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Variable Structure Adaptive Control For P M Synchronous Servo Motor Drive

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Variable structure adaptive control for P M synchronous servo motor drive

F.-J. Lin K.-K. S hyu Y.-S. Lin

Abstract: A newly designed variable-structure controller for a permanent magnet (PM) synchronous servo motor drive, which is insensitive to uncertainties including parameter variations and external load disturbance, is introduced. To overcome the two main problems with variable-structure control, i.e. the assumption of known uncertainty bounds and chattering phenomena in the control effort, a variable-structure adaptive (VSA) controller is investigated. In the VSA controller a simple adaptive algorithm is utilised to estimate the uncertainty bounds; moreover, the chattering phenomenon is reduced. A variable-structure direct adaptive (VSDA) controller comprising the VSA control algorithm and a direct adaptation law is proposed to further improve the control performance of the variable-structure controller. The position control of a PM synchronous servo motor drive with the variable-structure control strategies is illustrated. Simulated and experimental results show that the developed controllers provide high-performance dynamic characteristics and are robust with regard to plant parameter variations and external load disturbance.


In the past decade variable-structure control strategies have been the focus of many studies and researches for the control of AC servo drive systems [l-81. The variable-structure control can offer many good properties, such as insensitivity to parameter variations, external disturbance rejection, and fast dynamic response [3, 41. Therefore the variable-structure control approaches have been employed in position and speed control of AC servo systems, e.g. the position control of robot manipulators. However, these applications are subjected to the two main problems with variable-structure control, i.e. the assumption of known uncertainty bounds and the chattering phenomenon in the control
0 IEE, 1999 IEE Proceedings online no. 19990113 DOE 10.1049/ip-epa:19990113 Paper first received 8th June and in revised form 7th September 1998 F.-J. Lin and Y . 3 .Lin are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Li 320, Taiwan K.-K. Shyu is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Chung Li 320, Taiwan
IEE Proc.-Elecrr. Power Appl., Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999

effort. Thus, some of the previous studies investigated the strategies for reducing the chattering phenomenon which causes harmful effects such as current harmonics and acoustic noise in motor drive applications [6-9], and some proposed adaptive algorithms which estimate the bounds of the system uncertainty [lo-141. Su and Leung [lo] proposed a sliding-mode controller with bound estimation to accomplish the trajectory control of robot manipulators. The robust control of Koo and Kim [l 11 comprised a simple estimation law for the upper bound of the parametric uncertainty. Shyu and Shieh [12] investigated a sliding-mode speed control based on a new switching surface and an adaptive variable-structure control which utilised a simple adaptation algorithm to estimate the bound of external load disturbance for induction motor drive system. Yu and Lloyd [ 131 discussed the chattering phenomenon and robustness of the variable-structure adaptive control of robot manipulator. Lin et al. [14] proposed a sliding-mode position control using a novel switching surface and an adaptive sliding-mode control in which the adaptive algorithm is designed to estimate the uncertainty bounds of the PM synchronous motor drive system. In this study the variable-structure control method proposed in [9] is adopted for the position control of a PM synchronous motor drive system. The uncertainty term including both the parameter variations and external load disturbance is considered in this study. However, this design suffers from a drawback of the general variable-structure controller, i.e. the uncertainty bounds must be available. The uncertainty bounds usually are difficult to obtain in advance for practical applications. Therefore a variable-structure adaptive (VSA) controller [ 131 is investigated to resolve the difficulty in which a simple adaptation law is utilised to estimate the uncertainty bounds. Furthermore, a variable-structure direct adaptive (VSDA) controller comprising the VSA control algorithm and a direct adaptation law proposed in [13] is also modified to further improve the control performance of the variablestructure controller. Compared with the variable-structure control approaches proposed in [9, 131, the external load disturbance term is considered in the design of the variable-structure, VSA and VSDA controllers in this study.
Field-oriented control PM synchronous servo motor

The machine model of a PM synchronous servo motor can be described in the rotor rotating reference frame as follows [15]: V q = Riq PAq 4(1)


