Electronics Fundamentals Ilt Circuit Faults: Global Manpower Development

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Electronics Fundamentals ILT

Module 2 - Circuit Faults
Text Reference

© 2020 Caterpillar Inc.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
SERV1877- 01/20 -2- Module 2 - Circuit Faults

• Approximately 90% of circuit Circuit Malfunctions
failures are due to connectors or
harness related issues. There are several ways that a circuit can malfunction. Most electrical malfunctions
are caused by opens, shorts, grounds, high resistance, or intermittents.

• An open equals extremely high Opens: An open in any part of a circuit is, in effect, an extremely high resistance
(OL) resistance. that results in no current flow in the circuit. An open can be caused by a failed
component such as a switch or fuse, or a broken wire or connector. The physical
• Series circuit open results in no location of the open determines how the circuit will react. In a series circuit, any
current flow for the circuit. open connection will result in no current flow in the circuit. The illustration above
shows an open in a series circuit. The switch acts as an open and therefore no
current will flow through the two loads when the switch is open.

Troubleshooting an open circuit is easily accomplished using a multimeter and

measuring source voltage. If source voltage is available at the connection ahead
of the switch and not available on the load side of the switch, the switch contacts
are open. If voltage is available on the load side, it would be necessary to continue
checking the circuit until the open is identified.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1877- 01/20 -3- Module 2 - Circuit Faults

In a parallel circuit, identifying an open depends on where the open occurs. If the
open occurs in the main line, none of the loads or components will work. In effect,
all parallel branches will not operate. Additionally, an open in the return ground
path would have the same effect as an open in the main line. An open in the return
ground path is referred to as an “open ground.”

If the open occurs in any of the branches past the main line, only the load on
that specific branch is effected. All other branch loads will operate normally. The
illustration above shows an example of an open in the main line and in a parallel

• Start troubleshooting process When troubleshooting or diagnosing an open in a circuit, the result is normally a
by checking voltage at the component that fails to operate or function. Since most power circuits are protected
circuit protection device, then with some type of a fuse or circuit protection device, it is recommended that the fuse
the component. Check other or device be checked visually. If a visual check does not reveal an open condition,
connections based on location remove the device and perform a resistance or continuity check to ensure that the
and ease of access, working device is functional. The next most probable place to check for an open is at the
back toward voltage source. component itself. Using a multimeter and an electrical schematic, determine if
system or source voltage is available. If voltage is not present at the component, the
next step is to determine what other electrical devices, such as switches or
connectors, are in the circuit path. Eliminate those devices, starting at the easiest
• Draw out a series and parallel location and working back toward the voltage source.
circuit on the board and give
examples. Draw out an open
on the power side and an open
on ground side. Explain meter
readings you would expect to
see at each point.
Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
SERV1877- 01/20 -4- Module 2 - Circuit Faults



Short Circuits

• Unwanted connection to power A short in a circuit is a direct electrical connection between two points, usually a very
or ground low resistance or opposition to current flow. It most often describes an unwanted or
incorrect electrical connection and may draw higher than expected current. In
• Very low resistance describing malfunctions caused by electrical shorts, the type of short is usually
identified as a “short to ground” or a “short to power.”
• Low resistance = High Current
(Ohm’s Law) A short to ground occurs when current flow is grounded before it was intended to be.
This usually happens when wire insulation breaks and the conductor actually comes
in contact with the machine ground. The effect of a short to ground depends on the
design of the circuit and on its location in relationship to other circuit components
such as protection devices, switches, loads, etc.

The above illustration shows the short occurring after the protection device and
switch, but before the circuit load (lamp). In this example, a low resistance path
to ground occurs whenever the switch is turned on and source voltage is available.
The result of this unwanted path will result in an opened fuse (or tripped breaker)
when the switch is turned on.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1877- 01/20 -5- Module 2 - Circuit Faults



The above illustration shows the short to ground occurring before the switch. This
condition is often referred to as a “dead short.” In this situation, the fuse will open
any time circuit voltage is applied.

A short to power or supply occurs when one circuit is shorted to another circuit. The
symptoms of a short to power again depends on the location of the short. The result
of this type of condition generally causes one or both circuits to operate improperly,
such as a component being energized when it is not supposed to be. The root cause
of this condition is typically worn or frayed electrical wiring. Also, this condition rarely
causes protection devices to open or damage to other components.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1877- 01/20 -6- Module 2 - Circuit Faults

• Circuit protection will not open The above illustration shows the short to power occurring before the controlling
devices (switches). This condition allows either switch to control the two loads.

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SERV1877- 01/20 -7- Module 2 - Circuit Faults


The above illustration shows the short to power occurring after the load in one branch
and before the load in the other. In this case, if the switch controlling circuit #2 is
turned on, the load does illuminate, but if the switch controlling circuit #1 is turned
on, a direct short to ground occurs resulting in the fuse opening.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1877- 01/20 -8- Module 2 - Circuit Faults

There are a few other circuit faults to be aware of when troubleshooting:

Grounds: A grounded circuit usually results in a component failing to operate. As

discussed earlier, a grounded condition indicates that the circuit has an unwanted
path to the machine frame or engine block. As stated earlier, the effect on the circuit
is determined by where the ground occurs.

• Look for corrosion, dirt, oil, or High Resistance: Circuit malfunctions also occur when resistance levels
faulty connection. Can also be become too high. The circuit effect usually results in the component failing to operate
caused by improper wire gauge or the component does not operate according to specification. A typical cause of
or length after a repair. high resistance is a build up of corrosion or dirt on connections and contacts.

• Do not assume continuity equals Intermittents: An intermittent condition occurs when contacts or connections
a good conductor. Observe the become loose or when internal component parts break. The problem usually results
resistance. Does the conductor in lights flickering or components working intermittently. This problem usually
have low resistance? appears as the result of vibrations or machines moving, and are not easily diagnosed
because the condition may correct itself when the machine is stopped.
• Intermittents are the most
difficult to troubleshoot due to Intermittents are typically harness related. Sensors and ECMs do not fail
the nature of the fault. intermittently. When they fail, they are almost always hard failures which cause them
to no longer function correctly.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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