Expanded Arcane Siege Engines - GM Binder

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The document discusses various types of autonomous magical constructs known as arcane engines that are used for transportation and warfare. Different societies have developed different types of arcane engines to suit their needs and aesthetics.

Some of the arcane engines described include the dragon engine, battle ram, ballista chariot, arcane siege launcher, and tunnel strider. Each has unique designs and functions.

The dragon engine is designed to be versatile in melee and at range. It has siege flails, can incinerate threats from afar with its dragon breath cannon, and can burn swathes of enemies with the cannon.

Expanded Arcane Engines

Arcane Engines Arcane Siege Launcher
Thanks to several advances in magic and technology, some Arcane siege launchers are designed are autonomous arcane
societies have created powerful yet autonomous machines of siege weapons, loosely inspired by trebuchets and catapults.
war. One of the first and most notable of this emergent Unlike their precursors, these weapons are magically
technology was the hellfire engines that roam the Nine Hells powered, often through crystals, runes, or other arcane power
harvesting souls for its fiendish overlords. sources. These constructs can be quite versatile as they are
able to concentrate this magical energy in a variety of ways
Emergent Technologies such as a focused beam to increase range, an explosive blast
Similar machines have been created on the Material Plane, to suppress an enemy's advance, or a swarm of arcane
each with its own unique design and function depending on projectiles to minimize friendly fire.
its creator. Although this compendium will provide numerous
templates and models of common arcane engines, the same Tunnel Strider
design can take many forms. For example, an arcane engine The tunnel strider was designed to be the ultimate troop
designed by kobold may take on a more draconic appearance, transport. Unlike other arcane engines, it possesses a special
while an engine of wood elf society may possess a more set of spider-like legs that enables it to leap incredible
organic or floral design. distances and even climb ceilings.
Vehicular Substitute Despite its superior mobility, its only means of defense are
At first glance, many arcane engines appear to function as its enlarged legs. Therefore, it is heavily relevant on its
vehicles or troop transports. However, it is important to passages for advanced means of self-defense
differentiate these constructs from standard vehicles and Bonecrusher Engine
siege weapons. Arcane engines are fully sentient and are able
to adapt and formulate plans of their own, albeit typically The bonecrusher engine is a malevolent construct whose
within the bounds of their defined purpose. design is believed to have originated from goblins or orcs.
However, despite their autonomous nature, they are still These machines are covered in layers of jagged spikes and
designed to work in tandem with a dedicated crew to take full spines.
advantage of its offensive capabilities. Whereas most siege engines crush anything underneath its
path, bonecrusher engines use their jagged spikes to impale
Dragon Engine their victims to its form. In fact, many bonecrusher engines
The first dragon engine is believed to be first created by the are decorated with various skeletons and skulls of previous
kobold. Crafted by the most brilliant and often maniacal of victims.
kobolds, this construct was designed to be the ultimate war Unlike most siege constructs, the bonecrusher is designed
machine. for close combat, utilizing its colossal flail and cleaver to
The dragon engine has an extremely versatile design that decimate opponents. These typically serve as frontline
grants it both melee and ranged capabilities. It possesses two troops, using their thick hide to protect allies from harm.
siege fails that it can use to annihilate any creature that Although their primary ranged capabilities rely on troops
wanders too close, while incinerating deadly threats from stationed on its various battle platforms, it does possess the
afar. However, its most powerful weapon is its dragon breath capability to unleash a salvo of jagged pikes at nearby
cannon, which can be used to burn swathes into enemy enemies.
ranks. Geartreader
Battle Ram The geartreader is probably the most advanced of all siege
The battle ram is a heavily armored battle engine designed by constructs. Its design provides the mobility of the Ballista
dwarves. These machines are known for its nearly Chariot, the durability of the battle ram, and the explosive
impenetrable armor. These constructs were designed as the potential of siege launcher arcane. Due to the success of
ultimate siege engine, capable of enduring large amounts of these constructs, many races have developed numerous
punishment to allow troops to safely advance behind enemy variants of the geartreader.
lines. Many of these alternative designs typically specialize in a
Because the battle ram possesses very few ranged special form of energy. Some models such as the Stormburst
capabilities, they are typically only employed as troop Geartreader are able to redirect magical energy(lightning
transports and demolition troops, using their thunder rams to specifically for this design) to charge its weapons. Others,
annihilate any fortification in a matter of seconds. such as as the Spellsiege Geartreader has a number of tools
to nullify and even redirect magical effects.
Ballista Chariot In conclusion, each of these models were designed to be
perfectly versatile war machines that could handle any
Ballista Chariots were designed as an autonomous situation that the battlefield throws at it.
replacement for standard cavalry. These constructs are able
to navigate through the battlefield with incredible speed and
agility, allowing them to harry any unprotected flanks of their
enemies with their ballista cannons

Waverunner Ornithopters
The waverunner is the aquatic counterpart to Ballista Ornithopters are special flying constructs that can easily be
Chariots. These constructs are often used by many aquatic identified by its pair of rapidly flapping wings, akin to that of a
and coastal societies to patrol their waters to protect it from dragonfly or hummingbird.
threats such as pirates and sea monsters. Due to their small Because the design of these constructs emphasizes speed
size and limited durability, they tend to be deployed in groups over durability, ornithopters typically find more utility as
or accompanying the much larger wave breaker. scouts over siege engines. However, they have the potential to
be effective skirmishes, harassing the enemy long enough
Wavebreaker until reinforcements arrive.
Most wavebreaker tend to resemble an autonomous galleon. Aethernaughts
Due to power limitations, wavebreakers tend to be much
smaller than true sea-faring vessels and are more akin to a Aethernaughts are some of the most advanced of arcane
sentient yacht. Despite their comparatively small size, these engines. These constructs resemble flying yachts. Just like its
constructs t can prove to be quite the match for their aquatic counterpart, the wavebreaker, aether aught tend to be
vehicular counterparts, especially when coupled with a small when compared to standard vehicles.
skilled crew. Although many aethernaughts rely on arcane crystals or
runes to stay aloft, many of these constructs actually siphons
Trenchdiver the wind around as a source of power.
The trenchdiver is a modified wave breaker designed for As a defense mechanism, these constructs are able to
completely underwater expeditions. It sacrifices the mobility generate a localized gale around itself to determine small,
of its precursor for a heavily armored hull that protects its more agile opponents. The aethernaught is also able to
crew from the hazards of being at the ocean floor. Its minimize its weapon payload thanks to its special aetheric
traditional weaponry has been replaced with arcane depth weaponry. Instead of relying on a power source or
charges that are particularly effective against many ammunition, these aether cannons simply channel the
underwater threats. surrounding winds and ambient arcane energy into
concentrated bursts of energy.

