate Collaterals Liniment
38 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Bone-Sinew Gao is used in 3rd Clinical Notes:
stage sinew and bone injuries
where there is still swelling, 1. Bone-Sinew Gao is
stiffness and pain. This Gao composed of many warming
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 39
The Warming Soak is Ingredients: chuan wu; cao
appropriate for or 3rd stage wu; chuan jiao; tou gu cao; ai ye;
sinew injuries, which are cang zhu; du huo; gui zhi; fang
characterized by cold and feng; hong hua; shen jin cao; liu
40 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
For best results with heel For best results add 1 quart
spurs, use Bone Spur Soak of alcohol (vodka or rice
(Gu Ci Jin Ji) in conjunction wine) and a quart of rice wine
with Bone Spur Powder vinegar or white vinegar, after
Packaged in a
flow-through bag for
convenient use.
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 41
Bone Spur Powder (Gu Ci San) Clinical Notes:
is a proven formula that can
eliminate the pain associated 1. Studies in China
with bone spurs (osteophytes) have shown that Bone Spur
42 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
Stage 3 Bone Knitting Pill (Jie Ingredients: shu di huang;
Gu Wan San Bu) is derived from chuan xiong; bai shao; dang gui;
an amazingly effective ancient du zhong; wu jia pi; gu sui bu;
Shaolin Temple formula san qi; bu gu zhi; tu si zi; mu gua;
3. Stage 3 Bone
Knitting Pill is very effective
for non-healing fractures,
where bony union is delayed.
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 43
Strengthen Sinew Pill (Bu Jin Clinical Notes:
Wan) nourishes and
invigorates the liver and 1. Strengthen Sinew Pill
kidney in order to strengthen can be taken safely for long
2. In cases of chronic
Recommended Dosage:
3 capsules 3 times day
44 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
S Y M P T O M 1 - 6
Symptom Index
1. Bi Syndrome: Wind-Cold/Damp
• Tiger’s Invigorate Collaterals Liniment (Hu Biao Huo Luo You)
• Tiger’s U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You)
• Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu)
• Bone-Sinew Gao (Gu Ji Wai Shang Xiao Tong Gao)
• Warming Soak (Wen Jing Huo Luo Jin Ji)
2. Bi Syndrome: Hot Bi
• Tiger’s Invigorate Collaterals Liniment (Hu Biao Huo Luo You)
• Extra Strength Golden Ointment (Qiang Li Jin Huang Gao)
3. Bone Spurs
• Bone Spur Soak (Gu Ci Jin Ji)
• Bone Spur Powder (Gu Ci San)
4. Bruising
• Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu)
• Stage 1 Trauma Ointment (Die Da Gao Yi Bu)
• Stage 2 Trauma Ointment Stage 2 (Die Da Gao Er Bu)
• Blood Stasis Trauma Pill (Huo Xue Die Da Wan)
6. Dislocations
• Tiger’s Invigorate Collaterals Liniment (Hu Biao Huo Luo You)
• Bone-Sinew Gao (Gu Ji Wai Shang Xiao Tong Gao)
• Strengthen Sinew Pills (Bu Jin Wan)
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 45
S Y M P T O M 7 - 9
7. Fractures
Fractures Stage 1 Acute Phase (0-7 days after fracture)
• Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu)
• Herbal Ice (San Huang San Gao)
• Blood Stasis Trauma Pill (Huo Xue Die Da Wan)
• Stage 1 Trauma Ointment (Die Da Gao Yi Bu)
8. Joint Pain/Arthritis
• Tiger’s Invigorate Collateral Liniment (Hu Biao Huo Luo You)
• Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu)
• Tiger’s U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You)
• Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu)
• Bone-Sinew Gao (Gu Ji Wai Shang Xiao Tong Gao)
• Warming Soak (Wen Jing Huo Luo Jin Ji)
• Extra Strength Tendon Relaxing Soak (Shu Jin Huo Xue Jin Ji)
• Master Bonesetter’s Trauma Soak (Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji)
9. Muscle Aches
• Tiger’s U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You)
• Yoga Stretching Oil (Yoga Shen Jin You)
46 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
S Y M P T O M 1 0
Residual Swelling
• Tiger’s U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You)
• Extra Strength Golden Ointment (Qiang Li Jin Huang Gao)
Blood Stasis
• Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu)
• Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu)
• Stage 2 Trauma Ointment (Die Da Gao Er Bu)
• Master Bonesetter’s Trauma Soak (Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji)
• Blood Stasis Trauma Pill (Huo Xue Die Da Wan)
Stiffness/Limited ROM
• Tiger’s U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You)
• Yoga Stretching Oil (Yoga Shen Jin You)
• Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu)
• Extra Strength Tendon Relaxing Soak (Shu Jin Huo Xue Jin Ji)
• Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu)
• Tiger’s U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You)
• Bonesetter’s Special Pill (Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan)
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 47
S Y M P T O M 1 0 C O N T.
