Guidelines For Hydraulic Model Studies of Barrages and Weirs
Guidelines For Hydraulic Model Studies of Barrages and Weirs
Guidelines For Hydraulic Model Studies of Barrages and Weirs
ICS 93.160
@ BIS 2001
, A
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the River ,, /1
Training and Diversion Works Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water Resources Division Council.
For construction of new barrages/weirs or remolding of existing barrageslweirs, it is necessary to carry out
model studies to get a comprehensive idea regarding hydraulic conditions, layout of the barrage/weir and its
appurtenant structures. Many aspects of a barrage/weir are finalized after detailed study of different alternatives
on a model. A need has, therefore, been felt to lay down the recommendations for various requirements for
model studies so that a methodical uniform approach could be followed by all concerned.
There is no 1S0 Standard on the subject. This standard has been prepared based on indigenous manufacturers’
data/practices prevalent in the field in India.
The composition of the committee responsible for formulating this standard is given in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, F
observed or calculated expressing the result of a test or analysis, should be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Is 14955:2001
Indian Standard
This standard covers the requirements for model 4.1 Hydraulic models are mainly of two types, namely
studies of barrages/weir. It includes types of model, (a) geometrically similar, and (b) distorted or vertically
selection of scale, data required for model studies exaggerated. In the former, all dimensions are reduced
and observations to be taken on the model and the to the same scale whereas in the latter, the scales for
parameters to be finalized from model studies. vertical and horizontal dimensions are different.
A gated structure located on the upstream of the 4.3.3 The longitudinal and depth scales in the end
undersluices of the barrage for regulating the supplies decide the requirement of discharge which may be a
of the canal. governing factor. Various scales adopted for some
typical model studies of barrages is given in Table 1.
3.3 Silt Excluder
4.3.4 The scale for sediment injection has not been
A diaphragm structure constructed in the extreme developed so far. As such, the injection rate is found
undersluice bay of the barrage in front of the head out by trial and error. method in model itself.
regulator for excluding coarser sediment from entering
into the head regulator. 4.4 Choice of Bed Material
Is 14955:2001
S1 Name of Barrage State River Design Flood Scales Number of Bays Remarks
No. (cumecs) ,—”—. ~
Her. Ver. Spill- Under-
way sluice
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo)
i) Hotnikund UPIHaryana Yamuna 22000 1/150 1/50 10 8 One Fish ladder touching right side
divide wall
ii) Samal Orissa Brahmani 24600 1/350 1/70 24 6 One Excluderon leftundershsicebay
iii) Wazirabad Delhi Yamuna 7079 1/150 1/30 17 6
iv) Okhla Delhi Yamuna 8495 l/150 1/30 22 5
v) Indraprastha Delhi Yamuna 8495 1/150 1/30 22 10
vi) Naraj Orissa Kathjuri 29500 l/4oo 1/66 33 13
Is 14955:2001
viii) Shoals and submersible land including c) Yearly HFL and corresponding discharge
the extent and nature of vegetation; with dates of occurrence for the last 10 years; ,..—
ix) Position of existing and proposed d) Maximum flood on record with date of occur- f .’
structures, namely, bridges, dams, weirs, rence and corresponding HFL; ;
barrages, ghats, spurs and revetments, }..,, ‘
e) Discharge distribution in various channels of
etc; and
the river at important stages during the year \ “
x) Cross-section lines giving its distance for which survey plan has been supplied;
and orientation with respect to some
9 Proposed pond level or levels;
fixed point and reference line; ~,
g) Water surface slope;
c) River Cross-Sections “/
h) River discharge above which the off-taking
The cross-sections should indicate its chain-
canal/canals should be closed and all the
ages from some reference line and extend
barrage gates fully opened due to excessive
up to affluxed highest flood level. The
sediment charge; and
distance between cross-sections may be kept
50-100 m in a reach of 3 km upstream to j) In case of tidal reach, information regarding
2 km downstream of the barrage site. In the HTL and LTL of spring and neap tide both
remaining reach on the upstream, the dis- during freshets and-d~-season. -
tance may be increased up to 500 m. Bed 5.4 Sediment Data
levels along cross-section should be given at
interval of 5 to 10 m in the deep channel and a) Bed Material — A minimum of three repre-
25 to 50 m in the remaining width. The cross- sentative bed material samples 1.5 kg each,
section should show HFL and LWL. across a section in the study reach, one at
The cross-sections should be taken in such a either end and one in the deep channel may
way that all important features of the river be taken at a suitable depth below the bed
channel and the flood plan such as mouth of level considering scour and deposition at site
an off-taking channel, their confluence, high during flood for assessing realistic value of
grounds if any, less erodable or vertical banks, Lacey’s silt factor ‘f.
thick vegetation, etc, are indicated. For this b) Suspended Load— An assessment of concen-
purpose, the distance or orientation or both, tration and characteristics of suspended load
between the consecutive sections may be may be given at least at l/3rd, 213rd and peak
suitably altered, but such alterations must be discharges experienced at the proposed site.