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Dragon Engine Operator Helm The Dragon Engine has a helm that can
hold up to four Small creatures which have full cover
Large Construct, unaligned
the Dragon Engine.

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Immutable Form The Dragon Engine is immune to any
Hit Points 114(12d10+48) spell or effect that would alter its form
Speed 40ft. Siege Monster The Dragon Engine deals double damage
to buildings and objects
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Semi-Autonomous The Dragon Engine can either take
an action or move on its turn, but not both.
18(+4) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5)
If the Dragon Engine has at least one creature helming
its control, it can move and operate as normal as long
Saving Throws Str+8, Dex+7, Con+8 as its crew uses its action operating the Dragon Engine.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from non-magical weapons If the Dragon Engine has more than one crew member,
Damage Immunities poison, psychic it has additional traits as long there are enough
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, operators to spend their turns operating the Dragon
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, Engine.
petrified, poisoned, unconscious Wheeled Frame If the Dragon Engine is knocked prone,
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 10 its movement speed is reduced to 0. The Dragon
Languages Languages of its creator Engine can only right itself with a successful DC 16
Proficiency Bonus +4 Strength check from a creature within 5ft. of it.
Challenge 11 (7200 xp)
Crew Benefits
Battle Platform The Dragon Engine has 4 platforms built
The Dragon Engine gains the following benefits when it
into its chassis where one Small or smaller creature can
ride without squeezing. These creatures are considered has more than one crew member helming it
to have half cover. While on these platforms, these can Rapid Reload(Two or more crew) The Dragon Engine can
only be targeted by melee attacks with a reach of at roll its d6 with advantage to recover its Dragon's breath
least 10ft.
Full Speed(three or more crew) The Dragon Engine can
Battle Plating The Dragon Engine can reduce damage use its bonus action to take the Dash or Disengage
taken by 10. action
Belching Fumes Whenever the Dragon Engine is hit with Full Arsenal(Four crew) When the Dragon Engine takes
a critical hit, the Dragon Engine is unable to use its its Multiattack: it can make four attacks: two with its
Dragon's Breath and creature on or inside the Dragon fiery flails and two with its dragon cannon.
Engine takes 14(4d6) fire damage
Crushing Stride The Dragon Engine can move through a
Medium or smaller creature's space. A creature whose Multiattack. The Dragon Engine can make two attacks
space the Dragon Engine enters must succeed a DC 16 with its Dragon Flails. Alternatively, it can make two
Dexterity saving throw. Dragon Cannon Attacks
On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to Spiked Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10ft. to
the nearest space out of the Dragon Engine's path. On hit, one target. Hit: 13(2d8+4) piercing damage +
a failed saving throw, the creature falls prone and takes 9(2d8) fire damage
21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage.
Dragon Cannon. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 120ft.
If the Dragon Engine remains prone in the creature's to hit, one target. Hit: 22(4d8+4) fire damage
space, the creature is restrained until its no longer in
the dragon's engine's space. Dragon's Breath(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft. cone
must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a
Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a failed saving throw, creatures take 36 (8d8) fire
turn. damage and half as much on a successful saving throw.
While restrained in this way, the creature or another
creature within 5ft. of it can make a DC 15 Strength
check. On a success, the creature is shunted to an
unoccupied space of its choice within 5ft. of the
Dragon Engine and is no longer restrained.

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Battle Ram Dense Form The Battle Ram has advantage on saving
throws that would knock it prone or forcibly move it.
Huge Construct, unaligned
Operator Helm The Battle Ram has a helm that can hold
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) up to three Medium or smaller creatures which have
Hit Points 162(12d12+84) full cover inside the Battle Ram.
Speed 30ft. Immutable Form The Battle Ram is immune to any spell
or effect that would alter its form
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Shed Armor When the Battle Ram is hit with a critical
hit, it cannot benefit from its Battle Plating feature and
24(+7) 10 (+0) 24 (+7) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) its armor class decreases by 3 until the start of its next
Saving Throws Str +12, Con+12 Siege Monster The Battle Ram deals double damage to
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing buildings and objects
damage from attacks that are not made of
adamantine, necrotic Semi-Autonomous The Battle Ram can either take an
Damage Immunities poison, psychic action or move on its turn, but not both.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, If the Battle Ram has at least one creature helming its
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, control, it can move and operate as normal as long as
petrified, poisoned, unconscious its crew uses its action operating the Battle Ram.
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 10
Languages Languages of its creator If the Battle Ram has more than one crew member, it
Proficiency Bonus +5 has additional traits as long there are enough operators
Challenge 15 (13000 xp) to spend their turns operating the Battle Ram.
Thunderous Charge If the Battle Ram moves at least
Impervious Construction Whenever the Battle Ram is hit 20ft. in a straight line and make s a Thunder Ram attack
with a critical hit, it can treat the damage as if it were on the same turn, it can deal an additional 11(2d10)
from a normal hit. thunder damage.
Battle Platform The Battle Ram has 4 platforms built Wheeled Frame If the Battle Ram is knocked prone, its
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature movement speed is reduced to 0. The Battle Ram can
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are only right itself with a successful DC 20 Strength check
considered to have half cover. While on these from a creature within 5ft. of it.
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks
with a reach of at least 10ft. Crew Benefits
Battle Plating The Battle Ram can reduce damage taken The Battle Ram gains the following benefits when it has
by 10. more than one crew member helming it
Battle Treads The Battle Ram can move across difficult Ramming Speed(two or more crew) The Battle Ram can
terrain caused by rocky or icy terrain without expending use its bonus action to Dash or Disengage
additional movement speed.
Rapid Slam(three crew) When the Battle Ram takes its
Crushing Stride The Battle Ram can move through a Multiattack: it can make two attacks with its Thunder
Medium or smaller creature's space. A creature whose Ram
space the Battle Ram enters must succeed a DC 19
Dexterity saving throw. Actions
On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to Thunder Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, 10ft.
the nearest space out of the Battle Ram's path. On a to hit, one target. Hit: 33(4d12+7) bludgeoning
failed saving throw, the creature falls prone and takes damage.
35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage.
Upon a hit, creatures (including the target) in a 10ft.
Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a radius around a the Battle Ram must succeed a DC 20
turn. Strength saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
If the Battle Ram remains prone in the creature's space, creatures take 27 (5d10) thunder damage and are
the creature is restrained until its no longer in the pushed back 10ft. and knocked prone.
Battle Ram's space. On a successful saving throw, creatures take half
While restrained in this way, the creature or another damage and are not pushed. This attack creatures a
creature within 5ft. of it can make a DC 20 Strength thunderous boom that can be heard 600ft. away.
check. On a success, the creature is shunted to an
unoccupied space of its choice within 5ft. of the Battle
Ram and is no longer restrained.