Qi Deficiency
• Bonesetter’s Special Pill (Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan)
Tight Muscles
• Yoga Stretching Oil (Yoga Shen Jin You)
Arthralgia Pain
• Tiger’s Invigorate Collateral Liniment (Hu Biao Huo Luo You)
• Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu)
• Tiger’s U-I Oil (Hu Biao Yu Yi You)
48 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
S Y M P T O M 1 1 - 1 4
11. Stretching/Flexibility
• Yoga Stretching Oil (Yoga Shen Jin You)
Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC 49
How do I use a medicinal soak?
Place the flow-through bag containing the herbs bag in 2-3 gallons of liquid – if you are
immersing the injured area (hand, foot, elbow) in the pot, you will need at least 2
gallons of water.
Alternatively for areas like the back, hip, knee, hamstrings, neck, or shoulder, one can
soak a piece of flannel or a towel in the mixture, wring the cloth out and place it on the
affected part as a compress. In this case you may need 3 gallons of water.
The first day you use the soak, bring the water to boil and then turn down the heat and
simmer for 30-40 minutes. If possible, steam the affected part in the vapor as the mixture
cools. Then immerse the affected part in the liquid and soak for 15-20 minutes. If you are
soaking cloth or towels in the mixture to use as a compress, soak the cloth and then wring
it out before placing it over the injured area. Meanwhile put a second cloth in the mixture.
As soon as the first cloth cools, replace it. Keep switching cloths for 10-15 minutes.
In order to increase the blood invigorating effect of a soak: after you have simmered
the herbs for 30-40 minutes, take the pot off the flame and add 1 quart of alcohol (vodka
or rice wine) before soaking the affected area.
In order to increase the sinew relaxing and spasm releasing effect a soak: after you have
simmered the herbs for 30-40 minutes, take the pot off the flame and add 1 quart of white
vinegar (vodka or rice wine) before soaking the affected area.
After using the soak, dry the skin and keep it warm and away from cold or drafts. Cover
the pot. The soak can be used once or twice a day for up to 7 days. Simply re-heat the
liquid to a sufficiently warm temperature. There is no need to boil it again. As long as you
keep the pot covered and re-heat the soak everyday, the liquid will not get moldy.
Some people like to take out the flow-through bag containing the herbs after the cooking
procedure. However I recommend leaving the bag in the pot as you soak, because it
increases the strength of the herbal mixture.
50 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
How do I apply an ointment (Gao)?
A Gao is essentially a poultice. Apply a thick coat of the ointment (Gao) over the injured
area. Cover with gauze and then apply an elastic bandage, so that the herbal material is
pressed firmly against the skin. The bandage should be firmly in place so that the herbal
material does not slip, but not so tight that circulation is restricted. Leave for 24- 48
hours, before removing.
Areas like the hamstring muscles, shoulder, or ribs can benefit greatly from a Gao, but
they can be difficult to wrap so that the herbal material stays in place over the injured
tissues. For these areas, apply a thinner layer of the ointment, almost as if you were
painting on the mixture. Then cover with gauze squares and tape the edges down.
On a large area, like the ribs or the hamstrings, use rolled gauze to cover the area.
Why should I use Herbal Ice (San Huang San Gao) instead of
applying ice?
Herbal Ice (San Huang San Gao) is the traditional Gao that martial artists have used for
centuries for injuries like sprains that are red, hot, swollen and painful (“inflammation”
in modern Western medicine). Herbal Ice is composed of cooling herbs that reduce heat
while breaking up blood stasis and dispersing swelling. This is the start of restoring free
flow of blood and Qi. Herbal Ice is an important substitute for ice, because ice can create
further stasis by constricting blood vessels and congealing stagnant fluids. Many doctors
and trainers have now realized that ice causes more problems than it solves.