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A, = L,i,


= Ldid

+ LmdIf

(4) (5)

w, = Pw,

vd, v, = d-q axis stator voltages

i, = d-q axis stator currents Ld, L, = d-q axis stator inductances Ad,Aq = d-g axis stator flux linkages R = stator resistance w, = inverter frequency Ifd = equivalent d-axis magnetising current Lmd= d-axis mutual inductance wr = rotor speed P = number of pole pairs The electric torque Te and motor dynamic are stated as

voltage-source inverter (VSI), a unit vector generator, a co-ordinate translator, a speed control loop and a position control loop. The PM synchronous servo motor used in this drive system is three-phase four-pole 750 W 3.47A 3000 rev/min. The PM DC motor coupled to the synchronous motor is driven by a current-source drive to provide constant disturbance torque for testing the control performance of load regulation. An inertia-varying mechanism is also coupled to the rotor of the synchronous motor. Different sizes of iron discs can be mounted on the axis of the inertia-varying mechanism to change the inertia and damping coefficients of the rotor.


Simpl$ed control block diagram of PM synchronous motor drive

T, = 3 p [LmdIfdiq (Ld - Lq)idiq]/2


T , = TL


J ~ w T


where TL is the load torque, B is the damping coefficient, and J is the moment of inertia. The basic principle in controlling a PM synchronous servo motor drive is based on field orientation [16]. Since the magnetic flux generated from the PM rotor is fixed in relation to the rotor shaft position, the flux position in the d-q coordinates can be determined by the shaft-position sensor. In eqns. 4 and 6, if id = 0, the d-axis flux linkage Ad is fixed. Since Lmdand Ifd are constant for a PM synchronous servo motor, the electromagnetic torque T, is then proportional to i,, which is determined by closedloop control. The unit vector (cos& + jsine,) is used in the co-ordinate translator, where 8s denotes the position of the rotor flux. The configuration of a field-oriented PM synchronous servo motor drive system is shown in Fig. 1 [14], which consists of a PM synchronous servo motor set (loaded with a PM DC generator/ motor), a ramp comparison current-controlled PWM
3-phase 220v 60HZ

Using the field-oriented mechanism, the PM synchronous servo motor drive can be simplified to the control system block diagram shown in Fig. 2 [14], in which

T, = Kti;


Kt = 3PL,dIfd/2

and 13, is the rotor position; Or* denotes the position command. A block diagram of the computer control system for the field-oriented PM synchronous servo motor drive is shown in Fig. 3 . The control algorithm is implemented using a Pentium computer. The current-controlled VSI is implemented using an intelligent power module (IPM) manufactured by Mitsubishi with a switching frequency 15kHz. The resolution of the encoder is 2000 pulse per rev. Moreover, a frequency-multiply-by-four circuit is built into the encoder interface circuit to




IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999

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control computer






Fig. 3

PMSM = PM synchronous motor

Computer-controlled drive system with vector processor

variable-structure controller ............................................................... 0) (ii)



q" + hq"

- FG

; i
PMSM drive system




(i) Sliding surface; (ii) variable-structure law


Block diagram of variable-structureposition control system

increase the precision of position feedback. To reduce the calculation burden of the CPU and to increase the accuracy of the three-phase command currents, the coordinate transformation in the field-oriented mechanism is implemented by an AD2S100 AC vector processor [14]. The dynamic modelling technique based on curve fitting of the position loop to the step response is applied to find the drive model of Fig. 2 in the nominal condition (no parameter variations and TL = ONm). The results are

The equation is rewritten as where

Q ( t )+ Dfj(t)= U ( t )


and q(t) denotes the rotor position of the synchronous motor. Now consider eqn. 13 with parameter variations and external load disturbance for the actual synchronous motor drive system, then

K = 0.6732 Nm/A, t

J = 1.32 x B = 5.78 x

ti = 4.4, b = 15.2 Nms2 = 0.066 Nmsrad/V l o p 3 Nms/rad = 0.289Nm/V

(11) with a scale of 50 (rad/s)/V. The bar symbol represents the system parameter in the nominal condition.
3 Variable-structure controller

CQ(t) B,Q.(t) ETL = U ( t ) (14) where Z; and B include the uncertainty introduced by system parameters J and B; E = l / K t ; T L denotes the external load disturbance to the motor drive system. According to eqn. 14, the reference trajectory equation [9] is defined as

c (&(t)-Xh(t))+D (Qd(t)-XQl(t))+ETLfi w(t)o

where (15)

A variable-structure controller is shown in Fig. 4. The dynamic equation of the PM synchronous motor drive system in the nominal condition without parameter variations and external load disturbance can be obtained as follows:

