Composite Structures: L. Sorrentino, M. Marchetti, C. Bellini, A. Delfini, M. Albano
Composite Structures: L. Sorrentino, M. Marchetti, C. Bellini, A. Delfini, M. Albano
Composite Structures: L. Sorrentino, M. Marchetti, C. Bellini, A. Delfini, M. Albano
Composite Structures
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Article history: Isogrid structures are constituted by a thin skin reinforced with a lattice structure. Such structures are
Available online 22 February 2016 adopted in aeronautical industry since they present both structural resistance and lightness. These struc-
tures were initially made of aluminium and were obtained by milling process. Nowadays, composite
Keywords: materials are used in order to improve the lightness peculiarities of such structures. The aim of this
Isogrid structures research work was to design an isogrid cylinder, made of composite material, fit to withstand a defined
Composite material axial load. The design was carried out in two step: in the former, the Vasiliev theory was used to define
the rib dimension of the lattice structure, while in the latter both material and thickness of the skin were
Complex shape mould
Compression behaviour
determined by FEM. Then, the manufacturing process was designed, paying particular attention to the
mould design and to the curing process. In fact, the curing tools and the thermal cycle strongly affect
the quality of the produced part. Finally, the designed part was produced and tested to assess the quality
of the manufacturing process and the correspondence to the design requirements.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0263-8223/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
190 L. Sorrentino et al. / Composite Structures 143 (2016) 189–201
In fact, further stresses can arise during the cure due to differential 2.1. The Vasiliev model
strains between the part and the tool on which it is manufactured,
since aluminium or steel tools have a much higher CTE than com- The characteristic values, concurring in the Vasiliev model, of an
posite parts: they tend to stretch the parts during cooling, letting isogrid element are the curvature radius R and the height L, with
small shear stresses arise at the tool interface and causing tension the following quantities and size characteristics:
in the part [8,9].
Finally, it must be remembered that the resin viscosity dimin- ±u = 30°: the angle of the helical rib with the longitudinal axis
ishes and the matrix flows away during the cure process. There- of the structure.
fore, defects can arise, such as porosity, irregular fibres content ac, ah: the normal distance between the circumferential rib (c)
and voids, that negatively affect the material mechanical strength, and the helical ones (h), with ac = ah = a, as will be shown later
so to wisely design the mould is very important to assure the right on.
degree of compaction. bc, bh: thickness of the circumferential rib (c) and the helical
The aim of this research was to design an isogrid structure that ones (h), with bc = bh = b.
meets fixed resistance requirements, containing as much as possi- Hc, Hb: height of the circumferential rib (c) and the helical ones
ble the weight. The forming technology, the necessary equipment (h), with Hc = Hb = H.
and the process parameters were also determined, because they d: distance between the helical rib in the direction normal to
strongly affect the quality of the produced parts. In particular, the longitudinal axis of the structure.
the mould shape had to be carefully designed since the part pre-
sented a complex geometry, due to the presence of ribs. In fact, a The Vasiliev model executes the design by calculating only two
common defect that usually occurs is a bad compaction of the ribs, variables: H and b. The minimisation of the mass is obtained by
which involves porosity and low mechanical strength. The extrac- expressing the equations in terms of safety factors, each of which
tion of the part from the mould, after the cure process, must be must be greater than one to avoid the failure and instability of
guaranteed, therefore the mould shape must be wisely defined. the structure.
Furthermore, a good compaction and a high level of surface unifor-
mity must be ensured for the skin. The thermal cycle for cure pro- 2.1.1. Generality
cess must be defined in order to avoid the typical manufacturing Initially the radius R, the height L and the applied compressive
defects, such as residual stress and resin degradation due to load P must be fixed. Then the material to be used is chosen,
exothermic peak. Finally, some parts were manufactured and namely:
experimental tests were carried out in order to assess the reliabil-
ity of product/process design. At first, tests to value the degree of Young’s modulus Eh of helical rib.
compaction and the degree of cure were effected on samples, then Young’s modulus Ec of the circumferential rib.
a test regarding the strength of the whole structure was carried Density qh of helical rib.
out. Density qc of the circumferential rib.
The ultimate stress ru.
2. Isogrid structure design
The equation that describes the buckling of an isogrid structure
The structure to be designed is constituted by a cylindrical skin is:
reinforced with ribs, whose section dimensions has been designed qffiffipffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
according to the Vasiliev method [1], whose schematization is p dH2 3
Eh Ec ¼ 1
shown in Fig. 1. Then, the numerical FEM design was used to
n0 P 2
d ¼ b
choose the materials for the skin and to optimise the skin a
thickness. where n0 is the safety factor associated with the global buckling. As
regards the applied stress, it can be defined that:
Dru Hd ¼ 1 ð2Þ
2ns P
where ns is the safety factor associated to the stress acting on the
The minimisation of the mass of the structure M is obtained
with ns = 1, therefore
Mopt ¼ ð2qh þ qc Þ ð3Þ
3r u
The equation that describes the local buckling in the plane tan-
gent to the point isogrid element is expressed as:
Eh DHd3 ¼ 1 ð4Þ
32nl P
where nl is the relative safety factor and k is the coefficient of buck-
ling, which is assumed equal to 4.