Herbal Ice (San Huang San Gao) is the also the first stage treatment of choice for severe
contusions to the muscles, which present with extensive bruising and swelling.
Herbal Ice should only be used until the initial heat and swelling (inflammation), are
gone or significantly reduced. It is not for long-term use. Residual swelling can be
addressed by liniments like Extra Strength Trauma Liniment, Dragon’s Blood Tendon
Lotion, or second stage Gao like Extra Strength Golden Ointment (Qiang Li Jin Huang
Gao), or Stage 2 Trauma Ointment (Die Da Gao Er Bu).
If a Stage 2 injury manifests with more blood stasis, rather than fluid swelling, one could
still use Extra Strength Golden Ointment, however Stage 2 Trauma Ointment Die Da Gao
Er Bu) might be a better choice.
52 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
What Liniment should I use for bruising?
Extra Strength Trauma Liniment (Qiang Li Die Da Jiu) is the single best liniment for
bruises, contusions, bone bruises and even fractures. Extra Strength Trauma Liniment is
much stronger then the more basic Trauma Liniment featured in A Tooth From the Tiger’s
Mouth. It is excellent for killing pain because of its ability to move stasis and course the
channels and collaterals (meridians). Extra Strength Trauma Liniment also has a strong
effect on local micro-circulation – it clears local stasis while simultaneously stopping
Muscle Pulls: Massage Extra Strength Trauma Liniment into knots in the muscle. Try to
break up knots by following the direction of the muscle fibers (i.e. longitudinally). Also
massage the liniment into the muscle attachments. For example for a pulled hamstring,
first pat the liniment into the painful area. Then use the thumb or 3 fingers to massage
in circles around the sore area. Use the thumb to break up knots by massaging upwards
toward the head, or downwards toward the feet, following the direction of the muscle
fibers. Finally massage the liniment deep into the crease below the buttocks, and the area
behind the knee as the hamstrings have tendon attachments to bone in both of these areas.
Sprains & Strains: Massage Extra-Strength Trauma Liniment gently into the injured
area. If there is swelling, put some liniment on the tip of your thumb or fingertips. Start
at the edge of the swelling and rub in small circles around the edge with your thumb or
fingertips. Add a little more of the liniment to your fingertips and lighten your pressure as
you move inward, slowly and gently working the liniment into the center of the swollen
area. Apply more liniment to your fingertips and direct your circles outward from the
center, gently pushing stagnant fluids and blood away from the swollen area so they can
be re-absorbed.
Swollen lumps: For lumps from trauma for example an “egg” on the shin. Apply Extra-
Strength Trauma Liniment and rub the lump flat. Continue to apply the liniment and rub
in circles around the area in order to disperse stagnant fluids.
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For Fractures: Gently apply Extra-Strength Trauma Liniment and rub lightly over the
fracture. Or soak cotton balls or paper towels with the liniment and apply over the area
and then cover with rolled gauze. Reapply several times a day, as the liniment has a
tendency to evaporate.
When should I use Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin
Lu) and how do I apply it?
Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion (Xue Jie Shu Jin Lu) is used for chronic injuries to
tendons and ligaments. These kinds of injuries run the gamut from old sprains that are
slow to heal, to recurring tendonitis. In comparison with Extra Strength Trauma Liniment,
which contains a balanced mix of cooling and warming herbs that do not overheat an
inflamed area, Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion contains many more warming herbs that
act to stimulate local circulation. The inclusion of these warming herbs is very important
in treating chronic tendon injuries like tennis elbow, because, unlike muscles, tendons do
not have an extensive direct supply of blood. That is why these kinds of injuries can be
recalcitrant and slow to heal. Increasing local circulation also prevents cold and dampness
from penetrating into the injured area.
Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion should not be used when there is residual heat and
redness (“inflammation”). In cases of tendonitis, it is not uncommon for there to be
residual inflammation which can flare up if direct heat or warming liniments are applied.