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Ballista Chariot If the Ballista Chariot remains prone in the creature's
space, the creature is restrained until its no longer in
Large Construct, unaligned
the Ballista Chariot's space.

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) While restrained in this way, the creature or another
Hit Points 51(6d12+12) creature within 5ft. of it can make a DC 13 Strength
Speed 60ft. check. On a success, the creature is shunted to an
unoccupied space of its choice within 5ft. of the
Ballista Chariot and is no longer restrained.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Operator Helm The Ballista Chariot has a helm that can
16(+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) hold up to one Medium creature which has half cover
while inside the Ballista Chariot. This creature can only
be targeted by melee attacks with a reach of at least
Saving Throws Str+5, Dex+5, Con+3 10ft.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks Impaling Bolt If the Ballista Chariot deals a critical hit
Damage Immunities poison, psychic, necrotic with its Ballista Bolt, a Large or smaller creature is
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, considered restrained(escape DC 13)
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, Immutable Form The Ballista Chariot is immune to any
petrified, poisoned, unconscious spell or effect that would alter its form
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 10
Languages Languages of its creator Jammed Axles When the Ballista Chariot is hit with a
Proficiency Bonus +2 critical hit, it movement speed is reduced to 0 and it
Challenge 4 (1100 xp) suffers disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks, and
saving throws until the end of its next turn.
Battle Platform The Ballista Chariot has 1 platform built Siege Monster The Ballista Chariot deals double damage
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature to buildings and objects
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are
considered to have half cover. While on these Semi-Autonomous The Ballista Chariot can either take
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks an action or move on its turn, but not both.
with a reach of at least 10ft. If the Ballista Chariot has at least one creature helming
its control, it can move and operate as normal as long
Battle Plating The Ballista Chariot can reduce damage
as its crew uses its action operating the Ballista Chariot.
taken by 5.
Crushing Stride The Ballista Chariot can move through a Actions
Medium or smaller creature's space. A creature whose Multiattack The Ballista Chariot can make two attacks
space the Ballista Chariot enters must succeed a DC 14 with its Ballista Bolt
Dexterity saving throw.
On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to Ballista Bolt Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
150/600ft. to hit, one target. Hit: 10(2d6+3) piercing
the nearest space out of the Ballista Chariot's path. On
a failed saving throw, the creature falls prone and takes damage.
14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage.
Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a

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Arcane Siege Launcher If its Barrage is fully charged, it is unable to use this
ability and its recharge is forced to reset
Huge Construct, unaligned
Siege Monster The Arcane Siege Launcher deals double
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) damage to buildings and objects
Hit Points 105(10d12+40) Semi-Autonomous The Arcane Siege Launcher can
Speed 30ft. either take an action or move on its turn, but not both.
If the Arcane Siege Launcher has at least one creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA helming its control, it can move and operate as normal
as long as its crew uses its action operating the Arcane
21(+5) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) Siege Launcher.

Saving Throws Str+8, Dex+6, Con+7 Crew Benefits

Skills Perception +1 The The Arcane Siege Launcher gains the following
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing benefits when it has more than one crew member
damage from non-magical attacks helming it
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Rapid Reload(two crew) The Arcane Siege Launcher can
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, roll a d6s with advantage to recover its barrage.
petrified, poisoned, unconscious
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 11 Actions
Languages Languages of its creator Arcane Bolt Creatures in a 10ft. radius around a spot
Proficiency Bonus +3 with 600ft. of the Arcane Siege Launcher must succeed
Challenge 8 (3900 xp) a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 33 (6d10)
damage of Arcane Siege Launchers choice from cold,
Battle Platform The Arcane Siege Launcher has 2 fire, force, lightning, or radiant damage. On a successful
platforms built into its chassis where one Medium or saving throw, creatures take half damage and are
smaller creature can ride without squeezing. These otherwise unaffected.
creatures are considered to have half cover. While on
these platforms, these can only be targeted by melee Barrage(Recharge 5-6)
attacks with a reach of at least 10ft. The Arcane Siege Engine can use its action to use one
Battle Plating The Arcane Siege Launcher can reduce of the following abilities.
damage taken by 5. Arcane Lance Creatures in a 300ft. long and 10ft. wide
Crushing Stride The Arcane Siege Launcher can move line must succeed a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
through a Medium or smaller creature's space. A On a failed saving throw, creatures take 33 (6d10)
creature whose space the Arcane Siege Launcher enters damage of Arcane Siege Launchers choice from cold,
must succeed a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. fire, force, lightning, or radiant damage. On a successful
On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to saving throw, creatures take half damage and are
the nearest space out of the Arcane Siege Launcher's otherwise unaffected.
path. On a failed saving throw, the creature falls prone Creatures in this area cannot benefit from half or three-
and takes 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage. fourth's cover.
Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a Explosive Volley Creatures in a 30ft. radius around 4
turn. spots within 300ft. of the Arcane Siege Launcher must
If the Arcane Siege Launcher remains prone in the succeed a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
creature's space, the creature is restrained until its no On a failed saving throw, creatures take 33 (6d10)
longer in the Arcane Siege Launcher's space. damage of Arcane Siege Launchers choice from cold,
While restrained in this way, the creature or another fire, force, lightning, or radiant damage. On a successful
creature within 5ft. of it can make a DC 16 Strength saving throw, creatures take half damage and are
check. On a success, the creature is shunted to an otherwise unaffected.
unoccupied space of its choice within 5ft. of the Creatures can only be affected by one of these volleys,
Arcane Siege Launcher and is no longer restrained. even if the area overlaps.
Operator Helm The Arcane Siege Launcher has a helm Homing Missiles All creatures of the Arcane Siege
that can hold up to two Medium creatures which has Launcher's choice within a 60ft. radius around the
half cover while inside the Arcane Siege Launcher. This Arcane Siege Engine takes 15 (6d4) damage of Arcane
creature can only be targeted by melee attacks with a Siege Launchers choice from cold, fire, force, lightning,
reach of at least 10ft. or radiant damage.
Immutable Form The Arcane Siege Launcher is immune If a creature uses the Shield spell of a similar effect, it
to any spell or effect that would alter its form takes no damage from this feature.
Weapon Malfunction When the Arcane Siege Launcher
is hit with a critical hit, it is unable to reroll its Barrage
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Tunnel Strider Powerful Leap The Tunnel Strider can spend any amount
of its movement speed to make jump vertically or
Large Construct, unaligned
horizontally by that amount.