duly qualified on the survey plan; and c) Information regarding nature of banks
d) Survey plan showing past river courses for whether of unifo% material, stratified, rock
as many years as possible, or, if such data .J
out-crops kankar, etc, along with their
are not available, satellite imageries of dry location marked on the plan. Gradation curve
weather channel for different years should be of bank material wherever protection is
supplied preferably in 1:50000 scale. required should also be given.
a) Gauge Discharge Curve — Daily gauge and a) General arrangement of drawing showing
discharge data for as many years as possible layout plan of the barragelweir, head regu-
for all sites existing in the study reach be lator and its appurtenant works;
given. In case a site does not exist within the b) Longitudinal-section and cross-sections of the
above reach, install new gauge/discharge barrages/weir, head regulator, etc, showing
sites, one at the proposed site, one at 1.5 details of all the works;
meander length on upstream and one at 0.5
c) Longitudinal section and representative
meander length in the downstream and gauge
cross-sections of the canal in a reach of about
levels at various discharges at the above sites
2 km from head; and
during the first available monsoon season
should be noted. The cross-sections of river d) Detailed drawing and hydraulic design cal-
at the new gaugeldischarge sites indicating culations of the appurtenant works, namely:
nature of riverbed and the value of Manning’s (a) guide bunds, (b) divide wall, (c) silt
Is 14955:2001 *
6 TERMS OF REFERENCE the model after reproducing the barrage/weir and
related structures:
Exact terms of reference should be stated by the
sponsoring authority. The major aspects of a barrage a) Water levels at different locations and dis-
which will be finalized in the model after studying charge for finding out depth of flow, water
Is 14955:2001
Choinnan Representing
SHRIA. K. SHANGLE Central Water Commission, New Delhi
ENGINEER Bhakm Beaa Management Board, Nangal Punjab
SHIU P. K. TALUKDAR Flood Control Department,Government ofAaaarn+Guwahati
SHRIP. K. DAS(,4//ems/e)
ENGNXR Kolkata Port Tmst, Kolkata
SHRIV.K. KUWARN Central, Water &Power Research Statio~ Pune
SHSUM. S. SHITOLE(,4/wrnrrte)
IDTE Cenbal WaterCommiaaion,New Delhi
CHH EXGINEER(CML) DamodarValley Corporation,Dhsmbad,Bihar
MEMt+ERCOOROINATtON GasigaFlood Control Commissio~ Patna (Bihar)
DIRECTOR(MP) (Ahemate)
DIRECTOR(CDO} Irrigation&Waterways Directorate,Governmentof West Bengal, Kcdkata
(C & FC) (Alremate)
DIRECTOR IrrigationDepartment GovernmentofUbPrad~ Roorkee
DtRKTOR(CEAmAL DESIGN) Irrigationllepartrnen~ Governmentof Punjab, Charrdigarh
SHRIJANCIRAMANPRASADSm_tm Water ResoureeaDepartment,Governmentof Bihar, Patna
(B& F~P Ministry of Railways(RDSO), Lucknow
DESIGNE~GtXEER(B&F) (,4/krnafe)
(DESIGN) NationalHydroelectricPowerCo~ration Lt~ Faridabad
%1oR hhiiAGFR(Aherrlate)
EXGN+WNCHEF Public WorkaDepartmerrt,Government ofTarnilNad~ Chermai
%U v. U. KAUNTIANA BmharnputraBm@ Aaaam
DR~AYAN%%RAfA UniveraityofRoorkee, Roorkee
VFRMA ContinentalConatmetionCo (P) Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI T. B.S. RAO(Alremate)
SARTHY CorrardtimgEngineeringServieea(India) Ltd New Delhi
SHru S. R. TOLEY(Ahemate)
HEAO,CtvIL ENW. DEPARTMSN Delhi Collegeof Engineering,Delhi
HEADCrvrL EIWSWENNGDsPARmmw Indian Instituteoffeehnology, New Delhi
CHEF ENGNER (PROJECT) ItTigationf)epartmetr~Governmentof Haryanz Chandigarh
SUPHUiWE~DtNGENGtNIZ&(BARRAGES & CAWS)CDG IrrigationDepartment.Governmentof Andhra Pradesh, Hydembad
Erwin- (NIP) IrrigationDepartment,Government of Maharaahtra,Naaik
SHRIN. N. MEERA IrrigationDepartrnenLGovernmentof Jamtnu & Kashmir, Jamrnu
SHRIS. K. MAJUMDAR [CT Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
CHIEFE~GmwR Sardar SarovarNarmada NigarnLtd, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar
SHRIM. K. V. SHARMA Tehri HydroDevelopmentCorporation,Rishikeah
SHRIA. K. f@Hl Water ReaoutcesDepartment,Governmentof Madhya Pmdea&Bhopal
DIRECTOR (BODHI) (A/fenra/e)
SHRtS. S. .WHI, DireetorGerreral (&oj7cioMembei)
Director& Head (WRD)
Stmr B. K SmnA
Joint Direetor(WRD), BIS
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
-without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaftlmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. WRD 22 (174).
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