W(t) = [ id(t) - X h ( t )






and qdt) denotes the desired rotor position; i j ( t ) = q(t)

- qdt) is the tracking error; A is a positive scalar
IEE Proc-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999

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selected by the designer. Assume that the upper bound @ of the uncertainty vector 0 which includes parameter variations and external load disturbance is known. Then the variable-structure law [9] is defined as

o,(t)= -F(t)O =



F(t) =

0 s d f 2( t ) ) 0 s g n ( f 3( t ) 1 f 2 ( t )= W , ( t ) S ( t ) , f o r i = 1 , 2 , 3



-1, where Wi(t)is the component in W ( t ) ,and S(t) = G(t) + Ag(t) is called the sliding surface. The variable-structure control law [9] is defined as follows:

1, 0,

fz(t)> 0 f z ( t )= 0 fi(t) < 0

tering problem more serious. Therefore a VSA controller is investigated in which an adaptive law is utilised to estimate the uncertainty bounds. The control block diagram of the VSA control system is shown in Fig. 5, which comprises a PD controller and a variable-structure law. If the parameter variations of the system and the external load disturbance are absent, once the sliding surface is reached initially, a very small positive value of @,(t) would be sufficient to keep the system stable and the amplitude of chattering small. However, when the parameter variations of the system and the external load disturbance are present, deviations from the sliding surface will require a continuous updating of @,(t) produced by the adaptive mechanism to steer the system trajectories quickly back into the sliding surface. The control law is the same as eqn. 17, and the adaptation law [13] is defined as (20) where @,,(t) = @,(t) + @ and ra= diag[yal ya2 ya3]is a positive definite matrix. Moreover, the variable-structure law @,(t) is given by [13]

6,(t)= hu(t) -r,F(t)WT(t)S(t) =


U ( t )= U n ( t )+ U&)


U n ( t ) = W(t)@,(t) UL(t) = -cl&) - Pu"(t) Moreover, CY and j are both positive scalar constants of 3
the proportional-differential (PD) controller Udt). Substituting eqn. 17 into eqn. 14 gives

@,(t) = F(t)O,(t) (21) For the error dynamic equation shown in eqn. 19 using the variable-structure law eqn. 21 and the adaptation law eqn. 20, the tracking errors q ( t ) and G(t) converge to zero asymptotically. The details of proof can be found in theorem 2 of the Appendix (Section 9.2).
Variable-structure direct adaptive controller

C/j(t)+ &(t)

+ ETL = W(t)@.(t)- a&) +

- Pu"(t)

(18) The error dynamic equation can be obtained using eqn. 18 to subtract eqn. 15

Bs aqL(t) p4" = W(t) (@,(t)- 0)(19) For the error dynamic equation shown in eqn. 19 using the variable-structure law eqn. 16, the tracking errors q(t) and $ ( t ) converge to zero asymptotically. The details of proof can be found in theorem 1 of the Appendix (Section 9.1).
Variable-structure adaptive controller

es + +

This method is based on the VSA control algorithm and combines a direct adaptive law. The control block diagram of the VSDA control system is shown in Fig. 6, which is similar to the VSA control system with a direct adaptation law. The direct adaptation law can give a better control performance with much reduced chattering [13]. The direct adaptation law [13] is defined as

In the design of a variable-structure controller the uncertainty bounds are difficult to obtain in advance for practical applications. On the other hand, a conservatively designed control algorithm makes the chatVSA controller ..................................................

G d ( t ) = 6 d ( t ) = -KdWrS(t) (22) where @At) = @At) - 0 and Kd is a diagonal positive definite gain matrix. The adaptation law [13] is given by G,(t) = h,(t)= -I'G,(t) - I',F(t)WT(t)S(t)
= -I'0,(t) - r u F ( t ) W T ( t ) S ( t )

......... .......

s(t)=tj+ aq"

0,(t) =Fe,

(i) Sliding surface; (ii) variable-structure law; (iii) adaptation law 176 IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999

Fig.5, Block diagram of VSA position control system


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VSDA controller .........................................................................................