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Operator Helm The Tunnel Strider has a helm that can
Hit Points 76(8d10+32) hold up to two Medium creatures which have half
Speed 40ft., 40ft. Climb cover while inside the Tunnel Strider. This creature can
only be targeted by melee attacks with a reach of at
least 10ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Immutable Form The Tunnel Strider is immune to any
21(+5) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) spell or effect that would alter its form
Siege Monster The Tunnel Stride deals double damage
Saving Throws Str+8, Dex+6, Con+7 to buildings and objects
Skills Perception +1 Semi-Autonomous The Tunnel Strider can either take an
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing action or move on its turn, but not both.
damage from non-magical attacks
Damage Immunities poison, psychic If the Tunnel Strider has at least one creature helming
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, its control, it can move and operate as normal as long
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, as its crew uses its action operating the Tunnel Strider.
petrified, poisoned, unconscious Spider Climb The Tunnel Strider can climb difficult
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 11 surfaces without needing to make an ability check.
Languages Languages of its creator
Proficiency Bonus +3 Vulnerable Underbelly Medium and smaller creatures
Challenge 7 (2900 xp) have advantage on attacks roll against the Tunnel Stride
if it is occupies the same space as the Tunnel Strider
All-Terrain Mobility The Tunnel Strider can move across
difficult terrain without expending additional Crew Benefits
movement speed. The Tunnel Strider gains the following benefits when it
has more than one crew member helming it
Battle Platform The Tunnel Strider has 4 platforms built
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature Nimble Stride(two crew) The Tunnel Strider can use its
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are bonus action to take Dash or Dodge as a bonus action
considered to have half cover. While on these
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks Actions
with a reach of at least 10ft. Multiattack The Tunnel Strider can make two Stomp
Battle Plating The Tunnel Strider can reduce damage Attacks
taken by 10.
Stomp Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10ft. to hit,
Cripple When the Tunnel Strider is hit with a critical hit, one target. Hit: 16(2d10+5) bludgeoning damage.
it falls prone and its movement speed is reduced to 0
until the end of its next turn. Bonus Action.
Multi-legged The Tunnel Strider can move through a Stomp Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 0ft. to hit, one
Medium or smaller creature's space without expending target in its space. Hit: 16(2d10+5) bludgeoning
additional movement. damage.

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Bonecrusher Engine Siege Monster The Bonecrusher Engine deals double
damage to buildings and objects
Huge Construct, unaligned
Semi-Autonomous The Bonecrusher Engine can either
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) take an action or move on its turn, but not both.
Hit Points 162(12d12+84) If the Bonecrusher Enginehas at least one creature
Speed 30ft. helming its control, it can move and operate as normal
as long as its crew uses its action operating the
Bonecrusher Engine.
If the Bonecrusher Engine has more than one crew
24(+7) 10 (+0) 24 (+7) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) member, it has additional traits as long there are
enough operators to spend their turns operating the
Saving Throws Str, Dex, Con Bonecrusher Engine.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Spiked Armor If a creature grapples the Bonecrusher
damage from non-magical attacks Engine or hits it with a melee weapon attack while
Damage Immunities poison, psychic within 5ft. of it, that creature take 7(1d12) piercing
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, damage.
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, unconscious Wheeled Frame If the Bonecrusher Engine is knocked
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 10 prone, its movement speed is reduced to 0. The
Languages Languages of its creator Bonecrusher Engine can only right itself with a
Proficiency Bonus +5 successful DC 20 Strength check from a creature
Challenge 15 (13000 xp) within 5ft. of it.

Brutal Design The Bonecrusher Engine can deal a critical Crew Benefits
hit on a 19-20. Upon dealing a critical hit, it can triple The Bonecrusher Engine gains the following benefits
the damage die. when it has more than one crew member helming it
Battle Platform The Bonecrusher Engine has 4 platforms Rapid Reload(two or more crew) The Bonecrusher
built into its chassis where one Medium or smaller Engine can roll its d6 with advantage to recover its Pike
creature can ride without squeezing. These creatures Launchers
are considered to have half cover. While on these
Ramming Speed(three or more crew) The Bonecrusher
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks
Engine can use its Bonus Action to Dash or Disengage
with a reach of at least 10ft.
Battle Plating The Bonecrusher Engine can reduce Flesh Grind(four crew) At the start of each of its turns,
the Bonecrusher Engine can shift its metal plates to
damage taken by 10.
grind and crush creatures stuck on its body spikes.
Crushing Stride The Bonecrusher Engine can move Upon using this feature, restrained creatures take
through a Medium or smaller creature's space. A 13(2d12) piercing damage.
creature whose space the Bonecrusher Engine enters
must succeed a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. Actions
On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to Multiattack The Bonecrusher Engine can make two
the nearest space out of the Bonecrusher Engine's path. attacks on its turn: one with its Siege Flail and one with
On a failed saving throw, the creature takes 32 (5d12) its Flesh Cleaver
piercing damage and is restrained on the Bonecrusher
Engine. Siege Flail Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, 10ft. to
hit, one target. Hit: 20(2d12+7) bludgeoning damage +
Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a 13 (2d12) piercing damage. On a hit, the target must
turn. succeed a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be knocked
If the Bonecrusher Engine remains prone in the prone.
creature's space, the creature is restrained until its no Flesh Cleaver Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, 10ft. to
longer in the Bonecrusher Engine's space. hit, one target. Hit: 33(4d12+7) slashing damage. If the
While restrained in this way, the creature or another target is prone, this attack deals an additional 13
creature within 5ft. of it can make a DC 20 Strength (2d12) slashing damage.
check to free itself from the spikes. On a success, the Pike Launchers(Recharge 5-6) Creatures within a 30ft.
creature is shunted to an unoccupied space of its radius around the Bonecrusher Engine must succeed a
choice within 5ft. of the Bonecrusher Engine and is no DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
longer restrained. creatures take 65 (10d12) piercing damage and are
Operator Helm The Bonecrusher Engine has a helm that restrained (escape DC 20). On a successful saving
can hold up to four medium creatures which have full throw, creatures take half damage and are otherwise
cover inside the Bonecrusher Engine. unaffected.
Immutable Form The Bonecrusher Engine is immune to
any spell or effect that would alter its form
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Geartreader Engine Malfunction Upon taking a critical hit, the
Geartreader's movement speed is reduced to 0 until
Huge Construct, unaligned
the end of its next turn

