10 Robotic Filament Winding
10 Robotic Filament Winding
10 Robotic Filament Winding
Composite Structures
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/compstruct
Keywords: The robotic filament winding (RFW) technology consists of an industrial robot that is equipped with a feed and
Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs) deposition systems; they are suitable for placing a tape along the stress directions the part is subjected to during
Structural composites operation. RFW cell replaces the human operator that is the only system that has been previously used to
Mechanical properties manufacture complex shape parts. It represents an advantage as regards process control, repeatability and
Complex shape
manufacturing times. The present work focuses on the family of structural parts whose shape may be obtained as
Filament winding
a result of a full section sweeping along a closed non auto-intersecting 3D curve. The aim of the paper is to
present a design methodology for the forming process of complex shape structural parts by RFW, in order to
obtain structural homogeneity and fibre content uniformity, and so to demonstrate the potential of an innovative
robotic cell for manufacturing these parts.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Sorrentino).
Received 15 January 2019; Received in revised form 6 March 2019; Accepted 8 April 2019
Available online 09 April 2019
0263-8223/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Sorrentino, et al. Composite Structures 220 (2019) 699–707
winding (RFW) cell replaces the human operator, that represented the a careful design of the forming equipment is appropriate in order to
only system previously used to manufacture complex shape parts. RFW guarantee a uniform material compaction at the end of the poly-
represents an advantage as regards process control, repeatability and merization process.
manufacturing times [28,29]. Therefore, at present, the robotic cells are
used for manufacturing parts with complex geometry, even with con- 2.1. Planning of manufacturing process
cave surfaces, but only with a hollow section. For the feasibility of parts
with concavity, the adopted solution is to stratify the coils of fibre in a In order to manufacture composite structural complex parts by
direction transverse to the local curvature, in order to avoid fibre guarantying their quality in relation to damage acceptability and good
bridging, that occurs in the presence of concavities and it consists in the mechanical properties, to consider three main elements is essential: i)
formation of bridges by the fibres not adherent to the mandrel shape. forming tools (forming mould, preforming systems and curing mould);
However, the proposed solution allows to realize only “tubular” parts ii) winding trajectory; iii) stratification sequence.
subject to hydrostatic loads, as T, L, S and Y joints, therefore it is not
possible to produce “full section” structural parts. These systems re- 2.1.1. Design of forming tools
present the birth of a new filament winding concept, a new more For this class of parts, once the geometry and the related quantity of
flexible and versatile technology that is called Robotic Filament material to be deposited in the mould have been deliberated, to define
Winding (RFW) and it is the evolution of Traditional Filament Winding the geometry of the forming moulds is opportune because it strongly
(TFW): the basic concept remains the same, but it is extended to the characterizes the quality of the final product. These equipments can be
generation of complex trajectories. The aim is to generate winding subdivided into 4 main elements, as reported in Fig. 2: i) the central
trajectory along geodesic and non-geodesic paths, free of slippage and body, that represents the element on which all the auxiliary systems
bridging, in order to guarantee the stability of the tape on a mandrel and the tool for the subsequent polymerization are connected; ii) the
[30–36]. side walls, which guarantee the tape stability during the winding on the
The present work focuses on the family of structural parts whose mould; iii) the preforming system, driven by pneumatic cylinders,
shape may be obtained as a result of a full section sweeping along a which assure the localized pre-compaction for each tape layer on the
closed non auto-intersecting 3D curve. In previous studies, the cell mould to avoid the “bridging” effect, that causes a lack of adhesion
structure [37] and the potential in terms of managing the process between the material to be laid and the already deposited one, as de-
parameters and the realization of complex trajectories in space [38–42] noted in Fig. 3; iv) the curing tools, consisting of several sub-elements,
were presented. This work has the aim of presenting a design metho- which must guarantee both the homogeneity of the compaction pres-
dology for the forming process by RFW of complex shape structural sure and the geometric conformity during the polymerization process.