PMSM drive system

Fig. 6

(i) Sliding surface; (ii) variable-structure law; (iii) adaptation law; (iv) direct adaptation law

Block diagram of VSDA position control system

where r = diag[yl y2 y3] and @,(t) = @,(t) implies that 8 = 0 in this approach. The variable-structure law [13] is defined as

8 in eqn. 27 is obtained by

= 6 x JIR, = 0.6, =6 BIR, = 2.6, and TL = 1.6Nm. Moreover, the value of

@,,(t) = F(t)@,(t)
The term @,(t) shown in eqn. 17 is defined as [13]


@,(t)= @ d ( t )

+ @,,(t)


For the error dynamic equation shown in eqn. 19 using the VSDA algorithm eqns. 22 to 25, the tracking errors 4(t) and @ ( t ) converge to zero asymptotically. The details of proof can be found in theorem 3 of the Appendix (Section 9.3).
Simulation and experimentation

a for the PD controller is chosen to result in the best command tracking response under the condition of no uncertainty in both the simulation and experimentation. The simulated results of the variable-structure controller for the two tests are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, where fast and no overshoot step-command tracking responses and good regulation responses are obtained. However, serious chattering in the control effort resulted.
...i............... ...............

+-.. .........

................. ................


Suppose that the mechanical inertia and damping constant are significantly varied to allow the transfer function model Hp(s)to be changed from that of a nominal case to the parameter variation case
Hpl(S) =

_. ......................

. . +.- ......... ..


+ 1.734

( J = 6 x J,B = 6 x B)

(26) The simulated results of the variable-structure, VSA and VSDA controllers for the nominal case and the parameter variation case at two simulation tests are given here for comparison. In both tests, two cycles of step rotor position commands (step command = 2n rad) are given periodically, and the nominal case with external load disturbance torque TL = ONm is given at the beginning. In the first test the nominal transfer function model HJs) is changed to the parameter variation case at 5s. In the second test the external load disturbance torque TL = 1.6Nm is given at 5s. The parameters and uncertainty bounds of the variable-structure controller are selected as follows:


-6 I 0


A = 8,

a = 30,


time, s b

Fig. 7, Simulated results of variable-structureposition controller

a Position response of nominal case changed to parameter variation case b Control effort of nominal case changed to parameter variation case

IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl.. Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999


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8 ,

X = 8,


= 30,




0 Of2



-2 ..................................... .....................................



If the i parameter in the sliding surface is selected too l high, overshoot will result in step command tracking for both the VSA and VSDA controllers. In addition, rais selected to result in least chattering in the simulation for the VSA control law. The simulated results of the VSA controller for the first test are depicted in Fig. 9, and the responses of 0, are shown in Fig. 10.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !













time, s


time, s b
a Position response of nominal case changed to load disturbance case b Control effort of nominal case changed to load disturbance case

of nominal case changed to parameter variation case


Fig. 10 Simulated results of V S A position controller with 0, responses

Fig.8, Simulated results of variable-structureposition controller

qd i -.....1. ...............

.} .

........ .......

-.......'...... ...............:.......... .....

......................... .........................
7 $

q :

E 2

:.... .... ....



--.._.. 4.............

.............. - 2 p

. . . . . .i ......



....... ...i.............~....... }. ...... . . ....... } . . . . . . . ....... ......

! i l

- 4 1





1 i '

.................................... ...................................


I 10



time, s b
a Position response of nominal case changed to load disturbance case b Control effort of nominal case changed io load disturbance case

Fig. ! J

Simulated results of VSA position controller

time, s


Simulated results of VSA position controller

a Position response o f nominal case changed to parameter variation case b Control effort of nominal case changed io parameter variation case

The parameters of the VSA controller are selected as follows:


The simulated results of the VSA controller for the second test are depicted in Fig. 11, and the responses of 0, are shown in Fig. 12. The step-command tracking response due to parameter variations is the same as that of the variable-structure controller and chattering
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl.. Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999

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is reduced. However, the regulation response is sluggish owing to the adaptation mechanism. Since the F(t) in eqns. 20 and 21 contain the sgn function of the multiplication of tracking errors and sliding surface, chattering exists in @,(t) for the VSA controller.


l I

1 I





zo x









. .

. . .

.. .

.. .

.. .

. .

. .

. .











time, s


6 0 .
, ,

: .

, , ,



# ,


I .

:IC.......... .....:......,.. .. .





