HQ Units: Underlined and Slightly Larger

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 Here is the first draft of Units I want to implement into the Squats book.

The units whose names are

underlined and slightly larger are old squat units from back when they were supported by GW while units
whose names are in bold are new units I want to add in & units whose names are in Times New Roman and
Underlined are units who got GW models but were Squatted before they could be given rules.

HQ Units
Grombrindol the White Squat - Named Squat Character. You know who he is
Warlord - classic Squat Leader-dude
Guildmaster - High Ranking member of a Guild, always well-armed
Living Ancestor - a really old Squat that has learnt how to Psyker through shear-force of experience
That one Squat who is in Necromunda - I forget his name

Elite Units
Hearth guard – the classic battle eggs, elites who wear Exo Suits.

Cyber Slayers – A GW unit that was sculpted shortly before the Squats were Squatted and so never got
rules. They will be elite Berserkers who have cybernetically enhanced themselves to a large degree to
better their performance

Jump Troops - Assault Squads with Jump Packs, not sure if they should be their own thing or not.

Troops Units
Squat Warriors – Reservist fighters, the Squat Warrior from 2nd ed.

Squat Troopers – The Professional infantryman, the Squat Trooper from Epic

Squat Thunderer – The Mobile Big gun unit

Squat Heavy Weapons Team – The Weapons team squad with a Crewed Weapon, Thudd Gun and
Mole. Mortars included as options. Perhaps one of them has a Missile Launcher as well. Back in 2nd ed
could take a Rapier (not that one) or a Tarantula which are old artifacts of 2nd ed, I think I will let the
Squats keep them as they are also artifacts of 2nd ed.

Berserkers – the CCQ squad, maybe they have the option of a Jump pack not sure yet. From Epic as well,
2nd ed had Assault squads who were very similar

Drillers, Squats with big Drills for decimating armour up close. Perhaps Drills should be a War gear choice
for Troopers/Berserkers/Thunderers instead of its own unit
Dedicated Transports
Rhino, Squats could take a Rhino. You already know what it does, perhaps it can hold more then the
Space-Marine Rhino (because Squats are small then Space Marines)

Termite - the Guard Termite was originally a Squat Transport.

Mole - The Imperial Mole was Also a squat Transport.
Hellbore - A really big tunnelling Transport from epic

The Hellbore + Space-Marine for scale

Dedicated Flying-transport - not an Iron-eagle modified to carry troops but a dedicated Chinook-style
flying Troop-transport.
Fast Attack
Bikes - a Classic Squat unit, Squats on motorbikes, Hell Angles style.
Trikes - another Classic, these Trikes cold mount a heavy weapon. Curiously one of the options was a D-

Hover-car - the Squat Hover-car was a limited-edition model that GW gave away at an event. These are
Civilian Cars pressed into service and act like a (worse) Land Speeder.
Shield Bearer Platforms - walking weapon Platforms that carry potent weapon systems

Controlled via radio-box, either carried by a Squat following behind or from some sort of command centre.
They can move faster than a Squats 3”. While a Tarantula can move and fire in 360” these things are more
mobile but can’t shoot on the move and are more delicate/ are more complex and thus reserved for the
good Weapons systems. Maybe these could one of those “So cool the Imperium forgot how to build them”

Throne Bearer Platforms - Like the Sheildbearer but large enough to

mount bigger weapons. Also, these are big enough to be ridden on by a
driver instead of needing to be radio controlled.

Heavy Support
Thunder-fire-Cannon - not the Space Marine weapon this was an Epic Artillery piece for the Squats. It
can move under its own power but has to stop and put-down some supports when it wanted to shoot its
devastating main gun.