parts, presenting concave surfaces, in order to obtain structural Among the 4 above-mentioned elements, the preforming system is
homogeneity and fibre content uniformity, and so to demonstrate the of importance and innovation. As anticipated, it allows to eliminate the
potential of an innovative robotic cell for manufacturing these parts. “bridging” effect and to obtain a compaction degree on the concave
surfaces like that obtainable on flat or convex surfaces. Establishing the
2. Material and method correct dimensions of the preforming system and the compaction force,
driven by a pneumatic cylinder, is proper to achieve the desired com-
In the present work a family of complex shape structural parts was paction degree; for the purpose of the present study, the pressure was
considered; an example is shown in Fig. 1a. The considered part, that is determined according to the size and geometry of the preforming
named “fork” and it represents the structural element of a helicopter system and the tape tension.
component for assembling the blade to the rotor (Fig. 1b), is stressed
mainly by a unidirectional load due to the centrifugal force (Fc) of the 2.1.2. Design of winding trajectory
blade which stresses the fork radially with respect to the rotor axis of The path along which the tape has to be wound is called deposition
rotation. Therefore, in order to better utilize the mechanical char- path. Then, the trajectory along which the deposition head should move
acteristics of the composite material, the fibres must be positioned on in order to wind the tape along the defined deposition path needs to be
the mould along the load direction that will be generated inside the delineated. The winding trajectory of the deposition head is a set of
part. Given the geometric complexity of the part, the only technology points ordered in space; it represents the image of the points of the base
suitable for the stratification of fibres in these directions is the RFW. path, as shown in Fig. 4. The existence of a biunivocal relationship
Moreover, since these parts are structural ones with high mechan- between the points of the base path and those of the winding trajectory
ical performances, which require a high structural uniformity (with a is absolutely necessary. It is possible to generate the winding coils
high fibres/matrix volumetric ratio and low voids content), to carry out through extrusion along the base path of the cells belonging to the
Fig. 1. An example of complex shape part: a) fork; b) assembly of rotor and the helicopter blade.
L. Sorrentino, et al. Composite Structures 220 (2019) 699–707
L. Sorrentino, et al. Composite Structures 220 (2019) 699–707
Fig. 5. Winding die of the fork component with one of its winding trajectories.
Fig. 7. Trajectory angle: a) along the same trajectory; b) for some trajectories at different distances from the mould.
L. Sorrentino, et al. Composite Structures 220 (2019) 699–707
considered volume (see Fig. 8). The control volume is a positive offset
of the solid model related to part-support assembly.
L. Sorrentino, et al. Composite Structures 220 (2019) 699–707
Fig. 12. a) part layered on its winding mould; b) curing tools mounted on the central body.
Table 1
Destructive tests made on the parts.
Spatial identification Test
L. Sorrentino, et al. Composite Structures 220 (2019) 699–707
Fig. 15. a) Robotic filament winding cell; b) Winding die: closing of preforming system on the tape.
shown in Fig. 17. As it can be seen from Fig. 18a, the presence of voids
can be detected on some sections, identifiable as darker areas, which
involve a certain porosity and they are indicative of a possible reduc-
tion in the material resistance. ImageJ software was used to quantify
the voids presence. In fact, to process the images of the sections was
possible by means of this software, that was useful for highlighting the
darker areas (Fig. 18b), and then defining the percentage portion of the
section occupied by these areas (Fig. 18c). From the visual examination
results it can be stated that the area percentage covered by voids and
porosity is between 1 and 2%, with a very low coefficient of variation
As concerns structural investigations, the results of the different
tests mentioned in the materials and methods section are reported in
Fig. 16. Helicopter fork: final component after the curing process. Table 2, that describes the results of the tests for the determination of
the resin weight content Rw%, the composite material density ρc and the
void content Vc%. Comparing these results with minimal requirement
winding trajectories were implemented by means of a robotic cell for the structural parts, that is indicated in the table too, it can be de-
constituted by an anthropomorphic robot, a unique and innovative duced that the parts can be accepted.1 The void content values reported
device for tape deposition installed on the robot arm and a winding in Table 2 are slightly different from those determined by visual ex-
mould, as shown in Fig. 15 [36,39]. amination. This can be explained by the fact that the former are related
The winding device was designed and built on the basis of com- to the whole volume of a specimen, while the latter to a single section.