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Operator Helm The Geartreader has a helm that can
Hit Points 126(12d12+48) hold up to four Medium creatures which have full cover
Speed 40ft. while inside the Geartreader.
Immutable Form The Geartreader is immune to any spell
or effect that would alter its form
Siege Monster The Geartreader deals double damage to
21(+5) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 21 (+5) buildings and objects
Semi-Autonomous The Geartreader can either take an
Saving Throws Str+9, Dex+7, Con+8 action or move on its turn, but not both.
Skills Perception +2
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing If the Geartreader has at least one creature helming its
damage from non-magical attacks control, it can move and operate as normal as long as
Damage Immunities poison, psychic its crew uses its action operating the Fear Treader.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, Crew Benefits
petrified, poisoned, unconscious The Geartreader gains the following benefits when it
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 12 has more than one crew member helming it
Languages Languages of its creator
Proficiency Bonus +4 Auxilliary Gunner(2 crew or more) The Geartreader can
Challenge 10 (5900 xp) use its bonus action to gain advantage on its next
cannon attack.
Battle Platform The Geartreader has 4 platforms built Full Speed(three crew or more) The Geartreader can use
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature its bonus action to take Dash or Dodge as a bonus
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are action
considered to have three-fourth's cover. While on these
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks Rapid Reload(four crew) The Geartreader can roll a d6
with a reach of at least 10ft. with advantage to recharge its mortar.

Battle Plating The Geartreader can reduce damage taken Actions

by 10. Multiattack The Gear Treader can make two attacks with
Battle Treads The Geartreader can move through its Cannon on its turn.
difficult terrain without expending additional
movement Cannon Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, 10ft. to hit,
one target. Hit: 19(4d6+5) bludgeoning damage. On a
Crushing Stride
The Geartreader can move through a hit, the target and creature within 10ft. of it takes an
Medium or smaller creature's space. A creature whose additional 14(4d6) fire damage.
space the Geartreader enters must succeed a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw. Mortar(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft. radius around
a a spot within 150ft. of the Geartreader must succeed
On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving
the nearest space out of the Geartreader's path. On a throw, creatures take 21(6d6) piercing damage +
failed saving throw, the creature falls prone and takes 21(6d6) fire damage and are knocked prone.
28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage.
On a successful saving throw, creatures take half
Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a damage and are not knocked prone.
If the Geartreader Engine remains prone in the
creature's space, the creature is restrained until its no
longer in the Geartreader space.
While restrained in this way, the creature or another
creature within 5ft. of it can make a DC 20 Strength
check to free itself from the spikes. On a success, the
creature is shunted to an unoccupied space of its
choice within 5ft. of the Geartreader and is no longer

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Stormburst Variant
Flamable Napalm Whenever the Geartreader takes a
Lightning Powered When the Geartreader takes critical hit, creature on or inside of the Geartreader
lightning damage, it takes no damage and can reroll takes 14(4d6) fire damage
a d6 with advantage to regain its Stormburst
Cannon. Until the end of its next turn, the next time Explosive Payload Whenever the Geartreader is
the Geartreader deals lightning damage, it can add a reduced to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft. of the
bonus equal to half the lightning damage dealt Gear Treader must succeed a DC 17 Dexterity
(rounded up) on its previous turn to its total saving throw or take 24(4d6) acid damage +
damage roll. 14(4d6) fire damage.
Stormcoil Malfunction Whenever the Geartreader Creatures inside the Geartreader have disadvantage
takes a critical hit, creature on or inside of the on this saving throw.
Geartreader takes 14(4d6) lightning damage
Crew Actions
Stormburst Core Whenever the Geartreader is
reduced to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft. of the Napalm Trail(Four crew) As a bonus action, the
Gear Treader must succeed a DC 17 Dexterity Geartreader can move 40ft. to a spot that it can see
saving throw or take 18(4d8) lightning damage. within range. When the geartreader moves within
10ft. of a creature or object, that creatures take
Creatures inside the Geartreader have disadvantage 7(2d6) acid damage +7(2d6) fire damage. A
on this saving throw. creature or object can take this damage only once
during a turn
Crew Actions
Stormburst Warp(Four Crew) As a bonus action, the
Geartreader can teleport to an unoccupied spot that Napalm Blast(Replaces Cannon) Ranged Weapon
it can see within 40ft. of it. Attack: +9 to hit, 150ft. to hit, one target. Hit:
19(4d6+5) acid damage + 14(4d6) fire damage.
Actions Upon a hit, the target is set ablaze for one minute.
Storm Burst Cannon Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to Creatures set ablaze takes 7(2d6) fire damage at the
hit, 150ft. to hit, one target. Hit: 19(4d6+5) start of each of its turns but can use its action to
lightning damage + 14(4d6) thunder damage. On a put out the flames
hit, the target and must succeed a DC 17 Strength
saving throw or be pushed back 10ft. Spit Fire(Replaces Mortar) Creatures in a 300ft. long
and 10ft. wide line must succeed a DC 17 Dexterity
Storm Burst Lance(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures
300ft. long and 10ft. wide line must succeed a DC take 21(6d6) acid damage and 21(6d6) fire damage
17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving and are set ablaze.
throw, creatures take 21(6d6) lightning damage and Creatures set ablaze takes 14(4d6) fire damage at
21(6d6) thunder damage and are paralyzed for one the start of each of its turns but can use its action to
minute. put out the flames
Creatures can repeat its saving throw at the end of On a successful saving throw, creatures take half
each of its turns to end the effect on a success. damage and are otherwise unaffected
On a successful saving throw, creatures take half
damage and are otherwise unaffected