Goliath mega cannon – Not the Genestealer Cult unit. These are like the Thunderfire but ~Huge~, has a
minimum range of 50cm and so is often supported by Thunderfire
Land Train - from the days of Epic this is one of my favourite units. It’s a choo-choo train!
It was a heavily armoured Train-engine/tank which towed a selection of battlecars. These battlecars
-A Bomb Battlecar. carried a one-use Giant missile, similar in power to the Deathstrike missile used
by the Guard. You only get a single shot though

`-A Berserker Battlecar. has a single autocannon and numerous freeing slits for its cargo, a unit of
Berserkers, to shoot out of. Also had a full-on Crenulated Battlement. Why the Transport car was
Berserkers only I am not sure.

-A Mortar Battlecar. carries a huge siege mortar (the kind found on an Imperial Bombard), has a
higher rate of fire though (it’s those nimble Squat hands)

-A Dragon Battlecar. Packs a Massive Flamer.

-A FireSheild Battlecar. Doesn’t have to much weaponry but bring additional Voidsheilds to the party
for further protection of the Train.

-A Sky hammer Battlecar. carries an advanced missile system for Anti-Air

-An Iron Eagle Battlecar. has a landing pad for an iron-Eagle Gyrocopter. What is special about it is
that the rest of the train can use the Iron Eagles LoS. So if a Train with a mortar can’t see an enemy
behind some cover but the Trains Iron Eagle can then the Trains mortar can shoot over the cover as
if it could see the enemy. One thing to note is

One thing to note is that if a Battlecar in the middle is destroyed then all the cars cut off from the engine can
still move under their own power, albeit slower so it’s best that they move to hook back up with the train.
I think that fielding this you will need to bring at least two Cars.
Anvil - this is based on the Ramshackle mini and is a simple tank-hunter. It has Armour, a big gun In the
hull and some Armour. A Basic Armour-piece around the level of the Leman Russ (though not as good).
The fact that most of the Squats units come from epic means that they’re in danger of having nothing in-
between their cheap bikes and their Bane blade tier super-weapons so this is to prevent that and give them
a good cheap tank. Though I would be open to allowing them to swap the gun out for something else, Like
a Thudd-Gun or something similar

Turreted Anvil - similar to the Anvil except a slightly smaller gun inside a Turret, Maybe not I’m not sure

Something-Something Tactical Chassis - It’s a Chassis that can be put to a number of uses, its turret
can mount any of the crewed weapons that the Heavy Weapons team can take (including the Thudd Gun)
as well as some of the Sheildbearer Weapons in order to make an inferior battle-tank to the Anvil or it can
take communications equipment to become a command tank or it can take a more powerful engine to
salvage friendly tanks that have been disabled. I.E it’s a Toolbox unit that can be adapted to a variety of
roles. So, the IG utility vehicles crossed with a light tank. Perhaps it can mount the FireSheild system from
the Battlecar to support infantry. Or a trophy system oooh.
Extra suit – like an Exo Suit but really big, like a Tau Battle suit or a Centurion.

Deathroller – a Steamroller that has been pressed into service. Its normal roller replaced
with a military-grade Power Roller. Rolls over fools with its Power roller.

Stinging-Insects – a catch-all term for small one (maybe two) squat flying machines with a large array of
weaponry at their disposal, think Old-School fantasy Gyrocopter with a cool 40K weapon attached instead
of the Steam-gun

Iron Eagle Gyrocopter - from Epic this is a attack-helicopter that also has an anti-elite and anti-infantry
variant, may want to include some more variants like a Transport variant or one that packs some cool

Assault Gunship - A full-blown Apache-gunship with much more Dakka than the Eagle

Lords of War
War-Machines – the Big Tanks, these are the Leviathan (later adopted by the Imperial Guard, the Squat
model carries Hearthguards),
the Colossus (less Troop carrying in
favour of a ton of guns)
and the Cyclops (pictured)

I would also like to Implement a version

that is inspired by the Bagger 288 for
ridiculous Close-Quarters Capability
As well as one that mounts a Truly
enormous Mortar

Overlord - a Giant Gun-filled Airship that uses future-tech to not suck like real Airships do. Appeared in

Now to start stating units

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