It is so found as follows:
rffiffiffi rffiffiffi
2 n0 P 1 3 Dru n0
Hopt ¼ p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð5Þ
3 p Eh Ec ðHdÞopt 2 Eh Ec
Fig. 1. Skin + isogrid reinforced structure.
L. Sorrentino et al. / Composite Structures 143 (2016) 189–201 191
d ¼ 2 pffiffiffi2Eh Ec P ð6Þ The mathematical expression that enables the calculation of a
3 3D2 r2u pn0 was so determined:
kP E2h Ec C ¼ 2pR ¼ 2p ¼ pD ¼ l ne ð16Þ
nl n20 ¼ ð7Þ 2
54D r 5
u Therefore
in which no and nl can be easily determined by pre-assigning one of pD 2Dp
the two. l¼ ¼ ð17Þ
ne nh
The optimised value of b is:
where C is the circumference of the cylindrical element and D its
bopt ¼ adopt ð8Þ diameter, with:
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
pffiffiffi 3 pD 3 2Dp pD 3
3 a ¼ l cos 30 ¼ ¼ ¼ ð18Þ
a¼ pD ð9Þ 2 ne 2 nh nh
Due to its mechanical characteristics and lightweight, Carbon/
where nh is the total number of helical rib (right + left).
Epoxy material has been selected for the manufacturing of the iso-
In addition, the following relations are valid:
grid structure. This material selection has been limited to the skin
a ¼ l cos 30 ð10Þ material of the structure, and material properties considered for
Vasiliev calculation are reported in Table 1.
with ac = ah = a.
Given the radius R = 0.15 m and n (total number of rib) = 80, the
The final check is to verify that:
size of the isogrid structure then presents these features:
Hopt > bopt ð11Þ H = 5 mm, b = 2 mm, nc (circumferential ribs) = 5, l = 97.57 mm,
a = 84.5 mm, L = 0.338 m.
This condition is obtained by choosing a reasonable density of
reinforcements (nh and n).
2.2. Material selection for skin
Expressions of standard load (p) and the minimum mass nor-
malised (m) can be introduced
To determine the proper material for the skin, some numerical
4P analyse were performed varying the skin material, as denoted in
p¼ ð12Þ
pD4 Table 2.
Three materials have been selected as possible candidate for the
4M skin material. C/E skin material can allow the realisation of a
m¼ ð13Þ
pD2 L homogeneous structure with no variation in mechanical and ther-
mal characteristics. G/E skin could allow a cost saving of the struc-
So the: ‘‘universal” term of the minimised mass (miso) of an iso-
ture maintaining good mechanical characteristics. K/E skin is
grid lattice structure is:
characterised by very good mechanical characteristics but homo-
2p geneity will be lost and the final cost for the overall structure will
miso ¼ ð2qh þ qc Þ ð14Þ be higher.
3r u
All model just described is valid if and only if: 2.2.1. Mathematical model
u As the body was symmetrical, it has been chosen to study a
u54D4 r5
P P Pt ¼ t u
ð15Þ quarter of the cylinder. 3D Cad model which represent the struc-
kEh Ec ture (skin and isogrid) has been meshed with the shape control cri-
teria. Rib section dimensions has been those ones calculated in
where Pt is a threshold value. paragraph 2.1.2, while a thickness of 1 mm was considered for
the skin to simplify the model. The skin thickness optimisation is
2.1.2. The calculus procedure described in paragraph 2.3. The obtained mesh is visible in Fig. 2.
For the sizing of a structural isogrid element (cylindrical) a com- Contact type between mesh elements was ‘‘bonded”, assuming
putational procedure was developed in MATLAB according to the an ideal adhesion between the skin and the isogrid structure.
method described in the previous paragraph. The procedure is Bonds have been applied along the quarter of cylinder length and
described in the following: were fixed support type, as denoted in Fig. 3. The applied load
has been expressed in Pascal and it has been applied uniformly
Load calculation of threshold Pt. on the skin surface (see Fig. 3).
The compression load applied P is set equal to that of threshold Material properties for skins have been taken from MAPTIS
(P = Pt). database. Their values are reported in Table 3. The structural
Calculation of: a, no, H, d, b, M in the optimised conditions in the
Vasiliev form.