Simulation results of VSDA position controller with 0, responses of nominal case changed to parameter variation case


of nommal case changed to load disturbance case

Fig.12 Simulated results of VSA position controller with 0, responses


For the VSDA controller the parameters are selected as follows:

2 2

x = 6.5,

a = 30,

r = 1 3 x 3 , ra= 1 3 x 3


1 0 0 K d = [0 1 0 ] 0 0 150

ra and Kd are selected to result in least chattering in

the simulation for the VSDA control law. The simulated results of the VSDA controller for the first test are depicted in Fig. 13, and the responses of 0, are





time, s

6 b

Fig. 15 Sirnulation results of VSDA position controller

a Position response of nominal case changed to load disturbance case 6 Control effort of nominal case changed to load disturbance case

4 2

-.............!-............................ .............................."

r .
& '



, ,

............ ...........
1 . , ,

l. ...... ......: i ..............: L i ...... .........................................; ; ;*;

, , . . . I

1 ,

1 . . , ,

a .-b o

-............. ........................................................









. ,


, .


, .




, ......................
. .



.. .. ..


time, s

Simulation results of VSDA position controller with 0, responses of nominal case changed to load disturbance case IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999



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shown in Fig. 14. Moreover, the simulated results of the VSDA controller for the second test are depicted in Fig. 15, and the responses of 0, are shown in Fig. 16. Robust control performance of the VSDA controller in both the command tracking and load regulation responses are obvious. Moreover, chattering in the control effort is much reduced.

sgn function is used in the experimentation. Two conditions of rotor inertia are tested: one is the nominal condition, and the other is the increasing of the rotor inertia to approximately six times the nominal value. In addition, a limiter is added in the output terminal of the controller to limit the magnitude of the control effort.


. .
. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . ..................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .

1 ; : ; ; 1 ; ; : ; I
. .

. . . . . . .

. . .

. . .

................................. . . . . . . .

a ..I. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . I .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. .

.......:......... i ........j ........i ......... .........;......... ............ ' . . . . I I i b

....... .........i ......... b

Fig.17 Measured response o vuriuble-structureposition controller f (i) Command; (ii) rotor position a Rotor position due to command tracking at nominal condition b Control effort due to command tracking at nominal condition

Fig.19 Measured response o vuriable-structureposition controller f

a Rotor position due to load disturbance

b Control effort due to load disturbance

. . ,

: .



................. . . . . . .

. .

....................... . . . . . .


a a
........................................ . . . . . .
.I ...................................... . . . .


......... ....... .....

1 .

. . . . . . I . . .:.........:_. .:.................. ......:. ........:. ......: . . . . . . . . S. I ...... .

r....... : ....... :.........:............... .I......... ........ ...... ..I .............. I i T... b

Fig.20 Measured response of VSA position controller

(i) Command; (ii) rotor position a Rotor position due to command tracking at nominal condition b Control effort due to command tracking at nominal condition

Fig.18 Measured response o vuriuble-structureposition controller f

(i) Command; (ii) rotor position
a Rotor position due to command tracking at inertia varying condition

b Control effort due to command tracking at inertia varying condition

Experimental results provided here demonstrate the effectiveness of the variable-structure controllers. All the values given by eqns. 27, 28 and 29 are used both in the simulation and experimentation. Moreover, the

The measured rotor position and the control effort responses due to periodical step rotor position commands (2n rad step command) at the nominal condition and the rotor inertia varying condition of the variable-structure controller are shown in Figs. 17 and 18. The measured rotor position response and the conIEE Pror.-Elecrr. Power Appl., Vol. 146,No. 2,March I999

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trol effort due to a step-load disturbance with l.6Nn1 of the variable-structure controller are shown in Fig. 19. Furthermore, the measured rotor position, control effort responses and 0, responses of the VSA and VSDA controllers at the same test conditions as Figs. 17-19 are shown in Figs. 20-31. Robust control performance of the developed variable-structure, VSA
. .

and VSDA controllers in command tracking responses are obvious. The chattering phenomenon in the control effort of the VSA controller is reduced but the load regulation response is sluggish owing to the adaptation mechanism. On the other hand, in the VSDA controller chattering in the control effort is much reduced with improved load regulation response.

. . .:

. . . . . . . .




Vertical scales: I x IO-?/div a O,, response due to command tracking at nominal condition b Ovzresponse due to command tracking at nominal condition c Ov3response due to command tracking at nominal condition

Measured response of VSA position controller


Measured response of VSA position controlkr

Vertical scales: 5 x 10-3idiv a O,, response due to command tracking at inertia varying condition b O,, response due to command tracking at inertia varying condition c O,? response due to command tracking at inertia varying condition

.......j .......................... . . . .