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Damage Resistances Radiant, Fire
Exposed Coolant Whenever the Geartreader takes a
critical hit, creatures on or inside of the Geartreader
takes 14(4d6) cold damage Core Flare Whenever the Geartreader takes a critical
hit, creatures on or inside of the Geartreader are
Frost Powered When the Geartreader takes cold blinded until the end of its next turn.
damage, it takes no damage and can reroll a d6 with
advantage to regain its Blizzard Cannon. Until the Solar Powered When the Geartreader first enters or
end of its next turn, the next time the Geartreader starts its turn in daylight, it can roll a d6 with
deals cold damage, it can add a bonus equal to half advantage to regain its Sunfire Cannon.
the cold damage dealt (rounded up) on its previous
turn to its total damage roll.
Crew Actions
Frost Stride The Geartreader can travel across icy Sunbeam(Four crew) At the start of each of its turns,
surfaces without needing to make ability checks. It the projects bright sunlight in a 60ft. cone
banishing the presence of darkness. Creatures or
can also move through difficult terrain caused by icy
terrain without expending additional movement. objects that first enters or starts its turn in this area
cannot benefit from being half cover, three-fourth's
Rupturing Coolant Whenever the Geartreader is cover, or being invisible.
reduced to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft. of the
Gear Treader must succeed a DC 17 Constitution The Geartreader can move this spotlight in a
saving throw or take 18(4d6) cold damage. different direction at the start of each of its turns.
Creatures inside the Geartreader have disadvantage Additionally, creatures in this area have disadvantage
on this saving throw. on saving throw against effects that deal radiant or
fire damage and attacks against them have
Crew Actions advantage.
Freezing Treads(Four crew) As a bonus action, the Actions
Geartreader can move 40ft. to a spot that it can see
within range. When the Geartreader moves within Sunfire Cannon(Replaces Cannon) Ranged Weapon
10ft. of a creature or object, that creature must Attack: +9 to hit, 150ft. to hit, one target. Hit:
succeed a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be 19(4d6+5) radiant damage + 14(4d6) fire damage.
knocked prone. A creature or object can take this Upon a hit, the next attack against that creature has
damage only once during a turn advantage until the end of its next turn.
Actions Sunfire Cannon(Replaces Mortar) Creatures in a
120ft. cone succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving
Spellfrost Blast(Replaces Cannon) Ranged Weapon throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures take 21
Attack: +9 to hit, 150ft. to hit, one target. Hit: (6d6) radiant damage +21(6d6) fire damage and are
33(8d6+5) cold damage. Upon a hit, the target's blinded until the end of its next turn. On a
movement speed is reduced by 20ft. until the end successful saving throw, creatures take half damage
of its next turn.
and are not blinded.
Blizzard Cannon(Replaces Mortar) Creatures in a
120ft. cone succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures take 42
(12d6) cold damage and are restrained for one
minute. On a successful saving throw, creatures
take half damage and are not restrained.
Restrained creatures can repeat its saving throw at
the end of each of its turns ending the effect on a

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Mind Render
Psionic Overload Whenever the Geartreader takes a
Potent Toxins When the Geartreader deals poison critical hit, creatures on or inside of the Geartreader
damage, it can ignore resistance and treat immunity take 14(4d6) psychic damage.
as resistance. Creatures that are immune to being
poisoned must make a saving throw against being Psionic Deflection Whenever the Geartreader takes
poisoned with advantage. psychic damage, it takes no damage and redirects it
at the attacker. The attacker takes psychic damage
Toxic Fumes Whenever the Geartreader takes a equal to the amount of damage dealt instead.
critical hit, creatures on or inside of the Geartreader
are poisoned until the end of its next turn. Crew Actions
Crew Actions Psionic Repulsion(Four crew) As a bonus action,
creatures of the Geartreader's choice within 30ft. of
Noxious Trail(Four crew) As a bonus action, the the Geartreader must succeed a DC 17 Strength
Geartreader can move 50ft. to a spot that it can see saving throw or be pushed back 20ft. and fall prone.
within range. When the Geartreader moves within
10ft. of a creature or object, that creature must Actions
succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be Psionic Screamer(Replaces Cannon) Ranged Weapon
poisoned until the end of its next turn. A creature or
Attack: +9 to hit, 150ft. to hit, one target. Hit:
object can take this damage only once during a turn. 33(8d6+5) psychic damage. Upon a hit, the target
This path is considered heavily obscured until the must succeed a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or
start of the Geartreader's next turn. Creatures that become frightened by the tank until the end of its
first enter or starts it turn within this cloud must next turn.
succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or Psionic Scrambler(Replaces Mortar) Creatures in a
become poisoned until the end of its next turn 120ft. cone succeed a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw.
Actions On a failed saving throw, creatures take 42 (12d6)
psychic damage and are stunned for one minute. On
Smog Cannon(Replaces Cannon) Ranged Weapon a successful saving throw, creatures take half
Attack: +8 to hit, 150ft. to hit, one target. Hit: damage and are not stunned.
33(8d6+5) poison damage. Upon a hit, the target
must succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or Stunned creatures can repeat its saving throw at the
become poisoned until the end of its next turn end of each of its turns to end the effect on a
Plague Cannon(Replaces Mortar) Creatures in a 120ft.
cone succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed saving throw, creatures take 42 (12d6)
poison damage and are poisoned for one minute.
While poisoned in this manner, creatures are
incapacitated as its spends its turn coughing and
wretching. On a successful saving throw, creatures
take half damage and are not poisoned.
Poisoned creatures can repeat its saving throw at
the end of each of its turns to end the effect on a

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Soul Harvestor
Damage Resistances Radiant, Fire