Calculation of the normalised values of the load (p) and the Table 1
mass (m). Material properties of ribs.
Calculation of the ‘‘universal” mass minimised formula (miso).
Property Value Property Value
Calculation of the number of the circumferential rib (nc = L/a
+ 1) whose value is not an integer. Long. tensile strength [Mpa] 1823 Transv. tensile strength 50
Calculation, by rounding, of the integer value of n. Long. Young modulus [GPa] 213 Transv. Young modulus 7.6
Calculation of the new value of the height L = a (n1) [GPa]
corresponding to the whole number of circumferential rib. Long. compression strength 1052 Density [kg/m3] 1480
Calculation of the change of the two values of the height L of the [Mpa]
Shear strength [Mpa] 81 Poisson coefficient 0.28
structure corresponding to n.
192 L. Sorrentino et al. / Composite Structures 143 (2016) 189–201
Table 2 risk of buckling (B), yield (Y) or failure (U) during operation. Loads
Materials of the case study. can be replaced by stresses if the load–stress relationship is linear.
Case Skin material Isogrid material The safety factor for composites is set at 1.25 as required from the
1 Carbon/epoxy Carbon/epoxy
ECSS-ST-32-10C. For minimum weight design, the MoS should be as
2 Glass/epoxy Carbon/epoxy small as practicable. The percentage utilisation of the failure criteria
3 Kevlar/epoxy Carbon/epoxy for composite materials according to some authors is summarised
in the Fig. 4 [10].
In this study the maximum stress criteria is adopted for the
properties have been considered identical for both longitudinal composite components and for brittle materials. For metallic com-
and transversal directions, since all the prepregs reinforcements ponents, like the springs, the Von Mises criteria is generally used
were balanced fabrics. [11–13].
Table 4
Structural analysis results for skin material selection.
Case Criteria Maximum stress area Stress (MPa) MoS Maximum deformation (mm)
1 Max principal Central C/E rib 0.34 0 1.25
C/E–C/E Min principal 0.29 0
Max Shear 0.17 0
2 Max principal Central C/E rib 0.31 0 1.00
G/E–C/E Min principal 0.26 0
Max Shear 0.16 0
3 Max principal Kevlar skin 0.49 0 0.48
K/E–C/E Min principal 0.25 0
Max Shear 0.25 0
Table 5
Skin thickness optimisation.
Table 6
Composite material parameter for numerical cure simulation.
Table 7
Mould material parameter for numerical cure simulation.
Property Value
q [kg/m3] 750
Cp [J/(kg K)] 1500
K [W/(mK)] 0.25
Fig. 11. Mesh used for numerical simulation.
L. Sorrentino et al. / Composite Structures 143 (2016) 189–201 197
mould assembly, describing the trend in time step of 30 min. The deformation. In order to evaluate it better, the temperature and
absence of exothermic peaks can be noted, therefore the risk of the cure degree were recorded for the two points indicated in
matrix degradation was eluded. Fig. 13 shows the results for the Fig. 14, which were the most critical. These trends are reported
cure degree of the assembly constituted only by skin and ribs, in Fig. 15, while Fig. 16 shows the same information in terms of
and a little polymerisation inhomogeneity is evident in the cross- the difference between the two considered points. In the latter
over region. This was an expected result since the thickness of this figure, a maximum difference of temperature of 1.85 °C is detected,
area was quite high, so this discrepancy was inevitable. However, if while as regards the cure degree it is 0.11. These values were rela-
it had been contained it would not cause residual stresses and tively low and so to redefine the thermal cycle was not necessary.
Fig. 14. Locations where temperature and degree of cure are recorded.
Fig. 16. Differences between P1 and P2 locations for temperature and degree of cure trend.
L. Sorrentino et al. / Composite Structures 143 (2016) 189–201 199
Fig. 17. Process steps for isogrid + skin structure: (a) rib layering in the mould grooves; (b) skin layering; (c) covering with heat-shrinking tape; (d) introduction in the
vacuum bag.
Once the mould had been developed and the thermal cycle
had been defined, to produce the isogrid cylinder was possible.
The mould was mounted, by means of a special equipment, on
a turntable, and impregnated carbon fibres were wound around
it, filling the grooves of the rib, as shown in Fig. 17a. Once the ribs
deposition had been completed, four layers of prepreg carbon fab-
ric were stratified to make up the skin of the isogrid structure
(Fig. 17b), which was then covered with heat-shrinking tape
(Fig. 17c): the compression action exerted by this latter ensured
the right compaction throughout curing. Finally, the mould was
wrapped in the breather and inserted in the vacuum bag
(Fig. 17d). The produced structure is visible in Fig. 18: it was
manufactured through a pre-compaction vacuum bagging process
and a subsequent cure in autoclave according to the designed
thermal cycle.