So how do you know if there is residual inflammation? If heat makes your injury feel
better it is probably safe to use Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion. If you are still not sure,
apply Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion twice a day for 1 or 2 days. If pain worsens switch
to Trauma Liniment.
To apply, put a small amount of Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion on the ball of your
54 Copyright © 2019: Tom Bisio and New York Internal Arts LLC
thumb or on the pads of 2 or 3 fingers. Massage the liniment gently into the injured area.
Pressure should be deep enough to penetrate, but not so deep as to be painful. Make small
circles with your thumb or fingers in order work the liniment into the injured tissues.
Continue to rub the liniment into the area for several minutes adding more to your fingers
as needed. For an injury like shin splints, where small micro-tears in the muscle are
pulling the muscle away from the bone, massage in circles gently toward the bone using
Dragon’s Blood Tendon Lotion.
After the bones have knit, soaks can be used in order to improve circulation, dispel, cold,
or relax spasmed tissues.
In cases of constitutionally loose joint, or repeated dislocations which have led to joint
instability, one should start with Stage 3 Bone Knitting Pill for one two weeks and then
switch to Strengthen Sinew Pills (Bu Jin Wan), which can safely be taken for a
month or more.
In the Stage 2 Fracture Healing, Stage 2 Bone Knitting Pill (Jie Gu Wan Er Bu) is more
appropriate because it continues to move stasis, but also adds a few tonic herbs that help
to heal and strengthen bone and sinew.
If there is deficient Qi, with danger of wind, cold and damp penetration into the injured
area, the Bonesetter’s Special Pill (Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan) might be more appropriate
at this stage.
In Stage 3 Fracture Healing, the most appropriate formula is Stage 3 Bone Knitting Pill
(Jie Gu Wan San Bu). Stage 3 Bone Knitting Pill contains many herbs that are specifically
speed bone knitting and strengthen the ligaments and tendons. It is based on and ancient
Shaolin formula that was tested for centuries by martial artists.
However, if there is still a lot of unresolved stasis in Stage 3, one should start with Blood
Stasis Blood Stasis Trauma Pill (Huo Xue Die Da Wan) for 5-7 days and then switch to
Stage 3 Bone Knitting Pill (Jie Gu Wan San Bu).
If you have sensitive skin, it can be useful to do a skin test - before using the product,
apply a little bit of the product to a small area of the skin and see if it reacts.
Bone-Sinew Ointment Gao can cause a rash and itching, even in those with skin that is
not sensitive. This is annoying, but does not detract from the therapeutic action of the
Gao. Washing the area carefully after removing the Gao and applying a moisturizer.
Usually this is sufficient to resolve any rash or itching.
Generally 24-48 hours. In a the acute stage of injury it is better to remove the poultice
after 24 hours to see if the signs and symptoms (swelling, amount of heat, bruising etc,)
have changed and the situation now requires a different Gao. In more chronic cases like
weak and overstretched ligaments, or damaged cartilage that is in the 3rd Stage, one can
leave the Gao in place for as long as 48 hours.
Can the Blood Stasis Trauma Pill (Huo Xie Die Da Wan) be used as a
substitute for the Traditional Die Da Wan?
Yes. Although the Traditional Die Da Wan contains Ma Huang, which strongly moves
stasis in the superficial layers of the body, Blood Stasis Trauma Pill (Huo Xue Die Da
Wan) is an equally, and often more effective formula, used by generations of martial arts
practitioners for sprains, strains, and broken bones.
Blood Stasis Trauma Pill is a very balanced and comprehensive formula that includes
Sheng Di Huang and Qing Pi, a classic combination that dead blood from accumulating.
Wei Ling Xian opens all 12 vessels and the Luo vessels and dispels wind. Fang Feng also
dispels wind, and in this formula is used to prevent a movement toward Bi syndrome.
Blood moving herbs like Mo Yao, Ru Xing, Dan Shen, Ze Lan, and Tu Bie Chong move
and crack blood stasis. Zi Ran Tong dispels blood stasis, relieves pain and promotes
healing of bones and sinews Gui Sui Bu (“Mender of Shattered Bones”) helps to heal
injured sinew and bones. Jie Geng is a clever addition that engages the Lung Qi (Ruler of
the Qi), so that Qi Dynamic can move and disseminate.
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