Soul Fuel Whenever the Geartreader takes a critical

hit, creatures on or inside of the Geartreader takes
14(4d6) necrotic damage.
Soul Harvest If a creature with 30ft of the
Geartreader is killed, is soul is automatically
absorbed into the Geartreader. Creatures slain in
this manner cannot revived or turned into an
Undead by any means short of a Wish spell. That
creature's soul can be freed by destroying the Gear
Spellsiege Treader.
Damage Resistances Radiant, Fire Crew Actions
Ray of Death(Four crew) At the start of each of its
Mana Leak Whenever the Geartreader takes a critical turns, the Geartreader projects zone of necromantic
hit, creatures on or inside of the Geartreader takes energy in a 60ft. cone. Creatures that first enters or
14(4d6) force damage. starts its turn in this cone cannot regain hitpoints
Spell-Turning The Geartreader has advantage on for he duration.
saving throws against spell efects. If the Geartreader If a creature is reduced to 0 hitpoints while in this
succeeds a saving throw against a spell effect that area, it is instantly killed.
effects only it, it takes no damage and redirects the
spell back at the caster. The Geartreader can move this cone in a different
direction at the start of each of its turns.
Crew Actions
Antimagic Ray(Four crew) At the start of each of its
turns, the projects zone of antimagic in a 60ft. cone. Deathly Cannon(Replaces Cannon) Ranged Weapon
Attack: +9 to hit, 150ft. to hit, one target. Hit:
The Geartreader can move this cone in a different 33(8d6+5) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the target
direction at the start of each of its turns. cannot regain hitpoints until the end of its next turn.
Actions Enervation Blast(Replaces Mortar) Creatures in a
300ft. long and 10ft. wide line must succeed a DC
Eldritch Cannon(Replaces Cannon) Ranged Weapon
17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving
Attack: +9 to hit, 150ft. to hit, one target. Hit:
throw, creatures take 42 (12d6) necrotic damage
33(8d6+5) force damage. Upon a hit, the target has
and have their hitpoint maximum reduced by this
disadvantage on saving throws to maintain
amount. This reduction can be removed after a long
concentration on spell effects
rest or if Greater Restoration is used.
Dispelling Cannon(Replaces Mortar) Creatures in a On a successful saving throw, creatures take half
300ft. long and 10ft. wide line must succeed a DC damage and are otherwise unaffected.
17 Charisma saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
creatures take 42 (12d6) force damage. Creatures Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by this attack are
that fail this saving throw have all spell effects on instantly killed. On a successful saving throw,
themselves immediately dispelled and creatures creatures take half damage and are otherwise
automatically lose concentration on their spell unaffected.
effects. On a successful saving throw, creatures take
half damage and are otherwise unaffected.

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Waverunner Wave Runner The Waverunner can move through a
Medium or smaller creature's space. A creature whose
Large Construct, unaligned
space the Waverunner enters must succeed a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw.
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 51(6d12+12) On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to
Speed 20ft., swim 80ft. the nearest space out of the Waverunner's path. On a
failed saving throw, the creature falls prone and takes
21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a
16(+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) turn.
Operator Helm The Waverunner has a helm that can
Saving Throws Str+5, Dex+5, Con+4 hold up to one Medium creatures which has half cover
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing while inside the Waverunner. This creature can only be
damage from non-magical attacks, necrotic targeted by melee attacks with a reach of at least 10ft.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Immutable Form The Waverunner is immune to any
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, spell or effect that would alter its form
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, unconscious Siege Monster The Waverunner deals double damage to
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 10 buildings and objects
Languages Languages of its creator Semi-Autonomous The Waverunner can either take an
Proficiency Bonus +2 action or move on its turn, but not both.
Challenge 4 (1100 xp)
If the Waverunner has at least one creature helming its
Battle Platform The Waverunner has 1 platform built control, it can move and operate as normal as long as
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature its crew uses its action operating the Waverunner.
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are
considered to have half cover. While on these
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks Multiattack The Waverunner can make two attacks with
with a reach of at least 10ft. its Dual Ballista Cannons
Battle Plating The Waverunner can reduce damage taken Dual Ballista Cannons Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
by 5. 150/600ft. to hit, one target. Hit: 10(2d6+3) piercing
Buoyant If the Waverunner is fully submerged, its
movement speed is reduced to 0 and begins to sink.