In conclusion of the present study, experimental tests were con-
ducted to check the compliance with mechanical characteristics
and to assess the suitability of the manufacturing process. In par-
ticular, DSC tests and density determination/matrix digestion tests
were executed on some smaller specimen of ribs and skin. The aim
of these last tests was to determine if the right level of cure degree,
of compaction degree and of voids content had been obtained by
Fig. 18. The whole produced structure.
the designed process. Then, axial compression tests were carried
200 L. Sorrentino et al. / Composite Structures 143 (2016) 189–201
Fig. 19. Load [N] vs. Displacement [mm] and compression test set-up.
Table 8 the numerical simulation. The goal of the work, which is to achieve
Results of experimental tests on strength of designed structure. a component that was characterised by an axial compressive
Test Displacement [mm] Load [N] strength of at least 50,000 N, was reached. In fact, the test was
Average 0.14 52,299
interrupted with a load value of approximately 52,299 N and a
Standard deviation 0.010 1314.60 lowering detected at 0.14 mm, as visible in Fig. 19 and Table 8. It
Variation coefficient (%) 7.1 2.5 was then detected a difference between the theoretical and the
Numerical result 0.14 50,000 experimental value of 4.6% as regards the load, while there were
no differences between experimental and numerical values for
out on the whole parts to determine the mechanical strength of the
same and so to verify the conformity with settled target. 5. Conclusion
As concern the DSC tests, some specimens were extracted from
the parts. In particular, five samples were taken out from ribs and An isogrid structure was designed, then a prototype of the
other five from skin for each part. It was discovered that the min- structure was manufactured and tested. Taking into account the
imum cure degree reached during the cure was 95%; therefore, a mechanical behaviour, in terms of deformations and stresses, the
good matrix quality was obtained. thermal and electrical properties and the weight of the material,
As regards the density determination/matrix digestion tests, the the carbon/epoxy composite was chosen for the structural ribs,
material samples were extracted in conformity with a scheme sim- that were dimensioned according to Vasiliev method. Then the
ilar to that of DSC tests. These tests found a good compaction material kind and the number of plies of the skin were selected
degree; in fact the mean fibres content registered was 58% by vol- and optimised on the basis of the numerical analysis. As result of
ume for skin and 60% by volume for ribs. Moreover, the mean void FEM analysis, carbon/epoxy composite material was selected for
content was 3.7% for the ribs and 4.9% for the skin. These values skin. On the basis of the mechanical behaviour, four plies were
were acceptable for the specifications of aeronautical industry, selected as the minimum number in order to guarantee the struc-
therefore the designed process was suitable for isogrid structures ture integrity.
manufacturing. A special mould and a proper curing cycle were designed to
The axial compression test was performed with a machine cap- manufacture the isogrid structure. The mould was formed by five
able of supporting traction/compression tests with a maximum sectors that could be easily assembled for prepreg stratification
load up to 100 kN, equipped with a load cell capable of constantly and disassembled for extraction from the cured structure. The
monitoring the test and an upper plate appropriate to the size of groove section was carefully designed to guarantee a good com-
the component. It was created a plate with four equal sides to pre- paction, especially near the nodal points. The curing cycle was sim-
vent problems of balance on the axis of the machine and an ade- ulated by FEM software, to ensure the correct temperature during
quate plate thickness was chosen (about 20 mm) to avoid the cure process.
machine punch deformation and to not negatively affect the test. The part was produced through autoclave vacuum bag and then
The test was performed by setting a fixed rate of displacement it was tested. The experiments consisted in DSC test and density
to machine head, determining then the load applied to the compo- determination/matrix digestion test carried out on sample of ribs
nent. The compression test lasted about 7 s to compress the com- and skin to evaluate the suitability of the designed process. More-
ponent up to 0.15 millimetres. The failure of the skin occurred at over, the conformity with settled targets was confirmed through
an average deformation value equal to about 0.14 mm (with a coef- the axial compression test executed on the whole structure.
ficient of variation of 7.1%, calculated on 10 samples realised); the A minimum cure degree of 95% was detected through DSC tests,
break did not occur on one of the two ends of the cylinder but in a mean volumetric fibres content of 58% and of 60% was measured
areas that were more central. Upon breaking, the measured load in the skin and in the ribs respectively and the mean void content
has averaged 52,299 N (with a variation coefficient of 2.5%, calcu- was 3.7% for the ribs and 4.9% for the skin.
lated on 10 samples realised), that is approximately 5331 kg. For the axial compression, the structure break mode generally
After the test and the results obtained, the next step was to expected was the delamination of the skin under compression load
compare the experimental data with the design specifications from and separation between the ribs and the skin. This second break
L. Sorrentino et al. / Composite Structures 143 (2016) 189–201 201
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