................................... . . .




I........ i.. ...... ......... .. i.. b


Fig.22 Measured response of VSA posiiion controller (i) Command; (ii) rotor position a Rotor position due to command tracking at inertia varying condition b Control effort due to command tracking at inertia varying condition
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power AppL, Vol. 146, No. 2, Mnrch 1999


Meusurcd response of V S A position controller

Rotor position due to load disturbance b Control effort due to load disturbance

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better than the controller designed in [14], and the controller designed in [14] is better than the VSA controller. For control performance, the VSDA controller is better than the controller designed in [14], and the controller designed in [14] is the same as the VSA controller.






Fig.25 Measured response o VSA position confroNer f rr Q,, response due to load disturbance b Q,> response due to load disturbance c Qt3 response due to load disturbance

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . i . . : . . . . .. . .

a O,, response due to command tracking at nominal condition b Ob*response due to command tracking at nominal condition c Or, response due to command tracking at nominal condition


Afeusured response of VSDA po.sition conrroNer

. . . . .

. . .

. . . . . . . .

, . . . . . . .

............................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................





. i . . .. . . . . . . . ...................................................................... I s . . . .

. . . .

Fig. 26 Meuswed response o VSDA position controller f (i) Command; (ii) rotor position (I Rotor position due to command tracking at nominal condition b Control effort due to command tracking at nominal condition

The performance of the VSA and VSDA controllers compared with the controller designed in [14] are discussed here. Adaptive mechanisms are adopted in all the design of the controllers to reduce chattering. However, an integral sliding surface is implemented in [14] and a PD-type sliding surface is implemented in this study. For chattering reduction, the VSDA controller is

Fig.28 Measured response of VSDA position conrro!fer (i) Command; (ii) rotor position a Rotor position due to command tracking at inertia varying condition b Control effort due to command tracking at inertia varying condition
7EE Pron-Electr. Power AppL, Vol. 146. No. 2, Murch 1999

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Measured response of VSDA position controller

a Q,, response due to command tracking at inertia varying condition h Qvz response due to command tracking at inertia varying condition c e,, response due to command tracking at inertia varying condition

a e,, response due to load disturbance b Elv2 response due to load disturbance c Ov3response due to load disturbance


Measured response of VSDA position controller

Table 1: Summary of control characteristics of variablestructure controllers


Controller type Variablestructure adaptive (VSA) controller



Variablestructure controller

Variablestructure direct adaptive (VSDA) controller Yes good

a , . . . . . . . . . . .

Tracking error converge to zero Robustness to parameter variations Robustness t o external disturbance

yes good

Yes good




. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

Chattering phenomenon in control effort





Fig.30 Measured response of VSDA position controller a Rotor position due to load disturbance h Control effort due to load disturbance

Knowledge of uncertainty bounds


not required

not required


Three types of variable-structure controllers for the position control of a PM synchronous servo motor drive have been developed in this study. To show the advantages of the proposed variable-structure controllers, the control characteristic of the respective controllers are demonstrated in Table 1 in accordance with the
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 146. No. 2, March 1999

simulated and experimental results. From the Table it can be observed that although the variable-structure controller can provide the property of insensitivity to uncertainties, which include parameter variations and external load disturbance, the uncertainty bounds are required for the design of the controller and the chattering phenomenon in the control effort is serious. Therefore the VSA and VSDA controllers are designed using the developed adaptation laws to estimate the uncertainty bounds. In addition, the chattering phe183

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nomenon in the control effort can be reduced for the variable-structure laws with the estimated uncertainty bounds.