pactness, structural lightness, stiffness and functionality principles, in As regards the ILSS tests, the results obtained from experimental
order to guarantee the maximum dexterity of the robot, to minimize the tests (Fig. 19) state an average value of 60.78 MPa, with a standard
probability of crashes between the winding mould and the components deviation of 11.50 MPa and a CoV of 18.9%. The ILSS test results are
of the cell, and to improve the control of the process parameters for satisfactory since the obtained values are above the required one, that is
accuracy and repeatability. 40 MPa.1
The number of composite parts produced was equal to eight. The The technical data sheet of the tape considered in this work reports a
material used to manufacture the parts was carbon tape impregnated by nominal value of the resin density ρR equal to 1.25 g/cm3; therefore,
epoxy resin. The tape had a width of about 3 mm.1 For every produced average values of resin volume content equal to 34.34% and of fibre vo-
composite part more than 100 coils of tape were wound on the winding lume content equal to 63.22% are obtained taking into account the results
mould, in order to achieve the target of deposited tape, and a winding in Table 2 and the relations for calculating the volume resin content
tension higher than 50 N was used. Once wound, the parts were closed
R ·
Rv % = w % C and the volume fibre content Fv % = 100 RV % Vc %.1
between the winding mould and the curing tool; then, they were placed
Each of the values found in the individual measurements respected
inside an autoclave to carry out the curing process. The parts were the minimum required value for each kind of test, even in the most
cured at a temperature of about 130 °C and the cure length was 180 critical areas such as the concave ones; therefore, it can be concluded
mins. Finally, the parts were extracted from the die (Fig. 16) and they that the considerations made for the process design, concerning the
were subjected to both preliminary observations and structural tests in definition of the mould, the preforming system, the trajectory and the
order to identify the quality and so the acceptability of the parts. stratification sequence, were valid.
As regards the observations on the surfaces obtained from the part
cut, all the sections showed a non-critical, slight or absent porosity
(< 5%).1 Some examples of the obtained and analysed sections are 4. Conclusion
L. Sorrentino, et al. Composite Structures 220 (2019) 699–707
Table 2 process design. First of all, the winding tool must be designed: it con-
Test results for weight resin content, density and void content. sists of several parts that must guarantee the tape stability and a correct
fibre compaction during both winding and curing processes. Then,
Resin content Composite density Void content
[weight %] [g/cm3] [volume %] winding trajectory must be defined, warranting the absence of tape
loosening and a continuous and harmonious movement of the deposi-
Average 28.53 1.50 2.43 tion head. These objectives can be achieved by offsetting the boundary
St. Dev. 1.84 0.03 0.55
curve of the winding mould, thus obtaining a high-quality process.
CoV 6.4 2.0 22.5
Requirement > 25.0 1.50 ± 5% < 5.0 Finally, the optimal stratification sequence must be defined, in order to
obtain the correct fibres orientation and a constant fibre content, re-
legating the fibre orientation change areas in the less stressed zones of
the part. This planning rules allows to minimize the empty spaces, the
wrinkling and the folds inside the composite part and therefore to in-
crease their quality.
To assess the suitability of the proposed methodology, a complex
shape part, belonging to aeronautic field, was chosen to be manu-
factured by robotic filament winding technology. The part quality was
evaluated by several tests, both qualitative and quantitative, to testify
the reliability of the manufacturing process. The qualitative tests con-
sisted in a preliminary observation of the surface of some sections, that
highlighted a low level of porosity in the manufactured parts. As con-
cerns the quantitative tests, they consisted in structural tests, as inter-
laminar shear strength and the determination of resin content, density
and void content. A resin content of about 27–29% was found in the
parts, while the density was between 1.48 g/cm3 and 1.53 g/cm3, the
void content ranged from 2.3% to 2.5% and the interlaminar shear
strength from 55.92 MPa to 64.05 MPa. All the tests pointed out a
quality and a strength higher than the minimum requirements for
aeronautic sector; in fact, the void content was about a half of that
Fig. 19. ILSS test setup. indicated by standard, while the shear strength was about 50% higher
than requested.
constituted by an anthropomorphic robot, a unique and innovative All these results allowed also to verify indirectly both the validity of
feeding device and a winding mould with integrated compaction the rule used to plan the winding trajectory and the flexibility of the
system. The methodology introduces three fundamental steps for robotic cell when 3D complex trajectories are realized.
L. Sorrentino, et al. Composite Structures 220 (2019) 699–707
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