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Wave Breaker On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to
the nearest space out of the Wavebreaker's path. On a
Huge Construct, unaligned
failed saving throw, the creature falls prone and takes
35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 162(12d12+84) Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a
Speed 20ft., swim 60ft. turn.
Operator Helm The Wavebreaker has a helm that can
hold up to four Medium creatures which have full cover
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA while inside the Wavebreaker.
21(+5) 16 (+3) 24 (+7) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) Immutable Form The Wavebreaker is immune to any
spell or effect that would alter its form
Saving Throws Str+10, Dex+8, Con+12 Siege Monster The Wavebreaker deals double damage
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing to buildings and objects
damage from non-magical attacks, necrotic
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Semi-Autonomous The Wavebreaker can either take an
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, action or move on its turn, but not both.
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, If the Wavebreaker has at least one creature helming its
petrified, poisoned, unconscious control, it can move and operate as normal as long as
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 10 its crew uses its action operating the Wavebreaker.
Languages Languages of its creator
Proficiency Bonus +4 Wave Breaker The Wavebreaker can move through
Challenge 11 (7200 xp) difficult terrain caused by strong tide without making
ability checks or expending additional movement.
Battle Platform The wavebreaker has 8 platforms built
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature
Crew Actions
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are Full Sail(two crew) The Wavebreaker can use its bonus
considered to have half cover. While on these action to Dash or Disengage
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks
with a reach of at least 10ft. Actions
Multiattack The Wavebreaker can make four attacks
Battle Plating The Wavebreaker can reduce damage
with its Dual Ballista Cannons
taken by 10.
Buoyant If the Wavebreaker is fully submerged, its Dual Ballista Cannons Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to
movement speed is reduced to 0 and begins to sink. hit, 150/600ft. to hit, one target. Hit: 17(4d6+5)
piercing damage.
Wave Runner The Wavebreaker can move through a
Large or smaller creature's space. A creature whose
space the Wavebreaker enters must succeed a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Trenchdiver Immutable Form The Trenchdiver is immune to any spell
or effect that would alter its form
Huge Construct, unaligned
Siege Monster The Trenchdiver deals double damage to
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) buildings and objects
Hit Points 126(12d12+48) Semi-Autonomous The Trenchdiver can either take an
Speed 20ft., swim 40ft. action or move on its turn, but not both.
If the Trenchdiver has at least one creature helming its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA control, it can move and operate as normal as long as
its crew uses its action operating the Trenchdiver.
21(+5) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5)
Underwater Propulsion The Trenchdiver can move
through difficult terrain caused by strong tide without
Saving Throws Str+9, Dex+7, Con+8 making ability checks or expending additional
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing movement.
damage from non-magical attacks, necrotic
Damage Immunities poison, psychic, Necrotic Crew Actions
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, Floodlights(two crew or more) The Trenchdiver can emit
petrified, poisoned, unconscious a bright light in a 60ft. cone and dim light in a 120ft.
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 10 cone. Creatures that first enter or start their turns in
Languages Languages of its creator this light must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving
Proficiency Bonus +4 throw or become blinded until the end of its next turn.
Challenge 11 (7200 xp) Full Speed(three crew) The Trenchdiver can use its
bonus action to Dash or Disengage
Battle Platform The Trenchdiver has 4 platforms built
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature Rapid Reload(four crew or more) The Trenchdiver can
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are reroll a d6s with advantage to regain its Nautical
considered to have three-fourth's cover. While on these Torpedoes
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks
with a reach of at least 10ft. Actions
Multiattack The Trenchdiver can make four attacks with
Battle Plating The Trenchdiver can reduce damage taken its Depth Cannons
by 10.
Diving Momentum The Trenchdiver can move through a Depth Cannons Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
Large or smaller creature's space. A creature whose 150/600ft. to hit, one target. Hit: 16(2d10+5) thunder
space the Trenchdiver enters must succeed a DC 20 damage.
Dexterity saving throw. Nautical Torpedo(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft.
On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed to radius around a spot within 150ft. of the Trench
the nearest space out of the Trenchdiver's path. On a breaker must succeed a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw
failed saving throw, the creature falls prone and takes or take 44 (8d10) thunder damage and half as much on
35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage. a success. Underwater creatures have disadvantage on
saving throws against this saving throw.
Creatures can only be affected by this feature once a
Operator Helm The Trenchdiver has a helm that can
hold up to four Medium creatures which have full cover
while inside the Trenchdiver.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ornithopter Battle Plating The Ornithopter can reduce damage taken
by 5.
Large Construct, unaligned
Wing Malfunction When the Ornithopter is hit with a
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) critical hit, it flying speed is reduced to 0 until the end
Hit Points 60(8d10+16) of its next turn..
Speed 20ft., 120ft. fly Operator Helm The Ornithopter has a helm that can
hold up to two Medium creatures which have full cover
while inside the Ornithopter. This creature can only be
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA targeted by melee attacks with a reach of at least 10ft.
14(+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) Immutable Form The Ornithopter is immune to any
spell or effect that would alter its form
Saving Throws Dex+7, Con+5 Siege Monster The Ornithopter deals double damage to
Skills Perception +1 buildings and objects
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from non-magical attacks Semi-Autonomous The Ornithopter can either take an
Damage Immunities poison, psychic, necrotic action or move on its turn, but not both.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, If the Ornithopter has at least one creature helming its
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, control, it can move and operate as normal as long as
petrified, poisoned, unconscious its crew uses its action operating the Ornithopter
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 11
Languages Languages of its creator Crew Actions
Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 4 (1100 xp) Co-Pilot(2 crew) While airborne, if a creature moves
within 5ft. of the Ornithopter, it can use its reaction to
move up to half its movement speed to a spot it can
Aiborne Agiity While airborne, whenever the
Ornithopter is forced to make a Dexterity saving throw see in range.
that deals damage, it takes half damage on a failed Actions
saving throw, and none on a success.
Multiattack The Ornithopter can make two attacks with
Battle Platform The Ornithopter has 1 platform built its Ballista Bolts
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are Ballista Bolt Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
considered to have three-fourth's cover. While on these 120/240ft. to hit, one target. Hit: 11(2d6+4) piercing
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks damage.
with a reach of at least 10ft.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Aethernaught Siege Monster The Aethernaught deals double damage
to buildings and objects
Huge Construct, unaligned
Semi-Autonomous The Aethernaught can either take an
Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor) action or move on its turn, but not both.
Hit Points 207(18d12+90) If the Aethernaught has at least one creature helming
Speed 20ft., 80ft. fly its control, it can move and operate as normal as long
as its crew uses its action operating the Aethernaught.
24(+7) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) Full Speed(two crew) The Aethernaught can use its
bonus action to Dash or Disengage.
Saving Throws Dex+9, Con+11
Gale Generator(three crew or more) At the start of each
Skills Perception +4
of its turns, the Aethernaught can cause an area within
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
30ft. around it to become difficult terrain for all
damage from non-magical attacks, Necrotic Damage
creatures other than itself.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Large and smaller airborne creatures in this range must
frightened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, succeed a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked
petrified, poisoned, unconscious prone.
Senses 120ft. darkvision, passive perception 14 Vacuum Generator(four crew) The Aethernaught can
Languages Languages of its creator
reroll a d6 with advantage to regain its Combustion
Proficiency Bonus +6 Beam.
Challenge 17 (18000 xp)
Battle Platform The Aethernaught has 8 platforms built
into its chassis where one Medium or smaller creature Multiattack The Aethernaut can make three attacks with
can ride without squeezing. These creatures are its Combustion Cannon
considered to have halve cover. While on these Combustion Cannon Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
platforms, these can only be targeted by melee attacks 300/1200ft. to hit, one target. Hit: 16(2d10+5)
with a reach of at least 10ft. thunder damage + 11(2d10) fire damage. Upon a hit,
Battle Plating The Aethernaught can reduce damage the target must succeed a DC 20 Strength saving throw
taken by 10. or be pushed back 10ft.

Engine Stall When the Aethernaught is hit with a critical Combustion Lance(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 300ft.
hit, it flying speed is halved until the end of its next long and 30ft. wide line must succeed a DC 20
turn. Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
creatures take 33 (6d10) thunder damage and
Operator Helm The Aethernaught has a helm that can 33(6d10) fire damage and half as much on a successful
hold up to four Medium creatures which has full cover saving throw and are knocked prone.
while inside the Aethernaught. This creature can only
be targeted by melee attacks with a reach of at least On a successful saving throw, creatures take half
10ft. damage and are otherwise unaffected.

Immutable Form The Aethernaught is immune to any

spell or effect that would alter its form
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
A special Thanks to my Patrons
Mythic Patrons
Marcella V.
Marshmellow Owlbear
Jake C.
The Emcredible
Terra Nova
Kandros Vashtet

Legendary Patrons
Daniel M.
Sir Prize
Steven K.

Epic Patrons
Brad E. , Jordan B
Flamerules3, Vincent
Alex D, Aaron S.
Captain Blackwood. Jacob S.
Razi R., Damien T.
Tallon M., Peter R.
Douglas B., John B.
Nathan S.
Joseph L.
Andrew W.
Glenn S.
Andrew C.
Justin R.
Particle Man
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Art Credits
Cover Art: Lucas Graciano

Ornithopter Fleet: Svetlin Velinov

Ballista Chariot: Titus Lunter

Tunnel Strider: James Paick

Geartreader: Jason Engle

Waverunner: Christine Choi

Wavebreaker: Cliff Childs

Trenchdiver: Daniel Ljunggren

Ornithopter: Adam Paquette

Aethernaught: Christine Choi

Watercolor Stains: Jared Ondricek

Back Cover Art: Daniel Ljunggren

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compendiums. If you wish to view my previous
works or support me, be sure to check out my
Patreon and Ko Fi where you can download these
compendiums for free!

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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