+ + WT(t)S(t) = -(D+ a ) S 2 ( t ) g T F ( t ) W T ( t ) S ( t ) = -(D a ) S 2 ( t ) (F(t)G - (PW(t)S(t)

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-(B+ a ) S 2 ( t ) -

(6% l&l) 2=1


-(D+ a ) S 2 ( t )5 0

(31) When S(t) # 0, p(S(t))< 0. This implies that p(S(t)) is negative definite. So S(t) = 0 is asymptotically stable, 0 and $ ( t ) 0 as t and the tracking errors q(t)

9.2 Theorem 2 For the error dynamic equation shown in eqn. 19 using the variable-structure law eqn. 21 and the adaptation law eqn. 20, the tracking errors q ( t ) and $ ( t ) converge asymptotically to zero. Proof: Assume > 0 and the Lyapunov function is chosen as 1-T

v ( s ( t ) , G , ( t ) = $s2(t) + pa ) (t)r;lG,(t)

(32) Take the derivative of the Lyapunov function and assume D > 0 and select /3 = ail. Then

v ( ~ ( t~) ,, ( t ) = cs(t)S(t) G:(t)r;G,(t) ) +


-(D+ a ) S 2 ( t )+ W(t)(@,(t)

0) ( t ) S

+ o:(t)( - F ( t ) W T ( t ) S ( t ) )

-(D+ a ) S 2 ( t + (O,(t) )


(-F(t)WT(t)S(t)) = -(B+ a ) S 2 ( t )- O T W T ( t ) S ( t )

+ (O,(t)+


F -(E + a ) s 2 ( t )

(8, - le,\) ~w~s(t)l



-(B+ a ) S 2 ( t )5 0

9.1 Theorem I For the error dynamic equation shown in eqn. 19 using the variable-structure law eqn. 16, the tracking errors 4 ( t ) and $(t) converge asymptotically to zero. Proof: Define the following Lyapunov function and assume C > 0, then

(33) This implies that t ( S ( t ) ,@,(t)) is negative semidefinite. Now define the following term

X ( t ) = ( E + a)S2(t)


V(S(t)) =


X ( t )5




Take the derivative of the Lyapunov function and assume D > 0 and select /3 = ail. Then
V ( S ( t ) )= C S ( t ) S ( t )
= --DS2(t) - ah(t)S(t) - ,Oij(t)S(t)


X(T)dT I

v ( S ( 0 ) .Q,(O)) v ( S ( t ) ,G,(t))

+ W(t) ( 0 , ( t )

= -BS2(t) - aS2(t)

0) ( t ) S + W(t)(O,(t) - 0 )S ( t )

(36) Since V(S(O), @,(O)) is bounded and V(S(t),@,(t)) is nonincreasing and bounded, the following result can be concluded

-(D+ a ) S 2 ( t )+ W(t) (O,(t)- 0) ( t ) S = - ( D + a ) S 2 ( t )+ (O,(t) WT(t)S(t)


IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999

Authorized licensed use limited to: DELHI TECHNICAL UNIV. Downloaded on March 09,2010 at 10:40:32 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Moreover, 2(t) also bounded. Then X(t) is uniformly is continuous. Using the Barbalat lemma [171, the following result can be obtained

Q ( S ( t ) W t ) ,W)) :
= =

lim X ( t ) = 0 (38) t+cc that is S(t) 0 as t 0, and the tracking errors ij(t) 0 and $(t) 0 as t w.

-- --

6s(t) S(t) +of ) ;8, (t) +6; (t)Kd 6 d (t) (t

-(D+ a ) S 2 ( t )+ (@,(t)- W T ( t ) S ( t ) - 0 (t) (t) : F wT t ) ( t )- 0: (t)r;re, ( t ) ( s


9.3 Theorem3
For the error dynamic equation shown in eqn. 19 using the VSDA algorithm eqns. 22 to 25, the tracking errors g ( t ) and G(t) converge asymptotically to zero. Proof: Assume > 0 and the Lyapunov function is chosen as





+ Ct)S2(t) + @ua(t) -

WT(t)s(t) z ( t ) ~ ( t ) ~ ~ - te:(t)r;lr%(t) ( )~(t)


- (Od(t) -

11 ( S ( t ) W t ) ,W t ) ) ,

-(D+ a ) s 2 ( t ) @'(t)r;lr@&)o I

1 (40) = ks2(t) (t)r;lGa(t) 2 - T ( t ) ~ ; l ~ t ) 2 This implies that k(S(t), O,(t), @At)) is negative sem(39) idefinite. Using a similar procedure as the proof of theorem 2 it can be shown that the system is Take the derivative of the Lyapunov function and assume D > 0 and select /3 = ad.Then asymptotically stable.

+p a
1- T

+ -ed

IEE Proc-Elecir. Power Appl., Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999


Authorized licensed use limited to: DELHI TECHNICAL UNIV. Downloaded on March 09,2010 at 10:40:32 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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